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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1907)
. . I. . . . . . < \ . . . . . - . . . , . ; . . . . , . , . . , _ _ DR. CHRISTENSON. ] , rfh'out I EarN Eye , , OBe , ) and Chronic Diseuses. ! Fittiu of Glasses. Office In Realty block. . - - FRANK KELSEY. AL L KINDS OF i WELLS I Consult him If you want Wator. ' Phone 112 , _ - Br ken Bow. - - - - o n. ( JON It'A D , os ' , . . . . Doe-lor In . . Pump. . Wlml , Mille , 'f.nks. I'ltUng ! , Uneolln , Gngloo8 , oto. etc. I1rokon now , Nobrtlskll. DR. C. B. , JOB , Physician and Surgeon Office and residence opposite U. B , cuurch. , - J , Do Y au Inow . , , . 'l'hat we have the largest i stock of Building Material , Posts and Coal in . th city I ; I We are arso selling our f wood sto lt tan.ks at reduced I prices to close them out. Dierks lumber & Coal Co. , Phone 23. I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . _ u _ _ _ _ . ' - - - _ . - - J . . ' = & . : r.Y.JO : 'OOf.O : : : JI. . : r "tf.orM " .M ' : . :8II.rhe l : jVes1 ; E1eva1or , ' i I RAS ANDERSON I DEALER IN - . 8 . CRAIN AND COAL Feed in large and small quantities at both wholesale 6 aud retail. I Special attention. given to fi1ing ! orders for coal I R 1.U any quantity. . ] rolen Bow Nebl'aska B { , - - 8 iO'"J".r.rJ : . : o"QI".r.r.JQC ' : : : : , . " . . . . . . : _ . . . . . . " : : ' _ I - - - - - . - SNYDER BROS. & Co' . . E. & W. COLLARS , PE'rERS SHOES. Weare now ready for FALL BUSINESS New goods are now arriving daily aud our many lines will soon be complete. When you are loking for Good Val.ues. ' and Honset Prices the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats caos , shoes , rugs , carp ts. 'mattings , lineoleums , notions , etc. , d n't fail to look four Hnes over. I CRITERI'ON CLO'I'HING. , HUNTER OVERALT . W. : .1 l , , ' ! " IIi . ' . , " " .1--,1 ' 1 ' "I' . . ! " ' , .1..tI . . j . . . . , : . . . "io . , vII . , ! " ' . ; : :0 : . , " . , ' : , . \I . , . , ' . . . t'ftl 1 . ' 111. " . . : ' . . : . . . . . . , . , : . . . . . , [ 'fl. ; . . . . . { \ J\ , : ' . . . ; .vi ! : " . . . 'jji. "i'rflj' : : . . IL. . " . ' " . . " \I'jji . . . . ; . 1 ! " . . \tI"ml. . { . 'f . . . . / . " " : : { ' . . . " . 'f . ' . . . " . " _ . " " . . ' . / ' " . t , I . ; j 1 ! ' When desiring to figure on a bill . . J. I . . . . . . . . . . . .l Wf' : 0 f L um b er ca 11 on th e. M m ' CLT urner L urn b er C o. 1p i : i ! We carry a full stock , ! f Lumber , 7. t : . . Sash , Doors , Mouldmgs , etc. i : ' x.-f :1J : Ag.ens ! for the Nebraska cn ral i 1 Ij BtI11dmg & Loan Assoc1iltion. . M # : . : J , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . , . P. ! : ' : fr:1.f'.I'\J..tJ > 1. ' ! . ' : " , ? : Y. ! 1"'Io'e"t. . "fF' " " " .t-\Ot. .f. 'II "l"t" l"tI ! : : > : , ' : IJ Jj : { ! li ; ' [ iJ. : r ; . : ; \ jif : i6. imi'l ! Wi.I1 : ! y.U ; ' : J i : ; t'iJ'i. ; i21 - . - " YOlJ CAN SAVE MONEY here by purchasing . . , : : " ' ' ' ' ' " 'u. ' ' 111111I111I11I1111111I1111 ' " " 11"11".111'1111I1 ' ' ' 11I11II1I1I1I1I1I1UIII ' ' ' " " ' 1"111"11I11I"11I'111" ' ' 1111 111111"11I1\:1 \ : I Pain ts , Oils , I I Hard ware , , - . Furniture Flour , , Feed i and Seed. I , . I " ' ' ' " 11'11I111111 ' ' " 1111111" 11111111111I111111I11111111 " " "IIIIII""IIIH " 111111I1111111111111I11I11I11111I1111I11111111I'11I.11I"01 ' 11111I0111 J. W. SCOTT. , , South SidelSquare , Broken Bow. - Send your Abstract Orders to J. G. LEONARD , ' : Bonded Abstracter Office In Security State Banl ( B'ld'ng . . . . - - : - _ - - . . : : - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . o.vv - I : BC > "VVD:1an. : : : . Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON. At the OLD STAND. Real Estate , City Lots and Property bought and sold. Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents. . Will buy some good paper. Call and see me. ' . ' . . . , II. - . . - - = Dry Valley Doings. Ferguson & ArLl1ur marketed . hogs Jast Saturday. Mr. and Mrs , Z. 'V. AUlOS are visiting in Lee Park. Messrs , Kirk and Mert Amos at tended the carnival at Loup City last week. We notice SOUle grain still iu the shock. 'fhis is awfully late to have grain in the shock. Claus Marth returned from Pa- pillion lastlj\riday , where he was called by telegram of ihe serious illness of his mother. ' 1'he prices now paid for cattle and hogs is high , compared to a few years ago , when 5c was considered - sidered au extraordinary price for live fat hogs. The public sale of Mr. Closion , last Fnday was well attended. Everything sold high , which shows the prosperous condition of the country. The early sown wheat is looking - ing well since the recent and much needed rain that feU in our section last lj\ri ay , doing much good to everyth111g. The Farmers' Club met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Spooner on Saturdal the 21st ult. The next meeting will be at the residence of Mr. aud Mrs. Picldes , the 3rd Saturday in October. Ca ttle feeding wi11 not be indulged - dulged in so extensively this season - son , owing to the prevailing high price of corn , However , beef , in all probability , will' be a good price , which wi1l make profits the . same as formerly. Zumbrota Zephyrs. Frank Callen of near CaUaway , visited his brother from Saturda V until Tuesday. The people of this section are all rejoicing over the copious ra ps which fell recently. Miss Carrie Fox. of Broken Bow , was tbe guest of Miss C. C. Underhill , last week. Joe Cole , is cutting corn with a corn binder. He is getting a11 ready to feed cattle this winter. Miss Nettie Martin , accompan- icd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith to Callaway on last 'rhursday , returning home Saturday. Owing to the very disagreeable weather Miss Madge Bishop did not return to her school work in Broken Bow until Monday"p. m. Mr. A. I. Routh , who is overseer - seer of district No.4 , has secured the service of O. H. Heaps' threshing engine to pu11 the road 'rader and now they are at work lmproving the roads. Last Thursday night a coyote entered M. D. Callen's chicken house. After struggling for a time to get out Mr. Callen was aroused and he soon pu t an end to the career of the intruder. The missionary society of the Broken Bow Baptist church met with Mrs. M. D. Ca11en recently. A pleasant time was had , one oi the members giving a talk 011 Cuba , after which a lunch wa served by Mrs. Callen. Mason City Items. Evervbody is rejoicing eve ] the fin rain. M. L. Rucker has a sale advertised - tised for Oct 4th. Tom Banning went to Burwel on business Monday. Vannie Reed is the prou father of a bran new girl. The township board met Mon. da.v to apportion funds for the different road districts. Tom Banning's sale last lj\ri. day was wen attended 'rhing sold well but Qot as high as a1 some sales. A petition. has been circulate to change mall route No.2 1 < nccomodate six more familic ! and will add but two miles monte to the route. Can't Endure Prosperity. The uneasy temperament 0 : the American people makes il impossible for them to endure anything for a very extendc period. They grow weary o. wosperity iJ.nd long for a cha ge l'he most of them arc unconSClOU of their restlessness , because it i disguised by an aspiration whit' ! is cuphemisticuUy termed a desire for reform. Th y are incapable of adhering for an extender period to the idea that it is ; g < > od thing to let wen enougl alone. In the midst of an un paralled prosperity thel ask fo something they think lS better and when they get it they fin < that it is a Dead Sea apple. " . , . . ' . . , . . . . - " I : r $350,000 In COAt. of Arms , There ure 8umclent people In EngI I land mid Scotland purlng the annual tax ImJORCd ! by the Inlaml revenue I upon the use of armorial benrlngs to produce n Hum of 350.000 each year. I The great bulk of this slim 10 paId by people who care not nn atom olther I about. their fnmllY or their armo , but' pay the tax regularly sImply becauoo they have carrlnge or plato horald. Ically decorated. The really old fam. Illes of the realm , however , uae armorIal - morIal emblems for decorative purposes - poses to an extent atmost Incredlblo In the eyes ot those familiar with them only on note paper , table olIver and carrlago panols. How the Pendulum was Found. I lke many of the commonest me- clmnlcal Instrnments In dally \1se , the Invontlon of the 'pellltnillm Is duo en. tlrely to chance. Oa111eo , when un. der 20 yeur8 ot age. was standing one day In the Metropolitan church of Plsn , while aome IJIllnters were at worlc on the coiling ot the church , A auapended lamp which was hanging berore the altar was dIsturbed In some manner , and the clentlst was IItruck with the ntmoat perfect reg. ularlty with which It swung back and forth. The Idca of measuring tlmo by such an Instrument found Instant gon. eratlon III hla brain , and he completed : the system In use to thla day.-Sun- I day Magazine. i Common Sense In Diet. _ As man was created Cor a varied I and mixed dIet , 110 haa abundant op. i portunltles Cor aelectlng hht food and supplying his Indlvlll\1al needs. In most caseB appeUto Is the aurest guide to healthy digestion and proper , nourlahment. This certainly la the common sense view that muat appeal to a11 rational feeders : "Eat with reg. ularlty nnd In accordance with , the de. mands ot hunger such dishes as have always been regarded as Innocuou , and remember that , as a rule" It Is neither met'.ta nor boul11on nor wine nor spices nor coffee which polson us , hut tlH > lr nhl1RA. " HI's Vain Threat. Here la a verbatim report ot 110 con. versatlon overheard In a New York elevated train : He-What would you do If some other man totd ycm ; he loved you ? Sho-Don't be sl11y. Ho- But I mean It. , What would you do ? She ( lmpatlently-I ) don't know what I'd do. Ho ( fiorc ly-We11 ) , I know what I'd do. She-What ? He-I'd kill him. She ( serenely-I ) don't sup- poaa you'd ever know anything about It. M 1thematlcs In the'Kitchen. . Mrs. Dlckenharry-For goodne $ ' sake , Mary , how long did you boll those eggs ? The New Cook-Halt an hour , mum. Mrs. Dlckenharry-But didn't te11 you that three mlnutea waa enough tor an' egg ? The New , Cook-Yessum. But I blled ten of _ .4 ' " . . YOU OUGHT TO CO ELSEWHERE Cheap one-way Colonist Rates Daily during September and October to Pacific Coast and far west points at about half rates. To the East , The low rate Jamestown Exposition tickets can be used for your Autumn trip to New York. Hoston , and other . Hastem cities. Thele arc the lad cheap ratel of the ICUOR. 1 Late Autumn Trips West : Low rate excursion tickets to Colo- rude , the Rockies , and the Big Horn mountains will remain on sale during - ing September ; the low rate round trip tickets to Pacific Coast wi1l not be on sale after September 15. . Homeseel < er's Excursions See the West with its 1907 crops. Western farm lands , including irrigated - gated lands , are constantly advancing - ing in value ; hetter locate now. Big Horn Basin & Billings District : We run personally conducted , cheap rate homeseekers excursions to help you locate on irrigated lands at the lowest prices ; they will double in value in five yeArs. J. in me on these excursions. No charge for service. Write D. Clem Deaver , Agent Bur. lington Landseeker's Bureau , Omaha - ha , Nebraska. H. L. ORMSBY , ( Ticket Agent ) L. W. WAKEI.EY , G. P. A. , ( Omaha , Nebraska. ) - HARRY KIMBALL , Practical Undertaker f1 Llcnsed Embalmer Business . phone , 301. Residence 334B D okoa. Pow , Nob. , . " -LL , _ . - ' . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - HOTEL BURLINGTON I BROKEN BOW. - - . . Our intention and . , . Determination is ' 1'0 keep this hotel U p-to-da te and Equ l to any $2.00 per day house . ' inCu ster county. MISS MOLLIE TUREK , Manag or . - - . - - . . . _ - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # .r r The Advo :1 : ft R R R estau rant 8 R c. E. STOUT , Prop. : . 8 - - - - - R H First-class in Every Respect. ij R Short Orders , n Specialty. 5iti LUll h.Couuter in Connection. k R - R Our Pies Are Uuexcel1cd. Try - . one-or more. Roe . : oo : r..fI . : .r..r.rJ' xr.r LEGAL NOTICES If ! the DistrIct Court of Custer County' Nebraska. John F. Short adminIstrator of the estate of BlIzabeth Short , deceased , PlaIntiff ; vs. Harry Church , et al. Defendant. To Bsther Henfro. Delise Sickman , WUllam Sickman , Blmer Ireland ( sIngle ) , Uuth Cross , Jessie Cross , Gladys Cross and all parties Interested In the estate of Elizabeth Short , deceased ; You , and each of you , are l1ereby notified that on the Illth day of August , 11107. the plalntlff John F. Short. administrator of the estate or BlIzabeth Short , deceased. 1I1ed hIs petition In the DIstrict Court of Custer County. Nebraska. and alleges that on the : ! 1ll1 day of SelJlember. 11100 , the tItle to the i west half of t 1e northeast quarter ( w of ne ( ) and east halt of the northwest quarter ( e of nw ) of section 15 , townshIp 13 , range 21 west , In Custer County. Nebraska. was In the name of Elizabeth Short , and that on said day. said Elizabeth Short , together with her husband , John F. Short , entered Into a contract with Harry Church. whereby they agreed to sell to Harry Church said quarter section of land , and also a quarter section owned by the said John Jo' . Short ; ' .rhat said contract was In writing anl\ provided that the said Harr Church should pay for the half section 0 ! land , Including the land be. longing to BlIzabeth Short. 11I10.000. 1f.OOO : of which was paid In cash at the time. the balance to be paid In cash and by note and mortgage on Marchi , 1007. ' .rhe petition further alleges that on the 16th day of February. 1007 , said Elizabeth S110rt died In Custer County , Nebraska , and that afterwards ami on the Illth day of March 11107. John Jo' . Short was appointed admInistrator of her estate and lJualllied , as such. ' .rhe object and prayer ot saId petl. tlon are that a time and place for Its hearing may be appointed and that a decree and judgment may be entered authorizIng and dIrecting the plaintiff John F. Short as such allmlnlstrator to execute and deliver to the said Harry Church a conveyance of said land which belonged to the said Elizabeth Short at the time of makIng saId contract. upon the payment to him of the amount stUl due from the said Harry Church. You are hereby further notified that on the 21st day of August , 1007 , said petition was presented to the district judge In and for Custer County , Nebraska , and that an order was made by said judge on saId day appoint. Ing Novemlier 11th , 1M , the satne beIng the Unit day of the regular November term , 1007 , as the time. and the court room of the district court. In the court house , In the city of Broken Bow , In Custer County. Nebraska. as the place for the hearing of saId pctltlon , and It was ordered that a notice of the IJen. dency of saId petition and the time and place of hearIng the same be gIven to all parties Interested In saId estate. by publication. You. and each of you , are therefore notlU. ed that on saId 11th day of November , 1007 , said petition will be presented to the judge ot bald district court for hearing at the court room of the district court , In the cIty of Broken Dow , Custer County , Nebraska. at which time , you. and each of you may appear before said court and defend agaInst said llctltlon. Dated thIs 11th day of September , 1007. JOHN P. SHOWI' . Administrator of the estate of BlIzabeth Short , deceased. Ur order of the Jullge of the DIstrict Court of Uuster County. Nebraska. WItness my hand and the seal of saId courl thIs 11th day of September , 1007. [ fitAr. ] GEO. B. MAIR. Clerk of Dlst. Court. First pub. Sept 12.7t _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. County court , Custer county , Nebraska , 'l'he creditors of the estate of James D. Hill , deceased ; ' .rake Notice , 'l'hat I will sIt at the county court roomln Broken Dow , III saId county , on the 8th day of November , 11107 , and on the : ! nd da ' of April , 1\108 , each at 10 o'elock a. m. of eac 1 day , to receIve and examine all claIms against saId estate , wIth a vIew to theIr adjustment amt allowance ; and that on the Urst date above U1e petitions of wIdow will be heard for homestead. exemptions , allowance and other statutory right. 'l'he time limited for the presentation of claIms agaInst said estate'h. six months from the 1st day of October. 1007 , and the time lImltelt for payment of debts Is one year from saId date. Dated October 1st , 1007. J. A. AItMOUIt. Attorney' A. It. lIUMPIlltEY. County Judge. FIrst Pub Oct 3.2-1 Inc. NOTICB OF PINAl. RBPORT. Estate of Joshua Jo'reeman , deceaset , In county court of Custer county , Nebraska. 'l'he State of Nebraska. to alllJerSOns Interested - ested In sailt estate. take notice. that Henry ICelley has lIIed a Unal account and report 01 his . a petition for Una ] settlement and d scharge as such , whlcb have been set for hearing before saId court on October 31st , llI07 ! at 10 o'clock a. m. . when you may' appear anu contest the same , tha1 on said date hearIng w\1l \ be had upon claIm ! duly lIIed and not now acted upon. Datcd October 1st. 1007. A. It. IIUMPIIUEY , County Jullge. Jo'lrst Pub Oct 3.'H Inc. - - NOTIC1 OF PlTITION. . Bstate of Mary B. Leslie , deceased , hi County Court of Custer Count } ' , Nebraska. . The State of Nebraska , to alllJerSons Inter. ested In saId estate , take notice , that a petl tlon has been lIIed for the appointment oj John D. WIeland as admInIstrator of sall1 estate , whIch has been set for hearing here. In , on October 11th , 1007 , at 10 o'clock a. m. [ SEAL ) Y , Co. Judgo. Dated Sept , 7 , lWl. lBt pub Sept. U.4t . / _ _ _ . . . . l- I" . . . . NO-r E F PUBLIOATION. Department of the IDtotlo ! , Land. omce at HroEen OWhNebralka. ! iieptembcr 2loo7. . Notice I. arcby ilnD that 'WillIam / C. . . . . Ail augh of Merna. Nebraka , has Oed ] t. " DotPee of hls httcntlon to wake Onal five year " . proof In support of bls claim. vlzl 1l0m . " 'ii , stead Entry No. 22111 malle May 13 , 11101 , for the I\ se.nv. ne.sw anll section 2J to\\'Oshlp 18D , range 2tw , and that saId proo ! will be made before Register and Heeelvcr at Droken Dow , Nebraska. on November 0,1007. lie namts the follbwlng witnesses to prove hIs continuous relildence upon aUdJ cultlva. tlon of the land , vlz : 1'red W. IIIckmal1 of Merna , Neb. Geo. Lambert 'Warlng of Broken BoNeb. . lUchard Jo' . WarIng of Drokcn Dow , Neb. . Lee Athe } ' of Droken Dow , Neb. " - JOHN HEESE , neglster. : : : First Pub. Sept. 2O-6t " . . . ' , " NOTICE Iron PUUI.IOATION. . . . . , D partment of tlle Interior , Lanl ! ntce at . , . ' . . LIncoln , Nebraska , September 25 , lOOT. , Notice Is herebYJ lven thatJolln B. IIenller. _ son of Eddyvlllc , Nebraska , has lIIell notice . of bls Intention to make final commutation proof In tlupport of bls claIm. vlz : Home. IItead Bntry No. 1831)7.110 ; February H , ] OOa , , for the nw } ( neH. section 17 , towns111p 13n , . . . . . range : ! Ow , and that said proo ! will be made . . . before tbe clerk of dlstrfct court. at Droken . Bow. Nebraska , on November 2 , ] 1107. lIe names the followIng wltncsses to prove _ his continuous restdence ullon , a11l1 cultlva. . tlon of the land. vlz : John S. Hastings , of Bddyvllle , Neb. Wm. 11. Mllllganj of Eddyvllle Neb. ' . Halph Layton , or Eddyvl1e , Neb. Samuel S. McConnell. of Georgetown. Neb. CIIAS. F , SHEDD , Register _ First Pub Sept. 26-6t . NOTICB FOR PUDLICA'.rION. ' , Department of the Interior. Land Ontce at ' Lincoln , Nebraska. August 28 , 1007. 1 ; Notice Is hereby given that the following \ named settler bas lIled notice ofhlslutentlon to make final proof In support of . " hIs claIm and that saId proof w1l1 be made . . . before A. H. Humphrey. County Judge , at " Broken Dow. Nelraska , on October 12. ] 907 , - vlz : Henry B. Mussel , made II. E. No. 18300 , I"ebruary 1st , 1006 , for the nwM swM , see 211 , tp 16n. range III , w 6 p. m. Ile names the following wltnelse to prove , hIs continuous residence upon and cultlva. tlon of saId la11l1 , vlz : I John P. Sauderson , Lott C. MorrIs , Dug . . , ' t . Gler. Allen Juker , all of Berwyn. Nebraska. . ' ClIAS. F. SIlEUD , Heglster. _ ' . ' / . . First pub. Sept. 5. - ) ' . 01 NOTICB FOlt ! 'UBLICATION. " \ Department of the Int rlor. Land Ontce at . Lincoln , Nebraska. August 30 , 11107. v Notice Is hereby given that the followIng named settler has 1I1ed notice of bls Intention to make 1Inal commutation proof In support of hIs claim , and that saId proof will be made ' , before A. n. Humpbrey , County Judge. at : . _ ' lIroken Dow. Nebraska , on October 12. 11107 , vl1. : Charles Caswell wbo on March 23 , 1003 , , made H. B. No. 17852 , lor the neH sw - section ' . ] . townshIp 16n , range III , w 0 p. m. ' lie names the followIng witnesses to llrove . his continuous residence upon and cllltlva. tlon of said land , vlz : Joseph Starks. James Hussell , George Bvans. Edward Mauk. all of Berwyn , Nebraska. . OIL\S. F. SHEDD. Register. ' - ' . Plrst Pub. Sept. 6. United States Land Office. Droken Dow , Nebraska , AUlfuqt t6. 1901. . . . Notice Is hereby given tbat 011.RI.EY J. DAVIDSON. of Droken Bow , ha. . filed notice . of hls.lntentlon to make finat 5 year proof 111 support of his claim. vlz : 1I0l11ctead Entry No. 1930 made Nov. , Jrd 1900 , for the u sw section 27. townsblp 17 110rb. ranieC II ) west. . . ! . . aud that said proof will be made before ) \ . -I Rell'lster and Receiver , at Broken now , Oct. . 8. \ ( ' 1907. . He names the followll1IC witnesses to prove hIs contlnuou ! ! resldel1ce upon , aud cultivation of. the land , vlz ; Alex Polklngboru.of Droken Dow ; 'Va Iter 'VoocJards. of Drotcen How : Hel1ry . . . . . Cashman. of Drokel1 Bow ; Geonro ChrIstison , of Droken Bow , Neb. . JOliN REBSE , Rellistel. ' . . ( First Pub. Aug. 23. ) I \ J.A.AR OU , Attorney at taw. Broken Bowi Nebr. Having Just had oll1'ht years practical exper lence as County JudlCc. w\11l1'lve \ special atten tlOIt to tbo drawlnlC and probating of wlJs ] and the administration of estates of deceased per. SOliS and minor ! ! . Write or phone me. I may . . . save you p trip , . @ } Jo'6 > > e Irofil'\V nl'dr V l'eo ! l ml1Mill ! ! ml 1le 11ffil1.Dne ! ! ; . ifffaving purchased toe Globe Darn , I have It with all new I sUPfllled stock and veh cles-all lirst class- and Invite the patronage of those In need of livery service. Farmers who ' unhook hc're when the come to town wllllind their teams wer. taken cure of. , . . . . Q ( D 1WJ 1 Jill [ mt & \ : ro U Q II I I - - - - r J.r Ml I I ij F. W. HAYES , R J , 8 J ewe1er and O tician II I U West Side Square. Broken Bow , I. Nebraska. I l OOO\J 1 .x > cc > \ . . . . . . Herd URchJe"U " : : v. . . . . . . . . 1 . Orlm'OD S ( ' t No. 7J703 . ) . i , L , : ' lI I l , . . JG. RENIZ 3R , Ureeael i i l Pnre Scotch alld Scotcb Topped Sbort Uorn Cattle. My herd numbers 40 cows. W\11 \ compare - . pare In breedlnlt ami quality wltb any west of i " Cblcall'o My experlencc haa tQulI'ht mc that to II Illve 1I'0odsatisfactlon , breeding cattle mnst t ' 1 I rnlHe"lu till" . . , UtnUh I expect tu j . rnltleUlelJ1 .Iere tbe eeIUt" of Qnythlnl : , .raised lolbe U. S , I now hno25 bnlls suItable \ . . for this and next yeQr' . senlce. My COWII , . I Malii'll from 1400 to 2000 pOulidl. Come and ICe beli. - - . J . . . . .