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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1907)
, . H. ' _ . _ _ . " . , " " . - " . . . . . " . " . . " . . . . . . . r".T"Ti : f".si : ; : .Ti.l t . : L . . ' - _ . . _ . . . . . : : : : . : . : : : . h.t : : . . 'Int. . u. . . . . . u..1 . - - - - 'nnnnnnnnnn. . n. , ; ( . , I . i ' " ' ' ' Hon. F. M. Currie left Tuesday - , , day for Mexic where he is ex- I , : : . . tensively interested in a gold t , ' mine-with millions in sight. I " \ . Some f t.he weather prophets . . . . : J. " ' . are predlchng an early wlUter. . . _ That won't be much'change from r. , what the. people f this sectio:1 : ha ve already expenrnccd. ! . ! : S. A. Robinson , cashier of the , f.t ' Oconto State bank , was transact- I . 'ing business in the city Monday . / " , : . ! , . . and-like the editor of the Reg- . : - , ister-plugging for Oconto. f . " , I \ " . Mr. and Mrs. Chas Kaupp and i' { ) , ' Mesdames James Osborne and ' , ' , Frank Shreve constituted a party : that took in the Callaway fair last week-from start to finish- and report a good time ex ept- for the rain on Friday. 'fhey wen t t . - . , Tuesday and returned Sunday. ? The Broken Bow band furnished - ' . , nished music for the baseball i . : r' tournament at Ravcnua last week . : , _ nd it is reported.on good author- ; , . ; " lty the boys acquitted themselves l : . : . 4 admirably and won tl,1e plaudits \ : : : t of .all , vho heard their sweet : J . ; : strains of h rmony. Ellis Kennedy , who sells everything - thing from a hair pin to a real live range steer with crumpled horn ! > , at Halscy , came' down last Sunday night for a few days visit with parents nd-tbe marriage record at the court house does not say who-vet. , , During the storm in the wee' sma' hours of Monday morning lightning danced merrily around in this vicinity and succeeded in . . putting bet ween forty and fifty . phones out of business for a time. tiuperintendent : Lee Pickett acted promptly , however , and had 'em lined up and going again by afternoon. The court house contingent to the Callaway fair consisted of ' Treasurer Cavenee , Clerk of _ - Court Mair , Judge Humphrey , and Sheriff Richardson. They I took in everything from the ' merry-go-round to seven dozen and a half division arguments ' . . and willingly admit it was the best ( a f ) faIr ever held in Noble t . county-in order to please Dick. t * The surveyors on the Broken } Bow Westrrn railway went out " . again Sunday to straighten out J a few kinks and set permanent ' grade stakes. They expect to . , be thus engaged for about two - . weeks and immediately thereafter - , _ after grading on the road-bed , will be commenced with the in- ; , . 1 - 'tcntion of completing at least twenty miles this year. . ( . A letter to a Broken Bow : friend from Miss Ida Lambretch states t11at her father's health has not improved as they hoped it would since they went to Long .Beach , Calif. , last spring , but ' / ' they all enjoy the climate and the ocean very much. She had just returned from Los Angles . . . . . and saw Mrs. F. M. Currie and daughter , Lilas , who tated they liked living there. Scott Cooper and son , Earl , reached home last Saturday from a visit of a couple of weeks at \ his old home in Missouri. He , says some of Hte bush-whackers down there 'lowed he'd bave to be shown all over again , but he soon convinced them that his residence in Nebraska had served - , to endow him with wide open eyes and a vision of several : bloc1 < s-aroum } the corner and 'up an alley. - Wm , Price and brother-in-law of York county have purchased 360 acreg of land near Ansley and r are building a new barn thereon , . They wilt take possession next r spring' . Mr. Price was out ill _ _ this section two weeks ag-o am ] "L . was very much imlrc"scd with' \ Cugter county. Rents were hig-h i in York county and Mr , Pric ( ' thought he woutd purchase , ' , . - - . , home of his own. Mr. T. W . . . Edwards one of our C'steemeel citizens has know Mr Frice for twenty-five ) 'ears. _ Frank DJvinc. residin ! ! ne"r I Georgetowr. , was in the city lagt , 'l'hursdar awl stated that he Wile : just bcg-inuing' to tee 1 his olel. time self ag-ain si'ce. a shock frnt/l / a strolc of lightning a few wcrk. ' - ago. Frank 'was pumping watrt during a storm-it b'il1g a U'CN- sary adjunct in bis , line of busi- . , . : ' ness-wheu alou [ came what , ,1 ' secmedlike a blamed little , iueig- " ' , . 111ficant streak of lightning tha I , , . ' , , landed on a barb-wire fence , but ' : -1 ' : . ; . it was plenty bigenoagh to take F' ; the ttck completly out 0 : Frank 1'1\:1 ' : and the next time cattle neet , r , ' , water when a storm "has the l edge" they can just keep right " on wanting-if they wait for { _ him to yank the pump handle. nn" ' . .nnn''nn'n..n..n _ J. A. O. Thomas , proprietor of the Broken Bow Steam laundry , will go to Alliance tomorrow to visit his mother over Sunday. Miss Pearle Hunter oC this city , has been elected as principal of the Arnold schools Cor th.e ensuing - suing year. She will teach the 6th , 7th and 8tJ. and part of the 9th grade work. Mrs. Elmer Coons and three daughters , of Moulton , Iowa , arrived in the city last week to visit her brother , Ed. Tipton , and family , and will remain here for a couple of weeks. A. W. Dral < e , the popular salesman at Mevis & : Co's store , who has been sick and unable to attend to duties during the pJst two weeks , continues in the same condition to the gre t regret of relatives , friends and patrons of the store. Dr , Pennington has sold his residence property on the North side to George Meyers for $4,000 and is to give possession March 1st next , after which the doctor and family expect to go to Chicago and reside. The trade was consummated the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Morgan and Mrs. J. S. Molyneux loaded a barouche with shot-gnns , fishing - ing ta kle and-themselvcs and- went to Tuckerville last Satur- clay for the purpose of killing or catching something. They returned - turned Tuesday and so far as can be learned killed time and caug-ht cold. The sale of cattle and horses at the R. C. 'l'albot farm , one mile northvest of Berwyn , next 'fuesday , the 8th , beginning at 10 o'clock in the forenoon , promises to be one of the most largely attended auction sales held iu the county during the year , almost every man yon meet and ask if his going answering in the affirmative. Contractor R. W. Stevens has just completrd a mag111ficent , large. residence on the 'farm of R. M. Severs , eleven miles west of Merna at a cost of $4,000. It is colonial architecture , full two , stoxies : and covers a ground space of almost seven thousand square feet. This is an elegant struc- 'titre for a farm home and shows what can Ibe erected from the fertial soil , of Custer county. , Dr W. E. Talbot and wife , J. G. VanCott and wife and Lute Sheppard left Sunda'y morning for Brownlee in quest'of ducks and prairie hens.lJ'hey took a complete camping outfit ( and preventatives for snake bite ) expecting - pecting to remain there until , tomorrow. Agent Ormsby says if they kill game in accordance with the amount of baggage they took along there will not be any game left for the RnpUBI.ICAN editor. During the early hours Monday - day morning a streak of lightning landed on the cupolo of the barn of G orge Porter , deputy register of deeds , and aside from ripping off a yard or so of shingles and causing' the cow to absolutely and flatly refuse to "give down" at the regular milking time , no damage was done. George says the lJOlt started for that sinner of a Vanlandingham , but he had out a lightning rod and it passed him up and took the next best thing in sight. \Ve often hear some of tbe "lmockers" ask : "What has b come of the Broken Bow & : Westcrn railway company ? I don't hear anything more about it. " The com pany ; as a matte ref of fact , have been "sawing wood and saying nothing" not caring whether the knockers , know it or not , because the road will be built and in operation early next year without asking their con- sent. The company has the muney to complete the project and it will he compteted. M. S. gild ) ' came down from lern.1 on 'I'ucsltay bringing a larg-e " 1111 \'ry precious rol1 of paper. which hc delivered safely Into the hal1l1s of County Clerk Pigman. It was the petition fr\1J ) the. northwest quarter of the county J.avoring division and contained tilt' signatures of five hundrcll and nine residents , being eit"hty-se\'cn more than necessaq - to-secure the submission of the question , which was , ' yesterdaYI order'd hy the board of supervisors - visors and at the election iI1 November the voters shall decilc ( whether the county will remait grand old Custer or be divide into four little hinky- inks anc taxes away up in C in each oj the new counties. . . . . , ' . ' , I. " I , " . t , , ' , ' ' " " ' . ' , , ' . " " ' . , , . " ' ' ( ! I ' , , . i' . . . I A son was born to Mr. and Mr . J. H. Graves this morniug. , Miss Ina li'inlen has gonc to North Platte to attend the wedding - ding of a friend. . There will be a suffrage mcet-I ing at Miss Groat's tomorrow evening at 7:45 : o'clock. " ' Every box renter"'in the Broken 1J0w postofficc received a communication - munication this week and , although rather brief , was rIght to the point and conve'ed all the intelligence necessary. "Box rent due. " I Straw hats are no longer seen I on the avenues in Bret < en Bow while the Panamas have been salted down un til next scason. This is as good sign as the frosty morns that the summer has gone glimmering. Nearly all kinds of newspaper advertising pays-some bettcr than another. 'fhe w y ads are written and the attractive Ulanner in which they are set in type- helps. Try one of the kind that helps-in the RI\PUBI.ICAN. Mrs. Frank Droll , of Princetou , Ind. , arrived in the city yesterday - day for a visit 'of a month with her brother , Charlie Heaps , and sisler-in-law , Mrs. W. G. Wallace , and old friends , bebg a former resident of this vicinity. .Mr. L. and Mrs. C. Tomkins , of B'ron , Minn. , brother and mother of Mrs. A. C. \ \ hite , visited with her last week on the farm , 11 miles southwest of Broken Bow , which was greatly enjoyed by the White family. Editor and Mrs. Bassett expect to leave tomorrow morning for a vacation which will be spent in hunting and lishing. Everybody is invited to "call around" and get a brace of ducks or aJig meal of "ca ts" on their ret urn. Will McCandlass , cashicr of the Berwyn State bank is this week tdking a vacation from labor and visiting in Lincoln and Omaha. While thus eugaJ'ed : Jules HauUlont , the presidcnt , is perfornl ng the duties of cashier. By reference to the schedule of time for clossing mails in the Broken Bow postoffice-published. in the REPUBLICAN-it will be noticed that it Ius been changed fifteen minutes ei rlier. This is on accounfof the order to weigh and count the number of pieces each day during the prese t month. A letter received by Mrs. A. H. Vanlandingham from her son , John LycU , who resides at Boulder , Colo. , states that a bouncing baby boy arrived at his home last Saturday , the 28th of Sept.i'Van" says it feels real funny to be a grand-pa-by marriage. Beginning on this page and continuing on two pages following - ing on this edition of the Rnpun- UCAN will be found list of unpaid - paid taxes on Custer county real estate for the year 1906. Unless the same arc paid within the next four weeks the owners of said realty \vili \ have to pay still more than the amount published. It's better to pay. It is not clever , manly nor patr otic for the big school boys to unduly tease and tantalize one smaller than themselves. Such tactics are being pursued in Broken Bow and a number of our I people have witnessed more or I less of these attacks and are ibecoming highly incensed. It is real cowardly on the part of these big fnllt'ws and if they don't desist they will be made to suffer as much , if n't more , than their victims. J. .s. Kenoyer and family , who left here four years ago last spring and settled on a ranch northeast of Deadwood , South Dakota , sold the ranch and stock and returned to Broken Bow last Monday morning. He says that regardless of the rough and hilly land where he was located , settlers - tlers are coming in so rapidl ) ' and filing on land that ranching will soon be a thing of the past tbere , being now practically un- profitable. They are pretty well satisfied to return back to Custer county's fertile fields. Hev. H. S. Ifrench , who has been the local pastor of the M. g church at Anselmo and sup. plving the pulpits at Gates , New H lena anll Htburn the past year , has been returned to the . charge. We've heard of some people who earn their sllary ; and I some who don't , but if this dominie don't get "a run for his I money" then we'd like to meet a gentleman from the "Show Me" state. The fellows in Rev. French's charge ought to "chip in" liberally. He earns every cent of his salary-and then some. , . . . . " , . , . . . . " MAlmum-.Leonurd Hilton , of Weissert , amI Miss Mattie li'oote of DLmuinl ! , were , uuited iu marriage at Lincoln , on Sept. , 30th , and are lI1 s week enjoymg the Ak-sar-ben ; festivities at Lincoln. After the 20th iust they . at home 011 Clear Creek. 'l'he parties are well knwon in this count ) ' and a host of friends will profusely con- gratulatc. . li'ive tourists wcre taken frolU a freight train by thc train crew in the Brol < en Bow yard3 yester- day and placed in the cu tody of the local officials t : > be tricd for violation of a law passed enacted b ) ' tbe legi laturc last winter prohibiting the riding on railroad trains witheut proper transportation or' the price there- of. 'l'hey were arraigncd before Judge Humphrey , fined $5 each which they were unable to pay whereupon they wcre' each sen- euced to two days work on the streets , which stunt they are now performing. . 'l'omorrow nig h t Dr. Bartholomew - mew will accompany a part ) ' of gentlemen from Comstock , Mason City , Merna and Brol < cn Bow to Hill City , S. D. , to inspcct thc properties of the Gold Medal Mining company , of which the doctor is secretary. Dr. Bartholomew - mew has spent most of his time the past three months in the interast of the company , but upon'retur111ng from this trip will devote his time exclusively to his medical profession and will respond to calls at any . . . . . . L me- day or night. - . - . . - Delinquent Tax Notice. ' 1'0 AU Whom Illlla ) ' Conccrn : You arc hcrchy notilicil that the folio wln l1cscrlhctllan s , lots. lmcls , pleccl ! or par- cell ! of lamls and lots , 01' HO much lllCl'C of as are not pal . will , on Momla ) ' . Novcmll cr I. IIIU1. at the count ) ' treasurer's oOlcc , Broken Bow , CUslcr count ) ' . Nehraska. lie omerul1 for sale for the taxes , slleclal assebsntents , Interests. IJcnaltlcs and costs thercon for lllC ) 'ear 1\100. \ Ad1110 IIJOO lax ten pcr cent frum May 1st. 1001. an : :0 cents for each dcserlptlon of lan and 10 cenls for cach town lot. l xlllanatons ! of II II II re1 a t I 011 s : "n\ . " stands for north half ; "s' ' ' ' tltands for sOUlh half ; "II' " IItandti for we t half : c stands for cast half : "ne" Htamls for norLhcast quartcr : "n" ' ' ' ' 1taRds for north II'cstl1uartcri "IIW" IItands for bouthwcst Iluartcr : "se' stamls for southcast Iluartcr ; "lit" HtatH\1 for part : "fl" stan s for fecI : "bCC" slandl ! for scctlon : "If. " statHIs for 110Uars ; "cttl" stamls for ccnts ; "It" stanl1s for lot : "blk" : Hands for block ; "athl" Htanlls for. addition ; "Inc" stands for Inclusl\'e : "n" sttuHhl fat" 110rthi "s" stalHls for Hauth : "c" sland ! ! for casl ; 'w stamls for wcst : "hf" statHis fa I' half ; "Ill' ' ' stanthl for quartcr. .JOHN CA VgN&E. 'J'reasurcr of Custer Count ) ' . Ne\raska. \ ( conUnucll on next Jla el I . - - - : . . . , , _ -A > " 1 = ; : " ' " " , .ii& " ' & . - - - . .ii&1 lust week preyed n sucoess.rrhe weather " ! . was fine , the crowds large and everybody ! . cnjoycd thc occasion. , ; I J stook of groceries is unexcelled-its patrons 'r < m arc numerous-'und all Ul'e wel ] pleased It If ' t pays to be an Advo patron.r'ry it. i , . . . < r Ornament nI\l ( prncticnl1y usefulness are stmllcil ilt the mnnufacture of our houschold furniture. nlc- gnltt designs il ! the most ducnblc hard woods , nnd close attcntion I paid to thc cnreful fiuishing of every detail. Handsome loungcs nnd couche , centcr tnhlcs , par- lor chairs , buffets - fets , etc. , in tnsteful styles thnt . I expresI modern idens. g"crythlng to ornamcnt the home nUll at priccs most tcmpting allli attractive. D. Ca K 0 N K E L. , . < < ' - - -BIG REDUCTION , . . ' . . .S.ALE . . . , . " ' . . . ' ; , ' . : . - , With the conse11 t of the C redi t'ors . the entire sJcock of MEVIS & CO. , will be closed. out without reserve. . This sale will on1mence at once , and con tin ue indeftni tely : : : : . DON'T MBSS THIS . SALE , Our stoclt is complete and. now is . the time for you to lay in your Dry Goo .s , Clothing , -Boots , Shoes , I-Iats , . , Caps , Cloaks , Skirts and large lines . , : . of Me.11s' ' , Fur Coats : : : : : : ' I - , O. H. Mevis & Co. East Side Square I ' .