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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1907)
, # . - - . . . . . . - ' - - I tuor \ , aunty t\opuhUQt\n \ \ . - ON } ) nOLlAU VJH 1 lAR , . _ . _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ AJvl H'rl\INC ! , nATI s. Whcro m:1ltr.r : IIIl1t ! ' \ or wood basoelcclrotYt.ell R flat prlcr of U . : c ttll I'cr IIICh , IIllIltlc COIUIIIII , lor . .aeb 11"rtl.n. . twn or 1110ro hillertlulls. Si'ICI 1 VOSltlulI , . .llIlrlo Illsorlloll , J5 cellt8 tJcr Inch. McltllbtRo ceclro" . t\vo IIr JllUro JO COli III "cr Ilicb. l'aYIIIClIlB to be 1II1\11u Jst 0 I each mOlllh. IOCIII IIlvcrtlslnlt ! 5 cClltB ver 11110 cach Ilisor- I tlOIl , . Clltlb on Orlll pnllo (10 cClils tJer Inch Ilor mOllth. . NOlie" 01 church Inlrll , IIoclables RIIII clltor- tnltll11lJnta whcrmouoy III charltcd , ollo.laU : rniCR. . DClllh'lIotlcelllrcc , 1H11C , I" " . for Pllbllshlull' obltllary nullcel < . Can' III ' 1'halilell. 50 1 : ' d. I.l'lrnlnnllcclI at rat provhlcli hy IIlnllllos 01 Ncbralllm Socluly 1I01lC,1 , < 1\11l1 , 'sulu"tloJls. ollo-h. , t . " , CII Wed lllllnollcclI hcc. hall lIr1co ler H\lt 0 prose II ts. Jllcred at Jlroken lIow , Nobrallkn , for trallll- 'l1111slon III the Ulilted RlaleR ma\l8 \ at seconll clalill rales. D. M.A1\1SlIltRRV , - PUnr.ISIInR ClIAS. K , BASSnT' ! ' , - Em''OR 'l'hursday , Gct. 3 , 1907. II I _ . ' -I This seems to be the "open I sea on" for killing people with automobiles. Scarcely a day passes that the public press docs not report a fatality. 'l'he victil11s of the wrec1 < s get but little sympathy. 'l'hose who arc ead couldn't . appreciate it'if they did , Many of the auto rivers are speed mad. If they cndangered only themselves the fatalities could be vicwed by the rest of mankind with more equanimity , but their sixty miles an hour Hying over roads unknown - known to them Idll ofT innocent spectators and others who are so unfortuntate as to be compelled to travel on or cross the public high ways. 'rhr modern Moloch is crusllll1g too many lives-need- lessly. Harsh restrictions are invited by the follies of the few and will descend upon the many unless some check-induced by their o\vn better sense-arises within the ranl < s of the speeding motorists , 'fhere las : been , one more reason found why pardon boards she ld exercise great care. Richard Walton , a negro prisoner serving bis third term in Joliet , Ill. and a habitual criminal , after his release murdcred a woman in ChIcago who detected him stealirlg .jewelry from her room , and , he has cOl1fessed. Duriug his brief period of frec- doni he committed other crimts , but escaped arrest. Had the pardon - don board been'less n ady to ex- ercisc its clcmency enc more Chicago , \'oman might be alive today , Radical eleme'nts in the striking - ing tclegrapher' ) ' ranks continue to insist that the men now at work for high wages under contracts - tracts cntered into voluntarily and deliberately and formally signed , shall violate their pledge ! : ! , quit their keys and "go out' " to help their fellow union men. If this shou1c1 occur the stri1 < e and "tril < ers will be lost. The speculation over whether Mars is inhabited may be interesting - esting in the abstract , but it practical benefits-even if true- are not great. 'l'he people there are too far away to be sold anJ Custer county real estate , Chi. cage packing house meat 01 Kentucl < y bourbon. The members of the "Don" Worry" club is increasing People feel more optimistic that formerly. Even a pessimist lik the editorial writer on the Grane Island Independent has occasioa gleams of hopefuness. Th 85-year' old'Ilhois husbane who'ldlI d his 83-year old wif , pro abfy thought she had livel long , el1ouglJ - a yway - ani w ntec1 a short perIOd of peac before the grim reaper cam his W ' . j' . _ _ _ _ . _ Some. people feel like adverth in'g Vice-President Fairbanks a lost 01" strayed. 'I'hey don : think anybody would care t swipe an iceberg-wit h winter s close. A. Micbig-an woman spanke her son. He had a dj'namite ca . in his pistol pocket. The bo < na y die an tlJe Iother's spant lpg hand 1S ternblr laceratce' . . . - - - . . , 'l'aft's absenc 011 his trip dOl ; not seem to lessen the enthusiasl for him as Roosevelt's successc -providl'd Roosevelt still cO ! tinltes to decline the nominatiol ! he Standard Oil compal1 \'l ent1y doesn't regard it as pipe dream-now. I . I . . . . . " . . . . . . . . - . . - . . . . . - - Our Emblem. III Written COf the IhWUJlLICAN Sauntcring through thc ficlda one day , I chrUlccl1 to spy bcsldc thc way , One who with hcck nnd 1I0d So chnrmclll11c , Ah , the lIttl ( ' spritc ; As hc stoOlI dAncing ill the lIgh t Upon the bright green 8011 , I nsltcd hllll , why his CUIIII so bold , His shlnllnerlng rohc or hrl1l1Ant gold , Bcdcckcll so like n god. He proudly tosscd his plumcd crowned heAd , III alii the prillcC oC flowers" he said , "Nehrnska's Golden Rod. " -M. O. MONTOOMEny. Met Pursuant to Adjournment. 'l'he board of supervisors met 'l'uesday as per adjournment in August. Chairl11an [ i'onda failcd to connect , but Joe li'ennimore was chosen to preside-pro-tem - and iuuned ately upon his assuming the chair the members pulled themselves to ether , Deputy Clerk Osborne wh1ttled a new pencil to a fine point , Supervisor Ben Morris brushed the hair back on his forehead and assumed a look of intelIi- gence , Roy Welch solicited a a cigar from the H.JU'UDr.ICAN editor and-business begun to hum so loud that Janitor Cooper woke up and rushed out into the I yard while a cuss word escaped I him and curled toward the cupolo . of the court house as he thought Charlie Richardson had become cra.y : and was wor ing the lawn mower. The business to be considered - sidered by the board will require a session of from. ten days to two weeks. _ . . - - - - Rcal Estate Transfers. S pt. 24. Emma E. McCray to Daniel E. Plymale , lots 1-2-3-4 , block 14 , $2000. Christian church to Joshua C. C. Moore , lots 4.5 , block 75 , R. H. . add to Broken Bo.w , $1100. Sept. 25. { eo. Currie and C. A. Currie to John H. Currie , parcel - cel in 10-19-18 , $160. Ottis H. Mooney , to Joseph Supanclllch , 320 acres in 11 and 14-14-18 , $8500. J ames Anderson to F. F. Mos- sman , 160 acres in 25-15-17 , $2700. Carrie M. and Herbert Troyer to Delbert L. Lewis , 160'acres in 10-17-27 , $3000. Lincoln Land Co. to Joseph F. SIegel , lots 9-10 , block 4 , in Sar- gent , $225. 'rhe Union Land Co. to LiIIian R. Andrews , lot 13 , block 52 , H. R. add to Callaw y , $50. Sept 26. Amand. oble and husband to Ole Johnson , n of lots $ - all 7 and 8 block 16 , original - nal town of Broken Bow , $2300. Lincoln Land Co. to Samuel A. Hock , lot 4 , block 5 , in Comstock - stock , ' $150. Sept. 27. Geo.V. . Merriman to Clara B. Wellett , 160 acres in 9-13-20 , $600. James M. Calland to Clarence L. Peden , 160 acres 8-16-19 , $ OOO. I Sept. 30. Calvin A. Snyder to Wm. Waddington , 200 acres in sec 15 and 22-20-21 , $4500. Louis Anderson to Seyer Seyer- son , 80 acres in 31-17-23 , $550. Samuel A. Thomas to Charle W. Bowman , lots from 1 to 8 , in. I elusive , block 10 , R. H. add tc . Broken Bow , $1500. Charles W. Bowman to Samu ] , A. Thomas , 160 acres in 23-14. 21 , $1200. New Ruling for Final Proof. In view of the fact that man' of the Un i ted States land officCi t are so crowded with application ! to make final proof that it is im possible to fix dates for severa months-thus causing grea hardships in some instances t settlers who have. complied witl the law and desire to mal < e com mutation proofs and leave thei land during the winter months the commissioner of the genera land office has made a ru1in c.alculated to relieve a larg'i number of claimants. . Under the existing ruling' ' claimants are required to remail continuously upon claims , up tl ) , _ final proof , which would resul in great hardship to these wh , have resided upon , cultivatel and improved their claims fo the statutory period , are obhdgel to leave the claims for the pm pose of earning money for thei e 1 support or for further develor men t. p Where applications to mak y final proof are accompanied b r affidavits setting forth brieH the facts as to the period c actual residence , the amount c s cultivation and improvement U and why absence is desired , tl1 absence of claimants from an 1- after the filing of applicatio 1 , until the day fixed by the lOCi officers fo - submission of proo : lY will not prevent applicants frol a making such proof on the da set , , . . . , . ' t- , . , - " ' . . -z - Mi i For Lung . Trollbles 1n)1.s. : _ . " " " " : J:1 . A ytr's : Gherry Pectoral certainly - tainly cures COUHhs , colds , bl'onchitiGcol1slImprion. An it certainly stl'cr y.thens wcnl\ throats and wcak lungs. Thcl'c can bc no mistake nbout this. You know it is tl'UC. And your own octor will say so. u My Illtle 1'0) ' ' Ilnfllllerrlhln cOII h , I II INI f1v"rYLhlll I , 'ulliol ht'ar or IIlIt III vltln 11I1111 I Irle.1 Ayer'A Cherry } ' ( ' ( 'toral. ! l'hu IIrst 1IIIIIIt hn WPA "etl r , RIIlI hu slC1ullly hlll.rovell 111.11I . ho I\"nl I"Jrlcclly 1I. " - MILs. H. J. l'rt ; "II. Altoll , III. . _ _ _ _ _ _ ' " ' .UI'o ' 1n" ' ' ' ' by J , O. Ayer 00 , . Lowell , ] \tRIB. Alia manufacturers or AJ4M10 , SARSAPARILLA. / ) Ie 'fI s PILLS. i I IIAIR VIGOR. Ioop the bowola regular with Ayor's Pills nnd thus hasten recovery. II - - - - - - - Trouble for Postmaster Jewett At one minute past 12 o'clock last Monday night railway mail clerks and postmasters throughout - , out the UUlted States began the weighing of mails and counting each and every piece of mail de- positcd for transmission and will continu\ weigh and count for thirty days in obedienbe to a ' gencral order by the postmaster 'general authorized by an act of congress. 'rhis work , in addition to the regular duties , is giving Postmaster Jewett and his assistants - ants pl nty to do thes daY8 and they w1l1 probably thltlk-at the end of the 30 days-that they have made a close call toward earning their salaries. In the regltlar appropriation I bill for the postal serv ce , p- ' proved March I , the clause requiring - quiring the weighing for thirty days was inserted. It is the first time in the history of the post- office department that the weigh- ing' of all mail tllatter in all trains .over all routes on which mail clerks are employed has been re- quired. In former years in order to arrive at an average , special persons were set aside to determine - termine the amount of a certain class of mail carried over certain routes , or in certaltl postal sections of the United States. The object of the 30 days' trial is to give the department and congress 'reliable statistics to determine the cost of handling aud transporl ing differen t classes of mail matter. ' For this special thirt'y ' days' weighing test Congress made an appropriation of $300,000. Kicked by a Horse. Hi hard , the 5-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guyle , 30 miles north , near , 'Walworth , and a grand-son of Mr. and Mrs G. Guyle of this city , as kicked by a horse last Saturday evening and his condition is very critical. A spot as large as a silver dollar on his skull was crushed and the pelvis bone broken , and while he may survive the injuries the chances are greatly against him. "My Country 'Tis of Thee. " If someone should appear suddenly - denly at an assemblage of 'the ' pupils of the Broken B > w schools , or in the county , for that matter , and offer one dollar to each of _ the pupils who could correctly recite the National hymn , ow many dollars would it tal < e ? It was tried at a large assembly of teachers in Chicago recently and there were only five who were correct in the effort. HOW SOME M : N Lv . . . ' .J. Remarkable Case of PenurlousncJ:1 : Told by Florist. A florist In the outskirts of the r clt ' hus como across whnt he consld. ers the meanest mon In all New Yorlt. "Ho I'ocenlty bought a fine summer homo and estute about a half mile from my nursery , " said the florist. "A few weolts ago he was entortalnlng ' : Iomo old friends , and sllOwlng thorn Braund the nelghbol'hood. In the course of their poregrlnatlons he brought them to , mr : fiower patch , on which I have a numbel' of large glasB' houses. Wlshlng'to display hlB wealth by IJlII'chuslng something , ho BtoPllod at a cucumber frame and asked me the prtco of varlouB spe lmenB of that vegetable. I Ilolnted a largo ono out to him at 25 cents. another at 15 cents , and so on ; but Mr. 8uddonwoalth would have none of thorn. His eye fell on a particularly tiny spoclmon , 'How much l' he asked , pointing to it [ told him five cents , Mr. CroesUE brought out a $50 bill. I couldn'i change It just then , so I told him h. could pay later. 'I'hnt suited him fine lust as I WIlS about to lIull the eucum ber he roqueBtcd nio to leave It wberE it was. aJ : he would send hl8 man fOI It In Ule e\'onlng. He went awn ) vmIHng , Ilnd sent hili conchma.n to tb. nursery o.t the end of a week , bJ whtch time. of course , the tiny eucum n ber hnd longethoned Into a large aD . y brilliant vegotnble ! What's more he' , I Corcottten to dlvVT uP. the woW' ' " . , . . . , . . . , . " , Then They F'all. All 111011 ure brave UlltIl there Is n , Iclllllnil Cor bravery. . Needs Time to Bloom. . Pluck not n courtesy In the bud be. tore It 18.rlpo. Qptlmlsm. The best thing In the world Is . to IIvo nbovo It. They Hurt. ' Jocular slunders often provo serl. OUB Injuries. Looks Vs. Feellngr : . The Cnlrcst looking "hoo may pinch the Coot. A Misfit Bargain. A misfit bargain ISII't fit for any. thing. . , : li : [ BUSINESS POINTERS. i : ! ! ! mJ lm , Drs. Farnsworth & Be k- Dentists. For all kinds of good coal go to the West Elevator. 14tf - - - Another shipment ot couches just received direct from factory at K mkel's. -Go to J.V. . Scott's for unadulterated - adulterated flour-pure , just as the wleat growed. Dr. Bass , Dentis . Over McComas' Let us be your printer. 'I\he good kind of printing' only. Clean Seed Rve for sale I t the West Elevator' 14tf. - Heating stoves that and do nOl waste fuel. If that's the kind you want call on S. P. Great & Co. The largest"1ine ' in the I city to select from. , I am making farm loans at 5 per crn't interest. J AMns LnDwIcH , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. RooMs .FOR RUNT-Inquire at residence. G. Guv.I.n. 16tf Rooms to Rent. Two Rooms to Hent , heated and bath. MRS. C. C. SQUIRES. FOR SAr.n - Horse , buggy , harness , saddle and cow. 13tf J. A. ARMOUR , It behooves everyone , both rich and poor , to use stoves that save fuel. That is the kind-and the only kind-So P. Great & Co. , are offering for sale. FOR RnNT-320.acre farm 10 mtles southwest of B'roken Bow , all table land , 250 acres broken , good improveme ts. Call at enc . Chas. Scholz , Broken Bow. Another shipment of Rocking chairs just received at Konkel's dir..ct from the factory at factory prices. I am making farm 10ans at 5 per cent interest. JAMES LEDWlClI : , : ijroken Bo , v , Neb. Rememb r Konkel is headquarters - quarters for chairs of all kinds and prices. ll-tf The Victor extension dining room tables are the kind that do not require a bunch of extra leaves. Simply pull apart the table and the extra leaf comes into the space. If you inten purching an extension table don't do it until you have exam1ned the Victor. S. P. GROAT & Co. , sole agents for Broken Bow. 17. T e old rellable Custer County Abstract Co. will make your abstracts - stracts at reasonable rates , examine - amine titles to land , bring suit to quiet title , assist you in perfecting - ing title to your land. WIr.r.IS CADwm.r. , 5tf Bonded Aestracter. Estray Taken Up. On September 22 , 1907 , a short horn cow with white spot on tip of tail and forehead "as tal < eJ1 I up at my place , three ! Liles sOlltl1 I ot l3roken . ow. Owner canl1avl ; same by calling' at my place aml paying charges. Dated October 2 , 1CJ07. A. 'GuSTAltSON. A Normal Department. ' Grand Island Baptist Colh > ge ; has a Normal department the ; , same as State Normals. Teachers . follow the same courses and gel same credit as at State Normals , also state certificates at the com' pletion of the respective coursc . witbout special examinations , . Observation and practice work ! given in the city schools of Grane' Island. Tuition $27 per year ; boare' $2.25 per week ; rooms heated ane : . lighted 75c per week. School begins Sept. , 10 , 1907 J. G. W. LnwIs , Principal of Normal Dept. , . - . - . . . New Repair Shop. Ua ving purchaSJed the Simon- son repair shop and , moved to I th Security State Bank block , : we are now prepared to do all kind of repair work , including bicycles , guns , scwing machines and light machinery. A ngw lathe has been installed. We are also agents for the best individual - dividual gas lighting plant manu- factured. Your patronage so- lici ted. 17-18 Lr.OYD & HUClI.ItDnRRv. Violia Lessons. Miss Virginia L'Amoreaux , pupil of William Hofman of Ann Arbor , Mich. , is located in Broken Bow and will give violin lessons. Terms , 50c per lesson. For particulars - ticulars call at Taylor's studio. 17-4t I am making farms loans at 5 per cent interest. J AMRS LEDWICH , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. Farm For Sale. 720 acres , one mile from Broken Bow city limits , 500 acres uuder cultivation , balance fine pasture , all fenced and cross-fenced , two good gravel wells , good frame housa and barn. Will sell all era a part. Terms to suit purchaser. .14-tf T. W . EDWARDS. Responses Wanted. Would like to have responses - from -ten parties having good I brood mares , for the object of organizing a stock company to purchase it good 2000 pound . Per- cheron stallion. . C. H. HARDAUGH , tf Broken Bow , Neb. Great Poland-China Dispersion Sale. On account of removal from State will sell the greater part of my fine Perfection-Sunshine herd. Hogs neither .overly coarse nor too small , the best money- makers. I have ideal shape and size. All ages to select from at bottom figures W rite for prites. Dispersion sale Tuesday , November - ber 12th. 12th.J. J. M. TITTERINGTON , Cairo , Nebr. Looking for Flaws and Finding None because we're experts in selectin 'A I , well.seasoned Lumher in the first place an our customers get the benefit of thi ! expertness in the second place. 'Resul1 -a satisfied procession of builders ane ] carpenters every day of the week. 'Vatch out where the level-headed , economical figures on profits huys. then fol1ow him right alollg. And you'll find he buys his Lumber here. H. T. BRUCE & CO. South side. 1 . ' , . , I . . - . . - - I where they camc to Broken 1J0w , n. & M. Train Schedule WES' ! ' l'OUND "a. No.3 ? locnl paSscPR'cr. cx. 8ullda ) ' , art G:20 : pm' ' { 41 cOMt paSsellR'er , lltlly , Icavc..7:58 : nUl < 43 coalt paHSCnll'er , dally leavo. . . . J2:2O : a m 4710clt1 frcllrht , arrive 2:10 V In Iv 3110 pm- EAST BOUND. No. 40 local paSSCIIR'Cr , leavc. . . . . . . . . . . .8:20 : am. 42 coa8t lIaRSellll'er , . . . . . . . . . . . : tJ In J 44 ' ' , lea'.I1. . . . . . . . . . .5:14 : a UI I 48Jocal rellrht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 3' } and 40 tlo not rllil west of DroKen Bow . , i Schedule of Broken Bow Mails. Schedulc of arrival and departure oC mall8 from Droken Dow post offico' ! 'ouchell for eMt CJ080 n8 101l0wlI : TraIn No. 40 , 8 a tn : No. 42. 5:15 : p IUI No 43 44,7:30 : p. m. Pouch en for WCllt cia so alfollowB : ' 1'ralll No. 43,7:30 11.111. : No. 41 , 7:30 : a. 111. Office hourB. 7 a. m. 107:30 p. nl. Office open SundaY8 frolJl'9:30 ' 1010:30 : a. m. : l4. 11. JEWETT , P. M. She's Cured .Thousands f , Given up to Die. 1 . Dr.CALDWELL of CHICAGO. . PrActicing Aleopathy , Homeopathy , -rl Elect. ic and General Medicine. r Dy request will visIt profeslJallally ! Grand Central o el , Broken 80w , Oct. 24 ! returning evcry four weoks. ConsL11t her when I the oPPoltllnlt.v Is at hnnd , , I , . I II I DR. CAI.DWI l4l4 limits her practice to the speclaJ treatmcnt of Illscascs of thc Eye , Ear , - ' \ Nose. ' 1'hroat. Il.nnlrl. I'emalc ! Dlseascs. DlseaBes of Chlldrcn al1ll al1 Chronic. Ncrvou8 _ _ - and Sunlcal Diseascs ot a cnrable nature. . EarJy consumption. Dronchltl. . . . DronchlaJ Catarrah , Chronic Caturah. lIeall.Ache. Con. stlpatlon. Stol11ache nlld Bowel Troubles , i Rheumatism. NcuraJgla. Sclotlca. llrhhtB's. Disease. Kldnc ) ' Dlseascs. Dlseasell of the l4lvcr aud llladdcr. Dizziness. Nervousness. Indigestion. Obesity. Interupled Nutrition , SJow Growth In. Children. and al1 wastlnll' Dlseasl's In adultll. Deformilles , Club.leet. Curvanture of the Spine. Ulseasc ! ! of thc Brain , ParaJysls. Epilepsy. lIeart 'Dlseasc. Dropsy. I Swelllnll' of the LImbs. Strlcturc , Ollen SoreB Pain In the llones. Granular Enlanremeliis and t all Idng.s'audlnlr diseases property treated. Bl400DND SKIN DISEASES. } Plmplcs , Dlotchell. Jruptillns. . l4lvc ' Spots I FaJllnll of the 11alr. Hall COI11Lllexlon. Eczema , , J Throat Ulcers. llone Pains. Bladder ' 1'roublcs , . Weak lIack. llurnhlI' Urine. Passluir Ulille too olten. ' 1'he eITects of con8tILutiouai sick. ness or thc taklnR' of 1011 l11uch Injurious medl. clno receives 'bcarchlllir 'rca ment , prompt relief and n curti for life. Dlseasell of 'Vomen. lrrelrular Menstratloll , Falllnir 01 the Womb. lIearlull Down 1'"lns. ' ; FemaJe DlspJacements l4ack 01 Sexual Tone. ' I l4cucorrhea , Sterility or Darrenncss , consult Dr. Caldwell and she will show thelll 'he cause of their troublc allli thu woy to become cured. CANCERS. GOI'1'ER. FISTUI.A. PIl4ES. and clilarR'ed I'landll trealcll with 'he sub. culancous Injection mcthod , absolutPly wIth. out pain and without the Joss oC a drop of blood , Is one of her own dlscoverle and Is I really the 1II0St sclcntlfic and certaInly Burc cure method 01 this an vanced alc. Dr , Cad. I well has practIced her "rolcsslon In S0l110 pf the largest hospltales throulrhout thc country. She has 110 supcrlor In trcatlng and dlalfnos. nil' of diseases. deformities. etc. She has lateJyopened an omcc In. Omaha , Nebrar.ka , where she will spcnd a portion of each wcek . treat/nil' / her many patients. NO IUcurable , cases accellted for treatment. Cousultatlon. examination and advice. oue dollar 10 those Interested. Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. , Omaha , Neb. Chicago , II. . . AddresB all mall to 10 Dee Dulldlnll' , Omaha Nebraska. - . 'I ! \ ! The AInerican . Boy A Profusely Illustrated Monthly for BOYS. Wuhout Que3lion the M03t Entertaining - taining and Pradical Magazine in . . . . . . ' . . . . the World for Young Americans. " T cOVEns IN COLOns. ' - 36 Pagu. Ilze Lac/u' Home /oumol. . Serial and Short Stories by Strate- meyer , Tomlinson , Trowbridge , Mun- I roe , Shute and others , the best writers ) . - - for boys in the world. Departments relating to all Boy Hobbies , edited by experts. It preaches the religion of "DO , " 4 and not that of "DON'T. " Is doing more for the Uplift and I Encouragement of Boys than any other , agency. Approved by parents and educa- tors. Boys (250.000 of them ) every. where enthusiastic for it. The subscription price of The . American Boy is $1.00 per year. . - I 'fhe subscription price of the . REPUBLICAN is $1.00 per year . . You can have both one ycar for only $1.70. . : : . . 7 - , , ' . . . , , I f