Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 03, 1907, Image 2

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HIstorIc Pngennt .
Lnat renr the town of Wnrwlt\lc \ ,
England , celebrated outdoors some of
the most Interesting event a In Ito hla.
tory by n paglo1ant , In which hUlidreds
of per. > ns asaumed the character and :
In approprlato coatumo , performed the
parts of hlotorlc personnges. This
yenr n similar pngennt t ok place at
Odord , and moro lately there wns aa.
other at Romsey. Mark 'fwaln , who
wns ono of the spectators of the Ox.
ford ' 1agennt ! , remarked that Amorlca ,
which provides so many fine Bights ,
hnd never furnlBhed anything to equal
thnt. The lon/th / and richness of Euro.
penn hlBtorT of courBe offer attrac.
tlons for Buch a pngennt whkh could
not be found In 1I1w nbundnnco and
variety In Amorlca. Tnko , for exam.
plo , the cnso of Rotnsey-n town so
small that comparaUvely few Amorl.
cana know anything about It ; yet Its
nnmo was conferred upon It by the
Romnns , nnd Its nctunl hls ry goes
bnck a thousand yenrs. 1t was near
Ramsey thut William RufuB wao shot
by n. bolt from 11. crossbow , whllo huntIng -
Ing deer In the New torest , nnd his
body removed In the .rudo cart of n
charcoal burner , Ignorant of the dead
man's Identity. In the pageant n lineal
descendant of the charcoal burn..r nct-
ed the part of blo ancestor , nnd an.
other part was talwn by 11. lineal descendant -
scendant of Walter 'fyrrel1 , who Is
supposed to have shot the king. Dut ,
remarks the Youth's Companlol ! , It
such length of history ao this II laok-
Ing to Amorlcan cities nnd towns ,
there Is nevertheless no dearth of In-
torestlng event and otlrrlng oplsodo
which mlcht well bo produced In outdoor -
door pngeants , designed , ns these In
- England have been , by students of the
local history , and produced by the
corll'lnl cooperation of rich and poor ,
high and low , without thought of
monoy.mnklng. It Is a mntter of regret -
gret mong mnny students of social
'dovelopment that the stage , which In
Its early dnys WI1.B ono of the greatest
of moral and educatlonnl forceB , haa
so completely fnlled to mnlntaln Its
power. 1\IIght not the hlstorlcnl pageant -
eant be mnde to do at least a part at
this neglected worle ?
Zoology's New Service.
Instead of going to geology IWd
physlcnl goggraphy to throw light on
zoology , Dr. Scbnrff of Dublin hns\re-
versed the process. In n paper reatI
to the zoologists In Doston he proceed.
cd tram the general IJrlnclple that the
distribution of animals now living on
the earth tells the story of the formation -
tion and cJ anges of continents. The
fact that certain fauna arc com mOD to
widely , lIeparnted regions , such as
Japan and the United States , points to
n tlmo when Aslu wns connected with
North America by n land bridge Dear
.Dering Strait. It Is furthermore probable -
able .that the widely differing specie.
of easterD and western America prove
that these regions were once separated -
ed by wator. This theory Is II. striking
example of the constructlvo ImaglDa.
tlon In s lenco. Moreover , It Is op.
posed to the hypothesis of Darwin
and Wallace , who held that IDsular no.
imnl lIre had aD accldoDtal origin. Dr.
Schnrff's theory renlly takes us no
tnrthor back , says the New York Post ,
thnn DarwlD did to , the orlglD of species -
cies nnd the beginnings of lito ID the
great process of ovolutlon. Meo of
science are bnmed by It as before ,
and with Dubols.Rn'mond ; repeat their
IgDoramus , Ignorablmus.
Perll ps ono of the oddest suits rls.
Ing from the anguish of a crushed
henrt Is ono brought by a jlltod young
mnD for dnmages In St. Louis , not
agalDBt the fickle tali' ono , but agnlnst
n rnllroad company. The omployes
of the company used him roughly
whllo on aD excursion , and hie sw t.
heart who was nlong , resented his lack
of bravery In not rosentlng this trent.
ment by dissolving their eDgagment.
But he has mnnagod deftly to cODvey
n dellcato rebuke to the fair hero.wor.
shlper by fixing tllO damnges of her
10ss nt oDly $200.
Dr , Charles McCutcbeon of TacomD
has long felt that the woods of th (
Puget souDd district are too sllont anl
need the oyous songs of birds to en
'hanco their beauty. A year ago 111
'bought a number of skylarks In Ene
land and lIberated them ID Wasblng
ton. They have thrived and multlpllod
much to tbe pleasure of everyone , aDC
now ho Is going to make n similar eJ
perlment with otber Idnds of birds
It Is a good work nnd ono which de
serVes to be crowned with succoss.
The OUlous assertion Is ado by I
ndon correspondeDt of n. Now YOI'I
IjJr thnt as King Edward grows old
his Teutonic accent grows mor4
'uttoral , aDd It hns become dlmcul
for these who see him only occasloDnl
Iy to understand his speech , Thl
klDg's father was a G rmnn prlnc1
and It Is II. matter of course that h' '
shouh ! bo as familiar with tbo GOI
man as with the English languag (
IJUt It would seem that after n ) If (
tlmo spent In loJngland bls speoc
would bo froa from n forolgn accen' '
. "
. .
. . . . , , '
DA VID 7 :
, Dr. David Talbot Day has bcen chief of the mining and minerai rcsources
dlvlolon of the United Statcs Geological survey since the year 1886. He made
the great petrolcum Investigation for the government.
. _ uu _
Run Down by Automobile Mrs. KIrch.
ner , of Los Angeles , Thought of
NothIng But Protecting
Llttlo One.
Oaldand , CaI.-Cnrrylng her Infant
child In her arms and leading an
.olsht.year.old daughter by the hand.
Mrs. C. n. Klrohner , whoso homo Is
at 411 Summer street , attempted to
craBS the street at Drondway and
fourteenth street. . when she was run
down nnd hurled to the ground by an
automobllo driven by 1\1. T. Vance ,
who IIvcs nt 1326 Alabama street , San
li'ranclsco. When struck by the mo. .
chino Mrs. Kirchner forgot her own
dnnger In an effort to protect her little -
tlo oncs from harm , threw her daugh'
ter almoRt out of 'tho path of the ma.
chine , 11t the same tlmo Interposing
her own body as a shield to the child.
The force of the colUslon hurled
her from her feet to the ground , but
clutclling her babe In her nrma she
turned as she felI In such n. way as to
protect It from contnct with the hard
pavemen.t with her own body. Deforo
Vance could bring his machlno to a
stop the front wheel o the car had
pnssed over Mrs. Klrclmer's lower
limbs , Inflicting a number of painful
bruises , and her little daughter was
pal\1fulIy bruised by coming In contact -
tact with the corner of the automo-
I bile. According to wltnosses of the
accident , Vance lost his head after
strlltlng the woman , and after bringIng -
Ing the machine to II. stop reversed
his engine and once moro the front
wheel of the mnchlne passed ever ono
of Mrs. Kirchner's legs before she
could get out of the way.
Pollcoman Conroy was a witness of
th accident' and he at once placed
Mrs. Kirchner In the automobllo nnd
toolc the Injured woman aDd Vance to
the central poll co atatlon. Mrs.
Kirchner refused to be talcen to the
emergency hospital. After she 'had I
given un account of the accident to
Acting Capt. Brown Mrs. Klrcbner
was taken to her home In the machine -
chino by whIch she had been Injured.
Vance was not arrested , as Mrs.
Klrchnor declared that she did not
care to prosecute him.
Vance declared thnt as ho stnrted
to tum the corner Mrs. Klrc nor
stoPlled directly. In 'front of his machine -
chine , which struck her before ho
could malco a move to avert the nccl-
dent. Ho snld that ho was running
very slow I ; ) ' at the Umo of the accident -
dent and was sounding his horn ns
ho turned the corner.
Black Cat Kills Child.
City of Mexico , Mexlco.-Genaro "
dlnez , an Infant three n onths old , was
Itilled whllo lying In his cradle by n1
largo blacle cat at Plateros , the homo 1
of the Godinez family. I
'fbo baby's mother had gene away' '
from the house to see a neighbor , leav.
Ing the IIttlo ono sleeping In his
cradle. There wore DO others ID the
house at the time , and though some
of the neIghbors heard the baby cryIng -
Ing they thought noUling of It , as the
screams of thc child lated but n. short
"lIen the mother rc.lurned home
she was horrified to find the IDfant
dead. The cnt hnd chewed the baby's
face almost completely 'up , and had
terribly lacerated his arms , breast and
legs. The shock has left the mother
In a very critical condition , and fears
are felt for her recovery.
Girls Sail to G t Husbands ?
LiverpooI.-Tho remarkable exodus
of marrlageablo young women from
this country to the United States and
Canada. Is omphadlzed by the depart-
uTO of 1,000 unmarried women on the
steamer Baltic alone , whllo sevetal
hundred moro were among the total
of 6.000 pass ngers carried aD three
trans-Atlantic steamors.
Woman , After All , Could Not Bear to
Have , Pet Klllcd.
Indlanapolls.-A woman , 1100rly
dressed but of respectnblo appearance ,
went Into police hendquClrters with
11. bUlIdog about as frlemlly as the po.
IIco had over seen. Even before the
woman spol\O the animal was wag.
ItDa ; her tall and malting friends right
aDd loft. 'fhero was a friendly' expros.
slon In the dog's eyes and the mom.
bors of the department present could
see at a glance thnt the dog was of a
dl8110sltlon to be trusted.
"What can we do for you , Indy 7"
aBked Deslt Sergeant Jrane.
"I came to eet rid of my dog , " she
replied sorrowfully. "You sec , I can't
afford to pay the tax. "
"Do you wnnt to glvo the dog
awayT" the scrgeant aslted.
"Yea , It some ono would hnve her , "
came the relJly. "But , oh my , no one
wants her , and I guess the only thing
to do Ie to have her Idlled. "
With this the womnn burst Into ,
tears and between her sobs she de-
cinred her dog was the best animal
tbnt over lived.
"Why that dog Is every thing In our
little household. I can go away amI
lenve the doors open nnd It Is only
necQssary to tell ber to stay there nnd
watch. She Is a protection agninst any
one who menDS harm to mo nnd tbo
children. Dut I bnvo no money and
cnn not pay the tax , and I might be
arrested It I don't. "
"I'm sorry , lady , to see you lose
such & pet , " Crane told hor. "If you
have deelded to have the dog Idllod
Humane Inspector Smith bacle there
wlll do It. "
Tbe , dog jumped nnd cavorted about
as she follow d the woman to tbo
humane o lce. Smith aslted severnl
questions , and then told the woman bo
} - would klll the animal. She wont with
h the Inspector into the basement In
l. ardor to conx the dog thore. CoollY' the
'Instlector selected a bottle of deadly
] 1olson from a cablnot. Two or three
drops of It causes Instant death' to
dogs , nnd Smith started toward the
bulldog with the bollIe In his hand.
"My Oed , stoP. " the woman cried
dramntlcnllr , a11l1 with largo tears run.
nlng down her cheelcl3. "I'm'ory ] 1001' ,
but I'll go bnclc to the washtub and
rub my hands off before that dog shall
.bo kllled. Whnt's two or three days'
work compared with the love or n dog
1J1co that. Como on , Fanny , wo'll go
back home. "
Before the IIstonlshed Smith could
speale the womnn Itlssed the dog and
ran up the stairway and out of the
I building. She did not leave her name.
Fate of Cow That Ate Dynamite.
Norwich , Conn.-Albert Scofield Is
blasting'roclts and stumps on his farm ,
Ho reached a fleld ono morning just In
tlmo to see ono of his cows swallow
two sticks of dynamlto which had
been left In the cleft of n big stuml1
ever night.
Scarcely had the cow taken the
dainty morsels Into her midst thal1
acute Indigestion attaclted 11Or , and
jun1lJlng the fence she ran through the
vlllago bollowlng In ] 1aln. Scofiold at
11. most respectable dlstnnco chatJetJ
Armed with trusty rlfies farInerf
jolnod In the chaso. At n dlstanco 01
200 feet the cow was shot and klIle
and the following sign placed OU llel
body :
"Do Dot jar this. It wlll go off. "
Here's Hard.Worklng Burglar.
Senttlo , Wash.-Georgo Everett ,
alias Durton , allaa Munson , the burS'
lar and hotel thlof , who was arre te
a few weeks ngo by Chlot of Pollc (
WalJpOnsteln , IJrobably hold a tlu
world's record for cracking safes. In
sldo of a few hours In Rockford , III.
ahout a year ngo , ho crnclccd H safci
In ono building , tol' whlcli'lndustrlolll
worle he owes the state at Illinois 4 (
I years 'Instead pf 20.
, .
. . '
- -
Affair Closely Resembling a Duel to
the Death Afforded' DIversion to
Crowd on San' Francisco
Street Recently.
Snn Franclsco.-An electric car , a
gm'ollno runabout , n willing nnd ovor.
zealous motorman , two amntour automobile -
tomobile enthusIasts and a chorus of
nplrclatlvo street car patrons-these
compose(1 the principals , supportlDg
cast and audlenco which figured ID a
one nct aronlc spectacle put on without -
out prior announcement lD the mlddlo
of Sutter street between Plorco nnd
The event , which bad every olomeDt
of a trngedy but at the sarno tlmo waf\ :
reilleto with delicate humor which
converted It Into a comedy , was In the ,
nature of a gladiatorial struggle to
the death between electricity nnd gas-
oline. As an exhibition ot mortal combat -
bat It was an equal of the melodramatIc - ,
Ic thrlller at 11. 10 cent thentor , for aU'
concerned got It In , the necle In the ,
ond. I
'l'he automobile-a ono cylinder af' ;
fair-started the trouble ; but then , tool
much should not bo said about Its'
( nults for the deal' departed should not
he r\vlled. sumco It that the machine
sufrO ! cd parah'sls In the middle of ,
the eastbound street car tracle and' '
thnt the mln strntlons of Its two oceu.\ \
pants were of no avail. Its wheels !
absolute ! ; ) ' refused to go around either ,
In answer to the appeal of Its own
englno or when urged by the stron
a\'l11S \ of Its disgruntled passengors.
Then the sueet car came up behind
and stopped. \
" \VIla 'smatter ? " sang tho' motorman - '
man to the accompaniment of a beU
solo with his gong.
"Olve us a shove , " came the answer.
" 'Vo're stuck. "
The motorman was accommodating ,
lIe unslung the heavy connection bnr
used when a weU car goes to the assistance -
sistance of n sick one , and attaching
one end to the front of the car , braced ,
the other against the back of the nuto-
mobile. Then he turned on all the
It was a foul blow. The automobllo
was looltlng for a steady shove and 1l
got a slap. The bar flew In the air ,
the street car ga\'o a bound , there wns
one resounding crash and a couple of
rells , and the automobllo was a subject
for the machinery morgue. It had
refused to budge even with several
hundred volts of Patrick Cnlhoun's
soothing syrup behind It , and tho'
heavy car made a scrap heap of It.
Dutln Its expiring gasp the auto sent
back as good as had been given nnd
evened up the score. Its drlvo chain ,
wrenched loose from the machinery ,
writhed out with a hiss of hate , struck
fall' and true , and for the fraction of
a second formed 11. connection between
the motor box of the street car aDd
one of the rails.
"Bang ! " Retribution had been ro-
celved. 'fhe' car demolished the auto.
mobile , but the automobile short circuited -
cuited tbo wbolo Sutter street system
In return. And then the passengers
got out of he dark , silent car nnd
cazed at Its lifeless bulle standing
there over tbe ruin It had wrought.
Only one or bwo of them swore ; all
tllo rest sat down on the curb and
Odd Trick Soon Decides Who Owns it
Philadelphia Dog.
Phlladelphla.-Sult over the ownership -
ship of a dog bas been settled In court
hero In a novel mann r. The plaintiff ,
Mrs. Mary Crane , swore the dog be.
longed to her. The defendant , Patrick -
rick O'1\Ialley , nsserted with equal
positiveness that the aDlmal was 'hls ,
so the magistrate concluded that the
do should decldo the case , and the
sagacious lIttle follow rnD to the 'Bldo
of the woman.
In arranging for the test the magIstrate -
Istrato sent the woman Into the street
two squares from the court , and
O'1\1alloy was stationed two squares ID
an opposlto direction. The dog. 11. lit.
tlo foJC terrlor , was liberated by the
magistrate. Mrs. , Crane stood motion.
less , without even holding out her
arms toward the lIttle dOl ; . O'Malloy ,
on the other haDd , set up a loud
'fhe dog glanced at the crowd on the
sidewalk In front of the pollco alii. .
UOll , and then turned Its head toward
I O'Malley. The latter beld out his hand.
but the animal faced about till It
Icaught I sight of Mrs. Crano. Then end.
ed Its hesllntloll. With a shnrp barIc of
delight It raced away ever the pavo.
ment , nnd the next moment was leapIng -
Ing nbout the woman.
Poured Pepper Into Boy's Eyes.
Ardmoro , Pa. - Determlnod thnt
Henry Skinner , Jr. , aged 12 , should
not peep when It came his turn to bo
"It" In a game of , a halt-
dozen youthful compnnlons h'3ld him
flat on his back nnd poured red popper -
per Into his eyes. HIs screams frightened -
ened the boys Impllcnted In the affair
and they tied , whllo SklDner was led
home by n neighbor.
1'ho vlcUm Is a son of Dr. Henry
Skinner , and the youths accused of
the cruel treatment are members of
prominent Ardmoro famllIos. The po.
_ IIco took up the cnse , but procoodlngs
will depend upon the result of the
lJOr'a Injuries. Under medlcnl treatment -
ment his eyes are being grndual1y restored -
stored to normal condltloDs and hlB
eyesight mny not be nffectod.
- -
Is Said to Promptly Relieve Backache
and Overcome KIdney Trouble and
Bladder Weakness Though Harm.
lesa and Pleasant to Take.
What will appcnr very Interostlng
to many people hero Is the article
talton from a Now York dally paper ;
glvlDg a slmplo prescription , as formu.
lated by a noted nuthorlty , who claims
thnt ho has found a positive rem.
edy to cure almost any case of back.
ache or Itldney or bladder derangement -
ment , In the following slmplo proscrlp-
Ion , It taken beCoro the stage of
Bright's disease :
Fluid Extract Dandelion , oDo-halt
ounce ; Compound Jargon , ono ounce ;
CompouDd Syrup Sarsaparilla , three
ounces. Shako weU In n. bottle nDd
take ID teaspoonful doses after each
meal and again at bedtime.
A well.lmown authority , when nsked
rogardlng thls prescription , stnted
that the Ingredients are all harmless ,
and can bo obtained nt a small coat
trom any good prescription pharmacy ,
or the mlxturo woult bo put up If
asked to do so. Ho further" stated that
whllo this prescrlptioD Is ofteD prescribed -
scribed In rheumatic nffilcUons with
splendid results , ho could see no ren-
son why It would not bo a splendid
remedy for Itldnoy and urinary trou.
bles and bnckache , as It has a peculiar
action upon the kidney structure ,
cleansing these most Importnnt organs -
gans aDd helping them to sift and
filter from the blood the foul a lds
and waste matter which cause slcle.
ness and suffering. These who suffer
can make no mlstnlco ID glvlDg It a
Aunt S'usan's Heart Went Out to
IIPore Missus Astor. "
Uncle Ell telt ho Imow the metropo.
lis pretty well. Had he not been there
three times In four years-and twice
ho .had ridden on the elevated. So
when he brought Aunt Susan with
him ( aD the fourth trip ) he naturally
assumed the role of guide.
She marveled at everything until
they sat down tor luncheon. They.
had gene IDto the Astor house for that
meal , but all Its other marvels seemed
lost on tbo visiting country hostes8" , as
she looked open.eyed at the crowds
thnt filled not only the corridors but
the restaurants. Scarcely had they
found seats , wheD this amazement
. toolt definlto shape.
"Ell , " said she in n stagey whisper ,
"I can't sot hero an' eat peaceab ! ; ) ' .
jes' must go downstairs an' help pore
Missus Astor with the cookln' an'
Pure Food.
The pure food law does not prohibit
the sale of Cream of 1'artar Daldng
Powders because Cream of Tartar Is
as pure as Alum-but It Is n well
known fact that a baking powder In
Which Alum Is used Instead of Cream of
Tartar Is less injurldus. Dr. Herman
Reinbold , the expert German chemist ,
In a recent officlnl report cODcernlng
Daklng Powders , declnres that a pure
Alum bal\lng powder Is better , nod less
InjuriouS ! than the so"called Cream of
Tartar powders. He says that If the
quantity of alum contained In a suf.
fiolent quantity of baking powder fern
n batch of bread or cakes for an ordinary -
nary family , bo concentrated to ono
mouthful of food , and taleen Into the
stomnch of any ono person , no matter
how dollcate , It could do no harm.
On Wit and Humor.
Man Is the only nnlmal that laughs
and weeps , tor ho Is the only aDlmal
that Is strucle with the dlfferenco be.
tween what things nro and what they
ought to be. Wo weep at what
thwarts or exceeds our desires ID serious -
ous matters ; we laugh at what only i
disappoints our expectations In trlfies.I I
We sbed tears from sympathy with
real and necessary distress ; as we
burst Into laughter from want of sym.
patllY with that which Is unreasonable
and unnecessar ; ) ' , the absurdity of
which provoltes our spleen or mirth ,
rather than serious reflections on It.-
\111Iam Hazlltt.
Sheer Whlto gooas , In tact , any nD.
wash gods when now , ewe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are , laundered , this being done In a
manner to enhance their toxtlle beau-
ty. Homo laundering would bo equal.
ly satisfactory It [ lToper attention was
given to starching , the first essontlal
being coed Starch , which has sufficient
strength to stiffen , without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will bo pleasantly surprlsed.nt the
improved appenrance of your work.
- - - - - - -
Tender.Hearted Girl.
Miss Kay-Do you know that liorrld
Mr. Hansom Insisted upon kissing mo
last night ?
Miss Ascum-Why didn't you
scream 7
1\IIss Koy-I didn't want to aearo the
poor fel1ow.
That nn nrtlclo may be good as well
I1S cheap , and glvo entlro satlsfnctlon ,
Is proven by the oxtraordlnnry sale of
Dofinnco Starch , ench pacleago COD-
talnlD ! ; one.thlrd moro Starch thnn
can bo had or nny ether brand for the
sarno money.
Always a Bright Side.
Datchellor-I SUIJIJOSO It's mighty
expoO lvo to have your child sick In
bed 80 long.
Phl1mley-Yes , but then It ho were
.well nnd hearty ho'd be wearing oul
1 / ' I
Brief Pantomime Told Everythng ! to
the Onlooker. '
- - ' I
Harrison Groy Fisko discussed ; at n. . . I I
dinner in Now York , the art of 4Ct. ; , "
ing. '
"I bellovc , " said Mr. Fisko , IIln sub- ,
t1cty nod restraint. A nod , n. shako of
the head. n silent pause-theso things
are of ton moro effectlvo than the most
vIolent ye11lng and ranting. '
"Lito Is lIke that , subtle nnd slloDt.
Whnt , tor in1llance , could be moro ox.
presslvo than this Gconc , 11. SceDO \ . '
without n spoken word , thnt I ODCO '
witnessed In the country ! I
"An undertaker stood on a eornor
near n. nebo ] manslbn. He elevated
his brows hopefuUy nnd InqulrlDgly
as a physician came tram the houso.
The physician , compresslDg his lips ,
shook his hend decidedly and hurried' . .
to his carrlnge. Then the undertaker
wth ! a 1IIgh passed OD.
I , \ '
. ,
. .
" Positively cured by
It. fA D'rJR"S : these Llttlo PHls.
"fi \ L
alBo relle"o
They Dill-
: ITILE trcBstromD'spcpslaln.
r II ! VED tllgcstlouaudTool1eartr Eating. A 11erfect rem.
edy tor Dizziness , Nau. .
PI L5 S . , sea , Dro.wslness , Dad .
) , -
ct1 ' 1'on1-\1 e. Pnln In tbo
rhe ) ' rt'g'ulnto tbe DOVo/els. Pur ly Vegetable.
3M All Pill. SMAll DOSE , SMAll pmCE.
' Genuine Must Bear
t11 :
1 . . n'TrRS : Fac-Simile Signature
ht ITTlE
f aVER 4
i. PILLS. / & ? . . . .p"
r ; ; ; ; : : - call nd-t:1 ; :
equal of
Lyon 8 Hoaly's
But why seck or waste time on something -
thing II just as good II when you can get
a genuine Washburn Piano at the lowest
price nnd on the most liberal terms ever
offered on 11. high-grade instrument.
It In the mnrket for n pinna , mall this advertisement -
tisement today with } 'our name and addrcss and
reeeh'c catalog nnd name of local pinno dealcr.
and six pieces beautiful new plnno music.
ldaresr : : D . : GO J '
mean. . . and beauUn. . the hIIr.
1'romote. a luxuriant growth.
Nevel' Falla to ne.toro G
IIail' to ita Youthful CoJOl' .
Curet .talp dioeun" hair fallJD&
Oc , and tl.oo at DraiJtJII
! JrrlgaredFtuItA1fnlta.Fntms. .
CALIFORNIA EllbY payments , 8peclnl olfer. .
Now Gov't nldt'd cnnnl. Cnt.-
MOil tree. Wooster. 7a4 Mnrket 81. . Ban J'rnnelsco. !
Omaha Directory
For Furniture ODd PinDos
Cleans and polishes , removes
stains r.nd restores the finish.
Can not injure the wood in , any
way. Guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction. Absolutely the best
furniture polish on the market. -
Sold hrough dealers or shipped
direct. Price 25 and 50 cents.
DOLy nf I
Ship Your Cream
to the Fannera Co-Operative Creamery ,
Omaha , Nebraska. We Fumiah Cana
Whenever you come to Omnhn. remember
this , make your headquarters at
Brandeis New Store
TI10 BISGost Store West of Chlcaso
One block lone , block wideS stories hhoh.
Free wnUnir ! rooms. UlllrlrlllrC checked tree. .
. .
--LJ..J >
rJn ! II d hO ,4 ,
band Oonr&cs taught br.1lolt ! txllorlcl1coll r
TCl\chCtr8 In the " ' 011. Positions for llrudo-
atc ! ! . Work for Hoard. Uclp tor deservIng
students. Addrces
laConn..Uon . tree. 1'100 . . . . .rnam St. , OXAlI.L , NEB.
I:6Y 4n In Omaha. N b. . ) teem I" tlnlbman lode. N. Jl'q
corner IUb \1011111.1\1" \ , Good..t ( ootbU.f > 01 110111
crown. . . . .WI "rlllil" lceth , "WI Amaillalll II , IInltl. fIOcl .
.IIVl" 1111 In" " . 7r.clllolllllll\n".11 \ and III'10U" t.VAII.
Ufl ( P 10 I Ullti. JJrlng ( bl. adverUaement wltb 10U
I Write fur our prlrc lIt on" Infonuatlon . on clennlnA
I1n < 1 dclnJ ( or nil klndl ot w..nrlnIlI\P rcl. Out 01
town bu.lneliS rocelvl's "romp ! anll cl1rlful attenllon.
' 1'110 l'uuwdl&U1t 1616 Jones Slreet , Omalul. , Neb.