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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1907)
L6LI\'O 1l111L LU.HI\I\i\U \ ooiol ) ' - -lUSTER ( JOUN'Ty"EPU'BLICAN. , . , ' ' " VOL. XXVI. , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAYJ SEPTEMBER 26,1907. , NO.16" I . . - - . E-YB" LAS Clear As Day - - - - - will be your cOlluuellt when you'f rst look through a poorly - ly fitted pair of . Eye Glasses Are : your eyes tired , strained . or dIm ? Don't neglect them but come to us at once and we will give you valuable advice and fit you with glasses that will surely help you I I , I I . YOUR HEALTHAI " ' \ AIAI \AI AIJj ' " \Jj fI' ! S : : = ; : ; : : : = = = \AI II' ' " II' \ II' ' " Your health depends upon ' " the purity of your food ' " aud the cleanlincss"ith : t : which it is prepared. lib ' " ' " 'I' . " " m urlty : ' " IIJ " ' \IJ ' " I \AI is our watchword in f 11ing : t prescriptions. Web u y : t , the purest drugs and compound - I pound them in a skillcd : aud cleanly manner that : t insures you receiving the w mo t bcnefit from them. : t Bring us ; your prescription. : t II' W . I II' _ - - - . , W : " ' = W ' " I I.w .w JIS , & IF.BaischI I II' W II' DRUGGISTS.1 / ! I' ,1/ II' ' Ii II'1' -1' Neb.t : Broken Bow , - - In 14 ; . E-H. H..E : ; , E-E-Iti E-eS - - . - - . : - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " . ! ! ' ' ' ' : ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ! ! ' ' " ' ' ! ! ' ' ' : : * uIu. : : : : : : u : . < ! : : . < : : : : .I:1uII' . : : I' ' ' ' ' ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' f' . i J Have with g a Filled Your Pure B I G LA lin P SALE Have Jug pUle tiUe old You cIder 'yith r \ f ( Old Cider at vinegar at per . . . . ' gaI10".400 . A Heavy Reduction , Lamps have an epotmous stock of.Lamps t . WE Hanging , Stand. Center Draft , . [ > _ Night Glass , and , all klllds of _ . ' I.amps that we are anxIous to close At : out at a heavy acnfice. To do so At : 25 25 g We'll ' give Discount g = 50 50 , = 011 aU kinds of Lamps of 10 per cent f 1 75 .7f " > . We have alread ) ' reduced our lamps 85 - in price IS per cent , making in all a 85 yery liber l rc luction of 25 per cent , 1 00 1 00 10 all , whIch IS less than manufac- I , 1 50 turer's cost. This sale will begin on 1 50 : 2 00 2 00 : gg Wadn sday , Oct 2 : gg t 1 . and and ; , . ' . . ( , at S o'clock a. m. Come early U P and secure a lamp cheap heforc U P f { the assorortment is brokcn [ 10 pcr cent 10 Per cent off of. these B rac 1 { e t L amps ofT of these ; i prices on prices on 1 complete , only. . . . . 8 0 C large i { - , , amounts amounts , ; . . . . . . . . : J. . C. . BOWEN & : J 1 TR'\DE . 1 i rnr Old clclci V.lncgor \ " : L MARK .J 6 , . fI.J , , , , 'I1'ij:1"11JP1"1iP'P1'1- ' : ! ' ; ; ' ; 1 1I : . Tmt:1jP : ( ! ) " " ! : ' " " ; " " ' ; " " " ' ; ; ' " ' ' ; ; ' ' ' ' " ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ; ' ' ' ' ' ' . I - . . . . . - - . . . - . . - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n. . . . . . .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r- .1 I I STOVES I , ; ' . i I . : : ; . i ' , ' , I = = i : i " "V hen it comes to Stoves that do not re- i : quire heaps of talk we are there. The . - . I toves we have d the work and recom- i , i mend themselves. They have a reputation : . , i built on th i1' merits. I I Corn Sh ners .1 i v.e are agents fua the J ohet and the lCey- i i stone C01'11 shellerR- furnish repairs. i t I . I - I. Cas Engmnes I i rralk to us aLeut 1.ltel'nnl ! onul gasoline i ! engines-StatiolHll'Y illld Traction engines i i fl'oll1 2 to 15 I-IOJ--e : power.Ve also : i have all kinds of Feed Grinders. i , - - I = = = I ' " - I G e o. A p pie I " Lh.h. . _ . . . _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ - REPUBLICAN PLAT. I FORM ADOPTED The Nebraska Republican Convention Held at' Lincoln , September 24 , Make Good PJatform. I1011owing is the full text of the ) llat- forlll adopted by the Nebraskl } republican convcntion at J.incoln ou Tucsday , Scpt. 24 , 1907 : As the represcntatives of the republicans - cans of Nebraska , in state c.mveution assembled , we agaiu command the inspir- lng charactcr and undauuted leadership of Theodore Roosevelt. We cspecially elllorse ( what he has accomplished , with the support of a republican cougress , towards - wards subjecting the oyerwecning railroads - roads engaged in interstate commerce to the rcgulating arm of the governmcnt and in curbing the rapacity ofthe h\\vless trusts by forcing them to desist fr"lll their crimiual practices. These policics I havc our unqualified approval and iu oreler that no backward step be taken we will insist that his successor be a man whose record pledges a continuauce of the distinctive policies of the Roosevclt ad m inistrntion. While not prEsuming to forestall the action of any future convention , we ex. : press the belief that the rcpublican9 ot' : Nebraska recogni7.e in the lIon. William , H. Taft of Ohio , one whose personal i : character and whose long public service mark him as preeminently the man un _ der whose leadership thcse policies would be perpetuated. We cndorse the present state adminis- tration. State affairs arc bcing conduct- cd with integrity and busincss sagacity. Our public institutions arc being neither injured by parsimony nor scandalized by profligacy. The state's credit is high and its long-standing debt is being rapidly - ly extinguished and will soon be paid. Its public school funds arc growing enor- mCJusly and being wisely invested in iuterest-bearing securities. \Ve command our republican delegation - tion in congress for thcir faithful repre. sentation of the intf..rests of the pcople of Nebraska. We espccially commemlthe last legislature - lature for fathTulty : fulfilling republicatl pledges made to the people. It was a record of legislative fidelity without pre.I I cedent in Nebraska. i The platform pledgcs of political parIties ties mean something only when read in I the light of the record of achicvement. It is our rare privilege to call attentiou anew to the platform promulgated by Nebraska republicans a year ago , whose every promise has bet'tI carried out in scrupulous good faith. The republicans promised the people of this state the following reforms : 1. A state.wid direct primary. 2. Abolition of the free pass evil. 3. Comprehensive powers for the state railway commission. : 4. More equitable rates for transporta. tiou of pasengcrs and freight. S. Hqual taxation of railroad property for city purposes. 6. Abolition of fellow-servant law and full ( 'mployers' liability. 7. A pu're food and dairy law. S. Rigid economy in appropriations. l veryone of these pledges has been fulfilled. We express our satisfaction with the operation of the new primary law. It gives to the illdividual the same equal voice in the selection of all cnnditlates that is given in the election that follows. Its first experiment was to obtain a frcer and fuller expression of sentiment than has hcretofore been possible to obtain under - der the caucus system. We pledge such amendmouts to the law as experience demonstrates are neccessary to make it a lUore perfect system of choosing candi. flates. We endorse the work of the state rail. way commission find expect it to continue to be a servicable instrument in cnforc. ing the laws without fear or favor and to denl speedily , impartially and justly with all complaints against the roads. And we especially endorse the present efforts of the commission to effect a reasonable mditional reduction in grain rates. We call upon the railway commission to in- vcstigate if only thosc giving thc rail. ways "the major portion of their timc , " and on the list of passholders , and we insist - sist upon a rigid enforcement of the anti- pses law. We belteve the federal judiciary act should be amenlled to definc the citizenship - ship of interstate corporations for the purpose of jurisdiction of federal courts by providing that for the purposcs of original jurisdiction and jurisdiction on : removal from state courts or federal ! courts a corporation shall be deem < .d a citizen of every state , where it has filed or is required by the law of that state to I file in the manner required of domestic corporations , its articles of incorporation. : And in addition thereto that every foreign - - - I corpomtion , or its successors , nss gns , or I ' I lessees. exercising or clniming the ri ht I to exercise the right of cminent domain , I : under II statc Inw , shall be elcemcd II citizen of that state for the purpose of ' jnrisdiction of federal courts. Wc favor tlte cnllct1llent of a federal I law allll if ncccessl\ry alllcmlment \ to I the federal conlititution , which wili for- hid the felcrnl courts from Issuiug writs of injunction against state onicers charged - ed by law with the enforccment of state I statutes. Wc regard with high favor the nondI I nees on our statc tickct ami invitc all I voters who helieve in onicial prohity and efficicncy to join in electing thc1II. I Carrie Nation Sent to W orkltouse. Playing the role of injured in- no < ; ence , Mrs. Carrie Nation this week bega.n a sentence of seventy- five days in the workhouse at Washington , D. C. She was convicted - victed of disorderlr conduct and declined to pay the fine assessed I against her. Mrs. Nation's clash with the law came about when she invaded the postoffice and insisted - I sisted upon delivering a forceful I lecture on the evils of cigaret te smoking. She declined to desist when ordcrld to do so by a police- man. In court the police judg offered the saloon smasher the alternativc of furnishing bouds I to lcep the peace or payina / ( fine or $25. .Although she had plenty of monc ) " , Mrs. Nation de- diued to do either. The Kansas r woman has been a source of conr r , stantnnoyance ! to the police of t that . City. . t A Saving for Applicants. The commissioner of the gen- f eralland office has issued an 01'- der which require5 the reg-isters and receivers of all the United ! States land oflices to prepare all k applications to maIm cntries and ! filings on public lands when they : arc requested to do so by the ap- plicants. This order will insure ! greater accuracy in papen of this 1- kind , and be a saving to the applicants - ! plicants who have heretofore been I required to have their applications - ! tions prepared at their own ex- j pcn C' . ! ! Anselmo Badly Sing\d. ! . A destructIve fire broke out at .Anselmo early Friday morning last , causing a 10s5 of $6000. ' .rhe fire destroyed a number of the best bMsilless houses on the south side of Main stre t. 'l'he fire ' originated in Bert Empfield's store b ilding occupied by 'l'ay- lor's b tcher shop. It was impossible - possible to save adjoining property - perty on account of poor fire pro- tection. 'l'he prorJcrty was only partly insured. Responses Wanted. Would like to have responses from ten parties having good brood mares , for the object of organizing a stock company to purchase a good 2000 pound Per- cheron stallion. C. H. HARBAUGH , tf Broken Bow , Neb. When . you BUY DRUGS be sure and get the bc ! : > t. You can't afford to take chances wtth tlC sick 01 in- jured. Yeu must have the kind of relief that only purc drugs , ski1lfullj' compounded - ed , will give. We are in business to meet that want. We don't sell cheap drugs. It.don't paj' . Any man in our store who compounds a presr.ription knows how or he wouldn't be behind the'case. . He haste to be a registered pharma- cist. We invite you tu give us a trial. SI ftl LEE , ! "The Busy Dtuggist" - - , I Have you visited our Soda I : I Fountain today ? I fllW ) SEE HERE It.EAD THIS PRICE LIST Heinz pure cider vlncgnr , pcr gal. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Cotc Dr09. white winc vinegar , per Hili. . . . . . . 04 Canncl pcas , "Idal , " 2 cans for . . . . . . . . . . 25 Golllcu Wax heans , J. 1\1. , :2 : cans for. . . . . . . . 25 CaunJd pUlllpkin , : J caus for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Hakiug p wdcr , Rnbhitltoot , loc 15C [ 11\(1. \ . . . 25 nclnz peppcr SRUCC , per bottlc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Itlower pots , 2 in. to 14 in. , from sc to. . . . . .1.25 ncin7. apple butter , from 25C to. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Ilein1. currant jelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . 2S l\hlshroolnl , per cau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S Woolson Spice Co's Coffees . Apex blend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Corker t , bulk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Hdgclllore hraud , 2. pouud can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ,0 Vieuna,1\1. &G. , 3 l ound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'cabcrry ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S African ja'.a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 BUIll . , Cnlte. , Pie. , Cooldc. , Doughnuts , JeU RoU. . . , Eagle Grocery Co. Phone 58 . . . . ) " " ' : - = = - - - - = - = M WJ : = S : : : - = = ; : : = . . - . m mm * m m mmm m m m3 I Little Drug Needs I _ . . . _ , . - . . - = = = : = - - - : : ; - - - : : = - - = - = = : ' " : : : : : : - : : : = - = - : : - - = - = - - - - - - - - : : tle- : : ' ( jl st as im rtan as tleg ater ij n eds aud we l'ecogni e the faet that when-you make small purchases at our store , they are just flS important to you then as larger purchases are at tl ot.her times. 'N e would like to sup- your s\n ll ne ds. " _ _ _ _ _ " 7"C = = - - i EDa McCOMAS - I Lyl . r:1i : 1i ! m m mm m zzm w. m mmm zm&rlm ! : 1ibl : m m . . - . - - . . . . , . - - Sheppard & Bllrk Shepherd & Burk wants to call your ri'ttention to their elegnnt.line of bottle goods , such use o Ii ves Sweet mix pickles Capel' Sauee Lea & Pen'ins Sauce . Chili Sauce Peppel' Sauce \ Oyster Oocktail Olives in bulk . Oatsup Sweet , sour pickles Chow Ohow Ohow chow in bulk lustard 'Dill pickles . Rweet Pickles in bulle We also have plenty of Ripe .1Url Grcen Tomatoes and all kinds vegetables Phone 125. South Side Square . . . _ _ _ , w . _ - I I , /,1 I,1 ' " " " ' ' : ! , . . . " " They Compel Admiration Sttldebaker . Wagon nnd we uarantcc that there isn't GEO. WILLING. BROKEN now , NEB. .