. : , . \ , . Ii i I f : - : : ' ' : : ' : - ' I tu tor Qunty nepubUaan. ON nOJ.IA % < Nfl { . . . . ( AH. I _ . . - - - - - . AUVEIt'J'lHUW RAT S. Where lIIaller 11fCt or woot baMoel'ctrolyvell a atllrlco of U ! , CtlItM ! per IIICh.lllllltlecoltlltlll , I lor each III ertl" " , two or IIIUI'O hillertlllllll. 81'cclall1081110ll , "hlllle 11I8ertlllll , 15 cellt4 ! t'CI' , Inch. Mclal bal\o \ , 'lectrIlM , tWnor 11I01'0 timeR. I 10 celllR ( lor Inch. l'aYIIIIJlltll to lie lIIade IHt of cach 1II0nth. I J.ucalI'ertlllllllt S celllA per IIl1e each IIIHcr. tloll. I Cal'llll 011 11111l'alO \ ( , ( ) celllH tlcr Inch Ilcr i nlClnth. Nntlco of church falrR. soda illeR allIl elltllr. tl11111110lltll whrre money Is charI/cd. ollc-laU : rales. I Dualh oullces frcu , halt I ; I ( , ,1' 1111 1111 IIh 1 IIII' ollllllar.v lIollcC9. Canlllf 'rltnlll.R. 50 CI . I.cltallluticeH at ra' Ilrovlllell 11) ' ! 4tatllles uf , Ncbra JHI. I 1I/lclot : ) ' IIntIC\lhll.301Iltlons. ono-ha.\ , eM I " 'ed.llnllllollcell Ittc. half price for , : II 0 I IlreSl1l1tll. . ! I ute cd : rt'lrk : ; ; Jn ; ell ' ; ; . : 'J118s1011 III the tJllltml Rtates 1II1111H at second class rates. . D. M . Ar.rSIJJtHRY , - PUlIJ.ISIIUR ; CUAS. K , BASSH'1"r , - EDITOR - - - 'fhursday , Sept. 19 , 1907 , Throu h an order of the Int'r- state Com\J1erce \ commission this week , the rates on wheat from Nebraska to the Pacific coast tcrminals was cut sharply. 'fhe rate has been 75c a hundred ; the commission rules that everything ouer 65c is excessive. The decision - cision was handed down in tbe case of the A. J. Poor Grai Co. ng-ainst the Chicago. Burlington . & Quincy railway and others. - . . - . , - Local provision dealers have been advised that bulk oysters are a thing of the past in this section. 'fhe bivalve trust has designed that the public must buy them in cans r g-o without them , and the price lists indicate that the prices have been boosted 50 that instead of two oysters in the stew bowl there wi1l only be one-and the shadow of that one. The repablicans will have no occasion this year to vote for any of the candidates on other tickets in order to get better men. The republican candldah s are all well qualified to fin their re pective positions for which they have becn nominated , and Hcrsonal1y , are men of good character and , worthy of support. I _ . Som body-whosc mind runs strongly to classification-ought to get ( ut a descriptive catalogue ! of the different , species of tariff I 1 revisionists , such as premature , , I early spring , late fall , after elec- i' tion and twenty-gryt century. ) , If the sman boy or young manse so far forgets himself as to bold his Mary Ann's hand while riding = on the merry-go-round , just sorter shut your eyes and never notice. Remember that you were young once-yourself. ! . . I The voters who persist in voting - ing for the best men regardless of their political affiliations wi1l find these men on the republican , I ticket this year for both state and county offices. 'I The queerest tbing abont base- I ball is the wa ) ' some dub team can arise at the crucial moment in an exci ting race and lick the tar out of a team with permanent possibilities. I lcn Are Quecr Ducks. According to the Mullen 'fri ! bune "men are queer ducks , there is no question about it. I'-or ' example , wouldn't there be a roar , when they went home to tbeir meals , if they had to climb upon . a higb stool in front of a table on which there was no cloth , and eat their meals in this fashion. Yet the majority of melt , when they go to a resturant to cat , wi1l pick out the highest stool , and the feed board with no cloth on it in preference to a comfortable chair and a cloth-covered table. "A man wi11 borrow a chew of tobacco and most of them will set their teeth into the plug right over where some other men have gnawed ' ) ff a chew. But offer him a picce : of pie , at home , from which his wife or one of the children have taken a bite. and he would holler his head off. "At home he wil1 not drink out of a cup from which some one of the family has been drink- ing. Just call him into the back stall of a livery stable , pull out a bottle and stick the bottle half way down his throat to get a good swig after a half dozen fellows have had the neck of the same bottle in their mouths , and he will call you a fine fellow. Yes , man is a queer duck. " FOR RnNT-320acre farm 10 1tles southwest of Broken Bow , all table land , 250 acre ! ? broken , good improvements. Call at . Chas. Schalz , Brokea Bow. . . . . . . . ' - .u. . . . . . . _ . _ _ . . . . . . , " " . . . , . . . . . . . . . . _ - ' - - - - 1- r. . ; : : I , My Hair . . Ran Away I , . _ IaJ'h _ _ Ie. . _ _ " " " ' _ _ .INftOI Don't have a faliing out with your hair. It might leave you I Then what ? That would mcan I thin , scraggly , uneven , rough I hair. Keep your hair at home I Pasten it tightly to your scalp I You can casily do it with A yer's Hair Vigor. It is somcthin I morc than a simple hair dress- ing. It is n ha l" medicine , n hair tonic , a hair food. The boat Jelnd of n tostlmonln.1- "Bold for ever sixty . . yoars. " by J. 0 , Ayrr 00. , Lowoll. 14. . . . Alao ml\l1Uao1ur0r8 at AMado SAIISAPARllL.4. 1P rll.lS. lJe / ! CIII : ! RV I'ICTORAl. ! . . . . . . . ' " : - - - , . _ ' 1't"- " .nz..1'---J : : ! IC _ _ - _ _ _ LARGE CROWD IDEAL WEATHER SPORTS 0 F ALL SORTS THE ORDER - DER OF THE DAY - I Cattle and Hog Exhibit the Best in the History of the Exhibition-Horses and Poultry Exhibit a Little bclow Average of former Years. - When "Old Sol" peeped his head above the eastern horizon Tuesday morning it fairly beem- cd upon the fair city of Broken Bow. Early were its inhabitants around making ready for the entertainment - tertainment of visitors from far and near. Long before daylight wagons , buggies , bicycles , automobiles nd carriages could be seen wending - ing thir way towards Broken Bow to attend the fair. From the first crack of the cannon on 'fuesday morning until - til the last tired head rested on its pillow Friday night joy was unconfined , and when the moon spread silvery rays across the plains it rested upon thirty- five hundred tired but happy people. Many innocent spurts were in- dulge.d in by the masses during the evenings. There was baby racks , nigger dodgers , merry-go- rounds for the children , while the grown-up people took in theatres after which they adjourned to U1e armory or bowery where the brawny arms of the noble sons of Nebraska encircled the willoway waists of the fair daughters of this gre t country and there they tripped the light fantastic toe until - til the 'we sma' hours of the reign of Morpheus. ' ! 'he crowd at the Opera house on the North Side last night was the largest ever seen at a play in ; this city. The attraction was "A Texas Hanger. " Over one hundred people were refused admission - mission as standing and sitting room was unavailable. There was also good crowds at the Temple - ple theatre each night. Some gambling and skin game' ) were conducted the fir:11 day at the fair grounds , but was soon stopped when the fine Italian hand of Mayor George was made visible therein. No serious accidents were re- portell during the week and nothing - ing occurred to war the pleasure of visitors Croolcs , of all kinds , which have been infesting other fairs throughout the state gave Broken Bow a wide berth and it is well they did , for the police force were prepared for them. 'l'here was a fine exhibit of cattle and hogs this year. Judge Reese had a tine selection of his Durocs on exhibit. John Woods exhibited some Poland-Chinas. J. E. Sargent had a fine exhibit - hibit of Poland-China hogs. Charley Wright exhibited some very fine Chester White hogs. M. E. Vanderburg of Sargent , exhibited some very fine short horn cattle. . Quintance Dady had a fine two year old red Polled bull on exhibition. It weighed LSOO pounds and last year took first prize in sweepstakes at the state fair. fair.Dr. Dr. Brenizer had on exhibit a very fine bunch of short horus. Some of them took first premium at the state faIr. B. J. Tierney was on hand as usual with a large exhibit of short horn and Herdord cattle and Poland.China hogs. The fruit exUibit this year was not 50 large as former years , but " { , . . , # . . ; c\"r . . : . . . " , , .fI"II\o \ \ ' .I1t.AA " 1 , . . . ' " J" " : , . . . . . _ . . 13 " . . . . . . , . - 'II . . . . . -II . . . . . . . . , r-- : I what was shown deserve special mcntion , cspecial1y the peaches and 'rapes which were of a very fine 'quality. 'l'he di play of vegetables and garden stuffs was wel1 representcd. ' { 'he flower parade was one of the very prettiest attractions at the fair in which everybody was dclight d. Some of the indtvi- dual rigs were decorated 1110St heautiful , even more elaborate than any secn in larger cities. Both the IJ ighlanders and M. B. A. lodges were represented. On the latter float were both the degree - gree and driHteams , dressed in the respective costumes. The drill team gave a public drill in front of the ampitheatre and it was highly complimented. Another of the many attrac. tions at the fair grounds was the balloon ascensions Wednesday and Friday which proved to be the most successful ever seen in this ccuntry. Frank Ward's horses made an excellent slJowing this year. In the y. ; mile grcen trot 'Totwood" won first. His horse "Billy" got first in the green runnin'g race on Wednesday and "Sweethome" first in the y. ; mile and repeat. On Thursday , "Sweetome" won first in the mile dash and I on Friday she won first in the mile and repeat. Ed. McComas' horse won the three-year-old trot or pace on Thursday. "Maud Allen" , a horse from Ravenna , won the free.for-all trot or pace Friday. As we' go to press we are unable - able to give a full account of the different prizes awarded. , Police Have Thcir Troubles. An event of some interest in certain circles was the arrival at the fair grounds on Friday afternoon - noon of a certain individual of whose name we have not learned and who appears to have made matters lively for the ground police - lice for quite a while The man in question attempted to go over the quarter stretch when he was accosted by Marshal Armstrong , who tried to force him back. He was unable to handle the stranger and called upon three more. The sights were raised and one , two , three foHowed by four were invited - vited to step forth at an identical I instant. Then the , fracas com- ! wencec1 and in a few minutes the officers were crawling _ around on their hands and kn es. The crowd finaHy overpowered the giant and' loaded him into an open hack and started for town. When on top of the hill between her'e and the grounds the stranger hit Armstrong , knocking him back over out of the rig and then he started across the alfalfa field , a posse in pursuit , headed by Sheriff Richardson. He was found hiding - ing in a barrel of rain water on l\Iri Waters' place. He was placed - ed under arre3t. bound and tied between two horses and escorted to the city bastile and placed in repose within its storied walls. It is said the stranger pulled a gun on Marshal Armstrong , but this report lacks verification. Big Seller. "Sl\o is very wealthy ? " "Very. " "Money loft to her ? " "No ; she is the author at a book entitled 'Hints to Beautiful Women. ' ' ' "I presume all the beautiful women in the country IJUrchased It ? " "No ; but the homely women dld.- Boullton Post. Gold P.roductlon. The production ot gold In the United - ed States during 1906 is estimated by the director at the mint at $96,101,000 , which Is an increase ot $8,000,000 over that at 1905. The production at silver is estimated at 56,183,000 ounces , an increase at .82,000 ounces ovel' that ot the previous year. . A Useful Explanation. "The climate is very cold in St. Pet. erslmrg , is it not ? " "Yes , " answered the traveler , "and tortunately so. The circumstance en abIes an official to argue that he is shivering because he is chilly instead at because he is nervous.-'Vashing , ton Star. Didn't Always Refuse. "l'vo tried to discourage Mr , Norvio tram calling on you , " SnaplJed the stern parent , "but the young scamp retuses to be sat upon. " "Why , father , you do him an inJus. tlce , " indIgnantly relJlled the denr girl.-Kansas alty Times. . Heard at the Circuli. The "pertessor" was assuring his auditors that the stranHo animal they now beheld was the on1) ' one at its kind in captivity. A mUd.mannered man edged his way to the trent and waited for a Imuse in the oratory. "Is this nn hmphibious animal ? " he asked , timidly , when hln chance came , I "AmphIbious ? " retorted the "porteI- Bor. " "AmphibIous nothIng. Why ho'd bite you in a mluute.-Kanlu Clt. ) Thuea. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ > . _ . _ _ . . . - " . . . _ _ _ t. . " " ' " . . . . _ . . . , " . If . , . , Alas , Poor Rubel ! . Bowmansvlllo's literary socIety do- I clded ngalnat the farmer in a discussIon - sIon whether the agriculturIst was IL I greutor benefnctor to lmmnnity than the manufacturor. - PhUatlelphill I } Jrells. , Prayer That Avalleth. ! I alwa'fI 111(0 to hegln a journey on Sundays , because I shall have the pra'OI'S of the church to Ilreservc all that travel by land or by water.- Jonnthau Swift , III "Pollto Convorsa. tlon. " where the.v came to Brokcn Bow , B. & M. Train Schedule WI ST IIOUNO No. 39 local plSRcnll'cr. : ex. SUI\Ja ' . aI' , 6:20 : pm 41 coastllassenller. dall ) ' . leavo. . . . 7:53 : ani 4:1 : coa t passcnlter , dallr leave. . . . 12:20 : a III 47 local frelll'hi. arrive 2:10 : Pili Iv 310 ; Pili I AST BOtJ-D. No. 40 local lIasMenlter , leave. . . . . . . . . . . .11:20 am 42 coast IlaRR'lIl1'er. leave. . . . . . . . . .54 ; ! ! v III 44 coast paMSellll'er. lea'.o. . . . . . . . . . .5 : 14 inI 411 local frelltht arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:1011111 3' ) and 40 do 1I0t run wellt of BroKen Uow . . , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - Schcdule of Broken Bo , ? Maila. Schedllie of arrival and departure of malls Irom Broken Bow post office Pouches for cast close as follows : Train No. 40. 8 a 111 ; No. H , 5:1) : p nl ; N ) . 44.7:30 p. m. Pouches for west close as follows : Train No. 43 , 7:30 P. III. ; No. 41.7:30 : a. m. Office hours. 7 a. m , to 7:30 p. III. Office oven 1Iundays : from 9:30 : to 10:30 : a. m. L. U. JEWETT. 1' . M. She's Cured Thousands I Given up to Die. DrOALDWELL of CH ICAGO _ Practicing Aleopathy , Homeopathy , Electric and General Medicine. D , . request will visit professlanalh. Grand Central Hotel , BrokenBow , Sept. 26 returnlnll every fonr weeks. Consult her when the opportnnlty Is at hand. DR. CALDWELL limits her practice to the specla1 treatment of dIseases of the Eye. Ear. Nose. Throat. Lunlls. Female Diseases , ' Diseases of Chlldrell alld all Chronic. Nen'ous and Surilical Diseases ot a curable nature. Early consumption , Bronchitis , Urollchlal Catarrah , Chronic Catarrah , IIead.Ache. Con. stlpatlon , Stomaclte and Howel Troubles. Rheumatism. Neuralilla. Sclotlca. Drlll'ltts's DI ease. Kidney Diseases , Diseases of tlte LIver alld Bladder. Dizziness. Nervousness. Indl cRtlolI. Obeslt ) ' , Illterullted Nutrition. Slow Growth III Chlldrell. and all wastlnll Dlseas..s III adults , Deformities. Club. feet , Cun'allture of the Spino. I > lseases of the Drain. Paralysis. pllells ' . Heart Disease. Dropsy. Swellllll ! ' of the Limbs. Stricture , Open Sores. Pain In the Hones. Granular Enlarllements and all lonll.stalullnlr diseases Ilroperty treated. m.OOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Pimples , IIl0tches. rnvtlons , Liver Spots Pallllll : ' of tlte Hair. Bad Complexion. czel1la. 'I'hroat Ulcers. Hone Pal liS. IIladder Troubles , Weak Uack. Burnlnl : ' Urine. Pasblnll' Urlno too ohen. 'l'ho efTectll of constitutional sick. ness or tbe takhlll' of too lIIuch Illjurious medl. cIne receives searchlllir treatmellt , prompt rellel au,1 a cure for life. Dlseasell of WOllled , Irrelrular l\Ienstrallon. l-'alllnll' of tlte Womb , BearIng Down Pains. I'elllale Displacements Lack of Sexua1 ' .rone. Leucorrhea. Sterility or Harrelllles . consult Dr. Caldwell and sbe will show them the cause of theIr trouble and tlte woy to become cured. CANCERS , GOI'l'JJR : , FIS'I'ULPILES , alld enlarlled Illauds treated with the sub , cutalleous Injection method. allsolutPly wltb- out Ilaln and without the loss of a drop of hlood , Is ono 01 her own discoveries and Is really tlte most scientIfic and certaluly sllre cure method of thlll anlallced ( aile. Dr. Cad- well haspractlccl her Ilrofessioll In some of , . the larllellt hospltales lhrOlllrhout the couutry. She has 1111 superior In treatlull and dlall'uos. nil' of dlseascs , deformities. etc. Sbe hall latel ' opcued an ollico III Omaha. Nehrallka. where lihe wIll spend a portion of eacb week treatlnlr her many patients. NO Illcurablo cases accepted for treatment. Consultation. examination and advice. olle dollar to those Interested. Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. , Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III. Address all mall to 10 lice Bulldlnll. Olllaha Nebraska , Looking for Flaws a..nd Finding None because we're experts in selectin A I" well.seasoue ! } Lumher in the first place , and our customers get the benefit of this expertness in the secon ! } place. Result -a satisfied processio\1 \ of builders and carpenters every day of the week. Watch out where the level.beaded , economical figures on profits bu's , tben follow bim right along. And ) 'ou'll find be buys his Lumber here. H. T. BRUCE & CO. South side. . . _ . _ . _ . . . ' : : - - < . . . _ . . . \ . . . " I . . - - - Took. Mak-- I Took.Six Years to SIx years , 40 yards or duchess silk lace. 400 ) 'ards at silk thrend , anti uu infinIte nmount of patIence Were con. sumed h ) ' MlslI AmeUa M. Hedel , at Marshnlltown , Ia. , in mnking n blnck Inco dreBs. MIss Hedel conceived the Idea of a hnnd.mado lace dress six yearfl ago , ani } hnmedintely set to . work to carry out that idea. She hM I just finished her tnsk. The waIst and , skirt each are in one piece. The de. sIgn wns worked out OYer n founda. tion of camhric. From Society News of the Future. "At mIdnIght. amid the customary shower of rice ! lnd old shoes , the brIde and groom lett b ) ' speclnl ex. press elevator for the roof , where they went immedIately aboard the Mars. American Uner Windjnmmer , whIch tlew nt nIne o'clock th s morning. On theil' return from nn extended lour at the planets , the young couple wlll reside on the torty.second 11001'- Puck. - - - - ' . . . 4 . . . . . . . _ , , . . , . r' . - , - . . _ _ _ : . . An Important DIstinction. "Do you think America is dovelop. \ ing an arilltocracy ? " "I strongly suspect it , " answered . ' Miss CIl'enne. "A grent deal at det. erence is being sh wn toward pe ple who got their mane ) ' in trade instend of getting it by graft.-Washington Stnr , Kfopl : ! Posted. PremIer Cam bell.llannorman , of Englaml , is tIte 9)ucl opposite at his predecessor. lla fo\tr , In one thing. The latter ! .mld Ulat while he was in ofllce he never read the newspapers. The present prin e miliister not only reads them. but wrltos for them. Women In Foreign Mills. Four-fifths of the operatives In Jap. anese mllls are WOlllen , probably duo to the fact thnt they wlll work tor less than the men , Men are only em. played when ahsolutely necessar ) ' , such as for bosses , loom fixers , tbe I heaviest cnrel room work , etc. . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . rP . . . @ t \ t The Fair I ! ' With a large display of farm products and ! live stock will be open Septembea 17th , 18th , 19th and' 20th. , . t Th e Ad YO with a large display of pure groceries and t provisions is open at all times , every week .day in the year , and it will be to your interest to attend every day you need anything in the ! W t. line of groceries. . < , J . . . . . . , . , . . . 'J ' . . . . . . ' { ! h. CY.h. d.IJo. JhJr. \ : ' ( 'Jh \ d. .Yh d. Jh & .ah ( f.h. & .fJ.m.'J . . ; : ; : C : ; > : : ; > 5 ( ; : ; : : ; > . . , " . 1111 . . " fi\ , " . A ; IW " FINE ' - \ ) . " / . " " ' ' , P' # f. . t l' c FURNIc ; ' j rI'URE . .P of excellent make and superior finish is our particular ! W specialty. Whether you want an odd article or a house , ' ( 1 full of Furniture , we are at all times ready to meet the derw I mand. Every article we sell is guaranteed to be made of I the finest , thoroughly seasoned wood , designed on the rw most artistic plan , and finished in a satisfactory and per- ' ' 82j manent style. otwithstanding the superior quality oft I our goods , our prices are at all times reasonable. " t t 'A ; O. C. K 0 N K E l. fj . : - tr t h 1..1 tt , , j' I. \ , . , ' ' ' 'r 1 1J J . j , J r ' If f I ( ' + f . . , . , I . 1 I J