Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 19, 1907, Image 2

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City and s Milk Supply ,
I It Is romnrknblo thut , with 1111 the
, excltml10nt concernlng : IlIlro food ll\wlJ ,
, whIch haa stirred our wide eXllllnBO or
tcrrllory during the Il1st yeur , BO lIlllo
i attontlon should huvo been given to
the fooll or the child. We henr o.
Inws to lrovldo ) IJIBI\ectlon for mont ,
, Inwa to control the culo or druJ ; : , laws
to rcgulnto the movement I1nd InBpec.
tlon or vegoluble productlJ , but not
ono of nil these Importnnt movement
hnB to do with a Buhstunco BO likely
to cnUBO wldesprend dentIl , or to net
a8 n carrlor of dIsease , as the ono wo
uro dlacunBlng here. Most or the foods
are cooked , Milk IB served ruW. Most
or the foods uro limited In the scope
or theIr dlBtrlbutlon. Milk enters
every houBohohl. MOBt ot the toodB
give comparatively lIttio lodgment or
" nutrition to evil hnctCl'ln. Milk offers
both. Can there be uny greater mu.
nlclpnl necessIty thnn proper mille
laws prollerly enforced ? aBIes 1I01l1s
Godfrey In the Atluntlc Monthly.
Strnnge to aay , the IIttlo street ot the
Aores , or the mountain village ot
Northern Hnl ) ' , feeds Its children bet.
tor tJmn wo feed our own. Smelling
to heaven tlJOugh these lIttle towns
mBY he , wHh guttel'B runnIng with
Bowage , wHh wnlls nnd barns ta1l1ng
: n dirty plcturonque decay , their com.
man milk supply III Buporlor to that
turnlshod even to the helter claBs ot
onr American cltl s.
Our patlont nnd palnstnklng hcalth
dOIlortment sajS that moro men are
dying In Chlcngo than women bocaUBe
men are so bUBY leading the Btrenu.
OUB lIfo whlle the women , proBumably ,
are JolUng at home In the hammocle
under UIO shndo ot the old apple tree
with tbe lateBt novel , Bays tbo ChI.
cage Dally Nows. Thnt mny be how
It Is. 'I'ho henlth dopnrtment ought
to know. Dut might not the fnct thnt
man puts In so much ot hlB tlmo
smoltlng clgnrs nnd drinking wblBky
bavo something to do with It ? Ot
oureo It Is comforting to mnn to
tell him that ho IB killing hlmsolf
. with ' \York , but It he will hlro a chenll
dotectiTe to shndow hlB wlto or hlB
slBter ho will dlBcover thnt she PUtB
In ns many hours nt toll n..q he does
nnd tbat Bho Ul\Ially ! : wurlts a row
moro hours nrter ho comes homo
whllo ho IB sItting on the rront Btep ! !
smoking and sottllng the nfralrs of the
nation with 'some overworked neigh-
bor. Mnt 1mny bo , IdJllnEf himself by
overwork , but It would bo hard to
make the nelghborB hollevo It.
European armies hlazo with decorations -
tions and orderB of merit. It Is con.
tra'y to the slllrit of this country to
glvo officlnl snnctlon to arbitrary
ranks and dIstinctions alll1rt trom the
regular grades of BOl'vlco and specl , , '
recognitions of merit given by con.
gress. Dut there Is at least one order
ot Amorlcan officorB which congress
haB recognized to the extent of per.
mlttlng the momhers to wear th
budge with their unIform on lrOller
occaBlonB. This Is the Order ot the
Dragon , which wnB ostahllBhed by
commissioned olllcers o [ the army at
Peking In 1OO. ! ! 'fho mom hers uro
commlBsloned officers of the Am01'1.
can army I1ml navy who sQrved In
China during the oxor troubleB , and
there nro honorary mom hers from
other nrmles and navlos which tooir
pnrt In the campaIgn of the I1lUeB. , . ,
society IB In sumo ways Blmlh o the
Order or the CincInnati founded by
Prench nnd American omcers at the
cloBo of the American revolution , the
object ot which was to perpetuate
frlendshlpB formed during the war ,
, Queen Alexandra hits sot a now
fnshlon , that of th\ ! Hummer muft , 1\
dainty trlilo made or flowers , . [ enthCl't !
and chlfton nnd tulle , whIch must
match the wearer's tuquo and ruffie ,
It JrJ swd tlmt the summer murr , be ,
sIdes bolng artlBtlc , will ho a boon tc
the wearers ot pockelles6 guwnll , as il
IB fitted with a Ilocleet largo enougl
to hold n handkerchleC and pnrBe-
and a powder purr , of course ,
Amalie Materna , who , Blnco hOl' ro
tlremont from the stage In 18.I ! ) , hal
heen dovotlng her tlmo to giving In
Btructlon In slngln ' , colehrated he
Hlxtloth hlrthday In Vienna on July 10
In congratulating her , the FroIo Pressl
quotes letters writ ton to her y Wagner
nor In 1876 and 1882 , In which hi
praises rapturousl ) ' her pcrformance :
of Hrunnhlldo , Kundr ) ' and ElIzahetll
and sllealeB or her liB the "most loya
ot al the loynl oneB. "
Germany III golns In for fleet 0
air warBhlpB or war nlrshhl9 us 111UJ
ho proferred. Englal1l1 hall Buch I
load on a navy that It IB hanlly llOssl
ble for another power to catch up III
a sen power , but b ) ' gottlng a geol
start Germany may becomc mlstres :
ot the air.
, "What Is a liar ? " nBkll the lIouslol
POt , Anybody who dlsllgrecs will
- Oh , why doesn't the Post mal
look It up In the dlctlonar ) ' , It h
wants to knr.w ?
" ; ' ; : igrIJU , . 1tt11WJ ' . . ! - J u r.lli 1I1I'/iWi . /
I Memorial Arch. Hartford. Conn. I
Erected In H.nor of the Soldiers of the Revolution , .
- . - -tc : = : : : : : : : : 00 - ' - O : ; , ; ; o
Scarcity of Men Seriously Interrupts
the Formation of New Mounted
Battery Being Organized at
Fort Sheridan.
Chlcngo.Hecrultlng for the regu ,
1111' army has fallen to such n low
eht ) thnt the commandant and officers
at l orl Sheridan are despaIring of
I\CCCI1S \ In tholr errllrts to kcep the
rompanlcs there filled up to the ro ,
qulred Ilcace footing.
'I'he 8carclty of men has Interrupted
( j ( rloul1l ) ' the formation of the new
n1,1untoln hatter ' which Is helng or.
J"a1IIml at the post. and the 'l'hlrd
lmttnllon of the TwontY-Bcventh Infan-
try.tntloncd there , Is short lfiO 111en ,
DI'SI\llo the activity o [ the -
In otllccrs , the nr.w hattol' ) ' needs 12
more 11Il1l1 , and the outlook for getting' '
these enllatments Is so poor. that no
Keeps Lovero ( rom Their Sweet Sum.
mer Sauntering : ; .
# Pcnnshurg , Pu-'l'ales o [ kangaroo
thot Is saId to be roaming the wooded
hlllB In the vicinity o [ Pleasant Run , a
few miles west o [ hen ! , have occa-
slonod IntenBo excltemont. Several
llersons , nmong them I rwln St'or and
MnrUn Stengol , have seen the Btrango
nnlmal within the past weele , nnd while
It Is so lIeet thnt no one has been able
to ohtaln a good vluw of It , the descriptions -
tions subBtantiato the theory that It Is
a knngaroo. It Is descrIbed us 110Ing
of g1'l1Y color , with a hend shaped 111(0
thnt ot a Bheep and a hody o [ largo
llrol\Ortions. Upon the aplll'oach of a
humnn beIng It dartn away at tromen.
deus slIced.
Dogs have attllcltcd It , but were , al.
ways worsted. 'fhey were not bitten ,
hut apparenUr the unhnnl fiung thom
err with terrlnc force , In the manner
that a kan aroo defends ItBelf with
Its hInd legH and tall ,
PeOIlo lIvlnp ; in the nolghhorhGod
are urrahl to vnnture awa ) ' from homo
after nIghtfall , and there Is IIttlo ( lis.
position to IIngor at the \'lIIago store
01' tavern In the c\'cnlng , Young men
and women feel that the cnstomar ) '
qutdoor rllral nmUiements are no longer -
er Bafo , "It ain't thnt I'm afraid of
any wild heast thnt over roamed the
jungles of Montgomery cOllnty , " Hald
ono rOllng swnln , "hut I certaindo \
ohject to the dlsgraco of helng Imol'lwd
IIlIt b ) ' the hind legH or the tull of a
kangaroo , So I guess wo fellpws won't
do much sItting up with the glrlB for
Bomo time to come. "
Man Sentenced for Stealing Two.Dol.
lar Pig Now Free.
. Montgomerr , Ala-Wllllam Pear.
Bon , who escalled frllll1 the Alahamn
l' Ilcntcntiary ! 30 'ears ago , whllo Ben' ,
I , Ing sentence for stealing a IllS , l nd
I ) fled to TexaH , settling nt Palestl1lo ,
; . where he has becoll1o n mall of pr.oml ,
nonce and Inl1uence , hns heon pnr.
s donetl hr Gov. ComUl' .
I , The Ilolltion for hIs pardon WI\ !
I mnde b ) ' Guv. Campbell and Congl'e88
man Gregg of Texns , who tlU ) ' UIIII
Pearson Is a leading and wealthy clll
C zen ot Palestlno nnd that ho anti hit
, . wife und children stand high socIally
The petitIon BtateB Peurson has fre
. quenti ) ' refuBed political otllco hecausl
ho Imow ho could not legulIy hold It
S Gov. Conlel' had the cnso looked UI
1 and found PearBon hud heon convlctel
B In 1876 In Cln ) ' county , when hova
18 ) 'CUI'S old , of IIteallng a pig vahlol
at two dollars IIlltl sontoncOlI to'tw ,
II yearB In the penitentiary , Artor Bon
11 Ing two months PearBon olcfil1CII h. .
knockIng down a guard , nml nothln :
I ! was heard of him till the pot.Jtlo' '
came rrom the 'rexns ! ! overnor.
errorts are being made toward ob"
talnlng oqulpmont for the organlza.
The 'I'hlrd hattallon of the Twenty-
lJe\'enth Infantry suffeted when the
I.'lrst IInd Second hl1ltallonB ot the
regiment Vlero sent to Cuha last fall
IIl1dor the command of Col. Pitcher.
'rho companies of the 'I'hlrd were
hl'Okcn down that the companies of
the other two hattallons might he :
1I1led for the Cuban s rvlco. At that
time It waB thollght the regiment
WUl.ld be back after a few months ,
hut it remains In Cuha and seems
.1i1\Cly to for a considerable perIod.
As this condition o [ affairs hecame
allparent Maj , Chatfiold , commanding
officer at the fort , made efforts to ob.
tnln nddltlonnl men for the battalion.
Ills sereant ; major , however , has
IlOen ahlo to report only a Cow onllst.
As a IJtarter for the new mounted
haltery , 2fi men [ or each company
were sent [ rom ono o [ the other IOstS.
If th'I'u IInvl' heon any Incrcanes In
thin orlglnul numh.Jr , expiration ot on.
IIstmcnts hus kopt. the total down.
Not mllny of the men nro going
back to the companloR when tholr
thre'I.III'f1 have oxplred. Most or
thu 1I1'1vlltos are counting the day
and montha which elapse hotwccl1
no\\ ' and the hour when they again
will hecome the directors or their
own movoments.
OfIlcers at the peat ! ! ny the country
Is too prosporOUB to make recruiting
succcs8ful. Nearly everyone IB at
worle , nnd these who want employ.
ment have It , There also Is lItUo
glamour to the army servlco at pres.
ent. l nl1stment meuns olther the
monotonoUB routine of pOBt lICe or
lIorvlce In Cuhn or the Philippines ,
where cilluntic conditions are had and
Insects numorous.
" 'fhero are almost us mnny officer
helng grndunted from WeBt Point each
) 'enr aB there are now mon being on.
l1sted , "
'fho now harracks will ho completetl
ahout October 1. They were to have
been ready this summer , hut as there
IB lItUo pressing need for them at the
present time the falluro of the con.
tractor ! ! to complete the work on
schedule will caUBO uo hardBhlp.
AB Boon as the Blx , now structures
are ready the yarlous COml1 nles will
move Into thorn from the old barracks ,
which then will bo remodoled. 'rho
new Btructures are deslgnod to ac'
commodate lJeveral companies. Each
company will have Its own mess room ,
doing nway with the need of a gone
eral meBS hall.
Groom Objected to Other Men Dancing
WIth Her and Riot Ensued.
Irwin , Pa.-Mlchael Portezy sidestepped -
stepped a. Boclal custom among Russian
miners , east of town , nnd the result
was a free.or.all fight , numerous
broken headB , a riot call , and seven ar-
restB. Portezy married pretty Annie
llarzel. . Wedding fostlvltles slurted at
his hoarding houBe In the evonlng with
a dance.
The men present Bupposed the uBual
custom was to bo followed , that of
dancing with the bride on payment of
a silver coin. When the first man
came tip to lend out the woman the
groom objected. The former Insisted ,
hut Portezy contended that ho would
not allow his wle to dance wIth other
men all night , just hecause they had
money to pay her. .John Maszy then
attempted to haul the bride to the
floor. This was a signal [ or a hI ow at
1\Iaszy's head. A general fight started.
When officers arrived nearly all of the
guests here marlts of the fracas.
Portezy was badly used till and his
hrlde had a black eye , whllo her wedding -
ding finery was almost strlpPOtl fro111
her. Seven men were locked Ull on
charges of rioting.
- - -
I Chief Meocatse
H !
I One o ( the chiefs of the Osage tribe which is the richest tribe of Indians
, II In the world.
I . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
. - - - - - - - -
, - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Was Brave In Navy After RunnIng
Away from Army.
York , PI1-Notlco hns been I'ecelved
hr WillIam Clollilor of thIs c1l ) ' , a do ,
sertlJr from the UnIted Stntes army ,
' . that his claim for a lI'nslon of $12 pOl'
month liS a cl\11 war \'etol'nn has been
granted by the govornment. The case
IB l\rohahly without 1ll'ecelent ( In the
llonslon dOlll\rt111ent , allli tt took Clop.
1101' 18 years to hllVO hIs clall1ls recog.
nlzed ,
lIIs recorda Bhow that ho onllstoll
r. with the IIrst dcfenders In 1861 , at the
outhrel1k of the wnr , IInll sCI'\'ed In the
hlfantry until .Juno 23 , 1862 , when ho
desCl.ted because or his dlsl1ko COl' this
brllnch of the servlco. ,
: ' ,
After severnl months ho reenlisted
In the navy under AdmIral Dahlgren.
lIe I1lspla'od hravery In a uumher of
eugag n1l'nts , l1ud at the end or the
war was hunorably dIscharged.
Cor ans to Lose Topknots.
Tolito-Tho coronation of the no\\
Corean 01l111eror toole place horo. TIn
old amI now e111llerorB and the crowr :
Ilrlnco cut uff their topknots , 'fhre (
) 'oal'lJ ago the Japllneso endeavored 1 <
have nil the Coreans dlspenBo wltI
their toplmots , hut did not succeed
'rho function at the llI1laco may b. .
lalwn ns Corell's flual act of suhmls
slon to the JallUneso. Hereafter th
CorollnB , follow Inn the example of UII
cmperor , will cut their balr short , 11 :
do the Jallaneso.
, . .
. '
One Remedy Appearances Indicated
Nobleman Had Never Tried ,
The carlot Surrey , afterward eloy.
enth duke ot No.tolk , who wus a notorious -
torious gourmand and hard drlnkor
and a leading member ot the Deef.
steak club , was so tar from cleanly In
his perBon that his Bervants uBed to
avnll themBolves of hIs fits or drunken.
nens-whlch were pretty frClluent , by
the way-tor the purpose ot washIng -
Ing him. On these occasions they
stripped him as tbey would a corp so
and performed the needul ahlutlons.
Ho was , equally notorious tor his
horror of elean linen. One dllY , on
his complaining to Dudley North at
his club that ho had become n perfect -
fect martyr to rhoumatlsm and tried
every posBlblo remedy without suc.
cess , the latter wittily roplled :
"Pray , my lord , did you ever try
a clean shirt ? "
A Great Surgeon Barred from Mem.
berchlp In Medical Association ,
( U'rom the National Druggist tor June ,
1907. )
Dr. Augustus Charles Berna's , who
died n few da'B ngo In St. Louis , was ,
, prohahly , the foremost surgeon in the
United , States. His tame was coextensive -
extensive with the civilized world. lIe
was not only nn operator ot the high.
cst order , but a tireless and exhaus.
tive worleer in the field of original
BU11ery. Ho performed the flrst BUC-
cesBful Caesarian section In 188 ! ! In
St. Louis , and l Iso the first successful
coeUotomy for gunBhot wound ot the
abdomen and the firBt gallstone opera.
tlon In Missouri , A record held by
Dr. Bernays has never been equaled :
Out ot elghty.ono successive caBes
of appendicitis which necelsltatod !
operations , seventy.ono In succession
were with perfectly Batlsfactory reo
sults , the soventy.second patient fall.
Ing ot recovery , but the subsequent
nine cases were successtully treated.
And yet , with such a record , match.
less as was his skill , varied and ex.
tenslve as was Ilia lcarnlng , wonder.
ful as were his accompUShmentB , ho
was not considered , by the American
Medical Association , as worthy ot
membership in that organization.
No charges wero' , ever brought
ngalnst him which , In th9 remotest
degree , reflected on his qua1Jficatlons
ns a surgeon ; his moral character was
never the sUbject o [ attack ; he was
never accuBed of having done anything -
thing unbecoming a man or a gentle-
man. "The head and front ot his of.
fending bad this extent-no more ! "
Ho dared to think ! Ho refused to
mold his opinions nnd to govern his
actions by the arhitrary rules which
those whom ho knew to he his Iner.
lors had set up for his guidance ! In
other wordB , he could not regard the
Code ot Ethics of the American Medl ,
cal AssocIation as hclng Inspired , 01'
having any hlndlng , authority on him
where his judgment told him It was
wrong. And so , twenty years ago
or ulOre , on account of some trivial In'
traction ot this sacred "Co do , "
movement was Btarted to expel him
from the local association , which was
only defcated by his hastily sending
In his resignation. As membership In
the A. M. A. Is dependent upon memo
bershlp In the local and State socle'
ties , hlB na1110 was dropped by the
national organization.
And so , though he had saved thou ,
sands of Uves ; though other phYBI ,
cIans had profited by his art ; this
brilliant surgeon ; this great and able
man , has , during all these years , been
nn outcast-a medical "Bcab ; " not
recognized ns "ethical" or worthy 01
fellowship by that body ot phYlJlclans
banded together In the American Med'
Ical Association !
And this Is the association which
under Iretense ot working tor the
puhlic good , Is , In reality , only Beekln ! !
to control Congress and the State
LegIslatures In the Interest ot thelt
own selfish schemes ; which IB tryln !
to create a Cahlnet position and tc
place one o [ its memhers in that po
Bltlon ; which Is endeavoring by la\1
to exclude from the use o [ the malls
all manufacturers o [ medicInes wh (
do not comply with the ahsurd ro
qulrements that they cheese to Be
up ; which , In short , is trying to pu
upon the statute hooliS ot State anI
nation laws that will , In effect , estab
lish a Idnd ot medical priesthood , tl
which only their own momhors will hi
eligible with power and control eve
the health and lives of the people !
God help the druggists , the drul
manutacturors , physicians not mem
berB of their guild , and the peopl ,
generally , I [ thlB assocIation ever sue
ceedB In Its undortaklng. It It demIt
It will , nfter the fashion ot the laho
unions , dlctato a "closed shop , " nnl
Bay to doctors who prefer to bo Inde
pentlent , "You must joIn our unlo :
or , [ ailing to do so , compel them t
get out ot the business , It will Ba
what medlclncs shall bo talwn , an
how they shall he mnde , It will hedg
the people nhout with a lot of poll
re ulatlonB under pretenBo o [ protoc
Ing the pUblic health. Tn fine , n med
cal hureaucrncy will bo estahllBhed t
tyrannlzo over the peoplo.
Lot no man call thIs 11 false alaru
It there are these who are Incline
to do so , let them read the journal e
the A. M. A. Let thorn scan tlJ
proceedings of the assoclutlon , hel
nlwn's behind closed doors , and carl
tully edited , as they 111'0 , before tbe
are puhllBhed In Its omclal organ , !
they will do this they will Bee that w
are not tr 'lng to create n hUJaboo ; t
frighten tbelr timid soule.
- - - - - - -
This IB tI'uo philanthropy that burl
not Its ( : old In ostentatious charlt
but hullda its human hOBpltal In U
human heart.-'fborold.
- , ' , '
. - /
. .
, / .
. .
ALL HA casRUNA" " .
cas . 1'
.on STOMACH . - - = CATARRH. _ . _ A 4
Miss Mary O'nrien , 305 Myrtle
Ave. , Brooklyn , N. Y. , writes :
"PerlIn cured mon five wceles
of catarrh of the stomach , after )0 ( ( '
suffering for four yenrs 1\(1 doctoring - i
ing without effect. In common with
other gratuful olles who hnve becn
benefited by yonI' discovery , I & . ' 1.y.
All Im/J to Perullu.II
Mr. II. J. lIeuneman , Oaldand , Neb. ,
writes : "I waited before writing to you
o.bont my sicleness , catarrh of the stom. , which I bad over u. yenr ngo.
"Thero were people who told me it.
would not. stny cnred , but 1 I1nSl1re /
that I o.m cm"cd , for I do not feel anv
moro ill effects , ho.vo . It. goodl1ppctlw tI I
am g'ett1ng fllt. So I am , nnd will say
to nU , I am cured for good.
"I thank you for your Idndness.
"Pcrtlna w/JI be our house medicine
Catarrh of the stomach is nlso known
In common po.rlancu as dyspepsia , gall-
tl'itis nnd indlgestiou. No medlcino will ' , :
be of any permancnt bl'nellt except it '
rcmovc. the catarrhal condition.
Gained Strength nnd Flesh.
Miss Julia Butler , n. R , 4 , Appleton ,
Wis. , writes she had eutarrh of the
, stomach , causing loss of sleep and appa.
tite , with frequtnt severe pains after
eating. She toole Pernua , her appetite
returnml , she gained strength , flesb and
perfect health.
From the ten different
Winchester repeaters
you can surely select a
rifle adapted for hunting
your favorite game , be
it squirrels or grizzly
bears. No matter - . \ ,
which model you" select 1 -
you can count on itn " J .
being well made , accurate -
curate and reliable.
- . i
- . . . ,
ffiiEI- ' - e
Mica Axle Grease
Best lubricant for axles in the
and ad.
world-long wearing very
Makes a he:1VY loa drnw like a
lirht ; onc. Saves h:1f the wear on
wagon and team , and increases the
earning capacity of your outfit.
Ask your dealer for l'Jica Axle
( jrcaJe.
' . ,
Ie ;
: -
I ,
. _ , I
Along the
Kansas City Southern ' :
o Railway Company l '
t r are the farm , fruit , truck , rice nnd grazing ,
i lands that cost the least money and yield
the biggest Income per acre.
,0 Write for copy of "Current Events , " i
containing information about Southwest
11. Missouri , Western Arkansas , the Indian '
d TerrittiTY , Texas nnd Louisiana. I
) t Address I
10 I . E. ROESLER , S. G. WARNEll ,
d humlllraUon Adt. , Oen'll'ass. AliI. .
1'bnyrr IUdll. . 'fhnyrr Bldll. .
e. Kansas ell ) ' , 1\10. Jnn ns ell ) ' , 1\10. i
iY . l
If _ _ - .1
' 0
,0 01 Ihls paper de.
READERS slrln 10 buy any-
Ihln > : advertised In
Its columns should Insist upon ' "
J . whlll Ihey ask for , retusln all subsli-
y , lutlls or Imllal/ons. /
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