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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1907)
1AI1 : : )0010' ) ' ) ' ' L\\lIu \ 6\\9 11\ \ . . . . " , " USTER UOU'NT'Y EPUBLICAN . . . . VOL. XXVI. 'BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , SEPTEMBER 19,1907. , O. 15 . . . I Handsomer I is the Hand : r adorned b ) ' our jewelry. Rings ecquisit : in design and execution. f Dracelets of new and original pat- I terns. We have a larg Watch and Clock dcpartment in which arc many cxcellcnt time keepers and many tHat are beautiful parlor or f' naments as well. t A fine assortment of beautiful Gift Sitmware fo , you , inspeetiou . . " . . . & V _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' - , . . t . ' : 'ti ! : J'HJ -t ! 'iI- ' ! - ! ! i' f YOUR HEALTH iII i \II " ' = s. = . = \1/ 1II \II IIII \II ! I' Yonr hcalth depcnds upon \II If' . . \II the punty 0 r ) 'our r.1 \II : ( lIId the cleanliness with which it is prcparcl1. . II' \II " , W rl' . \II ; Purity : tII t \II IIW : is our watchword in filling prescriptipns. Web u y " ' the purest drugs and comII ; pound thcm in a skilled : t and cleanly manner that ! I\ insurcs you receiving the w ; mo t benefit from them. : t Dring us ) 'our prescription. II' wII \II _ \ IIII " ' - - 'II , 'I' \II j J.8 , & J.F. Baisch'II 'II 'IIII " ' \II 'I' DRUGGISTS. , II' 'II Brol\Cn Bow , - - Neb. t m w . - " 'i1II'l"III1 ' ! ' II'"iI ! I'hl'II1I.I'lliI ' ! ! Illil'iJIi""IIOfiI'IiII"IIIIi ! , : 'ii'1111'lPIi'"rr.III"rI' ' , , . ; : , ; ; , ll11fi1l1l1li11"ll"ij.1"'iji'IIIIij.I"mrnr.r.rm. , : ' , ' , . : : ; ; ; . : : : , : ! " ! " ' " ' : : : ! ! ! " b'n'IrJ'"IIIIIJ , ' ! : ! ! IlIoI11ll1l" : 'III' "llIlillb" ' . , tlrIIIIJI"lltiIJl"lI'tiI1J"'IIIII1u : ' ! Mowers , Binders II Ii . and Repairs. . I Ii ay , Sweeps and Stackers. II i No , , is the t me to lo < ? k u D i ] S , ' , : your : OW L and , BIndel n E r A I R - > 1 ' . DEERING , H < i I : . PLANO & & ( KEYSTONE J - ACME . . MILWAUKEE , i..i u ' & < 1 t } . . , & r Before purchasIng see our Deermg SIde De- : { t livery.J-Iay Stacker. This is something. new . ) < and wIll please you. We have a great hnB of i ! hay' sweeps. See them ' ; _ ; : ; < i G. W. APPLE. & , _ . _ , , . , . , . , , . , , , _ . . . , , . . " " . ' .O""T " " " " ' ' ' ' . . " , , " " " " " " " , ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' . " ' ' , ' ' ' , , " . ' .O" " " ' , I ! JlllliIlIlI : : : : I'I 'IIII. > : ! ! ' : ! : ' " ' ' ' "I II'IJInl'loI11l1l1ltill""I ! : : : : IIII".IhlllJtJIIJiJi1lll1l1u:1:11w ! ! ! ! : ! : : : : : : : ! : " I . . . . - " " - - - - . . . . . - - - - . . . , - A A A A \ - = : J I . - PURE FOOD PRODUCTS I r ; 1 1 1 ] C J _ _ I _ , 'tV e have just received a c ir of .Michigan Salt in . sacks and barrels for the a le 01' ' . s [ Tlb1 t - - IS 111 goo c ean arre s . l r { at $1.90 n barrel ; in 14.0 " ' , ' lb. saeks 95c sack. This salt i not out in the rain exposed to all kinds of ( " -.J weather , but it is under t.- ( ovel' clean and dry. - , - Aurura , Broken Bow & 1\asun [ City Hour. Buy at . once. I- . - J. , C" BOWEN TR . ' DI : . Pur Old t. Iq VI ICKnr MARK : L ) t- - I > 0 0 0 I , - . . . . \0. . Custer Baptist Associalion.I I 'l'he twenty.fourth annual scs-I sion of the Custer llaptist association - tion was held last Friday and 'I ' : : : ) aturday with the Bethel union . Baptist church. I It was one of the best scssio'ns , that has been held notwithstanding - ing the very busy timcs. The attendance was god and most of the churches were well represent- ed. Then' were 55 delegates en- rolled. Bcsides the resident ministers of the association were , Revs. , Bigs of Omaha ; Calston of Lincoln - coln and Fosket of Grand Island. The churches reporting were , Ansley , Mason , first and second Eudell , Lomax , LocH , Aruold , Merna , Burwell an Brolten Bow. The next session will be held with the Second Eudell , Friday before the first Sunday in Aug- ust. ust.'rhe officers elected for the cn- I suing year : Jre as follows : D. M. I Amsberry , moderator ; Mr" . J. H. Kl'rr. clerk ; H. E. Hall of Mason , city treasurer. Rev. J. R.Noods wa elected chairman of the missionary - sionary committee. Hev. J. D. Brady was elected delegate to the Northern Baptist convention in Oklahoma. ; H. G. Burrows , delegate to the B. Y. P. U. state cohvcntion. Resolutions commending- , members of the Bethel Union church for the cordial manner in wl1ich they cl1tettainec1 the delegates - gates and large numbers of visi. tors during the association. , Horses at tbe County Fair. There is great educational value in the inspection of the live stock exhibits at the county fair. In the equine line the difference in the breeds is accentuatcd to a high degree. 'l'he mammoth Perchel'ons , weighing almost a ton , are imposing and magnifi- cent. giving evidence of their .great strength and ability to perform - form the duties for which they are most sought. They arc also riding and clriv- ing horses , high-bred animals nervous and alert-full of fire and clash. 'Other horses are shown fOl' their speed to the boot and spur. 'l'hase animals show abnormal development along certain lines and are a most astonishing contrast to the massi ve-buil t Percheron'S. All the breeds and types are interesting to specters , and doubly so to those devoted to horses. A trip to the horse barus on the fair grounds is well- worth taking in. There is something - thing to interest and instruct everyone. 'ro the fancier the dispiay indicates the great development - velopment of the breeding industry - dustry in Nebraska. There is no rea on why the best horses in the world cannot be grown in this state-and many people are contic1ent they can. The climatic conditions are favorable and there is no section of the country with purer air or b tter and more abundant food-stuffs , _ There is something in the climate - mate that goes to build up the bone of the animals and mahe : them , especial y the larger types , the ideal horses for the popular markets. ' { 'he exhibits at the fair indi' . cates that many enterprising residents of Custer county are going into the busin ss of raising thoroughbred equines and their success. as well as the possibilities of the industries is amply demonstrated - strated by the spleuclid showing at the fair. Mr. Bryan to be Heard. 'rhe report that Mr. Bryan will announce his plntform for 1908 whl'n he rouses the Hoosier Democracy may be d ismissed a a reflec.tiOlupon his well known v.icws of the subserviency of any Democrat , however great and good , to his party. Mr. Bryan would not assume to dirt ate. Parties make platforms , candi. dates stand on them. It is D secret :10 longer that Mr. Bryan is in a receptive mood with reo gard to the Democratic platform of 1908. He has views. but would not thrust them upon the party. Let sleeping dogs lie. Mr. Bryan is for harmony if he be a candidiate. Should any view' he has not suit hi friends he wi11 stretch a point ' and drop it. All previous "key' . I notes" are unauthorized. Mr. Bryan wi11 speak for himself a1 Lafayette In November. . . . , . t , , J ' . . Zumbrotn Zephyrs. . Mr. Dave DewlY ! is enjoying tl visit with his sister Mrs. n. J. Palmer of Denvcr. Mrs. Nellie Marquis , who had been scwing for Mrs. Koozer , was called to her home in the Bow Monday evening. On account - count of the illncss of her mother and son. Stewart I4anterman's threshing outfit arrived Monelay. , M. D. Callen , wife. and Maude attended the association Sunday at , Snake l un , and took dinner . with H. ' 1' . Balcer. I Mr. Bcn Holcombe and wife of thc Bow , spcnt Sunday at R. B. Sands. 'rhc neighbors of this vicinity havc been having threshers and Ollie Heaps has been doing thc work. White helping to thresh at Koozer's ' ' ' ' 'l'uesday 'l'had Smith had the misfortunc to run a pitchfork - fork into his foot. Prairie Hill Pick-Ups. Mr : Thomas went to Dunning Saturday to visit relatives. A party at Dave Coulter's last Sal\lrday \ night was well attended - ed and an enjoyable time spcnt. ' 1'he friend uf the neighborhood - hood expects to attend the great Custer county fair .this week. Elvin Hogabool11 is the lIame of the new mat1 employed on I\lr. Hunter's ranch. Rev. Schank occupied the pulpit - pit at Prairie Hill Sumll ) ' . It being his last sermon there was a large crowcl present. Mary Neth and sisters spent Sunday at Mr. Jenkins' . A Normal Department. Grand Island Baptist College has a Normal department the same as State Normals. Teachers follow the same courses and get same credit as at State Normals. also state certificates at the completion - pletion of the respective courses without special examinations. Observation and practice work is gi.ver.l in the city schools of Grand Island. . Tui tion $27 per yearj board $2.25 per weekj rooms heated and lighted 75c pcr week. Sch ol begins Sept. , 10 , 190 ; . J. G. W. LmvIs , Principal of Normal Dept. . While Attending the Fair don't forget to call at Mrs. Penn's for that new cloak or hat. School Teachers Assemble. r am making farms loans at 5 per cent interest. J A1\tJ\S LUDWICII , Broken Bow , Neb. Estrayed. Estrayed from my inclosure aj the Globe hotel , Broken Bow , om sow pig , slit in left ear , weigh1 , ' about'100 lbs. Reward paid fOl 'information lcading to recovery. : ' G. A. Fm'l'H. \Yhen you : BUY DRUGS be sure and get thc best. You can't afford to take chances with the side 0in - jured. You li1Ust have the kind of reJief that only pure drugs , skilful1j' ) compounded - ed , wi11 give. We are in busincss to meet that want. We don't se1t cheap drugs. It lon't pay. Any man in our store who compounds a presc.ription lmows buw or he woulcln't be behind the case. He haste to be a registered pharma- cist. We iU\'ite you tu give i us a trial. S. HI lEE "The Busy Druggist" . . _ Have you visited our Soda Fountain today ? , , . ' ' , v . . . - , . DO.RING THE FAIR MAKE , , , YOUR HEADQUARTERS AT THE EAGLE GROCERY . , Armour's Chipped Beef f , \ , ' . . : V , . , . \ " Swift's Cooked Curll Beef , ' \V isconsill Cream Uheese ' \ , ; : . ' ! , , , ' Cudahy's Bologna Sausage " . 1 " , , ' ' ,1 , I " (1' l\AICES [ Dl LICIOUS LUNCIIES. ' , \ ' : > . f ) , . - , Gold Label Sardines . . Libby's Potted Jram \ Libby's , r egetnble Soup. ' . GHAPJTIS PJTI&CHlDS EJ A'HS . BAN ANA8 0 RAN G .l S LEI\10NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - , - . . - : ' - - - - ' - - - ' - rT mNi : F OL R Y' B , _ _ _ d _ _ . _ _ - = _ - - _ : : : - _ - - _ - - - _ - . _ _ - _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - . . . . I is 'I'om.Poolery , It is foolishncss , it is a shorl-sightct11.J1\siness policy to hn ) ' shol1l1) ' gool1s. Don't forqct thnt thcre are ' shoddy drug store goods. Don't forget , that it PIlYS to buy drug store goolls whcre you get the hest. rhc hest in quality aud the hcst in pricc1'herc is no business cOIlIlucteli upon ! _ which so much depends 011 quality as the drug bnsiness , an m we al\\'a ' ) ' give Ilunlity. , " : - - - = = = : - . = = - . . - - - - . . - - - . . - _ . - . , I . ED. IVlcCOMA.S I rO i& ! :2m : ! mmmm Ztimmm m : & m ( . r&tim : sm mti : ! Q ' = - - = = - , = - - - - - - - - - - - - - tttt""tt'tttttTtt'tt't"ttt"ty , " " , ' ' ' " , " ttytt" " t't"ti'tt't1t"t"'t" ' " ' ' " " " ' " " ' - - - - I Sheppard & Burk I . - - - - - - - - - ' - - - = = Invite all their Oustomers ancll-'riel1ds ! = = = = : : : : J : : : to call and see them during the fair. : : : : : : : - - _ O" ' " g IDverything will be 111air JJ1air week. = = We will have everything good to eat. = = - - - - - = l - . - = = - - - - , Fruits and. Fresh Vegetables - - : : : : . : : : : : - - - - - - - Phone 125. South Side Square f - - - ' - : f711lill111111111111111111111111 ! ! ! 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Studebaker Wagon and we guarantee that there isn't n , - I GEO. WILLING , BROKEN DOW. NEB.