Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1907, Image 9

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J' Custer College , Broken Bow ,
. ; ' Nebraska. Fall term begins
. .
Sept. , 16. Write for catalogue. I
. \Villis Cadwell reached home
. . .
. : t. . . yesterday front a business trip to
: . Omaha which detained him there
' ; , ' from last Friday.
, . . A. H. Pester was in town from
' \1 \ ' ) ' , : . . Ansley yesterday to learn who
. ' , he'd have an opportunity to vote
ii. ti : " for in November.
. : . .
T ( : Lovers of fine apples will now
' . .t- : . ' : , be seen watching the arrivals in
" the market and making discriminating -
, : nating selections.
Mrs. J. G. Lconard , who has
. been visiting relativei ! : and
friends at C\Juncil Bluffs , Iowa ,
the past SIX weel < s , reached home
last Sunday.
Mr . lDmma H. Smith , left
- " ' ' 'i Monday morning for North
l I Dakota after having visited with
" ' . r her daughter , Mrs. C. K. Bassett ,
' , ' , . the past year.
; ' . Mrs. S. K. Lee and daughter ,
I ' .
. . Dorothy , left Monday morning
. for Lincoln where they will spend
r ; " the week visiting friends-and
fi , the State Fair.
lii/ } < . Fred Baisch left yesterday for
Denver and will be absent from
\ . ' the city about four weeks , visiting -
ing fricnds and seeing the sights
which dbound in abundance in
. . . " . that locality.
'rhcr will be a meeting of the
Lo Ie Cemetcy association
. Oll OClober 7th to transact
general busineis. ! : All members I .
are requested to be present. P.
M. Case , sccrcta y.
W.1. \ . Predmore , ofWe t Union ,
brought in the election returns I
I ' from East Li1H n precinct yesterday -
day and was an interested ,
spcctator of the various street I
corner canvassing boards. .
M jor Ellison , of Ansley , was 1
transacting business in the city I
J last Friday. He recently returned -
_ . ' , turned from a three months visit
with , relatives in Michigan ,
' . . Illinois , Pennsylvania and "Dela-
ware and reports a pleasant trip.
, Fred W. Hayes left Tuesday .
evening for Lincoln. For the
: , benefit of any who may be inclined -
, clined to "break through and
steal" it is stated that his
I watches arc locked in tbe vault
} , e ch night uring his absence.
Andy Sommers , performed the
- . ! . importartt service of conveying
, the Kilfoil township returns to
, the county clerk's office yesterday
1 and his arrival was hailed with
delight by a bunch of fellows
eager to learn which way the
sheriff cat jumped.
: , Elmer Cannon , of 'Westerville ,
was in the city yesterday to learn
the result pf the primary election.
, Elmer was a candidate for the
1. nomination for sheriff and he'd
. have made a good on ( ' had his
w ;
' constituents favored him with
. 1rl' the nomination and election.
, \ , The mana ementof the County
. , ' Fair which will be held the 17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th , have decided
to make the five mile relay race
with five horses , each "running a
half mile and resting until his
: : . , turn comes again. 'rhe management -
) ' : : gement is now assured of least
1 ve ntries .and this will be a
f : : . very interesting race.
f Demain J. Lcd wich left Mon.
: . " : j' day morning for Missoula , Mont. ,
; , ; , . ' . where he will tal < e a position in
the drug store of Geo. Frushei-
' : mer , formerly of this city.
Demain is a Broken Bow product ,
an upright honorable young man
and a graduate of the high school
here last year. He will be missed
by many-both old and young.
Tbe management of the County
Fair which begins the 17th
have decided to cbange the rule
. . . . . allowing only second premium < 1
where there is but one entry of
registered stock or poultry. The
, / rule will b that if there is but
) - 1.1. one entry such entry WILl , HIt ,
r . : ' " CItIVIt } rmST l\IONltv where the
; believe the exhibit
. judges worthy
j of such premium.
, I
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price , of
. " ; York county , visited w1th Mr.
. .
j . .
. . ' . and Mrs. C. W. Ed wards , in this
city , tbe latter part of last week.
'X. ' Messrs Price and Ed wards were
I . , friends in Wales , but had not
\ . seen each other for twenty-five
years , hence the meeting was a
cordial aud entertaining one.
, Mr. Price came to purchase a
: ' certain piece of land a mile north
, of Berwyn , but upon his arrival
found the farm had been sold
. " . , ' . only a few days previously. He
I' is favorably impressed with
Custer county realty , however ,
) and will return here JOlter and
. \ . J. . make a purchase-when he has
r 1 time to look oyer property fer
' . " . .
. .
. ' . '
' . . . . I I
" " / .
. ' I' '
I ,
: \ .
Hegardless of cool weather the
r past few days t he iceman con-
tinued to look happy and pros-
A. J. Robertson went to Omaha
last Sunday , accompanying his
so John , who will attend business -
ness college in that city.
Mrs. J. F. Baisch , who has
visited' friends and relatives at
Madison , this statc , and Sioux
City , Iowa , the past three weeks ,
reached home yesterday.
A Post card from Dr. H. B.
Mullins , showing a part of the
Cripple Creek mining district ,
indicates that the doctor is going
some and seeing all that's going.
lIe expects to be home next
Chao'lie M.eyers , who has been
stumping with a peg for several
years , left last Saturday for
Minneapolis where he will be
fi t ted with a cork leg and foot
and bet ter enabled thereby to
As was expected at this time
of the year the inquiries for
small houses arc so large in I
number-and the supply so few I
in number-that real estate men
arc at their wits' ends trying to
satisfy the clamoring.
The large-40x100 feet-build-
ing for the exhibition of cattle
at the fair grounds has been completed -
pleted and is not only ready for
occupancy , but w l be occupied
by some of the best stock ever
shown at a county fair in
The Broken Bow clly schools
: : > pened Monday with an enrollment -
ment of about 550. Prof. Mc-
[ ndoo has been kept so busy
getting c\'erything in runni [ ]
: : > rder that he is unable to furnish
1 detailed report for publication
lhis week , but hopcs to be able
Lo do so next week.
Frit7. Gierhan came. clown from
Mason Ci t\ ' last night and re-
lurned on this morning's train.
[ 'Ie brought the primary election
'eturns from Elk Creek township ,
.ikewise the compliments of Fred
3chu1t7.e attached to a two doUar
Jill to advance his subscription
,0 the RItPunr.lcAN.
Citv Attorney Gadd was at
Dunn'ing yesterday as prosecutor
n the case of State of Nebraska
'so Ben Thurston , the defendant
) ing charged with unlawfully
ielling intoxicants , and he was
> ound over in the sum of $500 to
lppear at the next term of the
) istrict court. Thurston is now
ngaged in the restaurant busi-
less at Merna.
Charlie Gadd opened the nel. ) '
> arher shop and bath rooms ,
Ldjoining the Never Close res-
aurant , Monday morning and
eports a surprisingly good
mtronage on so short notice.
Dverything is new and the latest
> attern and all who desire a
kive or bath will find just what
hey want at the new shop.
Mrs. James and Ellsworth
{ oung , of Gates , came to Broken
30w on Monday , and Tuesday
leparted for a visi t of six weeks
nlJWisconsin and Illinois. In
Llighting from the vebicle upen
Lrriving in this city , Mrs. James
( oung's foot slipped. . from the
itep and her ankle was severely
iprained , causing ht > r g-reat pain ,
Lnd it was with difficulty she
vas able to walk.
George Scott is associating
vith a pair of crutches these days
md the effectionqte manner in
vhich he clings to them indicate
hat he has acquired a great love
or 'em in a short time. Last
riday while he was riding , the
lorse stumbled and fell. one of
lis legs being caught under the
lnimal. An examination of his
ledal extremity disclosed a bone
.roken . in his ankle. However ,
lis appetite at meal hour is not
lisparaginly fractured.
The Meneley Quartette , of
hicago , wi1l give a concert at
he 'rem pIe theatre next Tues-
I < 1Y evening under the auspices
If the local W. C. T. U. 'rhe
Ieneley's have bcen before the
mblic the past fourteen years
Lnd come to us very highly re-
: ommended by compctent judges
9ho . .ave bcen delighted b.y
heir concerts.
Col. James Ledwich leaves
omorrow for Saratoga , N. Y. ,
o attend the Natbnal Encamp-
nent of the Grand Army of the
epublic. 'rhe bovhood days of
ol. Ledwich were spent in the
: ounty adjoining Saratoga and
Lfter the adjournment of the
Dncampment he will go there
'or ' a few days visit. He will
) e absent from home two . or three
" . . . . I ,
. "
. . .
. .
. . . . . . . ,
Custer College , Droken Bow ,
Nebraska. Fall term begins
S pt. , 16.Trite for catalogue.
Ole Johnson , an carl ) ' da ) '
settler and sucessful farmer in
Round Valley , has leased his
farm and is ill the city today
inspecting several pieces of lown
propertv listed for sale , it being
his int ntion to reside here.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Haney.
of Alliance , were in the city last
Thursday evcning to witness the
wedding ceremony of Mr. A. II.
Ryan and Miss Inez Sharp. Mr.
Haney is eluplo 'ed in the train
dispatcher's olhce at Alliance.
Fred Ream , on his wa ) ' to thc
depot to leave the cit ) ' for
Lincoln Tuesday morning learned. .
that his name was to be put on
the Socialist ticket as a candidate
for curveyor and called at thc
HUPUDT.ICAN office to say he
docs not afIi Ii ate w lh that
party and that-if his name appeared -
peared on the ticket-it was put
there without his knowJege or
consent and against his wishes.
lDlmer E. Wimmer , who recently -
cently disposed of his interest in
the Beacon , in this city , and
wcnt to Comstock to establish a
paper , has done so and the first
number of his publication , the
Comstock News , has been re-
ceived. It is just what its namc'
implies-news , and if the gait at
which he starts is kept up ,
Wimmer will be a winner. The
RUPUDLICAN wishes him success
[ n more than abundance.
Judge Sullivan is in Lincoln
lttending the State fair with the
intcntion of procurinL ! more
lttractions. than the many
llready advertised , for tbe
uster county fair. It is the
: ntention of l1ur county fair
nanagers to give all who attend
: he fair several agreeable and
tighly interesting surprises.
l'here will be a number of at-
: ractions which have not been
publicly mentioned , but arc well
North coming 1'0 sec. Don't miss
: he Custer County Fair , Sept. ,
Tl.ere arc many ncwcomers
ocating in Broken Bow. There
Nould be more if new enterprises
: ould be established. Every new
> usiness means more families ,
md more families mean an
ldditiollal pay roll and , more
none.y to spend for rents and
lupplies. 'I'he advantages of
, uch things arc ob\ious. Why
lot all get together and land
iomething in the manufacturing
ine that will build up the city ?
) f course we have "Knockersu
vho will say this is impossible ,
IUt it is not-i the "knocker"
vill subside and all others pull
Bound by Hymen's Knot.
At the home of the bride's
larents , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
1. Sharp , in Broken Bow , Nebr. .
rhursday , August 29 , 1907 , at
:30 : p. m. , Mr. A. H. Ryan and
iliss Inez 8harp , were united in
t1arriage , Rev. l . H. Thompson ,
the M. E. church , officiating.
'rhe bride is one of Broken
low's fairest and accomplished
'oung ladies whose friends arc
'l'he groom , who occupies the
losition of I prescription clerk in
4ce's drug store , has proven him-
elf an exemplary young man
ince coming here four months
.go , and his friellds and relatives
lack home may rest assured tha t
Ie has made a good selection of
ife partner.
A number of handsome and
aluablc presents were bestowed
Ipon the young couple , among
hem a bouse dnd lot in this city
I ) ' the bride's parents.
Prairie Hill Happenings.
Oscar Wooters and sisters spent
lunda.y with Ora and Perry
orford in Prairie Hill.
Mr. Knipes home was made
lappy by the arrival of a baby
10Y last weeJ. > .
A new school house is being
'Ut ' up in the Pumpkin Hollow
istrict . . nd Miss Mary Nicholson
1ill take her place as teacher the I
st of October.
A heavy rain visited this
ection Sunday night which
: very one was glad to see.
Mrs. Huffman went to Moulton.
owa , Monday , accompained by
ler daugher , Mrs. Neth. They
xpect to visit relatives there and
: randma expects to go on to her
lome in Bridgepurt , 111.
Mr. Charley Huffman and
amily and Mrs. Lee Huffman and
hildren , of the Loup , visited
.t Mr. Neth's in Union Valley
iaturday and Sunday.
Fen SALIt- Horse , buggy ,
larness , saddle and cow.
.3tf _ . . J. A. AnMouR , .
. - - - -
. ,
. . . .
. , . r . ,
Doroe lIogs at the Fair.
When ) 'on aUend the Custer
County li'air don't fail to see the
exhibit of hogs from the Custer
Count ) ' Herel of Duroc-Jerseys
owned by John Heese of llrok n
llow , Neb. Crimson Wonder , Jr. ,
one of the great boars of thc
breed will be on exhibition , also
spring pigs. _ .
. Man and Wife Wanted
to work on farm. Good wages.
C. W. [ i'O ] ) GIt , nro\cn \ now.
No Hunting Allowed.
Notice is hcreby givcn that
hunting wi11not be pcrmitted eli
my propert ) ' ill sections 35 and
3 ( ) in 17-21 , and 2 and 3 in 16-21 ,
under pcnalt.r of prosecution for
Dated August 28 , 1907.
Ii'HANX WmsHNlmmlw.
l strayed from my inclosure at
the Globe hotcl , Broken Bow , one
sow pig , slit in left car , weight
about 100 Ibs. Reward paid for
information lcading to recover ) ' .
G. A. FIH'l'H.
Friday nnd Saturday , September 6th
nnd 7tl1.
I take' pleasure in inviting the
ladies of Broken Bow and Custer
connty to inspect a stock of millinery -
linery that is up-todatc in cvery
During the several years I have
conducted a millinery store in
Broken Bow I havc ncver been so
gratified witb my offerings to
pa trons as at the prese11 t season
and invite all to call and see the
latest creations .in millinery for
the fall and winter wear. Miss
Escher of Des Moines , Iowa. .1
lady who is 0111 expert milliner ,
will , I am sure , please yon in the
matter of trimnl1ng. 'l'he upen-
ing days arc Friday and Saturday -
day , Septr.mber ( , and 7.
Mus. E. M. BUAN
South SieJe Square.
Schedule of Brokc'n Bow M"ila.
Scheulc of arrival allil Ilcpartllrc of maltR
from Drllkcn How post onicc
POllchcq for mIst CIORC all fllllows :
'I'ralu No. 40,11 alii ; NiJ. H. 5:3) : \ ) 111 ; I.
44.7:30 : p , 111.
Pouche ! ! for WCt ! close aR follow ! ! :
'I'raln No. 43. 7:30 : 11.111. ; Nil. 41.7:30t. 111.
O CII hours. 7 a. m. III 7:30 II , m.
Ofilcc 01lCl1 8Ulllla8 from 9JO : : to 10:10 : : a. 111.
I. . 11. JItWJ TT.l' . M.
- " - '
- - - - -
4 .
- -
. - :
. . . . . , . . . ' . . . . . . , . . . , . . .
. .t.m.t.Ji1'r. . . , \ -J. . rt.rJ.h 1'YJ ; c " tifu . .tII'o. " , CrJ.b. . , .tin : ! . . .
aaK ca. ca : E:1 Ii fa" " "
. ! : n1 ' J ; rf- : :
't ( j , , , '
, FINE. r-Jh'r
r \ "tq' f. .
. . TUBE
t of ecellent 1I1.I < e .n < \ sllperior finish is ollr particIIlar
specialty.Vhether you wanl an odd article or n house
'tzj { full of i'urniture , we arc at all times ready to meet thc de-
mand. Every article we sell is guaranteed to be made of
' tlf ! the finest , thoroughly seasoncd wood , designcd on the
most artist.ic plan , and finished in a satisfactory and per-
r 1llanent style. olwithstandil1g thc superior quality pf
our gOdS , our priccs are at all times reasonable.
: i )
o. c. K 0 N K E L.I
- -
tf s2 1
.The Fair I
! !
With a large display of farm products aud
live stock will be open Septembefi 17th , 18th , mt
19th and 20th. .
t Th e Ad YO I
II 7
with a large display of pure 'groceries find I }
provisions is open at nIl times , every week day J
J in tilw year , find iti will be to your interest to
\1tJ nttend every dny you need anything in the
line of groceries.
; : t. . . . . . . < : : J . . . . _ < : : .
_ - - _ _ - _ _ . _ _ u
, . SALE' "
. . . . I - . . 'H '
With the consent of the Creditors -
: the entire stock of MEVIS & eon , . ,
, i will be closed out without reserve.
This s le will commence t once
I' and. continue ind ftnitely : : : :
Our stock is complete and now is
; tbe time for you to lay in your Dry
Goods , Clothing , : Soots , Shoes , Hats ,
: . Cloaks Skirts and l li
. Caps , , . rge es .
of Metls' Fur Coats : : : : : : , ,
- . ,
O. H. Mevis & CO.
East Side Square