. . , . , . - - NEBRASKA IN BRIEf NEW9 NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. " ALL SU8JECTS TOUCHED UPON Rellglouo , Scclal , Aorlcultural , Pollt. leal and Other Matters GIven Due Consideration. Shelb ) 'Is the only "wot" vlllago In Polk count ) ' . North Pl lte Is salll to be In neell of an up.to.date llotol. The new Lutheran church of Suther. land 1111.8 been dedicated. Axtell has had two fires of lata , ' the last one being qulto disastrous. The golden anniversary will be cel. ( ) brated In Beatrlco next month. The AuburJi ChautaUllla ! hall a gooll attendance and made SOIUo 1110nO ) ' . ' /4 Ray Patterson of Plattsmouth has . j , ' gene to Rapid CIt ) ' , S. D" to start a bank. ' I Stock , shipments from the grazing r. ountry Is now on In full force al I' 11Undrods of carloads are going for- 'vard to South Omaha. I' The Randolph Improvement club. ' lias comilloted arrangements for a three days' carnival and ball tournaJ mont , September 2 , 3 and 4 , I Oscal' , the fifteen.year.old son of MI' . and Mrs. Henry Fishbach , promi : nen't resld mts of Deatrice , was dan- I gorously injured by being thrown from ! a horse. \ Two negroes , whllo trying to board t a freight train at Gibbon , failed tel got on , and ono falling with his leg across the tracle. had it cut off just , above , the anltle , i Moor & Dearing closed deals at Drulo with C. 1\1. Gray of Humboldt , la" and A , H , Winltl r of Gienwood. Ia" two capitallBts , 101' Keith county land to the amount of $00,000. Eighty acres of land lying one.fourth mile west of St. Paul limits was soltl at referee's sale at $85,10 pel' acre , This was the ground value alone , as there are no buildings on the fal'm , ' A shooting affray occurred at Coc1\ ' nnd as a result Fount Sander on of thlt ! lluco lies In a critical condition frJm : two bllllet wounds , ono in the II1'east and one in the left shoulder , In- f1Icte br : Jim Dutcher , a haU.hrecl Inlllan , Both men were intoxlclh'd : / , when the shooting occurred. D , W. Hoyt ot York county has been appointed commandant of the , Soldlors' Home at Grand Island to succeed - ceed Commandant Aslnvith of Omaha , Mr. Hoyt is at present a deputy 011 Inspector , having been appointed to that place by Governor 1\lIcltoy and reappointed by Governor Sheldon , , The managers of the N braslm state " fall' September 2 to 6. hav ebeen ex- ceedlngb' fortunate in securing the world renowned Liberati's military band of New York , Each day they w111 give four great concel'ts on the ctate fall' grounds , This band Is com. vos d of elghty.two famuus musicians , Preparations are being made for the Gordon county fall' nnd street carnival - val , which w11l bo held at Gordon on September 17 , 18 , 19 and 20 , Besides the usual display of mammoth fleld and garden products , there will bo balloon - loon ascensions and ther free attractions - , tions on the grounds each afternoon , 'rho past weele was prolific of ac : Smith had the mlsfortuno to step off , cl ents at Central City , 1\Irs. A , Co th sidewallc and sprain her angle ; Frankie , the son ofVllliam Porter was wounded in the hand by the accidental - dental discharge of a target rlfie , anll Ed , Foster fractured a bone in one of his hands while loading cattle at' the t'wck ) 'ards , 1'he trMle layers on the North River branch of the Union Pacific have , , reached Lewellen and have laid the traclc for several miles from Lowellon wostwal'd on the road to Oshl\Osh , As long as plenty of material Is furnished , . such as tics and steel , almost n. mile of track can bo laid dally , but the shortage of snpplles has prohibited the ltoeplng up of any such record , Charles Shindler , who lived near Flowersfield In Danner countj- , came to his death , undel' singular circum , Jtances , It is presumed that he wa' ! standing on a wagon , filling a barrel from a large tank , when he fell Int the tank. where his bed ) ' was fOUlli1 later in the day. It Is reported that ho had been sUbject to apolllexy , and 1'1 snpposod to have had a seizure which .caused him to fall , The state toard of IHlblic lands and 1 'bulldlngs has rejectel\ all bids on the , : proposed new nddltlon to the Ol'tho- -4. . " ) Iolc hospital and the Home for the Friendless because the estimates of. the contractors exceeded the approll' rlatlons , The legislature apllroprlat- cd $2,500 for nn addition to the home nnd the lowest bid called for an eXlJOn. dlture of $ :1.004. : The board will II rob. ably secure some reputable contractor to supervlso the building of the struc , ture fol' an agreed percentage on th ( I , cost of material and labol' . Prcsldent EI , II , Parlsho , of Central CIt ) ' , hac been called to a large FI'IendG church at Lawrence , Kas. He will , bo succeeded as president of Nobraslm Central colle go hy Prof , Stacy 1\Ic. \ Crnclwn. a graduate of Penn colIege , Oslmloosa , Ja , Prof. U , S , Conn has relgned the chair of professor of mathematics at the normal school In 1 < I'amont to ac , cept tht ) position of I > uperlntcndent of ; the Columbus schoolH , succeeding Sup. I orlntendent 1 ; : , D. Shennan , who goes to Iuarnej' as tmpel'lntendont of the Days' 11llustr11\1 ] school. , , ' " ' . . - , ' ' , ' p , , , I 'I ' , , . D , , " " * . I ' " . " T LINCOLN FORTY YEARS OLD. - Capital Formally Located by Proclamation - mation , August 14. . ' Ji'orty yonra nGo totla ) ' , sn's the Lincoln - coln Journal , IJ1'oclnmntlon was Is- 'sued declnrlng the atate capitol Bhould be located at the vlIIngo of Lancaster and that provision should bo nllulo to reserve laud for the use of state unl. vorslty , a atate farm , n court house for Lancastel' county , a city hem nntl marltet space , n stnto hlstorlcnl lIbra. ry assoclntlon and several Jlubllc schools. The c lIImlsslon , C01l1110sed of David Butler , Thomas P. ] { cnnar and John Gillespie , started for Ne- braslm City on the afleruoon of July 18 , and visited the towns of Ynnltco 11111 , Lancastol' , Ashland , Seward , l\1I1. ford , Camden and Sallno City. On the nftcrnoon of July 29 the commissioners - ors assembled in the house ofV. . 'r. Donovan In Lancaster , a\ after a free dlilctlsslon as to the advantages of the dlfforont places visited , a ballot was talten , resulting In Lancaster two and Ashlantl one , On the second bcilJ lot the choice foIl Oil Lancaster ty a unal1lmou "ote of the commission. The govcrnol' announced the result to the leoJlle , many of whom were Oil the ou"fsldo awaiting the result of the , l"ote. Arter the place was decided upon , a surveyor was 10ft hero to locate the 'depressions ' and elovatlons prolh11l- nar.y to furnishing a design for laj'lng' off the bloclts , streets and reservations. On August 13 the commissioners ngaln asscmbletl at Lancaster and the next day formally announced the foun lng 'of the town of Lincoln as the Geat of government. After that the town was 'blocltcd off. On September 17 the first sale of lots was held. It was 1\ rainy , cold dny nnd a stnnll crowtl came to the saIl' ! , The first lot was 'sold ' to J , G. 1\l1ller fol' $ ,10,25. How- cvpr , the following days wcro better and the sale closed after five days with nn aggregate sale or' $34,000. GLANDERS IN TWO COUNTIES. Feared In Saunders and Dodc ! ) and Seven Horses' Have Been Shot. Fremont-Something , of n. Bonsntlon among farmers of this soctlon walS caused when it became lmown that an epidemic of glanders threatened horses : l.nd stock. William Hayes , a farmer llvlng three miles south of I < remont In Saunders count ) . , filed suit in district court asIc- Ing judgment fol' $1,500 against Arthur Rasmussen and Henning Nelson , both of Saunders count ) ' . The complaint alleges that in February - ruary Hayes bought two horses from the defendants and b th had glanders , that Nelson and Rasmussen knew It but represented the animals to be sound in every way. Innocent of the ailment Hayesused the team fol' driving through th county - ty , and many horses In both Saunders nd Dodge were laid liable to Infection - tion of the fatal mnladY. About a month ago one of the horses died. Dr. P. Simmons , a local veterln rlan , was called In to attend the other horse. He pronouncetl the discase glanders , and seut for the state , veterinarian , The second horse was shot. Last week Hayes found five horses sick. Dr , Simmons was called. "Gland- ers. " he said. This timo. the state veterinarian shot all five horses. 1 < ' 01' the loss of the seyen horses Hayes , who Is highly Inconsetl. because his wife and children may have caught the dread disease , wants $1UOO. , WOLVES FOR NEBRASKA. Wyoming Man Has Two to Sell to the Governor. Lincoln - Governor Sheldon has 1een offered a couple of ) 'ouns'Wolves by a resident of Sheritlan , Wyo" at a reduced figure of $25 each. They are as gentle as dogs , he says , He . evidontl ) wants to get rid of them , for he offers to ship 'thorn to th execu. tlve without pa ) ' . His letter is as rol- lows : Governor Sheltlon. Lincoln. Neb- Hon , Sir : Having been Informed you wore gottln a zoological collection , I write you In regard to the purchase of two pet wolves , a ed about 5 months old , very large and as gentle as dogs , The price aslccd f. 0 , b , ca.rs , Sheridan. Is $50. or wlII ship direct to Lincoln. If you pI'efer , r.nd the express - press charges being guaranteed both ways , If not satisfactory. Yours truly , n , E , GARRETSON. After Local Lumber Combines , When the suit now pending against the L.umher Dealers' association is decided , Attorney General Thompson in all probability will proceed against alIeged local combinations among the dealers. 'fhe testimony introduced In the case against the state Rssoclatlon ! ntllcated the existence of local combinations - binations anll this evidence will to sifted to the tottom. Since the case was submitted Mr. Thompson has secured - cured other evidence tending to provo there are local cllmblne 1 which con. trol the prlco of IllmbQr to the consumer - sumer , Her Legacy Only $25. Central Clty.'l'wentj..five dolIars Is the legacy left h ) ' William H. Dennl- ton , a wealthy Pltt6hurg capitalist , to ' his daughter , Mrs. Mar ) ' Winslow , : \11' . Denniston , together with two other Pittsburg capitalists. Invested In Mer- rlcl. count ) . ranches , and In his will which was flIed for probate In this count ) . a peculiar tale of domestic trouble Is llresontod. Ho stipulated tnat $25 should b'c' al ' that Ills dau h- tel' 1\1ary should recelvo frOD } Jlls s' tate dlre'ctly or Indirectly. , , , . " , . . , , > , , , THIRST WAS FIRST THOUGHT. Familia ! . ' Scund Causc of Young Man'a , Bad Brenk. John C. RIsley of Dotrolt , nt the Now YOl'lt convention ot the Interna. tlonal Sc lot ) . of 110tel amI Uestn\1rant Bmploye-J-I\ convention notable for its condemnation of the tipping syatem -said to reporler : "Tho public thlnlts that we walters get rich (1ft our tillS. The llublle 10 \'ery IglIClrant In this mattol' . When I think of its dense ignorance I am reminded of a 110Utl nl meeting I I\t- tended lallt April. There was a chal ) at this muetlng who know nothing of parllame\ \ IJroceduro , mul , besides that , 110 wus half full. WolI , In the course of the meeting there was 1\ lot of excitement and shouting. It grew worse and worso. 'I'ho chairman , In the end , had to ham111er on the table Dnd yelI : " ' ' 'Orderl Orderl' . . 'DeeI' fcr mo , ' said the Ignorant young maIL , " VERY BJID FORM OF ECZEMA. Suffered Thl'ee Years-Physlclano DId No Good.-Perfectly Well After Uslno Cutlcura Remedies. "I take grunt pleasure 111 informing you that I WIIS a sufferer of eczoma. ill a very bad form for the past three ) 'ears. I consulted and treated with 11 number of Ilhysicians In Chicago , tut to no [ 1\'all. I commenced u'slng the Cutlcura Hemedlcs , consisting of Cull- cura Soap , Ointment and Pills , three months ago , and to.da ) ' I am perfectly well , the dlseaso 1111 ving left mo en- tirely. I cannot recommend the Cutl- cura Remedies too highly to anyone sUffering with the dlseaso that I have had. Mrs. Florence E. Atwood , 18 Crilly Place , Chicago , 111" october 2 , 1905. Witness : L. S. Bergor. " Patron Saint of Lawyers. 'fhis story Is told at the expense of Francis H. T. 1\laxwelI \ , a well.lmown lawj'er. The 1llmuberG of the 'fmmton , 1\1ass" Dar ass.clalon . ! thought they ought to have a patron saint , but after much wI'angllng they could not hit upon - on anj' particular saint. FihalIy a committee , of which Mr. Maxwell was a member , was apllolnt- ed to make a sllection. ! They made a trip to New Yorle , and there "Islted a galIery where most of the saints were carved In marble , It was decided to leave the selection to Mr. l\IaxwelI , und after malting the rounds ho placed his hand on one in a grollp of two , "This one w1ll do , " he said. Ho had Ills hand.on . the devil , whom St. 1\11. chael was driving before him. Impudence If Hal Polloi. A noted English nrtlst was standing at the edge of the road , waiting for his horse , antl he was dressed In his usual lJOcullal' sty1c-mustard'colored ritllng suit , vivid waistcoat and bright red tie. A man , who had ovldently been reveling , hallpened to lurch round the corner of the street. Ho stnred at the famous fiI'tlst for a minute - ute in silence , then ho touched his cap und aslted in a tone of tleep commiseration - ation , "neg pardon. guv'nor , was you in mournln' for anybotlj' ? " The Motor Face. A few days ago a well.known personage - sonage was motoring in Derbyshire when 11 policeman stofJIlCd him , relates the London 'rattler. "You'Il have to take off that masle , " said the officer , "it's frightening everyone - one who sees it. " "But I'm not wearing one , " ox- plalnep the unfortunate offecder. Golf Player Lightning's VIctim. During a tlnmtlerstorm , near Glasgow - gow a golf player named George 1Iar- rle was struck and killed ty lightning , which ripped off his clotlling , Including - ing his boots , and extracted all his teeth. It made a 1I0le three feet deep where lie had bean standing , No Impulse is too splendid for the simplest taslt : no task is too'slmplo for the most splendid impulse-Phl1- IIlls Bro ks , BAD DREAMS Frequently Due to Coffee Drinking. Ono of the common s'mptom8 of coffee poisoning Is the bad dreams that slloll what should be restful sleep. A man who found the reason saj's : "Formerly 1 was a slave to coffee. I was 111\0 a morphine fiend , could not sleep at night , would roll antl toss In my bed and when I did get to sleep was disturbed by dreams antl hobgoblins - lins , would walce up with heatlache8 and feel bad all da ) ' , so nervous I coultl not attend to business. 1\1y writing - ing looltod 111(0 bird traclts , I had sour belchlngs from the stomach , indiges- tion. hearth urn and I'IlpltaUon : of the heart , constlphUon , irregularity of the Iddneys , etc. "Indeetl , I began to feel I had all the troubles that human flesh could suffer , tut when a fl'iend advised mo to leave off coffee I felt as If ho had insulted me. I could not bear the Idea , it had such a hold on me and I refused to believe it the cau e. "But it turned out that no advice was ever given at a moro needetl tlllle for I finaIly consented to try PootUIII IUlII with the going of coffee nnd the com. Ing of Postum all my trouhles have gene and health haa returned , 1 eat and sleell well now , nm'ves steadied down and I wrlto a fall' hand ( as ) 'OU clm see ) , can attend to tuslness again and rejoice that I am free from the monster coffee. " ' 1'en daj's' trial of Postum In place of coffee w11l bring sound , restful , 1'0' freshlng sleep. " 'I'hero's 11. Reason. " Reatl " 'I'he noatl to WoIlv11le , " in Illtgs. Some Ilhyslcluns call It "a lIttle uealth classlo. " . _ J . . ' , , Bobbin Boys' Wageo. .Tolm n. 1.l'rll1on , trcaSllrcr ot the AnlOrlcl1u Pnch'rntlon of Labor , dellv. ered rcc'ntl ) . an nthh'cIIJ on slrl1\OlI. TurnllJ ! ; to the ainllsln f'aturen of the st1'llw ql1 stlon , 1\11' . I.onnon snltl : "I remcmb'r lslrl1 < o 0' hobbln bo's , a jllst strlko , 111110110 that suc. ceeded. ThoHO bo's condncted their fight well , even IJI'lIl1antiy. 'rhus the da ) ' Ihe ' turned out they posted In the splnnln ! ; room of their emplo'ers' mill n great placard 11I8cI'Ibed with the words : II 'Tho wages of sin Is death , but the wages of the bobbin bo's Is worso. ' ' ' - - - - Sheer whllo goolls , hl fact , nn ' nn. wash goods when now , ewe much ot tholl' attractlvonoss to the wn ) ' they are lllundered , this being done In 1\ 1I11\nnel' to enhnnce their toxtllo beau- t ) ' . Homo laundering wonltl bo equal. l satlsfllctOJ' ) ' If proper attontlon was gh'en to starching , the first essential being Hootl Starch , which hils sunIclont strength to stiffen , without thlclwnlng the goods. Tr ) ' Denance Starch and ) 'OU w11l bo pleasantly slII'lrlsetl ! at the Improved I\Pllellranco of : rour work. - - - - - - No Pence Confcrcnce. "Aro 'ou going to strllw. ma ? " nsted ) the lIttle bo ) ' , ns ho trembllngl ) ' gnzell Ullon the ulilifled shlnglo. "Thllt'a jnst what I'm going to do. " "Can't we nrlJltrate , mn , before ) ' 011 strl1\O ? " " 111m just going to l\rhlll'ate , " sl1e snld. ns the shingle descollded IInd rnls'd 1\ cloud of dust fl'om the seat of II lilliI' of pantaloons-"I am just going to nrhltl"llte , my Bon , am ] this shingle Is the board of arbltJ'atlon , " Important to MothDrs. Emmlno carefully every bOltlo of CABTOnrA , aare nnd ! 'uro remcdy , tor lufants nud children , ! IUd ace that _ , Hcars the Itel ! _ Slgnaturo ot In Usa For O\'cr 30 Year , The Ktnd You lIovo Always ought. Places of Interest Neglected. Two of the 1110St ntt1'l\ctlvo pluces for histructlon In Now YOI'le city are the Metropolitan Museul11 of Art and the American Museum of Nut'ural Uis. tor ) ' , 'el there are thousands of rosl- dents of Now Yorle who ha\'o nO\'el' heen in them , nnd 11101'0 than half of their dall ) ' vlsltOl's are strangers in th 0 clt ) ' . 'Nlth a smooth Iron and Defiance starch , j'ou can launder ) 'our' shirtwaist - waist just us weIl ut homo as the steam laundry cun : It will ha\'o the proper stiffness and finish , there will be less wear and teal' of the gom1s , and it will be a posltlvo pleasure to use a Starch t.hat docs not stlcl < : to . the Ir . New , York's Growth. Dulldm's in New York city invest $ OO.OOO each dny In land and new houses for apartment dwellers. I self'For etf lnes' ; : Self.forgotfulness in love for others has u foremost place in the lIeal ] char- actel' and represents the tr\1O end of humanitr-Peabody : , J wiH' Single Binler ! cigal'-l'iehcst , most sati fying " " 1010 Oil the 1II11r\et \ , Your dealcr LeI' ' l'co1' Ill. or \ \ ! Fl1elOl'y , a , - - _ . _ - It is the easiest thing In the world to tlream that you are malting money. NATIONAI4 LEAD C : lIPANY New York , 1I0slon lIurralo Cleveland , ClUcinnall C , Ifca"o , t touls , PhlladeIJhla ( oltn ' 1' . Cewls , llrus , Co , ) . I'jusuur h ( 'allonal Lead & Oil Co , ) , , ' . ' . . I , . . , , ' . , ' " . .4 Different Loaf , "Wh ' , " oxclalmed lItUo , Johnny. when ho heurtl his fnther telling nbout s01l1obod ) ' who WUR looltlng after the loaves and 03he9 , "thut's just what mal1\1nn sn's nbout Uncle 11enryl" I . "Snrs nbout Uncle 1I0nr ) ' ? " I'opeat- I cd his futher , In tlslonlsh1l1ent. "What do ) ' 011 mean ? " "Wh ' , 1)1 , tJou't ) 'OU 1mow. " said Johnu ) ' , "mamma 8a'S Unelo lIenry 0111y loafs uud IIshes , " - - - - - - 11) ' following the llh'cctlons , which uro plulnly Il1'lntOll on ouch package of Dollaneo Sturch , Men'a Collars ami Cllffa can bo made just ns stiff as de. sired , with either glOSR OJ' tlomenUc Hnlsh. ' 1'1' ) ' It , 16 oz. fOI' lOci Boltl by nIl good grocors. Group of St. Mnry's Churches. 'fhero uro In London n 1'0111111 dm on churches nnmed after St. 1\1ar \ ) ' , near- I ) ' aU of them helonglng to a alnglo groull cl0801) ' paclted togother. show. Ing that the ) ' nll CI\1110 from the ono grel\t } lur1sh of Alderl11ary. . . It Curell While You Walk. Allen'tJo'ool.EII e , III 11 ccl'll1in cure lor hot , tI\\'cating , cllllolIlI , oml tlll'ollcn. IIching lCI't , Sohl by nil Dl'tK iRtR , P1' CI' . c , I > nn'L ' nllr IHlhstilutc , Trial JnclIgc ! Jo'IlER Adll'CHH Allen S , Ohllslcd. l.c Hey , N. Y. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ " ' _ _ _ 0 Man's TruQ Worth. It Is not what ho has , nOI' oven what ho does , thnt dh'ectly expresscs the worth of a mall , but what ho is.- lIenri F. Amlol : _ No Headache In the Mornln ! ) . Kmmc'lI Hcndnchc ulrll for O\'N'.in. Cnll dul euco ill footl or Ih'llI \ , Dl'Illnilltll , : ! l'ic. No'mnn Llcht ' Mfg. Co. , DCII l\loincB \ , Ill. - - - ' - - ' - The best 1)'elm\"Ulion for the future Is the J'esol\t weIl seen to , the last duty well dOl\e-Geol'go lucdollaltI. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - , Guns , Trnps , Decoys , Etc. TO\\'Clit priccR , " ' ! 'it. ' fnt. fl'I'ccatalojtNol N. W. mde & 10'11I' Co" 1\l nncalloHII , 1\1inn. It Is the cause , and not the dontll , that maltes the lIIurtj'I-NallOleon , ' Billilcr Rl1'nilht ci is I.cwiH' Single % e ar gootl 11unlily 111\ \ thc timc , Y OUl' dcncl' ! or Lcwis' 1'nclo , ! ' ) ' , l'I'ol'in , 111. A man's Ideal must bo his guido , ns well as his gonl-Alnswol'th. JlrVln hnv' . . Hoothlll ! : "yrlll ) . For rhll < lrcn loolbln ! : , Botlcn ! lho III1I'JI , roduccs In , lIamlUl\tlon , I1(1)'H IIl1ln , ruros wln1 collu , o nWltlo. Who bunds on the mob builds on sand-Hullan. The horse clln draw the load without help. if J'OU rcduce friction to c.hnost nothing by llPplylng M xl @ -iGiJre tse- to the whccls. No other lubricant - cant ever mll e \Vcars so 101lg' nnd UllVCSSO much horsc power. Next time try 1\f ICA AXl.E GnEAsE. Standard 011 Co. Jlleorporllle4 Wrs rLm rooue $3.00 IlL $3.50 SHOE SHOEB FOrl EVERY MEM lm THE FAMILY. AT ALL rmm 1I''iiH : ! qrtfJ'M'J To nnyORO whocm Qj1IiIiii.JI1I:3'.II i.1 DcuyllJD do nol , I1P/j rOl'O lI'Jon'D $8 oS , Rew { ! . "Jlm tJl'Uf otlo , 1m TUB ImASON W. I , . Jollrlas HIIOOS nroVllfl In lilt milks of Ufo thall IIn1 other tllllko , 1:1 : 1 oxeoilimt Hlylo , ca ) ' .tlltilllt , 11I11Rllpcrlnr \1'4 ' 1'ho seloctloll or the IClllherll Rlill olher lIIaterl of the 51)00 , nllli every dctall of the IlInkfllrlr. the lIIolIL cOlllplotoOl'tunlzatioll ; of HIII'CrilltOlllic skll1ml RhnolllufJrH ) , will ) l'I'rulvo the hlglle tI' slloo IlIclllRtry , 11I111 who'o'orklllllllship l'1I111101 Jf I cOIII.1 . lake YOIl lilt" mv larjo fllclorhsllt nml HhfllY YOII how I'liroflllly . I" lJolI 11I1I HIIlI wOlllcl then 1II1110rHtllllli why they 111I1,1 tholr I WOllr IOlllor 11I111 , u" or Iroatcr'lIluo IlmllllllY Mv $4 GIlt do(1 and $ & Oold l10nd Sh OAU'l'ION I 'nto " 011111/1" hllvo W , I. , ! loUjl No HllbJltltllto. Auk your dealer for W , . " ] dtrect to factory. ShOC81Ollt uvorywluro Ii > , tlU i : : : . l " --'L-AA. I SICK HEADACHE ' " l'uslUvely cureel by C A D'JER"S tl1eSI Little Pills. Thl" ) ' n'"o ' rrllCTO Dls. InLE trl"/I..rronl DJ'/lI'cl'lIln , In- II .lIlfl'Hllollnl1llTooIlenrt , . VE R 1 l\thllt , A pcrfect rem- l'fly tOl' DI7.1II1C81 ! , NUll' PI Las . IIrn , DI"\\V/lltll'H" , nnd 'l'I111tl' ! III the ) [ Olltll , Cont- I'll 'I'ollltllr , l'l\ln In thl ! Hide , TOltJ'JD LIVJm. 'l'hl'Y r.'lfllinto the Uowcl/l. l'urol , "l"lI'olnble. SMAll PilL. SMAll DOSE. SMAll PRICE. . GCllulnc Must Bear CARTERS Fnc-Slmlle Signature ITYLE IVER d. - G . / . WJ.q ; REFUSE SUIISTITUTES. - - - - - - - - - SORE SHOULDERS 1 Woultt IIko VI'r111111ch In l'l'ffolIMII11t1l'l't I\Tl'lT J"IOIlIlor lit Ihh'I'III'I'r'h" OW"SIl1l1 her (111 thl\t 1"0 "u" , IIhnutl"'ro RIIII ! t'll hll1l Rbnut H"rllrl1 UaU lIlvl' , 'J'hls 1M IrllllOS lblo O I ulliltoin. : to toll 7UU thruu.h . the l"'I''r. \1111 1IU11 . holh knoIT Ihnt hor. . . workln" wllh Mro ahoulclrre 11f0 In I'nlll , nll,1 Ullit Ih1'1 ( 'lIn't do III1IUI'lI "urk , , "huIII rUnnlll1t c1"WIIIU "h.11 they nft' 11'0'1' tr"'IJ.llu. ' I RI" " " kllv" Il6rtl'I'lIy , , ( 'II Ihl1t HI'curlty 1IIIIII'IIIIvo , ,111 Cllr" IIII'M ! IIhoultlnn. but 1" " do lIot kllOlII. . It YOII dill 1"U " "uhl 1.11I " bllx lit ) 'our r1I'nh'r lit " " 1'0 111111 I'liro Ihel1l UI ) , [ or 7011 1\V0 IIn c"ubt oftrn wlhhncl Ihlll 7011 kll" " ot ol1le- Ilclnlt Voll 1'011111 rl'ly Oil. YOIIl'nn r'y ' Rbsollllely on trcllrft1111111 : ! HtIYI' . It "III do 111'ork nVl'ry tlmo. ! If If Y"II I.rnr.'r III try It nr t I will Jl1nll 70U 1\ 1 < 111111'10 ( ' 111troc. . Just "rllu tor II-It will 1:0 10 10U oliliul 1UIIII , Aloll 1'Rnt 10 loll 1011 thnt RC'cllrlt1 AntlM ! tlo 1I1'IIIf1r Is RII ltoo.1 tor bllrh "Iro CUla n9 HI'cllrlly 111111 Hnlvil III tor hllf" " K'IIIII. U"l\tC'fll'lIrry Ihem In I' , Wo 111111 fIWro. \ . , I' " . , Ih1II for Jour nocda ; II/ua m II 100 J : , (1 f , rl ' : : , \ , rll. : , II:1 : : rn I , 8ItCUlU'I'\ l1mY < :0. . 1111 IIncI11 > ell II , JIIlnD. - 'fo convlnoo ony . womun t h n t Pax. FREE tlllo , AlltlRlItlo will I1UIII'O\'O lIer hcnllh , , filii ! tIe nil wo claim for It. Wo will 81'(1 her nb olutl'Y ! ffeo t\ 11\1'10 trial hex 01 l'axtlne with book of instruction - tion ! ! nil II Rcnulno testl1Ionllll : , 80nd your name mill utlMes9 on n IJostncard. . o8 . nnll henls PAXTINEolonn mom. brnno nf- feellons , such nI nn nl cnt.urh pelvlo CnllIl'I'h ' nulln ( ammlltion causell by leml- ulno Ills ; 110)0 C'I'1 ! 1\01'0 ' tbront and month , hy direct 10\1 : hClltlllent Its cur- nil vlf Ilowcr ovcr thcso trou\lel \ Is extrn- ordinary tlnll glvclI hnmcdlnto relict. 'l'hOU5(111113 ( or ' . ' ' end 'Womcn 11'0 usIng rco- oll1mclHllng It ovcry tIIIY. ro cents at drlllll IROrh'mall , Itcml'llIher.ho\\'ovl'ro 1'1' ( ) ( ) STi : YU1J NOTII1NU TO TJtY 11. ' . TII1 It. lOAX'l'ON co. , lIe touo Mila. . _ . _ - - - - LIVE STOCI [ AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN ORE1.T VARIETY FOR SA1..E AT THE LOWEST PRICES DY A.N.KELLOGG NEWSPAPER. CO. 73 W. Mama Sireel , CIIICAOO - - - - - of this paper de- READERS slrlnillo buy o.ny- - . . . . . thhl\r 1dvertlsodln Its column9 should Insist upon havlnll whal Ihey QSC ) lor. rcluslnlr all substi- tules Of ImltaUolIs , " ' " . - - DEf ! NG SYIU1CH- : , : -olhnr 8111rch'IR ollly U ounccsl\mo IIrleo' and "DEF'IAtIOE" IS 6UPERIOR QUAI.ITV. W. N , U. , OMAHA , NO. 35 , 1907. lAS " ' 11 DEST : IN THE WOnLD o ru.rrr , ! S.u'ItJ , I1POVC W. L nIJfD 40lJ $3/jJ UhOOB nllfnr.tural' . I hy moro ' ' ) iI'CIIII O II Iholr l'lIrlll flIl1l1l1o . Ills for IJLch : part loolICll lifter hy 'II ' IH , fOrC1I1I'1I IlIIit lI ca 1':1111 : III tbo I hI ! cxcollC'.I , Brocl ( ICHl.1IfIlGS , . I'H IIro 1II111O ! , YOllfi'a ' _ < 141.1. " . ! IIIII" , tit Iltcr , " ' 9 # "ther IItllko , "euJID ; c OCJ CDlJn"t 60 ollulII'od nt DIU' IJrlce. III 111111I11 lIuli prlcu HtLIIII",1 11/1 IWlIIIII , 1'1&1(0 1l1IIII [ hoc , Jf hll canllot BUPI.ly YOIIOlId LJI , ( Jntnl , , : : froo. 'V.L.Dol/ilna. nrockton. Mag ( Q ) ID nn W @lrij lJD1 ! IDJIr@J $ ) llDmm ( ) rr $ ) [ k w . arc a deli ht to the refined woman oV ry- where. 1n order to eet this result see that : the material is Ioocl , that i is cut in the latest fashion and use . [ j@ff ) D1l@ @ ft@1Ir@ in the lauJ1dry. AIllhree things are import- nUl , but the last is absolulely necessary. No matter how fine the material or how daintily made , bad starch and poor laundry work will spoil the effect , and ruin the clothes. DEFIANCE STARCH is pure , will not rot the clothes nor cause them to crack. It seIls at 10e a sixteen ounce package - age everywhere. Other ! Starches , much in- f rior , seIl nt 10e for twelve ounce pack- ace. Insist on etting DEFIANCE STARCH and be ! lure of results. [ ) @ff ( ill1J1 ] @ @ C llr@ [ } u @ @Um1 ( pJ D11 @Dmi Ih1 1 , ( M@lIDlr rlka.