. , c ; " . . . " . . /VVVVVV''VV"f\l'.r.J'l'"yAyl\l'.A . " * " : \ , 'fJVV\lVVVVVVVVVV\NVV4 Dan Mauk and family left 'l'uesday morning for a visit of a week with friends at Hastings. ' " Dr. Glenn L. McMillan. of 'T Faile City , Nebr. , is the name of the affable young man who is performing the duties of phar ma- I cist at the Baisch drug store with f accuracy and dispatch. Mrs. L. E. Cole left on 'Vednes- , . day of last week for Chicago and will spend a. month visiting friends in Illinois. The coroner is behaving himself remarkably well since her departure. ' Kenneth Rublee. son of Mr. : and Mrs. F. M. Hublec , will attend the Culver Military Academy at Culver , Ind. , the coming school year , and leaves " for that place next Sunday. , Miss Emma Maupin returned , the latter part of last week from . , . ' , ' a ten days viit ! at Des Moines , Iowa , accompanied by her sister , j'J ; Mrs. Mellie Bass , who will re- I : , . "t , ain for an indefil1ite length of " . " ' ' ' ' " hme. 1l" , ' 4 , Citizens are active getting I : ; ready for the flower parade ont ' , t " Y t'he tair grounds next Thursda.r. . ; . 1 Quit a number will participate and indications are it will prove one of the most beautiful and interesting' features of the week's festi vities. . . 'The ' Broken Bowites , Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Mullins , Dr. and Mrs. ' : R. B. Mullins and Messrs. J. M. i , Kimberling and A. M. Snyder , \ 'I who went t' > Denver two weeks . ' ago and enjoyed themselves \ sight-seeing in that vicinity , I reached home the nrst of this ( week. I _ "rownsman McClure , who was I on the state ticket for nomination , as onC' of the railroad commis-I sioners as a socialist , received , thirty-six , votes in Omaha , which ' wasn't so bad when one considers I' I that "Mac" is not as well known I In Omaha as berc in Custer couuty. If as many cement walks are " laid in Brokcll Bow next year as , have been put dowu this ycar , there will hardly be a board walk . . left i:1 the city when 1909 dawns. This old burp. ' is no SlOUCh in the way of improvements-when the finances are not a complete I barrier. I , A machine to fold the Custer : . Count y Chief was put in operation . - , : last week and for a time actect'like a freshly roped broncho , but fail- I ing in its efforts to throw 'rheo- 1 " dore Furcell , who was in the saddle , it became docile-all to onctnd is now performing itR 11 duty nlcey. ] ) . The Custer county fair is , billed , the big prize hog is cor:1ed I /Ii' and swilled. 'l'he pumpkins that' : : ' wifllift the prize is watched with ' proud and hopeful cyes and the family marc to wir. the pot is r . , , training for the "county trot. " I' October crisp will soon be here with softly falling leaf and sere ; with frosty morn and hunter's moon , and pumpkin pie-no' yet , but soon. The lucky wiveR of millionaires Jut up jam and pickle pears , but the most of us denied these boons will pass the winter-'full.of : prunes. " Th Menel v Quartet te of Chicago gave a most excellent entertainment at the Temple theatre on Tuesday evcning , under the auspices of the local W. C. T. U. The audience was small but appreciative and all voted that the entertainment was enc of the best of thc year and congratulated the W. C. T. U. , l ladies on bringing such a high \ class concert to thc town. " There will be things doing in Broken Bow next week. Indications - tions point to the la.rgest display of farm products and Ih'e stock ever exhibited at any previous I fair and from all parts of the _ _ county-even the furthermost i I' corners-comes word that the , heads of families will attend accompanied bX bring wife and children , and it is now certain if the weather is fa\'orable , therc wil1 be a larger attcndance than evcr befolC. George . Porter advertises an auction of his stock and farm machincry on thc farm known as the George Wi1ling farm. one and one-half miles southeast of Broken Bow. on Wednesd : y , Sept. , 25 , beginning at 1 o'clock sharp. At that timc he will olTer milch cows , hcifcrs , brood ' 1 sows , pigs , shoats , 54 acres of i corn in field and enough machiney . to properly conduct a 640 acrc farm. Don't forget the date and . . be hand at the . \ ) - - on appointed hour if you would hear the begin.J ng of Jud Kay's lecture. Custer College , Broken Dow , Nebraska. I"all terms begins Sept. , 16. Write for catalogue. Attorncy Hess G. Moorc rcached homc last Saturday frol11 a visit to Ncw York and reports a fine trip. Mrs. J. S. Molyneux lcaves Sunday night for a visit of a week with relatives and friends at Lincoln. 'l'he Hev. Wm. Buswell will assume his labors with the U. B. church next Sunday. Preacbing at t:1e : usual bour. City Attorney Gadd was.at . Nortb Plattc , on Monday , trY111g a case in which-as usual-he won for his client. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bowman cxpect to lcave next Monday for Hot Springs , Ark. , to be absent from home three or four wecks. Mrs. D. M. Amsberry went to Grand Island Monday accompanying - ing her daughter , Lillie , who enrolled - rolled as a student at the Baptist col1ege. Mrs. J. E. Iszard and Mrs Van- Antwerp were out near Lodi three days last week assisting Surveyor VanAntwerp and report an enjoyable ti me. John Davison , who is now engaged - gaged with the Watts News Co. , leaves on thc 28th of this month for Albion , Nebr. , where he w111 work in "Pete" Rverson's drug store. James Smith , of Blooming , III. , a Custer county realty owner and a pleasan\ gentleman to mect , was in the city Mondav attending to matters in conne tion with his holdings. I The first frost of thc eason in I these parts arrived : -'londay night and played havoc with garden sass and things , but not as serious ] } ' in this city as in the surrounding country. 'rhe great 'Western play , "Wyoming , " win be presented at the ' 1'empe ] theatre Monc1ay night. One lady wil ] be admitted free with ever } ' paid ticket purchased - chased before 7 p , m. , Monday. "Jack" Benjam11l , son of Judge and Mrs. Benjamin , of this city , is with the Della Pringle theatre company this season. The comp - p ny was at Salt Lake City last week and the papers of that city were p filse in their compliments of "J ack's" c1ever and , profes- ! Jional work. M. F. Young who is making his home with his son , L.'rank , at Lincon ] , is in the city this week renewing acquaintance with hi. . old time friends. Mr. Young sa's Frank bas a very pleasant and comfortable home in the Capitol city and he enjoys the new home very much. Mr. Teagarden and the pupils in his room were given a rich treat Wednesday a. m. , by the classical rendition of two we1l selected musical n l1m bers by Prof. Myers assisted by the Misse3 Bowen and L' Amereaux. Such exercisl > s have a decidedly wholesome effect upon the pupils of our schools. Fred Ream started for Lincoln in an automobilious last week and succeeded in getting two miles beyond Ansley. There it went dead and , carefully covering it with a tarpaulin , left it. Securing a farm team he went to Ansley and proceeded on his journey via the B. & M. railway. Leslie Me. Williams who , for several years has been foreman of bridge gang in the Back ] Hi1ls for the B. & M. R'y arrived in the city yesterday for a few day' : > visit with relatives and acquaint- ances. Mr. Mc\Villiams surprised - prised his friends by bringing with him a wife-a bride of four months. It will be of interest to our readers to know that the Young Mens' Christian Olssociations of Nebraska and though them the associations of the world have in your midst a representative , J. M. Kimberling. He is the corresponding member for this community. 'rhrough him , our young men going away from home ma.r get an introduction to Y. 1\1. C. A. ] eaders that will beef of materia ] assistance to them. A number of our young men are thinking of going away to school or to enter busitiess and should see Mr. Kimberling and learn from him directly as to the help he can give. He can also secure for every man in the community a state membership ticket which gives privileges in every association - tion in Nebraska. . Mrs. C. n. Cox und 50n Ralph , who have been visiting and ! 1ight- seeing' on the Atlantic coast states the past six wecks. returned - ed home 'yesterday , aiHC. . B. was still alive 'though they stayed two da's longer than he expected. 'l'uesclay , Sept. , 10th at the M. E. . church parsonage , Hev. ' 1'hompson until in marriage C. B. Ankncy of this city and Miss 'Ellan M. Wicm , of Boonc , 10W.l , who arr'cc1 here tllt\t mornil1Jf. Mr. Ankncy has secured the new Stevenson residence and the young peoplc will at once begin housekeep1Ug. We note from thc North Bend , Nebr. , ncwspapl'r that Miss Bertha Allen , of Mason Cit ) ' , was married at the homc of her sister , Mrs. Dr. C. O. Eigers. ] at North Dend , on Wednesday of last week , at high noon to C. E. Walrath , of Omaha , where groom is engaged - gaged in the lumber business and the newly ma ried couple will male their home. From the published account we infer the i wedding was a very elaborate affair Hcld-up the Mail Carrier. One day last week when Dill Nash , who drives the Round Valley and Eton ] stage was returning - turning home from his trip he was accosted and beaten by one Jim Carlin , whcn about three miles from Broken Bow. Carlin , it appears , had , some old grudge against Nash and proceeded to salisf ) ' his grudge after having partaken of his fill ( If prune juice and alcohol. It is a serious charge to wavlay the United States mail an < l we understand the postal authorites are investigating - gating the case" I Thc New Barber Shop. Charlie Gadd has opened the new shop near the depot and invites all who desire a smooth , easy shave , a hair cut that will please them , or a bath , to call at the new place. The shop will he open Sundays from 8:30 : to 11:30 : a. m. , for baths ony. ] Ladies , Attention ! Mrs. Penn wishes to announce to the ladies that thc elegant line of new fall mIlliner } ? is complete - plete in every respect. Laides , misses and childrens c10aks at bottom prices , also skirts and waists , and an elegant line pf furs and neck piecc5. I also have a special line of , new styles in corsets , one style which laces in front , particularly adapted to the stout Jigurc. Also hosiery and underwear. Mus LAUUA PHNN. Farm For Sale. 720 aaes , one mile from Broken Bow city limits , 500 acres uuder cultivation , balance fine pasture , aU fenced and cross-fenced , two good gravel wells , good frame house and barn. Will sell all era a part. Terms to suit purchaser. 14-tf C. W. EDWAHDS. The Banks Will Close. " The Broken Bow banks , in order that the officials and em- ployes may attend the best county fair ver held h.ere will be c10sed during thc afternoons on Wednesday , 'rhursday and Friday - day next week. 'rhcy will , however , open at 8 o'c1c k in the morning-one hour earlier than usual-and remain - main open until I o'clock. All persons having business of importancc with these institutions - tions will govern themselves accordingly. While Attending the Fair don't forget to call at Mrs. Penn's for that new cloak or hat. School Teachers Assemble. A mOHt p'easant. gathering of the teachers of our city fcboos : ! ] occurred at the North Side School buiJdiug Monday , Sept 9th , between the b urs of.J : and G p. m. After a 8hort business session , in the ollice , the t achers , who hl1.\'e prsviol1wy ] taught in our S01l006 ] , were dis- missed. However , the "trusties" faiJed to go home , but quietly retired - tired to the primary ! 'Oom where a dainty repast Wll8 in rcadiness , which had been so eaborate ] ] } ' prepared by Prof. l\Iclndoo 1nd Jesse 1.1ca- garden , and so anxiouHY ] looked upon - on by the Misscs McConnolJ , Downey , Hill , Farrell. Crumbly and Mrs. MeTndoo. At the proper tirre Prof. Mclndoo told the new teach- ers. among wbom are l\1iflses Clurk , Roman , Lindley , 1oaton , Fulton und OhaRtek , thlt they would do obsormticn work in the l'OOIDS below - low , but to their surprise aDd delight - light they met thcir associ Ite teach- er8 in 11. formn ] wI\Y. After which Ice cream and toast8 WOI'O in ahun- dmco. 1.1he event was both enjoy _ able and entertaining. FOR SAI.It- Horse , buggy , harness , saddle and cow. 13tf _ J. A. ARMOUR , _ , , , . I . I . ' , , . . . , , . . - - - - -y- - - - - " EVERYBODY OME TO THE ALLAWAY , FAIR , - " , $ L O . IN PURSES f ANn PREMIUMS - - . . . 2 TS ADMISSI N - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C . I I . : - " " 't..r J . . . ' " /s- _ ' : . . . . . . . . . - ' t \ FURNI I : 7J' ' \ \ - ! 1 _ I . . ; : : ; : . , \\1\ \ \ , . i,1 I , ' _ . . J c. : : : ; ] - . ' ; r af ' :1 i . ( rUBE . ; ! , r : ' 1 ; " ' . ij 1 II' [ I ' - 1. : I " 'c- . ' t of male and superior . finish is our particular spccialty , Whether ) 'OU want au odd artic1e or a house i& ? ! full of Furniture , we are at 1\11 timcs ready to mcct the de- maud. Ever ) ' article we sell is guarantced to be made of n thc finest , thoroughly scasoned wooil , designed on thc 1110st artistic plan , uncI finished in n satisfactory and per- 7 ! 111auent style. otwithsta1J(1ing the superior quality of ' our goods , our I'riees arc at all times reasouable. I' I to. C. ' K 0 N K E L. t t.J . . . . .J d.\s \ < to " . . - - - r 1 t . Th e air . I ! With It IOl'gC displny of farm products and \t live stock will be open Septembea 17th , 18th , II t 19th and 20th. , ' . The Advo I . with. larg.o . . display , of pui'e gl' cerie8 and II I prOVISIons IS open ht all tunes , every week day t in the year , and it will he to your . : . to 'Q attend every day yon. need flllytluug III t1H line of groceries. I . ? ? - - - - - - BIG REDUCTION' . , ' . . ' S ALE . : . : ' , . . ' . With the consent of the Creditors' the entire stock of MEVIS & CO. , will be closed. out" without reserve. , This s le will commence at once' I and continue indeftnit ly : ' : : : " - DON'T MISS THIS . SALE Our stock is c01uleta ] ? and now is the time for y u to lay in your Dry Good.s , Clothing , : Soots , Shoes , Hats , . Caps : , Cloaks , Skirts and large lines - of Me.ls' ' Fur Coa , ts : : : : ' : : , O. H : Mevis & Co. East Side Square .