Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1907, Image 19

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    , " . .
' "
Religious , Scclal , Agricultural , Pollt.
' Ical and Other Matters Given
I' . Due Consideration.
, f _
I The cO\1nt . commlsslonl'rs of Snrpy
. county ha"o resolved to have all its
cO\lnty bulldlns ! painted.
Dedlcallon at the now BlrdwoOll
church located In the country tcn
miles north of Sunderland , occurled
Sunday. The occasion was elaborately
observed by the people of the nolgh.
borhooJ , who assembled and spent u
I part of the day plcnlclng at the Saxton
groye nearby.
'l'ho preliminary hearing at James
C. Dowen , the man who shot WilUam
Siebert , the Gretna saloonlteeper ,
August 16 , was hold before Couhty
Judge Begley and the defendant bound
oyor to the district court In the Imm
of $1,000. ShorHr McEvoy took the
. prison or to Omaha and lodged him in
tbe Douglas county jail.
The present pro poets for n bumper
corn crop In this p rt of the country ,
says a Douglas county dispatch , has
cnusod tho' farmers who are holding
tholr last year's crop to maim a de.
, lIvery , and the elevators are working
from early morning until late at night
taking care of the many hundred
bushels that are being dumped.
Edward Coleman , an employo of the
Chesapealto r < 'staurant , Omaha , was
stabbed by Will Ingram , a. colored fel.
v , J low worlter , and died at the Omaha
- Gt-noral hospital. The men had quar-
role (1 , It Is saltl , oyer a joke and In-
gram cut his friend and escaped. He
il2 n resident at Councl1 Bluffs and
nn errort Is being mndo to find him.
5. D. Bishop , aged abont 45 , a wen
known resldont of Brolten Bow , com-
. mftted sulci do by hanging. Financial
tllfi1cnlUes is supposed to be the cause.
' \ The body was discovered by the oldest
\ Bon , who , going to the stable at 6:30
( o'clock , found his father hanging by a
'ti harness Hne from ono of the raeters.
The man had been dead nn\\'hol'o
from two to four hours.
.JJ Alvin T. Swisher and wife of Lih-
. ,
coIn have brought a damage sull In
the district court of Seward county
) against the Shogo LUhin Springs company -
pany of Milford , of which Geneml J.
H. Culver nnd son Harry are the
proprietors , for the sum of $5,270. The
1 . ( Iamages are asltcll because a son of
the Swishcr's was nm ever by one of
Culver's ( lellvery wagons at Lincoln.
I Mrs. Fred Boclwr. sr. , of Grant1
( 1 land , Neb. , who wns 1)\(1I ' lImncd in
a gnsollne accldont about ten days
ago , snccumbed to her injurIes , gnn-
i " ene having set in , in the lower ex-
tremoties. Mrs. Becker's daughter ac-
-cldentally 1I0ured S0ll10 gnsollne , which
was in n pitcher , in a tea IwttJe of hot
water , which was at the time on the
hot stove. An explosion soon re-
sultOl ,
.John lleckllC'I' , a : 'o'0\1I1 \ mnn of 18 ,
-whoe : : home was near Nclraslm CIt ) ,
was found 11nnglng to a tr'o three
mnes east of Murray. Suspended there
ly a rein , he h:1I1 been dead somp
hours when dlscovored. Boc1mer had
bl'en in thl' ample ) ' of Charlcs
Creamer , 1\ local farmer. In the morn.
Ing 110 wenl to his usual work in the
field , bnt , lid not return for dinn'r.
His team wns founJ about 2 o'clock in
' . .
\ 'field.
A yonng son of John 'ronjcs. of
Grant township , Cumhlg county , was
1.l11ed at his home. The ) "oung man
was leading a tunm hitched to a 10al1
< If COl)5 when the horses became
frig11tenml at chIJdren cllmJlng ! on the
wngon and fan awa ) ' . 'rho end of the
. tongue hit him in the hreast knocl-
log him down the wagon colliding with
a f ( > OIl box , overturning it. In Its faU
-the lJO vy box strucl , the young man
on the head ktlling him Instantl ) . .
Elmer Philpot , his wife anl1 their
ttlree little children of NelUlwka
storted for Union tottel1d the o III
Sc.-ttlers' reunion and as a train was
on the crossing ho attmnptec1 to d'e
ll twcen It nnd the ( lE'pot bull.-ing :
whell Ule freight train commenced to
JUove , whlelfrlghtene the team ol
roncos 110 that the - ran away. The
occnpants wore throwl1 out , the bug y
smashed Into Itlndllng wood and h' .
Philpot seriously If not lataHy In.
Jay Gnllogly. a ph'slclan's atten ant
rot the Ballc - sanitarium , Lincoln , was
llJ1od by an insane patient , Irene
NlclICI , who pourel a ! Jottll' of earJolle !
aoM In his face while he slellt. The
) girl , who was handcuffe ( ] , arose from
. . . l1er bed , left her room , went to th ( '
fnr end of the hall. pusslng severnl
fieoplng nurses , and secured the bet ,
tle of polson. She then returned te
the room , where her "lcUm and J. C
. 1\1001'0 slel1t , nnd emfltled th ( > contenb
- r'
of th bottle in Gullogl"s face. The
mnn leaped from his l ) ( d mill fel
dead In a chair , oxclalmlng onlr tll <
words , "Carbolic acid , "
A vahmUon of the S\wldon \ estate
llfar Nehawltn as Htatod by the ap
pmlsor of Cms : count ) " , Is $222,413ri [
The larger pnrt of this is reprosont,1
b ' Cass county farm land bought it
' . the early dn's at a low Irlcee.
, mando\'l has brolwl1 out among thl
horses of the northern part of Saun
deI's county. Wl11lnm Ha\'s 111\ !
i slarted Hilt n < ; 1I1115t Wlllinm Raitn\ls
J 111 and IJonnlngellon tor $1,500 al
i lglng U\:1t the lutter sold him tW (
horses Bufferil\l ; flom glanders whill
reprmJentlll1 ; the tlnlllluls. to bo it
sOllnd condition ,
Profit by the Experience of One Who
Has Found Relief.
James n. Ieeler , retired farmer , . ,
at Fenner st. , Cazenovla , N. Y. , sa's :
"About fifteen years ngo I surrered
with my bacle and
Itldneys. I doctored
and used many remedies -
dies without getting
relief. nt'slnnlng with
Doan's Klllnoj P111s ,
, I fountl reUef from
: the first box , anll two
boxes restored me to
_ _ _ .1 _ _ . . . . . , _ _ . . .11
_ . . . . . . " bUUU , bUUUU ouuu. '
Uon. ? aIy wJfo and many of my friends
have used Doan's Kidney P111s with
good results and I can earnestly rec.
ommend them. "
Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
JUdge Must Also Have Been Follower
of the Gentle Art.
John Quincy Adnms , of Massachu.
setts , third of that name , who dlod
about tcn ) 'ears ago , was very rend
of fishing , and 110t especially fond of
his legal profession.
One day , the story rUDS , a case In
which ho was counsel wa3 down for
trial In a Massnchusotts court. Mr.
Adams did not make his appearance ,
but sent a letter to the judgo. That
worthy gentleman read It , anl then
postponed the case with the announcement -
ment :
"Mr. Adams Is detained on im ,
portant business. "
It was afterward learned by a col.
league of Adams that the letter rend
as tollows :
"Dear Judge : For the saIto of old
Isaak WaHon , please continuo my
case till Friday. The smelts are
biting , an I can't leave. "
- - - -
Laun ry worlt at borne would bo
much more satisfactory If the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness , It Is usually neces.
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty anll fineness ot the fabric Is
bidden 'behind a paste at varying
thickness , which not only destroys the
appearance , but also affects the weaf' "
Ing quality of the goods. This trouble -
blo can be entirely o"ercomo by using
Defiance Starch , as It can bo applied
much more thinly becanse at Its greater -
er strength than ether maltes.
Time to Fly.
The trust magnate leaped up from
the banquet table and made a dive
for his 100.milc-an.hour automobilo.
"Hold on ! " cried the astonish cd
toastmaster. "Won't you walt for us
to servo the dessert ? "
"No , " replied the nervou's magnate ;
"I just saw IL suspicious face loom up
at the wlnllow. ' 1'he next thing served
w111 bo a process. "
And telllng his chauffeur 'to pnt on
full speed the wealthy fugltlvo headed
for the next state.
Great Discovery Announced.
Sir William Crookcs , as a result 01
his own researches and the experl.
ments of Professors Krowalsltl and
l\Iosclcki , of Freiburg university , hall
discovered a process of extracting
nitric acid from the atmosphero. The
process is available for commercial ,
Industrial and agricultural purposes ,
and is expected to rovolullonlzo the ,
nltrato industry and the world's food
"The Carthagenian mercenaries , " he
said , "encased their prlsonors in a cement -
ment that , al3 It hardened , contractcd ,
You can't imaglno how uncomfortable
thl was. "
"Oh , yes , I can , " she answered. " ]
once had on a tight bathing suit wheD
it began to shrink. "
A Theory.
"Why do men swear' ! " aslecd on (
"It's due t6 . the vanity of the sox , '
answered 1\lIs.s Cnyenne. "They wanl
to be noticed even when they can'l
think of anything of real fmportan
to say : '
She Had Curious Habits.
When a person has to keep the fee
out trom under cover during the cold
est nights In winter because of th4
heat and prlc1dy sensation , it is Um4
that cofee , which causes the trouble
be left orr.
There Is no enll to the nervous con
dltlons that coffee wlll produce. I
shows in ono way In one person and h
another way In anothor. In this casl
the lady Jived in S. Dnle. She sa's :
"I have had to lie awalw haIC th4
night with my feet and limbs out a
the bed on the coldest nights , and fel
alralll to sleep for fear of catchlnl
cold. I had been troubled for yearl
with twitching and Jerldng of th4
lower limbs , and for most of the tlml
I have been unable to go to church or t. .
lectures because of that awful feellnl
that I must Itccp on the move.
"When It was brought to my aUeu
tlon that coffee camJel1 so many nm
vous diseases , I concluded to dro ]
coffee and take Pastum l"ood Coffee tl
see If my trouJlo ! was caused by coffel
"I only drank ono cup of coffee fo
brenltfnst but that wns enough to dl
the business for me. When I quit i
my troubles disappeared In an aimos
miraculous wa ) ' . Now I have no mol"
of the jerldng nnll twitching and cal
sleep with any amount of bedding eve
mo and sleep all night , In sound , peac (
ful rest.
"Postum Food correo is absolute )
worth Its weight In sold to me.
"Thero's a HeaRon. " Hend the lItU
henlth classIc , "Tho Road to Wel
v1110 , " In pkgt.
, ' . , . ,
. ' 'f ' I. '
. ,
f -
Generosity That Was Purely the Result -
sult of Accident.
A mlsslonar ' bishop told this story
nbout F. Marion Crawford , the fn1110U8
novelist :
"Mr. Crawford wenl to school , " ho
said , "In Concord , al\ll ono day ho was
taken to can at a Concorll elergy.
" 'rhe clergyman hnd a missionary
box on his drawing room table , and ,
tlmo hnnglng heavily on the boy's
hands , ho nmused hJmaelf with try.
l'lg whethcr a silver dollar-It was
all the money ho bad In the world ,
anll ho had converted It Into that gl.
gantlc coin ror safot-wouIl1 go Into
the slit In the box's tOI } .
"It was a close fit , but unfortunately -
ly It did go , and the coin sllppcd out
of the embryo nuthor's fingers. There
was u terrible crash of silver faJllng
among the coppers-and thcn the boy ,
as the nO\'el1sts say , 'Imew no moro. '
"When he came to himself ho r und
the clergymnn and hlo family 'In rap.
tures over Ids generosity' . "
Girl Had Running So reD from Eczema
-Boy Tortured by Polson Oak-
Both Cured by Cutlcura.
. -
"Last. year , after having my muo
girl treated by a very prominent phy.
'Blclan for an obttlnato case of eczemll ,
I resorted to the CuUcura Hemeltles ,
and was so wen pleased with the al.
most In-stantaneous reUet afforded that
wo discarded thol physician's prescrlp.
lion and reUell entirely on the Cull.
cura Soap , Callcura Ointment , nnd Cu.
tlcura Pills. When wo commencell
with the Cullcnr1 Hemedle her feet.
and limbs were covered with running
sores. In about six 'Weelts wo hod her
completob' 'Wol1 , and there has been
no recurrence or the trouble.
"In July of this ) 'el1r n lItUo boy in
our faml1r : 110lsontJd his hands and
arms with polson onk , and In twenty.
fonr honrs his hands and arms were a
mass of torturing sores. 'Vo used
only the Cutlcura Romedles , and In
about three wcelts his hands and arms
healed up. Mrs. Llzzlo Vincent Thomas ,
Fnlrmont , " 'alden's Ridge Tenn. , Oct.
13 , 1905. " _ .
The ApproprIate Location.
Causllc CrlUc-Why did you put
that joker at the very end ot the num.
bers In your entertainment progrnm 1
Member of Committee-Wasn't that
all right ? I thought a wag ought
naturally to como at the tan end.
LadleD Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-
Ease. A certain cure for Rwol1cnBwentinr"
hot , aching feet. At all Druggists , 25c. Ac-
ccpt no RuhRtitute. Trial paclmge 1mgE.
Address A. S , Olr\sted. Ie Ito : , " , N. Y.
Riches Cauce Trouble.
Great riches are ever accompanied
by great anxieties , and an increase
ot our possessions Is but an Inlet to
new dlsqulotudes-Goldsmlth.
D es Your Head Ache ?
, If so , gct a hex of Krause's Headache
CnpBulcs of ) .0111' . Drugg ! ; t. 25c.
Norman Licht : Mfg. Co. , Des Moines , In.
- - -
It Is not those who renl ! simply , but
those who thlnlt , who become enllght.
Lewis' Sin lc Bind'r straight 5c.Iany :
Rrnokel'S prefer them to IOc cigars. Your
dealer 01' Lcwit'actory , leorin , 111.
< - - - - - -
Nothing Is mllre teilious than the
I pursuit of pleasure as an occupaUon.
. " . . . .
- -
_ r. . - - . - . - _ : . - , - ' _ _
Physicians Recoll1mend Castoria :
CASTORIA. has met with pronounoed favor on the part ofphyaioians , pharina , . .
ceutioal sooietios o.nd medioal authorities. It i used by physioio.ns th
results most gratifying. The extended use of Oasto1'io' is unquestionably the
result of three faots : First-The indisputable evi ence that it is hm csB :
Soconcl-That it not only allays stomaoh pains o.nd quiets the nerves , but ass ni. .
lates the food : Thir - It is o.n ngreeable and perfect substitute for Oastor ' . Oil. ' .
It is absolutely safe. It does not oontain any Opium ) Morphine , or other narootio
and does not IL i unlike J3ateman's ' '
stupefY. Soothing Syrups ) Dl'OPS , Godfrey's
Oordial ) eto. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty , however -
ever , is to expose danger and record the means of advo.noing health. The day
for poisoning innocent ohildren through greed or ignorance ought to end. To
our knowledge , Castorla is a remedy whioh produces composure and health , by.
regulating the system-not by stupefying it-o.nd our readers are entitled to
the information.-HaZl's JOllrnal of noaltlb.
t I' ' : , I" ' , ! I iii" : : i1./lli / iflmIIIJi ! UIP ! ! til ( , , , Letters from Prom.nent Phys cians
" j addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.
I Dr. D. n.l.t.d Sentt. 01 Cblen.'O. 111. . . 'BYn : "I bovo ' vo.crlbcd ' ycur
I I I I I I Cnstorln orten lor iufnnta ( lurlne m ' practice , and fluIlli' very lJaUsfac'tory. ' ,
, Dr. WHllnm Dolmont. , of Cleveland , Ohio , says : "Vour Castorn ! sl4n < ls
! I , ; : : ; - _ , , _ . ; q ; , , ; ; ; : ; 11rst In its clnss. In my thirty ) 'cars of practice I ron Dar 1 n ver hnvo .
: , I . ' ' ' " " ' ' found anything that. no fillcd the plnco. "
Ii ; ; !
I' ' i : Iii "i-- . ' ' ! : . I Dr. J. H. TaU , of Drooklyn , N. Y. , Days : "I hnvo used your Cantorln and
- . . found It an exccllont remedy in houschold and Irlvato prnetlce tor
' i ' 1. = . . _ my
, , ' , . . . . , , -1. . . . - - . " -
'I' , I ! - - = : : - = # = _ _ - _ _ J many yenrs. The formula. . Is excellent. "
: t ' : .ALCOlIOL 3 .PElt OEN'1" Dr. n. J. IIamlen , of Detroit , 1\Ilch. , saya : "I prescrlbo your Cnatort
, ' ' j , AV gclabtPrrparallonrorAs.exteuslvely ( ! , na I have novel' found anything to equal it. for chl1lren's
" I j Ii slmllalln IIICF od lmIRc ula.troubles. . I am aware tbat there are imltallons in the field , but 1 always
I Un UlcSlomadisnnd owesoC nee that my patients get Fletcher's. "
, \ I Dr. Wm..r MoCrnun , of Omnll , Neb. , saya : liAs the taUler ot thirteen
children I certainly Imow somcthlng abont your great medIcine , IUlll nsldo
trom my own family experience I have in my years of prnctlcG round Can-
torln a populnr and efficient remedy In nlmOllt : ovcry homo. "
Dr. J. n. ClnuBen , of PhHndolphla. . , Pa. , Days : "Tho name that your ns- .
torla. hna made for itself in the tens of thousands ot homes blessed by tbo
presence of children , scarcely needs to bo supplemental ! b ) ' the cUIlorso. '
mont of the medical profession , but I , for eno , mest. hcarUly CnllOffJO it and
bellovo It an c-'tcellcnt remedy. "
Dr. n. M. Ward , of Iansl18 City , : Mo. , says : "Pllyslclnno generally (10 not
i prescrlbo proprietary preparaUons , but in the case at CantorllL my Q.'tpcrl.
enco , lIke tbat of many other pllyolclans , 11118 taught mo to : mnl.o an ex'
ccpUon. I prescribe your Cnstorla. . In my practlco because I hn.vo . found It ,
to bo thoroughly reUn.blo remedy for children's complaints. Any physl-
cilln wIto hna raised a family. as I hn.vo , w11l join mo In hcnrUcs recom-
mondatlon of Castoria. "
Boara the Signature of
. . "ntmJ
d < 7.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
. in Use For Over 30 Years.
. . . . . . . . . . .
THE OIt"T..un COM."Y. TT MUlln..y OTnltrr. "ItW Yon" oln.
. . . . . . .
_ I f. _ . -.fIlill = _ " . .r
, , , '
Color morlt rood. brlohter and fnster colors than an , other dye. One IDe Plekooo colors all fiber. . They dlo In cold \Natar \ bellcr than an ! other dID. YOII Cnn d , .
6111 DarlDon wllhOutrlppln apart. , Wrlto for free ooklet-How to 010. Bleaeh and MI. Color. . J'tf 0 H RO E 0 II U G CO. . Qul'm.v. 81l1hola .
Negro's Valuable Head.
A Kentuclty negro earns double
wages as a hodcnrrler. because ho ia
able to do the work of two mell. _ lIe
carries from ,10 to 60 bricks at n tlmo.
Ho plnces the bricks upon n board
which he balances upon his hend ns
, he cUmbs to the tops of high build.
The first requisite of a. good
mothcr Is good hcalth , and the experience -
perience of maternity should not e
approached without careful physical
preparation , as u woman who is in
good physical condjtlon transmits to
her chil rcn the blessings < If n good
Preparation for healthy maternity -
nity is accomplished by Lydia. E.
1 > lnlham's Vegetable Compound.
which is made from native roots and
herbs , maI'o successfully t.hlUl by any
other medicine because it gives tone
and strength to the entire feminine
orgnnlsm. curinR' displu.cements , ul. MRS
ceration and in ammntlon. an the JAMES CHESTER
t result is le68 liUtrering nnd more children healthy at birth. For more
tha.n thirty ycarB
Lydia E. Pinlhan1'S Vegetable COin pound
has been the standby of American mothers In prepnrlnR' for childbirth.
NotewhatMrs JamesChesterof427 W. 35th St. , New York says In this
lotter-Dear Mrs. Plnlham-ul : wish every expectant mother know about
Lydia. E. I'inlham's Vegeta.blo . Compound. A nelghbOl' who had learncd
of its greut'aluo at this trying perIOd of a woman' Hfe urged me to try
it and I did so , and I cannot s y enough In reR'ard to the good it did me.
I rcco\'crcd quicldy and am In the best of hcalth now. "
Lydia. . E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is certainly n successful
remedy for the pecuJlur weaknesses and ailments of .
lt hns curell almost every Iorm of } 'emulc Complaints. Drng'glng Sensations -
tions , Weak Back. FaJ1ng ! and Displacements , Inflammation , Ulcerations -
tions and Organic DlwasclJ of Women nnd is Invaluable In preparing for
Childbirth and during the Change of Life.
Itlrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to V\'omen
Women suffering frClm any form of fermlle weakness uro invited to
write 1111's , Pinkhnm , at I.ynn , MUbS Her advice Is frec.
- - - - , - - - . - . . . . . . .
F'J ' tr - mmn ! . j.-'J : ' ' - - _ " ' 'f'i' ' ' ; , = " ' m .
; : : " - , . - . " . . - - . . , " . _ " ! irJ : : n M - . - i
$3.00 & $3.50 SHl1ES T d LD
Xl i > " 'SHOEB FOR EVERY MEMBER OF . . . . ,1.
. . . ! lI/1'tft To nnyonBwlocfliI p/'ovo W.L.
IlUtiJI fUlr&IIV DOUlJIla doca not ml"co & Dcll
1IlJI ll"d mora fllcn'3 $8 & ! ; ; 3. U shoDa
Jilhliii\l'U'call' ' lIan : l1Uf olhc , . nlJnufactuotI' .
TJn HIMSONW. J. . I > ongll.q ! sllOcllaroworn ' '
In nll walks or lIfo than nny olhcr 1I11L1\O , IH II' CIIII O 0 / their
flxcollollt stylo. cuJr-nlthll , 1111I1 1I1crlur , "oarlIg ! fllIJ\lIl1ol'l. '
'l'ho SOl8Clloil or the 101lthol'll 1\1111 olher IIIjlterJIIIslor cllch part
of the tihoo , 1\1 : < 1 every detail of the mnkln ! : hI JoollIJlI 1ICr ! hy
the most cOIIIl'lcleorgl\lIlzaUulI or 8111'erIIlI0l1l11'IIt8forI'III011111111
klllClIl'lholJlllakors. ' whu rl'Iolvo ! Iho hl heHtl'1Iell : ! Jlllhl III the
shoo hlllll try. 111111 who.o Wurklllllll hlil e llllut h" Ixl'eJl'II. !
Jf J co1l1tl take YOllllltll lilY Illr/o ( liclurlcH lit IlrucklulI.MI\s" "
nllli "huw YOll huw I'l\reflllly , V. L. 1 > 011"111'1 1I11111'811r" 11111110 , YOll ' . $1ib. _ , l"
wonlll thcnlllIlol1ltnlllt why they 11011I their hlinllC.I , lit helter , pr' .
" 'tlar IUIIlor Rlllilire uf "rImier " :1lno : tltalll\lIf . .llIcr lIIalu. " 'w" CI : D t
Mv $4 Gill EIfl.oaml $5 Gold Dond SIDCI ; cnnnot be o Cf.lSlIad :1"1 : JIJ.V PI'co.
OAUTION I 'J ho 1(011111110 IIIIVO W. J. . l1ou:11I8 ; 1III1U : : IIIII11'rl < 19 8111111110.1011 " . .ttOIll. 'l'alo
No Huh ( ltuto. Ask yunr deiller ( or W. ( , . nongJ ; . " 11(1118. It hl1 ( 'a.l llnt Bl1lllly , you. CIIIJ
dtrect to Cue tory. Hbocllticut ovorywbero lIy maiL CM lolC Cree. W.L.DouRfI\I. nroc lolIlIJ. . . .
, . .
Iansas City Southern Ry.
Write for descriptive literature concerning
cheap amt rertlle 1l1nds , splendidly ndapted
to general fnrmlng , stock raising , grain ,
fruit I1nd truck growing , located in Missouri ,
Arkar.J : , Indian Territory and Louisiana.
InunldrDUn" Adl. . Oeu'II'ulls. Adl. .
1 ( . C. S. II ) ' . H. C. S. II ) ' .
READERS 01 this peper de-
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DEfiANCE , STAaCH- : a : :
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It 8 e r : : 18 f ThDmpson's Eye Water
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w. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 36 , 1907.
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