Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1907, Image 18

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\ .t " " . " . : I4IVE B 101 ' " I " '
. L s ND PMERs
'i' r
. .
New YCllk-lIhlden on n lIttle New
Jersey flmn , n cOll1mllnlly of sixty
I'oraonll ' , onnhalf of thom chlldroll ,
l\.Ce tI''IIIE ; to vltullze a cOInpleto 1'0-
nctlon against money grecd , hYloc ( ,
rlsy , nntl lho Ilrcsontduy Christlull
chllrch and to leecp It lLllvo by religious -
ligious hysteria.
'rhoy dOllCl1l1 on "faith" ( I. 0. ,
IlrU'cr ) fO/ ' rood , clothing , and the
bl\l'O nccellsltles or life.
They huve rollowcd the Injllnctlon
of .Jesus to sell their goods , glvo the
Ilrocoolis to the 11001' , alld follow 111m.
Medicines anti Ilhysicians are f\r-
bll.h.lcn , and theIr only treatment for
< 1180\10 : ; conalsts of ( lrlLyer and anoint.
Ing the all.
Ol11clals of the state or Now Jerscy
say that If any ono dies after such
tceutmont those concerned are guilty
of crhnlnal negllgenco and Indlctablo
for IIIIUlSlauhter. !
'fho community Is managed on the
Co'ollornth'o IIll1n , no onO receiving
wnges for wOl'k , nnll nil sllPlllles goIng -
Ing Into a common fllnd , the 111011 alltl
womclI sharing the worle on an equal
Converta ure lcelt ( In a high state of
rclIglolla oxcltOlnent hy IL cOllglomOl'a-
tlon of BIblical text , SOllhlstl. ) . , anti
slang , anti talle of modern lIulnts alld
Scelelllg to IIvo according to Blhll-
cal Injunction , they wO/'le thol1laolves
I1nto a frell r , murch , dunce , alld leull
1llgh In the all' , henc { , their nnme ,
Holr , JIII1IPCl'M.
A lIIomhCl' or the cOlI\ll1l1nlty has nl-
'rondy hoen tulcon to the SomOt'set
Cuullty IlIlInno Asylum BuCferlng rrol11
ll'oIlgloua mnilla.
What the Jumpers Are Like.
Such , In hrlor , Is IL ILul11l1mry or the
'JIves ' or UIO Holy .Jul11l1ers on their
( I1nn nem'Voston , IL station on the
Itcn < .llng railway five III110s southwester
or 130unl1 Brook. Attention was ut-
tracted to thom lIy n rellort that they
arQ to Invade New Yorle In the man-
uor /lBlljuh" Dowlo aUlI his Zion-
Ists.Vuut munnor of lIeolllo are these
\wl1o \ woultl 1111 UroI1l1\\'u ) ' with tholr
'cries ' und wild dancell ? 'rho quostlon
lIed to IL visit to Wostoll.
"Whoro are the Holy .Tl111111erS 1" the
1I'0portor aslted n furmer ho mot on the
lw y _
"IlIghl down thul' on the towllILth
Iwhero . ym' see thut hlLl'n and wind.
' . .
! mill. ho l' IIlIccI ; "Do tilOY jumll ? Ym
Ibet the ) ' do. I was at theh' II1'u'm
ImeoUn ; ; Insl. Sunday. Ono or lom-
rothOI' Hurmau. they culled hlm-
an us hlg aB you , six feet high. .
Waul BI'ot1101' Harmuu '
, yelled 'Uallo-
ltuJah ! ' jeNt IUI 101111 118 he could , guth
tored UII hIs legs undOl' 111111 , uUlI
Ijumllod-It loolcod us If ho juml101I
: most us h gh as thllt tllUl' InmlllOs1. (
"ThoY'I'o prnylng most nil the tlmol
1.00. Some weels ulnce ono of the
! follol's here was ncOI11II1' UII the tow ,
path alul chullCOll to loole OVOl' towun ]
Itbo , I 01l1l10rs' I1lacL . SlIre us I'm hero
thul' waa a lIe ! ) ' .Tul11llC1' stulldlll' u-tor
, Ithelr hnystaclt. his hunds till In tlH
WI' . IlI'aylng tor all ho wall worth
Guess ho was III'a'llIg alJout the huy
.L"fitI ,
, =
" 1'heso .Jumpors 'soem to bo de-I
ClJut euouth. though , " the farmer added -
ed , "only thc ) ' Iwop mosUr to thom- '
sel vos. "
Thus. IIl'hnc , the 1'01lortol' wallted
down the Delawal'o IUlIl Harltau canal
! to the Hal ; . ' . 'Jumpors' tarm to moot
no or the 'most CUI'OUS UXIIO\'lollcos
tn bo found neal' Now Yorl. .
( Reporter Ul1convlnced.
H went. to scof ! : hp cpnhl not sta ) '
to IlrI\Y. ' 1'h9 hj'1\\11 U , sophlstr ) ' , ul1l1
'Uw ' IllIght or ao IIttlo children wore
! too uncanll ) ' : 1I1s : .Ieuse of humor ton
lacute. Yet. au ho left , uuo qllestlon
WILS tJllrnh1J ; 111 his mind : Are these
ehulIe ! , IHlsulhly mlH ul ell 11001110
; solvhl1 U10 gl'oat social question of
CLHJlloratlOI\ the mol'o fol'co of
th'lr'ollglous Ecal , whel'o other ! ! 1m. vc ,
jalhd , 03lleclally III the famolls Hl'Ool :
b."arm oXllorJmeut , lIy 1111 ex { e : ! 1 or I ho-
lor ) ' IInti Imowlodo ! !
"Zal'cphnth. " A bl slgll I\t a lnrll ,
ior the l'oul : here U16 nl\I1IO \ u ( the Holy
J unJpera' sotUomollt. I.owel' lIowu , at
the entrauce to Uw dUIIr'arll , wus
an arch um1 " ' } 'lIo 1'1111\1' of } i'It'o" Oil
, it. '
A "flulnt11III1soli 01u blc'clo. HI ]
j'WOI'O ' the uniform or the sect-a hlacl ;
shirt : IIml holuiot. The mell In't'l10 . mal' ,
: f ; , : ' , ; ' , : , . - - . ' \ :1" : : H : " , . . . .
, ; " " : ' 1 J : ' .I , . . . . .qm.IM IUI11I' : lW"II' ! I' " _ . .
- - - -
Iwt gurdolls on elthor sldo had the
gurmentl ! of the "worleers"-hluo
shirts I\nd hrcechcs. 'rho "slstor" wlto
recolvo < < 1 the rOI ) ( > I'lor wore a dross or
slmllnr matorlal ,
In the hare l'eCoptlolroom ono
sJUnd IIredomlllated ever all others.
Outsldo were sllnllhlno nnd the song
or life-tho cllclt of the windmill ,
locllsts , unll heel ! huzzlng In 11. corn.
field , the cllllltor or children , the
sOllnd of hnmmOl'a as the workers
raised 11. bl ( ; tent for the camp meet.
Ing. Insldo Will ! the sound of hymns
pounded out on IL hl1rd.tono < 1 piano ,
110rslstcntly , monotonously , endlessly
until the visitor tllou1ht of the most
maddenIng In the list of ancient tor-
tures-the steady drill of water on n
man or womun's head.
"You huvo becn very succe 8ful
here ! " hogan the roportor.
"Tho Lord' hlesslng hILI ! heon upon
us. " The "slator" nnswored absently ,
as If InL / dretLm or the
torturing h'mns.
Homa Is Gift of Believer.
"Yoll own this Illaco ? "
"Yos. It Will ! glvon to111 o.bout two
yours IIl O hy 1\1rs. Ol1rrotaon-Mrs. W.
1' . GarrJt ol1. , She ! anv the trllo I1ght-
the light of the Lord In ralth-sho and
her Bon I1nd her two daughtors. Wo
hlLVO heon here uhout IL yeur and a
huH. 'l'hore 111'0 80 ncres or land and
30 grown IICOlllo , Home of thom mur-
1'1011 , hilt m0111) ' ; . 'ollng men aud
womOIl , ntHI ahollt I\B many maI'O chil-
dren. 'fh ) ' Imvo glvon up all their
worldly ( ; ool1s IInd followed HIm. "
"You 1I111at have Illenty or money ,
' " .
then !
"Oh , no , " with ! L smile. "Peoplo with
worldl ) ' glds ( ! LI'O lIot eager to glvo
thom 1111 ! LlIl1 follow the Lord. "
GI'/uhmll / ) ' 11101'0 facts cumo out after
)1orlllstent ) questionIng. Six years ago ,
1\11'11. Aillm White , wIre or 0. Mothodlst
proucllCr In DenvCl' , was Inspired to
preach on her own uccount. The conference -
foronco of the Mothodlst church
would not muleo her a fun fledged
mlnlstor _ Uut "tho Lord blessed her
In alnglng. " so aho atarlCll her own
church. She culls It the Pentecostal
Union , hm' nelghllOl's , "Tho 1)11111.1' . of
1"11'0" : the pllhllc , the Holy Jumpor" .
TllLJ "sistoI' ' ' who wus talltlng called
It "tho hollnes1 movemont-tho Meth-
OIlIsl. church as It was In the days or
\Veslo ) ' . before lleoplo thought only
of worldly thhlgs and the mlnlstors
of proachlng and prayer for wage. "
. 1\11'11. WhIte Is IItllI the houl-tho
. 1\1rs. Eddy. the Mrs. Plper-of the
, sect. She lives In Denver , whore the
, Hol ) ' .1\m1110\8 have a BIble school and
. HiO mlsslonors IlIIII the union got a
charter In 1902. 1\1rs. Whlto's hrothor ,
C. " ' . Brldwoll , Is the head of the
fnrm ILt Wellton , which Is the eastern
headlluurtol's of the sect. There are
I other mission houses In Los Angeles ,
und I..afa'ctte , Ind. , with 11. dozen missionaries -
sionaries each.
Have Biblical Authority.
"What Ilro the peculiar ceromonles
of ) ' 011'scct ? You march und dunce ? "
. "Oh , yes , " the girl replied : "Are wo
. not told In the Blblo how David
. tAl. s. . . , / . .uM uwd. d..n.w. . \ " ' " tAl ,4f11t ,
. . 1. . . . . . . . . " ' " " " " ' ,
- -
duncClI hefore the Arle or the Cove
nant , ' ) 'ea , ullll was oxceedlngly glad ?
DId not 1\lIrll1m dance with joy whoI'
Israel wali doll\'ered from the handl
of the l g'llUllns unll the ned sm
t10well hacl , anll confounded the ene
mll1 ! ; or thu I.on ] ' ! ; l1001110 ? Again , II
the New 'l'lstu11l1nt ! : the dance Is mel1
tollell ! IlS a ) l1\1't of rltI ! lous worship. '
"Yes , and slngIl'ovon ! with cym
bals 1\1111 SIIl\W11S , ' " quoted the rc1
"Y's-'os-wo USl' t'mllals , druD1
too. And wu ofttn sing to the music ( J
halljos ul1tl gultars- "
"You Imvo IIn1'ls ) , too ? "
" , Yo Illnr Oil autohaflls. But 111m
of our music II > on the plnno. As w
sillg. wo t1ance : I\S the ) ' did In the 01
da's , mllrchlll nhout , anll jumplnl ; u
anll down In OUl' gladnoss. 'I'hat !
wh ' the ) " clIll us .lu1111Iers. "
I 'I'h < ' . : : o wel'LI the words of the 1'1
Ihdonlst , the lontlmontallst. On tll
other hanll , ! ! h'an ( Jl ) ' hald an
strange ! ) ' C011\llUllllded \ of Scrlptur
lhraso anll modem SOIllIs r ) ' 111 tli
ofllclal UXllllIlll\tlon or tilt ) JUllllllu
hallit. 1I0\1 } It Is :
Why They Jump.
Afh'r Iho ) ' hUll IIrl1ll1lzl'Il Inlo n ehurcl
I J\lh' ( > b' hut < 't\OlIl1unl of o\"r'llIlnl ; UII
. _ 1. .
f ,
- - -
: VOrl hnC'k/tIlMcl\ out on the IIno 001\
, vl1l1h'd , III' b"Klln lo Itlvo Iheht on mnny
ml'nrtlLlIL .loclrlllNI which wo preneh nnd
IrtlClll'O tn-lILY. Ono tJml hus mount 0101'0
.0 ollr 11f'lIlllo In lI1anyIIYII thrm any-
hln ( ' 1tH''I11 ! ! the holy clnnee. In UIII old
1\rlhllm \ IrIIIVl'UJI'IIIA , Ih"ro wall oeclLRlon-
: l\1y \ U 111/111 / tllIIl woulll jUlnP up nnll clown
wllf.ll ! h , ' WUK " 1I1IJ\'ell by the Spirit. " WI
th"y Hl1l < < l , hill fill' 11 whole church to
JIIIIII' ' III the 11111110 1111I0 In ulIlAon WOll
1mothlll ) thl1t hnel ncvcr heen heard of
In nny rl1lhloufl or nr.lznlllln. The J..ord
.hoWI'I . ! SIHll'r Whllo thntJIo wn wallinI' :
to rovlvl' till' huh' dnnelJ , ( md thnt It
woull , ho IllonRIIIJ : lu HIm for the whole I
'hureh-1I1II11 111111 wOlllen-everybody thnt
wnfl I'III\'I'II--to ' JeO to Ilrnllllng Him In the , :
tlnnoe. Hllc IIILll Accn n few men jumpln ! : '
11 ru tllil I In rellglouR BervleosJut \ not In '
the /lonse oC thu holy tlnnco. nil wo hrlVo
It to-dllY. where nll pnrllclpate In unloon.
In the holy dnllce In our RorvlcolI , the
Boxes nc'Vor ) mlnelo. mon dnnco ntono nnd
llJA'other'lHI IIkewlso thu womon. 'Vhen
IheyVlmt nt It nll hea.von smllcll upon
Ihom , nnd Irelllcrhlnl'l:1 : were opened up
lhrough It than they had any concep-
11011 or.
Ono ot the Denver newspaper" enlloll us
lho JUlnpers tn Its he\l1IIno , and trom thnt
limo the pUblic hnn taltcn It up nnd 10
Iho IInme by which wo nro Imown from
lho Atlantic to the l'nclf1c. The nnmo Is
Ilcrhaps nUnched to U3 In derlolon , but
\vo cheerfully Ilccept It and go on jump-
III . HnlloluJnh I
Arc Early at Devotions.
The " .Jumpers" got up In the mornIng -
Ing at G o'clock and pray till break.
fast at 9. They IIray singly or together ,
from then till nIght , In the fields. on
the shudy banks or the nolghbor.lng
broolt , In the sllenco of tholr
cham hers. , ' 1'hoy hold services three
tlmea Sundays , wIth more prayers ,
Bongs , jumping , and "testimonies. "
When a missionary sots out to preach ,
t ,
lIatlon with tbo reporter , the monoton-
OilS notca of the pltut'1 had hoon merge ]
cd with the click of tlto wIndmill , the
hum ot heos , nml the cbatter of cbll. I
dron. 1'hen.a man nnd a woman began
to tnlk In the next room. They might
bavo hoen quanellng. ' 1'helr voices
were pitched high , now both spealdng
together unintolllgibly. Then Collowed
sllenco for a moment , then n single
volco In great excltoment :
In Fervent Prayer.
"Oh , help , help us-Show us the
way-Oh , wo'vo done wrong-We
thanle Thee-Wo bow beCore 'rhco-
Help-help us-O Lord- "
The communistic plan of Zarc-
phath Is a success , If the rich trults
of fleld , garden , nnd trucle ll tch count
for anything. 'At the beginning of
ever ; . ' weele the worle or the colony
Is dlvldod among the mon and women ,
with IIttlo or no distinction between
the sexes. 'fhe men wash dlshos ,
coole , and make beds , just as the older
hays plow and the women worle In the
gardons. In the Zarephnth' building
the men uro lodged at one end , the
women nt the ether , and the chlldron
on a lower fioor.
'fhoy eat two meals a cIay. Brenk-
tast Is nt I ) In the morning and dlnnor
at 4. Each Is preceded by prayers , and
perhaps with testimonies , IIlnglng , nnd
"All of these sorvlces , the prayer
meetings , our marrIage service , and
the 'ceremonIes at the graves have no
regull\r order , " oxplalned the sistoI' ;
o.i r , I
. - 'tt' _ " " l'lllUl 1 . ,10" ' " " . ' 110P - . . . . _ . -
they ( ; athor and lIra ) ' for him. They
say one or these worlwrs lert for
Paterson ponnlloss , but when they
pru'ed IL stranger came Ul to the
traveler anll gave him $2. The , Jumpers - .
ers clto numm'oll cases In which they 1
have "prayell themselves Into" shoos ,
uniforms and food with no trouble at
"J..ast week , " to quote Bridwell , "we
had no money with which to purchase -
chase certain supplIes nnd meet some
lIaymonts , but the Lord sent us In. n
sufilclent sl1m , I\nd has been sending
us In 8mallel' amounts from day to
day. "
New Yorl ( Can Walt.
New Yorlt-"tho l1urplo woman of
Bahylon"-wlll not hear tholr prayers
for the prescnt. They have no Immedl-
ate plnns for coming hero as "Elijah"
Dowlo did. Theil' missionarIes , however -
ever , have already pl'eached hero liS
they hlL'v'O In Paterson , Newark , Now
Brunswick , Somerville , Bound Drook ,
a:1d 1'hlladelphlu.
When IL person Is 111 they pmlr allen
on his 01' her lIody and pray-that Is
all , the ) ' say. 'fho hody Is anointed be-
CILUse lCople mentioned In tbo BIble
dl < 1 It. Tholl' Idea or "hol'.lIng" b ) '
prayer Is mndo cloal' by tbls case reo
portoll by Bridwell. Ho su's :
The other 1111) ' ono of our : ! \alers \ unwlt-
lingIlvnllowod \ a. piece of roton ] glass ,
nnd nl10ther picco lodged In her throllt.
lIeI' CO/lttlLlNI . ecuno qulto oerlol1s , and
Wo saw at .onco th t Go'd would tmve lo
underlnko. A prayer meollnwus called ,
In which II. J1IHnlJor of persona Imporluned
the J..orl' fOl' her Immedlale relief. 'Vhllo
wo wore uS8f'mbled lhe vlclory came ; our
sllller beltlll1 10 prnlso the Lord ancl
claimed Ih Il\'rnllct' . Suddenly she fllnrt-
ed to shol1l1ng " . turnIng
about.0 ' IIIL11 plecu 0 glnas III her
hl\lll' lh/Ll IInl'lCOI1 \ dlslodgel1 from her
lhrollt. She had Clll1L'u\'ored a number of
LlmcH ! Jofuru lu Hol Il oul without a\'all.
61noll tllun ahe hnll CIJ1 all rIght , and
tl'aLlfll'1tllut /L mlmcle 'wall wroughl In
hcr behulf.
Conflict with State'o Laws.
'I'heso methods or tI'eating dlseaso
are In dlrcct conflict with the laws at
New .Jorsey. When a person dies In
Weston the fact must he reported to
Dr. WIIII\lm \ C. Lon ( ; of Somcr\'lIIo ,
couut ) . ph'slclun or Somerset county ,
In which the ettlement Is locatod. A
falluro to do so Is punlshahlo with 11.
fine of $500. 'I'ho count ) . physician
1Uust hn'ostlguto , the cause ot death ,
and If ho finds It waB duo to neglect ,
abuse. 01' vlolenco. ho retors the case
, to ono or the coroners of the county.
At the otl\cc \ of the prosecutlns nt.
torney of Somol'set county It wall Raid
thnt Ir u IIOl'son should dlo without
medlcnl uttondance and nftor no other
1 treatment than the 11Oul'Ing of 011 and
- Ilra'or the persons Involved could b
" held for criminal negllrenco and all
_ Indlctmcnt COI'
I JIJllnlllaughtor woulll
IIl'Oballly roll ow.
The first death ut Zal'cplmth 01
wMeh Count ) . Physician Lon hal
Imowledgo occurrml laRt I"ohruary. . ,
man Ir. tilt' cotnmunlt ) . fell fl'om thL
roof of II lJal and was fatally In
jured. Aoclm' ! \ was hastily summon
ed from Bonnll Brool. , hut could 110
sa\'o hll11ft' . 'I'ho hd ) ' was bmled 01
lhQ farm-the Urat la a plot 0
ryund set asltlo h ) ' the .1\1I11110rs Co
their gmvL'U'II. No other Ileaths hal
heen l't'pOl'ted 'from ZaI'OIhath , Dr
Long snhl.
In Juno lust. when ono of till
women In the community was solzel
Ie with l'olli-lolIlI : hllHUlIt ) ' , there was nl
, lll\cO tu keep hel' In the fwtllomcnl
I ! ;
01' . 1011 \\1\11 ' uotlfled anll hlld he
seut , to. tlll Somerset Gouut ) ' lusan
I ,
It , ' A . . t.Il ' ! . fi , I ! Ol' continued hOl' COII\'el
: ; ?
"It Is Inl'gely arranged as the spirit of
Goll moves us. "
Life of the Little Jumpers.
Scriptural Injunction Is followed In
the kitchen al1 well as the bare lIttle
chapcl. Pork Is eschewed liS unclean :
so uro "fish without scales. " l "rtllts
and cereals form the bascs of the
favorlto dishes.
What of the 30 lIttle children' who
IIvo In such surroundings ? They pray
as they I1 ay. Their 11Is are treated ,
too , with 011 poured on their bodies
and by prayor. They learn to jump
and go to the meetings and give
strange "testimonies. "
Hero Is a Ilrayer whIch the Jumpers
credit to Glenn Plnnle , uged throe ;
"Dear Lord , wo thank you for help-
In us to sing songs. I thanlc You for
maldn m ) ' ear well. Supply our nocds
tor this da ) ' and send In some dollars.
My shoes 111'0 awful had , send me in
some new ones , for .Josus' sake.
Amen. "
Services for Children.
'I'he children hnve special sorvlces
to pl'a ) ' fol' clothes and the mission-
arlos. They have prayer meetings
every morning fro111 6:30 : to 7:30
o'clocl. . 1'healso have "pralso serv-
Ices" distinct from those or theIr eld.
ors. They range In ago from babyhood
to 10 or 12 ) 'ears. "In the school term' "
ono of the Jumpers oXlllalned , "wo
also teach thom In secular Imowledge ,
Including some of the hIgh school
branches. " .
Indeed , chllill'cm may lie called a I
star feature at Zareplmth. 'rhe farm
was given hy 1\1rs. Garrotson for a
chlldl'cm's homo UfJ well as fOl' mis-
slonary work , and In the notlcos of
the camp meotlng the building Is
culled a "chllclrenrs home. "
Characteristic of the sect Is Brid-
well's description of the chlldron
when ho recentl ) ' returned from the
west. 'fhelr enthusiasm evidently
ftlled his honrt with gladness , for he
says :
" 'Ve wore deHghted once more to
moet the chlldron and to hear them
p\'a ' and tesUf ) ' . God Is certaInly
hlesslng this dClartment ( of our worlc
anti helping the lIttle ones to become
falthtul In His sorvlco. The ) ' have
tholr lIttle trials and experiences , and
win bnttles which mean moro In their
lives than nny of the great hlstorlcnl
con lcts or this world. "
A Gliding Boat.
The now gIlding boat made In Paris
1Ir Lovasscur and Leln cOl1slsts essential -
tial ! ) ' of a light , pointed main seo-
t tlon , which Is connected lIy a light
I 'wood platform two foot lon to a
I flat tull 30 feet long. 'I'he forward
I section contains the motor , from
which a shutt runs to the propeller
In the tall. ' 1'he rear end of the taU
I Is almost submerged , whllo the fo
, ward end and the main heat float on
) the surface and are almost lifted out
of 1110 water lIy the actlou of the pro-
poller. The now fiOhorsepower olght
c'lInder Antolnetto motm' Is used.
In cnhn weather the now form or
boat. glides vor ) ' rUllltll ) ' on the sur-
fa e of the water and In rough water
-this lJelng the special advantage
clalmoll over sliding nnd ordinary
boats-It Is able to rUll at a talr sleed. (
. _ .
- - - - -
Business ApprecIation.
Herr HIrsch-That man Lovl has
ot his 0)0 Oil Olll' nosa. lIe's IL thun.
dorll1J ; good man at business and he
can have her If ho wunts. Ho OIlCO
got 501110 mane ) ' out or mo in pa'l11cnt
r'for : BolUe thln s I had of hlm.-
, The State Capital
Matters of Ocncrnl Interest
. _ . . . . . . . , rRO M = - - = - = =
Ncbraska's Scnt of Oo\'crnmcnt
. . . . . " " _ 'J. '
Prison ASGoclation Dloclalmer.
Inasmuch as some of the nO\VIIllllpcrs
are ) llaclng a portloIl of the responsibility -
sibility tor the Bulcrort lynching on
the Nebrnslcn Prison association by
reason ot Its connection with con-
Tlcts , members of tha.t organization
have como to the front In Its defense.
'J'he prison association , as I\n association -
tion , nor any member of It as a mem-
her of the association , has over as ,
slsted In securIng a purolo or pardon
tor any } 1l'lsoner. It Is ono of the
rules of the association that It Is not
to Interfere In any way with the trial
of the prIsoner or In nny way endea\'or
to shoren or change his sentenco.
Tllo solo object of the nssoclo.tlon Is
to assist convicts ufter they heen
discharged fro111 the pcnltentlary. It
has a committee of marc than forty
members scattered ever the st.nte , the
duty of which Is to secure' employment
tor those dIscharged convicts. Com-
mltteomen are further obligated to
help the con'Vlct to lead n. correct life
and to mnlte his own waIn the world.
The memborshlp of tlte .I > I'lson , uljsoc n-
tlon Is not malle lip of h'sterlcal
women and hero worshippers , but of
the subst.antlal business men of the
stnte. Practically all of the business I
Battle of Bucher's Island.
All arllngemouts have hccil prac.
tlcalh' comilletcd for the celehratlon
of the thirty-ninth annIversary , of
t.ho lLttlo oC Boecher' ! ! Island , to ho .
hold near Halglor , thin state , SoptOI11-
her 17. It Is eOXllccted about twenty
or the survlvorl ! of that sangulnar1
n.ftl'lLY will' bo pres'nt. The hattlo
was fOllght Septemher 17 , 18G8. by
/L detachment oC lanaas voluntcer
scouts uuder J .Ieute1Ulnt Colonel
l.'orsyth , and toolt plaeo on an Isl/LIld / ,
In the Arlclmrco river , ne:1r Its junction -
tion with the Repuhllcan river. ' 1'ho
fight. Insted eight da's , durIng whletl i !
nenr ! ) ' haIr of the commanll waR ' ,
Itilled and mnn ) ' others wounlcd. (
Among the Idllcd was Lloutonant I'
Beecher of the rcgular nrmy , n. nCIhew ,
ot the late novo Henry Ward Deccher
and from whom the Island reco'vus ItR ,
namo. Durlllg the fight the comm.'lnd :
had to slIlIslst upon the putrid fiesh \
of slnln horses. Tbo part ) . was fin' tall
all ) ' relloved lIy a detachment from
I"ortsVallace and Hays , ! Cas. , ami
wore found In a most lltlahle plight
hy the relieving purt ) . . 'rho Indlu1s :
were under command of Chlcf Uom:1Il :
Nose , who was lellled during the on-
gagOment. 'I'he number of Ind nnR
engnged In the fight was about 1,000 ,
while's command conslstell
or about thirty mon I
In 190fi tbo Beecher Islnnd association -
tion erected IL monument on the fsl.
and to commemorate the fight , nnd
the survlvort ! of the fight and rescuIng -
Ing partr bold anIlual rounlons thero. .
Ures ! Action on Lumber Trust _
A.torne ) ' General ThomJ1 on Is preparIng - , .
parIng to go to St. Louis UIO latter
\ . ,
"The Pioneer Haymakers- Lunch Beyond the Missouri. "
Callw1'lne Carlisle Cooley. ( , I
\ ,
men of Lincoln helong to it , while I
thcro arc tnt't'e ; than f1ft ) ' of Omaha'l\ I
business men on the membershIp roll.
1'he1e lncludo judges of the ( JI tl'ict I
courts , hanlCl's , lrof lslollal n\P/1 / and i
others , 8. I
- I
Crop Reports Coming In. !
Labor Commlsslollcr .1. , T. H\'det. has
secured the servlcell of a ] ar e IIl1m. I
bel' of rellahle crop reporters and wlh
theIr aid hopes to ( luhll8h a Imlletltl /
October contaIning an ostlmlto of Iho
) 'Ield In Nehraslm. Ho has already :
received many reports nnd will con- :
tlnue to got them at Intervals until I
the estlmato Is closed In the fall. He :
has Impressed the ImI10rtance of ac , ,
curacy UpOll the men who ' \\111 report I
condItions of growing crops , together I
wIth the ylold , and with a vi ow to I
maldng the report rellahle has : ; , , ' I
the prl\"lIoge of pllhllshlng tha nun : s I
or hIs assistants. In most cases his I
assistants ha\'o written that the ) ' ha\'e
- 0 olJjectlon to being known as the
uthor of the rOl1orts from their com.
munltles. 0
I _
McVan Amends Complaint.
E. J. MCVI1.11n , secrotar ) ' of the
Oma.ha Grain exchange , { lmendcll his
complaInt before tllO railroad COmI11IB-
sloners over Ule discrimination of tbe
Great Northern road agaInst Omaha
In favor of Minneapolis In grnln shill'
ments to maIm the complaint rnn
against the Wllmar & Sioux I'alls
rand. He teared that the ordut' pro'
hlbltlng dlscrhnlnation made against
port of State 011 JnsJ1ectOl' ABen for
disregarded by the Greut Northern
on the Nebraslm lines on the theory ,
that Hnes In Nebraslm are a separate
Hopkins Applies for Place.
Robert A. Hopldns , boolkeeper under -
der fc .rmer Secretary of State Ga-
lusha , has appllod for tbe position
of assistant under Superintendent
Sherman of Ute Kcarney IndustrIal
school. Mr. Shermun has nlrcll.ll ) ' or.
fered the place to ono man. lIut It Is
not Imown whether ho will nccellt.
Church Howe Coming Home.
Hon. Church Howe , who hos recently -
cently been appointed as UnIted
States consul to Manchester , I ngland ,
Is expected home rrom Montreal , Cnn-
ada , In 11. short time to sJ1end haU of
11. sltty da's' vacation. 'fho other haU
will ho spent nt Hot Springs , Arl. .
Want an Omaha Market.
Lincoln brlcle mnnufacturer want
to ship brick to Omaha. Thehnve
Insisted that the rate 011 brlcl. from
Uncoln to Omahn bo at least I\S low
as the mto from 'fablo noole und Hum.
holdt to Omaha. This demand was
I made by Secretar ) ' Whitten of the
LIncoln Commorclal club on 00norl1.1
Freh ht Agcnt C , E , SlIons or the
Burlington. ' 1'he Ilrest'llt rilto from
Lincoln to Omuha Is [ j cents. J..lncoln
brlcle mon \"ant at least 11. acent rate
and declare they will 10 to the ran-
way commIssion It not grt\nted.
Imrt of SClltemher to meet with the
r.torne 'H general of the soveral'states
of the : \lhmlslppl valley to dIscuss
Iho enforcement of legislation enacted
b ' lhl''arlols \ states relating to the
eon tl'ol of corloratlons. ) Mr. Thompson -
son hils I'l'ccl\'cd numerous requosto
fOl' Infol'lnllt Ion re ardlng his prose-
eutlon or tilt' alleg-cd Lumber trust. .
whl"h Is now pending In the supreme
eourt. Bl'callw of these requcsts and
hlJ : IntercsL In this suit the attorney
general wl1l I\rgo \ the ofilcluls at Ute
conference to hrlng a uulted ncUon
ag\.h\5t \ the alleged National LumlJer
It. liS t. Mr. ' 1'homJ1son contends that
the lumher prices charged In every
Btate In the union Is controlled bY' a
; ; lgUlltiC trust.
- - -
Burlington Will Refund Overcharge. ' ,
Owing to the error in mnldng a '
rate sheet. as the roads claim , the
overcharges collectell all minImum
rates from shippers wlll be pnld back
when a , claim Is made. 'fhe mJnl-
mum wus recently changed from 26
to .10 ( : ents. ComJ1lalnts poured In
upon tile rallwny commlsslonors : .md
thl ! ! l'esl/ltod / In the return of the .
mte to Its former amount. The Bur-
.lIulton hils written to ono Beatrlco
poultry don IeI' that ho may secure the
overcharge and the same offer will
all\ll \ ' to other shippers who lost sim-
Sub-Fish Hatcheries.
Chief Game Warden Carter hl\s 1'0-
turned Crom Cherry couney where in
company with Supelntonclent W. J.
O'Brlon he aHslsted In selecting two
sub.flsh hatcheries. 'rho last leglsla.-
turo )1rovlded ) for the establishIng of
one Huh.statlon In Cherry county , the
cost not to excecd $2.000. One Is to
be on the Mlnnechaduza river at V : -
ontlne for trout , and one eighteen
I1lllea southwest ofVood lake , tor
basR. ' 1'he latter wlll bo at or n6 r
nod Deer lalce.
011 Inspector Reports.
I < 'ollmvlng Is a summarof U1e ro- \ . - '
nOl' tof State 011 Inspector Allen tor
Jul ) ' :
Number ot tJl\r1'eh ; \ ' . . . .ITO. !
Kum bel' of bn nehl ap1JrO\'od. . . . T
'l'olltl hnn'cH ! Inspectel1. . . . . . . .17,911
! "l' ( > lor mOllth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,791.10 , .
.111110 tJalallC ( , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900.00
Totl11 l'l'l'clpls . . . . . . . . , . . . , $3,111.10 :
'lIlllrII ! rLlII1 01llJ .JXIJelles , . . $ ] .057,49
l xC'l'sl 1m I , ! to atRte lrl'lll\lrer 733.61
Halunc ( ) nn hllmI. , . . , . . . . , . . . DOI > .OO
T tul , ' . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . $2.1191,10
Offer to Lincoln Educator
Suporlntcl1Ilont . 1. . Stellhens of
Lincoln hils been ofrC1'ed tbo presl-
dellC ) ' or a Wisconsin stuto nor.lal
school and I In the enst nogot.latlng
with the r'gents. H the proper ar- I
rnnements ! can ho made ho wlll tnho
charge of the college this ta1l. In i
( 'IISO of MilCh 1111 Issue the 1.lncoln
6chools wlll he without a supcrlntend- i I
onto 'I'ho oftl.'l' was sudden and oul ) '
rocolltl ) ' Ilhl Superintendent Stol1hel1a
contemplate leaving LIncoln. Prof. " -
Stellhens has been 11. noted etlucJ r
III Nellrnslm for sovernl Years.
, . -
, I , I