Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1907, Image 17

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_ , ' " Dan
Mauk and family left
\ 'l'uesday morning for a visit of a
week with friends at Hastings.
Dr. Glenn L. McMillan , of
Falls City , Nebr. , is the hame of
the affable young man who is
performing the duties of phar ma-
cist at the Baisch drug store with
accuracy and dispatch.
Mrs. L. E. Cole left on 'Vednes-
' day of last week for Chicago and
, . will spend a month visiting
_ ' , friends itt Illinois. The coroner
I 171' ' is behaving himself remarkably
I , ? \ . ( r well since her departure.
! ' , , ; '
, ' Kenneth Rublee. son of Mr.
I and Mrs. F. M. Hublee , will
I attend the Culver Military. .
Academy at Culver , Ind. , the ;
1\ coming school year , and leaves
" for that place next Sunday.
. Miss Emma Maupin returned
'r ' the latter part of last week from
r tI ' a ten days vi it at Des Moines ,
, Iowa , accompanied by her sister ,
: . -t. I Mrs. Mellie Bass , who will remain -
' . main for an indefif1ite length of
; : : ' , ' time.
" . I " .
, 'J , " . . . . Citizens are acHve getting II I I
, , r = ready . for the flower parade ou
00' " ' the lair grounds next T hursday.
, \ ; Quite : a number will participate
" , , and indications are it'i'ill prove
one of the most beautiful and
f interesting- features of the week's
: festi vi ties.
1 'The ' Broken Bowites , Dr. and
I Mrs. C. L. Mullins , Dr. and Mrs.
R. B. Mullins and Messrs. J. M.
, Kimberling and A. M. Snyder ,
who went t'J Denver two weeks
. ' ago and enjoyed themselves
sight-seeing in that vicinity ,
reached home the first of this
, 'l'ownsman McClure , who was
on the state ticket for nomination
as ODC' of the railroad commis-I
sioners as a socialist , received
thirt.y-six votes in Omaha , which 1
wasn't so bad when one considers I
that "Mac" is
not as well known
In Omaha as here in Custer
If as many cement walks are
, laid in BIOI { u Bow next year as
have been put dowu this year ,
there will hardly be a board walk
left i:1 the city when 1909 dawns.
This olel burf ! is no sloucn in the
way of improvements-when the
finances are not a complete
A machine to fold the Custer
Coun' y Chief was put in operation
last week and for a time acted like
a freshlv roped broncho , but failing -
ing in its efforts to throw Theodore -
dore Purcell , who was in the
saddle , it became docile-all to
onct-and is now performing it1 !
\ duty nicely.
; ) , The Custer county fair is
' billed , the big prize hog is cor:1ed
I It' ' a11 ( swilled. 'rhe pumpkins that'
' 0 wi1llift the prize is watched with
" proud and hopeful eyes and the
family mare to wir. the pot is
. ' training for the "county trot. "
' 4 " October crisp will soon be here
' . " with softly falling leaf and sere ;
with frosty morn and hunter's
moon , and pumpkin pie-no' yet ,
but soon. The lucky wive1 ! of
millionaires t > ut up jam aud
pickle pears , but the most of us
denied these boons will pass the
winter-'full.of : prunes. "
Th Menelv Quartette of
Chicago gave a west excellent
entertainment at the Temple
theatre on Tuesday eV ning ,
under the auspices of the local
W. C. T. V. The audience was
small but appreciative and all
voted that the entertainment was
f one of the best of the year and
congratulated the W. C. ' 1' . V. ,
l ladies on bringing such a high
class concert to the town.
There will be things doing in
Broken Bow next week. Indications -
tions point to the largest display
of farm products and Ih'e stoc1e
( ever exhibited at any previous
/ fair and from all parts of the
K county-even the furthermost
, corners-comes word that the
heads of families will attend
accompanied by bring wife and
children , and it is now certain
if the weather is favorable , there
will be it larger attendance than
ever befote.
GeOige S , Porter advertises an
auction of his stock and farm
machinery on the farm known as
the Ge rge Willing farm. one
and one-half miles southeast of
Broken Bow. onVeclnesd. . 'y ,
Sept. , 25 , beginning at 1 o'clock '
sharp. At that time he will
offer milch cows , hei fers , brood
sows , pigs , shoats , 54 acres of
corn in field and enough machiney
to properly conduct a 640 acre
farm. Don't forget the date and
be on hand at the appointed hour
if you would hear the bcgin. ' ! ing
of J ud Kay's lecture.
Custer College , Broken Bow ,
Nebraska. li'all terms begins
Sept. , HVrite for catalogue.
Attorney l oss G. Moore
reached home last Saturday from
a visit to New York and reports
a fine trip.
Mrs. J. S. Molyneux leaves
Sunday night for a visit of a
week with relatives ancI friends
at Linr.oln.
'l'he Rev. Wm. Buswell will
assume his labors with the U. B.
church next Sunday. Preaching
at t:1e : usual hour.
City Attorney GadcI .
North Platte , on Monday , trY111g
a case in which-as usual-he
won for his client.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bowman
expect to leave next Monday for
Hat Springs , Ark. , to be absent
from home three or four weeks.
Mrs. D. M. Amsberry went to
Grand Island Monday accompanying , -
ing her daughter , Lillie , who enrolled -
rolled as a student at the Baptist
Mrs. J. E. Iszard and Mrs Van-
Antwerp were out near Lodi
three days last week assisting
Surveyor VanAntwerp and report
an enjoyable time.
John Davjson , who is nowen-
gaged with the Watts News Co. ,
leaves on the 28th of this month
for Albion , Nebr. , where he will
work in "Pete" Ryerson's drug
James Smith , of Blooming , Ill. ,
a Custer county realty owner and
a pleasan\ gentleman to meet ,
was in the city Monday attending
to matters in connection with
his holdings.
The first frost of the ! : eason in
these parts arrived : \ionclay night
and played havoc with garden
sass and things , but not as
seriously in this city as in the (
surrounding country.
'rhe great Westcrn play ,
"Wyoming , " will be presented at
the ' 1'emple theatre Monc1ay .
night. One lady will be admitted
free with everr paid ticket purchased -
chased before 7 p. m. , Monday. (
"Jack" Benjam1l1 , son of Judge
and Mrs. Benjamin , of this city ,
is with the Della Pringle theatrc
company this season. The comp - 1
p ny was at Salt Lake City last
week and , thc papers of that city
were p fusc in their compliments
of "Jac1's" clever and. professional -
sional work.
M. F. Young who is making
his home with his son , Li'rank , at
Lincoln , is in the city this week C
renewing acquaintance with hi
old time friends. Mr. Young
says Frank has a very pleasant
and comfortable llOme in the
Capitol city and he enjoys the
new home very much.
Mr. Teagarden and the pupils
in his room were given a rich
treat Wednesday a. m. , by the
classical rendition of two well
selected musical numbers by
Prof. Myers assisted by the
Misse3 Bowen and L'Amereaux. (
Such exercises have a decidedly
wholesomc effect upon the pupils
of our schools. 1
Fred Ream started for Lincoln
in an automobilious last week
and succeeded in g-etting two
miles beyond Ansley. There it
went dead and , carefully covering
it with a tarpaulin , left it.
Securing a farm team he went to
Ansley and proceeded on his
journey via the B. & M. railway.
Leslie Me. Williams who , for
several years has been foreman of t
bridge gang in the Black Hills
fnr the B. & M. R'y arrived in
the city yesterday for a few day'3
visit with relatives and acquaint-
ances. Mr. McWilliams surprised - ,
prised his friends by bringing
with him a wife-a bride of four
It will be of interest to our
readers to know that the Young c :
Mens' Christian ssociations of 1
Nebraska and though them the 1
associations of the world have
in your midst a representative , (
J' . M. Kimberling. He is the ]
corresponding member for this 1
community. 'l'hrough him , our I
young men going away from
home may get an introduction to
Y. M. C. A. leaders that will beef
of material assistance to them.
A number of our 'young men are
thinking of going away to school
or to enter business and should
see Mr. Kimberling and learn
from him directly as to the help
he can give. He can also secure
for every man in the community
a state membership ticket which
gives privileges in every association -
tion in Nebraska.
. , .
" "
, , I' '
" . '
. . . " , ,
Mrs. C. B. Cox aud sou Ralph ,
who have been visiting and ! iight-
seeing on the Atlantic coast
states the past six week , returned -
ed home ) 'estcrday , ancC. . B. was
still a1iv 'though they stayed
two da's longer than he cxpected.
'l'ucsday , Sept. , 10th at the
M. E. , church parsonage , Hcv.
' 1'hompson until in marriage C.
E. Ankney of this cit ) , and Miss
'Ellan M. Wiem , of Boone , 10W.l ,
who arri\'cd here morning- .
Mr. Ankney has secured the new
Stevenson resi ence and the I
young people will at once begin
We note from the North Bend ,
Nebr. , newspaprr that Miss
Bertha Allen , of Mason City , was
married at the home of her sister ,
Mrs. Dr. C. O. Eiglers , at North
Bend , on Wednesday of last week ,
at high noon to C. E. Walrath ,
of Omaha , where groom is engaged - I
gaged in the lumber business and
the newly ma riecI couple will I
male their home. From the
published account we infer the
wedding was a very elaborate
Held-up the Mail Carrier.
One day last weel { when Dill
Nash , who drives the Round
Valley and Elton stage was returning -
turning home from his trip he
was accosted and beaten by enc
Jim Carlin , when about three
miles from Broken Bow. Carlin ,
it appears , had , some old grudge
against Nash and proceeded to
satisfy his grudge after having
partaken of his fill ( \f prune juice
and alcohol. It is a serious
harge to waylay the Vnited
States mail and we understand
the postal authorites are investigating -
g-ating the case.
The New Barber Shop.
Charlie Gadd has opened the
t1ew shop near the depot an
[ nvites all who desire a smo th ,
asy shave , a hair cut that will
please them , or a bath , to call at
lbe new place.
The shop will he open Sundays
from 8:30 : to 11:30 : a. m. , for baths
mI.\ ' .
Ladies , Attention !
Mrs. Penn wishcs to announce
o the ladies that the elegant
.ine of new fall mlllinerj > is com-
) lete in every respect.
Laides , misses and childrens
: leaks at bottom prices , also
; kirts and waists , and an elegant
ine pf furs and neck piece . I
1lso have a special line of new
; tyles in corsets , one style
which laces in front , particularly
ldaptecl to the stout figure.
Also hosiery and underwear.
Farm For Sale.
no a res , one mile from Broken
ow city limits , 500 acres uuder
: ultivation , balance fine pasture ,
ill fenced and cross-fenced , two
oed gravel wells , good frame
JOUSC and barn. Will sell all 0 r
1 part. Terms to suit purchaser.
14-tf C. W. EDWAHDS.
. . . The Banks Will Close.
The Broken Bow banks , in
> r er that the officials and em-
) loyes may attend the best
: ounty fair ver held here , will be
: losed during the afternoons on
Wednesday , 'l'hursday and Fri-
lay next week.
'rhey will , however , open at
) o'c1c k in the morning-one
lour earlier than usual-and re-
nain open until I o'clock.
All persons having business of
mportance with these institu-
: ions will govern themselves
While Attending the Fair
lon't forget to call at Mrs. Penn's
'or that new cloak or hat.
School Teachers Assemble.
A mOHt p'enflant : , gathering of the
enchers of our city schools occurred
Lt the North Side School building
110nday , Sept 9th , between the
lUrS of.J : and G p. m. After a
Ihort business session , in the of1ice ,
he t nchers , who ha\'e prs\'iouilly
aught in our sollo01l" " were diH-
nissod. However , the "truRt eH"
ailed to go home , but quietly 1'0.
irod to he primary room where 0.
lainty repast WI'S in readiness , which
la been 80 olalJoratolj' prepared
) y Prof. Mclndoo null Jesse Ten. .
rardon , n.nd 80 nnxioullly : looked up-
ID by the Misscs M cConnclI ,
) owney , Hill , Farrell , Crumbly and
Hrs. 1\1cludoo. At the proper tirre
: > rof. 1\1clndoo \ told the new teach-
rs , mnong whom Mioses Clark ,
ROlUan , Lindle ) ' , Keatoll , Fulton
LIld OhaRtek , thl1t they would do
> bRor\'aticn work in the ! 'Ooms bo-
ow , but to thcir surprise and eight -
ight they mot thcir associ 1to teach-
! rs iu n. formal way. After which
ce cream and tOn.8ts were in n.bun-
1.mce. The event was both enjoy _
ble an entertaining.
FOR SAI.It- Horse , buggy ,
barness , saddle and cow.
L3tf _ J. A. ARMOUR , _
. . , ,
I , 01 . ,
, J
. '
- - . . . . . , . . , , . . . . , ,
, FAIR - . .
- - , . .
2 T
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; ( ( FINE ' . " ( I I ,
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rURE""I " : ' ; III.u . , 11'11
II " 'c- C1. ; ; ! ;
of "cellent make and superior . finish is our particular
specialty. Whether ) ' 011 want an odd article or a house
iQ'I ? full of Furniture , we are at a11 times ready to meet the de-
mand. E\'er ) . article we sell is guaranteed to be made of
n the finest , thoroughly seasoned wooil , designed 011 the
f 1110st artistic plan , and finished in a satisfactory and per- '
1tl111auent { style. otwithstaJ1(1ing ( the superior quality of
' our goods , our prices arc at all times reasonable.
I' I
\iD. C. ' KONKEL.
\ . . . I
. . . J
' , 'to ' , .
'ttj\ \ ' ( : '
- -
f& 1
. The Fair I
live stock will be open Scptombea 17th , 18th ,
t 19th . and 20th. ,
t The Advo I I
. ,
o ! '
\ 'I 'with a largo display , of pUl'o groceries I and I
provisions is open ht fill times , every week day
in the yeurf and it will he to your interost. . to
'Q(1 ( attend every day you need anything in tlH
line of groceries. I '
't ' < ? ? i :
. ' ' . SALE : , , . .
, With the consent of the Creditors .
the entire stock of MEVIS & CO. ,
will be closed out. without reserve. ,
This sale will commence at once'
I and. continue ind.efinitely . : ' : : :
. . . ,
Our stock is c01nleta ] ? and now is
the time for y u to lay in your Dry ,
Goorls , Clothing , , : Boots , Shoes , Eats , ' .
Caps : , Cloaks , Skirts and large lines '
of Fur Cas. , ts : : : : . : :
O. H : Mevis & Co.
East Side Square