Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1907, Image 15
. ' - . . THE SGHOOLHOU5ES WHAT THEY MEAN TO THE PEO. PLE OF THE COMMUNITY. AND HOW THEY ARE BUILT It Is the Money That Stays at Home Which Makes Good Ones Possible -A Simple System That Works. Your schoolhounes. Those of the town and those of the country dls. tricts. You know what they mea. to you and to your children. They represent the difference be. tween Igno1'ance nnd . enllghtenmeut. The ) . mean to your children the differ. nce between signing their names with a mark or in writing , They represcnt the difference between the civilization of the twentieth century , as this country knows It and the b:1r. barism of benighted Asia or Africa. . You want the schoolhouse , do yon not ? You " . .auld willingly make sacrifices to keepJt. , , vould you not ? You glory in the free educational system of this country , do you not ? But , Mr. Citizen , did you ever sit down and consider carefully what It is that makes possible , the school. houses of this country ; the school , houses that stand as beacon lights on the tops of a thousand , hl11s ; the schoolhouses that carry cheer and en. lIghtenment to the llearthstones of the homes of a thousand valleys ! It is the taxes that you , and your neighbor , and ) 'our neighbor's neigh , bor pay into the school fund year after : rear , Is it not ? And why do you pay it 1 Because you own property-real es , tate , bonds and mortgages-and be , cause that property Is valuable , I \\That makes ) 'our real estate yale uable ? , It Is the prosperity oC the commu. I nit ) ' , As the community grows and " prospers the value of ) 'our propert ) , incre3ses , As your property increases in value and you write ) 'our wealth in thousands instead of hundreds , the amount ) 'ou pa ) ' Into the school fund Increases. When the school fund in , creases the old building gives place to a. new and more modern structure , in which your children and your neigh , bor.s children secure their instruc. tlon , And , again , the erection of the new building but adds more to the value of your propert ) ' , It Is an endless chain system that builds vl11ages out of cross roads , and cities out oC vl11ages , Who are ) 'OU , Mr , Citizen , and who is your neighbor and ) 'our neighbor's neighbor , whose contributions to the school fund make the schoolhouses possible ? You , and your neighbor , and your' neighbor's neighbor , are the farmers , the merchants , the doctors , the blacksmiths. You are each and every m3n who go to make up the \ . community in which ) 'OU live , and it Is ' ' when you work coliecUvely that , you accomplish results-that you build up new schoolhouses , And how shall you work collec , . th'el , ! By a simple system of boosting one' , another You , we will say. haye oats to soll-'our neighbor buys them of you , , He , you wl11 sa ) . . has dry , g < lods to sell-you buy them of him , U is this system oC mutual help that makes the town grow into the city , that Increases lhe price of real estate In the town and In the community sur. rounding It. that builds new school. Houses , The dollar that Is unnecessarily sent a way Crom home never bought so much as a nail for a schoolhouse. never IHlt a shingle on its roof. . But the dollars that are unneces , sarily sent away from home send back to the communlt ) ' which the ) ' left emly ruin It Is lhese dollars Ihat prevent the replacing oC the leakln ; root , the broken doo'r binge or the " "orn out desk It is the dollars that are unnecea. sarily sent away from home by YOII , and ) 'OUr neighbor , and ) 'our neigh bar's neighbor that decrease the "alue oC ) 'our , and ) 'our neighbor s , snLl your nelghbor's neighbor's real es t3te , Th3t makes the school fund , grow less year after 'ear That forces the discharge of the competent teach j er for a less compctent one That re. duces the standing or your 5chools In the educational system of the coun try. Worlt it backwards , send your tuoney for the things you need away from home instead of spending It at home. and the s'stem that build : ! vII. laes ! out of cross roads , and cities out of villages. that Increases the v31ue at your real estate and permits you to " 'rite ' your wealth In Cour figures where prc"lousl ) ' three figures were enough. and you will malte or' the thriving 1Ittle city but a "Ill age , nnd of the village but a cross roads. Do ) 'ou not believe , ? Ir Citizen ' and do ) ' 011 think ) 'our neighbor anr" 'your neighbor's neighbor should believe , that It tlnys best to knep the dollars III th hem community ? Keep the J'stem moving forwards , ll lp to make a city of ) 'OUr village Boost your town's Interests and you boost your own. own.WRIGHT WRIGHT A. PATTERSON. Buttermilk Cocktail , Throat parchcd" Irrigate it with : I buttermllt ) cocktail This is a new hrand of dampnos- which ' ' 'as devls d at the Unln rsl" If hlcao : The buttermilk cocktn ! Is constructed according to the fol lowing recipe : Tal\O a tall , thlr glass , drop In a chunk of Jee : InsfJr' a Ion ! ; sileo of cucumber , then fli with lJUtt rmllk That's all ! GAMES OF SHARPERS , Some of the Methods Used for Secure Ing Money Dishonestly , . . . - 1II11110n9 Ullon millions of dollars nro fraudulentlr laken from the poeltets of the Ileoilio ) 'ear after ) 'ear through the operation of confidence men. The schemes us'd I'y thcse men are numer. ous. Nearly all arc based upon the fact tl13t the M'erage person is always wl11lng to take the best of a bargain , During the past Cew months swine dlers have been olleratln ; In dUIoront pnrts of the l'ountr ) ' , and their method , whlle a modlncatlon of an old swJn. dllng game , has some new features worthr of notice. Their usual proced. ure Is to locate Carmers who are not well known to local bankers and loan men , They approach the farmer and under pretext of seeking to purchas" farming land , manage In some way t(7 secure his signature , This is goneral. ly done b ) ' Inducing him to write a letter , or to sign some statement. Once the slgnaturo is secured , 1fictl. . tlous deed to the farmer's land is pre. pared and this Is fixed up in such n manner as to show the seal of some notary or other officer , Then with this deed the swindler is in position to negotiate a loan upon the land. This amo has been successfully worked in n number oC western states. . Residents of agricultural districts should be continually on their guard against the signing of receipts or a1)7 kind of contract which may bo presented - sented to them by strangers , Within the past year some smooth swindlers have succeeded in securing thousands or dollars on fraudulent notes , securing - ing from farmers. who were foolish enough to take for trial washinr : ma. chines , refrigerators , etc" and to glvo their receipts for the same. These receipts - ceipts turnln ; up later as negotlablo notes , The writer of checks cannot be too care CuI In filling In the amounts. The Ca"orlte methods of the checle receiver Is to Insel' ! after the words "six , " "seven , " "eight" or "nine" the letter "y" or "ty" and change the ciphers In the checte dccordlnglY , Thus It can be seen that a check written for eight dollars. by the addition of the letter "y" can be made to read for eighty dollars and the changing of the amount , If It be In numerals , by the addition of cipher , makes the forgery , when well executed. 'hard to discover. HELP THE TOWN. Some of the VIrtues In Friendly Rlv. , airy Between Merchants. Good , healthy competition and friendly rivalry , devoid of all spirit of hogg'tshness , is n good thing for any , town , Each and every business man I and property owner in a town , and the I country Immediate ! ) ' surrounding it should be intensely Interested In every I project , particularly should ever ) ' merchant - I chant be active in matters that means , ' general prosperity for the place , and I , which will increase trade for all the merchants of the town , People gen , I erall ) ' like to do their trading in towns where there arb well kept stocks and plenty variety of goods , and where there is sumclent competition as to assure low prices consistent with good business judgment There Is 1Ittle use for the merchants of a place to blow ! and brag about their business , unless , they can demonstrate that the ) ' are j "delh'erlng the goods" and satisfying their customers There Is no good to be looked for by merchants decr'lng the goods and the methods of their brother merchants. There is no more effective Wa ) ' or Itllling the business of a town than by fostering a spirit at petty jealousy and of narrow selfish , ness Wherever such a spirit Is found It will be discovered that trade Is beIng - Ing turned to some other town where merchants and business men worle more tn harmon ) ' with one another. TOWN BOOSTING TIPS. The visitor who trips over your broken sidewalk will not ha"e a very hlh : opinion of your town as a place oC business , The home town Is , tbo best place Cor the boys If ) 'OU will make the home town prosperous Keeping thp. mane ) ' at home will do this , It means borne opportunities Cor your children , Don't drive around the hole In the road 'week after week. Get your neigh bors together and fix it. The home market for the farm prod , ucts is the sln-Ing clause in our s's. tern of government. Take away the In your communlt ) ' Not necessarily home markets and the farms wl11 soon become unprofitable and valueless. No city mallorder house will ex. tend credit to ) 'OU when times are hard , or crops fall Could you con , slstently ask It at your home mer. . chant when you send ) 'our mane ) ' to the city during the days of prosper. Ity ! - Ene-ourage small factories to locate . by mean at a bonus , but b ) ' keeping the children In the home town that . the , may become Cactor ) ' emplo'es , and gel u home 011portunlty to raise In the world Do not begrudge the money paid Cor taxl'S when It Is used Cor road and to\"n Improvements , Such an ex , pendlture Is like bread cast upon tbe waters-It will return many Cold , Delglan Girls Learn Housework , In Oelslum girls arc expected to : ; ve flvo waeks l'ut of each school . 'r.r to learnlu ! ; housoworlr. . The ; ; required tl' know not only how to "ok . a dinner , but to clean up and .0 for a kltchl'n , do marketing , wasb I and Iron. I , , " " , [ , . . DAVID UNITES THE KINGDOM STORY BY THE "HIGHW Y AND BVW A V" PREACHER . lCOP7fljlUI. , n077be AuUlof , T ( . tI. EdOOb. , ; Scripture Authorfty : - 2 Samuel I :1,5:5 : : , OQQQO QOQQQOQOOOOQOQQog SERMONETTE. g It was David's Integrity rath. g n er than his military prowess < < ) < < ) which conquered Israel , g David knew how to forgive , n Israel had shared wIth King Saul In the persccutlon of Da. I vld , but David was ready to reo turn good for evil , He had no scores to settle whcn the provo Idences of God brought his for. mer enemies under his power , Selfish ambition David had not. On the contrary , his career I strikingly Illustrates the possl. blllty of a turnan , soul gauging n his ambitions In harmony with the will of God , He wanted I only what God In his own time , and his own way was willing to ! give. Hence he escaped the pit. ' falls of human plotting and In. I i trlgue and his hands were free from the staIns of the , blood of n I his enemies. David desired the kingdom be. I ' g cause God had promised It to g him and because his ambition n n was to serve God through such < < ) n exalted office , Hewanted to be g g king that he might lead the na. n 5 ! tlon In the paths of righteous. : g ness. n - There Is no loftier or holler g Ia- ambition In the world to-day < < ) than the desire for power and n position that such may be ex. g erclsed and used to the honor -Q g and glory of God and the bless. g Ing of mankind. n g Schlslms In families or In . n tlons are sad and na.1 n and the sooner they are healed the better. But reunIon must meet the voluntary approval of g both factions. David might have subdued Israel by force of arms , but he chose rather g the method of righteousness and I truth and Justice. God can give what human g scheming and plotting cannot a- gain. g The queotion arises : "Would n David have been Justified In the g use of force In gaining pqssesg slon of that which God had n promised should be his ? " Is the g g Injunction : "Suffer wrong rath. n er than do a wrong" a safe principle to follow In ur deal. Ings with others. g 'I David In the Twenty.thlrd n Psalm , declares that after the g walk through the valley of the g shadow of death the Lord pre.Q n -Q I < < ) pared for him a table In t'1c 0- : g presence ot his enemies. Sunh g n proved literally true In his ( IX. < < ) g perience , God laid the united I kingdom at his feet after all : : g the plottlngs of his enemies n had failed. It Is surely true g that they that walt upon the < < ) < < ) Lord shall not be ashamed. < < ) &oOQHOiXHHO ( ) : ) ( HOOOO < HHHH : : : ) THE STORY. OAR with feyerish haste adjusted J his garments and stnrted towards the palace of King David , The few who were in the market place at that. . early hour were startled and surprised : to see the captain ot the hosts of Ju. dah ubroad at such time , knowing that anI ) ' the most Important matters could take him to the Ilresence of the king at that unseasonable hour. But Joab was too much absorbed with his own thoughts to notice the startled glances which followed him , for that morning a secret messenger had brought to him alarming UdinbFB from Mahanalm , the royal city or Israel , ! where IshboshetJ1 , the son of Saul , i . reigned , These tidings were to the. effect that the king had been slain' ' upon his bed , "And now is David's opportunity , " muttered , Toab to himself ns he hur. ried on , "Now will he bo able to bring Israel under his hand , Will he but give his consent , I will start with the army this very day , " And arriving at that moment at the palace door , he knocked impatiently , loath to let one precious minute be wasted , Urging the surprised sen'ant to hasten ho entered the audience room of the king , and not long ntter Davhl the king entered , "What brings you here at such un , seemly ) lour ? " he exclaimed anx. lously. "What but tno klng's good 1" re , sponded Joab , reassuringly , "I seck the bidding ot thy king to go nnd bring Israel under thy banner , " , "Thou , who hast killed Abner , tho' captain of the hosts or Israel , just when I had made a league with him , " excitedly demanded David , "Wouldst thou kill Ishboshoth , the king , also ? " Joab winced at the words at Da. vid , 'Nay , another hath alread ) ' perform , cd that righteous act , " he roplled , "Rlgh teous act ! Call est thou mur. del' an act oC righteousness ? Whoso haOll Is stained with blood ? Surel ) ' It' was not thy emissary which hath done this thing ? " I "Na ) ' , na ) ' , I am guiltless of such charEo , I know not who ll th killed shbos1.1oth UIon his bed , but. this I JlIA or th ) ' armies , knows , " , ' . , , nm1 that Js tbat th ) opportunity bath come to spread th ) ' rule nnd th ) ' kln ' ; dO1o"er all Itimet. Bill mo , " .10ab went on rapttly ! nnd with Increasln enthusiasm , "bill mo go , nnd 1 promlso thCll'ro fortnight hath passed to ha"e all Isrnel under th ) ' banner. " Da\'ld's e'o fiaslwd and he took a step toward Joab. " 'fhinlt ) 'ou Cor a moment , " ho thun. dered , "that lwltl would take n mean advantaEe oC the misfortunes of his brothers In Israel ? Docs Davitt's king. dom increase through unlloly In. trlgues ? Has OOtl left the heaven ! : ! that Dwl cannot still trust him ? " "But It Is now 01" novel' , " IJrotested Joab , "Israel needs a leader. It it find nol such In theo U10Y will cheese \ono. from among themselves to lead : \ them. There arc man ) . ambitious souls among the mel } of Israel. " "nut this thing Is not of Gal ) , If lernel seek me not as king , then will not I reach out for the kingdom. " Further protest on tho. 11 rt of Joab wns prevented by the hurried entrance of a servnnt who announced tile arrival of two messengers Cram Israel who demanded to see King Da"id at once , nOlI at a sign from the king they were admitted , Dowlng low before the king , they waited until he bade them rlsc , when they addressed him as follows : "Wo be th ) ' sen'unts , 0 king , Wo are Rochab Ilnd Dnanah , the sons of Rlmmon the Deerothito , nnd nre como with tidings of good things for our Lord , Deholll the head ot Ishboshcth , the son of Saul thine enem ) . , which sought thy lICe , " And as they spolco the ) ' unrolled boo fore the startled e'es of David and Joab the ghastly head of the dend Idng of Israel. David turn 'tl awa ) ' his hend in hor. ror , whllo Rechab nnd Haanah can. tlnued : "The lArd hath avenged my lord lJo ! king this day oC Saul , and oC his seed. " nut ther got no further , Cor David turned upon them nnd In a voice which cut like steel he said : "As the I.ord liveth , who halh r& deemed m ' soul out of all adversltr , I when one told lI1e sa'ing , Behold , Saul is dead , thinking to have brought good tidings , I took hold oC him , and slow him In Zlklag , who thought that I 1 would have given him a reward.for I his lJdlngs , How much more , when wicked men have slain a righteous person in his own house upon his bell ? Shall I not therefore now require his blood of ) 'our hand , and take you away from the earth 1" And turning to his young armor bearers staUlllng near he commanded them to seize Rechab and Baanab aUlI to take them out and slay them , which when they had done ther cut oft their hands and their feet and hnnged them up over the 11001 In Hebron. But David hrld the head oC Ish. bosheth. taken and burled in Ule sepulcher - ulcher of Abner in Hebron , Now , when tidings of these things reached the ears of the people of Is , rael , the ) ' lenew that David had not been concerned in the wicked 1110t , ant\ \ that he was not trrlng In anr way to force an , ( ) xten lon 0' [ his kingship over Israel , For this reason - son when the lIeoplo Cram all the tribes had come together It was quick. ly agrecd that the ) ' shoul.l . seek Davhl out at Hebron and there request that he become king over Israel as well . as Judah , And so It came to lIass that a few days after , even while Joab was SIJcaking to his Intimate friends of the fall ) ' of King David by "hlch he had lost his .chance of winning control over all of Isruel , thut the elders from all the trlb s sought audience tvlth David at Hebron , saying to him : "Behold , we arc th ) ' bone and thy fiesh. Also In time lIast when Saul was king over us , thou wast he that letldest out and broughtest In Israel : and , the Lord said to thee , Thou shalt feed my Ileople laruel , and thou shalt be a captain over INraol. " And DavJd made league , vlth them In Hebron bnfore the Lord , and there they anointed David king over Israel , and the rejolchlr ; of the Ileople ex , cleded the morning which had filled the land hecausl' ot the wars which had been waged between the lting. doms of .1udah and Israel. Papa's Occupation. Hecentl ) ' a little girl allpll d for u registration hlank In a New Yorl : school , The teacher wrote down her name , her address , her age , but at "Father's occupation" the child balked and hung her head , The teach. ar had visions of a parental blirglnr , and reasoned gentl ) ' , "Tell me what It Is , m ) ' dear , nnd I will see whether we shall put It down or not. " "No'm , I won't tell , " the girl Insisted , "Just tell me , " said the teacher , "and I won't speak of It to anyone else , " The little girl hesitated and twisted her hands , "He's a worm eater , " 'she finally burst O'lt. "A worm eater ! " cried the horrl. fled teacher. "Yes'm , He's a worm cater In an antique , " And It atter , \ \ ard doveloIled that the Cather was dail ) ' engaged In boring In latlon worm holes In bogus antique furniture , so that the dealers can say : "Look at the worm holes If you think this Isn't genuine ! ) ' old , " New Wood Preservative , The preservation oC wood with suI , phur , applied in liquid form , is saln Ing sJleclal favor In Oermany. The material completer ! Illls the cell spaccs oC the Ilber , and ul moderate ten1Jloratnrl's it Is IIltle nffected b ) ' water , % Lcills and alkallno solutions , though It oxldlzus reallll ) ' at high tom' poratureR , POlllar I best adaflted fOI thl ! ! treatment , n'sults with oak und pine being les ! ! satisfactory , . . REFORMED BY A DREAM By MRS. F. M. HOWARD , , , ( Copyright. by Josellh D Dowlcs ) "Orandma , como tlo my shoes , " I " 0'111mn , please button my dress , " The old lad ) ' hurried to comply with UIO latter requosl to the disregard of the first command , "Tio11 \ ) 'our own shoos , dearie , thnt's n , good boy , " she said , couxlng. ly , to the heavy-cyed , fretful lopklng boy in lho nursery. "I shan't. " ho retorted sullenly , "I'll toll mn on you if ) 'ou don't mind mo. " "Out m ) " bones ache so , sonny , " aho remonstrated. "It hurts mo to get down. Como now , bo ( ; ( ) Od to Grandmn , " "I don't caro.Vbnt you hero tor if 'taln't lo work , " ho snid with Jnclp- ient brutnllt ) ' , . "Tho Lord knows , 80nny , what I'm here for , Seems IIko there aln'l no room ill the world for my poor old bones , " "You nott ) ' ball boy to make Oam. lOa ky , " cried little Rose , striking at him with her little , fat hand. "RoBie loves Gamma , Roslo does , " pursued the lIttle comforter , hugging her omall Rrm around the wrinkled nock , "w'en Hosie dots big sho'l1 have a big , splendid house , an' Gammn shl111 llvo ill it , I\n' 'Wo'll play alll day , won't we , Gamma ? " . . . "I hOflO so , dnrtln. . The ohI lady brushed awa ) ' a hut tear , ror sbe was not so hnrdened to abuse that she hud gottell beyond the sling of it , nnd n kind word touched ller even more keenly than the harsh ones , : 'Ilrs. Pringle was a second wire. The gentle molher of these children la ) ' sleefllng In her grave , She had died when Hosie was horn , and the grnndmolher hall brought. the babe through the perils of infnncy In uddl. lion to her other cares , Martin Prln. Ie had murried Rgnln , after a docent Interval , n much more flhowy and styl , Ish woman thun his first wlfo had been. In strict justice to her , it must bo confessed that she 'Was n tolernbly . ! tllIIl mother to the children ; but tho. . "Even So Shall You Be Sent Away. " old lady had dropped from her posl. tlon of house-mother to that of household - hold drudge under her rule , so nature ally that the transition was hardlY noticed In the fnmlly. "I.'red Pringle , how ofte. have I told you not to come to the table until your shoes were properly laced ! " , The son and heir had como in , his shoe laces dragging behind him , "Grandma wouldn't tlo 'em for mo , Mcun old thing ! " "Your mother is gottlng crosser eVe er ) ' day of her life , " Mrs , Prlnglo turned to her husband with arc , proachCul air , as If he was very much to blame Cor being the Hon ot such a rOflrehenslblo mother , "Grammn's back hurted so she couldn't'toop down , " said little Uosle , on deCAnslve , "First we know she'll be laid up on our hands with Inllammutor ) ' rheuma , tlsm , " MrR , Pringle took a new tack of I larm , "J tell ) 'OU , Marlin Pringle , there's going to be a change in this family and beCore long too , I am not going to be tied down to nursing n slelt old woman , I can tell you that. " "Well , well , I'm In a hurry and haven't tlmo to , 'alk about it now , " Mr. Pringle bolted his food and mum. bled his reply crossly. Six weeks from that day there was n Iloor , decrepit bundle of humanity Rlttlng dejected , In a corner of ono of the great depots of Chicago , Her eyes were heavy and bleared with many tears , and she seemed halt dazed , nnd stunned by the noisy bus. tle about her , A Caded old vall so stood at her feet , and she wearilr drew a seed cake from a small bag on her nrm , and tried to blto It art with her toothless gums. "Horo , grandmother , hayo some of m ) ' lunch , " saltl a pleasrmtfaced lad ) ' coming Irom another seat and silting down besldo her. " ! If ) ' daughter has put up so much for mo I never can cat It alone , I'm IJuro , " She had been watching the ! HJor old body for a half hotr past , with a heart overflowing I with Ility tor her evident loneliness , "Thank : re kindly , ma'am , " roplled Iho old lad ) ' , taktng a tender sand. I , wich and n soft toothsome picco of cake from the frlond ! ) ' hand , I "Aro yolt going far , grnndmoU ) ( r ? " asked the otranger. "Yes , mu'a ) ) ) , awa ) ' off to Boston. " "To noston , Surely you are tlot colng there alone at your agoT" "Yes , all nlone , " The aged I\p \ Qulv. erell lIke a child'o. Oolng to "islt ) 'our frlendo , I sup. poee , " with frlenilly curiosity. "Nol" the old ladY shook her head mournfully , "I don't expect to find nnybod ) ' there that I know , bul-but . -m ) son reckoned that as I came i from there , I had a claim to bo took i care ot by that county , an' so I'm i again' to-to-tho poor-h-o- " She 'broko ' down there , and with mumed sobs hid her poor old Cace in Lbo corner - ner of her shawl. The lad ) ' laid her hand contly on the bowed head , her hearl swe1Ung with pity and Indlgnntlon. "There , there , mother , don't cry , " she said tenderly , "and Ulls lion ot lours , Jo hose so very poor he cannel take earn of you himsel1" "Oh , no ! " the bowed head lifted a little ; "ho's right well to do , but you see ho's married n now wlfo , that ain't been so long acquainted with. me , 1Ul' then , too , I'm too old to work , an' r ain't stylish an' nice lIke Mis' Pringlo would like 100 to be. She expects company for over Christmas , n drlad. ful st'lIsh lad ) ' from Now York , an' they Eorter Celt ashamed 0' me , I reckon , an' besides , Snry , vantod my room for her comll'ny , so here I am. " She trild to smile through her tears. "It putt ) ' nigh broke ml heart. , ma'am , a leavln' ' 0111 all , for though they was putty ha'sh some Umea , they was all I had. " If she had looked Into the face of her companion , she would haTc seen lIashlng e'es and lips compressed with inward emotion ; but she was too much absorbed in her grief to noUco. " "Thero now , don't think anr : moro bout It. " The kind hands were un. tying her faded bonnet. "l'il go IUld got you a CUll of tea , and that will rest ) 'ou. " In the meantlmo there had been a royolutlon of Ceellng in the Pringlo famll ) . . Martin llRd gene back to his office acter seeing his poor old mother on board tIO ) train , and I\S It was 1\ cold day , ho sat down before the glow. Ing fire to warm his feot. The walk from the station had been a long ono , ho seldom employed streetcars , the warm IIro tnado him drowsy and It Is probable that his day's experlonco was answerable Cor the strange dream that ho had , The consciousness of haYing done a supremelY mean act Is not a restful pillow for a sleeping imaclnatlon , and Mr. Pringle's played him n queer trlcl. , Ho thought he was at homo b ) ' his wnrm , anthracite IIro when n stranger opened the door and came in , tall , Impresslvo and stern. 'Mr. Pringle had no familiar word of greeting for 111m , although he know Him nt once nnd Instinctive. Iy , It was the Savior of mankind , and Ho stretched out a long , majestic arm , with an accusing forefinger pointed toward the unfilial son's h art. "Man , where is thy mother , and the praying ono of this house ; she who has been your passoTor for years ? Como find her. " A cold sweat broke out on the dreamor's brow as ho stammered in shame and contrition , "I have . seM her away. " "Even So shall you bo sent away. " The words fell with erusbing torco upon the guilty heart , and with a look of condemning reproach Ho passed out , and Mr , Pringle was alone , and awake , the cold sweat.drops upon his brow as they had been in hlB dream , and his limbs trembling with frIght , Ho hurried ! ) ' arose when ho could command his tremb\lng limbs , and buttoning up his warm overcoat , he thoulht with a shIver that the moth , er's shawl was both old and thin ; ho starled for homo , Sarah waR In the hail to moet him , "Sarah , wo've done an awful thing , " said Martin , his knccs beginning to tremble again. "We haveh't thought enough about Oed , and the future , and I'm afraid His smiting hand will bo upon us it this wrong isn't made right. " "How can It be made right ? She's gone , and what's done can't be un. done , " "Yos it can , and I'm going after her. I can go on the limited and catch her before she goes any farther ; " and then ho told her his dream , Sarah's head drooped , It was fcar. tully hard for her to give up her win , " 'Ve11 , perhaps you bad better , " she said , They were coming out of the room wherl they had breakfasted , the old lad"s Ceeblo steps supported by the ) ' 0\111 go I' bne's strong arm , when Mr , Prlnglo met them , and her e'es rest , cd IIpon 111m In terrified surprise , "Oh , Martin , what Js it ? " she cried , la'lng her trembling hand upon his arm , "Is an'body slclt or dead at home-Is It Hoslo ? " "No , no , mother , there is nobod ) ' I sick or dying , " ho answered , : wlth a shamefaced 1001t , "but I haTe como after ) 'OU , mother , We cannot let you go after ail , " . The good effects of Martin Prinle's ; : singular dream lasted all through the aged mothel"s life , ancl when at last they laid her away for her last Jon ! ; rest , It was with real regret and tearlO at unCelgned sorrow , "