Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1907, Image 12

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    , _ . . .
rwrII < 'Ul - - ' ' ! : 'IJI. ' I
EyeEarN ese , 1 hrout
and Chronic Diseases.
l itting of Glasses.
Oflice in l ea1ty block.
: I
; - - - - - -
. church."I
f' WELlS .
I. Consult him If you wont Wntor.
I ! Phone 112 , - Broleu Bow.
t I .
. .
r I 0 . [ .I.OONHAD.
, . . . . . .Dclllor In. . .
IJnmp.Wlnd , MI1l , TAnh . FItting' , o Mollnt
, . .
Bllglno" oto. etc.
, .
IIrokon now Nchrcekll.
DR. C , B. JOB , .
Physician and Su.rgeon
Office nml rcsldence opposltc U. B.
"I '
, .
' - - -
- - - -
If You Want
to buy good posts take .a
lool { at our stock. . 2x4 Oak.
CatuHur. Western H. C.
Splits , Whit Cedar.
Also a full line of Shingles -
les , Windows and Doors attd
everything in the builders
line. Paving brick for side-
Dierks lumber
& Coal Co.
Phone 23.
- - - - - - - - . - - - < - - , " - - - ' - ' - - - , - - - - - -
rThA" M = : : E = ; l
b Feed in large and small quantities at both wholesale
and retail. 8
S Special attention given to filling orders for coal 8
in any quantity. 8
l Brolen Bow , - N braska N
. ; o : .r..r.Q : . . : : " . : ' ' & ; : : " ' . " . : " : . : . : = . . . . .
_ " '
. 'iR .
- - - - -
- - - - -
\Ve are now about ready for
having cleaued up entirely on fall and winter merchan < lise.
New goods are now arriving daily and our matty lines will
soon be complete. When you are loking for
Good Val ues and Honset Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , \clothing. \ hats cans , shoes , rugs.
carpets. mattings. lineoleums. notions. etc. , d n't fail to look
our lines over.
. '
: : ! , ' ' " " ' " . . . J . . "I'r . ' . ' . ' -lf . ' ; : ' ' ' , 11' . . ' ' ! ' r , . ' . . , ' lt " " " : ' , I""I ' ' ' ' ' . . ( ' ' ' 1\ ' ' ' ' ( ' : , . . , . ' . . . " ! ! ) " , 'f.\i. " " 'f""L' , . .N . ' ' . .r-a.r.e"fZ : ; : rgj . 00
. .
I " " l.t4t.ii " ' 1.J/ : / " " : ; If.JJ : ! : = : " " ; : ; ; " .oLV. ; 1 : iL" ; : ; ra.d . . . : : ! !
W When desiring to figure on a bill r
wr t" ! : ! 0 f L um b er ca 11 on th e. . . . . . . . . , I :
, : l
" \ I I . I : J C " L . Turner Lumber C 0 I W
; ' \ I .
, . ; We carry a lull stock Cf ? Lumber. f.
. 1,1 : I : Sash , Doors , Mouldmgs. etc. i ! :
, ,
' ti 1-
JI ' : , Agents for the Nebraska Central , i
tl : 'ft Building & Loan Association. ; : ! ! . .1
111 ) tfJ. . u , ? : . : ! . : Ir ; . . . ' : . : ' 1.rr:5oi : : . 'JIr : : ; : : ' r'f.r'tr.r.r. : ; . : : : 1"'Ir. : : : . Intfr : : fJJf : { : : rF.f : ' Ip 1 : I. ' ;
' . . .
j Il.TJTJ ! " : J 'Jibifjl r : 1ii' . : ; 'fJJ rTJi..l dii ! J.tL fY fJ'ii ! TJra.m.tii : ! jr
3 , .
H - - Y01J CAN '
H ! here by purchasing
, , , . , , .
, . .
; I P alnts. 911s , i
'l\ ' \ I Hardware. !
, Furniture , i
i Flour. Feed
, and Seed. , i .
011011'11" ' 111111111011111I1111111111111I1111I11111111111110 " 0111111111"1111I11"111111I" 111I111111I11I111111111I111111I'111,111 ' IIIOIlIlIlIli1.
South SidelSql1are. Broken Bow.
- -
T-- .
Send . your Abstract Orders to
Ja a. . LEONARD , '
-Bonded : Abstracter
Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
- - - - - - - - = - . . . . -
- -
- - -
r,4 !
o. - vvJBc > an. : .
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
Real Estate. City Lots attd Property bought and sold.
Farms rented. 'faxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some good paper. ' "
Call and see me.
- . . . . . . . ! ir. ! . . .I-I , . , . . . . .H' ' ' ' ' ' PI .
I . . _ .
Zumbrata Zephyrs.
Everet Colc , of the Bow , has
been visiting thc past week at
his uttcle's , Joe Colc's. '
Miss Madge Bishop spent a
pleasattt time with her little
fricnd , Lela Kom er , from Thursday -
day uttli1 Saturday.
Stewart I-latttcrmann has
si1ettcac1 his old threshing
machinc and is now waiting
patient1y for the new outfit he
ordered and hopes soon to be
very busy and also to gi ve good
satisfaction. It is an "Eclipse. "
Miss Glen Rector begun school
in 'fappan Valley last Monday
with an enrollement of twelve.
Others will come later on.
.Toe Cole's made a hay stacker
last week for Mr. Ernest Cole ,
of Snake l utt. This is the
second successful stacker Mr.
Cole has made this season.
Mr. Clyde McPherren and
Mr. Jesse McMahan , of Geneva.
Nebr. , made a short call last
Saturday morning on their old
friend J. L. Kooler.
Miss Mabel 'l'appan and Miss
Painter spent Sunday at Bntler
Sands Miss Painter will assist
Mrs. 'l'appan with her work for
an indefinite time.
Mr. Dewey and wife visited
friends at "Snake Hun. " on last
Suttday ,
'l'he local showers have been
very nice and now if we just-
could have a nice rain , after hay
is put up and wheat is all drilled
every thing will be 111 good shape.
Miss Madge Bishop started to
school in the Bow on last
Mrs. M. D. Callen will entertain
the Missionary Society today.
The Queen Esther Club . of the
M. E. Church had a .picnic last
Saturday in Bertran's grove. In
spite of the showers throughout
the afternoon. a very pleasant
time is reported.
An Honor to His Parents.
The Washington. D. C. , Herald
of Saturday. August 31st , pub-
llished an excellen t two column
portrait of Rev. Dr. George
Bailey , son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bailey , of Broken Bow. and in
connection with the portrait the
following bi'Jgraphical sketch :
"The Rev. George Bailey received -
ceived his collegiate and seminary
training in Sheffield. After
graduation he pursued postgraduate -
graduate courses in philosophy
and sociology in connection with
London Uttiversity and Illinois
Wesleyan University. being
awarded the Ph. B. A. M. . and
Ph , D. degrees.
For several years he was president -
dent of Westminster College. in
Salt Lake City. which position
he resig-ned to accept the pastorate -
ate of the Western Presbyterian
Church. ot this city. The Daily
Tribune , of Salt Lake , under date
of February 28 , 1905. comments
thus : "Dr. George Bailey has
been captured by one of the leading -
ing Presbyterian churches of
.Washington. D. C. Although
he undertook the presidency of
Westmister College because the
necessities of the work were
strongly urged upon him. he
believes the pulpit is his proper
field o work , and now returns to
his chosen calling. The retiring
president's administration of the
affairs of the college has been
remarkably successful and highly
satisfactory to all concerned. "
Dr. Bailey assumed the pastorate -
ate of the Western Church .on
March 1. 1905. HIS work in
Washington has been attended
by steady progress , in large addi-
tiOtts to the membership of the
church , increased congregations.
and improved financial status.
The report of the church year ,
recently presented to the Pres.
bytery. gave the membership at
398 , and the amount raised duro
ing the year s $10,365. A yeat
ago the trustees were authorized
by the congregation to purchase
a home for the use of the ministel" .
'l'he present commodious and
pleasant manse on G street north.
west was secured at a cost of
57.500. and a substantial part oj
the purchase price has been paid ,
In June of last year , li'ranklit :
College. Ohio , conferred on Dr ,
Bailey the title of doctor of
h divinity. "in recognition of hi
7 distinguished ability and tIt <
service he has rendered to the
great cause of Christian educa' '
lion and civilization , ' "
' ! House and Lot For Sale.
A six-room house in fine con
( lition. les3 than a block from th
square. nicely arranged ; cit
water In the housc. shade trees
For sale at a bargaitt. Inquirj
at Rm'ulII.IcAN office.
Wanted a good strong boy 01
stock ranch , good salary. Appl ;
or call on Mr. Fergurcson , 8
miles southwest of Comstock
. . . . . . , { III ; > " . ' , t : ' , . . . . " . '
. . "
. '
. "
. _ " v
S M s m K
- . ,
' - - - - - - - - - - - ' -
Drs. li'arnsworth & Beck-
'l'hc old reltable Custer County
Abstract Co. will make 'our abstracts -
stracts at reasonable rates. examine -
amine titles to land , . bring suit to
quiet title , assist you in perfect-
ittg title to your land.
5tf Bottded Abstracter.
We are teceiving this week another -
other addition to our already
large stock of furniture.
.S. P. GHOA'1' & Co.
Dr. Bass. Dentist. Over McComas'
Custer College , Broken Bow ,
Nebraska. Fall term begins
Sept. , 16. Write for catalogue.
- -
I am making farm loans at 5
per cent interest.
25tf Broken Bow , Neb.
Fort ' ' farm
RItN'1'-320-acre 10
mtles southwest of Broken Bow ,
all tablc land , 250 acres broken ,
good improvements. Call at
once. Chas. Scholz , Broken Bow.
S. P. Great & Co. sell the New
Royal sewing machine. Anyone
contemplatittg the purchase of a
machitte 'will ' find it to their advantage -
vantage to exatnine them and the
prices. ' Hf
Another shipment of Rocking
chairs just received at Konkel's
dirLct from the factory at factory
\Ve want to reduce stock and
will sell all goods at unusually
low prices. Come and see us.
S. P. GROAtI' & CO.
I am making farm loans at 5
per cent interest.
.J AMES LnDwlcH : ,
25tf Broken Bo .v. Neb.
'rhe Kirkendall shoes hav the
run now. The best foot-wear on
earth at MnvIs & Co. 49-tf
The "Comfort" sWIng chair.
Nothing like it in the market.
Beats a hammock all to smither-
e ns. Only place to be found in
the city is at Groat's Big Store.
Another shipment of couches
just r ceived direct from factory'
at Kottkel's.
' -
--Come early if you want a lovely
suit of clothes cheap. Mnvls
& Co. 49-tf.
Go to J. W. Scott's for unadulterated -
adulterated flour-pure , just as
the wheat growed. . .
I am making farms loans at 5
per cent interest.
25tf Broken Bow. Neb.
Hememb r Konkel is headquarters -
quarters for chairs of all kinds
attd prices. ll-tf
: f.Xr.I.r.I. J" < .MXl )
I The Advo i
R estau rant
l'i ' N
c. E. STOUT , Prop.
: . . - S1
. H
'usc " I ass 111 very Respect.
Short Orders , a Specialty.
is -
I.unch Counter In Connection.
R -
it Our Pies Are Unexcelled. .
Try olle-or morc.
: Or-Ao : : : : r M
J.A. . ARMOUl\ .
Attorney at Law.
Brqken Bow.tNebr.
IIavhlll just h\l1 elllht 'oars practical exper
lence as County Judlle. w1l11llve special aUon
tlon to th drawlu ! : ' and Irobatlull of wills and
the admlulstratlou of estates of deceased per.
sons and minor ! : . Write or phone me. I ma )
save YOU p trip.
. . . . . . .Herd lla de(1 U > ' . . . . . . . . .
Orlm.on . No. 711035.
j.G.BRENIZ iR. tlreeaef 01
Pure Scotch a'1I1 Scotch TOIped Shurt lIor
Cattle. My herd numbers 40 cows , Will con
pare In breedlu& : ' aud quality with any west
Chlcallo My experience has tau < < ht me that t
\rIve 1I'0odsatisfacUon , breedlnll cattle must b
r..l"cUln thl. . uttun" . I expect t
r..INeUtcllt 1tcre the cquaA of any thin
raised Inll1e U. S. t n w l1ave25 bulls sultabl
for this and next year' . service. My COVi
Melith frol11 1400 to poundB. Come and sc
- , , . b.-
, ,
. I
Cheap one-way
Colonist Rates I
Dally during September nnd October
to Pacific Coast nnd far wcst points. .
at nbout half rates.
To the East ,
The low rate Jamestown Exposition
tickets can be uscd for your Autumn
trip to New York. Boston , and other
Eastern cities. TheBe arc the lad
cheap rate. of the .eaBon.
Late Autumn
Trips West :
Low rate excursion tickets to Colo.
rado , the RoclHes , and the Big Horn
1110untalns will renlaln on sale du'r-
ing Septcmbcr ; the low rate round
trip tickets to Pacific COlst ! will not
be on sale after September IS.
H9meSeeker' s
Sce the West with its 1907 crops.
Western farm lands , including irrigated -
gated la.nds , are constantly advancing -
ing in value ; hettcr locate now.
Big Horn Basin &
Billings District :
We ( un personally conducted , cheap
rate hOUleseekers excursions to help
you locate on irrigated lands at the
lowcst prices ; they will double in
value in five yeare. J .in me on these
excurslous. No charge for service.
Write D. Clem Deaver , Agent Burlington -
lington Landseeker's Burcau , Omaha -
ha , Nebraskn.
( Ticket Agent )
L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. ,
( Omaha , Nebraska. )
To whom It may concern :
The commlssfonerappolnte to view , an 1f
deemed for the public gOOlI , to locate a road
) forby Jot ! . Gilmore. et al. commenc.
ng at the southeast corner of the northeast
quarter. of section 21. town H. range 23 ,
Custer County. Nebraska ; 'I.'hence running
north about 00 ro tl , to where the road runs
west , aroun b ) " 'ValleI' Cox's house , and
following the roa west a half mile on the
quarter section line to the southeatlt..comer
of the north. half of the northwest quarter
of section 27 aforesal . Thence running
north an wetlt around the canyon , passed
Jametl Lang'tI houtle. an following the main
travelled road to tlecUon 4 , where it Intertlecttl
with establlshe road In sal section , all In
town 14 , range 23 , Custer Count ) " , Nebraska ,
tlald road to be ,10 feet wide , has reported In
favor of the establltlhment thereof. and all
objections thereto , or claims for damages ,
must be lIIe In the County Clerk's olUce on
or before noon of the 25th day of October 1007
or such road will be established without
reference thereto.
In Witness 'Vhereof , I hereunto set my
hand and seal of said connty , this 22nd day
of August. 1007. JOB. PIGMAN ,
[ SEAL ] Count ) " Clerk.
First pub. Aug22-4t
Notice to the unknown heirs of Frantlska
Juza , deceased , and to Anna Vyblral and
'I.'ony V.yblral. non.resldent , defendants.
Anna and 'I'onf Vybr1al , non.resl ent de.
fendants , am the unknown heir : !
at law of Frantlska Juza. deceased , are here.
by notified that Frank Juza , on the 22nd day
of Augut , 1001 , Illed his petition In the dltl.
trlct court of Custer county. Nebraska , In
which action you an each of you are defen.
'l'he object and prayer of sal petition Is :
' 1.0 quiet the title In him to the following de ,
scribed real estate , to.wlt :
The north half of the northeatlt quarter ,
the southwest of the northeatlt quarter and
the northeatlt of the northwetlt Iluarter 01
section 2'2 , township 20 , north of range 11 ,
wetlt Gth I ) . m.
lIe alleges that he Is the owner of the said
land , has hall the uninterrupted. notorious
and peaceahle possession of the lan as the
owner thereof for more than ten years , to ,
wit : since IB911 , and has paid the taxes upon
same for more than ten years and plalntlfJ
asktl that the title to the said land be declar.
cd to be In him and quieted as against yO\ !
and each of you an tor equitable relief.
'I.'he district jullge has heretofore Issued an
order for Henke by publication as to the un.
I known heirs above referred to and set out.
You and each of you are required to answ
er the plalntlff's petition on or before 1\Ion
lIay. the 21st day of October , 1001. or your de
fault will be entered and decree granted a !
prayed In the petition.
I I HANI { JUZA , Plaintiff.
By N. ' 1. ' . GADD. IIlti Attorney. .It
I Estate of Allen Kellog. deceased , In County
I. Court of Custer County , Nebraska.
I 'I'he State of Nebraska , to all persons Inter
1 estedln tlald estate , take notice , that Oeorgt
'V. Dewey. administrator , hall lIIell a Una :
account and report of his a mlnlstratlon
anll a petition for Unal settlement and dls ,
charge as such , which have been set fOi
hearing bel ore salll court , on September 30
1007. at 10 o'clock a. m. . that salll Unal report
praYti for an orller of distribution of Hald
estate to the heirs at law of Mary A. Kellog
deceabe . who In her life time was the wlft
of Allen Iiellog : , and who died prior to tht
death of Allen Iielloanll : / also Undlng tht
heirs and legatees ot Allenlellog , lleceased
who are also the heir : ! of 1\Iar ) " A. HellOg :
deceased , allll for other relief as shown b )
the petition for final settlement now on Illt
In Hald court.
Anyone Interested In said estate may ap
pear on or before September 30 , 1007 , an ,
contest the same.
A. H. IlUMpIlHEY , County JUdge.
Dated September 3,1007. [ SRAI. ]
_ Flrsst Pub. Sep t
Department of the Intrlor. ! Land Onlce al
Lincoln. Nebratlka. . August 28 , 1007.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intentlo [
I to make IInal proof In HUPIJort 0 :
his claim anll that said proof will lie madt
before A. H. Ilumphre ) ' , County Jullge. al
I Broken Bow , Nel.raska , on October 12. 1007
I vlz : Ilenry I . Mussel , malte II. l
I No. 1 B300 , February 1st , 1006. for the nw ,
sw , lec : " ' 9 , tl ) IlIn , range 10 , w G 1) . m.
U names We lollowlng wlt11ebses to provt
his continuous residence upon and cultlva
tlon of , jalll lanll , vlz :
John I" . Salllierson , Lott O. Morris , DUI
Oler , Allen JukeI' . all of Bel'wyn , Nebraska
ClIAS. I" . SHEDD , Heglster.
1 lrst pub. Sept. Ii.
. Department of the Interior. Land Onice a
. . Lincoln , Nebrask\ , August 30. 1007.
Notice Is hereby given that the followllli
namellHettier has tiled notice of his Intentlol
to make IInal commutation lroof In sUPllor
of hltl claim , and Utat said proof will be mad. .
before A. H. lIulllphre ) ' , County Judge , a
Broken 1I0w , Nebraska , on October 12. 1001
vlz : Charles caswelll who on March 23 , 100 <
malIc II. E. No. 11 , or the ne sw liectlol
I , townshll ) IGn , range III , W 0 p. m.
lie names the fOllowing whneliseli to prov ,
his continuous residence upon and cultlv
II tion of sald1and , vlz : Joselh Starks , Jame
Ie Hussell , George Evans , dward Mauk , all 0
' ; I , Nebraska.
:0 : ClIAS. F. SlIEDD , Ihglster.
Flrlit l'ub. Sept.
I )
' , . ' . - - . . . -
- /
- -
- . . - - -
And to All Whom It Mar Cobcv1'n :
To Mn , A , L. Oarsonvldow , rstname uu. .
kuown ; Mrs. Walter Carson , widow , first
name uuknown ; the minor children of Mn.
Walter Carson , whose names are Unkno\vn ; ' '
Miss Myra Carson , single ; the unknown heirs
of A. L. Ca1'llon , deceasedfUII name unknown
and deceased the unknown : heirs of Walter carson , 'J'
You and each of } 'O\l wll1 take notice
that on the 7tb day of Aug. , 1007 , Kingman & ; . '
Co. , flled a lletltlon. by their attorney ,
against you and each of you In the Dlatrlct 1
Court of Custer count } . , Nebr. . the object and !
prayer of which Is to canCel two certain ,
mortgages as follows , to.wlt : One for the
sum of One Thousand ( IOOO.UO ) Dollars dated - .
March 1st , 188B , given b ) ' Gustavus W. Wilde I
and wife to the Lombard Investment Co. ,
recorded In ook : . ' 0 , at page 231 of the He. , .
cords of Custercountr. Also a certain mort. . . '
gage for the sum of One lIundred ( a\1OO.UO \ )
Oollars dated January IGth , 1801 , given b [ , . ,
Uustavus W. Wilde , widower , to the prov. '
dent Trust 00. , and recorded In Dook 51 , at . J'
Page 231 , of the Hecords of Custer count. . '
noth of said mortgages secured 011 the nort .
east quarter ( ne ) of section four (4) , town. . :
ship nineteen (1\1) \ range eighteen ( III ) , Custer
county , Nebratlka.
said mortgages were assigned to A. L.
Carson , former manager of t11e said King. "
.man & Co , at their IIranch ot1lce In the ;
clt ) . of Omaha , State of Nebraska , 'I'hat said ,
mortgages were assigned to said A. I..Carson '
In the usual courle of business for and In ' ' .
behalf of said 1\l1gman \ & Co. "
' .rhat Utle to sard lanll was received by :
Kingman & Co. , by the name anll st'le of " ,
Kingman and company and afterwards con. " '
veyed by Itlngman & Co. , by the st'le and , ' ; . -
name of Kingman and coml > any to HUllolf , "
O. M. Klatt 01 Custer County Nebraska. .
said A. L. Carson being now deCeascll , said
Itlngman & Co. , prays for a llecree of -
the Court , IIndlng said mortgages were pur. ' < J
chased br the said A. L. Carson for ItIl1gman ' . " : .
; r.JIi"l
& Co. That In taking the said assign.
ment In his own name , he acted for said
I\ngman \ & Company an not In his own be.
half. ' .rhat said mortgage : ! may be cancelled -
of record anll the title 01 said land quieted In , . ) "
the name of said nu elf O. M. Klatt.
You arc required to answer this petition on "
or before the IGth day of September , 1007. .
Dated August 7th , 1001. , . :
Dy WU.LIS CAnWEf.L. 'l'helr Attorney. t
Attest , GEO. D.MAIn. [ S ALl
First 1mb August Bth-tt , :
In the County Court of Custer County ,
Nebraska. -i !
In the matter of the estate of William '
Deweln , alleged Deceasell. . ) ,
' 1'0 'VllOm It May Concern and all persons . ' .
who may be Interested In the above estate : 'J
Notice Is hereby given that on the 12th day ref
of August , A. D. 1007. 'Vllllall1 Deweln , son of
William Deweln , and residing In Cincinnati ,
01110 , lIled his petition In myol11ce : alleging "
that one 'Wllliam Deweln , his father. and
late of Custer County , Nebraska , has been
unheard of for more than Heven years last
past , by your letltloner his 80n , or by any
other. person , In and about the usual haunts
of tile said William Deweln , or at his last
known place of residence In Custer County.
Nebraska : that the said William Deweln
has an undivided one fourth Interest In and
to the sw se . se sw anll n sw sec. , 0 ,
town 14 north , range 21 west , 6th p. M. Custer
County , Nebraska : that letters of admln.
Istratlon be granted the petitioner on said
estate : that It be found that the sallt
William Deweln Is legallv dead and that the
title to said real estate Is vested ln the only
living children of said William Deweln ,
to.wlt : the Ietltloner , William Deweln who
Is over the age of 21 years , and Katie Dewe1l1
'Vel/lh , a daughter over the age of : J1 years ,
and both of Cincinnati , Ktate of Ohio : said
petitioner further asks that the lleposlUons
of the said William Deweln , the Ietltloner ,
and Katie Deweln Welsh be taken In support
of said allegations. It Is therefore onlered
by me that all lerSOns Interested In said ,
estate appear at my oOice In roken Dow
Custer Nebraska the 21st 01 "
County , , on llay " -
September. A. D. 1007 , at 10 o'clock a. m. ,
of said day , and : ! Ilow cause , If any there be ,
why letters of administration should not be .
Issued on said etltate , and that Uledeposltlons
of tile said William Deweln , the petltloner ,
and Iatle Deweln Welsh In support of the ,
allegations of said petition , be taken before
competent authority at the ol1lce of L. Alvin
Kreis , No. 41 , Atlas Bank Building. In the
city of ClnclnnatlhCounty of IIamllton , State
of Ohio , on the In , day of September 1007 , at
10 o'clock A. M. of said dar. , "
: A. It , IlUMPllHEY , County Judge.
Alpha Morgan , Attorney for the Estate.
First pub. Aug 15-5t
County Court , Custer County , Nebraska.
'l'lle creditors of the estate'of Edward F.
Palmer , deceased.
'I.'ake notice , that I will sit at the County
Court room. In Droken Bow , In said County ,
on the-20th day of Sept. . 1001 , and on the 3rd , '
day of March 1908 , each at 10 o'clock f
a. m. of each day. to receive and , examine
all C claims against said estate , with
a view to their adjustment and allowancej
'fhe time limited for tile presentation 01
claims against said estate Is six monthsfJom ,
August tlth : 1001 , and the time limited for
payment of debts Is one year from said date.
Dated August 8th 1007.
[ SEAL ] A. H. HUlIPalIEY , County Judge.
Flrst pub Aug. 15-4t
To whom It may concern :
The commissioner appointed to view , and
If deemed for the pUblic good , to locate a
roall petitioned for by M. II. StuPPlebeenl
et aI , commencing at the southeast ' 0
section 23 , town 11 , range 24 , an' cOileI' " \ .
thence down the canyon , the
' section as practicable , and bet s tlon 4
25 and 2tJ , also 35 amt 36 town 11 , " , nge 21. and l
south from section 36' throu h s tlon 2 , In
town 111. range 21 , this connectrng .lth Calla.
way and Arnold road running cast allll west ,
has reported In favor of the establishment
thereof. and all objections thereto. or claims
for damage must be tlled In the County
Clerk's onlce on or before noon of the 25th
l day of O tober 1007 , or such road will be
established , without reference thereto.
In 'Vltness 'Vhereof , I have hereunto set
my hand and seal of said county. this 2'2nd .
day.of August 1001.
( SEAL ] Jos. PIGMAN , .
Ffrst pub Aug 22-1t County Clerk.
To whom It may concern : '
' .rhe commissioner appointed to view and If
Iteemed for the pUblic gooll to locate a roall
petitioned for by Geo. W. Burton. ct ai , com.
menclng at a point about Hi rolls , more or I
less somh of the northwest corner of section I'
21. township 14 , range III , anll running thence
west about 00 rOllI ! , to tJle road as now travel.
cd , anll thence In a northerly direction fol. )
lowing the road al ! now traveled , through
, sections 20 , 11,8 aUlI r. In township 14. range ,
III , and through sections an : . ' 11 , township
15 , range 10 , and terminating at the northeast -
, east corner of the se of the se of section
: " ' 9. township 15. range 10 , has reported In fav.
or of the establishment thereof , and all ob.
jfctlons thereto , or claims for damages ,
must be tiled In the county clerk's ol1lce on
or 1Jel1re : n'Jon of the 30th day of October ,
1007 , or such road will be established without
, reference thereto.
In Wltnestl Whereof. I have hereunto set
my hand and seal of said county , this 2Uth
day of August , 1001. JOS.plOMAN ,
[ SRAL ] County Clerk. :
I lrst publication August : . ' 0.4t L
'l'he State of NebraSka.
Custer . I
To all the Devfsees and Legatees , and all b- "
persons Interetlted In the estate of Jametl B. ' I
11111. deceased :
Whereas , James . 11111 of said county , has )
med In my oOice an Instrument l > urportlng
to be the last Will and Testament of Jamel :
B. Hill , deceased. late of said County. and a
petition lraylng to have the same admitted
to probate. which 'VIll relate : ! to both real
and lersonal estate , whereupon I have ap'
lolnted the 20th day of September. 1101 , at
10 o'clock In the forenoon , at m ) ' oOice In said
County , as the time alllt III ace you and all .
concern ell , may appear anll contest the pro.
bate of the same. .
In 'l'estlmony Whereof , I have hereunto tlet
my hand and anlxed my oOiclal seal , thltl9tll :
. day of August , 1007.
A. U. IlUl\1l'lIm Y. County Judge.
[ SEAl. ] J. . \ . AU\IOUII : , Attorney ,
, Plrtlt Iubllcatlon AugUlt : . ' 1I.3t
United States Land Ollice.
Droken Bow. NebraHka , AUlI'ust 16.1901.
Notlco Is hereby Illven that CIIARI.EY J.
DA VIUSON. of lhoken 1I0w. has lIled notice
of his Intention to make l1ual 5 year proof In
SUPIort of his clalUl ! . vlz : UOl1lostcad Entry
No. 1930 l1Ia < le No\ ' . , . ! [ li 1900. for tile II sw
section 27. township 17 north. rau e 19 west.
and that 8all1 proof will be made before
Heilister aud Receiver. at DrokenDow. Oct. . tI ,
lie names the followlull' witnesses to prove
his continuous reRldence upoU. and culUvatiou
of , the land. vlz : Alex l'olldullboru.of l'Jroken 1
Jew ; Walter Woodards. of lJrokeu How ; lJenr ) ' " ' -
Cosl1man. of Drokeu Dow ; Geoflre Chrlstlsen ,
of lJroken Dow. Neb.
JOUN RBIHiK , Rlllfister.
. .
M t . .