Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 12, 1907, Image 1

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    L\btMlIm \ oo'o'F ' ' . mlt . . I.
. . .
I Handsome I
' " . I _ is the Hand
adorn cd by our jcwelry. Rings
exquisite in design an cxccution.
Bracelets of new and original pat.
tcrns , We have a large Watch and
Clock dcpartment in which are
man } ' excellent time kecpcrs and
many that are bcautiful parlor or'
namcnts as wcll.
A fine assortmcnt of bcautiful
Gift Silverware for your inspcction
, - _ , ! ' 1':1:11 : :
w : GET YOUR .
* School
: B 00 k S
School Supplies
Baisch's Drug Store. *
' " - , . . - : III11
* " > - \11
II' . \11
W e 1 lave everyt h. lUg you w
; need in that line. : t
Tablets , Pencils , Rulers ,
' Composition Books , etc. III
m w
J.8. & J.F.Baisch
. . . .
' " w
' " W
m w
' " w
; Broken Bow , - - Neb. .
m . "
' E-Ir-E-f : H.E'EE E-E-c : , Irlr-E' Ir-i-EE' :
, . : ' " ! ' ' " " ' ' ! 1'I' , , , ' , ' , ' ' " , , , ' ' , ' , "III'II1r.iTl1r.Ir.rm : : ! : 'Ti''qr" ' ' ' " " " " P'III"jp'I''iT"'I' , , " ; ' ' ' ' ' , ; ' ' , , , , , , , nr.rmII:11"I'rJ'I' , : : ! ! ! : , : : ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' : ' ' ' rr.m : : : : . . : . ' ' ' ' . I
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r : '
l Mowers , Binders I
L Ij a .d Repairs. i !
ay Sweeps and Sta kers.
J i
, . ' . '
; ' \ Now is the time to look up' > !
your lVlower and Binder R E P A IRS ; J
, ACME '
' ; M LWAUK E : 'i
\ , ' : . BefOl.'e purchasing see Ul : Deering ide De- r ; ; {
f. > < hvery.flay Stacker. 'r l1S IS sometillng. new t I
. , . ; and will please. you.Ve have a great hne of
} .VI. .
" hay swee1)s. See them
1 . ,
f i ] r ; 'i }
Ht G. . W. APPI.dE. g
l'- , ' . .
[ u . ' . ' . , . . ' ' ' % 1'1 ' ' , ' . ' . ' ' ' ' , ' , ' , ' ' ' ' , , . , , , , ' , , ' , ' ' , , ; ; . ' ' ' ' ' , , , , ' , ' ' , " , ' , , . , , ' ! 1"III , , , , , , fI"UIIij.I. ; , , , , " , " ' III.n'1 . , . . ' ' ! 1"U'IIOo''II'I1"'nr.r.r'r , ! ' ' ' ' ' " ' : ; : ; " " ' : ! I'I11mrrnr.ur.JII' ' : : , : : ! . ' Jlj , , , . , , I .
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, - - -
.A A A , A
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, " ? L _ ' _ _ . 1 1 I . r
'N e have just received
" u car of 1\1 ichigan Salt in
; sacks and ba1'l'els for the
' table 01' stode. 'rhis'salt .
( . is in good clean b I'l'e Is ; : : : -
at $1.90 It harrel ; In 140 .
4 ,
, " . . '
, - lb. sacks 95c sack. 'rIds
salt is not out in the rain
exposed to all kinds of
I -weather , but it is under t-
( oYer clean amI ry.
Aurom , 131'ol\en Bow & :
.Mason City fioul' . Buy at
I ; J .
. TR.DC . . .
' ! .urc 01U ' - hh' V.111t : Dr
( ) MARK t.--
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, , , , . .
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, , , . . ' .
It Win Certainly
Be a Humnler
Some Facts Concerning the Custer
County Fair to be Held in
Broken Bow Next Week
Dec Culture .
One of the important interests
that is not bein& , over-looled in
Custer county 1S Bee culture.
With the wonderful acreage I of
alfalfa in Custer county one does
not realize the amount of money
there is in this business. It is 'a
business that ladies can very weJl
handle. Mrs. Amos , of Comstock -
stock , will have bees on exhibition -
tion at the coming [ i'air a d will
be glad to impart to all any in.
formation she can give thel11 on
this subject. She is an expert
apiarist and has made a success
of the busi'ness.
Fine Arb
The Fine Art exhibit will be in
charge of Mrs. . M. S. Edd ) ? , of
Merna.Ve expect to see a fine
display in this department. The
premiums while not large arc
something and the satisfaction of
having taken ofle of these premiums -
iums is much greater value than
the money paid therefor. Let
every ne bring- their oil pain -
ings , pastel , Bowers , landscapes ,
portraits , collection of hells and
all things that belong to this
Needle Work
Do not overlook the needle
work department. This depart-
men t will be in charge of Mrs. J.
S. Mol , neux. All who make
exhibits will have fair treatment.
It is the hope of the management
that this exhibit at the coming
fair will be the best in years.
Educational Department
'l'he leading sch ols of the
country are now having as a' distinct -
tinct departm'nt of their educational -
ional cours , domestic science.
All women ought to know how
to cook. Many suggest that
our grand-mothers' were beter
coolts than the present gener- ,
ation. Mrs. T. L. Farnsworth' '
has charge of the culinar.v department -
partment of the coming fair.
It is the hope of the management
that this stall will be filled to
the roof with displays in this
class. The manager is always
The Fruit
Already fruits have been
shipped from eastern counties
for display at the fair. It is the
hope of the management that
there will be a large display of
Custer county fruits. While
this has not been a good year for
fruits in this county it is hoped
all who can furnish anything
like a creditable display of
Custer county fruits will bring or
send the same to the fair.
Farm Product.
We hope the liberal offer concerning -
cerning farm products made by
the management of the County
fair in last weeks publications
will not be over-looked. The
examination of this offer will disclose -
close that the first 50 persons
bringing to the fair for exhibition
the products mentioned in this
advertisement will receive each
$2,00 whether the same takes a' '
premium or not and also two.
season tickets for the fair. :
The Roce.
The manag-ernent is more than
ple'Jsed with the prospect for the
races at the coming fair. AI-
reacly entries in the free-for-all
and the 2:25 : trot and pace are
filled. This assures at least five
starts in both of these races.
The probabilities , arc there will
not be less than seven. 'l'hese
races will be a fight from start to
finish and in all probabili ties will
require five or six heats to de-
termine. Horses from Council
Bluffs , Grand Island , Aurora and
South Dakota have already
entered and paid their entrance
fee. If the weather is good there
will be better races this year
than ever in the historv . of the
The Ladie. Relay Race ,
' 1'he entries in the five mile
relay races have already reached
the number of five. 'l'his will be
the most interesting race ever
on the fair grounds.
The lady .rides the first mile , her
partner the second , she the third ,
her partner the fourth and she
I finishes \he race. Each pair
have five horses. Each horse
runs half a mile and rests until
his turn comes again. 'l'hosc
who witncss this racc will never
forget it. N. ) morc thrilling race
can be' put upon the tract.
New Building.
'rhe Ampitheater is now com-
plcted and painted. ' 1'he ncw
cattle barn holds 48 hend of
cattle and is also completed , and
the management expects the
stalls filled. The Ampitheatcr is
the most commodious and comfortable -
fortable of any count ) ? in the
The Baby ! \how
The baby show will oCCUI at
1 o'clock Friday. Alpha Morgan ,
the superintendent. oC this feature -
ure , has no babies of his own ,
and , being a great lovcr of
babies , has a < 'ded $5 to the
premiums already offered :
Etcctcrn. .
'l'he race track at the Cair
ground is in the best possible
condition and is very fast. If
hc weather is good some wonder-
Cull races will be witnessed.
'l'he high wire artist , halloonist
nnd moving picture men have all
notified the management nothing
will prevcnt their attendance.
'l'here will be tents for those
who come and desire to remain
over nig ht. 'rhey can be had by
applyinn- Jules IIaumonl , the
Hemember , season tickets for
the amphitheater are forty cents
for { he season. If you neglect to
purchase season tickets the
singlc tic1Cts will cost you
fiteen : cents. Season tickets to
the grounds good for all four
days ar one dollar , single admission -
mission , thirty-five cents.
Duroe Hogs at the Fair.
When you attend th Custer
County Fair don't fail to see thc
exhibit of hogs from the Custer
County Herd of Dnroc.Jerseys
owned by John Re.ese of Brolnn
Bow , Neb. Crimson Wonder , Jr. ,
one of the great boars of the
breed will be on exhibition , also
spring pigs.
A Normal Department.
. . .
; Grand Island Baptist College
has a Normal department the
same as State Normals. Teachers
follow the same courses and get
same credit as at State Normals.
also state certificates at the completion -
pletion of the respective courses
without special examinations.
Observation and practice work is
g-iven in the city schools of Grand
Tuition $27 per year ; board
$2.25 per week ; rooms heated and
lighted 75c per week.
School begins Sept. , 10 , 1907.
J. G. W. LmvIs ,
Principal of Normal Dept. ,
, -
When you
be sure and get the best.
You can't afford to take
chances W1 th the sick or in-
jured. You must have the
kind of relief that only pure
drugs , skillfully compounded -
ed , will give. We are in
business to meet that want.
We don't sell cheap drugs.
It don't pay.
An } man in our store who
compounds a prescription
Imows huw or he wouldn't
be behind the case. He haste
to be a registered pharma-
cist. We invite } ? ou tu give
us a trial.
8. R. LEE ,
"The Busy Druggist"
. .
- -
Have you visited our Soda ,
Fountain today ?
Practical Undertaker
Llcnsed Embalmer
Business phone , 301. Resi cnce 334
IJrakollUaw , Nob.
' . , " . . . r
I . ,
Armour's Chipped Beef. . ,
Swift's ' Cooked Cor11 Beef
' \Visco sin Cream Cheese
' ' , . .
' -
C'udahy's Bologna Sausage'
. .
, Gold Label Sardines :
.Libby's Potted I-Iam
Lib y's \r egetftble Soup.
- . - . . - . - - . . . . . . - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - -
v : m ; z j 1i : :2 : : : g : 1rhi1 ! ! : m : lm Ui
When You Are Sick
m _ u \ h : Iere ' : Ck : : : ; I : h = I : : IC tI" , . [ . . .peri" - -
ment , Whcn thcre is sickncss in the housc , it Is thc tlmc to
sce your doctor. lIe knows heltcr thnn anybody else the kind
of mcdlcine nccccssnry to hring you hack to hcalth. Whcn he
has dhgnoscd the case , will write you a prescription for you to
he taken to the drug store to he fiUcI } , Bring this prcscrlption
to my storc , I guarrntee you that it will be fillcd exactl , ) ' as the
doctor lII1icatcd. I guarantee that it will hc fillcd with abso.
are sick I W8nt to fill ' ur prescriptions.
i : ! ' 1
- , 'I
- - -
: sIttt""t"ty"tttt"tttttttYt1ttttt1t't"ttt"t"tt1tt'tt'1t " " " " " " " , " , " , , ' " , " " ' '
- -
- -
I'Shepparcl" & BurkS
- -
- : : : :
= = -
- -
= = Invite all their Customers an l : n'riends = : ;
- : : : : I
E : to call'aJ1l1 see t.hem during the fair. : : : : : : :
- -
- -
: ; : : Everything will he l"air Fair : week. = =
- -
E : \Ve will h ve everything good to eat. = =
: : : : . : : : : :
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
= = : : : : :
Fruits and Fresh Vegeta.blee' .
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Phone 125. South Side Square
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' M---- "
" " " " : : : ' " : " - - : : : : : : :
They Compel
and we guarantee that there isn't