Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 05, 1907, Image 3

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1 '
Rellglouo. So lal , Aorlcultural , Pollt.
leal and Other Matters GIven
Due Consideration.
Shelb ) 'IB the only "wet" vlllago In
Polk count ) ' .
North PI tte IB sall1 to be In neel1
of an hotol.
The new Lutheran church of Suther.
land hns been dedicated.
Axtell has had two fires of late , ' the
laBt one being quito disastrous.
The golden anniversary will bo cel.
( ) brated In Beatrlco next month.
The Auburn ChautaUllla had a geol !
attomlanco and made SOllie l0nO ) ' .
14 Ray Patterson of Plattsmouth has
gene to Rapid CIt ) . , S. D" to start a
bank. '
Stock , shlpmonts from the grazing
country Is now on In full force lUlll
11\1ndrods of carloads are golug for.
ward to South Omaha.
The Randolph Improvement club ,
1l11s completed arrangements for a
thre days' earn Ivai and ball tourna.l
ment , September 2 , 3 and 4. I
Oscar , the fifteen.yenr.old son of
: Mr. and 1\1rs. Henry Fishbaeh , proml. '
non'1 resld mts of Beatrice , was dnn.
gorously Injured by being thrown from ,
a horse. ,
Two negroes , while trying to board I
a freight train at Gibbon , failed to' '
get on , and ono famng with his leg
" across the traek , hnd It cut off just
I' , above the anltle.
i 1\1001' & Dearing closed dealB nt
: Brulo with C. 1\1. Gray of Humboldt ,
Ia. , and A. H. Wlnltlcr of Glenwood ,
I Ia. , two capitalists , 101' Keith county
land to the amount of $ GOOOO.
Eighty acres of land lying one.fourth
i mile west of St. Paul limits wns soltl
at roferee'B sale at $85.10 per acre ,
I This was the ground value alone , as
there are 1\0 bulldlngB on the farm. '
A shooting affray occurred at Crc1v
nnd as a result Fount Sander on of
thlH } Iluco lies In a critical condition
fr.l111 : two bl1l1et wounds , one in the
hl'el1st and one In the left should r , In.
f1ict'd b ) ' Jim Butcher , a haU.ln'eci
Inlllan. Both men were Intoxlc\tl'd
. when the shooting occurred.
"t. D. W. Hoyt ot York county has
been appointed commandant of the
, Soldiers' Home at Grand Island to suc.
ceed Commandant Asltwith of Omaha ,
1\11' . Hoyt Is at present a deputy all
Inspector , having been appointed to
that place by Governor 1\lIclwy and
reavpolnted by Governor Sheldon.
The managers of the N brnslm atate
fair September 2 to 6 , hav ebeen ex.
, t ceedlngh' fortunate in securing the
world renowned Liberati's military
band of New York , Each day they
will give four great concerts on the
etate fall' grounds. This band Is com.
1)oscd of elghtr.two famous musicians.
Preparations are being made for the
Gordon county fair nnd street earn I.
"aI , which wIll be held at Gordon on
September 17 , 18 , 19 and 20. Besides
the usual display of mammoth field
and garden products , there wIll be bal.
loon ascensions and ther free attrac.
, tlons on the grounds each afternoon.
' 1'he past week was prolific of ac
J : Smlth had the misfortune to step off
, , ( 'Idents at Central City. Mrs. A. C.
th sidewalk and sprain her angle ;
Franklo , the son of William Porter
was wounded in the hand by the accl.
dental discharge of a target rlfie , amI
Ed. Foster fractured n. bone In one of
his hands while loading cattle at' the
t'wck yards.
1'he tra.clt layers on the North River
branch of the Union Pacific have
, reached Lewellen and have laid the
traclt for severnl miles from Lowellen
westward on the road to Oshlwsh. As
long as plentr of material Is furnished.
. such as tics and steel , almost n mile
of track can be laid dally. but the
shortage of supplies has prohibited the
lweplng up of any such recOl'd.
Charles Shindler , who lived near
I Flowersfiehl In Banner countj' , came
to his death. under singular circum.
iJtances. It Is } 1resumed that he waq
standing on a wngon , filling a barrel
from a lIuge tanlt , when he fell Inb
the tank , where his bOdj' was fOUlHl
later In the day. It Is rel10rted that hn
had been subject to npo111exr , and Iq
supposed to have had a seizure which
.caused him to fall.
The state board of Imbllc lands and
'bulldlngs has rejected all bids on the
. J1roposed new nddltlon to the Orlho.
, - -J. . lelc hospital and the Home for the
Friendless because the osthnates of.
the contractors exceeded the approp.
rlatlons. The legislature appropriat.
cd $2.500 for an addition to the home
f\nd the lowest bid called for an expen.
dlture of $3,004. The board will prob.
ably secure some reputable contractor
to supervise the building of the struc.
ture for an agreed percentage on ihr !
cost of material and labOl' .
President El. 11 , Pm'lsho , of Central
Clt ) . , hU been called to a large li'rlendlJ
church at Lawrence , Kas. He will
. be succeeded as IlI'esldont of Nebmslw
Central college by Prof , StuCj' 1\Ic'
Cracl < on , a graduate of Penn college ,
Oslwloosa , la.
Pror. U. S , Conn has rellgned the
chair of professor of mathematics a1
the normal sebool In } < 'I'smont to ac
cept the l1Osltlon of superlntcndent 01
} ) . . - the Columbus schools , sucGeedlng SUII
, . . , , erlntemlent E , D. Shennan , who gem
to Knarney ns 11IIpel'lntemlont of tlu
Days' Industr\f\l \ school.
Capital Formally Located by Procla.
matlon , Auoust 14.
Forty yearo aGo totInj' , sa's the Lln.
coIn Journal , a IJI'oclamation was Is.
sued declaring UIO state cnpll01 should
bo locatoll at the vlliago of LancaBter
and that provision should be mndo to
reserve land for the use oC state unl.
vorslt ) ' , a atato furm , a court house
for Lancaster count ) ' , a city hrtll l\1Id
111arltet space , a state hlstorlcnl lIbra.
I'y association and several public
schoolB. The c mmlsslon , comlosod
of David Butler , Thomas P. Ionnar
and John Gillespie , started for Ne.
braslm City on the aClornoon of July
18 , and visited the towns of Yanltco
Hill , Lancaster , Ashland , Seward , Mil.
ford , Camden and Sallno City , On the
afternoon of July 29 the commission'
ers assembled In the house oC , v. 'r.
Donovun In Lancaster , am\ after a
free dhlcttsslon as to the advantagcs
of the dlfforent places visited , a ballot
was talton , resulting In I..nncastor two
nnd Ashland one. On the second bal' "
lot the choice fell 011 Lancaster by a
unanlmoua vole of the commission.
The governor tumounced the result to
the people , many of whom were 011
the ou'tsldo awaiting the result of tho.
Arter the plnce was decided UIOn , a
surveyor was loCt here to locate the
'depressions ' and elovatlons prollml.
nar.y to furnishing a design for la'lng'
off the bloclts , streets and reservations.
On August 13 the commissioners ngaln
assembled at Lancaster and the next
day formally announced the founding
lof the town of Lincoln as the neat ot
government. After that the town was
'bloclted off. On Sop tern bel' 17 the
first sale of lots was held. It wns a
rainy , cold day and a small crowd
came to the sale , The first lot was
'soM ' to J. G. Miller for $ ,10.25. How.
ovpr , the following days were better
and the slilo closed after five days
with nn aggregate sale or' $34,000.
Feared In Saunders and Dodge and
Seven Horses' Have Been Shot.
Fremont-Something , of a sonsatlon
among farmerB of this soctlon WnB
caused when it became lmown that an
epidemic of glanders threatened horses
and stock ,
William Hayes , a farmer living three
miles south of Fremont in Saunders
count ) ' , filed suit In district court askIng -
Ing judgment for $1,500 against Arthur
Rasmussen and Henning Nelson , both
of Saunders county.
The complaint alleges that In Feb.
ruary Huyes bought two horses from
the defendants and b th had glanders ,
that Nelson and Rasmussen knew It
but represented the animals to bo
sound In every way.
Innocent of the ailment Haycsused
the team for driving through the coun.
ty , and many horses In both Saunders
and Dodge were laid liable to Infec.
tlon of the fatal malady. About a
month ago ono of the horses died. Dr. i
P. Simmons , a local veterlnllrlan , was
cnlled In to attend the other horse. He
pronounced the disease glanders , and
sent for the state .veterlnarlan. The
second horse was shot.
Last weelt Hayes found five horses
slclt. Dr. Simmons was called. "Gland.
ers , " ho said. This time , the state
veterinarian shot all five horses. } 'or
the loss of the seven horses Hares ,
who Is l1Ighly Incensed , because his
wife and children may have caught the
dread disease , wants $1 , OO. .
Wyoming Man Has Two to Sell to
the Governor ,
Lincoln - Governor Sheldon 1ll1s
Qeen offered a couple of ) 'oung 'Wolves
by a reoldent of Sheridan , Wyo. , at
a reduced figure of $25 each. They
arc as gentle as dogs , he says. He
evldontlj' wants to get rid of them , for
ho offers to ship 'them to the execu.
tlve without pay. His letter is as Col.
lows :
Governor Sheldon , Lincoln , Neb.-
Hon. Sir : Having been Informed you
wore gettln a zoological colloctlon , 1
write ) 'OU In regard to the purchase
of two pet wolveR , aJed : about
months old , very large anrl as gentle
as dogs. The price aslccd f. o. b. ,
Sheridan , Is $50 , or will ship direct
to Lincoln , If you prefer , r..nd the ex.
} 1reSS charges holng guaranteed both
ways , If not satisfactory. Yours truly ,
After Local Lumber Combines.
When the suit now pendJng against
the Lumber Dealers' association Is
decided. Attorney General Thompson
In all probability will proceed against
alleged local combinations among the
dealers , 'rho testimony Introduced In
Ihe case against the state association
! ndlcated the existence of local com.
blnatlons amI this evldenco will be
sifted to the bottom. Since the case
was submitted Mr. 'rllOmpson hns se.
cured other evidence tending to provo
there are local cmblne ) 1 which con.
trol the prlco of IrzmbQr to the con.
Her Legacy Only $25.
Central Clty..Twent.fivo dollars la
the legacy left b ) ' William II. Dennl.
ton , a wealthy Plttsburg call1tallst , to
his daughter , 1\1rs. Marj' Winslow.11' .
Denniston , together with two other
Plttsburg capitalists , Invested In Mol"
rlcl. count ) ' ranches , and In hlB will
which was fIled for probate In this
( 'ouri't ) . a peculiar tale of domestle
trouble Is presented. 110 stipulated
tnat $2ri should h'e' ati' that 1I1s daugh.
ter Mary ' should recelvo frODIIB QS'
tute dlre'cUr or Indirectly.
Familial' Scund Cause of Young Man's
. Bad Brenk.
John C. RlBley oC Detroit , at the
Now YOl'k convention of the Iuternn.
tlonal Scdoty oC Hotel nnd Hestl\\tl'ant
l mploYC'J-a convention notable for
its condemnation of the tll1plng syntem
-said to n rOI1Orter :
"The pUblic thlnlts that wo wnttors
get rich (1ft our tlIIB. The 11\Ibllo Is
very iglwrant In this mnttm' . When
1 think of its dense Icnornnco I am
reminded of n polltl al meotlng I I\t-
tended lallt April. 'I'horo waB a chal1
at this moetlng who knew nothing of
pnrllal11ell\ \ ) ' procedure , mul , besides
that , ho WaB half full. Well , In the
course of the meeting there was a lot
of excltoment and shouting. It grow
worse and worso. 'rho chairman , In
the end , Md to hammer on the table
and yell :
. .
'Order I Order ! '
II 'Deer fcr mo , ' said the ignorant
. .
young man. .
Suffered Thl'eo Vears-Physlclano Did
No Good.-Perfectly Well After
Uslno Cutlcurn Remedies.
"I take grunt pleasure In InCormlng
you that I wns a sufferer of eczelUa. In
a very bad form for the past three
) 'ears. I con suIted and treated with
n number of llhyslclans In Chlcugo , butte
to no avail. I commencCll using the ,
Cutlcura Homodlcs , consisting of Cut ! . I
cura Soap , Ointment and Pills , three
months ago , nnd to.da ) ' I am perfectly
well , the dlseaso 1m vlng left mo en.
tlrely. I cannot recommCllll the Cutl.
cura Remedies too highly to anyone
sulTering with the disease that I have
had. Mrs. Florence E. Atwood , 18
Crilly Place , Chicago , III" october 2 ,
1905. Witness : L. S. Derger. "
Patron Saint of Lawyers.
'rhlB story IB told at the expense of
Francis H. 'I' . 1\Iaxwell \ , a well.lmown
Iuw'er. The nwmberc of the 'raunton ,
1\Iass. , Dar asslclntlon thought they
ought to have a patron saint , but after
much wl'I\ngllng they could not hit up.
on any particular saint.
Flhally a committee , or which Mr.
Maxwell wns a member , was apl10lnt.
ed to mnko a sulectlon. They made
a trl11 to New Yorlt , nnd there visited
a gallery where most of the saints were
carved In marble. It wns decided to
leave the selection to Mr , Maxwell ,
and after malting the rounds he placed
his hand on one In n groilp of two.
"This ono will do , " he aald. 110 had
his hand , on the devil , whom St , 1\11.
chael was driving before him.
Impudence If Hol Polloi.
A noted English nrtlst was standing
ut the edge of the road , wnltlng for his
horse , and he was dressed In his
usual peculiar styJe-mustnrd.colored
riding suit , vivid waistcoat and bright
red tic. A man , who had ovldently
been reveling , happened to lurch
round the corner of the street. lIe
stared at the famous artist for a min.
ute In silence , then he touched his cap
and asltcd In a tone oC deep commlsor.
atlon , "Deg pardon , guv'nor , was you
In mournln' for anybod ) ' ? "
The Motor Face.
A few days ago u well.lmown per.
sonage was motol'lnt ; In Deru'shlro
when a pollceman stopped him , relates
the London Tattler.
"You'll have to take off that mask , "
said the officer , "it's frightening everyone -
one who sees it. "
"Dut I'm not wearing one , " ox.
plalnC1 the unfortunate offendor.
Golf Player Lightning's Victim.
During a thunderstorm .near Glas.
gow a golf } llaj'er named George liar.
rle was struck and killed by lightning.
which ripped off his clothing , Includ.
ing his boots , and extracted all his
teeth. It made a hole three feet deep
where ho had been standing.
No Impulse Is too splendid for the
simplest taslt ; no task is too' simple
for the most splendid impulse-Phll.
lips Bro ks.
Frequently Due to Coffee Drinking.
Ono of the common symptoms of
coffee poisoning Is the bad dreams that
sllol1 what should be restful sleep. A
man who found the reason saj's :
"Formerly I was a slave to coffee. I
was IIlto a morphine fiend , could not
sleep at night , would roll and toss In
my bed and when I did get to sleep
was disturbed by dreams and hohgob.
lIns , would walO up with headaches
and feel bad all day , so nervous I
could not attend to business. 1\Ij' \ writ.
Ing looltcd IIlco bird traclts , I had sour
belchlngs from the stomach , Indigos.
tlon , hearthurn and palpitation of the
heart , constllJhtlon , iI'regularlty of the
1.ldneys , etc.
"Indeed , I began to feel I had all the
troubles that human fiesh could suffer ,
but when a friend advised mo to leave
off coffee I felt aB If he had Insulte
mo. I could not bear the Idea , It had
such a hold on mo an I refused t < J
bollovo It the cau ! e.
"Dut It turned out that no advlco was
ever glvon at a moro needed time fOI
I finally consented to try Postum and
with the going of coffee and the com
Ing of Postum all my troubles hav (
gene and health has returned. 1 eai
and sleep well now , nOl'ves stead let
down and I wrlto a fall' hand ( as ) 'Qt
cln see ) , cad attend to business agalr
and rejoice that I am free from tb (
monster coffee. "
' 1'en daj's' trial of Postum In place 0 :
coffee will bring sound , restful , re
freshlng sleoll. "There's a Reason. '
Read " 'rho Road to Wellvllle , " In pltgs
Some } Ihyslclans call It "n lIttle bealtl
classlo. "
r T.
. .
. .
. .
Dobbin Boys' Waoeo.
, Tohn n. I.l'nnon , trcaBUrl'r or the
American } , ' 1111 1'1'0 II on nr Lal. > or , Ilollv.
ol'l'd r'ccntl ) ' an ntlth'csJ ! on strllwtI.
Tllrnlng to the ainuslng fl'nlmes of
the strllw 1)1I09t1on ) , l\tl' . I.l'nnon 8nhl :
" 1 reml'IIII. > I'r a Rtrllto 0' bobbin
lIo's , a just strlko , anll ono that suc.
ceeded. These bo ) ' ! ! conducted their
l1ght well , even 1Il'llllnnU ) ' . 'rhlls the
dar the ' turned out they ) lostod In
the slllnning room or their employers'
mill a great ) llacal'll Inacl'lbed with
the words :
" 'Tho wagl'S oC Bin Is death , but the
wages oC the bobbin bOj's IB woroo. ' ' '
- - - -
Sheer whlto gOMs , In fact , an ) ' nn.
waah goods when now , ewe much of
their attractlvenoss tn the way they
are Inundered , this being done In a
mnnner to enhance their toxtlle beau.
ty. 1I0mo launllerlng would be equal.
ly satlsfnctor ) ' If ) lr011Cr atlontlon WI\S
gh'en to starching , the 11rst essential
being good Starch , which hns sul1lclcnt
strength to stilTen , without thlcltenlng
the goods. ' 1'1' ) ' Dellnnco Starch mu\
) 'ou will bo ) lleasantly 8U1'llrlscd at the
Improved nl1110nranco or 'our work ,
No Peace : ! Confe'ence. ,
"Aro 'OU going to strllco. ma ? "
asked the lIttle bOj' , as ho trembllngl ) '
gnzerl Ul10n the ulll1ftcd shlnglo.
" 1'hnt's just what I'm going to do. "
"Can't we nrbltrate , ma , before ) 'ou I .
strllw ? "
"I am just going to arbltmte , " she
said , aB the shlnglo descended nnd
rals'll 1\ cloud oC dust Cram the sent ,
of n I1nlr of IJI\ntaloons-"I am just
going to nrblt1'l1te , my son , and this
shlnglo Is the board of nrbltl'ntlon. "
Important to Mothor9.
: Emmlno carerully over ) ' bottle or CABTonrA ,
n eaC. , nnd lIfO remedy. lor lurants nud cblhlren ,
IUId Bee that I L
nem the Y.4
Slgnaturo or
' "
In 1so For O\'Cr 30 Years.
Thu K1ud You nave Always nought.
Places of Interest Neglected.
Two of the most nttractlvo plnc08
for histructlon In Now Yorlc city uro
the Mctropolltnn Museum of Art nnd
the American 1\Iuseum \ of Nat1tral Ills.
torr , j'ol there arc thousands of rosl.
dents of New York who ha\'o novel'
been In them , nnd moro than hnlf or
their dall ) ' vlsltOl's al'o strangers In
th 0 clt ) ' .
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch , ) 'ou can laul1l1er ) 'our'shirt. .
waist just us well at homo as the
steam laundry cnn ; It will ha\'o the
) lroper stilTness allli finish , there will
be less wear and teal' of the g00l1s ,
and It will be a 110sltlvo pleasure to
use a Starch t.hat does not stlclt to . the
New , York's Growth.
Dullders In New York city Invest
$ OOOOO each dny In land and now
houses for apnrtment dwellers.
, lf'Forgetf nes ;
Self.forgoHulness In love for others
has n foremost I1lace In the Ideal character -
acter and represents the true end at
h uwanl tl.- : Pea body ,
I.cwis' Single Binder cigu'-l' : chest , most
Bati frill 1"11010 011 the lIIarct. ! Your
dealer or I.ewis' Fnetol'r , Pcol' n , III.
- - - - -
It Is the easiest thing In the world
to dream that YOll are malting mOlley.
New York , lIolton lIufCal- > . Cleveland ,
Cincinnati. ( ; , IIca ( o , Ht I.ouls ,
Philadelphia ( lnhn T , Lewls. Jlrns , Co. ) .
l'illsbur&h ( Nallonal Lead & Oil Co. )
, .
. . , . ,
. . . .
Different Loaf. I
"Wh ) ' , " exclalmod lIttle Johnny"
when ho heartI hlu fnthel' tolling nbout
somebod ) ' who waR looldng aftol' the
10n\1 nutl fishes , "thut'o just whnt
muuUlUsnYB nl. > out Uncle Houryl"
"SU'S nhout Uncle 1Ioury ? " repeat.
cd his futhel' , In Ilstoulshment. "What
do ) 'ou 11I0an 7"
"Wh ' , } Ju , don't you Imow , " said
Johnu ) ' , "mnullun sa's Uncle Henry
only loafs nnd IIshos , "
- - - - - - - -
By following the dlrcctlons , which
111'0 ) llululy 11I'intolon \ ouch puclmgo of
Dolluuco Stnrch , 1\Iou's Collars allli
Cuffs cnn ho made just as stiff as de.
slrod , with elthor glOSR 01' domeotlo
IInlsh. ' 1'1' ) ' It , 16 oz. for 10c , sold by
nIl good grocors.
Group of St. Mary's Churches.
'rhoro are In Loudon n rounll dozen
churches lIamed tlftor St. Marj' , Ileal"
ly nIl of them holouliug to a slnglo
Iroul1 elosol ) ' IJI\cltod tOHcthor , ohow.
Ing that they nIl came from the ono
great parish of Aldcrmnry.
It Cures While You Walk.
Allen't , Foot.EII e. 1M II ccl'lnlll ellto for
hot , II'cntin . cnlloll , nlll1III'0llell \ , nchln ! ;
CCl'l. Soltl by nil DI'I1K iRII. PI' t'I' .ic. Don't
nCrl'Jlt 11III' lIuhslitule. 'frial Jlncage ! } o'ltI R
Adlll'cllen S. Olmsted. Le Ho ) ' , N. Y.
_ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - - o
Man's TruQ Worth.
It IB 1I0t whnt ho has , 1101' ovou what
ho does , that directly cxprOSBOO the
worth of a man , but what ho la.-
Heurl F. Amlol : _
No Headache In the Morning.
K1'\mo' " Headache ulclI for m'cl'.in.
dulgence iu fOOll or ddll ; . DI'I1Jlli"III , 2 ! c.
NOI'mnll Lichtr Mfg. Co. , DCII Ioines , 111.
- - - - - - - -
The best 11I'OIH\rution for the future
Is the IIrosont well seeu to , the last
duty well douo.-GeOl'go l'\tucdounill. ' \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Guns , Traps , Decoys , Etc.
Lowest priecR.'I' I. ' for fl'l'ocatnlo No.l
N. W. llido & 1 1I1' Co" 1\tilillcapolitl , Minn.
It Is the canso , anll not the death ,
that maltes the martj'I'-NallOleon.
I.cwill' Single H lulertl'lI ltht e ci ar ill
good I\lIalitr 1111 the lime. YOIll' dClllel' 01'
Lewis' FIlCtOl' ) ' , P.'Ol"ill , 111.
A man'a Illeal must bo Ilia ( ; uldo ,
as well as his goal.-AlnswOI'th.
) \Ir. . . . " 'ln low'lI Hoothllll : Syrnl' ,
FOf rhlhlrcn toetblnlt , Bortens the ( tlltus , rOllute8 In.
DamlU tlonnllll's ( lain , r.ure wllul collu. o a botUo.
Who buildB on the mob builds on I
The horse Clln raw the
loa without hclp , if J'OU
reduce friction to c.hnos&
nothing by applying
to the whcels.
No other lubricant -
cant evcr ma e
wears so long'
nn savcsso much
horse power. Next time
Slnndnrd 011 Co.
l . t ,
" l'osIU\'Cly curet1 by
C ARJER"S thc 116 LHtlc PHIs.
They Rtllo rellcTo Dis.
InLE h"l'HlICrom D1RIII1'lII\In'
II .11A'eRtloIIRI1tIToolleRrty
I VER Hl\tlllA' . A porCed romP -
rody 111I' DI7.ZItIl II1 , NOli'
P I La . . S . 111'1DrowllllloSlI , Jlnd
'l'I1Htp.11I the ) ( OItth , Coot.
1'.1 'l'ollltlll' , 1',111 In the
Hide , TOltJ'JD LIVEn.
'l'hl'Y ' r lfl\ln\o the BowelH. l'lIroly "cgetnIJI" .
Gcuulnc rt1ust Bear
Fac-Slmlle Signature
IVER2. . -
PILLS. / ' w <
- - - - - - - - - - -
1 , , " 0\11 < \ IIko TI'rYlllllch 10'erf. . < mnllYlllrl't OTI'I1'
flOlIllor uf Ihls 1'lIl'l'r , , , h. . U"n811111 hor\'ft tlmt bllTO
. . .m fthl"lhl..r nmlI.n hIm nlltlut H'lIrlly Uall
llhl' . 'l'hls 1ft 1rllllOS lblo rK.l nUl Kotn ! ; to tell ) 'UII
thl'tlulh tlll t"II'r.
\'UII 1111I1 I bolh knelT thnt hou" 1T0rklnlt ITllh
fiOro Bhollllh'rft IIfO III IIII\n \ , nlulillat thl'Y can'l d. .
n lIIuch lfUrk , , , lIholll fllnll1r11f .1001'11118 "hl'llllIey
nro Cn'I' Cnlllillolill. In' ' ' ' ' ' knu. " I.Mf"I'UYIYl'\I \ tblll
HI'lIrlly ( llIn lIh'o , , ,1\1 \ euro th. " " ftbnuhl..n , bll
11' " dn 1I0t kllOl" It. If ) ' 011.1111'011 " , ould n bux
. .C YUllf 1I1'II"'r III onrn 1111 < 1 1'1Irthem III' . or 1011
luw\I nn dnuhlofll'n "I h..d Ibllt , UII IIlInlof OIlJI-
thllllfVolIl'nllhl n"Ill , YOII rnn rely nhlOllllrly on
IIl'cllr : , 11 ( hiU aIVl" It "l\Illn \ 11M I\'ork ov'ryllme ,
Uf If YOIl Irllll'r (0 try It IIr 1 I will JnnU 70U n
1'11111\,1111'1111 \ Cree. JlIst , nlto for It-It 1\11I 1:0 to you
UII lint 11I111\ \ .
AI-o I " 'RRI I. . 1(111 yon Ihat 8l'Cnflty AntlMopte !
lh'III"f Is nft IIUI"rUf IUlrh I\'lro ell Is n ! ! H'cllrlly
IhllHlltvo \ 1M ( uf hllr"'H KIIIII < . lIt'nll'ra , 'afr , them
In I'I' . 600 11I111 'Im hlo' , I'M' ' HII'm for your needl ;
IIU1nm II' ' " J : : , t" rlrl ' : : , \ , fll. : ! : m n t.
BltCUlU'I'Y IIIC lIm1:0. . . lIlInealJOII8. : Mlnn.
- - - -
To oonvlnoo Bny
. ' woman t h n t rax-
FREE tillo AntlMCI1t1o will
hllJ1wvu ller henlth
. , uui ! do nll wo claim
for It. Wo will
Bcnll her nbsoilitely IreD 00 hugo trllli
box 01 l'nxtlno with book of Instruo-
tloOl ! nurl Rcnllino tC9tlIIonlnl : . 8011 d
your name IUIlI Ulldress au n Ilustnl carll.
m 111-
brnno nt-
lectlons , slIch ns nnqnt cat.rrh pelvlo
cnll\rI'h ntllnflnmnmltoll causcl ! byfcml.
ulno 1119 ; 801'0 Crl' : ! ! lore thront nnd
1\I0lllh , by dll'cct lo"tl hentmcnt Its cur-
ntlv Jlower ovcr thcso trollblc : ! Is cxtrl\-
ordllll\ry nn < < l ( rlvc ! ! hnmcdlnto rollcr.
' 1'110115:1111111 or womcn nro using Bnd reo-
oml1\clullll ! ; It o'cry'day. . ( j ( ) ccnts nt
drtll ! I I orh'mnll. ltcmcJllhcr.howover"
1'1' ( } ( } STIi ' 1'1)11 NOTlIIN'U TO TJtY 1'1' .
TUE It. I"AXTON CO. , UOBtou , lUUI.
- - - - - " - ' - -
73 W.Adoms Sireel , CIIIChOO
_ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _
READERS 01 this paper de-
alrlnll to buy any-
. . . .
- ' -
Its columns should Inslsl upon havlnll
whal they 051. for. rofuslna all lubsll-
tutes or Imitations.
. .
- - - -
DEfF lU C SY IU1CH-- , no : &
-lIthnr stllrch'R ! only 1:1 : ounr.e8 mo ( lrlc Dnd
W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 35 , 1907.
- - - -
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES T s LD
1 : > > SHOEB FOil EVEI1Y MEM lm OF
" : fJ'/tr.I To any anD who enn PI'OVC n'.l. .
$6"JJEZ ! ! ' . ' ! DcuyIDO dee : ; not nJJffD lSo'J
ReW21lPd maI'o 'Jon'D $88r $3.50 UhOOB
tlJDIJ DIU" at/IeI' IIJDnufnrturol' _
TUB ImASON\V. f , . Jollllns : Sh008 nre'orn
In ull "lIlks of IIfo thall 11111 other IImko , 1:1 : b'Cllll O II Iholr
cxcelhmt Htyle. ell > : -flttlng. lI111t 1I1)crlorl'ollrlll f1I1111t1u ] .
'J'he 5010ctl01l of the 10/lthorH / nllli uthur IIIlItcrlnls for cllch pllrt
or the shoo , allll every detulloC the III Ilk I III' : In lookcllllftor by
the lIIo t eOIllllotoorlIlIlutlnll ( : of HupcrllltmllleIlIH.for III"lIallll
skllloll Hlwulllaicerll , who r'r."lvo the Illghct WIlItOS pl\hl III tbo
shoo IlIIluHlry. 1111.1 who.'ol'orklllllll hll ( " 11111I01 100 exeollt'.I.
If I co1I1,1 , take YOIl IlItll III V lar:1J ! tllelol'lua lit HroulctulI.JlfIlD3. ,
nllll Hhow YOII how 1'lIroClllly W . / , . IJOlIgIII slulI'lI IIro lIIadu , YOIl t03ft'Q. . , , ; c "
WOlliel thell " , "lor8trll"1l'hy Ihoy ho\o1 \ tholr Shlll'o ' , tit hotter , " " ' - - . '
wour lou or IIlIIlllru of Jroaler11110 / thallllllv IIlher IIIl1ko. "CLI" " " JU
MIl' $4 Gill dee : Jnd $5 Gold lJand hooJ elJlln t bo oQunllod ot Dny prloe.
OAU'l'ION I ' 1'hu 1(011111110 hllvo W. I" ! loulllliH 1111111" milt prlco 51:1111(1011 : ( CIII bol111l11. 1',1(0
No HllbHtltnte. Aak YOllr dOlllor fOf W. I , . ! lo\lIII hoclI. If II" CIIIIIIOI IIUPllly YOIIIICud
direct to lactory. SIJOellsclltovorYlVlwro by lIIull. Gntnlo : : ( \V.L.DouiI1l8 , nrockton. 1\1. . . .
[ Q ) ID OUtlW @lrij lJD1 ! IDJw@J
$ ) IUJMm ( ) ( f
are a deli ht to Ihe refined woman ev ry"
where. In order to get this result see thar.
Iho material is roocl : , that i is cut in thCl !
latest fashion and usa
tD1 @ff < m D l @ ( )
@ 1Ir@1h1
in the lnupdry. All three things are import.
aDl , but the last is absolutely necessary.
No matter how fine the malerial or how
daintily made , bad starch and poor laundry
work will spoil the effect , and ruin the
clothes. DEFIANCE STARCH is pure ,
will not rot the clothes nor cause Ihem to
crack. It sells at tOe a sixleen ounce package -
age everywhere. Other starches , much inferior -
ferior , sell at 10c for twelve ounce pack-
a e. Insist on Retting DEFIANCE
STARCII and be sure of results.
( ) @ If1) ) @ @ C lIr@1h1
@ @Um1pJ ( 1lW
@ U n1 IhH ) 1M @ Ilmr H Ik 3.