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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1907)
\ . . . - , " , . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . " . " , . . ' . . . . . , 7" " " 'i . 'i' , If-.g- : . , , - " . . ' . . . . ' " . . . , . .I. . Btato 11Iet Llbrnrlllll : : JOOloay - . . . . - . , , I USTER' ( ) OUNTY EPIJBLICAN. . ' , : VOL. XXVI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER.COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , SEPTEMBER 5 , 190'l. NOi 3. - - - , . , . . . ' .b I Set and Unset I ' , - - The effect of many perfect Ii I gems is marred by poor , ( settings. I mount gems \ at littlc cost , in settings that shows them to hest advantage. If you wish to hc plcased , cntrust your gelns to to be set in thc latest style. If you havc'nt the gems I shall be pleased to supply you. - : * GET YOUR I ' " \11 11\ \II 5 School , , \1/ II' \AI BooksAI ' " \ AI11 ' " \11 11\ AND \11 ' " W II' \Ai School Supplies 11\ 1W " ' W ! I\ AT \AI II' \ Ai1 ' " \1/ m Baisch's Drug Store. ' " w * " " " > - II' \Ai We have everything you need in that line. Tablets , Pencils , Rulers , II' Composition Books , etc. \It. . ! I\ \11 J.8 , & IF. BaischIt m \It ; R DRUGGISTS. : t If' \II II' W BrolCn Bow , - - Neb. m - iii 'It : . "II r. . " " " , , Ii""r.JI"m11I ; ; ' ; [ nr.r.rnm : : ; . " ' ; ; r.'iP.ijlI''iP' . ; ' ] : , ' ' " r.i'-r.I"r\IiI''rr.m''iJr.1''I''iijIl'Jp'nnr.r.r.m. . ; . , ' ; , : \ ' , : : . : ' . ' ' ' , , , , , ' ; ' ' ' ' , , : : ; ; . . ; . : ' , " " I ' ' 'i ' ! ' ' ' ' ' 'iJUJIiI'II''IJIIuu ' ! ! ! ! : ' ' ' ! ! ! ' ' ' : ! ' ' " ! ' ! ' ' ' ' ! \ " " : ! " " ! ! ! ' : ll1"tI1"IIlill'CIIi. : ! ' : ! ' : I II Mowers , Binders ' Ii . - - i1 and Repairs. ii ! ay Sweeps and Stackers'l . : Now is the time to lo k up [ n R S. , J R A I J1 your : Mower and BInder I : r f . . > , DEERING - .f PLANO . f ACME - ' MILWAUKEE : . . Before Side De1 - purchasing see our Deering - 1 i- ) livery.I-Iay Stackei' , This is something. new V . . and wIll please you. We have a great hne of t- ' r. : , { hay sweeps , See them ; . , / [ ' ' -l ! [ t'i : 1/1 G. W. APPl.AE. Fr ; l ! " . " " " . " . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' , " " " ' " " " , , . , , , ' . , , , , ' , , ' , ' ' ' ' , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' . , . " . ' , " , - , " " " , , , , ' "h : .h ' ' ' lilllltlllllI' : ! ' ' ' 'IJtlill''I/'tJ"I/'i ! ! : ! ! ' ! 11""i " ! II'I/I ' " " ! ! ' . : ! ! : ' ' ' / : ! ! ' : : : ' ' " ' ! / ; / ! ' / " ! ! ' ' - . . . I , A . , A A A ' ( I I . IPURE FOOD PRODUCTSI ; ) I 1 1 1 1 I I _ . . . . . . , We have ljust received I a car of [ ic ligan Salt in sacks and barrels for the a le 01' { . : ( ) Rdtoe1I rrlblis t IS 1 n goo c ean arre s . - - . . . . , i at $1.90 a barrel ; in 140 " ' ' lb. sacks 95c sack.rrhis Ralt is not out in the rain exposed to all . kinds of I ) weat 1 leI' , b ut .t' un d er . - eover clean and dry. , Aurora , Broken Bow & .Mason City flour. Buy at once. \ 1 . ! J. C. BOWEN 'l'R , \ Ul , I-lire Old -ln 1 VI'cgar ( J MARK - - t. o 0 O. I More Money for Exhibitors ! I - - Tbe uster County Fair Management ! Have Added Additional Premiums . to the Already Large List . - - HERE IS A CHANCE FOR YOU - - The managcmcnt of the Custer County Fair have decided to give to each of the first fifty persons who bring to the fair after he same opens on Tuesday Ulormng and before the closing time for entry of farm products , a. check of $2.00 and two season hcltets , provided the exhibit contains the following farm products : 1st , a collection of corn ; 2nd , winter wheat ; 3rd , spring wheat ; 4th , , oats ; 5th , barley and spelts , if possible ; 6th , Millet ; 7th , alfalfa - fa , in sheaf or this year's gram ; 8th , broom grass ; 9th , sugar I canc ; 10th , musk melons ; 11th I cantaloup s ; 12th , squashes ; 13th pumpkil1s ; 14th , potatoes ; 15th onion , , ; 16th , turnips ; 17th tomatoes - toes and other vegetables. This premium will not be paid unless the exhibit contains at least twenty different 'Of rieHes. All grain must be lin sh a.r or stalk. The same products may be offered for premium. In other words , you get $2.00 and two season tickets for making the exhibit and in adc1ition JOu are entitled to the regular premium. See premium list and if you have not got a list write to the secretary - tary for one. A Cure , Likewise Preventative. 'The Loup Valley Queen of recent c1ate gave out the following - ing as a cure and preventative for a disease which has been thinning the hog ranlts in many parts of the state : "Willard Twist , residing at the west edge of this city , informs the Queen that he is positive he has found a cure and prevent a ti ve : for the disease which has been the cause of so many hogs dying over the county He says that his next door neighbor , August Wirsching , doctored his hogs for cholera , but the medicine seemed to do but little good , and Mr. Wirsching lost in all 28 head. About the ame time the herd of Mr. Twist took sick , and in a pint of milk he put two drachms of sulphate of soda , one drachm of powdered castor beans and five drops of carbolic acid ; and fed it to his herd , ani although his hogs were as sick as any of them , he did not lose one. To prcvent th se in another p n from getting sick , he gave them potash. He is postive that the above ingredients - ients will cure any of them from the disease that has been so fatal to the hog family. Why Is It ? Bert Walker in Osborne Farmer - er : Here is one thing we wish someone would explain to us. \ \ hy it is that the speech of IRobert M. LaFollette at Lincoln park last Monday made such a hit with the opposition to the Republican party ? Why is it that every Democmt , every Populist - list , every Socialist , every man I who votes half the l e1 > ublican ticket on election day and fights the whole ticket the balance of tbe time , every man in whose system the germ of pessimism and cvery other kind of Ism is raging , is so tickled over what the reformer from 'Wisconsin had to say ? Why is it that every disgruntled - g-runtled l epublican who is bushwhacking - whacking for one reason or another is convinced that he has found a haven of rellef by swallowing - lowing the doctrines of La- Follette ? Lalollette possibly has some sound doctrines but why is it tha.t .they so app al to all the opposItion to the RepubJi- can party ? Is the Republican party wrong and the Democratic p < : rty and the Populist party and the Socialist party and the Be1lacher party right ? I ali'ol- lette maltes no better speech than W. J. Bryan did , nor no different one to aay great extent. If t 1 s country needs Democracy and Populism and Socialism and Bellyache to rule it for awhile , then LaFoll tte must be right. [ But unless It does need such a purgative we are unable to see I what causes this great glee in the ranks of the opposition to . the Republican party. . 'I. ' . . . . I Tbe 1907 Ak-sar-ben. "More attractions for the 'Aie- Sar-Ben fa1l festival have bec.n contracted for aud the carnival grounds this sea1OU ! will rival any of previous years in Ueir ! wealth of amusemcnt uovelhes. In additio11 to thc list recentl ) ' : I ; lf1nOU11Ced Doc Breed has signcd contracts for the appearance of a new novclty. ' Utl'he Girl In Heel , " < which is a series of fire dances ; an electric swing similar to that at Krug park ; a Turkish 'l'heater I with three camcls and four elephants , th41 Oricntal Burlcs. I quers and Charles Eigne ) " , " 'l'hc Human l 'ish , " who cats. drinks , sleeps and pla.r.s a cornet undcr water and will gave a high diving exhibition frec each day at the carnival grounds. " A Normal Department. , Granel Island Baptist College has a Normal dcpartment thc same as State Normals. 'reachers follow the samc courscs and get same credit as at State Normals. also state certificates at the c m-I pletion of the respectivc courses' ' without special examinations. Observation and practice' work is given in thecity schools of Grand Island. Tuition $27 per year ; board $2.25 per week ; rooms heated and lighted 75c per week. School begins Sept. , 10 , 190i. J. G , W. LnwIs , Principal of Normal Depf. , _ . VanCamp's BARB-WIRE Lin lnent. - - - When j'our hmscs get cut , in the wire the best linimcnt is none to good , VanCamps is the best , to prove this I se ) } to anyonc who has ncver used it , one bottle and guarantee it to give positive satisfaction 01' moncv . re- funded. It is a good plan to keep a bottle 011 hand as this time of the year when you are chaf1giHg pasturcs you are liablc to need it at a moments notice. S. R. LEE , "The Busy Druggist" . - - - Have you visited our Soda Fountain today ? HARRY KIMBALL , Practical Undertaker f& Licnsed Embalmer Business phone , 301. Residencc 334D BnltlHBaw. . Nl1b. - - - _ 1 _ ' - _ _ . "BIG TEDDY BEARS " ' . ' \ . , . . - - II Boys . nnd girls come and see the "Big reddy > Bellr" . in our window and learn how you Cfill . free. : . . I . 'N e have just received the largest car load 'of Ful'- niture which has come to Broken Bow. It is of a very fine class and will give our patrons the best IlRSOl'tment which we have ever offered thom" Don't fail to see . this fine stooke S. P. CROAT a. CO' ' ' - " . . " " ' , " . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - z mm w. * m m m m m m I When You Ar Sick - - - - : . . . - - - - - - ' - _ . - - - - . . - - - - ' : . . . . - . . When there is sickness in the housc , it 15 nol the time toexpcri- mcnt. When thcrc is sickncss in thc housc. it is thc timc to scc your doclor. IIc knows hetter than [ Ulybody else thc ki11l1 , of mcdicinc necccssary to brinl ) 'OU hack to hcalth. When hc has dhgnosc < 1 thc casc , will write you n prcscription for you to he tnkcn to the dru storc to hc lilted. Dring this prescription .t to my store , I gUllrrntec you thRt it will he filted exactly as thc 11oclor indicllted. I guarantee thnt it wilt be filtell with abso- < j lutc pure , full strength , first quality inlfcdients. Whcn YO\1 aic sick I want to fill your prescriptions. I L uaazr _ . . . . . _ - - - - - - - - - f'Y'tJ'tyt'Y"Y"ttyyt""Y"YfiY"T'i'ttTt'Yt""t"Y""t"'I' ' ' ' ' " " " " " " ' ' ' " " " " " " " " " " ' ' - - - - I Sheppard & BurkE - - E : have so Il1any fresh and seasonable goods in t.ho : : : : : - E line of Groceries and Provisions that to publish :3 : . - a list would require a wHole page in the paper. - = = rrhe best way for the patl'olli ing public to do is :3 : - - = = to call at the store or phone for anything they 3 : : : : - = = want , 'VV ] IrA Vl l VEUyrrIIING and it is = = - " - E : : all in the pure food class. . . = = - - - - - : : : : : : : : : : - - : : : : , : : : : : : Fruits and Fresh Vegetables ' - - : : : : : s - - - - : : : : : - - - Phone 125. South Side , Squal'e - I 111 ! 11111 ! ! 11111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 ! ! ! 11 , . . . . . . . - = - - A = . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .A-