NEBRAS\A \ { POINTERS I STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON. DENSED FORM. THE PRESS , PULPiT AND PUBLIC What Ie Going on Here and There That Is of Interest to the Readers Throughout Nebraska. Brakeman Butler , who was Injuretl at Rushv1l10 , died a few da's later. The dates for the Flllmoro county frur are September 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 and 13. Oxford's water bonds have been dls. Jlosed of and the system Is now as. surod. Heavy. rains of late have wrought havoc wllh bridges In Cass and Saun. ders counties. J. 'V. Matthews , fore111an oC the Windsor stables In Lincoln , was Itllled by a street car Innt weole. Whllo Mr. and Mrs. 'VIl1. Boone "oro at church services In Auburn their' . . . . horse and buggy were stolen , ; rhii' sixth annual old settlers picnils of Colfax county will be held at tho' court house grounds August 31. 1\1rs. Fred Roggo of PalInol' , Kas. , , who Is visiting In Auburn , was seriously - riously fC not fatally Injured In a run- awa ) . The st.ato banltlng board has grant- ad n cm'Uncato to the CItizens' State jb ! 1k of Wood Lako. The no" bank Ims n capital stocle of $10,000. The farm rosi ence of Ben l\Iappes , I ten miles east 'of Grand Island , was . ' destro'ed fire with , tot.\lIy ) by , together a. largo portion of the contents , The management of the FJ1lmorol /county / agricultural society Is prepare Ing Cor large crowds at the coming , county fair to bo hold September 10 : " 'to ' 13 , ; Governor Hughes of Now York Is i expected In Hastings to attend the No- ' , I Baptist State convention , which will bo held from October ( j to 10 , In. 'cluslve. ' Governor Hughes of Now York Is' expected In Hastings to attend the Nobraslm Baptist Stato' convention , which will bo held from October 5 to 10 I1ncluslve. Roy Brown , a young farmer of the , 'Iclnity of Oxford , offers a reward ot $50 for the apprehension of the person .who stele a valuable horse and buggy belonging to him. The mayor of Omaba thinks the , , salary ot the governor ought to IJO $10.000 a year , and If he maltos the race It will be with expectations that' ' .tho salary will bo thus regulated. SQventoen persons have perished Ini tb ( ) 'Taters of northern Nebraska and I Grogorr county , South Dakota. during I , the I1rtnt goanon-the largcst num. 'ber ever known fOl" one summer. Th" clock purchased by the Schuy- ler high school class of 1907 from the proceeds of the class play arrlvod and will 110 placed In the 111\11 of the high scbool as a remembrance of that class , The officers of the Nebraska City chautauqua association claim that 1 there will be a surplus of something I 1110 $500 left after paying all of the I , expenses of the recent ten days meet- I Ing.At At Du Bois , In Pawnee county , Sol Alabaugh was stabbed to death by Frank Boren. Both were young men and well Imown In the county. The murder was the outcome of an old grudge. \t Miss Frances Jermau , daughter of Joseph Jerman of West Point , has been , . , selected by the board of governors of " the Ak-Sar-Ben to lie ono of the mahls of honor at the coronation of Queen Qulvera. The annex to the English Lutheran church at Grand Island , recently completed - pleted at a cost of $3,700 , was dedi . cated Sunday by the pastor. Rev. W T. KahBe , and Rev. Dr. 1. . . P. Ludden \ of Lincoln. I "rhllo threshing on the farm at . Carl Moline , In Saun ers county , Er , nest Johnson was caught by the band i cutter on the self feeder al1ll a gmh , filx Inches long was cut In the tlesh3 part of his right arm. f For Ule accommodation of the mem' I hers of the Grand Army or the Hepuh , lIc the Burlln tol1 has arrangE'd to rur , through tourist cars from Lincoln te Omaha direct to Saratoga , using tll ( Wabash cast oC Chicago , The 'Vayne Normal closed Its year'R worlt with an Alnn1l11 day program , which was listened to by ahont 25 ( _ members of the Alumni association The total registration this 3'oaJ' Waf maI'o than 1.700 , while the attendance for the summer term just closed Waf 747. Commencement ex < > . rclsos began , August 2 , with 83 graduates from the teachers' and sclontlfic departments. . . ) - " . " James Hohley , the man who Is ( 'harged with outraging the 12.year- old daughter oC 1\Irs. Z. Glf'dner ! , had ! 1 preliminary hearl. g at West Point and was committed Cor trial In district court. , under bonds of $1,000. which ho has been unable to furnish , The counh' jail oC Cumlng count ) ' now contains - tains three Inmates , all oC whom are charged with offem"s or this nl1turo. The total I1ssesed valuation of Sarpy cOl1nty Cor this year Is $3,43 ,827.7G. 'rhe state levy will bo 7 mills anll the t he county Ie , ' ) ' about 14 mUls , J. n , I.ull , ono of UIO ol est men In that section of the st to ! Ind one of the oldest O d Fellows In Nebraska , bolng 93 years of age , Is h'lng dangel" ously III at his homo In Nebraslm City. und no hopes are entortalned for hlH 1'ecovor ) ' . 'fhls Is the first serious Ill , ness he has over experienced and 111'101' to this sick spoIl he was ono oC , , k the best Ilreserved men In the state , \t ; . , , - . . . " . . . , " . " , TEN YEARO OF IAIN. Unable to Do Even Houseworlc Be. ' caUGe of 1 < ldney Troublea. - Mrs. Margaret Emmerich , of Clln. tOil St. , Napoleon , 0. , says : " 1"01' tHtcen ) 'cars I was n great sufferer from' Itlllne ) ' trOUt ' 1' , : bles. My baek Imlned , ; , me terrlbh' . Ever ) ' : n. . " ' , turn or mo\'o caused \ it , ' . : t4 B h n I'l' , s h 0 0 tI n g ' ' " palns. My o'oslght : ; fft j" was 11001' , darle sllots Y'fj1" f , i nppeared beCore me , 'flj'N ! ; r I amI I had dlzz ) ' spells. For ten 'ears I could not do housework , ami Cor two ) 'ears did not got out oC the house. The Itldne ) ' secrotlons were Irregular , and doctors wore not holplng mo. Doan's Kidney Pills brought mo quick reller , and finally cure me , The ) ' sa ved my life. " Sold hy all dealers. 60 cents a box , Fostcr.l\1Ilburn Co. , Buffalo , N , Y. Used Ink for 8lulng. "One can ne\'ol' ho too careful about apparently harmless articles sottlng about the house , " said a housowlfe the ether day. "Not long ago my husband brought home one of these bl tall bot. tles of Inc ! frolll the office. It had got to be such a nulsanco buylug ono of the small 11\'o.cent bottles every time We ran out of Inle , that he said ho would bring homo a SU\lllly. \ "About [ l woele after that I got a new maid , aUll when she did the wash. Ing she took the big bottle of Inle for bluing , Of course ever ) ' stitch of our white clothes In the washing was ruined , " - - - - - - - Laundry work at home would be ! DUCll more satisCactory If the right Starch were use . In order to get the desired stiffness , It Is usually necessary - sary to use so much starch thut the beauty und fineness of tllC fabric Is hidden behind a pllste of varying thlclmess , which not only destroys the appearance , but also affects the wear. Ing quality of the goods. This trouble - ble can be entirely ovm'como by using Defiance Starch , as It can bo 1l1Jp1led much mere thinly because of Its great. er s rength than other makos. . - - Never Touched Him. "I have brought bacle the lawn mower I bought oC you last week , " said the man with the side whiskers. ' ' 'You said you would retul'll m ' money If It wasn't satisfactory. " "Yes , that's what I said , " repllod the dealer , "but I assure you the money ; vas perfectly satisfactory In every Tespect. " - - - - - - - - - Pronounce These Rapidly. The vicar of Dwygyf 'lchl'cumPen' maenmaur told the ro'al commission oC the church In Wales recently that he had been at Plstylecum.Carnguwch. LlangeCul-cum-Tregalan , Lland'fuan- cum.LlanIalr and Arleechwedd. Yes. Yes. "I suppose. " said Mrs. Tartlel h , "when ) 'OU die you expect . to meet all your husbands ? " "You ar ! } . . . .er3. rude , " retorted 1\Irs. l\Iuchwedde. "When I dlo I expect to go to heaven.-Young's Magazine. Chance for Collectors. An 011 portrait of .J. Plel'llOut : \ organ - gan Is among the ilnclalnwd dutiable goolls In the govement stores at New York. It will be offered at puhllc sale. . . . - - - - - - - - Large Sum for Pasteur Institute. Daniel Osiris , the , Jewish hal1lwr an philanthropist. of ParIs , who recent ! ) ' dlell , left a will In which he disposed oC $13,000,000 , giving $5,000,000 to the Pasteur Institute. . _ - - " - - - - - - It Is worth whllo to do even the smallest kindness as wo goo aon the wa ' . } ; otliing Is lost. No dewdrol perlsl1 ( > s , but , sinking Into the flower makes it sweeter.-Hlchm' . . . . . - - - - - : : \Yy way is to go straight. fonvard and aim at what Is rlght.-ntshop As bul' ) ' . . _ . . - - - - - - - - - - Let thy discontents be thy secrets -Fmnlelln. . . - - - - WHAT'S THE 'USE ? To Pour in Coffee When It Acts as ; Vicious Enemy. Fasters have gene without fee fa ] man ) ' clays at a tlmo but no one can g ( without slee ) ) . "For a long time I hav ( not been sleeping well , orten ! ) ' 111l awalw for two 01' three hours durl1H the night but now I sleell sound 0\1' ) night and walto up refreshed and \'ig orous : ' says a Calif. woman. "Do 3'on Imow why It's hecause used to dl'nle ! coffee IHlt I finally cut I' ' out and began using PostU1I1. Twic ( slnco then 1 have dranlt cofiee al1l both tlm R I vas sed a sleepless night and so 1 am douhly convinced coffet caused the trouhle and Postum rc moved It. " Iy brother was In the habit 0 drlnldl1g coffee three limes a day. HI was troubled with sour stomach and woulll often notice him gcttlng sod I from the can to rellove the distress II his stomach ; lately harl1) ' a da : lJassed without a dose oC soda for re lIer. "Flnall ) ' ho tried a. CUll of Postun and 111011 It so well ho gave tip ( 'otfci amI slnco then has heen drlnkhll Postum In Its Illace and saYIJ he ha : not once been troubled with SO\11' \ &to111 ach. " Ii\'cn : artOl' this lad"s oXflerlencl with coffee her hrothor did not SUSIIeC Cor a tlmo that coffee was causing hi : sour stomach , but easily proved It. Corfco Is not SusllCcted In thousand of cases just IIlw thin but It's easll' pro\'ed. A ten day's trial wOl'lts WOl ; deI's. "Thero's a Heason. " Head the ramous little bool. , " ' 1'h , I Road to WcllYllIe , " In Illtgs , . , . , . . , CAM [ ! PRETTY rAST FOR PAT. I - _ . _ - I At That He Had Had Only What the Doctor Ordered. A PhiladelphIa lhj'sldau sars that not long ago lw was ( mlletl tu floe aU Irishman , 1.11111 amen uthcI' dlroc1l011l1 told him to talu > an 0111100 of whlslt ) . throe tlmcs n. day. A 1111. ) ' or su later he 111 all 0 I\flother visIt 11l1d fOllnd the mon , whllo not so sick , 1Il1l10niabl ) ' drul1 k. "lIow dIll this hnl'llOn1" the ph'sl. clan demanded of Pnt's wHe , who was hovering nbout sollcltouslr. "Sure. dochter , an' 'tis just what ) 'ou ordered , an' ' 0 11101'0 , thut ho had , " she Ilrote8toll , "I said one OUI1CO of whisk ) ' three times a dar : that could not make him drunk , " the ph'slclnn snltl. " 110 has had 1I1uch mol'O than that. " "Dlvll a droll more , dochter , dear , " she declared , "Sure un' 01 dllln't I"ow just how much an DlUlCO was so 01 wlnt to the drug store all' nsked , an' the lad-ho's a broth oC a boy , too-told 1110 that IIU ounce was 16 I drams nnd I'llt hm ha.d thlm regular , an" no moro-IIul'Or's ! ) Weold ) ' . . - - - BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING. Rash Covered Face and Feet-Would Cry Until Tired Out-Speedy Cure by Cuticura. " 1\1) ' bab ) ' was about nine months old when IIho had rash on her fuco and foet. Her feet seenw to irritate her most , eSlwclally nights. 'fhey would cause her to bo brolwn In her rest , nnd , sJmetimes she woulll cry until she was ! tired out. I had heard of so man ) ' cures by the Cutlcura Hemedles that I thought I would give them a trial , The Improvoml'nt was notlceablo In a few hours , and before 1 had used ono box or the Cutlcura Ointment her feet were well Ilnd have ne\'er troublCll her i since. I also used It to remove what i Is Imown us 'cradlo cap' Crom her head. and It worleed 11Im a charm , as It cleansed and healed the scalp at the Bame tlm ( ' . ! \Irs. Hattie Currier , Thomaston , 1\Ie. , .Tune 9 , 1906. " Rule of Cornish Chapels. In Cornish ( Jing : , ) challols the In- varlabl < > . rule Is for the men to sit 011 one side oC the building al1l1 the women on the othor. A ' ; Isltor and his fiancee , who ure staying In the district , went to chapel , and just Ill'fofl' the service began the ) 'oung man was greatl ) ' astonished when the chapel steward , observing that the coullle were seuted In the same llew , came over to him and , In un audible \'olce , said : "Come on out of that , me son ; we don't 'ave no sweethcartln' 'ere. " . . . - - - - - - - With a smooth Iron and Defiance Starch , ) 'ou can launder your f ! 1il't- waist just as well at home as the steam laundr ) ' can ; It will have the t1rolJer atlffne8s an finish , there will he IMS wflar and tear ot the goods. and It wl11 be a positive plc-asuro to use no Starch tbat does not stick to the Iron. Left Army for Pork Trade. \Iadar' Stollnckl , an aristocratic lieutenant of n lIunarlan , ; hussar reg- hnont , has resigned his commission to become an apprentice to a 110rlt butch' er In Budapest , lIe says he can not live on his pay-,100 a yenr-and that he considers a man of Intelligence and ( 'nersy can do well In the Iork trade. . . . - - - - - - Not His Element. "And If I gl\'e you mone ) ' , " said the philanthropist. "will ) 'OU Ilromiso to HO and tlll < o a hath ? " Rellface Lear ) ' drew himself up to hlg full h < > . lht. , ; "A hath ? And is It a mermaid ) 'ou talm me for ? " he cried bltterl ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . - Defiance Starch Is the latest invention - tion in that IIno and an IrnlJrOVement on all othel' malws ; it is moro economical - nomical , docs hettel' wOI'Italtcs less time. Get It from any grocer. Yan does whnt he can , and bears what he lUust , and the name h ) ' which he calls the result Is left to each to decide : a clever man ( 'ails It hapIII- nefs.-Goethe. - - - - - - Only 10\0 can keep out bitterness ; love is Hlron ; ; < > . r than the world's un- klndnpss-Georgo I < : lIot. - - - Ho)9 Not to Dlnma. Llftl ! > Bal th"lfoIJ\\V' 3 11lo11l'r 0"\1'- 1 I hr\tll : hl\1l \ fwl'arln 11tH' u mule dl'lvl'r , Sl'S : the CI\'l ! at\l1 LondC'r. Ho l l"lll1 'll1 u IlIlonc3' that ovorwholl11l'l1 her. She toolc him to tasle , oxplalnlng I the wlcltcdn\'Is ! ' of proranlt ) ' as well ns its "nl I\1'lt ) . . She asltClI him where ho hall loa 1'11(1 all those III'oadfnl wO\'lls. Buthololllow : an 10uncell thut CavNt , ono of hlH Illn'matos , hall taught him , Cuyort's 1110thor wus stralghtwn ) ' Inforlllell unll Cavort was brought to boolc. 110 vigorously do. nlell hn vln , ; Instructoll Bartholomew , nnll neither thrcnts nor tcarll conI 11 mal\O his confess , At last ho burst out : "I dll1n't tell Bartholomew nny cuss worlls.'h ) ' shoulll "tmow how to cuss au ) ' better than ho docs 1 Hasn't his C\thOl' got an l1.utcmobllo. too ? " - - - - - - - - - - The oxtrnordhlar ) ' lOllularlty of fine whlto guods this ImmmCl' IImlto ! > the cholco oC Starch a 1111lltCl' of great 1m. portauc < > . . Donauco Starch , being free Crom nil Injurious chomlcals , Is the only ono which Is safe to use on fiml fabl'lcs , Its great otrcnltth : as n IItiffo'nel' malccs half the uSllal qu\ntlty or Starch necl'ssl1ry. wlt.h the result of perfect finish , lI1Ual ! to that wholl the good I' werl ) new. . - - - - - - - - - - PunIshment by Inches. A Bergen ( Gcnl'sl1o count ) . ) jusllco of tile IICnCl ! has Ililolltl'd I1n orlglnl\l scheme for the dlslll'nSltlon : of justice. Holl1' ) ' 1\1101' , : ! 7 ) 'oars old I\nd Bovcn Ceel two Inches tall , was a 111'lsoner in his cOllrt fOI' steallnf COUI' bags oC oats. lIe was sentenced to 90 dn's In jail. ono day for ench Inch of stature nnd ono for each bag-Nuntla ( N. Y. ) News. - - CHEAP IRRIGATED LAND. Gralld olICnlng SeJlt. lith unllor Care ) ' Act. Llttlo Snalw 111vol' Yalloy , HOlltt County , Colo. $25. O ] Jcr acre for land and watol' . $6.25 l1C1' acra down. gx- curslon rat ! , ! ! ! . Houtt Count ) ' Dovelop. ment Co. , f.I 17th St. , Denver , Colo. - - - - - - - The Reason Why. "IIow did ) 'OU come here ? " said ono Mexican bull to I\n old acquaintance , as they met In the nrena. "IIow ? " repllod the other , with 11 glnnce around. "I may IIny I waB roped In. ' ' Shake Into Your Shoes Allcn'R Foot.Ellse. It cllr painflllBwollcn , slIIlIrtinJt , IoweatinJt fcet , Iakl's lie\\ I < hOeH cas ' , 80M hy all DrllJ.tJ.tistH IInlHhol1 \ tr ( ' ' ' . Don't accept IIn ) ' lIh tihjtl' , lIl11pl ( ' FJlI I . Ali resR A. S. Ohnstcll , Le Hu ) ' , . Y. _ _ _ . _ _ .d _ Novel Excuse of No Avail. A Lander ( Colo. ) man called to sel'VO on a jury tried to et off hy claiming bo was too big for such worlc. _ . - - - - - - - Docs Your Head Ache ? If IO ! , get. 1\ box of Krausc'fI Headache Cnllsulel ! of your Dru iKt. . 25c , Norman Lichty Mfj { . Co. , Dc : : ! Moinrl1 , In. True wisdom Is to know what Ie best , ' 'forth Icnowhll : , and to do what Is beat , worth do III g.-Humphrey , GunD , Trap ! ! , Decoys , Etc. r.owe t price'Vrite ' COI' Fr ( ' ( ! cntlllo No. 1. , \ \ ' . II ill ! ! & Fur Co. . Minneapolis , - - - - - - - - - Obser\'o the face of the wife to know the husband's charactel'-SlInnlsh. , _ _ _ _ . _ 'h" _ _ _ You IIhYl\'R grt full "alul' in 1. < ) wl , , ' Single Binllc ! ' IIlm ht fi ! ! drIII' : , YOIII dealcr 01' Ll'wi ' F.lClOl'Y. Peoria , III. , - - - The virtue of a man Is measured by his e\' conduct.-Pascal. - - - - - - - - , , , , I . . - - - - - - It amlclr,1 wllh I ' 'I' UJ r C1 ' u.e i l'h ompson ' E yc a t cr i _ . . _ W. N. U" OMAHA , NO. 34 , 1007. _ . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . , , . $1fOWOtfJA . ' AND [ ; O n ] R , First. thatulmo tcv"rvopcratln in our lO.pitul/oo ! , pl''fo 'lIIcl upon . women. hcc'Jllles nl'CeS1iarr heruu/oo" of neglect oCooueh s.\'mptOlus as Baclmeh < > . , Irregularities , Displace. nll'uts. . I'uill in . . the Hidl' , Drug'golnl' . ; C' : , cnsu t. Ions , D. I Zllless aU ! 1 b I ceplcb. ) ' , , DCS : ) . Second , that r.J'dia. E. Pinlcham's VCg'etublo Compound , mndo froUl Dativc roots ami herlJR , hns curell more cases of Cemule ills than I1ny otJwr one medicine lcnown. It reg- ulates. strcngthens I1nd rcsturl'H women'R Jlealth nnfl is il1\/11unllle In ' ' preparing women lor child'blrth nUll dudng the perloll oC Chunge of T..ife. 'J'hlrd , the gl''at volume oC llmmlil'itcl1ulIll g'rutcCul tcstimoninJs on ' file at the ] 'lnldlllm Lulmratory at IVUII. Muss. . lIIany or " , hidl arc CI'orn time to time heillg' IJ\1l1lishl'tl llY Hillt'iul pcrmis"ion , give ahsolute evi- t' dem'l ) of the n lue ot IJylllI . ] 'inhhulU'H VI'g'ctahleCompouml and 1\11'3. \ ' l'inlchulIl'S tul\'lce. Lydia E. . Pinkhatn's Vegetabje C0111pound ' . For mort' thnn\O : \ J'enrR has 11l'l'n curingFt'malo ( 'ml1JIl\intR ] , 611Ch us Drng'l"ing' H'lIsatons ! , Wl'ak Hncle. Fulling' anfl Displtlel'IIt'lIts. In- , flummnlion 111111 ITIJratiun , nnd Orl"anlc DIfH\MS ; , nud it diSbolvcs and expels 'rumors at un early stage. lYirs. Pinkhanl's Standing Invitation to Women , Woml'n sutTerlng' trom any form IIC femaln w < > . alent's. ! are invited to write Mrs , l'inlehnm. Lynn. Ma : , , : ' ) , fOJ'/\d'ict' . HIll' i'i tllU Irs , I'illltllnm who . , bas been allvil'oiug "it , , , WOlIlI'n free oC dlllrge for murn than twmlt ' years , nnd lH'fore that sIll' 1u".btl'l 1\1'1' mother-ill-law. 1'j'd lL . Pinki hum in ndvising' . ' 1')1\113 ) "he Is ( 'sPI.eiul1.v wcI1 lJuuIUIt' < < 1 to Jfuldc "Iel. women bacle to health. Wl'lte twIny , don't wait until ioo law. , . " ' ( ' u..n' : r.J'fn:1m":6 : : ; 1 .m.'Jf . . , , ' . , I " . . ' " , , . " , - , : Archltecto and CloGcts. An nrchlt'ct , na3'1 a wr1t'r , com. I plnlns thnt wml1\n hnvt' n manln for clo ets nnd thnt whl'n n womnu Is nl , , lowOIl nnIIbl'rt ) . lu the Il1nttl'r Rho change hln whole archltectnrnl plnu In order to I\1l\lt(1 room Cor thom. This , ho IIn8 , umltes him 'laughlnJo ; stocle mnong his Collow I\l'chltocts. 'rhls Is \'ory Interesting , hut , wh ) ' do nl'chlt\cts malto plant ! If nol to mulee o"ory offurt themselves to secure convcnlenc < > . s ? A house may he 1\\'chltecturnlly per ( < > . ct anI ! 3'et nut III to 11"0 In , uud It cOl'f.lln : , Iy is nol If there Is nol closet room enough. - - - - - - - Forclan Waterways. Since wo hegull the neglccl 1\1\11 nbnnl1unmollt. oC CUII1\18 , l"ranco has Quadrupled her watorwa 's , A cord. Ing to 11gmos Curnlshed by comlIlor- clal 1\ssoclatlons , the Drit Ish Isles have 8,000 mllcs of cannl allll It 110cs not all anteduto the rallrolttl. - - - - Nothing can bring ) ' 0\1 lleaco but ) 'oill'sclf : nolhln CI\l1 brhl ) ' 01\ peace but the tl'lt1ll111h of 11\'lllclllcs.-n. W. Emerson , t.l1\\'IR' finr,111 : B lHlpt. . .tmiwht. ' ; 0 eiRnr. , I'ICIIJ IIf nxtm qn lity tnll/tcen , \ our 1I0all'I' ' LCII'ill' ' ' 01' Pnclory , l'elll'in , III. - - - - - - Bcautlful Is the 1\ctlvlt ) . thnt worles for gooll 1\1\11 the ntlllnesn that waltn Cor HUoI.-Collyer. : lIrA.1118111"'H \I\lthll1 " ; .rrnl" I'or , 'hlhlr.\11 1"I1lhll1' , ' : . Ufll'Mho 1:1I11I . rOlIurco In. llalnm UUIIlIlh.s rl11UCUr08 11111 cullu. : : :1311010 \ _ _ _ - ------4 A life In contl11111\1 need Is half.l1eaUl , -German. . . - . . . . . . . - - - - - - - . - - - - ; I Si@ HEADAGIIE " " roslth'cly curt"11 hy I CAD"JER"S thcse Little PJllII. I 1\ , They nl"o rl'lIeve DIAo ITilE Ire""froUl 1 > 1/11'1\ ' ( , In. .1I r III ' 111L1111 Tuo IIl'nrl1 " II \ 1 " E R J nlll1lt , , \ J't'rfed rem. " , Iy ( or nlUllICIII'I , Nnll' I P I LlS . " . .a , Dro\\'lIi 11 ( . . . . . , lIllIl TI\Ktein th. . MOllthConl' . . , I TunJ'lIc , 1',111 In Ilia , Hillo , Tom'ln J.IVJm. I 'fhey rClfulRte the lIowelR. l'urclr Vcgetable. I SMALL PilL. SMALL DOSE. SM LL PRICE. I CARTERS Geltuh.lC.Mu . . t Deal' Fac.Slmllc Slgnnture aVER d. I PILLS.t ' ? .A7Pq ; i 11 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES : LIVE STOCIt AND MISCELLANEOUS ElectrotYlPes IN OREAT VARIETY FOR SALE AT TilE , , LOWEST PRICES BY I , A.N.IOLLOGG NEWSPAPER. co. 73 i1 Ad31".JS Slreet. CIIICAGO . . . . . _ f- . " " ' . - - - - - - - - -f IX' I } ' , ' I ' rn 5 ' _ : : . : . : : III' . Wrlto , IIH " ' " ' . rOil bur. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wo ' mVII 11111 , ntelllt. ' , " ' AIM . ( 'mr . . . ; , 1'1111I1'1 IIn\ \ \ 'In'A1I1Is. U..lJ > JUS IIIWS. . II. . JI.I. . . . I. . r.ii't ' J JJ\ ; r ; ; lJw : ) , . CASTO RIA For Infanta and Children.a - - - - - - - ---a The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the . Signature - - of . . . .lfrrtiu/Oltl r O:1. : l'O.lY111lOl , PUlI' t-rt- ! . ! ! ( .J'rru/II + J.'udtrllr &llt- I . ; /JUSt J'I'fI/ + n JIptC/7'rinl , . - i . /l fciif.ldtSJIJ.Io . . lI mJ'l'J' / ; rtf" J'Wf' . Wr.Y'mJ' , ' ' ! ' : ' Use Aperf ct l'.cmdy forConsfip11' 1\011. \ Sour Sto ac.l\n.larrl.U1c3 \ WOl'nts.COl\\'ul , lons\'cvm \ h' F n ' 0 \II \ Q ncss l\1\ \ \ Loss or SllliEP. U D 'f. r - " - FnC ; : ; -or T h i rt ' 1 Ve a r s NEV" Yom J d . \ M ' ' ' , \ ' ! t1 II ! ' ' , 1 I A J , ' : d :1 : , f - - - - ' - , , orVfJ. . . . 7 . ' 14f & ( A. / ' 8 ; ; 7CL < A. . " --V " "Vo-c.-- / f ! ' ' ; t/ ( . , /Y7rrl' 7C4 j "rc - Jh"v J' Ld. . . a. . ' ' 7' ; vz. al 4 1.71 > ' Cf : 7f. 7 ; ; ; .u 7' t . " . / , w ( . A Vv d d. " .Jl.- ( 7 r " : ' 1-c-.7' : " . 7 Zl ' " > 7t "V ' ' , . / ' - - ' --1'1'1 ' ' ' ' / L ? / ' , 'i v ) ? - > C e6/ ? , . . . .Loa. . : . . ( /LG. d.v 7 i' ; ( / ; - .4 7 ; u' . .4L ' & lJ r ( / J c . ; A hi ( 4 ; ; - r 7J / : ; -t. . , z- ; . . ; 7' . - - . . . J ( - < / : ; 7 - ; < /-c- tL 7f.4/Y - < jc , ( . v : .r ; { o/ cP , ( /--1 /t ; oz / ' - < / . ; f Cl.0 7 .z /1 ; ? ' Cc ? ' 2e..c. "t' ' 'L / ; / . : { , { --1-w ztf- k- i-- - r ' - o:7 7 i' ; ; ; : - . _ . , - - - - - - - - - V/t/t1 ! L DtOijJC r AS n ' 2 d'1J C.'I'.JIf" ' " . : 'CI'T : m m3 .uu . a : . : ' : " , . 'c U . n 'r.o > 1c1f. WORLD Xlv..GI-ICEO : rOI1 EV/tY r.1CMIH " ? : " , . . ' U THI . " ' F/.MIL . Y. r ALL . . pnce-s. . . . . , . . . . . . ' ! ! JI.'Jt lfi.j To ' : IrJjf OIJO tvl. c.Jn . " " 0..0V.I. riJ"iiJWII'J.1 DOfJfIIJ ; ( ( ofm rent mu"o r. tr.U /l" ( ) KlJ . morc t'.1cm'n , ( :1 & SJ.lU : rl"as nCW20 t.5 . , _ . _ t1II. n1 ctJlOt'mslluf.uUI'"I' 'fill' ; ItlR'J ' ' \ ' , lo. UnltH ! } < ' : , , ' " 111' ( ' w. . ; n "Y " muro ! ' { 'lIpO III all " , a'/ ' / " lit lifo 111.11 IIIIY . . , I ur 'lIal. , . , / . h""au > u fir hclr o ccll"IIL M' ' ylo , f' : , Y.hl'I"r . , a , 'I . , , ' . . ' ' ' 'lIrlll/ / . : fJlla1.IIt. , . . . . . , , . , , . , . . , , Thu ol""I/ / " ur Ihu Jr " .rri 111,1. l..r ! IIlt"rllll f'r ( 'a < 'lI ) ' ' t IIf thu hhll" , n'ul ( " 'I'f ( ' ,10 Inll IIr Ih , ' ! ' ' 'llI , , ; . : 1M I , .J. . < < , I afltr Iy , t Iw III/'Mt " " " ' " " ( ' ' ' ' ' / : ? , . , III " ! 111/'nato"III"IIIM. / fll rI'li If' II 1111.1 11'01110,1 ' > h""lUall\r \ . \I hll n"'t'h't' I Ill' ht\IIIJ ! < \ \I " 1 ( " " p"hl III the "I ( ' IIlIlu-tn' . . 11"11 wll" . . . . w" , 1II'III.ld" , " 11I1111hu , . 't'tollI. If 1."ul,11 of , , , ) ' " " hr : . : " fa , . , , , , , . . . "I IIrlld.IHII.\III : ! < . . . lIu.1 .how Y'II hilI'ar"l ully 'Y. L. J ' ' ' ' ' ; :11111 "hlll' 1I1'I11II'.tlo. Y"II