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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1907)
" - - ' , ! f { " " ( . 'I < .f'1.r-Y' : ' 't"I'r " ' ' ' , " , "Y'fi . , . . " : . ' ' mat L\bt \ UU' ' : . ! oo\ety \ . , . eu"e . ; \ ! . ' USTER ( ] OUNTY EPUBLICAN. . ' < . I VOL. lXVI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBHASKA , THURDSAY H _ , _ AUGUST 29 , 1907. N..l . _ I . \ I ) " . , I I . A Splitting Headache " ' - { / , . . \ , often comes from over-work , and oftener still from over. straining , . " \ . ' the eye.sight. Nine.tenths of the headaches in humanity to. day are caused by eye troulJ1es. Dring . , , . , . . . , those troubles to me and I will prescribe for you , I will so carefully - : , fully and correctly a just glasses to your sight tha you will not be troubled any more with hea aches . of any kind. Our charges are most reasonable. 'f \ - l I . . , " " , . 'r. 'r" . . . . . . - . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . L W W GET YOUR School 11' 11'B 00 k S II' IIW W . AND : tI t School Supplies ! I\ AT , ' " m Baisch's Drug Stoie. i \ ! I\ I ; > < " . W 10 ' ' " W eave every th' lUg you need in that line. Tablets , Pencils , Rulers , Composition Books , etc. II ! I\ J.8. &tF.Baisch DRUGGISTS.1 1I Broken Bow , - - Neb. m ' ' " " EE' E'Ei " , " . EE : ; : 'EtEE.E' ' : ttf . " . . " . _ . . . . . . . . . , " " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' . " " . .IT.:11 ! : : = III = ' . . " " . . " . . . " . . . , ' . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . " , . . . . ' . . . . " " . . . . ' . . " , , , , " ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' . " . " " " " " " ' " ' " ' " . , . . . . ; ' 111",0.1. ' , , , ; , , , , , , . " . [ " , " ' . . , ! " "P''I" " ' " . " , , , 'II' ' ' ' ' " " ' 1' 11'1' / /1" / / I"1" / , . . . , . ; ; , ' ' . , " ' " ' " . ! 'JJ.I.1J/I/IIIIn ' : ' ' ! : ! / / ; ; : , ' ' ' I1'.iW'I' ' ' ' : ' ' " ' . ' ' ' ' : . . , ! , , , " , ' ! , " " , ! ! , , , " , ! ! ' , , , ! ! , , , , , , ! ' , , , " , ! ! > , , , , , ! ' " ' ' ' ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' " ' . ! . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' , I . . ' - , . ' . ' ! I Mowers , Binders ' II It . it and Repairs. . i ! . Il , ay Sweeps' and Stackers. il \ Now is the time to lo k up n E P .j I R S \ g .I. . . lwer and BInder n K . - , . # . . - . " ; { . ) " , 4 DEERING ! 1 : \ ( \ PLANO ' \ . . .1 ACME MILWAUKEE : . & - - - Before purchasing see our Deering Side De ' Ji < livery flay Stacker. 1'his is something new : ' \ , ) --Zi : and will please y u. We have a Teat linn oft ( : \-t ; 17 \ hay sweers. See them y - & ,1 J \ t1 G W APPI- . . . - . . - - . . " - ' ' . ' ' : J r- " . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . , , , . , , , -J' , , Itt tt , I . . " . . " " " " " 'IIJi1"U.'iJ1 : ! ' iIU.IIjf"r.nIo"I . " . . ; : ; : : ; ! o" " ' ' ij.I.U"'i1ii"IIIIIJOI"'iij1I""i1T.i'iJ " ' ' ; ! " " . ' . ! . . . . " . ' " \ ! ! II.nrr.m ! : : : ; : , . , . . . ' " ' ' 11I . . .1""I " . . . ( . t . ' 1111i1IJrlIII1r.\Irtrf,1ID ' ' ' ' ' \ : ' ' ' " ' . . . . , . ' " - . : : : : : 'i" = : r J [ ) " " l : : B"U" OLD WHEAT FLOUR i j [ , N"OVV" [ ] I . . . Now is the time to buv your old wheat ; . I . ; , . : r.- flour while it lasts. U know-we all l < now-that there is a wonderful dif- 1 . I ference uetween old and new wbeat flour. No one knows . as well as tbe housewife- . , ( ) t ( ) , when she mIxes the flour-and she IS - \ _ , I alwaJ' mad with the new and always ' " / l pleage wi t h the old wheat flour. WE HAVE IN STOCK : Broken Bu. . . . . Cream , . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 40 " r I tJrtll' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 ( ) lurora A 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45 ? \la ; o11 City King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 In 500-puundlo\R , LO cents per hundre otTo BUY 'rO-DA Y. ( ) [ I J. C. BOWEN . -\Jr , , : Ocl TR c. , \ . . Dl . . . Vi , cJCJr MARK [ J [ ] L 1 ! 0 0 0 \ ,1I ' . , I ; tt 'J- . r r . . i I The Big Custer County Fair - - Many Improvements on the Grounds ; and Everything will be ready for "The Biggest and Best" Fair - - That the coming County Fair will l > e a great success is now assured. The new amphitheatre is nearly completed. It will have a seating capacity of nearly one thousand and will afford that number of people perfect comfort. The directors have decided to retain the old rate of thirty-five cents entrancll at the gate. 'This is fifteen cents less than other fairs usual charge. The amp..i- theatre ticfets , however , have been reduced to ten cents. Good races are now assured. Entries in the trotting and pacir g races have already begun and Secretary Haumont has expressed the opinion that we will see mile heats as low as 2:15. : 'rhe large number of registered cattle now assured has made it imparatively necessary that a new cattle barn be constructed and a contract for a baru one hundred feet long has l > een let. Of all the free entertainments given at the city parks of the large cities in the east , none , lre more intensely interesting and instructive than moving pictures. 'l"'he high character and refinement - ment of this class of entert in- ment is guaranteed by the fact , . that all Chautauquas produce the moving pictures as a part of tbcir program. Tbe management - ment of the fair has secured this attraction for each evening during - ing tbe fair and it will be given at the park free to everyl > ody. It is also proposed to send up at night , an illuminated balloonist - ist descending in an illuminted parach u te. The ladies of the titv are organizing a floral parade f r the fair. 'l'his is something that is scarcely ever attempted by cities no larger than Broken Bow , b.ut. we can do it. 'l'he p blic spirit of our young ladies can not be equaled. Already fifty equipages have l > een pledged. Some four- in-hand , others tandem , double and single buggies. . pony carts , driven by littlc girls-all covered with flowers-will make a gorgeous - ous display once seen will never be forgotten. 'l'he five mile relay race , purse $150.00 , will be worth going a a long way to see. Fearing the girls could not wi th safety endure - dure the severe strain of so long a ride , it has been decided that a woman shall ride th first mile , her .partner the second , she the third , he the fourth , she finish. Already tbree young ladies have announced t.heir intention of entering this race. At least two more entries are desired and expected - pected as a number of inquiries . have been received. Beyond a question of doubt this will prove one of the most exciting and thrilling races during the fair. Prairie Hill Happenings _ Mrs. W. R. G .rdner , of Geringe , Nebr. , is visiting bere with her niece , Mrs. 'l'homas. Mr. and Mrs. Neth spent Saturday and Sunday at the Loup. Miss Ona Rhoades , visited her brother , Mr. Snyder , on Hunter's ranch week. Mrs. Lou Long , of Litchfield , is visiting her pJ.rents , Mr. and Mrs. Rains tillS week. Grandma Wbitney has been quite sick for a couple of weeks. Zumbrota Zephyrs. Mrs. G. J. Martin visited Mrs. Oscar 'l"'appan , one day last week. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Tappan is in very poor health John Wanng and wife will kcep house for Niue McComas while Mrs. McComas is away on her eastern visit. Will Carson , wife and son , of Geneva , Nebr. , visited over Saturday night. and Sundav at their old time friends - and neigbbor , J. L. Koozer. The Endeavor's of tbe Christ. ian church started to go to Mr. ' on last Friday evening with a hay rack heavily loadel \ with people , and as it was to bl a box social tbey also had : I number of boxes. When jus' ' east of Mr. Sands , one of th4 wheel's couldn't keep i side thl I tlrt . any longer , so consequentlj > I they had a rather hard time to proceed on their way , the most of them finishing their journey I l > y walking. About fifty were present , a good time is reported , and proceeds amounted to $29.25. 'l'he party was very thanldul to Mr. McComas who loaned them a wagon to return hOUle in the wee hours of the morning. Miss Olive Cole attended the social at Mr. Apple's in the Bow last Friday evening. \ V.V. . Bishop's father amI niece l ft last Mouday morning I for their home in Piper City , Illinois , after having a very pleasant ten days visit here. Miss Olive Cole is enjoying a few days visit with her friends , Jessie and Maud Apple , of the Bow. Dry Valley Doings. A series o'f meetings will be held at the Coburg school house , conducted l > y Rev. Hoff , beginning - ning Sept. , 8th. Mrs. George Doober is again on tbe sick list. Mrs. D's health has not been good since last spring. Hay making is the order of the daJ. The ground is too' dry for fall plowing and rain is . needed for stirring the ground. Mr. Clausen marketed hogs this week that averaged 400 Ibs each. At the prescnt price a load brings a good bunch of lucre. Harv Mattox bought a horse last week. Mrs. Ed. 'l'wombly had the misfortune to step on a nail which has caused a painful wound. ! The 18th Annuallt'armers Club Picnic will be hcld at Will Murray's grove in Lee Park the 22nd inst. 'l'he Farmers club meets at the residence of M r , Ed. Spooners the third Saturday in September. A Normal Department. Grand Island Baptist Collegc ' } f.g-.t.I.'Normal : department' the same as State Normals. 'reachers follow the sllmc courses and get same credit as at State Normals. also state certifi'ates at the com- plction of the respective courses without special examinations. Observation and practice work is g-iven. in the city schools of Grand Island. Tuition $27 , per year ; board $2.25 per week ; rooms heated and lighted 7Sc per week. School begins Scpt. , 10 , 1907. J. G. W. LnwIs , Principal of Normal Dcpt. , . - - VanCamp's . . BARB-WIRE Liniment. - - When your hOlses get cut in the wire the best liniment is none to good , VanCamps is the best , to prove thts I seH to anyone who has never used it , one bottle and guarantee it. to give positive satisfaction or monev . re- funded. It is a good plan to ke p a bottle on hand as this time of the year when j'OU are chatlgiHg pastures j'ou are liable to need it at a moments notice. 81 HI lEE9 "The Busy Druggist" - - Have you visited our Soda Fountain today ? - . - - - . HARRY KIMBALL , Praotioal Undertaker Lionsed Embalmer Business phone , 301. Residcnce 334D rokou. ow. Neb. ' ' 'BIG . TEDDY BEARS" Boys and g4rls : come and see the BBig rl'oddy Bear" in our window und lenrll how you can got it free. . " " ' .N e haye just ; l'oceived the large , t car load of Furniture - nituro which hus como to Broken Bow. It is of a very Hue cla s and will give our patrons the best aRsort.ment . " which we have over offered thom. Don't fail to see ' this Hne stoek. S. P. . . .Q.ROAT a..CO. : : . . _ . . . . . - , . , ' . . - _ _ a- ! I.i1iI _ . ' . l' , . , t. " . " . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mml'l ; tmg ; m mm : & : tmm ! m , m'illi : ! m . _ . . 1 oPt" ' . II. AL WAYS SAFE PHONE .j 7 : ( \ Yes , you are al ways sa.fe when you bring doctors' prescriptions - scriptions t..o our prescription department for filling. We use the 1ncst , purest drugs and medicines only. 'rhe doul > le checldn system we use insures absolute IlC- curacy in compouncltng. Every ingredient we put into a prescription is carefully checled back so that there can be no possiuility of error. It makes 110 difference whose blank the doctor write ! ? the prescription on-l > ring it here to be absolutely safe. I , 'ED. McCOlVI'AS ' , J Open on Sundays from 8:30 : to 10.30 a. 111. only. m smmmm m * m mm m mmm m . . _ . _ - - . . . - - - - - : : : - - = - ' : : - - - - - - ttttt'f'Y't'tt't1'tttttTt1tt1ttttt1't1Yt1Jt"'I"'t't1"'J"1" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " " ' ' " ' " " 1'Y"Y ' " I Sheppard & Burk . - - ' - - - = = haye so many fresh and seasonable goods in t.he = = - - - - E line of Groceries and Proyisions that to publish = :1 \ a list would require a whole page in the - # - - = = rl'lw best way for the vatronhdng public to d is = = - . . . . . . . . - - E to call at the store or phone for anytlllng they ; s - - E want.Vl HA vm l VlnUyrrl1ING and it is = = - - , E : all in the Pure food class. = : - - - - = : : : : " : : : : : : : - - - : : : : : : : : : Fruits a.nd. Fresh .Vegeta.bles : : : : = = I - - ; : : : : : : : : : : : - - Phone 125. South Side Square - - :1il111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lr1 : ! 111111111111111 _ . . . . _ , , _ _ - tr " " , _ . _ - - - - - - = - - - I We are. Local Dealers for the Renowned ) REMTICO TYPEWRITER SUPPUES Manufactured by the Remington Typewriter Company # J ( Incorporated ) \ Remtico Paragon Ribbons -in all colors and for all maIces of typewriters. I Remtico Paragon , Red Seal and Billing Carbonsl-of different weights suited for all classes of work. All Remtico Typewriter Supplies are known as the Highest Grade : Goods Manufactured. : EI : : A.11 , vcr.A."r'FS " , Music , Book and Stationery Dealer , : BFI.C : , > . : El"J : J3C > VV , " ' t . . . .