Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 22, 1907, Image 1

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VOL. XXVI - - < - - BROKEN , BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA. . THURDSAY. ' . AUGUST 221 1907. NO. ' H. ' '
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J 1 .
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. 'J .
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- , " , " '
. . '
, It will pay you to bear in
. Ii mind when in need of any. . ,
. " ' thing usually found in a
r \ first-class jewelry store.
, . J ' Bear me in mind along
with the coming wedding-
. I've got just what vou want
- to give , at just fhe price
, , ' ' .
v' " 'you want to pay.
. , , . Bear me and this in mind
. . . . . .1 kad , never follow , in
quality of goods , in low
prices in treatment of my
. ' L
Hard tow
Pass !
, , w
< : - +
: : : 'l'hey sa . V it is hard , to get
a poor drug past us ; that , .
. . w
wa are "too cnhca.l" IW
; WeU . , we don't intend to
; change. We are working : tIt t
. ' \It \
for a standard which we
m know to be right. : tw t
When we tell you a : thing $
m - w
you can J cpend on i t.
: w
; . >
J.8. & J.F.Baisch
. . J.F.Baischw
Broken Bow , - - Neb.t :
\ . :
. . . . . . . . I
, .
rr.r.jp1"iJ1I'U"'iJr.IIU"'lf'I"'iJr.I'r.I''rr.'IIJ'iJ1Il ! ' ! ! ' " ' , : ; : ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' ! " ' 'ij.1'"iIllll'iijlIU''IrpI''IIPIUI'Iij.iII'r.oII''r.m''rpI ' ' ' ' ; ' ' : ' ' ' ' ; ; ' ' : ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' 'I''I1jiI''if.i' ' ' ' " . . . II .
. . . . . , . . , . , . . , , , , , , , .
, ' " "rtiIl"rJl1Jllu"l/Iillu'tJIIIt"'tI1lIr.l ! / ! ' : : : ! , : ! ! , , " " ! lIu'IlliI'dUlh-tlIIJ"d. ! : ! . . ! , , , , ' ' , ! ! ! , , , , , : : ! , , , , , : ! , , , , , : ! ! , , : ! ! - ! I' , , , . ! " " ! ! IItI" ' . ' , ' :
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) T
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I 1\ r ; , ' ' : " II' - "
a.nd Rep.alrs.
. .
, . . Ii ay Sweeps and StackeIs. il
, Now is the time to lok , ? np .
j your Mower and BInder R E P A I R S - t
. t , P ANO
> , ' . ' ; . Befm'e , purchasing see ? Ul : Deering id De-
- I < lIvery Hay Stacker. TIns IS sometlllng new
'J ( and will please you. 'N e have a great line of
hay sweeps. See them !
U G. W. rPI E. 1
" . f' < "liJII''i ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ; . : ; ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' " ] , ! ' ' ' ' ' ] ' , ' , ' , ' , ' ! . " ' ' ' ' 'IIP' ' " ' < II1"r.1''IIII' ' ; . ; ! ! ' ' ' rtmI11''IIP"'IJ : ' . ' ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I1' ' " ' 1t.f'T' ! . ' ' 'r .f1TI'II1" , , , , ! : ! , , . , , , t1
. .
, .
1I " 'I'J1I" ' ! " ' ' ' ' ' ' : : ! ! " " ! : ! ! " " ' ! ! : : ' ' ' ' ' ' : ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ' 'L'J ' : ! : " ' ' ' ' ' " ! : JJIL. ! " " : : IlJtIIi ! ! > ! ,1iJ'rtiIlJl' ! ! ! '
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\ . J I 0 0 0
f. . [ J : : B"J I J
. : . < d
- -:75 n T
: . - . v. ' : , ' . . . .u. "Lon.
- ; . . ( ) JJ < > ( )
. Now is the time to buv your old wheat
flour while it lasts. U know-we all
know- that there is a won erful if-
- fcrence between old al1d new wheat flour.
, one now as a the - - .
[ Nho kl houdsewhife-- : (
w en s te miXeS t te Hour-an S e IS
, always mad with the new and always
plcased with the old wheat flour.
.t. . '
? "
. ' .
" ' - " ' 1. . i'.t. i' " ' Broken Bow Cream. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 40
. ( ) Myrtle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 ( )
' . f Aurr-a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45
, ( J , Mason Clly King. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45
, In 500-puumllots , to cents pcr
hundrcil nIT. BUY 'rO.DA Y.
, \ \ ) J. C. 80 WEN \
. Tn , In . . .
- Phr4. Old 1 < 1. Vi elCar
( J [ I
, . 0 0 0
_ . . . - . ' _ - - . ' . # . . ' 1
At the home of the bride's
parents , at Georgetowu , Nebr. ,
August 14 , 1907 , at high noon ,
Rev. C. S. Long , of York , ollicia-
ing , tdr. Loren E. Mohter anel
Miss M. Francis Woo(1ruff , were
united in marriage.
The groom graduated from the
Philosophical course of York
College last Junc. He will follow
the profession of tcaching anel
has already fouuel himself
efficient in this worle.
' The bride is the daughte r of
Mr. and Mrs. Diah Woodruff who
are well kuown in Custer county.
She also has been a student at
the York college and completed
the course 10 stenography. With
well. developed intellects strong
wills and true hearts their success
in life is assured.
A select number of relatives
and friends witncssed the t11 r-
riage , extendcd hearty congratulations -
lations and enjoycd the bounties
and pleasures of the day.
The happy couple left for York
the following day to attend thc
receiption . , at the home of the
groom and to visit for a time.
They wIll be at home after
Sept. , 1st at Brainerd , Nebru at
which place the groHn is princi-
val of the schools.
Zumbrota Zephyrs. .
Oren .Cole has been suITe ring
from an attack of sore throat.
The Misses Mary and : Wva
Speaker' , who live west of Ute
Bow , vi ited two ( tay last week
with Miss ! { ettie Martin.
W , W. B shop's father and
niece of Pipcr City ! Ills. , arrived .
here last Friday evening. 'l'hey
were accompaincd br Mr. Hanna ,
of Central City , Neb. , and will
visit hel"el for a Vlcek or so.
A num Jer of the young people
uf this vicinity attended the well
rendered program at "Snake Run"
last Saturday evening.
Mr. Waller Deming , of Fair-
mont , Nebr. , and Mr. and Mrs.
Deming , of the Bow , spent Sunday -
day at J. L. Koozer's.
Mrs. Nine McComas , accom-
pained by her , and
mother , Mrs. B3.rrett , left Thursday -
day orning , for an e2 tendcd
visit with , relatives in llinuis.
Boss CalJenu. his friend , Mr.
Stielr , of Seneca , Nebr. , arrived
at M. D. Callen's on Monday
( 'vening. Mr. Callen m de a
shott visit , while Mr. Stieir will
work a month for M. D. Callen.
The Y ung people of this
neighborhood cnJoyed a pleasant
time at J. L. Koozers on last
Thursday evening , the occasion
being in honor of' Mr. Clopine ,
of li'ranklin , Nebr. After the
amusements of the evening , ice
cream and cake were served.
Those present were : Messers.
Oren and Arthur Cole , Chas ,
Sands , Wythe Martin , Franl !
Cramer and Mr. Clopine ! Mis c
Zee Biship , Jorah : : Sipgef. Loh
l1is , Nettie : Martin , Mabe :
. Routh and Olive Cole. Mr ,
Clopine took his departure fOI
home Saturday morning.
Prairie' Hill Happenings.
Elvin Hogaboom left Co. M
at Lincoln and went to Exeter ,
Nebr. , to visit relatLves a fe
The ladies aid society will meel
at the home of Mrs. Beal's Aug.
Miss Miss Myrtie Wakefield , oj
Broken Bow , is visitmg he :
sister , Mrs. Wiesner.
Mr. Wesley ' 1'homas and familJ
spent Sunday at Mr. : mvens 01
the West tabl .
While stac4ing hay on the farn
of Mr. Martin's on Monday
Floyd lianna , who was trippinl
hay from the stacker had hi
hand caught in : the machinl
taking off the third finger an4
the small one between the firs
and second joint < 1nd crush in I
the big finger. He was taken tl
the doctor and is getting alonl
as nicely as can be expected.
Miss Emma Reyner from Custe
Center will take her place a
teacher at Prairie Hill this term
Did You Ever Think of It.
Prices never seem too high 0 :
what we ourselves produce ani
to sell or on the scale 0
wages we are receiving , bu
generally seem too high on th
products and labor which w
have to bul. from the rest of th
world. Pld yo\t ever stop t
think of H.
Learns by Experience.
'l'he man .who h .lHlles the local
departmcnt. of a uewspi1pcr lcarns
after due cxperience not t9..cX
pect very man.r thanks for a
cohttnn of plensaIit things , but
he lcnows 'as surety as comes
the seasons that a single linc
in which there is. unintentional
istalces will cause some enc to
be 1leard. AI o that when .he
madc ptcasa t mcntion 999 times
of some person , place or Utin&
but on the thousandth times-'fnIl
to do so , he. must 110t expect
to be forgiven. 'rhe om mission
may have been from accident ,
il1advertance or even an entire
lack of knowledge-it mattcrs
not. The simple fact remins
that he will be Judged on that
alone. He may say good things
about some business man for
weeks , but let him make SOUle
mistake and the good things said
are forgotten and that man's
business is denied him.
Nebraska State Fair.
The State i.'ait. to be held at
Lincoln , September 2-6 , gives
promise of being the greatest
State Fair ever held in Nebraska.
Secretary W. R. Mellor informs
us that the exhibits it ! all de-
partmcnts are ver ) heavy , and
promise to exceed in magnitude
those of last year , which was the
record brealcer heretofore. 'rhe
managcmcnt have secured Chas.
J. Strobel anel his airship , which
are now making nights at the
Jamestown Exposition , to makc
daily flights at the Ji'air. 'i'he
stake races have 128 horses
namcd in them , as aA"ainst 58
named last year , and this feature
of the li'air is looked forward to
with great anticipation by the
horse lovers. Fully 25 per ccn t
more swi:1e : will be exhibited this
y"ar than last , and all the live
stock departments are receiving
an abundance of entries.
Teachers Wanted.
There is a shortage of teachers
in almost every part of Ncbraska.
Custer County will be in need of
fifty more teachers thaq it now' '
has. This cO\ldtiQU \ , is largely
the res\\lt \ of the new law which
requires everyone who bas not
ta ght to receive Normal train-
After September 1 , 1907 , no
teacher's certificate will be issued
to beginning teachers who have
not had normal training. ' { 'his
mcans ; better sChool\ \ ; and larger
salaries. Custer College malces
, a spccialty of fitting teachers for
first , second and third grade
ccrti fica teSt There has , al o ,
been a law passed prohibiting all
I whu have not a 10th grade
education , or , its cquivalent ,
, from cntering the State Normal
Schools of Nebraska.
Custer Colleg ( can equip you
for the active duties of the
I school rOOl ! ! in less time than is
possible in ath \ ' schools. Fall
term begins September l ( ) .
Write for particulars and
catalog to Loren Cornett , Pres. ,
I Broken Bow , Nebr.
I VanCamp's
When your hOlses get cut
in the wire the best liniment
is none to good , VanCamps
is the bcst , to prove thIS I
sell to anyone who has nevcr
used it. one bottle and
guarantee it to give positive
satisfaction or money . re- I
It is a good plan to keep
a bottle on hand as this
time of the year whcn you
are changiRg pastures you
are liable to need it at a
moments notice.
S. HI lEE ,
"The Busy Druggist"
Have you visited our Soda
Fountain today 1
- - . . . . * .
Drs. li'arusworth & , Beck-
Dentists. . . .
All carpets and curtain goods
t cost. MUVIS & . - Co" 4-tf ! )
'l'he old rel1ablu CURter County
Abstract Co. will makc your abstracts -
stracts at reasonable ratcs , examine -
amine titles to land , bring suit to
quiet titlc , assist you in perfect-
ing' title to your land.
WIT.I.IS CADwlu.r. ,
5tf Bonded Abstracter.
We are receiving this week another -
other addition to our already
largc stock of furniture.
S. P. GHOAT & Co.
Dr. Bass , Del1 st. Overl\IcCol11ns'
I am making far11l10ans at 5
per cent intcrest.
25tf Brokcn Bow , Neb.
S. P. Great & Co. sell the New
Royal sewing machine. AUJone
contemplating the purchase of a
machine will find it to thcir advantage -
vantage to examine them and the' '
prices. Itf
- . . . . - -
. _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ , U..hh..h. . . . . _
, 0
'Another shipment 'of' R ck"ll12'
chairs just received at Konkel's
i . , c from the factory at { ct ry
prIces. . , " "
\Ve want to redu e .stock aud. .
will sell all goods at unusually
low prices. Come and see U9.
Mevis & Co. , will close out
their entire stock of up-to-date
clothibg at cbSt. ' . ' .49' . f
I am making farm loans at 5
per cent interest.
25tf l1roken Bo , v , Neb.
The Kirkendall sl1o'es have tlie
run now. 'rhc b st . .faot .w. ar 011
earth at MItVIS & Co. 49 tf
. .
Furnished rooms for rent. .
Mus. D. M. A1I9DItRKY.
'l'he "Comfort" sWing chair.
Nothing like it in the marliet.
Beats a hammock all to smither-
eens. Only' ' place to be found' ' liD
the city is at Groat's Big St r.c.
"Yes I pay cash for e'ferythiug
now , " rcmarced } Jim Armstro ig.
"You see I planted my grain with
'a MONITOR DRI LL which..l
bought ' . ) fV. . S. Kennedy.
. _ .L.L _
mm m mmm m
1'his Is thc "RC of conccntratcll spccinl cffort. 'fhCl I1Inl1 who can o " " ,
IIttlc or c\'cr'thing" is nt a discoullt. .
McComns is n spccinlist-a prescription phnrlll clsr. .
III McComlls' store thcre is no sodn fountain , uut he does haudle paintll , I
oils , glnss mill wnll pnpcr.
l\tCCOIlIlIS nccuratcly fills prcscriptions and handlcs hlgh-gratle toilet
article : ; . sundrics , litntioncry nnd cignrs.
You want your prcscription put u ( > hy thc prcscription speclallst-Ue-
Comus-whcrc nonc bul rcgistercil phanu cists scrve you.
McComlls docs not divide his lmic. cffort or experience , but cencen _ '
trntes thcm for your ucncfit. 'rhe McCom s scrvice-where quulity conntll.
I :
"s. . t o
m M m Z m z
, . - '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'IJIIIIIII11111111'1111111111111111111111111111111111'11'1 ' ' ' ' ' 111\II' ! ! \ '
Sheppard & Burk:1
have so many fresh and seasonable goods in the , I
= = line of Groceries and Provisions that to publish : i
a list would require a whol page in the paper. 3
E ' 1'he best way for the patronizing public to do is
to call at the store or phone for anything tbey
- -
E want. VIE IrA VID EVEHY''lIIN G and it is = =
all in the pure food class.
Q )
= 3
= = 3
Fruits a.nd. Fresh Vegeta.bles
- -
Phone 125. South Side SqUlue
- -
: f711111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ! 11111111111111
- -
- - - - - - - - -
We are Local Dealers for the Renowned
Manuractured by tbo
Remington Typewriter Company
( Incorporated )
Remtico Paragon Ribbons
-in all colora and for
all makes of typewriters.
. ,
Rcmtico Paragon , Red Seal
and Billing Carbons-of
different weights suited
for all classes of work.
All Remtico Typewriter
Supplies are known as . . .
the Highest Grade
Goods Manufactured.
:8 : [ : . .A. , . . , .A.llJlwrs : : ,
Music , Book and Sta.tionery Dealer ,
: E3E1.C : : > : Nr : E3C >
o '