Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 15, 1907, Image 7

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    , ' -If" " " . ' ' " 1' ' , ' , W&'j1 . - . . . " . . , . " I' " " , ; ; .r } " ; _ " - . . . . ,1. i . . " . . . .
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, . - .
. . . . - .
\ . The State Capital
Iatters of Oeneral Interest
rROM . . . . . .
Nebraska's Scat of Oovernment
State Levy Seven Mills.
The stn.te board of assessment com.
. ploted its worle , with the excoptlon of
entering n final order , by ordering an
Increase of 15 pOl' cent In the vnlu\ . .
. . . ' tlon of mercl1nndlso In Douglas county
- and a reduction ot 6 per cent on mol"
. . chandlso In Lancaster county and
levying a total state tax of 7 mUls on
the dollar valuation ,
'This Is the same levy thntA was
. made last yenr , but under the In.
crreased valuation ot all property In
the state will produce n. larger rove-
nuo. The 1 mill tax for the redemption -
tion ot outstanding state warrants
and the 1 mIll tt.'C for the supvort ot
, the unjverslty are lovles required by
" law and the board cannot cll ngo
. them , The levy for the general fund
, ' \ \ was Increased trom 4 Y.I mills to 5
I , mills , mnklng n total of 7 mills. Not
" - levy wns mndo for a 1Ichool tax. A
sectlon of the stntuto rcqulreG such n
" t tax , but the leglslaturo sought to re.
peal thl tax and showed Its Intention
, " , by re QaHng n section of the statute
" thnt provIdes for a tax of that nature
t ; ' ' : . and defines 110W the tnx sball be ex.
pended. It wns the opinion of the
\ board that In vi ow of the repealing
act of the legislature and ilia further
fnct that the legislature approprr'oted
' 100,000 for the support of we ale
.school districts and high schools no
scbool tax should be levied.
. The total assessed valuation of the
state will not be definitely Imrtn un
tit Secretary Bennett maItes complla.
. , , ' . tloD'S embodying changes In vnlues o
, I '
' . " : , dered by the board. With the excep.
. . ; ; ! , ' tlon of ilie 5 per cent reduction in
. : . ' , \ . merchandise In Lancaster -county no
, . : , , : " ; values were decreased by the board ,
: < , . , t\nd many Increases were 'Ordered.
. : : ; . , -rho tolal assC'Ssed vAluation 'Of the
: ' ; " , state before the board equaUzed was
: : 'i $328,700,337. On this basis the at. .
- " : ' .i : nunl "tax. for state purposes for the
d , : " " general fund wlll be $1,643,500 , 'Or $ ; ' , '
87OOO for the olennlum. The legis.
. lnturo a 1 > ropriated $3,3 8,729 charge-
. able to the general fund tor the bl.
. 'j' \ -cnnlum , exclusive of Items vetoed by
. . . . . . / . Governor Sheldon. With consider.
' .able revenue from fees 1Uld o illO l'
" sources the general fund levy , it Is
. I' r -confidently cxpe ted , will cover the
' . . expenditures authorized by the legis.
1t , Jt ; , 1ature and for the Urst time in
many years the state will 1ccep withll1
- Its Income. At the same time the 7
; " : _ rom levy w11l provldo $328,700 annu-
' : .aUy for the wIpIng out of the tate
. . , . : < debt and the same amount annually
, 'for the university , nnd $50,000 annu.
aUy for the school district and . $50OUO
for high schools.
' \ -
State Treasurer's Report.
- '
. ' " . state Treasurer L. G , Brians : reo
I . port for the month 'of July -shows n
balance of $439,175.23 on hand , of
which $433,671.35 Is cash on deposit
. . . . In stn.te depositories and $5,503.88
ash on hand , The redemption fund ,
: ! , ( derived from n one-mill tax levy ,
[ . , " : " ' If . : amounted to $23,109,69 during the ,
, . r. . , . month and about the same amount
, was paid out for the redemption 01
'outstanding stnte warrants. The to-
i' . tn.l trust funds uninvested , including
' ' $145,550.22 In the permanent schf > ol
tfund , 115 $148,680.55 , The totnl stnte
) ' Y funds Invcsted In intorelllt bearing eo-
f . . . .curltlC\5 Is now $7,672,167.82 , an In.
' , crease of $64,332.62 during the month.
( These investments comprise $6,635"
} 137.35 In bonds nnd $1,037,030.47 in
. state warrants. .
\ -
. . . Jones Owns Traction Stock.
1\11' . Jones of the state Journal was
_ In. witness in the suit med before the
" r' , state railway commission by the clt ,
.to compel the Lincoln Traction com ,
, pany to l six fares for 25 cents.
Jones said he owned some stock In
.tho traction company , but it mver
' . . Ihad Infiuenced him In the least when
writing editorials for ls paper : 1tG
- the people who C'ontrolled the
Journal did not own traction stock.
. . : It was brought out that the cttlzen'l !
. 'company got power cheapo1' trom the
: gas company than the trnction com ,
I pany could get It.
Railroads Stop Discrimination.
The complalnt.ofthe poultry dealer
'I' , - lat Aurora. . that the railroads dlscrim.
Inated against him by charging him
local rates when he filled a car with
poultry en route to San Frnnclsco and
i allowed the paclelng companies the
bo nefit of the through rates , has had
; f'csults. All 11.1'0 now charged the
' " - - . . . same rate.
: Seward Wants Track Scales.
A number of citizens of Sewart1
have petitioned the state railway com ,
mission to compel the rnllroado cnter'
ing that 'town to put In track 'ScaleE
for the weighing of coal , grain and
merchandlso In carload lots , as pro
vlded by law. '
, . I ' .
Checking Up Exprens Re.porta.
The state railway commission la go
ing investigate on Its own accoun1
the finances or the various exprcsf
companies doing buslncss In"thh
state. An eXl1ert w111 be sent out tc
. checle up the receIpts and expend
tures'at some of the stations and th <
original entries lookc.i Into. 'l'hes (
will bo used In connection with th <
reports 1I1ad with the commislson b )
the e press com panics , 'l'he commls
. . , Elon probably will ma1w no order It
the matter of exprcss rates until thh
- has been attended to.
' ' " " ' ' " '
: ; " , " , . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . . 'I
Railroads Turned Down. !
The official reco1'\t of the board 0' '
equalization , m\1ch debntod , hns nt
Inst been adopted. The state .board I
tllsavowed former resolutions Intro-
duced by the Union Pacific attorne's I
and adoptel the rollowlng. after can.
Bulting with Attorney Genernl -
son : ThomP-1
'Theren9 , The board havln& , hael un.
del' consideration and Investigation
abstractR ot the properly asscssod for I
taxation In the several countlos In the
state returned to thllz bonrd , and havIng - I
Ing he rd all the testimony ndduced
by the l1nlon Pacific and Burlington
railroad compnnles reduced to writ.
lng , as , vell as ether evidence con.
sJdered by the board and not reduced
to writing , and having Imowledgo con.
cernlng the valuntlon of the difroront
classes of property within the sovernl
counties of this state , and after hoar.
Ing the argument of counsel and be. .
Ing fully advised In the pr mlses I
tbereforo bo It i
Resolved , That the classes of property -
erty doslgnated below In the counties
herolnatter named shall be Increased'
and decreased by a per centum ns fol.
Iowa : Be It further ,
Resolved , ndj\1l1ged' and ordered by
said board of equalization nnd aS1esa.
ment of the state ot Nebraslta , That
the elasscs of property Indicated In
the above named counties bo Increased
and decreased by the percent m hore.
Inbeforo named , and that the assess'-
ments In all coun es not Increased or
decreased be ndjudgod to be the
proper , fall' , true and equitable assess.
ment and equalization In such coun.
ties ; that the assessments mnde In
the several counties ot this state and
returned to this bonrd by the county
boards of this state , as equalized by
this board and as set forth In this
resolution , Is n fnlr , true and equitable
assessment and oquallzatlon of 11.11 the
property wi/thin this state : and that
the protest , petition and remonstrance
of the Union PacifIc Ralh'oad company
be overruled and denied ; to which
the Union Pacific Railroad compnny
The Anti-Bucket Shop Bill.
Attorney Geneml Thompson has
given County Attorney T 'rroll , of
Lancaster county an opinion In 1'0'
gard to the meaning of the anti.
buclet shop bill. 1\11' . Tyrrell hns received -
ceived tbe opinion , but hnr : ; not announced -
nounced what course he Intends to
pursue In regard to prosecution ot
l1orsons who may be operating In
violation of the law.
The attorney geneml la 's stress on
the terms of the bl11 which mnke It
unlawful for any person to lccep an of ,
fice for the pretended' buying or sell.
Ing of grain or stocks or bonds with.
out any Intention of receiving Gnd
puaylng for the propeerty so bought or
without any Il1tentlol1 of doUyerlng
the property. This Is the offense con.
deomned by the statuto. 'rho fact
that the buyer has the means or or.
ing does not alter the case It he leeps
a place with the intention stated.
"In my opinion , therefore , " says the
nttornoy general , ' 'It would be a" violation -
lation of the act quoted for one havIng -
Ing bona fide connections with the Chi.
cage board of trade or a board ot IIko
organization and plan , to carryon
within this state n brokerage cOpImls.
slon business , tnke orders that are
transmitted to the board of trade
without the stnte , the members ot the
board of trade having grain storage
elevators and guarantees nnd Is at all
, times prepared to make actual dellv.
erles of the commodities contracted
for , which such a uusiness Involves
pretended sales without any Intention
of delivery. Otherwise , storage and
delivery facilities could be mere de.
vices to evade the law. "
Threshing Machine Center.
Ltncoln is n center of the thresh.
ing machine Industry. This yenr It
w11l stand second a'S a distributing
center for threshing m chlnos In th8
United States , being exoeeded only by
1\lInnonpoIl8. Heretofore Kansas City
has been ahead of Ll coln , but the
poor crop in the south has cut down
their sales materially. Conservative
estimates put the sales of threshlnll
machines from Lincoln at ' 1,000,000
I this yeQr , And say that this is n drop
from last year , 'fhat means that
I 200 complete outfitll and more than
Ulat many separators will bo shipped
I from that city this season ,
I - ,
Asse sment of Interurbana.
ValINe correapondlng with the assessments -
sessments of the various counqr ns.
sosllors were llxo'd by the state board
of assessment and equalIzation an
the Interurban railroads of Nebrask. . .
I 'rho Oml ha , LltJcoln & Boatrlce road
I was valued at about $90,000 , the Om.
I aha & Southern interurban at $ DOOOO
I and the Sioux City , Crystal Lake &
I Homer road at $10,000.
I -
Firat ArnDt Under New Law.
County Attorney McCutchan of
Doyd county has reported the arrest
I of a butcher of that county charged
. with solllng diseased mcnt. This Is
the first arrest under the now pure
food taw. J'ood Commlsloner Johnson
ordered a vlrorous prosecution of the
case. A nne of ' 100 Is provlde(1 ( for
the otrenao. ' .
Sheldon and McBrien at Normal.
The visit of Governor Sheldon and
State Suporlntendent McBrien to the
McCook junior normal school was . .
notable ovent. The governor and
state superlntendont both addressed
, the normal and ilie third annual graduating -
uating exercises of the ellhth ad
of the Red Willow county schoolrJ.
In the cvenlng a 'reception was tendered -
derod the governor at the McCook
commercial club rooms , where hun ,
drol1a of cltlzon and members of the
junior normal paid tholr respects W
the chief oxecutlve ot the state.
. , . . ,
. .
- " J
To Be Dedicated In BUffalo Sept. G.
Former Residents Invited.
The beautICul v'hllo marble shart
erected by the state of Now Yorle 11\
Nlngara Square , DulYalo. N. y" to the
memory of President Memnley , Is to
bo formnlly dedicated Thursday , Sept. .
6 , and the event will bo the centrnl
teaturo of nUffalo's Olll 11011\0 Wee Ie ,
, Sept , 1 to 7. Former re8111ents of Duf.
r falo and the public at Inrgo arc cor.
dlally Invited to attend the dedlcathm.
: . .
' :
The l\IcKlnley monumenl was llnnuml
I and executed under lho direction ot a
commission pf prominent men , at n
cost of $150 , OO. Gov. Charles E.
I Hughes , with his ftulUtary starr , will
tnliC part In the ceremonIes and Presl.
dent Roosevelt aUll former President
Grover Cleveland have been Invited to
attend and speak. l\1lUtnry \ pat'udes
will bo u feature of the occasion.
Evidently Needed Burial.
"Tho late Gen. Thomas H. Ruger , "
said a Stnmford mnn , "was , meo many
I army fficers , an authority bn good .
I cooldng , but he detested rnnk , high.
cheese. At n dInner ho Bald that a
very rank cheese was once left at hIs
headqunrters to bo called for , nnd aft.
er tt hnd remnlned unclnlmed two
dnys he posted this notice :
" 'If the cheese sent here addressed
to Private Jones Is not cnlled for In
two days It will be shot' "
Important to Mothers.
Ernmlne : ; carefully onlY bottle ot OASTOnrA ,
a Bate and Bure rcmcdylor Infante nnd chlldrcn.
and Bee that It _
Bears the
SIgnature ot . , . .
lD Ueo..For Ovcr 30 Ycars. .
The KInd You ! Iavo Always \ught.
. Approaching Nature.
Some men think they can't "gel
next to , nature , " properly without tnk-
Ing along two quarts of whisky and a
box of clgars.-Judge.
It Cures While You Walk.
Allen's Foot-Ease is n ccrtnin cure for
hot , sweating. callolts , nnd 8WOllCII , nchill
feet , Sold by nil Druggish1. Price 25e. Don't
acccpt nny substitute , Trinl pnclmge FIU E.
Address Allcn S. Olmsted , Le n y , N. , Y ,
Growth 01' New York.
'New Yorle city Is. now growing at
the rate ot about 415 persons ench
Does Your Head Ache ?
If flO , get n ox of Krause's IIcadnch
Capsule3 of ) 'our Druggist. 25c.
Norman Lichty Mfg. Co. , Des Moines , In.
Some men are so smart In a busl-
bss way thnt people do not care to
do business with them a second time.
Guns , Traps , Decoys , Etc.
Lowcst pricl'R. 'Vrite for Free cntalog
No.1. N. W. Hide & Fur Co. , l\linnenpolis.
Lewis' Single Binder Cigar lms Oa rich
tnste , ' Your denIer or Lewis' .Factory ,
l'coria , 111.
When they enter a theater women
should check their hats and mell their
Jllrll. WIDIIlow's Soqthlng Syrup.
For children teetlllng , Bortens the gUI'D , reduces In.
QlIommaUor allays paIn , cures wind collu. 25c a botUo.
I It's ensy to dress a profitable business -
ness In the gnrb ot respectability.
" " " "
Repeating Shotguns
make a killing combination -
tion for field , fowl or trap
shooting. No sm keless
powder shells enjoy such
a reputation for uniformity -
ity of loading and strong
shooting qualities as
" " and " "
"Leader" "Repeater"
brands do , and no
shotgun made shoots
harder or better than .
the Winch ster.
} 'or 8tcct IInd Wood J < 'rnme. . f".L and
up. Wrlto UB IJor"ru YOU bur ,
\Vo L'\VU yuu moncy. All ( ]
, ! 'umps IIndVlml 1II11.
UI < I\LlUIl : : UIIU8I. . . II H. h ,
. .
' " ,
, , . . - . . . -
Nelohbor's Comn1Cmt In Which There
Seems a Strain of Sarcaol1'l.
"Yes , " the lender ot the nmateur
brnss balHl was sa'lug , "It's curious
to sco whnt'Ull otteet learning to
pIny a horn hns on some IHH'UOIIS , t
used to bo a prett ) ' gOOll lmsu sing.
er , hut 1 can't sing worth a cent
now. "
"Does learning to 1lll\Y a horn spoil
the voice ? " asteed his next.door nolgh.
' '
"It did mlno. "
"lIow do ) 'OU nccount for It ? "
"I don't lenoho \ \ to nccount for
'It. Strains the vocnl chorlls , pel'-
halls. All t lenow Is thnt. I blow my
volco out through the mouthpiece 'ot
my cornet , " ,
"Did ) ' 011 hnve a good voice ? "
"Evcr'lJolly Bald so. "
tIIrhen It's 1\ great pit ) ' ) 'on over
learned to pIny 1ho1'l1 , " rojolncd his
neighbor , shnlclng his hend sndl ) ' . "I
-er-lhlnle I should have enjo'ed
henrlng you slng.-Youth's Com.
Boy In Misery --J2 Years-Eczema In
Rough ScaleD , ItchIng and In.
flamed-Cured by Cutlcura.
"CutiCUrlhns lut a stol1 to twelve
'cars of mlsory I 11l\ssed with my son.
As nn' Infant I notlcClt 011 his bOdy a
red spot and treated same with durer.
ent remedies for about five ) 'onrs , but.
when the Bpot begull to get larger I
put him under the cnro of lIoctors.
Under their treatment the dlseaso' '
spread to four dlrferent parts ot his I
body. During the dny It would get i .
rough nUll form lIlto scales. At night.
It would bo crncliCd , Inllamed and bad.
ly swollen , with terrible burning nnd
itching. Ono doctor told mo that my
son's eczemn. was Incurnble , atHl gnvo
It up. I decided to give Cutlcura 1trial. .
When I had used the first box ot Cutl.
eura Ointment there was a great 1m.
provement , and by the tlmo I had used
the second set of CuticUrlnemedles
m ' child was cured. Ho Is now twelve
years old , and his sldn Is as 11ne and
smooth as sllle. Michael Stelnmnn , 7
Sumner Avenue , Broolc1 'n , N. Y. , April
16 , 190 . "
For Better or Worse.
A census.taleel' mudo his 1'0\llHls In
an Isolnted village. He gnve ono of
his official pnpers to a woman that she
might 1111 In the required answers.
One of the questions , Instend of read.
ing "l\lnrrled or single , " had It "Con.
dltlon as to marriage. " The womnn
filled III the nn wer thus :
"Awful hard up beforo. 'Vuss
arter. "
-4 " - , _ - - - - , . .
- . : : : : : : ; : = :
It'om the same phY tcaltllsturbnbces ,
aUlI t.ho nat.ura . of theil' In
mnn ' cases , quleldy drift dutlcSl nto
the horrors of n1l1clllds of female
complulnts , organlo troublcs , ulccrn.
tIon , fulllug antI dlsplacemeuw , or
perhaps Irregulnrlty or suppr lou
cuuslng baelmcho , nenOUBuess , h' "
rltnblll ty , nUll slecplessnclol3.
\Yolllen , .
o.crywherc should re-
mem er that the lu dlclne that holds
the record for the Inrgest uumber or
MRS. A. M. HAGERMANr-J nct.ual eures of fomnle 11Is Is
Lydia E. inl\hatn's Vegetable .Compound
mndo from stUl\Jle nnth'o roots am1 herbs. For more than thirty yearn
It hns been ho \ plug women to be strong , rcgulntlun' the functonsllCr. !
fcotly anll O\'orcomlng pain. It 11M nlso lU'Ovollltsolllnvalun.ble In IJrc.
pnrlng lor chilli birth ntHl t.he Chnnge of Life.
Mrs. A. 1\1. ItaJrernlllt1ll , of I1ny Shore , L. I. , wrltcsDear Mrs.
Phllcham-ul : sutferCll from 11111111ne0111cnt , l'xccsslyo antI painful
funettons so thnt I hnll to lie down or sit sllll most of the time.
r } 'lun. N. Plnltlmm's Vl'Erctnble Con\pounll has made mo n. well woman so
thnt I am uble to atlenl1 to mv t1utleH. I wlsfl ovcry sufforlng WOllllUl
would try Lyl1ln. . l'lnlchnm's Vegetable Comp un und see what rollef
n wlll give them. "
f\IO \
Mrs. Pinlchaan's .Standing Invitation to Women
Womcn suffcrlng from any : form of temnle Illness 11.\0 Invltoll to write
Mrs. Plnkhnm. at , 1.1MB. for ILllvlco the I'K the h's. I'iulchnm who
has been ndvlslng slele wOlUcn free of charge 101' moro lhlln twenty
ycnra , ntH1 hofore thnt Rho' usslst' ll hOl' molhor.ln-lnw Lyl1hL E. l lt1k.
hnm In nl1ylslun' , 'l'lrefore aho Is espcchllly well qunUflCll to guld
slcle WOlUon bncle to hcalth. ;
Of 'Course.
"What malees ) ' 0\1 so nlJsont mind.
ell ? "
"Woll , I tollPCll to thlnle one
da- "
"Yes ? "
"And my thoughts ran on nUll on- "
" \Voll ? "
' 4And I haven't cnugl\t \ U11 'with 'em
yet.-ClevclatHl Leadol' .
The lggest trap.shootlng event or
the year. Imowu ns the Grund Amer.
lcnn IIandlcalJ , heM nt Chlcngo In
Juno last , resulted In an overwhelming
victory tor Winchester Shells. With
these the ProCesslonnl Chnnwlonshlp
was won b ) ' W. R , Crosby , of O'Fnllon ,
111. . and the Amateur Chaml110nshlp
hy IIu h 1\1. Clarle , of Urbanu , 111.
She Understood.
"Whnt makes yon thlnl , thnt Tim.
mlns Is Idenlly murrled ? "
"Becnuse one duy when 11e InYlled
mo to dinner und wo were Inte she
merely nsked whether the homo tenm
w n. " .
SmOkCI'R hl\\'o to cnll for l.ewiR' Ringle
il1llcr I , ciltal' to rt it. Your dcnlI' or
I.ewili' .1.'nclory , Peodn. III.
Our Idea of a lonrol' Is a mun who
rests before he gets tlt'ed.
PosUh'ely cured by
CARTERS theac [ .tuID.PllIs.
Th Y' PolliO relrevo DI
InLE tr\I"fl'OIll DYlIl'cp ln , , hI'
tlhrt'oItlounml'l'ooU < nrty
I VER EntlnQ' . A l , rt < , ut rem.
Dlnhlel8 , Nnll.
elly for !
PI LLS . 8cn , DroWMhlt' q , nnll In tll031olltb , Cont.
. e.l TonlttlU , Vntll 111 the
8ltto , TOUPID LIVEIt.
Thcy regulnte lho I1owels. Vltrely ycgotnblo ,
v-v J
Genuine Must Bear
CARTERS Fnc.Similc Signature
IVER .4 _
PILLS. / . . .P
DAISY FL. Y } rlJ-t n , \3 \
' : ; ' U1" .r : ' ' 'l't.
\ , : . " . T ' ; ;
: . tllo fllUre . . . .on.
. ' " and cl..n
I a"11 IIMal11.nlal. , .
I Bold hraUd. " , . . . .
or "Cllt hy nU ,
l il ' d J.rjt . :
HO IJ . .n , 4. . . .
. , HUGIIL' " . II. T.
Itr Jc. : : Thompson's Eye Water
- -
W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 32 , 1907.
$3aOO . & $3.50 SHOES ? d LD
THE FAMILY , AT ALl. Pl1Iorm ,
5 . On1ln To any one whD can pratte IV. L
tiijJ16ii.1 VeiO DouQlas doou not mah lr 8011
Reward moro Man's $8 & $8.l U sllOoa
thall IUf olha , . mnnufacfuro , . .
TIlE nt ASONW. J. . Douglas shoes nro'l"orn
111 IIU , vnlkll of IIfo thrill any other mnko , Is hccnuso a their
oxeollimt style , eM.nttlng , 1I111 ! supcrlur 'fellrlng qualltleK.
'ho seloctlon of the Icathers Dill ! other mntorlnls tor cRch prlrt
of the shoe , nlltl O\'l\ry dotal ! of lho mnkln Islookcd nCter It !
the most cOlllpJetoorgnnlzlI tlon of ulofllltcllllcnt"forcmcnnJIII
skllIell hoornnkor" , who rl'C'h'o ! the hlghet "nltcs paid III the
shoo IJIIlustry. DlIII "hOBO workmnllshlp ennnot bo oxcollo.l. .
If I couM tllko youlllto lilY tllrlto lnclorlcs at IIrocltton,1Ilnss. ,
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'I"oulll then uJIIlefslnllll why lhey holt ! their shnpo , fit better ,
wenr lonlor nll.1 nro ot ! treator vnluo thlll1 : any ether mnke.
MI' $ .4- GIlt Eda and $8 Gnfd Bond SImon cannot be equalled at . Brloe.
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