.r ( .rUST R COUNTY RrpU UC4N Dy D. M. AMSDERRV DROKEN DOW , . . NIiIDRABKA k _ " ' 1'horo's nothIng in thlll wurlll worse UlIln smoltlng , " eays a ph'sl. clar. . 1I0w I1huut chowlng ? Dr. Parkflll1'lt-lo : liarla t Il\t ho hall nothing to sny nhont an.thll1 or nn ' . botI ) ' . Wo all grow wIser as wo grow oltIor. The worll Is going to hreak nil roc. onls In gold minIng thlll yel1r , I\n ' In that thoro's no yellow journallslll predIction. A Cn1tCornla mnn hns n chicken thnt tnllts lIke n parrot. 'fhls ono thing would reconcllo some people to Idlllng any anhonl. The prosperity of Oormnny Is sllid to bo "llnll1zlng. " The Imlsor Is a crent buslnels mnnager , as well B a muelclan , an artist and 0. poot. The announcement that J. PIerpont Morgnn Is to Invest $4,000,000 more In art IndlcntcR that ho mIght attempt to bull the ancIent treasure mnrkot , StuYfesl nt 1.'leh hils gIven hIli dnugh : tor , Mnrlon , $1,000,000 as I wed tUng presont. She 8hould not ho.vo to worry about the expenses oC houselteeplng. "It you would overcome worry , sIng all the time , " advIses Dr. Austin Flint. Which III merely n revIsed vor. slon ot "Lot the ether Collow worry. " EvIdently the Now Jersey man who swam IlBhoro and left the gIrl to drown was thlnlt ng moro oC his own carcass than oC the posslb1l1ty of wIn. ning 0. Co.rneglo modal. The Chloagoan who gave hIs wlfo 11alf hIs property on condition that she trent 111m affectlono.to\y \ has learned that the way to rule 11. woman Is to glvo her what aho wants. "Savages In sl1ltS and satins sarno- times sIt In church seata on the Sab. bath , " MYS the Rev. Dr. C. P. Good. son. Dut If the ettort Is to convert the heathen , why object t An EnglIsh noblew01nan sneeringly declares Umt Amorlcan girls don't Imow anrthlng about horses. ThIs may bo true In a measu- ' , but wo ma ' proudly reply tho.t AmerIcan girls Imow a lot about sparkIng plugs and carburetors. Lady Arthur Grosvenor , slster.ln. law of the dulte of' Yi1'Btmlnstor ! , the rIchest dulte In England , Is traveling over that country In 0. wagon dls. gulsod as 0. gypsy. She Intends to wrIte 0. boolt about her exporiences. From wlrlch It scorns that tholrlvllego of associaUng with 0. duke a lot of money docs not prevent Drltlsh high lIfo tram beIng dreadly duU. N w Is the tlmo when aU these who play or work about the water ohouhl otudy UIO r\11eo for restoring persons o.pparenUy drowned. The ruleR prepared - pared for the Unlled States mo savIng - Ing service dIrect UIILI : . UIO crtorts to produce natural breathIng should be continued tor fcom. onp to tour hours. No mother would thlnle that oven five hou1:8 : wna too long to 8polltl , It In the end nor apparenUy drowned clllld opened' Us eves and breathed again. - - - - It Mr. WJlght. ; he at Day tOR , Inven. tor ot an airshIp , Is right , some oC us may bo able to fiy betoro we can afford automobiles , rcmnrlts the In- dlnnapolls Stn.r. Ho says : "With a proper Boarln machine , which cnn bo made for less than $ [ j00 , and with porf Ct control , 1 bellevo a man CQuid hover over n ship IIlte It gull all dllY without nny Catlguo , provIded the wind w ro right. " lIe ad'd that aCtor once fiylng there Is no IncUnation to turn to nnytlling else. Will Mr. Wright . please hurry UI } hIs $ GOO mnchlnes. John NIcholas Drown , who Is cpm. manly mentioned IlS the ttJn.ntllUon. dollar bal > Y by the Now Yo k papers , Is now ten year $ ofd and rebelS' ' agalnst'lmvlng the d011ar attached to him. 'fho youngster Is quoted as sayIng - Ing to his pla 'mntes : "QuIt calling mo thnt , will you ! I'm juot a plaIn Iild lIIco you , 1 want to get out nnd plaY. : ban and have a good time , " he went oni "these ohI nurses chaslnJ ; mo nround malte mo tired. I'm goIng to lctcle about It and get rId ot'them. " ThIs ilhllcatcs that something worth whUo 1s to bo expected oC young Drown. , The faVorable hrlpreslJloll which Japltneso malto Ullon people oC other nations Is largely dt/o to thei'r CaUl" tesy , good llanners , and the tllste the ) ' dIsplay In doing the most ordlnar tUlngs. Whcn the crows of the Jall aneso warshIps , whIch lately vlsltecl New York , were allowed shore IIb rty they had tholr chalco betwcon spend' Ing the tlay on the Dowery , the doUghier or every sallor''S heart , and vlsltln Grant's tomb. They went l\J the tomb If \boro an ) ' ether natIon the sailor ! ot' whl h wOllld use their shore lean In Mylng thaiI' respects to n natlOlln : heM' oC the people tbey were vIsiting : Queen Marlo Amallo oTP rtugnl , bJ her generons dovotlon to the cause 01 ButTorlng , her ( ollndatlon , endowment Bnd sUJorvtslon ) of Innumoroblo h08' pltals and philanthropic lustltutlons , her tudy at medlclno , In which she now holds the diploma at a ( ull.tledge physIcIan , In order toenablo her te understand moro thoroughly UIC need9 and requirements or the sick and hdr CXOmlJlary prlvato IIf\ ! should have endeared her to the people 01 her ut1l : > pted country. nllt the contrnrJ Istlte case. Instead she has. retpmJ no"thlnbut / : abusl , und animosity. ' J , ' . . ' . . . - - - - - - - The State Capital M U rs of Ocncrnl Intcrcst _ . = = - - - - rROM - - .xo Nebr sla's Sent of Oovernll1cnt Creamery Question In Nebraska. Is tho/'o competition h tweon crol1m. ery 111011 In NobrnHlm ? ' 1'hls Is the Cueatlol1 ) that the Rtato railway com. mhmlon will seele to dete/'mlne at the mcotlng of the clalrymcl1 August 6. Chl1lrman WInnett Is Inclined to attrIbute - trIbute the dlfforenco In the prlee of buttol' ( at 111 Nohrnslm nnd Iowa to the aIJuenco oC competition. Saturday - day , hutter ( nt sold for 18 cents In Omahn and 2,1 cents In Council DlutIa. Mr. Powell was told by ono creamery - ory mun In Iowa that competition Is fierce. In some tOW11l ) to moot thIs competition thlll man hnc1 to pay more thal1 the marltct prlco for butter would nHow ; ho had to maIntain a bank account In the town and pay twlco a we ok tor the cream purchusod. When nalted to glvo a reason for the great dlfforence In prIces between Omahn and Council Dluffs Franlt Prol hot of the BeatrIce Creamery conpany declared the Council Dluffs prlco must b6 the delivered prIce , IncludIng the trelght , commlaslon and operotor'a charge. 110 aUJerted ! that tho' hotteat kInd oC compotltlon exlats t.odny In Ncbrnslm , Many creameries are bid. dIng for the cronm , ho declared , o.nd many times moro Is paId for cream than the marltct will really permit. The public hearIng on the proposal or the railroads to Increase the mtes ' on creo.m In Nobraslm will bo held In the o111co or the commission August G. The rates on cream and tho'intluence they have on the prIce to the consumer II will bo thoroughly dIscussed. Many potltlons ha vo been recol yed protestIng - Ing agaInst the ostabllHhmont or the new rates on cream. - AsseoGor Must Explain. Oro"lng out of the refusal oC UIO authorIties In alschool dIstrict In Dakota - kota county to pormlt Hev. E , E. Sho.fer I to vote at 0. school olectlon , the county aSlJessor of that county Is lIable to como In for a roprlmand from the Stn.to Doo.rd of Asscssment. Rov. Mr. ShaCer was refused a vote because the records showed ho had not boon assessed - sessod on hIs personal property last year. Mr. Shafer InCormed the offi. clals that ho had personal property , n.nd any tlmo the assessor came around ho would bo glad to turn It In , and that ho dId not Intend to lose his' right to vote because the asscssor ( aUed to attend to hIs duty. The officIals - cIals then Informed Mr. Shnfer that Cor years ministers In Daltota county hnd not been ssqssod. Shater wrote to the state supcrlntendent , who ruled that he had a rIght to vote whether ho had been assessed or not , and then the matter was turned over to the etato board. Secretary Dennott will at once take the matter tip wIth the Daltoto. county ssCflsor and as It tor nn oxplanatlon , as there Is no law by whJch the pro1orty oC a mInIster Is exempt - empt from tnxntlon. A Shot at Fusion. Attorney Oenoral Thompson has Is. sued o.n opInIon designed to elLmlnato fusion. IIo declares thut a candldato cnnnot legally affillato with moro than ono political part ) ' . HIs opinion follows - lows : "It will bo observcd UtIlt In either event , the candldato Is'roqulred to declare - clare hIs party affiliation and abide by the restIlt oC UIO primary olectlon and qualify 1C elected. Within the mennlng of this act , It Is my opinion that a party cannot lawfully claim affillutlon with more than ono political party. It Is hIs dut ) ' to declare with what party ho affillatos. Such declaration Is binding upon him and confincs him las a candldato for nomlnnUon to the party o.lono with which ho hIlS ac. Imowlodgod a111l1aUon , and It neces. sarlly results that ho cannot lawfully bo a candldato for nomination upon moro than the omclal part ' Cor one of. fico. " The Case of Barker. A movement has been started to get Frank Darlter , tI10 'Vobster county murdorOl' , pluced In the Lincoln asy. lum pondlng his trial on a. charge 01 Insanity , which begins September 8. II Iii thought by tholiO who are Interested In UIO matter that this would glvo Dr , Hay an OPIrtunlty to study the matl nnd when the next trIal comes he would Imow pretty thoroughly whethCl the man Is InRano. The jury whlel ] henrd the ovldenco In the fil'st cas ( wau divIded ns to hIs sanity , six to stt Governor to Talk to Teacher8 Govern01' Sheldon Is bllletl fOI speeches at the junior normal scho01l as foHows : AUanco , July 23 ; Droket Dow , 24 ; Kearney , 25 ; North Plntte 26 ; McCook , 2 . August 3 the gover nor will speale at tile BohemIan Turner nor meeting at Schuyler and at I"alr moot August 10 , Union August 24 , 1U1 ( Dennott August 17. Buildings for State Fa" " ' . The board oC pUhllo lands and build Iwga opened bIds for the proposed $20 , 009 cattle barn at : the state fair. Al bIds exceeded the approprIation ane Secretary W. R.rollor has wrlttol to members of the state board ot agrl culture as to whether the board enre : to put In enough at Its own funds t4 complete the work. T o board oC agr ! culture hns Bpent $21,000 of Its OWl Cunds on Improvements and has oe asldo $6,000 to pay expenses and prom lums In Ute event oC rainy talr weol and II. poor o.ttendanco. , ' . . r Sesolon Laws Correct. I S\nator Hoot. , of Casu county , bag wrlU1n Secretary of Stnto ,1unlln that I IC hlK 1l10JJlOl' ) ' la rIght , S. P. : I 1j ( , chap- t < 'c .12 , of the se8sl011 lawlJ , contaIn" matter that wna strlcl < OlI froll1 the hill. Secretary , Junltln hna compared the printed eop ) ' with the on rolled hIli , nnd find" thnt It I ! ! correct. 'rho hill WnH Intended to dlsquallCy n judge or a jullco from sitting In a cnse In which olthol' JJUrty to the \llt Is re. lntod to the judge wIthIn the fourth dl'greo or where nn atto\'ney Is reo Inted to the judge In the degree of Cl\thor , son or brother or where the jUdge has heon nttorn ' for either of the partlea. This fm' the hill la as Senator Root sa'a It ! ! hould bo , but In addItion It contains otlllJr matter whIch dlaqualltles a judge who was In pnrtnerahllJ with an att01'l1ey beCoro hIm at the tlmo at hIs election or has occupIed office rooms wIth hla ox.co- , partner or who continues to occupy ofllco rooms with hIm after his election - tion to the office of judge , All thIs matter Is In the bill sIgned by the governor. An attempt waD made to strlko It out , but the effort nppnrontly fnlled. Ie the records sh nv tho.t the bill contaIns matter not properlY there , the entlro bill mBY bo Invalidated. When It pnssed the leglslaturo It was reported that It would prevent Mlko HarrIngton , of Holt county , from practicIng - ticIng before his brother , who Is judge of the dIstrIct cOllrt. Opinion In Rosewater Calle. The elTort to oust Andrew Hose water from the office of city onglneer at Omaha 11118 como to naught through decIsIon - cIsIon of the SllIJrOmo court. 'rhe syllabus - labus Is by Chlo ( Justlco Sedgwicle , who says : "Tho clt ' onglneor of 0. city oC met- 'ropolltan class holds tlto office until hIs successor Is elected o.nd qualified. The talluro to qualify by ono who has been appointed as hIs successor by tlto mayor and confirmed by the council , but who has not talton possession of the office and entered Ullon UIO dls- chnrgo ot Its dutlos , does not render the office vacant. Upon such failure to qualify the Incumbent may quamy anew under scctlon 17 , chapter 10 , complted statutcs 1905. . I 'When It Is the duty of lito ma1'or to appoint an officer and he falls to do so , the council may eloct. Dut the power oC the council does not exIst wl en ono who has been appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the council falls to qunllCy , there being nn Incumbent to hold over until hIs succ ssor Is elected and qualified. In such case the Incum. bent may qualify anew , and tnltes the office for the succeedIng term. " - Evidence was AdmlsGable. The sto.to's oxceptlons to the rullr.g out of testimony In the dIstrIct court of Gage county In the trial of John H. Sparks , charged with obtaining money under Calso pretenses , are sustalnod by the supreme court. Sparlts wo.s charged with obtainIng a warmnt for $539 In Gage county tor the buildIng at a brld&o which It WRS alleged had alrendy been lJahl for. The jury found the defendant not guilty. Whllo the court holds that evldonco that the accused - cused had committed like ottenses o.t other tlmeB and places should not bo receIved to aid In establishing hIs guilt , when the transnctlon on which the prosocutlon Is bllBed Is of such a character - actor as to require other or further prooC of the defendant's guilty Imowl. edge and Intent , "evldenco that ho has committed IIko crimes In 0. similar manner at or about the same tlmo o as a part of Ule general scheme to Craud , mny be received for the lJUr- pose. " Must Rem'aln In Industrial School. The supreme court has affirmed the judgment of the district court oC Thayer county remandIng 1iImer : Leiby to the Rtato Industrial school at Kcar- ney until he Is released by duo COU1'OO oC law. The court holds thnt the state h\llIstrlal school for bars Is not. no place oC punlshme11t but a place of educntlon and rofol'lnatlon. Leiby WIlS charged Januar ) ' 18 , 1906. before the cOllnt ) ' jUdge oC 'l'ha 'er county , wIth da 'lIght burglary anlllare11cy. Ho filed a plea oC guilty. County Judge J. D. SI < lnl1or found him a fit subject for the Industrial school. Ministers Under SuspenGlon. 'rho Hov. Wilber P. Ferguson of , Unlvorslty Pll1co has becn suspended from all minIsterial and church 11I'lv- Ilegcs until the coming session of the Nebrnslm annual conference , which , will meet at Trinity church In Lincoln nbout September 25. 'I'hls waR the doclslon reached at the prellmhmry oxamlnatlon whIch was condncted by I Bld6r 'Vrlght and la In Ilccordanco I with the cust0111 oC the Methodist . churoh when serious charges are preferred - ferred agaInst 1mInIster. . Receipts From 011 InllpectJon. State 011 Inspector A. D , Allen has pnltl to the state treasurer $621.42 , CI'OI11 the collections of his dOlmrtment for the month ot Juno and hlU1 n bai- anco at $900 on hand. 'fhe receipts tor the month were $1,739.'i0 and the dlabnrsemenb $1,018.28. The bl111\11c6 on hand the first ot Juno was $ BOO. To Test Card PI' 1ylng Ordinance. Martin L. SaPI > of Wymoro has applied - plied to the SUlrOmO court tor. a writ ) ot habeM corpus. His case will probably - ably bo hen.rd In September , 110 wus fined $ [ j and costs ( or vIolating an ordl- nl\nco oC UIO town at Wymoro that prove.ts I\n'ono Cram alloWing card gameo or gamea oC chance from bolns pln'e In Il\1bllc llacc , The ordt. nanco doea not Day anything about bot. tlng or gambling , It Is construed to " moan thllt no one can pla ' cards In t public place , whether the game bo for Innocent amusement or for wagors. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF News NOTES OF INTEREST F " ) M VARIOUS SECTIONS. , ALL SUBJECTS TOUGHED UPON Rellglouc , Scclal , Agricultural , PolitIcal - Ical and Other Matters GIven Due Consideration. There Is 0. street car war on at ; , LIncoln. 'fho Salvation Army Is holdIng tent rovlvals In Dentrlco. Dlnden Is thIs yonr havIng quite grewth In now buildIngs. 'rhe corner stano of the proposed now Gorman church at Humboldt has boon 10.1d. The grent troubles or fo.rmors o.t tills tlmo Is to secure enough helv In the harvent fiolds. A floater sighted near Plo.ttsmouth ' "Was not securod. It Is belloved to have been the bOdy of 0. mnn drowned at Omaha on the 4th of July. The county commissioners at Yorlc are placing 0. number of steel bridges In place at UlO wooden structures , whIch they' sny 11.1'0 short.lIved lUut In the end exponslve. A' Inrge-slzed darning needle was recently removed from the thIgh at n. F. McBrldo at Delgrade , says the Fullerton News-Journal. Mr. McBrldo sn 's ho has no Imowledgo ot how the needle came thore. ' 1'he census of Platte county hIlS been completed and It Is found that ! then ! Is population of 18,988. The population ot Columbus has wonderfully - fully gaIned since the Ia.st census. It was G22 then and now It Is 5,082. MlsCortunos don't come singlY. James Cannon , living north ot Seward - ard , was recently Injured In 0. runaway - away and , while not yet recovered , leat hIs lIttle son , and In the hailstorm I .st week hnd hIs crops destroyed. Creamery men ot the etate have been sending protest atter protest to the state railroad commIssion objectIng - Ing to a ralso In railway rates. At the state hearing , August 3 , there will bE ! n largo number at dairymen to pro- tost. tost.The The state beard ot public lands and buildIngs let the contract for two bailers - ors of 150-horso-powel' for the Nor. Calk asylum for $4,520 , nnd three meters - ters of 40-horse-power and ono motor at 20-horse-power for the penitentiary for $1.549. Frank McMillen , who has been appointed - pointed to have charge of the reorganIzation - ganIzation of the Washington , D. C. , postoffice and Is to make It a model Institution , was for many years a resl. dent at Nebraska City , being super. Intendent at the gas worles. L. E. Crouse , Ulrough his attorney , J , C. 'Vntson , has 1IIed a suIt In the district court of Otoe county agaInst the MIssouri PacIfic rnllwa ) ' for $2,000 damages tor Injuries while worldng for the company on Its section. He had hIs shoulder dIslocated. Mrs. Frances Hanlon of Fremont , 0. bride oC three months , wlCe o ( Ed Hanlon , a well Imown local singer , shot herselt with a 22-'allber 1'0- volver while sitting In Mortensen & ChrIstensen's grocery store In whIch 1\11' . Hanlon Is emplored : as head clerIc. Cause tor the act Is not 5Iet forth. While In Falrbury Postoffico Inspector - specter 'I'hompson of Omaha ran down a case where two Jet'fol' ' on counh- bo's are neged ] ) to have used the United States malls for the purpose oC obtaining money under false pre- tenses. 'riley were placed under art rest. . William Nlclwl oC Seward county , was found In hIs barn Tuesday by hIs son , ) ) 'Ing unconscious , having been Idcltcd by a horse. The blow was on his forehead. He had been there an hour before he wns dIscovered. His 1I1l'slclans thlnl there IR a chance for his recovery. So ( ar as the Investigation at the county board has progressed It hlU1 been ostnhllshed that County Trens- urer BenjamIn G. Gossard 11l1s not accounted - counted to Rod Willow county IlB yet .for $6,240. ThIs Is said to have been created slnco the Janul\r ) ' GCttloment , when the books and accounts ot the office were thoroughlr gene over. 1\ . few days slnco 1\Irs. .1ullus Nor mand ot Nebraska CltJ' , a.wldow , died and In her will filed Cor probate she cuts nil of her children off , save one , a son , wIth $5 each. To this Bon she wills all of her real estate , whIch can- SlstR of two goocl Carms. The other heIrs have gIven notlco they will contest - test the will and a bitter fight Is prom- Ised. Ised.As As Willie Swanson , 0. bo ' about 16 years of age , was crossing railroad culvert No.8 , about one-halt mlle tram town , ho was talten with a fit nnd fell Into the water. OotCI'ed Hau. sron , n small bo ) ' who WIU1 with him , ran to town. gIving the alarm. HIs bOlly was found , but not until ho was dead. He had been subject to the so fits all his lifo , havIng mnny narrow escapes. City Attorney F. L. RaIn of Fair- bur ) ' lett for Phllndolphla and Wash. Ington , where be gocs tOl' his tathor , l ' . M. Rain , cltr councilman , who , with about sixty ethers , have Callon heir to so\'eral million dollars , whIch Is soon to be dl\'lded. ' 1'he rosldenco at Mr. 'Volcott , about twelve mlles northwest oC CcntrnJ Cltr , was destroyed by firA. Mr. Wol , cott was a\1'I\Y ' Cram homo o.t the time , I and no one bolng on the promises but hIs wIfe , the building and contcntf SOOll became a total loss. Damagt was done to the extent ot over $2,000 - A FRANK CTATEMEN From a Prominent Fraternal Man of Rolla , Missouri. . . Juatlco of the Peace A. 1\t , LIght , of Holln , 1\10" 1\Iajor , Uniformed Hanle , KnIghts of Pythlas , T h I r d Battalion , Second Heglmcnt , 1\lIssourt BrIgade , sars : "lllm pleased to endorse the use of Doan's KIdney Pills ; u medIcIne ot great merit. HavIng - , . Ing had IJersonal experience - perience with mnny Idc1ney medlelnea , 1 am In 0. position to Imow whereof 1 speak , and am pleased to add my endorsement and to recommend theIr uso. " Sold by all dealers. liO cents 0. box. Foster-MIlburn Co. , Duffalp , N./Y. Her Pointed Retort. When Ule old lady put her head out ef the wIndow and InquIred ot the young railway porter what the train was stoppln for the young man thought he would have a lIttle tun at the old Indy's oxpense. "Engine was out late last night , mo.'am , ' he remarked with n smile , "so , she's got 0. tl1lrst on ber this morning ; they'ro givIng 'er a drop 0' wine. " "Ah ! It's water , ' saId the old lady. "U you'll walt a mlnutte , ma'am , ' he grinned , "I'll Inqulro whether they're glvln' her port wIne. " "Never mind , ' came the answer , "don't you trouble , young man. 1 thought perhaps by the way we've been getting along ahe was run on lee gln-London ! Tit-Bits. The Goat Comes First. Switzerland is the only country In the world where tle } goat Is plnced ahead of all other animals , and even of human beings. It n boy plagues 0. goat he can be fined and sent to jail , If a person meets a goat on a path , and drives him aslc1e he can bo arrest- ed. ed.It It a goat enters the ynrd of a person not his owner and Is hIt with club or stone the person guilty of the olTence must pay 30 cents. If a railroad traIn sees 0. goat on the track the traIn must 11alt until the anImal can be coaxed to remove himself. There's many a boy In AmerIca who wishes ho were a goat In Switzerland. Dy foowlng ] ] the directions , which are plainly printed on each paclmge of Defiance Starch , Men's Collars and CulTs cnn be made just as stiff as de. sired , with eIther gloss or domestic finIsh. Try It , 16 oz. Cor 10c , sold by all good grocers. Not Comfortable. "I'm going otI Into the mountaIns this summer and get close to the heart ot nature , " said the dreamy girl. "lance went off Into the mountaIns to get close to the heart of nature. " saId Uie tt1atter-of-fact man. "I sought the woods and lay down close to her throbbing bosom. Dut 1 found she was tull of red bugs and other penetrating Insects. So 1 arose and gloomily sought the artltlclal city. " Tl1at nn artlclo may be good as well as cheap , and give entire satlsCactlon , Is proven by the extraordinary sale oC Defiance Starch , each package can. talnlng one-thIrd more Starch thnn can bo had of any. other brand for the Barno money. Quite the Contrary. . "Borus , I haven't hnd tlmo ) 'et to read that last novel of yours. How dId It end-happll ' ? " "No , Nnggus ; It ended traglca ] ] ' . The total sales were 17 cOlles. " The greatest chuse of worry on Ironing day can be removed by using Definnco Starch , which will not stlclt to the Iron. Sold everywhere , 16 oz. for 10c. WIse men mIss 0. lot of real pleasure because they are not foolish. - - - - - - - THE DAY OF THE FARMER. Occupation Properly Recognized all \ . One of the Professions. The farmer who Is not an amateur Is a really IncreasIng factor In to- dn "s UCo. In fnct , farmIng Is ralldly becomIng ono oC the professIons. W have our ngrlcultural schools , just as we have our Inw schools. It Is getting to be n. business as well. I < armers lutvo their trusts , llko other manufacturers. It Is a far cry trom the New England - ' land fnrmer , tryIng to arrange an exploded - ' ploded granltQ quarry Into 0. &tono. wa ] ] that he may have room In whIch , to plant his crop , and that master ot capital , scIence , and black earth ten feet deep who plows with 0. traction englno and reaps with 0. tou horso. team. And between these two types. oC farmers the drift is steadily toward the latter. The comic paper docs not laugh at. the "granger" as frequently as It used to laugh. It wants his subscrIption. The capitalist does not foreclose mortgages on the prairie farm now. He borrows mone , . of Its owner. .And , what Is vastly moro impor" . . . tant , .the entlro country looks with 0. . : respect bordering upon approhenslon 1.T on thIs new t 'pe of AmerIcan who. has decided vlO\vs on railroads , trusts , and , in fact , on every subject , from the "green bug" to the lecturer at hIs. Chautauqua. This rise of the farmer" Into national sIgnIficance is welcome In vIew of the Inundation oC great I clUes by ImmIgrants who have sIgnificance - nificance only en masse. The fo.rm Is the nursery at indivId- ualism. It you are 0. elltI dweller In the city send your boy th ro thIs sum- mer. nnd let him see what It means to. create wealth with the help of nature rather than with the tlclOr. You will help mnlO 111m a belter Amerlcan.- The World To-day 1\Iagazlne. Courtesy at Home. , Wo are nll creatures of habit , men and women alike , and the habits and surroundIngs or dally me have 0. powerful Infiuonco on the character at bOU1. The root of all bad manners Is selfishnesswhen ; self ever Is first , foremost - most consideration ( or others always lags much In the rear , and drops so far behind In time that It cllsappears : altogethcz. "One cannot keep up the ceremony and etlquetto of socIety when at home. " True , for between frlonds these can bo laid aside. They merely are t.ho rivets that kcop so. clety together , but not courtesy and consideration. The latter ought to be so much the habit with each of us that It will become our second nature , and therefore can be no moro laid asIde than can an arm or a leg. Another Brand. "I sUJ,1pose you realize the danger of firewater ? " said the man who tries to benefit people. " 1 do , " answered the IndIan , thoughtfully ; "especIally the kind the paleface puts In his automobile. " Only 0. slmplo man tries to act unnecessarily - necessarily strenuous. / I ewis' Single Binder straight fie cigar made of rich , mellow tobacco. Your deal. er or Lewis' Factory , Peoria , Ill. Men enjoy doing anything they don't 110.ve to do for 0. living. i I WHEN YOll buy oatmeal # always buy QUkerOats , It's the best oatmeal made . and' in - ; ' , the t\ven y-f ve cent family package you get a beautiful piece of American - ; - . , , ican china. There is a nice assortment - ment of cups and sa-ucers , plates , bowls , etc. It's easy to furnish your table this way. 1 e Quaker Oats (9mpany CHICAGO , QaakerWI\eat Berries in the newest : thing in cereal foods-delicious. Buy \ . a package today. Two quarts top. I . , . . . . . . . '