. . . . . , - . . . . . . . . - . . . . - - - , - - . DR. CHRISTtNSON. : Throat EyeEarNose , and Chronic Diseases. Fittint ; of nlasses. Oft ce Hl l ealty block. . - - - FRAN& & < KELSEY , AI.L KINDS OF WELLS Consult him If you want Wator' . Phone 112 , - BrolCn Bow. . - - - ' - - - - - . - - - _ _ , r---/v- / A. AHMOUl , J.A. Attorney at Law. Drokon Dow.'Nobr. Havlnll' JUllt hn,1 el"ht YOMII practical cxp r rcnce nil COllnty JndlCo. wlllll'lvc IIpec\1 ! nttell tll/nlo Ihe drnwllur nll,1 I.rohatlllll' of wills nnd the nclmlnilltratiulluf r. lnteR of deccaRcct Ier. ! lonll nn" mlnou. Write or l/holln nle. 1 nlay uve you 1/ trill , , . - - - - - U. OONHAD , O.U. . . . lIolll r 11\ [ 'um"I , WInd. Ml11f , T"nk . I"ltttnl ( ' , On ollnf O : ItIIltII ) , oto. I'te. IIrokon IInw , NIh" ' k . , _ _ _ _ 0. . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - r - ; ; N ; : ; ; ; i = ; = l . RAS ANDERSON 'I i CRAIN-D ND- COAL , I. Feed in larg and small quantities at both wholesale and retail. Special attention. given to filing ! orders for coal 8 it lU any quantity. 8 : : : ; ; j ! ; .r.r.r.r.r . . : : I SNYDER BROS. & Co. . } .D , & W. COLTJARS. PE'l'ERS SHOES. We are now about ready for I SPRINC , BUSINESS having cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchancHse. New goods are now arriving daily and our many lines will soon be cOll1plete. When you are loking' for GOOa. Va1ues and Honset Prices the year 'round in dry g ods , clothing , hats caps , shoes , rugs. carpets. ll1attings , lineoleltll1s. notions , etc. , don't faU' to look iour lines over. CRl'rERION CLOTHING. HUN'rER OVERALT . : , ' iM f . [ . ; . . : . 1'j ? ! : : t , .tJ.l ! " . . , ' : . . tJ : ' f : . : I ; r."I.l J/t" " ' ; :7P. : , : r ; : : . t ' " ' . ; r ; . : , ; r..i : . : ' : 1m " 'f' ' > .11Ji : 1 ; m 11fJc'y' ; ; : m : : jJi.lJ ! : 'fjiY : ifji1 : i ! ! J : : ; iif.'g.JL.J.tie'R : ! . : ; i Whe.n desiring to figure on a bill rf , " \ 1I'.1i"i : - " 0 f L umber ca 11 on the. . . . . . . . . . il ! ( l-ri ' : , . . ! , iY C . L . T uroer L urn b er C o. i ; I We carry a full stock Cf ? Lumber. ; rt Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc. fi ; , U . : , Ag.en s for the Nebraska en ral Vij Bmld1ng & Loau Assocmtton' . t.t/.Ii / , : " : . ' . ) V'f' . ' ; . , : ' . . " . . f' . , , ' . ' " : t' ' . ' . . . } . ' . " " , .n""f1Zt' ! r..I.J'fJi. - . . : : . . . . . .l'i/r ' : ' : . . . . ' t'.f ' . . . . . w. : < r'IIl ; ; ' : ' ! , i \ : ; Xtl ! moJifi : ! : iIi' Jji : : ; li J : ; Ji-ti--ii'MJ.liif.YWlli : { : ; : : .u : : ; iiif. m ; : : l _ J , - . . - 1\ YOlJ CAN \ SAVE MONEY \ . here by purchasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W'- ' " " ' " .IIII1..I1..III..J."I"11""III""II" " ' "III'"I"III""III""I""III' ' ' ' ' ' ' " , Paints . , Oils , ' I I lIardwar , . FurU1tur , . iii . I , Flour , Feed I. . and Seed. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . , , , , , ! \ ' ' " " ' " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " " " 1I.1I1I1I1II1I1II1I"IIIUIIIII.III1.IIm J. . . . .W. S COT T . III South SidelSquare , Broken Bow. _ - r. , , . L. , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Send ' your Abstract Orders to J. G. LEONARD , : Bonded Abstracter . Office In Security State Bank "B'ld'ng 17 , . .11 _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - ffi- ) s Defore You Build , Consult : I eo. : Papin.e : ' 1.I. : , I Contractor and Builder. Estimates , Furnished free with plans and specifications. I - _ . _ _ = = - - - @ . -c "l. ( , Ul U - - o. - vvac : > an. . - - Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON. ' At the OLD STAN D. Real Estate. City Lots and Property boug t and sold. Farms r nted. 'l'axes paid for non-residcnts. Will buy some good paper : Call and : ! ee me. i c. - vvE3ovvry : : , an. \ . . . ' i . . . - . . . . - Ancient Echoes or , Whose Fault Was It ? Wrlttcn for Ihc HIIPUI'LICAN \Iv \ M. O. MonlR'olllerv , - - Contlnue.1 frol11 Iallt Weck CllAl"l'HH v. When we arrived at 'l'opelca the citi.ens : informed Uft that the Border l u ians were aga in nfarching up the Kaw or Kansas river tu destroy 14awrrnce , and we only remaincd over nwh t anti started again at sunrise to , reinforce - force thc few who were preparing to defend that city. , When we were a few miles 011 our way we ame upon a sceuc that almost curdled our blood. There , a crippled man who had come from the states with hlq wife , had squatted on a claim and had bUllt a small house and ' stable. 'rhe ruffians- raided his house the ev.ening before we arrived , took from his bed where he was confined with rheumatism , dragged him out on the porch and shot him , mutilating him before his wife by cutting off : his nose , ears amI hands. They . then took his. horses ftnd left. Righ t there and then we began to rea1i.e : that we had run square aJainst a proposition so stern that nothing would solve it but blood , aiid the spring and summer - mer of 1856 proved that we were correct , for the soil was drmched in human blood and the state gained the app llation of bleed- lUg Kans s. J passed through several battles. li"ranklin , Wil- son's Creek , Titus Fort , Baker Creek and others in which war was waged in all its fury. It only lacked in number when compared - pared to battles in the Civil war. In the midst 01 this bloody strife came another presidential election. Joh11 C. Fremont was chosen as the republican standard bearer , while Bucannan was the nominee of the democrat party. Freemont was defeated but the republicans gained both in the house and secate. At this election I had the honor o casting my first republican vote. The overwhelming republican vote in the north astonished the south. Ii"or the first time in the history of the United States , an I anti-slavery ca.Jdidate had not only gained an elective vote , but had almost gained the presidenc ) ' . The democrats had failed to carry the majority of the popular vote and only a majority of the electoral vote had gained for them the victory. In the north a spirit of earnestness - ness nd enthusiasm was spreading - ing and the scattered furces Qegan to unite , which alarmed the I south , who , seeing the , slavery I party's power wanning gathered its forces for the great struggle which they felt was inevitable. It 'became ' more aggressi ve than ever. 'rhe African slave trade which was prohibited in 1808 was again opened , m ny northerrt ships engaging in this traffic and thousands of slaVES were lauded on the southern cOast and purchased - chased by southern planters. Thus the south tried to strengthen their waning power.I I And how could that belp them ? 'Way back in 1790 a clause was added to the Constitution recognizing - nizing the slaves as being counted - ed as population , and three vo es were allowed the owner fur five slaves. This increastd the power of the south in all matters of national legislation. And on the hea.d of this came the Dred Scott decision which was rendered by Chief Justice Tanevand which declared t at slaves were property and subject I to the protection of government I the same as other property. The , north would not sanction such Ia decision , for the slave had been declared human by the constitution - tion , and the government was in duty bound to protect his freedom - dom , its duty being to protect \ liberty as well as property , I The ground taken by the republican - publican party gave the Sf-uth an advantage which they were not slow to seize. They declared that as the decision had been I . rendered bV the highest judIcial authority in the United States I and as the republicans had re : . fused to accept its .rulings , no matter what the result , the republican - publican party must accept the responsi bilHy. At this time the no'rthern democrats who had heretofore voted with the south now refused to follow them farther and thus was the party divided. There had never been an u risiug of the slaves , but at 1111S time there were 4,000,000 slaves and 250 , OO free blacks. These now began to QC looked upon as a great source of danger , for John Brown who had settled in Kansas down on the Ossawattomie creek and who was trying to make a home , - 'Iq i-'W.- r. " . . . . . in 1856 , the border ruffians , made a raid on him in the night , ldlling' one of his SCJltS and cap uring another and after burning ; 111 his buildings , they left carrying their prisoners with them to Arkansas and forced him to work with thcir slaves , john Brown saved himself by running ilmid a shower of bullets to the trcck. Coming to the surface of the water uuder thc overhanging sod where he remained for hours , 0 : ' I until the ru ians had accomplished - , plished their fiendish work and I dcparted. A few days' later he' ' arrived at Lawrence almost' ' destitute of clothes. In perpetrating - petrating this act of uncalled for licndishness , they stirred up the wrath of one , thoug.h one of the mildest of men , who was destined to become a foe not to be despised - pised and one who sent a sbock o ( aprehension though the south that had never before been faIt , and although his capture of Harper's Ferry was a.hair-bra.ined undertaking which could but end in fallure , it gave the south a sudder to think wh lt might hav been. All remember the capture , trial and cxecution of John llrOW11 How Governor Wise of Virginia , hung him , or consented to bis hanging , for 'l'reason , the very , same offense of which the Governor was .guilty but two or three years atter. John Brown was hung but Lis soul w nt morching on. In July 1856 tbe citizens of Kansas met again in convention and by a majodty pf over 4,000 forever excluded slavery. Of t hose strenuous times I ha ve no more to say. In 1860 our beloved -and martyred pr siden't , Abraham Lincoln , was elected , the south declared war , and thus we were plunged in bloody strife. Such as the world had never before witn'essed. I close by asking , Whose fault was it ? M. G. oN'rG01\mRY. Qf-c.f. \ . < < 'A rc The Advo I fi c. estaurant E. STOUT , Prop. U fi - - H First-class in Every Respect. Short Orders , C"r"1 S Lunch Counter in Connection. - - - - - Our Pies Are Unexcelle . I ' . l'i 'fry onc-or JUore. ; f&OOO-Q : : : : : : - &J : J" . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - r . . - . July Specials : Good Chances Eastward : Many low round trip rates to eastern resorts during July. Jamestown Exp sition tick. ets incluc'e New York and sea shore resorts with. va.ri. able routes ; excursions to Saratoga , Philadtlpha , northern Michigan , Canacla and St. Lawrence H.iver re" sorts , Niagara F lls and Boston. Consult Agent : H to making use of these excursion - sion rates for your easterl1 trip. . Low Rates Westwa rd : Dunng- lly , low round' tri f. rates to Pacific Coast , Sal1 Francisco , Portland , Seattlel etc. , Yellowstone Park , Sal1 Lake , Colorado resorts , Big Horn Basin , Black Hills , Sheridan and Spokane. Con. sult Agent. Big Horn . . Basin and Billings , Distriot : 'We personally conduct hmc , ' . ' seekers' excursions on ( first aml third Tuesdays 01 each month to these locali. ties to assist yon to secun tin irrigated lands at lo"v cost. Write D. Clem Deaver , ' General'Agent Land Seekers Information Bureau. Halj rates with maximum of $2 ( from Nebraska ; homeseekers excursions west , northwes1 and southwest. Call or Write for Details. H. L. ORMSUY , Ticket Agcnt , L. W.V AKIU.ItY , G. P. A. Omaha , Nebraska. , _ " - - - - C"-- C"I I _ . . . . - " - - ' ' . -r"1 'r. i -I If Y o.ij Want Ito I I to buy good posts t ke a look at our stock , 2x-1- Oak , Catu1fur , Western H. C. I Splits , Whit , : Cedar. Also a full line of Shingles - les , Windows and Doors and everytl ing in" the builders line. Paving brick for side- walks. Dierks .lurn'bet & Coal Co , ' , Phone 23. ' - - - Lath Cement Shingles Lime Flooring Plaster Ceeling 8ash Dimension Doors . Posts Coal Siding , . Everything first-class. Come and see us. H. T. BRUCE & OQ. . . South side. , . . . . . . . . . . HARRY KIMBALL , Practical Undertaker Licnsed Embalmer Business phone , 301. Residence 334B nrgkoll ZSow , Neb. . DR. C. B. JOB , Physician and Surgeon Office and resi ence oppo9ite U. n. church. . . - , , Legal Notices. NO'l'ICE OF PETITION. . Estate of Edward F. Palmer , deceased. in County Court of Custer County. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska , To aU persons in. terested In saId estate , take notice , that a IJetltlon haR been lIled for the appoIntment of John . Palmer as adminIstrator oflaid estate , which has been set for hearing here. in. on August 7th , 1007 , at 100'ciock a. m. Dated July 17. 1007. [ MEAL ] A. H. HUMI'IIUEY , COijnty Judge. July It-tt ! , NOTICE TO NON.HESlDENT DE. FENDAN'l'S , To Mrs. A. L. Carson , wIdow , first name un. known ; Mrs. Walter Carson , widow , Ilrst name unknown ; the minor children of Mr/i. / \Valter Carson , whose names are unknown ; Miss Myra Carson , single ; the unknown heirs of A. L. Carson , deceasedfull name 'mknown and the unknown heIrs ofValter Carson , deccased : I You and each of you will take notice that on the 11th day of.JulyIOO7 , Kingman & Company , filed a petition. by thelr'attorney , agaInst ) 'ou and each of you In the DIstrIct Court of Custer county"Nebr. , the object and prayer of which hi to cancel two certain l mortgages as follows , to-wIt : One for the sum of One 'l'housal1l1 ( IOOO.UO ) Dollars dated ; March 1st , 1888. given by Gustavus JoV. Wilde ami wife to the I.ombard Investment Co. , . recorded In ook 20. at page 231 of the He- cords of Custer county. Also a certain mort. I gage for the sum Of One Hundred ( IOO.UO ) Dollars llated January 16th , 1t\H ! , given by Gustavus W.Vllde , wIdower , to the provl. dent 'l'nlst Co. , and recorded In ook 51 , at Page 237 , of the Hecords of Custer county. 1I0th of saId mortgages secured on the north. east quarter ( nc ) of section four (4) ( ) , township - ship nIneteen (1\1) ( ) range eighteen ( It ! ) , Custer county , Nebrallka. . SaId mortgagell were assigned to A. n. Cal'llon , former manager of the saId ICing. man & , at theIr branch onlce In the cIty of Oma \ ta , State of Nebraska , That said mortgagell were aSlllgned to saId A. I..Carson In the usual course of business for and in behalf of said lJngman & Company. 1 SaId A. L. Carson being now deceascd , said . IJngman & Company prays for a llecree of thelCourt , I1I1I1Ing salct mortgages were purchased - chased by the said A. L. Carson t'or KIngman & company. 'l'hat In takIng the said assIgn. ment In hIs own name , he acted for saId Klugman & Company alllinot in hIs own be. half. 'l'hat said mortgages may be cancelled of reconl and the title of said land quIeted ill said ICingman & Company. You are requIred to answer this petition on . or 1.Icfore tll tllliay of August , 1001. Dated July 11 1007. ' KINGMAN & CQ)1I'ANY. ByVn.LIB CADWEI.L , 'l'helr Attorney. Attest , OEO. 11. MAIn. ( BJAL ] . I irllt lJUb July U-tt , NO'l'ICE OF PHO ATE 01 , ' WILL. 'FilE S'I'ATE Olr NEUUABICAlBB CUBTElt COUNTY. r' ' 1'0 aU the Devlaees and Legatees , and all pertions Inlerested In the Eslate of James M , Cahlwell , Decealled. - Whereas , Uobert . 1Iolden , ohald Count ) . , hall filed In my oalce an Instrument purport , Ing to be the last Will and 'l'estament 01 James M. Caldwell , deceallcd , late of lIalc ] county , and a petition IJraying to have th same : uhuttell ! to probate. whIch Will relate ! to boUI real and I/ersonal estate. wltt'reUpol1 I have aI/pointed the : :11th da ) ' of July , 1007 , al D o'clock In the fonlloon , at my onIce in ! laId , county , all the time and plac you and al : concerned may aPIJear and contcst the pro 1.Iate of the same. In 'l'estlmony Whereof , I have hereunto sel my hahd and anIxed my orocial seal , thll . 6tb day of JulY , 1001. . IBlIl.AL ) A. n. nUlll'UIUCT , County Judge. II .v'irat pub July 11-3t I --q- : - r r . - - - ! ! ! SUMMONS BY PU LICA'rION. In DI.trlct Court of Cu.ler County. NebrUka Wllbelmlne C. Abrendl , PlaIntiff. VII. \ Tlte Lombard Iuvelllment Comp. RUY. a Cllr Oratl n , and 1I1r" , I 1 llen A. Sleven8 , DefendantR. ' 1'ho Lombard InveRtment 'Company a cor. poratlon , and Mrs. Etlen A. Slevell8. w111 tnke . notice 111\1 : au tlto 241h day of Juue. 1901 Wilhelm ne C. Altrcndt , plalntlfl' hereln filcd I Iter petition In tbe Dlslrlct Court of 'usler County. NebraRka , agalnllt tbe Lombard In. ' veslment Company , a corporation. nnd Mr . I Ellen A. Slevens , the object and pratcr of J whlcb arc to IIave a cerlaln 1II0rtgRrre dteil up. ! on tbe followlug dellcrlbed real eslate sltuato ' In CUlltcr County , Nebraska , to-wit : RW" se , I' 8C IIW and Ys of w or section 13 , towU8hlp 1 IS , N , of ranR'e 23 , west of 6th IJ. 1\1. . execuled ) and detlvcrcd by George A. Luck nnd Alml a ' Luck qn or about 'ebruary 7111 , 1889. to the Lombard Invelltmcnt Company and by them aS81rned ! to Mr . Ellen A. Sleveu , to ecure the Rum of $6.50.ro duo and payable February l l , 1894 , bearlull' Intere t at the ralo of 6 per cent per annum , payable seml.nnnuatly , lovl. denced by 10 Interest \1otell , the first of which wa9 In tbe um of $ IR.85 and each romnlnlng one In tbo lIum of $1'1.50 nnd duly recordcd on tile 13th dav of February , 11i8 ? lu book 26 , ou I palle 471. or tbo mortll'all'o recordll of ald Cuslcr , couuty. be ca\1cetled a\1d dlscharll'cd of record , . aud that the cloud on plalutlff'9 title to said real estate by of lIald ' reason mortlrall'o bo ro- Il\oved\ for the rea on that plal\1t1ff Is the : owucr \ n fee "Imple to said rcal eslato and I that more than tcn ear9 have elnpserl since I the due dale of saId morlll'ale and of cAch and atl um gecurcd thcreby and that 9ald mort. Ifall'e and allintere t thercon baR bcen paid lu full and for 9ucll olher and further relief a9 may be Just and equitable. You nre required to nnswer said petition 'on or before the Slh day of AUl'ust , 19\17. \VILIIRLMINE C. AURENDT. Dy SIMON CAIIIRRON , Attorney , _ Flrllt lIub Juno 27-4t , . NOTICE TO CREDlTOHS. County Court , CUllter County , Nebraska. The credltorll of the estate of Arthur D. I Bangs , deceased. . Take notice , that I wlU sit at the Count..v Court room , In Droken Dow , In said county , I on the 5th day of August , 1\101 , and on me 6th day of January , IIMI each at 10 o'clock a. I m. of each day , to rece { v and examIne all claIms against said estate , with a view to theIr adjustment and allowance ; and that I on the Ilrst date above the IJl'tltlons ofvldow : wlU 1.Ie heard fet homestead , excmptlons. al. I lowance and other Statutory rIghts and also \ her petition to have sale of personal property I approvell where same was made b ) ' her I prior to appolntmcnt as admInIstratrix. t 'I'he time limIted for the presentation of ( claIms against Id estate Is six months from the lith day of'July , 1001 , and the time llmlted for payment of Ilebtsis one year from saId date. Dated July 3 , 1007. IBEAL ] A. H. I1UAll'UUUY , Count ) . Judge. "irst lJUb July 4-tt I . HOAD .NOTIOE. ' 1'0 whom it ma concern : \ The CommlssConer appoInted to view and If deemed for the public good to locate a road petitioned for by Albert I\eeb \ , et aI , com. \ men.lng at the southeast corner of section - 32. townshIp 18. range 10 , and running thcnce north on the section llne to wIthIn about 15 I rods of the northeast corner of said scctlon 32. _ , If It Is found upon examination that the I section line Is an Impractical place fora road j then as near on the section line as possl1.l1e , road to be 40 ft. vlde , has reported In favor . of the esta1.lllshment thereof , and all obje . tlons Ulerl'to : , or r.lalms for damages , must be filed In the county clerk'lI onIce on or before I noon of the 12th day of September , 1001 , or ' such road wlU be established without reference - , ence thereto. In Witnesll Whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and seal ofsaid county , thIs 11th day of JUIYI007. , Jos. PlOAlAN. [ BEAL ) County Clerk. 1'lrst pu1.l July lI-tt ROAD NOTICE. To whom It may concern : . The County Doard of SupervIsors , did at theIr mectlng on July lItb , 1001 , upon the petition of 'l'om Smith , et aI , declare the followIng section line to be1 pUbllc hIghway , ' to.wlt : . Commencing at.the southeast corner of the sw of the se of section 33 , townshIp 16 , range 22 , and running hence east on the townshIp llne one quarter mile , to the southeast - east corner of said section 33 , thence north on the section Une one quarter mile , more or less , to connect with public road No. 480 , and all oblectlons thereto , or claIms for damages \ mustJJe tiled In the county clerk'lI onlce on , or before noon of the : ) Gth day of September , ! 1001 , or such roadj wlU be establlshed wIthout . reference thcreto. In wltnellVhereof , I have hereunto Bet my hand and seal of lIald : county , thill18th day of JUI , 1001. JOB , PlOMAN , )8EAr ) , . County Clerk. Dy' . H. OSUORNE. Ju. , Deputy. Pirst pub July 18-tt NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT , j All person Iblerestcd In the ealate of Frank I M. Whitney. deceased , will lake notice that C. t T. Leecl. admlnl lrator , has flied hl9 final ac. , count and petition for settlement of the estate ! of said deceased , In the County Court of Custer . , couuty. Nebraska , and In whIch petltlou It ap. pears that all the I.roperty. morllfalled aud ! otherwise. have bcen sold by motttratrees or admlnl9lralor. tbat the exemptions and Statu. , tory rllht9 of the widow have been allowed , \ and that thcre Is no property or money to pay I any otller debl9 and clalm9 all'alnst 9ald estate. Hearlutr on said matter has been set for AUlI'ust 17th , 11107. at 10 o'clock a. m. whcn alllntcreBted partlcs w111 be heard. Dated July 12th , 1907. [ SBAL ) A. R. HUMPJlREY. Couuty Judlc. July 18-4t United Slates r.and Office , l Droken ow , Nc raBka , , Juue 14,1907. r NbtlC 19 hercby given that ALMSTED RICHARDSON. of Droken ow , has filed notice of hlB Inlentlon to makc final commuted proof In 9upport of his claim , vlz. homcstead entry No. 3374 , madl October 7 , 1903. for the - ne ne sectlou 7 , township 17 N. , ranll' : :0 Woo and that said proof wll1 be made before Reilistcr and Rccelver at Broken Dow , Olt July : :11 : , 1907. lIe names the followln& ' w1tneQSe9 10 . prove hl9 conllnuou9 resldcnce upon and cultl. vatlon of , thu land , vlz : Robert A. lIunler , ' of Broken ow Nebraska ; Ralph J0l1080U , of Droken Dow , NebraBkn ; John Richardson ; of Brokcn Dow. NebraB..aVllIlam ; Roau , of rokeu ow , Nebraska. Nebraska.JOliN JOliN RER8R , neirlster. Jo'irst pub Juuc 2O-6t SUMMONS DY PUDI.ICNI'ION. In DIstrict Court , Custer County , Nebrallka. Lymnan N. Pierce , PlaIntiff. VII. Levillambleton , Trujtee , and the Central Iowa Loan & 'l'rust Co. , a corporation , Defendants. ' ' and the Central Levlllambleton , 'I'rulltee , Iowa Loan & 'l'rust Co , wll1 take notice that i on tbe 11th ( lay of Jul ,1001 , L man N. pierce , plaIntiff hereIn , tiled 111s petitIon In the Dill' , trict Court of Custer County , Nebraska , 'l'rustee and the agaInst Levi Hambleton , , Central Iowa Loan & 'l'rust Co. , a corpora. I tlon , the o1.lject and prayer of whIch are to quiet and conllrm plaIntiff title In fee IIlmple to the followIng descrIbed real estate , sltuatc In Custer county , Nebrallka , Itowlt : he ne of lIection 33 , township 16 , north of rane 25 , west of 6th P. 11"01' tile reallotthat'Tn d ed of N. C. 'l'owne and -'l'own to lIald LevI I1ambleton. 'I'rustee. dated about Janu- arv 10. 18\13. and recordcd May SO , 1893 , . II , - - - " U ok : ' ' 1 , Page 132 , of the Deed records of salll ' ' county. Bald deel faUs to sbow the natur and pUI'lJolle of said trust anlIn \ the deed of lIald Hambleton , trustee , to plaintiff : datcd about AIJrll 1st. 1893 , and on April 21th , 18\)3 \ , recorde In book 41 , on page 500 , of the Dee records of Isald county , lIald deed falls to IIhow the nature and 'purpose of said trust. Plalntlff'alleges said trullt wall' fUll ) ' per. formed and saId trustee had la wful authorIty to con vey saId real estate to hIm In fee simple. PlaIntiff I1lleges Ulat through self and grantors he hall owned and OCCUllle(1 saId la\1l1 for more tban ten yeai'll last l/allt' and . ha l claImed a.nd exercl8cd open , notorious and ad verse IJOSseslllon In and to the same : PlaIntiff a8ks tbat the cloud on hIli title to said real estatlf' be removed , that the title. In I fee 111m pIe be quIeted and contlrmed In hIm and for such other and further relief all may . 1.Ie just and cqulta1.lle. . Defendants wlll take notice that on August r OOth. 1001 , he wlll take. delJOsltlons of A. I . , N. l Hambleton , witness , to 1.Ie utied'as evidence ! In the trIal of the above.entltled caulle at the I onlce of J. D. Uolton , a Notary Publlc , In L Ollkaloolla , county of Mahaska , IItate of IowaJ between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m , 01 I /laId day and the takIng of saId c1eposltlbnll I will be adjourned from day to day between . the samc'hourll until completed. You are required to answers saId petition ou or before the lOth 4ay ofugust , 1007. I Dated J ly II , 1001. n'.J LYt4N N . 4 nmcr - : : , , . Dy SIll0N C 1JCI10N , Attorney , -Fir1lt pub July lI-tt