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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1907)
' " - ' " " " " : " / ' " " . ' . \W'r \ ; ' . - . - , . . . ' " , . - , ? ( , . . - . . ' I . - , . , ; ' . ' USTER , ( ) OUNTY , . EP V'B'LICAN. , . VOL. XXVI. BROKEN \ BOW , CUSTER COUNTY - _ _ _ _ _ _ n , _ _ NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 25 , 1907. NO.7. j - ' , .lt . C.K t , 'I . . , - . , - _ . . i : You have. an old clock on 8 , , , I 'oor shelf or stowed away I I tn some dark g-arret , that hasn't ticked the time of day or nigh t for 'many 1f r moons. . . ' It may have good works " that oniy need a little oil and brushing to make it just the thing for a kitchen clock. I Use the 'phone or drop a postal card aLd I will send for it. j If there is any life left in your old clock I'll revive it and bring It home in good t 'order ' , at trival expense. ' I' ' _ , - , iiii i i ii ii ii : If' W ; S . ummer tII t \II Drug . Slore . w \II ; S. tw : tII t \II TIlc proof of good scrvicc is thc Summer timc..The : Good old \Ii " If' Summcr timc. I \II to wIi \Ii ; It's easy enough to be ; courteous and pleasant and obliging when the . weather man has. brought ; cool refreshing breezes near ; the freezing point. If' . \II Come to Baisch's Drug ; Store , and be surprised. : We will be just as courteous : t and pleasant as when the ; weather was cool. We hope y u are'al ways satisfied : t with our service. \II IIII \II ' " J. S. & J. F. BAISCH If' \II . \ IIII m DRUGGISTS.II If' W ; Broken Bow , - - ' Ne . . m ' . irE-Eo E'1r.E : EE-.E ' : rrE-E ; 1r.E-E' E-e. , " - ' "r.JI'"j'l"iII"'I . : , ' : : ' IW" , ' "Ir.i"'iij . . ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' "IIIf:1J1''IJToi'I''IIIPII'1I1'1"'r.1Il''iijI'lII''W' , , ! . : . ' ' ! ! ' ' ' , ' , , , ' , ' ] : ' , , . ' , ' , ' Ti'uarnr.r.r.m. ' ; : ; ; : : , , , . ; : . "I " t' " ! lJlh"I1IIJJ'"IIIiU"'iJUJlb : ! ' ! ! ' utIIuIu.lJU"'uIll"'I.IJU"'I1IiJ.lhIJu"IIIJ'IJr"cI1i : ! : ! ! ! ! ! ' ! : ! : ! " ! : ! ' : : ! 'ulJl"II.iJutII'IIIJ ' ! ! ! : : ' ' ' ! : } j 4J B I J . . and Repairs. , : , , , ! f"1 ! ay , Sweeps" and StackeI s , t ! Now is the time t ] o k up A ' ( R P R E 'I S ; your lower and , lnder . ' H \ ' - . . , , DEERING . ' ' . f n. , - . ) . . . ' PLANO , \ 1 I . ACME , 1" , ' - ' 1 MILWAUKEE - t . I ! : . ' ' Befo purchasing see our Deering Side Delivery - } ! - _ livery H.ay Stacker. . 1'his is something new. ( i and will please you. 'vVe have a great line of ; . I E ) , 18Y ] ; sweeps. See them } , . . ] [ ' - ' rJ- -'iJ - J,1 . 3 G. W. .A PI ) ] . .E. ) ( < 8 t\ \ . ' . : ' ' ' ; ' ' ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' , . ; ; ' ' . : ' ' ' " . : ! : ' ' ; ! : ! ' " " " . : " ' .rrnrI""rrJ'1j'I'I"'r.rI1IIT.1r.1o. : : : ; ' ' ! . ' ' ' ' ' : : , ! Vfj ! , ' . ' . , , , r IJJI , & , . . . 1,1IIli""tllUIIIiJlI'U'lIItIIIi " : : ' ' , " ! " , , , , : : , , , , , , : : , , , , : ! , , " l.IJu"IIIJII'.I1IJIdw ! ! " ! ! ! , , , , : ' , , , , , ! , , : JJIi' : : : : ; , . . . . . . " " : ! ! ' " " : " " , , , ! : ! , , ' " \ . , I L : ' , I We I vvill I pay I high prices ' . for' Buttcr , j. Eggs , tc. July'27 , . ! to August.4 ' " " 1f _ . { ; ' , . 1 It. I . . i Fancv . .j " . . hickor , ' . . ' cured Bacon Hams Bolo na Beef Picnic Ii ams " . - July 27 , to August 4 . . 1. , i . HAu'rA'UQUA at Broken Bow July . 27 to AuA' . . 4 , 707 I Come , everyon . make your . headquarters at oltr store' , if you wi3h. ! ave Jour m il sent in our care. wraps. and vahses takel car of f of xp'n Ie to you. I - . , ' - ' ' . Gi'rJHhhson ! ! will be here' . . - . . " ' \ " "P Hed'h'"m , 5c . Corned bed , 15c , 25c. I Poltad chic1cen , 20c. . " I . Chip beef15c a can. Vealloafl 20c a can. Lobst rs , 301 : a can. . . Q1i vc , a bottl ( . > ; , pl.ain40c , 4Sc . and 70c. Olives , a bottle , stuffed , ISc . , Oc , ' 25 and SSc ; S I lmon , 121c , , ISc , 20c . and 25c a can. , Ovsters , ; 10 , 15c and-20c a can. Sardines , 5c ; 10c and fOc acan. Roston baked beans , IOc , 15c an.1 2tJc a can. Vienna sausage , 1.Oe and 15c a can. Kamo nut buttl r , 15 and : : ! 3c. . . - - - J Co Bowen . . I.urt , Old TR'IDI ( . .1" " , VI t'llor MARK Extra fancy Lemons Oranges Bannanas etc. , dur1ng the Chautauqua July 27 to - August 4. Extra fancy COFFEES Bowen's Winner lac pound . .Bear Rio _ 20c pound Hilbland Blend 25c pound . Kamo 30c pound , Manor House 3Sc pound July 27 to August 4 , . . Ed. McCormick Shot Himself. On Wednesday of last week , near Arcadia where he. and his ' 'family have bcen visiting the family of James Carmody , Ed. McCormick of this city accidently pulled the trigger of a rifle and sent a bullet through his foot. lIe and Mr. Carmody were out shooting at targets and Ed. .thought of something to say- which is very scldom with him- so he placed the muzzle of the rifle on his foot-its weight and his ta1le being tOll heavy to hold up at tbe same time-and in this position started his spicl to Mr. Carmodv. Suddenlv . there was a report from the -gun. and , also one from Ed. the latter being to the effcct that he had shot a hole in his foo't. Mr. Carmody cuuld hardly believe the statcmcnt and so expressed himself , whercupon McCormick removed his shoe and 'twas found the bullet had .gone clean through his foot an lodged in the sole of his shoe. While 'quite painful the wound is not deemed a necessarily fatal one and the chances for hiut having to I'pa s in his check" is not very encouraging-at the prcsent , writing. . - - - - A Disastrous Hail Storm. , Mnthew S. Harl , of Mullen , was a visitor in Broken Bow on Tucsday and reported the most disastrous hail storm on Monday evening , at about 7 o'clock , that had ever visitcd the vicinity of Mullen. He stated that after the storm hail stones were nearly u foot .dcep on the ground. Windows ou the north side of the buildings were nearly all brokcn and all vegetation was btaten into the earth. The hail only cxtended about two miles south of Mullen. A Historical Flag. Reposing in a case in the Smithsonian Institute , is the famous old flag which inspired F'ranci Scott Key to compose what IS now . .the American national 'hymr ' , "The Star Spangled Banner. " It is to re- u ain there for two years at least ? The historic banner is owned by El.i r 'Appleton " , of New York , and is about 20 by 30 feet in size. 'l'he flag vvas loaned to the government by Mr. Appleton through the personal solicitation , of Dr. Charles D. Walcott secretary - tary of. . the institution. Mr. Appleton came into possession of the flag'by in eritance. Its first owner , after it had waved in triumph over Fort McHenr during the bombardment of the fortifications by the British on the night of September 13 , 1814 , was Colonel Anasted , who. teak the llag down and carried it to his quarters after. the British fleet , bamed , had withdrawn. Later he gave it to his mother , ' vvho in turn passed it along to her grand-daughter. 'rhrough marriage , the flag passed into the possession of the Appleton family. I - . . Words of Commendation. Editor HXl'UDIICAN : 'fhe office of county aSRessor is the office coming closest to all the people an a man must he chosen. . , . , h has more than an ordinary knowledge of taxaIJle values , oue who will as strenu. ously and as cleanl y use same as has Mr. Haumont in cRtabligh- ing the regime of this cspedally important county omce. It will be remembered tl a-t Mr. M. H. Foster , of Victoria precinct - cinct , came to the county convention - vention which nOJninated Mr. Haumont. with superlative en. dorscments amI maIlY votes for the position , and it is wished by all thes influences that he now get into the race as a candidate before the people in their initiation - tion of the primary law. Mr. Fost r is a Custer county pioneer farmer and is favorably known ovcr the county as one of the "wheel horses" of republican zeal f.r the "g l.uare deal" an for clean politics. He is not a iJarty partizan and his stanllard - of equal privilege before the law and equal opportunity before the people to evcry man has been sc - evident that Victorijl precinct has never failed to elect him tc any office he would accept. lIe _ has had all the expcrience there as precinct assessor in boll successive elections and appoint , ments and the count ) ' could no' ' make a mistake in nominatin I and electing him to the countJ assessors omce. L t's do it. . VIC'l'OHIA I IUUnrilcAN. . - - . I . . ORDER DRUGS 'BY PHONE . . . . . Most pcoph don't kllow nllY morc nhont elrlls ! "C. ter thcy sce thelll thnn be. Core. CnllIS up hy 1 > hol\c alICl tcllIS ' hnll drugs ) ' 011 wnnt nnd we will dc. Ii\'cr thcm ill hnlf the tillle YO\1 could cOllie to the store. milt gchhelll , H\'crything will he sntisCnctory. We wiUmnke it 1'0. S , HI lEE , "The Busy Druggist" - - . . . . . Have you visited our Sodn Fountain today ? MARTHA K , DILL , INS TR U C TOR 0 F PIAN 0 . FOR T E . Clnsscs in Theory of MURic , IInrmony . and Kindergnrtcn. I. Pinno lessons oC 40 minutes , 50 cents i per le'sou , payahle monthly : In Gleim & Myers block. ' rokcn How , . . ' . Nchraskn , Vel ; us be you r pri u ter. { l'he good kind of priuting only. . _ _ _ - - - - . . . . . . . . - - - n - - - - - - - There , vill be a congregation of the world's greatest talent at the . JU.L27th . o ' ; , Chauta'uqua AUC. 4th Save $4.25 by Purchasing a Season icket. - - - DAYS OF ENT ERT AINMENT DAYS OF _ INTELLECTU Ar FEAST DAYS OF MORAL UPLIFT . - At Chautauqua July 27 , 28 , 29 , 30. DR. PIIH C BAIRD. Dr. Jhil C. Bllird is 11 1rat.clllsf , all nroUlJd Chnuta\llIla mAn. ' 1'0 heginith he remnrkably well cquippc.l Cllucl1tion- IIlly ; possessing the degrees oC Doctor of lJi\'iuity atlll Doctor of Philosophy , Hninl la of Scotch cxtracl ou and hils "II the wit , humor and poetic pancy oC the racc. lIe is n fine orator , ha\'ing II lIIelodious voicc , a comllla.ding prcscllcc atlllilmagnificcnt flow of langulIge , II ill lectures are unique'nnd original , nnel withlll , ha\'e IIn originnlity that dcmnIHIs thc close nttcntion oC his hcarcrs , - - - - = - ( I mm m m gm . \ COUNT YOUR. PAY : . # I . . It's hard earncd. Gct a dollar's worth for each of those dollars. I , You gave thal 111uch work for cache l uU value is certain at our drug store. Quality and accuracy in prescription worte. Mo(1 rate prices. I I 11l1Y ) 'our cig.lrs and tobacco , shaving goods , bath SU11- ! dries. toilet articles , rubber good , stationery , candy , sport- lug goocls , perfu111cs , soda , and things for the "Little 'rots" of , I ED , .MoCOMAS. I j O ell 011 SUlldn's Crom 8:30 : to IO.3Q n. III. only. I MZ mmm M m m m m mwmmmZ m M . . . _ , _ . _ . - : - - - . - - - - . . ' : " . ! _ . - - - - - . ' - - - - . - t1t"'tttt"t't't1"tt'ttttt'tt1t' " ' , , " ' ' " ' , ' ' "t'1ttt1't1t1t'tt' " ' ' ' ' t't1"'tt111t ' " ' - - I Sheppard & , Burk I - - - \ : : : : z ' E l ave so many fresh and scason ble goods in t.he 3 I E line of Groceries and Provisions that to publish :3 a list would require a whoie page in the 'paper. - - ' - = = ' 1'he best way for the patroniiing public to do is = = - - E to call , at the store or pholle for anything they' 3 ' - - I = = want , 'vVD lIAVE EVDUY''lIING and it is = = - . - - - all in the food class. ' : = pUlIO . , = = - - . : : : : : : : : : : : I . = II I = = I _ . Fruits n.d Fre h Vegeta bles ' ! = = - - - - - - - - Phone 125. ' .South Side Square ' 11111111111111111il11111111111111111'1111 ' 11111111111l1111illil11tl11111 . . _ _ - -.i : - - - - - - - - - " " . , ul\1SURPASSABLE , TALENT. ' [ 'he Ncw WC81eyans Male Quartcttc . T4. Ward Maillcy \ Baritone Dr. Pllil C. Baird Orator De\Vitt Miller PllltCorm Spcakcr lIon. Champ Clark . " Orator IIdcn f4a wrcnce 'l' Soprano Soluist Hichmond Pearsoll Hobson Congressman.Orlltor Dr. Jas. S. Montgomcry Lccturcr Gilbert glclTl ge Chnncter Impcrsonnt-Jr li'rank H. l obcrson Jccturer Minnie 'rhroop Eng-Ian < 1 Jecturcr J. li'ral11c Cavcny Artist IInel Impersonfltor Frank I4' J40velanc1 Jlumcrous Spcaker Opie Bead " 'Novelist American Vitagraph Co. Moving Picturcs Virginia JubHce Singers . , . At Chautauqua July 3I nnd August I. f . I DR. PRANK L , LOVELAND is wilely ( known in the west as n pupil and platform orator of the first rank. For ten years he has becn in constant dmanc1 for lcctures and addresses by patriotic , popular , fraternnl and religious socictics. lIe is a rccognized leader among the young people of lawn auel Nehra kl1 , In fraternnl circles he is 11 promincnt figure and prominent Frater. Rev , Lo'clanel will be with us for the first Sunday mortling ! : ermon nnd the aflrrnoon Sermon-Lecture : "Come and he will do you gooc1. " :12 : aJl _ _ ? Fit < ? Gr FI. A. . S 2 B 'I GET S AS N ICKETS NOW . 1 lotnl cost oC Chautauquatthout SCflsun 'Hckcl. . ' . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . $6 25 Totnl cost oC ChnntnuCul\ } with Scason Ticket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . 2 00 Amonnt i\'cel by purchasing Season ticket. . ; . . . . . . . . ' , . . , . . . . . , . : \25 Total cost chil.lren . uuder q ) 'cars vithout Season Ticket , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3 75 Totnl cost chilllrcn undcr r4 years with Scason 'ficket. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . , . . . . 1. 25 Amount saved hy purchnslng set\sol1 ticket , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f2 50 . - \ - - _ n Write Jesse n. 1.'oagar- don , . Broken ow , for furth- . . , A. i ' eJ' InformatIOn , complete ' . : ' "r' " ' . . . . . " 1 program , etc. : : i" - . . , , . , . . . . . J . , . . . > . . . 4. ' " - , .J. ! ? " No. " " , . q / J