Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 11, 1907, Image 8

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    _ . , . _ \I" _ LI..III . " "
" -
EyeEarNoae ,
and Chronic Diseases ,
Fittint ; of nlasses.
Office 1n Healty block.
Consult him If you want Wator.
Phone 112 , - Broken Bow.
- - - " - '
- -
A , ARMOUl\ ,
Attorney at Law.
Broken Bow.PNobr.
llavlnA' JuM had ellCht yean , tJractcal ( exper
lenco aR Coullty Judllo. wllllrivo Rpeclat alloll
tlOII to Iho drawlnll anll probathlll' o ( wllill alld
Iho adnthllRtratioll o ( ell lateR o ( deceaRe,1 t'er-
RonR anl IIIlnor ! . Write or phane nte. Inlay
Rave YOIl p trip ,
11. OONHA , I
o. .
. . . . Doalorln ' . .
t'am" " Wind , Mill" TIIDk . FlttlnF : " , GlUJolln.
Knltlnl1" , ntO. Nc.
IIrok..n ! low. Nnbu ka.
= = - ' = c _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - -
' ; ; 7 ; ; ; 1
Feed in large and smal1 quantities at both wholesale
and retail.
Special attention given to filling orders for coal R
iu any quantity. B
131'oltcn Bow , - . . N ebl'asku Ji
.r.M .r.r.r : or ; OoQ : ( . ; r./"b'.r..r.&r.r.r.r.r.r.r.rJ"J".c
- - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We arc now about ready for
having cleaned up entirely on fall aud winter ttlerchanclise.
New goods arc now arriving daily and our ttlany lines will
soon be complete. When you are loking for
Good. V l ues and. Honset Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , clo thing , hats caos , shoes , rugs.
carpets. iuallings , lineoleuttls. notions , etc. , - d n't fail to look
our lines over.
. , . : ' . \ , . . . . . ' . . - . . . . . . , . . , . . . ' . , " ' ' ' . . . ' . ' ' ' . . . , . . . . . . . . . . " ' . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . ' . ' . ' . . ' , ' ' . . .
\ . . .M " \ ; i"O- : ; ; : t ! > . . ; ' ; " ' .0- : ' ; .i ; ' : tf
. . ;' 'Vi' .
.i'i Yi1'w. . ' YE. . . . . '
, ' . . " .
' . ' . . . . . . . . " . .
I ) " : ) ' : 'if < < ' ' ' " ' { J' tji ! ' ' r < < ; r.'lJi1' . 'tjft ; " "U { ' " .v" " " 'n. ' : ; 'f.i !
lit : ; ti.1 !
When desiring to figure on a bill r
. . 0 f L umuer ca 11 on th c. . . . . . . . . . t. dl.A : ; { : ! . ! :
! . C. . L. Turner Lumber Co.
II : I We carry a iull stock Cf ? Lumber. I
Sash , Doors , Mouldmgs , etc.
rN. 1
. for the Nebraska ral
: Ag.en s en i
BtI11d1ng & Loan Assocmtion. f :
! . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . , , PJt :
" " " . ' ' ' ' ' ' . , . " " ' '
rrJ1" " ' ' ' 1'f. "rr.t : \ 'J'J : ' ' tr.1i ' 4J : ' .lJlJt&1 ; ; : " ' '
m J' : so.tWa'iJrirflb1ija : : { l-r:6 ! ; : : il : iJ'f iJy.iJ :6 : _ : i'l'i ! fi 'ii
. ,
here by purchasing
. . , _ _ , . . . , . . . . .
U""II. " " " ' " " " " " " " " " ' ' ' " " ' ' ' " " " " " " ' ' ' ' " " ' ' " " ' " " " " ' " " " ' " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' "
I Paints , Oils , I
I Hardware , Ifl
I Furniturc ,
I Flour , Feed I
i and Seed. I
. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . "m
" " " " " " " " " " " " .0 001. " ' " ' ' ' ' " " 0"11I11I11I" " " ' ' " 11I" " ' " II 1111" n' ' " ' .1111 " "
South SidejSquare , Broken Bow.
Send your Abstract Orders to
: Bonded Abstracter
I Office , In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
. -
. -
Before You Build , Consult
eo. : : l ? a pin. : . e aI. . ,
, Contractor and Builder. Estimates
Furnished free with plans and specifications.
1 lU 7i ! ID
- , .
- - - - - - - -
, < : : : ) . "VV" . : : Bc > an. .
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
" At the OLD STAND. ' "
Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented. Taxes paid fQr non-residents.
- Will buy some good paper.
Call and see me.
. , , \ , C ) . . .J.30V' '
J' .
- I ' . . . . . . . . " . , - ' - - " " " 0' , - _ : " . . _ _ .tL" " _ . . , , , , , , - - . . _ , > o. . . _ , _ . . _ . , _ _ _ _ _ . . . . - " . " ' , " . . . . .1. . . , 1" . v '
_ . . - . . . . . . .
Ancient Echoes or ,
Whose Fault Was It ?
Written lor the URPUI'LICAN
bv M. U. Montltonler.v. \
- -
Contlnuell frolll Lut Week
1'he south had lost control of
.both branches of congre s.
'rheh' last chance for another
slave slate , seemingly , bad passed
away. 'l'lteir only hope of control -
trol now is to carry one or more
of the northern states. '
They undertook to pacify the
people by avoiding the question
of slavery , but thev mh'ht ' as
well tfj' to accomphsh the feat
of jumping over the moon. 'l'lIe
number advocating no more slave
territory was like the sands of
the sea. This question had already -
ready divided several eclesiasti-
cal uodies. 'l'he only ones , in
fact , retaining their national
character were the Episcopal and
'l'he southern lca ers , however ,
as full of schemes as Don
Quixote , and imbued with
anger , nuw concocted a plan to
get congress to repeal the Missouri -
souri Compromise which coulcl be
done by winning a few northern
democrats to vote with them.
'l'his the } ' succeeded in doing.
The next move was to divide the
territory lying west of Missouri
and Iowa into two territoJies-
Kansas and Nebraska. In this
bill they declared that the Missouri -
souri Compromise had been swept
away by the compromise of 1850.
'rhe bill was passed , but some
took the ground that congress
had no power to vote slavery in
or vote 1t out of those territories ,
as it belonged to their own population -
lation to decide for themselves ,
'l'his idea was known as "squatter
sovereignty. "
This was upheld by the Democrats -
crats , their plan being "to admit
Kansas as a state as soon as they
coulcl rua in from Missouri and
Arkansas enough emigrants to
vole it in as a slave state. This
bill was introduced by Stephen
A. Douglas and was passed.
It was thought at the time
that it was a good measure but
it proved to be the greatest blunder -
der ever made by congress.
When it came to . vote , the
Whigs and Democrats of the
South joined as one in favor of
the bill , while the northern section -
tion of the Whig party joined
with those who were opposed to
slavery in opposition to the bill.
This division between the south
and north was final.
The combination of the northern -
ern parties being accomplished ,
they took the name of anti-Ne-
braska men , and su\ceeded in
p.lecting a majority of the house
of repr sen tati ves.
A new party had arisen which
was an important factor in poli-
It was an oath bound organization -
tion which gained the name of
"Know-Nothings , " from 'the fact
that when quizzed in regard to
their intentions , their answer
invariably was : "I know noth-
ing. " It afterward proved that
they were opposed to the Catholics -
lics and to foreign emigration.
At first it seemed to be a solid
phalanx , but the burning question -
tion of slavery soon shivered it
to atoms and it disappeared like
the morning dew , and in after
years , woe to the office seeker if
it was found out that he ever
affiliated with the "know nothings -
ings , tt he was severely spotted by
the Catholic and foreign vote.
Thus we see two parti s laid to
Some of the Whigs joined the
"Free-Soilers , " some wen t to the
American party and many of
them formed the Republican
party. or , as the Democrats
named them "Black
, Hepubli-
cans" because of their supposed
love for the negro.
As far as the Republican platform -
form went in regard to slavery ,
\ was , that government had power
I to control slavery in the territories -
tories , but had no design to mter-
fere with it in states where it
The platform took up many
other public questions that had
, heretofore been neglected and
f which brought it to the front as
a great national party.
'fhrough the blunder of congress -
gress , Kansas had become a field
of bloody strife. The squatteI
sovereignty bill has accomplished -
plished more than designed. It
had carried the settlement of the
question of slavery into the
hands of the voter , and each
party determined to win at an )
The south tried but failed'
colonizing the territory wit11
bona-fide settlers.
They then .t ok the bold course
of sending the worst elemen1
from Missouri and Arkansa
across the border , not to settlel
. . . . ' > ' - . " ' . . . . . , "
h , .
. .
. . - . . l..t. "
but to vote and fight for slaveryl'
These undesirable ones soon
won the name of "Border Ruf-
fians. " In the meantime there
had been such a rush of settlers 1
from the north that there was ,
no question but what th y constituted -
tuted a large majorily. :
In 1854 the first election for a j
delegate to congress was held ,
and carried by this band of Hor1 1
< ter Ruffians , who took charge of
the polls and stood off with guns :
and revolvers al1 who would not :
vote their way. In the spring of
1855 they voted to organize a :
territorial government , the election -
tion being carried on in th sl'me
manner , and in July this bogus
legislature met and adopted n
state constitution and also enacted -
ed a set of statutes , with death
penalty attachmeuts for over two
score offenses against the institution -
tion of human slavery.
To defend themselves against
those illegal proceedtngs , the
settlers held a free state convcn-
tion at Topeka in the fall of 1855
and elected state officers under a
lawful constitution.
Soon after this President Pierce
ililsued a prodamation denouncing -
ing this as an act of treason
against the government and
warned all persons to abstain
from any re istance to the lawful
authorities and sent into the
territory another body of troops
to help enforce the uogus laws.
All was not quiet in the senate.
You all recollect the attack on
Chas. Sumner by Bully Brooks ,
who was better qualified to command -
mand a horde of border ruffians
than to grace ( or disgrace ) the
halls of congress with his pres-
ence.The free state clement flatly
refused to recognize the bogus
government of the slavery party
and on the other hand it was the
same , and war was inevitable-
the two parlies arming and joining -
ing in deadly strife.
'rhe free state towns-Lawrence
and Ossawattomie-were sacked ,
many of the free state legislators
were arrested and imprisoned by
the United Sta es troops , who
were also used to guard the
dwellings of the free state settlers -
tlers and preventing them from
putting in a crop , thus hoping
to force them to abandon the
territory. But the free state
settlers held their ground and
fought for their. rights against
the combined forces of the slavery
party and the government troops.
Now , I do not wish to convey
the idea that the troops were in
favor of the south , for we had
ample proof to the contrary , for
while the officers seemed a unit
in opposition to a free state , the
privates did all they dared in
our favor by warning us , of coming -
ing danger , thus putting us on
our guard , which saved many
from : and imprisonment.
Geary , th bogus governor , was
in command of the southerners
that sacked Lawrence. It was
at his command that the only
paper published in that city was
destroyed , the type being th.rown
into the river , als ( , the Free
State Hotel was burned at his
Another constitution was
drawn up and enacted at Le-
compton but the people refused
to vote on the tricky thing. . It
being adopted by the bogus legislature -
lature , sent to Washington , accepted -
cepted by the President but
fa11ed to carry through the house.
( ' 1'0 be Continued. )
Real Estate Transfers.
Eultelle E. Zeigler to Douglas D. Sltaw , 80
arcs In 31.17.23. $1300.
Lee G. Pearson to John E. Pile. 1011I7 , 8 alILI
9 , block 2. 'robey's add to Oconlo. ' 1700.
Johll I . Pile to George \Vebsler. . 100 : tcres
III 7-14.22. $1700.
Lydia C. Uarvltl alILl husballll. to Russetl L.
Brlll'lI'li. 100 acres In 2 .I5. I , $1700.
I.'rederlck . N. CumtUhllfs to Uenjamln P.
Kiker. 3O acres In 3 alld lU. : : < ) .19. $9OUO.
Cltarles L. Davis to'W. J. Strehle 1 acres
In 5.1J.UI. $2bOO.
Jallles M. PIerce to John Le.thatll. 3:0 : : acres
hi 31 alld 85.13.19 , $3900.
Llzzlo 1\1. Cadwetl and husballli to 1\1. C.
IJartltolotUew , 10ls It. 12. 13 , 14 and 15. block . . .
J.P. Gandy'8 add to IIrokellllow , $1500.
Grace II , 1\IItIer anll hnsballd. to Lizzie 1\1.
Cadwell. lots II , 12. 13. 14 and 15. block" , J.P.
Gandy's add to IJrokell IJow. $ O.
S. K. Warrick to Johll 'l'hanel. I'arcelll III
and : JJ.17.2J : , $960.
, W. II. Ea'llham to John Thanel , 100 acres In
3J and : ! 8.17.2J , t'i60.
Lincoln Lalld COml'allY to James 1\1. Allis'
berr ) ' . 1015 o ( Mason norlh sUb.dlvlslon. f 7 .
Albert 11. Burns to Uarr ) ' R. Knal'p,80 acres
In 21 ! and 9.1b.21 , $1000.
Andrew J. nUflls to lIarry R. KuaPI' . 160
: teres III 28.1b.2I , $5s. .
Prallk 1' . Casey to Wm. } \ Reisch. 152 acre1l
In IJ.l'J.11 ! , $3000.
JOMcl'h C. Remln'toll to Thomas T. Wlnchcs.
ter.1IO acres. excel't 1 acre ( or school purposes ,
In ; l'Q.l3 : : : , .
Mary J. Weaver. single. to nertha I . Fostcr.
10ls 11 and I : ! . block 25 , $1600.
lIerlon C. I mplleld to MfR. Rachel Lo II 11'-
fullow. UOx50 ! II. In 17.19.2Z. $ . ' 00.
J. M. aud Mary Adaltlll to Berton C. Joml : )
field , 140x15O ft. In 17.19.22 , $1711.
'Vm. L. Grahaltl to baac A. Reneau. lots 12.-
13,101 and III. block S. J. 1 > . Gaudy's add to llro.
ken IJO\T. oo.
Lincoln Lalld COlIIl'any to J. A. Armou ( . lot
8 , In block 10. orlll'llIal town of Ausley. $ ' W.
Practical Undertaker
Licnsed Embalmer
\lslness phone , 301. Residence 334
Ural Oll Daw , Nob.
, I
- ,
r 1
The Advo
1 I
Restaurant 61
c. E. STOUT , Prop. II
B lirst-c1nss In Uvery Respect. i
R\ Short Orders , - Speclnlty. II
I Lundl Counter in Connection. I
Our pies Are Ullexcel1ed.
. Try olle-or lUore. g
L : - r.I.r.I. : : . . ; r'/"Q"JC .oJ A
If You Want
to buy good posts take a
look at our stock. 2x4 Oak ,
Catulfur , Western H. C.
Splits , Whit . Cedar.
Also a full line of Shingles -
les , Windows and Doors and
e'verjthing in the builders
line. Paving brick for side-
Dierks Lumber
& Coal Co ,
Phone 23.
use good materials. Thev will
cost no more and last tw'ice as
long. Let us know of our
wants and we will quote figures
on the best the market affords in
the line of
lime , sand , sidewalk brick , and
: tll building materials of good
Lumber and Coal.
, . .
. - y . . . . . . - - -
July Specials :
Good Chances
Eastward :
, Many low round trip rates to
eastern resorts during July.
Jamestown Exposition tickets -
ets inclut e New York and
sea shore resorts with variable -
able routes ; excursions to
Saratoga , Philadflpha ,
northern Michiga.n , Canada
and Sl. Lawr'nce Hiver resorts -
sorts , Niagara Falls and
Boston. ' Consult Agent as
to aking use of these excursion -
sion rates for your eastern
Low Rates Westward :
DurinI ! ' July. low round trip
rates to Pacific Coasf , San
Francisco , Portland , Seattle ,
etc. , Yellowstone Park , Salt
Lake , Colorado resorts , Big
Horn Basin , Black Hills ,
Sheridan and Spokane. Consult -
sult Agent.
Big Horn Basin and
Billings District :
'Ve personal1y conduct home-
seekers' excursions on tne
first and third Tuesdays of
each month to these localities -
ties to assist you to secure
tine irrigated lands at low
cost. Write D. Clem Deaver ,
Gener l Agent Land Seekers'
Information Bureau. Half
rates with maximum of $20
from Nebraska ; homeseekers'
excursions west , northwest
and southwest.
Call or Write for Details.
II. L. ORlIISBV , Ticket Agent.
L. W. 'VAKIU.ItV , G : P. A.
Omaha , Nebraska.
. , . ,
- . . . . . . . : . . : . - ' -c ' . . 'I ;
Legal Notices.
lit District Court of Custer County , Nebraska.
Wilhelmine C. Ahrendt , Plaintiff.
The Lombard Investment Comp.
any , a corporation , and Mrs.
I Jollen A , Stevellll. Defendants.
The Lombard Invelltment company a corporation -
poration , and Mrs. Ellell A. Stennll , w ! II take
nOllce tbat on the 24th day of June. 1907 ,
Wilhelmine C. Ahrendt , plaintiff herein , filed
her petition In tile DIRtrlct Court of Clster
County. Nebraska , altalnllt the Lombard Investment -
vestment Company. a corporation. and Mrs.
Ellen A. Steveus , the object aud prayer of
wltlch : tre to have a certain tUortllalle dted upon -
on the followlnll described real eRtate situate
III CURter County , NebraRka , to-wit : IIW se ,
se ( sw } . ( and 8 of swJ. ( of section 13 , townllhlp
15. N. o ( ranlle 23 , west of 6th 1' . M. . executed
allll delivered by Georlle A. Luck and Alntlra
I.lIck 011 or about I'ebluary ! 7th , 1 9 , to the
Lombard Investment Company and by them
aSlllll'ned to Mrll. Ellen A. SteTenB , to secure
the slim of $6:0.00 duo alld payable February
1st. , 119 . bearlult Interellt at tlte rate o ( 6 per
cellt per annum. payable sentl.annuatly , evidenced -
denced by 10 luterest noteR , tlte first of which
was III the SUnt of $18.85 and each remalnlull'
olle In the sum o ( $19.50 aud duly roconled 011
the 13tb dav o ( Febrllary , 1289 , hi book 26. on
page " 77 , of tllo morlltall'e records o ( said Custer
cOllnty. bo callcetled and dlscltaflred of record !
and tltat the cloud ou plaintiff's title to sala
real eslate by realOIl ott said mortgage be re-
move1. ( or the rea.on tbat plaintiff Is the
owner In ( ee 81mple to said teal estate and
that more tban ten years have elapsed since
the 11ue date of said ltIortllallu and o ( elich and
atl SUnts secured thereby and tbt lIald ntort-
Itale alld all Interest thereon Itas bCCl1 paid 111
futl alld for suclt other aud further relief : tl
may be Just and equitable.
You are required to answer laid . , elltlon 011 .
. 1
or before tlte 5th day of AIII'Ullt. 1907.
ny SIMON CAMERON , Attorney.
First pub Jllne ' 11-1t .
United Statell Lalld Office. l
Droken IJow , Nebraska. June 14. 1907. r
Notice Is hereby II'lven that ALMSTED
RICHARDSON , of IJroken IJow. hali filed
notice of his Intention to lIIako final coltlnluted
proof In slIPport of hIs cItlm1 % . homelliead
entry No. 337.J , made October 7 , 1903. ( or tbe
neJ. ( neJ. ( section 7. township 17 N. , ranlle
: ! O W. . and that said proof will bo made before
RClllsler and Receiver at IJroken IJoW.OII Jnly
: :6.1907. lie nantes tlte followlnlC' wltneases to
provo his contlnuouB resldenco upon and cultivation -
vation 0 ( . Ihe land. vl % : Robert A. Hunter , of
Broken IJow Nebrallka ; Ralph Jobnsou. of
Broken Bow. Nebrska ; John Rlchardllon , of
llrokcn 110w. Nebraska ; WIlliam Roan , of
IJroken Bow. Nebraska.
, JOliN RERSE. Register.
First pub June 2O-6t
- -
'ro whom 11 may concern :
You are hereby notified that the county
board of supervisors did. at their meeting on
June IHh , 1\J07 , lIeclare the following ectlon
line to be a lJUbliC highway :
Commenc ng at Lhe northeast corner of
section 5 , township la , range 18. thence run.
nlng south on tlte sccllon line miles.
Also commencing at the southeast corner of
section 4 , township 16 , range 18 , runllll1g
tltence wcst 011 the lIection line mUe.
All objections thereto. or claims for dam.
ages must be Illell in the oOlce of the county
clerk. 011 or before nooll of the 27th day of
August. 1\J07 , or such road will be established
without reference thereto. .
In witness whereof. I have hereullto set
my hallll anll seal of salll count ? ; this 27th
day of June. 1007. Jos. lIGMAN ,
ISEAL ] County Clerk.
"Irst pub June 27-1t
' 1'0 whom lt may concern :
'rhe commissioner appointed to view and if
Ileemed for the pUblic good. to locate a road
petttioned for by James 1\1. Lowrey. et al ,
commenctng at about 80 rods east of the
northwest corner of section 11 , township 15 ,
range 17. running thence west following the
IHvlde and keeping as near to the section
tine as ls posslble to make a practicable road
termlnating at the southwest corner of the
sw .c section 5 , township 15 , range 17 , three
miles and 80 rods west. has reported In favor
of the estabtlshment thereof. and all objec.
tions thereto , or claims for damages , must be
lIIelt In the' county clerk's onlce OIL or before
noon of the 30th day of August. 1007. or such
road will be establtshed wllhout reference
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my
hand and seal of said county. this 27th day
of June. 10071 Jos. PJGMAN ,
ISKAI , ] County Clerk.
, 'irst pub June 27-H
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
The commissIoner to vlew and
tf deemed for the allPolnted to locate and
vacate a road petitioned for by Ed. M. Scott ,
et al. commencing at station No.4 , of the
road petition ell for by M. R. Foster and oth.
ers , 011 the cast IIl1e of section 18. township
III , range 2'J and runnlllg thence north on the
section tine to the northeast corner of said
section 18 , and to vacate that part of road on
the north tine of section 18 , from the north.
cast corner of said section 18 west to where
the road petitioned for by l"osler , ct al. jolns
the road on thc north line of section 18 , townshIp -
shIp Ill , range 2' ) , has reported In fa VOl' of
1I1e estabtlshment and vacation thereof. and
all objections thereto , or claims fordamages ,
must be 111 ell In the county clerk's olllce on
or before noon of the : ! Oth Ilay of August , 1007.
or such road will be established and vacated
without reference thereto.
In witness whereof , I have llereunto set my
hanll and seal of said county this 27th day of
June , 1\J07. Jos. PJOMAN.
ISEAL ] County Clerk.
1 < 'lrst pUb June 27-1t.
To whom It may concern :
'l'he commlssloncr appointed to view and if
deemed for the pUbtic good , to locate a road ,
petitlolled for by K. W. Kimball. et ai , com.
menclng at the ndrtheast corner oflcctlon
7. township la , rangc 17 , then .c mile south.
then mite west to the township tine then
south on township line to the southwest
corner of thc northwest 1 , ( of section 18 ,
township 16 , range 17 , thence west on sec.
tlonllne aboutJ5 : rods , to the old road , then
southeast to the southwest conler of section
18 , township la , range 17 , then follow old road
011 divide In a southeast dlrcction to the ) . (
tine of the nw .c sec. 30. then /louth to con.
nect with Ash Canyon to Ansley , has report.
cd-In favor of the cstabtlshmcnt thcrcof ,
anti all objections thereto , or clal1l1s tor dam.
ages , mUb' be lIIed In thc county clerks
olllce on or before noon of the : . ' . 1th day of "
August. 1007. or such road will be cstabtlshcd
without reference therelo.
In wllnebs whereof , I have hereunto set
my hand and seal of sald coullty. this 2 th
lIay of June 11107. JOS.l > IGMAN.
IWEAI , ] County Clerk.
"irstllub June 27-1t
County Court. Custer County , llebraska. ;
'I'he creilitors of the estate ot Arthur D.
nangs. teceased.
'rake notice. that I will sIt at thc County
Court room , ln Brokcn Bow , In said county ,
on the 5th day of August , 1\101. and on the
alii day of January , lW11 , each at 10 o'clock a.
m. of each day , to recelvc anll examIne all
claims against salll esta e. wllh a vlcw to \
thelr adjustment anlt allowancu ; and that
on the ttrstllate above Uc petitions of widow
will be heard for homesteall , cxemptlons. al. / . . I
lowance anll other Statutory rlghls and also . {
her petition to have sale of IIer80nal properly
approvell where same wa. . made b } ' her
prior to appolntmcllt as allmlnil > tratrlx.
' 1'lte time IImltcd tor tlte llresentatlon of
clalnl1l against balll estate Is blx month1l from'
the 5th uay of July , 1l1O7 , anL ! the time lImlted
tor payment 01 Ilebtsis one year from said
Dated July 3. 1007.
IIiICAL ] A. It. UUNl'UlllCY , County Judge.
"irst pUb Jul } ' 4-1t
' 1'0 whom It may conccrn :
'l'he Commissioner appointed to view and tf
deemed for the pUblic good to locate a road
petitioned for by Albert Ineeb , et aI , com.
menclng at the tloutheast corncr of section
32 , township III , range III , anll running thence
north on the scction tine to wlUlln about 15
rOIls of the northeast corner of sald sectioll
3 : '
3if It Is found ullon examination that the
sectlonltne Is an Imllractical place for a roal1
then as near on the section line as possible.
roall to be 40 ft. wide. has reported In favor
of the estabtlshment thereof. and all obJec.
tions thercto. or claims for damages. must be
lIIed In the county clerk's ontce on or before
noon of the 12th day of September , 1007 , or
IIlIch road will be cstabtlshed without reler.
enCe thercto.
111 Wltness Whereof I have hereunto
, set .
. . . .1
my hand anll tical of said county. thls 11th , .
day of JUly. 1007. Jos. ProWAN.
{ HEA.L ] County Clerk.
"Irst vub July l1-1t