- - , . , , ' - 11 / { \ ' . \ < " . , r. r. , . . ' , . ' ' " . < n LOCAL LORE @ PERSONAL P ARAGIlAFS , ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .vvw v vvv . . . .ww J esse Teagarden reports good I . " sales on Chautauqua tickets. ' . Tentsmust be ordered in advance. . " Mrs. Effie H. . Dodds is enjoying . , 'i . . a visit from her sister , Mrs. , Henderson , and son , of Cheyenne. I Wyoming. 'rhey arrived Sun- I I da y morning. . Mrs. J. E. 'l'ipton IS in Omaha \ attending the St ate Dressmak'rs convention and also a school of ' . instruction which is inl session there this week. S. J. Lonergan left Tliesday night for a stay of a week or two I at Hot Springs and Hill City , S. ' D. , his gold mine interests being at the latter place. Prepare for the Chautauqua by I purchasing a se ason ticket of eith r J. H , . Teagarden or H. A. . , , - . , " , , ' Watts. Read the advertisement l.- ? A.I on first page in regard to amount f saved by the season ticket route. Dr. Bass , dentist will remove : from the McComas block to rooms :1 in the Realty block now occupied I Ly Dr. C. L. Mullins as soon as I , the new office building for the ! latter is completed. I Mr. and Mrs. C.V. . Beard and I. tWQ children , of Newport , Ar- kansaw , arrived iu the city laqt , Saturday for a visit of about a month. Mrs. Beard is a daughter - ter of Mrs. C. U. Richardson. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. \ John Turner returned from Bed- ford. Iowa , where they spent two weeks visiting his parents at the old bome , and spending a couple 1 of days In Omaha and St. Joe on I the return trip. . ! Arrangements are mak'ing for a clay pigeon shoot at the fair grounds during the three days ; of the fair in September. This I WIll prove quite an attraction and : be the means of bringing a goodly - ly number of p ople to Broken Bow from all parts of the state. John Cody and Geolge Garrison - son , a brace of sound republican wheel horses , residing in the " West Union vicinity , good citi- 7. ns , progressive and successful farmers ; old time and well known I sdtlers , were , greeting friends I and transacting business In the City Tuesday. ! 1 J. M. Fodge moved his office to rooms up stairs in the Mc. Comas building , northwest corner of the square , last Saturday , and i now ready to buy and sell farn lands and town property or rent it for you. He says he is open for engagements on anr kind of I a real estate transaction. : On its return from the 4th of J July celebration at Ravenna the ' Broken Bow baseball aggregation . " \ was : : : onsidcrably' elated , Having l won its first game of the season ' hV wolloping the Ravenna team r j by a score of 2 to 1. The game " - ( \ is reported to have been a \ s reamer from start to finish. -v\\ b The Advo restaurant , presided g over by Charles E. Stout , has j just experiecced a complete renovation and is now as nedt and clean as the most exacting lady could desire. When he assumed the management Mr. Stout declared - clared that he would make a first- class restaurant of it and he has , succeeded in accomplishing that end. } toss D. Pickett , cashier of the Security State bank , accompanied - panied by Mrs. Pickelt and the children , left 'fuesday morning for 'l'amora , Seward county. where they will spend the greater - er part of his two week's vaca- tilln visiting his parents. They will also visit Omaha and I in- coIn whilc absent from hOIl c. . . . . Miles Hopkins , a farmer near Derwyn , aged about 35 years , married an father of two clllldren , was brought before the insanity board yesterday and . \ ordered committed to the asylum " I at Hastings. His malady is on . religion , at times being morose and at other titnes is vicious , hence it was deemed advisabl to commit him for treatmt,3nt. I On the 1st of May Ras Anderson - son sold the elevator to A. H. Cupsey and tripped to the Pacific coa. t country which he thorough- Iv investigated , arriving at the onclusion that it is not as good as Nebraska , regardlcss of its laudations , and upon his return negotiated for and repurchased the elevator , taking charge thereof on Monday of last week. Mr. Anderson has been liberal and honest with patrons of the ) elevator since pm chasi ng it from Wilson Bros. last winter , and the same policy will be " . . . : pursued in the future-"a square deal" for eVtrybody at the West Elevator. c _ vvvvvvvv.vvvwv.wvv.v . George Mulhalland left last Saturday morning for Kaukauna. Wis. , for a visit of a couple of months with parents. Mrs. J. A. Armour and daugh- ter , Avis , le'ft last Monday even- ing for Nevada , Mo. , where they will visit for a period of two or three weeks. Prefercnce in tent locations will be given in the order en- 'g-agcd. Ordcr a tent from Jcsse 'l'eagarden at oncc and come to , the Chautauqu" . Dr. C. L. Mu1Jins is building an addition to his rcsidcnce , rc- 'centlv vacated by J. N. Peale , and the residence adjoining being remodeled especially for his use as an officc. Next Thursday , the 18th inst. . is announced as the day for the Annual Sunday school picnic of Baptist church d this city. ' 1' he place has not as yet been finally decidcd upon. It is announced that the cn- campment of State militia will be held ten days , begin111ng August 12th , and members of the local organization are donning their drill clothes and making other necessary arrangements to present the companv in a favorable - able condiliol1 to Uie inspecting ofiicers. \ C. E. Cannon , of Westervillc , was in the city last Saturdav and informed the i IU > UllI.tCAN tliat he is a candidate for nomination at the primary election for sheriff. Mr. Cannon is well known throughout the county asa man possessed of great valor and if nominated and elected "there would be no question but that the official duties would be performed - formed without fear or favor. While leading a horse last Sunday V. Claris Talbot , resid- in ncar BerwJn , was seriously injured. ' 1' he animal became fractious , knocked Mr. Talbot down and danced on him. His brother , Dr. W. E. 'falbot , of this city informs us Ulat Claris .was severely dealt witT1 , but that his condition is greatly improved today with prospects for a complete - plete recovery in a short time. For the first time this vear business was at a complete standstill - still in the register of deeds ofiice last Saturdav. Up to 2:30 : p. m. , enl v one i strument had been prcsented for tiling and Hegister Wood bccame so nervous by that time-doing nothing-that he could not stand the pressure and went hOtne to hoe out his garden. He was kept busy all day Sunday doctoring the blisters in his hands. D. V. Joyner , who has been no , faithful , trustworthy and almost indispensable attache of the county treasurer's office for many years , will sever his connection therewith on the 1st day of August - ust to assume the duties as manager - ger of the Farmers' elevator at Merna , &S It carries with it a larger salary than the position he now holds in the treasurer's office. Hi's SOl1 , naltie , has also been employed Ly the elevator company as assistant. . About a year ago Emery Snyder was b fore the insanity board and found to be a dipsomania - somania < . ' , and upun pledging to "cu t ou t the booze" was not com- mi tted to Lincoln , but paroled. A few weeks ago it was reported to the board that Snyder was "hitting 'er up" pretty heavily and efficers have been endeavoring - ing to surround him , but wHhout suc\ess until Monday when W. A. Dillavou was sworn in as a deputy and succeeded in capturing and bring'ing him to Broken Bow. He was taken before the board Tuesday and upon bearing was ordered conveyed - veyed to Lincoln for treatment where D puty Rolla Tousley escorted - corted 111m tOllay. 'l'he county supervisors convened - vened Tuesday in regular quarterly - terly session and about the first thing sprung on them was a request - quest by Scott Cooper , high executioner - ecutioner of grass and dandelions in the court house yard , that a purchase be made of a new style lawn sprinkler. At first the board , . with the exception of Su- pervi or Morris. flatly refuscd to give the mattcr any serious consideration - sideration fearing Mr. Cooper would neglect other duties in tinkering with it , but Scott is persistent and has , every day , called altC'l1tion of the memben to the suhject until other memo bers besillc Morris have warme ( ] up toward the proposition anc ] the executioner of { { rass anc1 dandelions may ) 'et be successful in getting in his work. , . , " . ' , , , , ' , ; ; : : ; : : : . . . . . . " , Rev. Trites , a former pastor of his city , will occupy the pulpit In the M. E. church next Sunday morning nud evcning. 'Phe effect of the several reccnt burglaries iu Broken Bow will perhaps be thc adding of one or ! nore meu to thc citr police force In an elTort to put a qUlctus to ! the night raids. . . From all parts of the cour.ty comes favor ble reports 0 f the growing corn which is said to be fairly humping itself to makc up lost time on accouut of a latc spring with wceds keeping it emI any al1d in some cases being In the led.d. Harry Osbofl.le , stcnographer in the office uf the cit ) . attorney of Denver , Colo. , arrived in the city last night for visit a with his parents , Mr. and Mt's. w. H. Osborne , Sr. , and to associatc and recount recollections of boy- hoe cla's with old friends. of whom he has a host in this stretch of timber. 'rhc old settlers' mceting' at LindleY' $ grove , near Anselmo , yesterday was attcnded by about fi ve hundred persons and a general good time is reported by those from this city who were present. 'l'hey peak very highly of t he music furnished by An- sclmo band which is a new organization composed of young men who have had but about a years' experience with band i nstrumen ts. Roy Leonard , an incorrigible young man , cut loose a superabundance - abundance of oaths and obscenity. ill the direction of Groceryman Cook , on Monday , and was taken to the county jail and there rc- tained for a couple of days in order to'give him an l11sight as to what was in store for him if he oes not mend his ways. 'fhe officials say that if he makes anoth r bad break he will go in ior several months instead of a couple of days. as several have lodged complaints of his d.oings. On Tuesday morning , 8 miles southeast of Overton , Deputy Sheriff Lowc rounded up Ed win McGraw who used a knife on Theodore Leserve , at WestervilJe two weeks ago. He was foul..l cutting alfalfa in a field belonging - ing to a man named Carter who had no idea his hired man was formerly a member of thc Jam s boys gang of desperadoes. Deputy Lowe experienced no trouble in arresting the tcrrible terror-which he clal1ns to be- and lodging him in the jail in this city. ' A foolish'prachce indulg d in hy many business men when going to a bank to deposit money is to carry the p S5 book 11-their hand with the bills hanging out at the ends : Oftentimes they stop on the street to talk with someone and invariably , in such event , fold their' hands behind them. so that anyone passing could easily slip the bills from the book without pausing. This very thing happened 111 a neighboring - boring city a few days ago and it will occur here in Broken Bow if some of the bank depositors do not discontinue making a clis- play of their rolls while enroute to the bank. Hev. W. D. Hall and Mr. Ed 'l'aylor encountered an accidcnt of no small dimensions last Sunday - day while driving from Sargent to this citv. The pin came out " of the dou"ble-tree which dropped on th honse's heels and frightening - ing them into a runaway. Mr. 'ravlor , , who was drivin g , was pulled from the buggy by the lines and struck the ground on his lead which rendered him unconscious - conscious for several minutes. The team ran about a half mile a nc1 one of the horses becamc tangled in a barb wire fence , an ugly gash being cut in its breast besides a number of smaller cuts. 1\1AHHIRD-At the residence of the bride'3 parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Deming , in Broken Bow , Nebr. . at noon on Wednesday , July 3t 1907. Mr. Samuel Beadle , of Cairo , Nebr. , and Miss May Deming were united in marriage , Hev. A. A. Mitchell , of the Presbyterian church , performing the ceremony in the presence of a few immediate friends and relahves. After the ceremony a wedding , dinner was served , and on the evening train the young couple left for their . future home , Cairo , where the. groom has charge of a large elevator. He ! is a popular young man , possessed of fine busine'3s ability and highly esteemed by the citi7.ens of Cairo and surrounding country. Self-Binder Bar Sale. McCormick , practically new and in first-class condition. li'oI' price and terms app y to C. S. Martin , implement dealer. 4tf. . , , . . . . * . z * . . . . . i. UUSINE S POINTHns. : J M a . E . . . , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drs. Farnsworth & Bcck- Dentists. - - - - - - AJl carpets a11l1 curtain goods at cost. MUVIS & Co. 49-tf It's the real thing , bettcr than the hest. White Star coffce at the Advo. ! I Miss Bruce , of Kansas City , teach all kinds of art embroidcry until July 31st , at Miss 'rodd's Millincr ) ' store. The old rchable Custer County Abstract Co. will i.11ake ) 'our abstracts - stracts at rcasonable rates , examine - amine titles to land , bring suit to quiet titlc , assist you in pcrfect- ing title to your land. WU.I.IS CAnWJtI.T. , 5tf Bonded Abstractcr. - - I represen t t he old , relia Qle 'l'ravelers Insurance Co. Do not talte out a policy in an ) ' company' until you have consulted me. J. S. McGRAw. A sample piano-and a good one-for sale at a bargain , at Konkel's. We are rcceiving this weck another - other addition to our already large stock of furniture. S. P. GHOA'l' & Co. 'fhe White Star coffee has a , fine flavor you can't forget. At the Advo. Hail insurance is good when it is good. We have only the good leind and will prove it if you call. J. S. MCGRAW. A nearly new , Quickmeal , gasoline rangc for sale cheaper than ch'ap at Konkel's. Dr. Bass , Dentist. Over McComas' Domestic sewing machines- the best what is-at Konkel's. Be on the safe side and insure against hail. I represent a company - pany that pays losses promptly and in full. Come and 'let me show you. J. S. MCGRAW , See J. M. Fodge , up stairs in McComas building. - If you are in want of laborcrs , or if you are wanting a job of work. Terms reasonable. 4-5 J. M. li'odge , has some cheap properties for sale , also two houses for rent. 4-5 'Patronizelthose who advcrtise in the HHPunr..IcAN. I am making f'arll1 loans at 5 per cent interest. J Al\IUS LnDWtCH , 25tf Broken Bo . 'V , Neb. . The Kirkendall shoes have the. run now. The best foot-wear on earth at MHVIS & Co. 49-tf - - 'Phe "Comfort" sWing chair. Nuthing like it in the market. Beats a hammock all to smither- eens. Only place to be found in the city is at Groat's Big Store. GO ) tu J. W. Scott's for unadulterated - adulterated flour-pure , just as the wheat growed. I am making farms loans at 5 per ceut interest. , J Al\InS LltDWICII , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. Come early if you want a lovely suit of clothes cheap. MltvlS , & Co. 49-tf. S. P. Great & Co. sell the' New Hoval sewing machine. Anyone co templating the purchi\se of a machine will find it to their advantage - vantage to examine them 'and the ! > rices. 1t f FOR SAT.lt-Fine bay driving mare. weight about 900 , six years old , elegant 10olcing. ( . 'or particulars - ticulars enquire at the RItPunr.t- CAN office. 5. ( , FOR SAI.U-City property. ( , room hou'3e , stahle , chicken , house and yard , good well , 20 cherry trees , parcel ground 140x 150 ft. Cheap. 'l'erms easy. Also a good seven room residence - dence in a small town in south central Iowa , will cxchange for property in Broken Bow , or Cus- ter rounty lands. 5 ( , J. M. FODGU. - Blackbirds and sparrows have left this county because W. S. Kennedy is selling the farmers Monitor Drills and they leave no seed uncovered. There is no accident or life insurance company more reliable than the Traveler's. It has always - ways paid promptly and in full. Consult J. S. McGraw , agent , Broken Bow State Bank building. . - - WANTED-Housekeeper , inquire of Mrs. Pigman , at County clerks office. 5tf REPUnI.ICAN advertisers are reliable , , . . 1'\ - . . . _ . . , FOR SALle-House with five rooms allnccessar.y out buildingH. ! . 'ive lots , north cast part of cit.y. Inquire. L. 14' . Oxforl , Bcrwyn. - - - I am making arm loans al 5 pcr c'n tin tercst. J A1IUS LUDWICII , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. \Ve want to reduce stock and will sell aJl' goods at unusually low priccs. Come and see us. S. P. GHOA'l' & Co. Mevis & Co. , will close out their entire stock of up-to-date clothing at cost. 49.tfr. . If you want rtliable : life or accident insurance see J. S. McGraw , Brotten Bow State Bank building. . W't\NTID-the ( ycar around , ten men , with or without families. HUItUS G. CAlm , 20tf Doris , Nebraska. - . . " . . , : ' ' . . /.1,1 ; ; . . . < # . . . . . . . . .llerd Halide" 0) ' . . . . . . . . . OrlQon 8CO It No. 11'1OS . I I'J I . - , - - . . , . ' \ ' , \'J ! .G.B I ENIZ R , Brecaet 01 . , l'uro Scotch nUll Scotch 'roPPcll Short IIorn Cattle. My henl uumberll 40 cow II. Will com. para 111 brccllhlll' 1\1111 Quality with any wellt of Chlcallo My oxporlenco hall tnultht mo that to II'lvo 1I'00dllatl factioll. breedhl" cattle Ulllllt be ralltcc. . . . tlIIH , aUltuue. I expect to r.clbonl "ere the c.tlal of anythIng ral801110'he U. B. I IIOW hnvo25 bull II 8ultable for thlll 1\1111 lied ) 'el\r'8 sonlco. My cow. I Mohrlt from 1400 to 2000 pOund. . Como nUll ICO ben' . l ill . . I ZVOTlCEI : : ! MEVIS CO. have the f llest line of Wash Goods on the market. . Beautiful thin goods for the hot weather at prices from 6 ! cts up. " - O'ir ' S'earsucker ' and Gingham stock never was finN' . Beautiful tyles and colors. - 'N e are the exclusive agents for the lirkendall , Shoes. : = S110 el : > airiIlp. a Specialty. MEVIS CO. . . . . . - T1 . . JI \ 1 New Dressers . , ' , . . : . , : . ' , . , , , , Nev Beds ' ' , ) " New Tables " I Hamlnock Frames I Music Racks and Cabinets t Library and Combination Book Cases Ha 11 Trees and Mirl'ors , t Ward Robes and Iitchen Safes I Victor Extension Dinning Tables I Furniture Dressing , best on market t I t , I DI C. KONKEL. I ffj Ilfg $ ' . . - - r- - - - - - t- . - ' t I 1 The Advo I tin is acknowledged to be the best place in Broken Bow to buy gooq groceries I for the least money. ' J' 'rhe highest market price paid for produce. . . . @ . . I Good Oil a RPeCutlt . . . " , " . t . ' I ' . y . . ' '