Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 11, 1907, Image 1
" . . " . . .4 . . . . - . USTER lJOUNTY EPUBLICAN. . . . . \ " VOL. XXVI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 1 J , 1907. NO , 5. . . And Mear.Slgbted Folks too can find glasses here Iu't ments. We bave made a Study of the Eye . , and the fitting of glasses. If you have any trouble with your eyes. o matter from . what cause" consult us. Our prices are moderate. I I . . , : r - - I ,1 Iu- - , . . . . ---'t- ! . , . , ' " . , : t-t t"rJ-t . . , . > > I w W BATHASWEET iw i w w S oHens the water \Ai and Better than perfumery. w \Ai AiW A wAi ; PERFUMED LUXURY w FOR TilE A TII w , w . . WI ' " It 1S only 25c a box and 1f . 'I\ ' once used you will not be ' " * without it. : \II \ W T - W BAISCH'S WW ; DRUG STORE. " W \ I ( ; 'f. E- EEE - E ; E-f' "foE.E.E.E ; E-E-f : - nR. GEO. F. BARTHOLOMEW , Physician & Surgeon - in charge of Oity Hospital Office , 260. P 1 loncs { 61 Nights , ( h03pital ) All calls pr Ulptly ntten ed. I ( ? " " IU"I . , IIIit"llliI"r.p''IIil11'I''lJPII''r.prl'lJPIillll ! ! ' ' ! ' ' ' P"'Ir.r.'I"P''i1IP''j ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' II'ljiJl ' l"I''Ii r.1IIl'r.moIIIIr.p''r.r.J'"ljlUI. . , ' ' . ' . , . . . . , I " ' ! ! " ' " " " " ! " ' ' ' ! ! ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ! ' ' ' ' ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ! ! l''II1ltI" ! : ! ' " ' ' ' i'r.t1IIlJll"'IiJII"t1IIlJ'"lt1IIlJ" : : j't ) ' 1 a d Repairs. f ; ay Sweeps.and Stackels. 11 Sweeps. il ; , NoW is the time to 10k ? up . A f R. E P I R S : _ y.our . Mower and BInder .Ii . . . 1 DEERING . ) . : PVANO . ; . KEYSTONE . & . t ACME I MILWAUKEE ( . . 11 Before purchasing see our Deering Side Delivery - " ) livery , Hay Stacker. This is something. new J - and wIll please you. We have a great lIne of ' hay swee1)s. See them . - "I : ; . G. W. PL j IJjJ. > l : . . . . . . . . . " . . . " " " . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . " " ' ' ' ' ' " , , ' . . . . . . ' " ' . . . . . " . . . . . { ' . " , . . . . . . . . . . . . , ! j " . . . . , ' ! ! ' ' ' . ' ! ! ' ' ' , . , ! ' ' ' ' ! ! ' ' ' ' ' " , , , , . , , ' ' ' ' ! ! " " " , , " " : ! ! Jt"'iJIJiIIJ".uJI " ! , , , , , ! ) : : ! d"w . : "rJ:1J1JII'I"I,1II1iI1It : , , , , , ! ! ' , , , , , , , ! , , : t , . . . . . . I1EADQ'l.n .FOR i Pure Food I . Products We sell Du rkee sal ad dr , ssi ng , very I .fine , p ( bottle. , . . . . . . . . . . 35c Th e the best India RI' i h , very fine appe- B st . GASOLINE iser , I' bottle. . . . . . . . . . . 35c Eldorado Ohve Sil. eI , fine for meats , Castor _ for per bott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c Machine ' , 10Ibs.$1.00 . I Eastern dri apples St o"es an d Little N ed Cams I , can. . . . . . 20c 0..1 . Lights Olives stuffed with Spanish 40 cents ' ( sweet peppers , . extra fancy a. gallon : , . . quality. . . . . . . . . . 20c 25c , 30c ' : : , . { .t \ . Jello-O-Icecream'powder,2 for 25c The .r , p a1nt your Nut-butter , Kamo brand , the Best gasoline best. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . .15c and 25c , cans black Old fashiuned pearl hominy , . , Vermillion per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4c Mactune 1 We will Libarty syrup , all syrup..25c , SOc Oil Vanduzen extracts , the health- 30 cents letter them iest made. . a gallon . The tea for ice tea , Indian "G aso me " Ch' f , per pound. . . . . , . . . . .40c FREE Canary seed , the best for birds Ax I e per package. . . . . . , . . . . . . . .lOc Grease OF non-Ami , to clean windows. . . 10c Scents CHARGE B , ' . coffee at l8c 10 cents IS a winner. 25 cents , - - - KAlliO TOOTH. J C Bowen WE BUY PICKS . . CREAM ' SC Daily TR" . DE . . . . Pure Old MARK ctr. . va . lirar . Brother. One Ilay lhe Iloclor wcnl out to lhe trce , 'fhe brother.tree ) 'ou know , Whcrc Ihe IIltle brothers grow , AIIII braus a IIltle brother homc fOl' IIIC. At Unt he was all wrlnklc1 allll rCIl , An ever time I trlcll ' 1'0 makc hllll laugh , he crlcIl , ] nhall thc ( uuulclIl balll.hcallctl hcall , lIut uow lhcrc's fuzz lhat's Just bcgun 10 Alroul ) ( I.lke Pala's ) ) onlllc tol. ) UII whcre tlle hair ! ! all Atop , ] ' n somcthlninshle'll tr'lug to lleck out. Ills eres Is twins : ) 'OU can't tcll which III whlh 'l'hey re fasienclllll wllh thrcall , ] ' n you can sce lhe rCII HIght In thc corner whcre lhey mJllc slltch , 'Canse I ( ther Hlllcll 'cmllkc a 1l0llY'li C'CII , lIe'll be jUlIlllke a. 11011 , ] n couhln't cry at all : 1 think the IItltchcs hurls hi 111 whcn hc cries : Jlllt mama. . AaYIi he crlcs bccausc hc's crank } ' . Somcllnll.'s hlsnosc crlcs too , \:11 : maml. sa's " 00 , 00 , " ] ' n drlcs the nOllc'Ylcars of ( wllh hcr hauk } ' . Whcn Itroler's hungry he lIon't have to stir olr lItaula'slall , 'callsc hc I Don't go lIownlltalr9 like wc' lIc 1I0n't eat (0011 YOll know , he Just cathcr. ) o nl1\la ) lia } ' ! ! whcn hcwalIttle brothcr , lie ct hlYoInama too. Bn Uram , when Rhe wall new , She et her ma , cn ever.boll } ' et cach olhcr : But when the UrstCt baby came. why Il10n't . sce Who fccllcllhlm , ncr who It was he et , 110 ) 'out Ncr who It was that pickcli him olr thc trcel ( l tlmuUlI Vancc Cookeln National Magazlnc ) Edwund Vance Coole will ap- pE r in Broken Bow at the Temple theatre , Saturday even- ibg , July 20 , filling an engage ment on the. Junior Normal course. Bad Leaders. Cutting loose. from a safe anchorage , with minds distorted by a monstrous ambition , dis- cardinf { and repudiating the declarations of their party and forgetting its wonderful achieve- mcnts under this wise national I policy , there . today repubti- ' can leaders who wou1c1 destroy the great work of McKinley and Dingley , and Hstening to the clamor of the men who plunged this nation into an era of calamity - ity and depression in 1893 , would' undo the work of republican statesmen and try again a policy of free-trade , which has at every trial hitherto driven prosperity from the United States. We care not who these men may be nor what great things they may have done , whenever the republican party follows their advice and elects them to power on such a platform , it writes its own epitaph ; repucH- ates its grea.test living principle ; stro -tlie fo f o' up which it has built the grandest political organization the world has ever known j undoes the work of half a century of efficient po. liticallabor and starts the nation down the declivity of depression , stagnation and disaster , to plunge into the mire of free-trade and democracy , which wilt speedily - ily obliterate every vestige of the prosperity we now enjoy , bring- , mg the country back agam to dark days , similar to those through which it passed at the close of the Buchanan and Cleveland - land administrations. More Hail Storms Coming. ReI/orts are to the eifect that the west wi11 be visited by more than the usual number of storms this seas n. Tbe entire United States had a severe and extended winter and we arc promised unusual - usual weather for t be remainder of the year. This prophecy has been fulfilled so far , as we have bad a tornado and several hail bait storms right here in CU3tC'T county. . Tornado insurance is not hig-h and hail insurance is lower than ever before and the only sate plan for the farmer is to insure his growing crop , against destruction by the de- ments. - , Whither Are We Drifting ? College graduates , with only an A. B. , or B. S. . tacked to tbeir names , seem to be ahout the cheapest things going in New York city. A publisher doing business there is quoted as saying that the easiest kind of help tJ - obtain at ' $10 a week is the recent college graduate. A lead , ing lawyer o New York gee even further by declaring : "II is appalling to find the numbel of college gradu'ltes of lcn standing who arc today fi1linf clerical positions at $10 or $1 : per week. For many years i _ has been possible in New YorJ city to employ at from $10 to $1 : per week large numbers of law ers of over ten years' stand in I who were graduates of bet ] college and law school , " The 4th Furr ished Employment. ; Paren ts in various parts of t h United States were engaged fJ a couple of days after the 4t collecting the fragments of thei children which had been yer I much scattered by the explosiol1 of giant fire crackers , I ORDER DRUGS BY PHONE e-- I . 1\I01lt pcople don't know Rn ) ' more ahout drugs af. ter the ) ' see thcm than he. ' fore. CaHIS \lp h ) ' phone uIIlI tell us whnll drugs ) ' 011 want nllll we w111 de. liver them in hnlf the time you could to the IItore mltl get them. ' Hverything will he sutisfnclory. We willmnke it so. S. R lEE , "The Busy Druggist" - - - Have you visited our Soda Foantain today ? MARTHA K , DI LL. I H S TR U C TORt 0 F P lA H O. FOR T E Clnsses in Theory of 1\Iusic , Hannon ) nnll Kitulergarten. Pinno lcssons of 40 minutes , 50 cent ! per le son , paynble monthly. In Gleim & Myers block , Broken now , - - - Nehraska Let. us be ) 'our printer. 'l'h ( good kind of printing only. - - - - - - - - . , - I Qnt : : iBMi ! It' : .t . M * JU u . MD ' 1 " ! ! O torc ' Y for l llCd' with cllsto1Uer are \Ve IIave the Goods Y Oll Want f 'Ve Quote 'air Prices Becnuse 'v 0 Give Best Qunlity 1 Weare Accurate and Ueliable 'Ve al' Cortoous Dring ) 'our prescriptions here to he sure of the 1II09t scrupulous care in filling. Get yonr rubbcr goods , toilet nrlicles , sundries , cand ) ' . cigars an IItntionery hcre where you receive the best qnnlity ntlll price. Telephonc us your orders. ED. McCOMAS. I Opcn on Sundays frol1l 8:30 : to 10,30 n. 111. only. m M M . " r - . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - t"t'Jt1Jt'tt'tt1Jt'tt'Jt1Jt'Jt'J"tt1tt1tt"t'ttJ"'t"t"t1"1' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' , " ' " " " " " " ' - - - ! Sheppard & BurkS - - - - E have so HUlny fresh anq. seasonable goods in t.he 3 - - = = line of Groceries and Provisions that to publish = = - - .a list would require . a whole , page in the paper. 3 - - - = = The best way for the 1 > atl oni ng public to do is : : - - to call at th'e store 01' phone for anything they 3 - - E want. WE IIAVE EVERyrl'lIING : and it is = = - - E all in the pure food class. 3 - - - - - - - - - ' - - - , Fruits a.nd Fresh V eg ta. bles , - - - - - - - , - - - - - - . Phone 125. South Side Square 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 - There , vi11 be a congregation of the . world's greatest talel\t at the ' ro . en . OW . : . I a.u auqua July 27 to. August 4. DAYS OF ENTERTAINMENT DAYS OF INTELLECTUAL FEAST . DAYS OF MORAL UPLIFT - II I I J. FRANKTTN CAVE NY Artist , chRlk.talker , entertaincr mill impersonator , Full of life nnd fills his hearers with life , His cra'on sketche are revelations of beauty and character. He is a delightfully cas } ' RlIII graccfnl spcaker mill a master ot crayon work. UNSURPASSABLE TALENT. ' [ 'he .New Wesle.yans Male Quartctte . L. Ward Maille ) . Bnritone Dr. Phil C. Baird Orator De\'ilt Miller Platform Spcaker lIon. Champ Clark . Orator IItlp 11 Ca wrence Turner Soprano Soloist . . 1 . Bichmollcl Pcar on Hobson . Orator Congressman. I I Dr. J as. t ; , Montgomcry Iectmer Gilbert mdrcge CIIIII acler Impersonat\Jr Frank I { . Roberson Iect u rer Minnie 'l'hroop England IeClurer J. Frank Caveny Artist and Impersonator [ i'rank L. J40veland IIulllerous Speaker Opie Bead Novelist American Vitagraph Co. Moving Pictures Virginia Jubilee Singers - - - GET SEASON TICKETS NOW 'I'otal cost of ChllutalllIuli without Seasuu Ticket. . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 25 Total cost of ChRutlllllIua with Season 'I'icket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amount savcII hy p lrchasing Sellson tickct. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 25 Total cost children \puler 14 ycnrs without Season TIcket , . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Total cost chi1.1ren . IIIlIler 14 years with Season Ticket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amount saved by purchnsinl { sellson ticket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , . . 2' 50 I , , RICHMOND PEARSON HOnSON Wns one of the hrilliant lights of the Amcrican Nnvy. No future history of naval wllrfare will he written that does not devote spaee to Capt. 1I0bscJII. When it was known at Santiago that Cervera's flect was in the harhor , the late Rear- Admiral Sampson conceivell the idea of effectually sealing itlp amI thus prevent any possibility of escape. Volunteers were called for and the first to respond was Hobson. lIis caoture , imprisonment - ment and subsequent liiieration are too well known to need recounting. No finer oralor is on the platfor'm. His language is beautiful aud his effect upon nn andience is electrical. 2 5p R. . 0 G R. . A-1'I. [ IS 25. I Write Jesse U. 'l'eagar- den , Broken Bow , for further - er info 'mation , complete program , etc. I .