Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 04, 1907, Image 8
. . . II . . . . . " ' - ' " to > \ Jt' . . . . . _ " ' . . . . . ' ) ' _ : rJO _ , . DR. CHRISTENSON. EyeEarNose , Throat t and Chronic Diseases. Fittin ' of Glasses. to Office 111 Healty block. [ I. . FRANK KELSEY , r . , W E"DSr s ; ' . \ Consult him If you wnnt Wntor. . ; Phone 112 , - Broken Bow. pi , I - - - - - A.1 MOU1 , J.A. Attorney at La\v. Droken Bow.1Nobr. IIavlnlt Ju t had elllht Ycafll practical uper lenco a County Jlldlto , "lIIlClve slleclal aUen tlon to the drawhtlC all,1 prubatlnlt. . . of wllill and the : ltlntlllilltration of c tate of ueceasell per- 80nll and mlnore. Write or vhono nte. Imay lave you p trip. O.U. . OONHAD. , . Dnalor In 1'1110111. Wlud. Mlllp , TAnkp , I"lttlnrp.ORrolln " Knltlnt , " , litO. l'Ie. IIrolr..n flow. NIJhrlllllla , 'y" ) : ' ) : # ) : ) " ' " .r.r.r..o . : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g'-JIhe : : ' "t Ves"t E:1eva1or ; . . A. H. COPSEY , I _ DEALER IN- , sCRAIN AND COAL I . handle [ 'eed in small quantities for the retail trade ij I : ' pecial attention given to filling orders for coal D . in any quantity. , lBrOen } Bow , - - Nebraska 8 / " .r..r : O : . : r..f.r.or.r.r.r.r.r..rJ" ' : : . . - - - - - - - - - SNYDER BROS. & Co. . E. & W. COLI.AI : . S. PETERS SHOES. , We are now about ready for SPRINC , BUSINESS havipg cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchanHse. New goods arc now arriving daily and our many lines will : soon be complete. When you are loking for : . Good V al ues and Honset Pr.ices the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats caps , shoes , rugs , carpets. mattings , lineoleums , notions , etc. , don't fail to look I our lines over. CRITERION CLO'rHING. HUNTER OVERALT . " M 'f" , fE\1 : ; < : . . ti " : ' . ' . . . ; ; J.ti ; ' ' 'I'I1l : : JJ'j . . : . . , . . . , . : : ; ri UI'I1""l . .c. : : ' 'I"r > > ; f. . . - . : . . . . . : : ; UI'-ntIoi.oJ " ' " ' ' ' ! : : ; . ; t'I l'ii : . " . " . . . . . . " . ; - ; : ; ; : , fTif : . ; . . r.'I""I .l. / " " . . . _ . : : . . . ; , . , i . " : ' . . . : . , . . . . . . : . t . . . , . " : " . . . 00 ! r' : : i : ! When desiring to figure on a bill riP- I of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . w [ ; ! ti n , liCLT urner L urn b er C o. I fi'i 00 . , . 1 O : i' We carry a lull stock < ? f Lumber , ! 'ti r Sash , Doors , MouldlUgs , etc. ; ri &i : . Ag.en s for the Nebrn ka qen ral m I B1IlidlUg & Loan Association. : : ! : . 1.1 ; " , . . . . . . . . : J : . . . . . . , f. . . . . . 'J:1.r : . . . \ . . . . I"J-- " ' ' ' ' 'Io. ' ' ''J : ' . . ' . . 'YJoIt"ml ( : " . . . . , ! : : " .l ' 1 i , & ! m : i'lij 6\ l' : : ilfiW ! : 1i ! ' : m lrd yc'i ; 'i.l : ill ll :1 . t' " . . . YOU CAN .SA VE MONEY here by purchasing , , , _ , . , . ! ! " " " " " ' " " ' " " ! " l"I"111i11111111"1111111.111'"I1I ' S i ! Pain ts , Oils , ; Y . i Hardware , ' I Furniture , . E Flour , Feed ; : and Seed. ! I . . , ' , . i IIIIK.I""IIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllh'"IIIIIII"'II'KII ' ' ' IIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIlIn'IIIIIII'II.nlllr ! J. W. SCOTT. . ' . South Sic1eSquare ! , BFoken Bow. , - - - - ' - - - - Send _ your Abstract Orders to . J. G. LEONARD , : . . : Bonded Abstracter \ Office in Security State Bank B'ld'ng . . J ' if. : , . m fF bill Before You Build , Consult . Greo. E:1 apin.ea-u. , I : U U - ! Contractor and Builler. Estimates U , Furnished free with plans and specifications : I " \.II \ - _ . - - - - - . c. - : . I , . - I' . Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON. : f . , . At the OLD STAN D. - f. . Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold. Farms rented : Taxes paid for non-residents. r WIll buy some good paper. Call and see me. c. "VV. Bc > "VVnu : : , : n. I t" . . . \ , " I" " , ; . . . . : . ' _ . ' _ _ H _ . _ ' - .d r _ . . _ . _ Ancicnt Echocs or , Whose Fault Was It ? Conllnued frolU 1.'lut PallC west with his followers and settling at Salt Lake , Utah territory. They have evacuated their partially errected 'remple at Nauvoo , Ill. , the ruins of which still stands. But nothing could draw the attention of the public from the slavery question. Lyceums sprang up over all the North , every school house and m3 ny private dwelling became a place of public gatherings where the questions of the day were discussed - cussed from every standpoillt. The fugitive slave law was shredded , torn to a.toms , reviled , trampled under foot , and rejected as far as wortal tongue could accomplis bed the work. The underground rail-road was running - ning full force and but few slavcs who succeeded in crossing the Obio river but what eventually gained the promised land beyond the lakcs. But stopl What fascinating , bewitching , story is this that is enchanting the wholc nation. See how eagerly it is perused by old and yo ung , high and low , rich and poor , black and white , male and female , their heart all going out in sympathy for the suffering' I pictured in that talc of woe. Mrs. ) Harriet Beecher Stowe had at one leap , sprang from obscurity to the very pinnacle of literary fame , in giving to the public , "Uncle Tom's Cabin , or LHe Among the Lowly. " The advcate of slavery scoffcd at the picture drawn , denying such cruelty was ever practIced on a Southern slave , but escaped and fleeing negros.told a different talc , and as proof of the truth of their assertion often bareing their backs to show the marks of th cruel lash that time could not errase. To counteract the mighty wave of indignation that went sweeping through the North Caroline Le-Hense put out a volume in answer to "Uncle 'l'om's Cabin" entitlrd "Tbe Long Moss Spring , " which I had the pleasure of perusing and I must say that it was the 1110st fascinating story of southern life that ever fell to my lot to read , but few copies sold in the north , however , and the ill feeling - ing between the two sections was kept at white heat. 1852 another presidential election - tion in which the question of slavery takes a leadIng part. The democrat convention pledged itself to a strict enforcement of the fugative slave law , and denounced - nounced as criminal all agitati m of the slavery question. They nominated Pierce and King. 'rhe Whig candidates were Scott and Graham , the free soilers put forward , Hale and Julian , Henry Clay and Daniel Webster , the two leaders of the Whig party was stricken by death and their mantles fell upon the shoulders of Charles Summer , William Sewart and Salmon P. Chase who became the leaders oj their party. J. C. Calhoun , leader of the democrats , was also called and was succeeded by J effersoD Davis. In this election the old Whig party received its deatb blow. It. was so overwhelmingly defeated that it never recovered. But the slave party was in a quandry what course to pursue for although it had elected it president by an overpowering number , it had lost its prestige in the senate through the aquisi. tion of California. Now to even up matters , the state right party sends Willian Walker a voted filibuster inte Sonora , Mexico , hoping to suc' ceed in wresting that state fron southern neighbor as San Houston had done with Texas. . He failed , howeverin his under. taking and sailed with his ex. peditious to Nicaragua. Here he succeeded for a timl but was forced to retreat. H ( made two or three other attempt ! to capture it but was finallJ driven out. He was then sent t ( Honduras , where he was captur ( anrl shot. Although a piratical scheme he can be counted as a martyr t ( the southern greed for power But the blame cannot all bl placed on the south , for meeting : were held in New York and man' . other lar e cities of the n rti and his efforts to bring one 0 these states into the Union as : state was applauded everywherl by the state souvereignty party Having failed in their attemp as revolutionists , Presiden Peirce now took upon himsel the solution of the question. H proposed the buying of Cub from Spain. Our ministers t ' 'England , France and Spain wer called together at Owstead t consult over the annexation ( J Cuba. They drew up what wa called the Omstead manifeste It declared that Cuba wa necessary to "the United State ! and it was the duty of this COUl - - . , . ' -410. --L. _ _ _ - : , . --1 : , . . - . ' . 'I " Ii New Dressers . ! t New Beds t New Tables , @ Ram mock FIames : ' . . Music Racks and Uabinets Library and COInbinHtion BOOK Cus s Hall Trees and rl'rs Ward Robes and I\itchen : Safes. . t Victor Extension Dinning Tables t Furniture Dressing , best on market D. C. KONKEl.1 . . . , . , . "CmlfT.r. ? 'Q'I1 ? 'tf ' : i' " ' ( { 'r.i ( { 'r.I9"qrw 'tttPql.l : -O 'I 'Pq1V : i' ; ) ' ' 41 'P 'CtrnY - - - - . . . . . - - - - - - ' - - try to prevent the emancipation of its slaves. Also , if Spain refused - fused to sell to the United States we would be justified in taking it by force. Now , harl tbe state souvereignty party tried that scheme as they had heretofore done , they would have escaped a great portion of the anathem of the free soilers , but when the president of the United States , cbosen to lepresent the whole people , stepped down from his high calling and joined a piratical - cal scheme to rob another country - try of her possession ! : ! , it is no wonder the fire of indignation went sweeping through the north like a whirlwind. The people of that day understood that its accomplishment was not to further the interests of the United States , but to build up and strengthen the waning power of the slavpry party. But the president soon realized tbat , like the fugitive slave law , this move was about to prove a boomerang and so dropped it. Another plan was resorted to. It was the division of Texas into two or three states. But this Texas positively refused to do. ( To be Continued. ) If You Want to buy good posts take a look at our stock. 2x4 O k , Catulfur , . . Western H. C. Splits , Whit Cedar. Also a full line of Shingles - les , Windows and Doors and everything in the builders line. Paving brick for side- walks. Dierks lumber & Coal Co. Phone 23. HARRY I < lMBALL , Practical Undertaker . . Licnsed Embalmer Busincss phonc , 301. Residencc 334B Ihokcn ! Jaw. No ! ) . , , \ , IF YOU BUILD use good materials. 'rhe wi ! cost no more and last tWice a long. Let us know of you wants and we wiU quote figure on the best the market affords i the line of CEMENT o lime , sand , sidewalk brick , an If all building materials of goo .s quality. > . \ H. T. BRUCE & CO. , 1Lumber and Coal. . - .m _ _ _ . . . , , _ _ _ . _ _ n _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ # .r : Q'.o . : 1r I The Advo 'I ' R es t' aurant I c. E. .STOUT , Prop. 8 - . . 'Irst-c 1 ass In Evcr Rcspect. R Short Ordcrs , n Specialty. Lunch Counter in Conncction. B N - M Our Pics Are Uncxccllcd. Try onc-or morc. S R l - : r-r . ; r./"MO-JOC : .o : .J . - - - - July Specials : Good Chances Eastward : Many low round trip rate ! ' tc eastern resorts during July , Jamestown Exposition tick. ets inclu ( e New York and sea sbore resorts with vari. able routes ; excursions tc Saratoga , Pbiladclphal northern Michigan , Canada and St. Lawrence Hiver reo sorts , Niagara Falls an Boston. Consult Agent : If to making use of these excur' sion rates for your easten trip. Low Rates Westward : During- July , low round tril rates to Pacific Coast , Sat Francisco , Portland , Seattle etc. , Yellowstone Park , Sal' Lake , Colorado resorts , Bi Horn Basin , Black HiUs Sheridan and Spok ne. Con suIt Agent. Big Horn Basin and Billings District : We personally conduct home seekers' excursions on till first and third Tuesdays 0 each month to these locali . . . ties to assIst you to secur < < . tine irrigated lands 'at 10' ' cost. Write D. Clem Deaver General Agent Land Seekers Information Bur ( > au. Hal rates with maximum of S2 ( from Nebraska ; homeseeltCrs excursions west , nortbwes . . and southwest. - Call or Write for Details. H. L. OItMSDV , Ticket Agent L. W.V AKRLnv , G. P. A. Omaha , Nebraska. . . _ . , . _ . . . . . . . " " . . . . . " . . . . = o- ' _ 'Y1 . . - - . _ . . . . - - - - - - Legal Notices. < SUMMONS HY l'UHL1CATION. In District COllrt of Custer County. Nebrask Wllhehulne C. Ahrendt. Plaintiff. v . 'rhe I.ombard III\'estment Comio an ' . a curporatlon. and Mr ! ! . 1 l\en \ A. Ste\'eus , Defellliantli. 'l'he Lumbard Investment Cumpany. a COI 11 ilOratlun , and Mr , ; . I\en \ A. Stevenll. will tak notice that all the Z-ttlt day of JUlie , 11)0 S Wilhelmine C. Altrelldt. ttlnllltllT herein. nle. . r her petitluilin tlte Ulhtrlct Court of CUSic COllnty. NebraHka. a'aillst : the I.omhard lu S \'ostment ComplllY. a . alld Mn 1 lIell A.Stevells. . the ob ect ami prayer u n wltlclt are tu 1t:1\'e a certain lUurtllallI dted u& & : 011 the fulluwhllt dehcrlhed real estate sltuat III CU8ter CUIlIlt ) ' . Nebraka , tu.wlt : ! ! w i 8e 1 se ' 8W ' amlll , ' of 8wl , uf scctlon 13. tuwu hl IS , N. uf rane : : :3. west uf 6th P. Moo execute. . ami dellverell by Goonre A. I.uck ami Ahulr < 1 Lllck Ollllr : , bollt 1.'ebluary 7th , 1 'J. ' to th d Lumbard InveHtnltmt COIIIPan ' and b ) ' titer asslirned to Mrs. lIell A. Stevens. to 8ecnr the sunt of $ b50.I\ ) due alld paY.1ble 'ebruar 1st. 111'J-1 ' , bearlllll' Interlt at the rate of 6 pe cent per allnUIII. 11ayable seml.anuually , 0\1 dellced by 10 Illtere8t notcs. the fiut of whici was In the 8UIII of : f18.1S and each ruwainlul one In the sum of : f19.50 and dUly recurded UI the 13thdav of 'ebruaryIW8' ' } . In book 26. 01 - _ . ' - ' . . . . - ' : : .1i . . .J - , . . ; ; ; .r- ialr8 4'i7. of the mortllalle records of uld Custer county. be cancelled anll discharged of rt'Cord. that the cloud on p1alntllT's title to said real e tate by reallon uf Bald mortA'all'o be reo " mo\"ed. for the rea on that plalntllT Is the . . owner In fee IIlmple to lIahl real estate aud " that mora than ten yearll Itave elaPlled IIlnce . the due date of said morlJ.rUle . and of each anl alillUlU8 securell thereby anll that lIald mort- ' f lI'ale and nil Interest thereon has been paid III full and for such otlter and further relief al lUay be Ju t alld equitable. You are required to an8wer said petition on or before the Stlt da ) ' of A & "ult. 19J7. WtLlIBLMmu C. AUIIBrbT. Dy SIMON CAfmRoN. AUorney. " "lr8t pub June 2-4t United States Land Office. l , \ Drokell Dow , Nebraska. June H. 1907. r Notice Is hercby ! lIven that AtMSTED . . IUCIIARDSON. of lIrokell Bow. hall filed lIotlcD of hisiuteutlull tu make filial cummuted . . . : proof III support of his claim.'Iz. . IJomestead elltry No. : JJN , made Octuber 7. I'J03. for the lIe neJ scctlon 7. tuwllllhip 17 N. . ranlfQ W Woo al1ll that sahl proof will be made before Reltlster alld RcclJlver at Dtoken Dow. on July : :6. : t1)07. lIe names the followlllll' wltne ses tl > proy" Itls continuous residence upon and cultivation - vation of. thu land. vlz : Robert A. Hunter , of ' Broken lJow Nebraska ; Ralph Juhnson. of J Broken How. Nebrlska ; John Itlchardson. of Broken 1I0w. Nebras..a ; Wllllaiu Ituan. of lJrokeu Huw. Nebraska. I JOUN RRIISK. Reirlster. , 1.'lrst pub Juue 2O-Gt I . . . - - - - nOAD NO''lCE. To whom It may concern : Yo\1 are hereb ) ' notllled that the county , board of supervisors dill. at their meeting On I June 11th. 1007 , eclare the following section line to be a Imbllc highway : Commenc ng at the northeast corner of lIection Ii. township 10. range II ! , thence run. . nlng Hauth on the lIection line J miles. < Also cOUllUcnclng at the lIoutheast con1er of ' Jo' lIection I , township 10. range II ! . running ' thence wcst on the Iectlon : line Yo mile. All objections thereto , or claim ! ! for dam. . , ages must be tiled In the ot1lce of the connty clerk. on or before noon of the 27th day of Augult : , 11107 , or such road will be established wlthont reference thereto. In witness whereof , I have hereunto set my hllnd anll seal of said count ! this 27th. day of June. 1007. JOB. lIOMAN. ' { SEAL ] County Clerk , , 'Irst pub June 27-lt ! tOAD NO'1'ICl . To whom It may concern : 'l'he commltsloner appointed to view and If deemed tor the public gouLl , to locate a road petitioned for by .James M. Iowrey , et al. commencing at about 80 rods east of the northwcst corner of section 11. township 15. .range 17 , running thence west following the J divide and keeping as near to the section line as Is poslilble to make a practicable road terminating at the southwest corner of the sWM section Ii , township Ir. . range 17. three . miles and 80 rods west , lias repurted In favor 1 of the establishment thereot. and all objec. tlons thereto , orclaimsfordamages. must be tiled In the county clerk's ot1lce on or before II noon of the 30th day of August , 1007 , or such road wiII be cstabllshed without reference thereto. , In witness whercof , I have hereunto set my h nd and seal of said county. this 27th day j ot .June. 1007. Jos. PlOMAN , . { SEAl , ] County Clerk. } I . 'irst pub June 27-41 ! tOAD NO'1'lCE. ' 1'0 wholU It may concern : ' ! 'lIe commissioner appointed to view and If deemell for the pUbltc goud to locate and vacate a road petitioned tor by Ed. M. Scott. et ai , commencing at station No.4. of the road petitioned for by M. H. I.'oster and others - ers , on the cast line 9f section 18 , township . . 10. range and runn1ng thence north on the section line to the nortlieast corner of said ' ' section 18 , and to vacate that Ilart of road on 'I' the northllnc of section 18. from the north. _ : cast corner of sa\d \ section 18 west to where ' the road petitioned for by Poster. et ai , joins ' - . the road on the north line of section II ! , town- . . r sl1lp 1\1 , range Zo ! , has rellOrted in favor' of , the establishment and vacation thereof , and Ij' all objections thereto. or claims for damages. . must e lIIed In the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 30th day of August , 1007. " or such ruad wiII be established and vacated ' . 'II without reference thereto. In witness whereof , I have hereunto set my . hand and seal of salll county this 27th day of I June , 1907. Jos. PIGMAN. { SEAl , ] County Clerk. . 'Irst pub June 27-H. ! tOAD NO'1'lCE , To whom It may concern : . 'l'he commissioner appointed to view and If deemed for the pUblic good , to locate a road. petitioned for by K. W. Kimball. et ai , com. menclng at the northeast corner of section 7. township 10 , range 17 , then , mile south. then Yo mile wellt to the township line then ' . south on township line to the suuthwest / corner of the north west , . ( of section lB. . : township 10. range 17 , thence west on Yo see , 1 tion line about 3j rodll. to the old road. then , , ! toutheast to the southwest corner of section ' II ! , tuwnshlp 10. range 17. then follow old road . on divide In a southeast direction to the. . line of the Ilsec. . 30. then south to can. nect with Ash Canyon to Ansley. has repa'rt- edln ; : favor of the cstahllshment thereof. and all objections thereto , or claims for damages - ages , must be Iiled in the county clerks . olllce on or lIefore noon of the : ' ' 7th day of August , 1\107. or such road will be establllllled without referlJl1ce thereto. In witness wher of , I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said county. this 25th day of June 1907. Jos. PIGMAN. { ilEAL ] County Clerk. . "irtt 1mb June 7-1t ROAD NO'1'ICE. To wllOmlt may concern : - 'l'he Commissioner appointed to view and If . . deemed for the pUblic good to locate a road' petitlonell for by Leslie H. Clay , et al , ' com. menclng at 80 rods north of the tlouth vest . corner uf the southeast quarter of 'section I. - , town 15. range III. an,1 running thence east , one mile and a half. terminating 80 rods - north of the tloutheast corner of tile southeast - east quarter of section 22 , town 15 , range 18. . Hoall tu be 40 ft. wide , hall reported in tavor uf the establishment thereol , al1tl all objections - tions thereto , or claims for damages , must lie ; med In the county clerk'lI otUce on or lI fore noon of the 15th liay of August , 1007 , or such roall will be established without reference . . thereto. - In Witness 'Whercof. I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said count " this 11th " day of June. 1007. Jos. 'IOMAN. . , { SEAl , ] County Clerk. - . 'Irst pub June 13-it ! tOAD NO'l'ICE. , 1'0 wl Q.m It may oncern : 'l'he commissioner appulnted to vie II" . andl If deemed for the pUblic good. to locate a road , petitioned for lIy J , JIi. Whisler ; et al. commencing at thc northwest corner of sec. tion 17. town IS. ran e 18 , running south H miles thence west al10ut miles H' Interllect- Ing with road on section I. town 15 , range 1\1. \ has reported in favor of' the establishment , thereof. aUll all objections thereto. or clalmll for damages. must be tiled in the County Clerk's otllce on or before noon of the 15th liay of Au ust.IOO7or such road will be estab. IIshell without reference thereto. In wltnetll Whereof. I have hereunto set my hat1l1 and seal of said county , this 11th day - - uf June. 1007. JOB , PIGMAN. "I ] SE.\L ] County Clerk. . . 1.'lrst Ilul1 June 13-tt ai , ) nOAD NO'1'ICE. ; 1'0 whom It may concern : You arc hereby notilled that the County Board ot SUllcn-isors did a , at their meeting au June 5 , 1007. declare the following section line ; . " to be a Imbllc highway. Commencing at the , S. "V ' J. ( curner on the bouth side of bectlon : ! ! ! town , ; H. range 10 , running thence east Olle mile to thr : bouth center of hectlon : ' ' 1. tuwn H , range 10. .tlto commencing at the southwest Corner _ of bection tJ , town H , range III , running tluIIce cast mile , . . All objectlonll thereto. or claims for llam. ages mu t lie meilin the County Clerk'lI otUce L. on or leture nuon of the 15th day of August 1\107. \ or such road will e ettabllshell witllout ' , reference theretu. ' In Witness Whereof , I have hereunto set ' m ) ' han(1 anll seal of said cuunty this 11th day of June , 1\107. \ Jos. I IGMAN. } ' " SI\I. : : ] { County Clerk. "Irbt pub Jnne IJ-It : , , hh _ _ _ , HOAD NO'l'JCl , ' ! ' , whom It may conCern : I he commltsfuner appolntell to view and If deemed fur. the l1uIJllc goad to locate a road pctltlolled tur hy 0 , H. ' ' . 'l'aylor. et al. com- mellclng at the not.thcast curner of , scctiun . : W. tOll'nl7. range 10. rUllnlng thence south on the bcction IIl1e 'o mile , thellce wett about " " 0 ruds. thence bouth following old trail to the town8hlll IIl1e has reportell in favor of the a cttabllshment thereof. and all objections I ' e thereto , or clalmii for damages must lie Illed 1\ in the County Clerk's otUcc un Ir before noon u I of the llIth llay of August , 1M , or lIuch ready y will lie establlshell without reference there. r to. I. In Wltnesll Whereof. I have hereunto set 11 my hand and seal o IJald count ) . , thlllllth day . . . . . . .J . . II' at Junt ! , 1007. Jos. PIGMAN. - ' It ISEAL ] Count ) ' Clerk ' It "Irst llull June 13-i , , : j