. " , , . ' . 1 -.txr..f'J ; , . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . ' = = " ( USTrR ( OUNT' ( RPU [ UCAN By D. M. AMSBERR DROKEN DOW , . . NEDItASICA : H 1t fnlyhtr Ilol' ) stlllo thnt can. not scure , 1111 n fnvUl'lte rOIl. Doml Ule AUI'D ' clull Imow thnt hot nit. hus gOllo out of fushloll III Iml1ooll' IlIg ? I lIrollo 'cnll eut 0111' wlicut us usual thin 'enr , lIlit It will have to IIUY the Ilrlce. Wheat. ( nrmors this su 11IlIer' ought to lIe ublo to o to Purls nlld talto 0110 menl nttho IUtz hotel. Isn't ther - some Buii lltuto thnt the fnmlCrs CUll feed to the green Img that will malO him forgot his troubles ? A South Dalwtlinnn ndvertlsell for a wlCe who Is dumll. It were SUller- fiuous to alld thnt he Is n widower. An Itallnn In l'ennsylvanln commit. , ted suleille lIecause he was "tlrell of America. " And presumnllly he came over becnuse he was tired of Italy. IIarll to Bult. In vlow of the fuct thnt Murs Is to lIe neurer the earth this summer than It lias lIeen before for 16 yeurs , It Beems n purtlcularly allllrollr1ate tlmo to hold the peace conference nt The Hague. WIlIlnm B. Co roy's IU\1'chnso of a stenm yncht Is aBsurance thnt ho has enough loose chnllge to prevent his being worried lIy any prospect of re. lief from active employment with the steel trust. Wushlngtoll Post : 1'he other day Chicago emplo 'ed Its 300,000 school children to clean the Btreets , anll wo presume after they got through allout 200,000 mothers were lIUBY cleaning school children. A nurse with a rcd plush tllliform hns been provldell for the name.lIur- delled hell' to the throne of S\mln.- , White linen would lie more sanltnry , 'but , too l\luch must not bo expeckJll of Spain at ono jump. Some clerg 'mon In Phllmlnlphla 1\1'0 dlslJUtllIg' as to whether the h n 'Isets" lor "sits. " Our experience Is that she doesn't do either when you want her to-nnd 'ou can't always put depend. \3nCe on an Incullator. George Dern\rd ! Shnw Is a great lover of lDu ic. . ' Ho was invited by n friend ono da 'to hear a string quar- totto' from Itnly. ' 1'hroughout the programmo ho sat \vlth n stony look on hfs face. ' 1'he friend , to draw n 1It- Uo , pralso from hhn , said : " 1\11' . Shaw , these men hnvo heon Illaying together for 12 years. " "Twelvo yoarB ? " said the ether , hi , an IncrCllulous voice. "Surely , wo've beo'l ' here longoI' than that. " . Something alleged to bo brand.now in alrBhllls was tested Ilt the James. town oxposltlon UIO other day , when the machlno made a flight over the grounds , starting , moving about In any desired direction and alighting with ease and accuracy at the point of de. parture. The Jamestown show Is not as big as Homo of Its predecessors , but , If It witnesses the solution of the aerial navigation problem It will attain a distinction greater than that accorded any other. , Lelllnltz , ono of the great men of literature , who died In 1716 , wished to join n society of alchemists who were prosecuting a search for the phlloso- b r's fltono. lIe complied a letter from the writings of the most celebrated - brated alchemlBts and sent It to tha society. ' 1'he letter consisted of the most obscure terms ho could find , anc\ \ ho himself , he said , did not understanl1 1\ word of It. Afraid to lie thought Ignorant , the soclet ' Invited him to Its meetingB and made him secretary. Liverpool servants nronot proving a success at the natlonlll capita ) . Lant winter not a slnglo ofllclal househol'l ( maintaIned the 'ellow or crimson- garbed nunlties , and oven the foreign ombassles and legations have toned ( fown the gorgeous satin antI velvet of their retalnors. The Pierre Lorn. lards , the Pel'CY Delmonts and the George Vanderlll1ts stili holll out agalnBt this decree toward the simple - ple life , but the Dostoneso and other9 at the capital are content with house \servants \ In plain lIlacle clothes. It has been declared lIy a lecturer to the Mothers' clull of Now York city that the official eagle of this country , S shown IQ. authorized designs , III female. The proof offered Is the white tufts of feathers on head anll breast , and the fact that the female eagle Is larger and stronger than the male. Nevertheless , most persons think of the metaphorical lIlrd aB a male. Or- 'nlthologlsts sa ) ' thnt UlO convontlonal design docs not indlcato the sex , and the law Is plain. In the description of the seal accepted by the continental congreBS , June 20 , 1782 , the pronoun 4'h1B" Is used three times with reference - once to the hiI'd. Father Dernard Vaughan , the noted Engllsl ) priest , recentl . referring to the manner In which some women cheat the doctors , told of a woman who , by pleading poverty , obtained tree treatment for her chillI from a high-priced oculist and hought herself a motor car with the money tIll , . . saved. It Is estimated that I"rlcl , lost $30" 000,000 In the recent stocle flurry. Th ( Plttsburg magnate should bo glad thai he was so industrious and saving hi his youth or he never would have batJ that mu'h money to lose. . , . . . . . . . , t . ' ' . ' - - - - " " The State Capital Matters of Ocncral Intcrcst o rROM Ncbrnsl ( 's Sent of Oovernmcnt " - Total of Appropriations. state Auditor SelU'le hna received from the printers cOllies of the oppro. prlatlons made by the late legislature mul for whnt purposes the npproprln.- tlons were mado. ' 1'he total of all appropriations amounted to $4,3G7 , . 267.31 , ns ugnlnst $3G21GO.J.06 In 1J06 ! nnd $3,7'10,280.70 In 1J03. ! l"ollowlng Is the detailed statement of the np. proprlatlons mnde by the recent legIslature - Islature : I.eJllhltlvc ! eXP nIJCII , thlr- tloth RORsion . . . . . . Of. . . . $ 100,000.00 Atljutllnt Icnorn.l . . Of. . . . . 61,480.UU Atlornoy gCllerul . . . . . . . . . 26,600.00 Auditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ 3UWO.UO : Insurance Ilomrtmont . . . . 10,18U.UO Commlllsiollor of lahor. . . . 8,280.00 CommlsRloner of pUbllo lunllR unll hulhllngs. . . . . 31,28U.UO District cOllrt . . . . . . . . . . . . 230UOO.00 I"oocJ , I1ru" nnd dnlry com- mlsllloll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26li80.00 Onmo und fiRh comml slon 28li30.00 Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,28U.UO Secretllry of RtlltO. . . . . . . . . 21bSU.UO Htntu IIlIpl'rlntencJont . . . . . 22.280.00 Supreme court . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,360.0U I.llJrnry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.7J0.00 ! 8tllto rnllwn.y commIBlllon. . liOOOU.UO Atnte votorlnnrlnn . . . . . . . . 7l6U.OU : 'I'ron.Buror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,62U.UO Stn.to hllnlcln hoard. . . . . . 37IUO.UO fl1n.to : hon.rll of OIlulllization nnd IIBlIt'RRment . . . . . . . . . 4,70U.00 State hOlul of Irrhrutlon. . . 11ili80.00 IJourli of Iluhllc InndB and hu II cll 11/.1':1 / : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38UOO.00 Don.rd of C'ducatlnrml llndB 'tlltl ' funlill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000.00 Htnte hon rd of ChUI'IticH and corl'ocllonB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4OOU.UO 8tnte board of henlth. . . . . 10,000.00 . . . . , . PreparIng for Stilte Fnlr. ProporatlonR COl' the coming Atato fnlr to he held the fil'st weol < lu Sop. tomher ore IlClng rURhod and the Jround will loole conHldorahly dltreront from Inst year , Severnl thousntHl loads of dirt are helng moved to the west Aldo of the grounds , and the co " truet for the removal of the thlrtoon ' swlno lIarna to thla now location hM hoon lot. 'rho present fish building will ho moved so as to open uv Mor. ton nvelluo to the court between tho. . swlno barns. A now sewer hns been constructed from the Jlvo stocl < pavilIon - Ion to Cut.Qff lalce , a dlstnnco of 1,237 feet. The waterworlf Is Iwlng extend- 011 west along J\lorton avenue to the swlno barns , and around the west end of the rnco tracle to the now slleed lIarn and all the 0111 slleed sheds are IJOlng moved across to the north sldo of the trncle nnd made over Into regu' lar speed.barns. The new catUe baril , to hold G3G head of cnttle , will be erected nl the wesl end of the race track , and al1 the ImprovementH have a tendency to enlar e the grounds seas as to avoid the congestion so notice- ahlo last yonI' . Desldes , the $20,000 al proprlatod lIy the recent legislature for the new cattle harn , the board of agrlculturo Is expending $25,000 of Its funds for hnprovments. Natlonnl Guard Strength. A letter from the war department , recolved at the office of Governor Sheldon , gives notice that the Natlonnl Guard throughout the country will have to comply with the Dlcle law lIy Januar ' 1 In order to receive a share of the natlonnl allI1l'oprlation. The Nehrnslm Natlonnl Guard receives nbout $ lGOOO nnnually from the gov- ( \rnmont. \ A proviso In the Dlcle bill j'Milkln TI- : overno : : : ' : : -R : : : : : : : I'I I : Cnt1l1l.1'lno M. Cnrllalo. . Stn.to IIlstol'lcnl lIoclet . . . . . 1fiOUO.00 Stute "rlntlllR" IHJlu.cI. . . . . . : ! 8.00U.UO Nl'hl'nlilcn. 11 II rul' ) ' commls- IIlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IiOUU.OO Asylum for Incu1'lIhlo 111- sannt 1111 II II ng-H . . . . . . . . 3JI.USO.00 ! : IInsllltlLl for IUlinno ut 1lncoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1DII,20U.00 Hosplllli for In8nno at Norfollc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22J.UOO.UO ! Hornn for 1.1'10I1I1I'S8. . . . . . 4U,800.00 1I0KpIIIIl for Cl'lpplocl amI ] )0 ( II l'I1\el1 Chllch.'n. . . . . . . 'i1i.OUO.DO Inlltllute tor BllnlJ Ilt Ne- IJrlllllcn. CIty. . . . . . . . . . . . . 60liOO.UO . InHtltute tor Dellf nnd Dumb , Omnha. . . . . . . . . . . . 83.571i.00 InBtltute fOI' Foohlo-Mhul- oil Youth n.t Bcntrlce. . . . 112.100.UO InduBtrlll1 School tor Girls 38,6 O.00 Stnte Industrial School for IJoY13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133,2UU.UO Nebrllllicn. IJllluRtrllll Homo 35,720.00 Solclhws' Ilnd 8111101'B' Homo Ilt Grand IRII\I1c1. . . . . . . . . 163lliO.00 SohlierR' n.nd SllllorB' 11011\0 Ilt l\IIIrord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,70r..OO Stnte "onltonllll1' . . . . . . . . . . 117.U8U.OU Stnte Normal school , Kenr- nc ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UII,70U.00 Stllte Nonnlll Rchool. POrll. 14:1.J20OO : ! State unlverslt . . . . . . . . . . . . lU8:1.2SS,4J : ! Stlltu Poultry n8RoollIlIl'ln. . 2,000.00 Stllto hOI\1'11 of horticulture 5OOO.UO Stlltu hOlti'll f 14.rlcu I tu 1'0. 4,00U.00 Stu tu Dlllr 'lIJcn's nllsocla- tlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000.00 , Donl'cI ot Ilul'chnso IIncl SUIJ"lIcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lliU.OO Four hnnllred coplclI Anno- tuted Stntutcs. . . . . . . . . . . 3.600.UO Doller or ' 1'hu1'Rton county. 1,84\1.42 Rtn.to untol1\olo IBt. . . . . . . . 3\lOU.00 I.egmlvortlBlng. . . . . . . . . . ! i00.00 Oelll"IICl1 Hurvo 'ol'R' of NobrnBkn , for IllIbllllhlng reportB of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.60U.UO Procuring nml tranHcrlb- Ing ahstrncts . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00U.00 InvcRt lR'utioll. ( lIscu80 of 1)lllntH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1UOO.00 Fugltlvos from justlco , of- IIccrs' fO8 , otc. . . . . . . . . . 20.000.UO Rov'nuo boolcH IInd hlnnks .IiOOO.Ou Junior Normnl Hehoolll. . . . . 15OUU.UO EXI1C'nso of bOI rd , Peru (11111 Icnrner. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.\lOU.OU Erection of monllmont , . J ohll : : 'or. 'rhn 'or. . . . . . . . . 1,250.IJO Conlltl'uetlon nnd cqulp- mCllt lire-proof lJuUdlng , State Historical lIoelct . . . 2&,00U.00 Invostl ntlon nnd extlJr- mlnlltloll of Insect 1I0lita nnd plllnt I1lsensc . . , . . . . 7liUO.00 San It n 1' ) ' cnttlo bnrll , atlto fair g-rol1ndB. . . . . . . . . . . . 20.000.UO EmorKoncy lIoBPltal Crlp- "led anll Deformed Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00U.UO For alII of lIehool districts 60UOO.UU For miscolll\neo\ls doll- clenc ' claim : ! , House ' Hell No. 5340. . . . . , . . . . . ! l3,168.61 Fol' mlHcollnnoouB oll\lms , House Hell No. 538. . . . . . 28,420.79 \ For noru1I\1 training In high Bchoola. . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000.ou Total appropriations. . . . . $4,367.257.31 ' 1'ho Depnrtment of NelJraslm Is do. Ing oyer .thlng In Its power to elect a Nobraslm man commandor.ln.chlef of the Grand Armr of the Ropubllc at the coming l1ntlonal encampment. The , choice of the deplN'tment at Fremont was Captain C. E. Adams of Suporlor. Omahn's Automobile Ordinance. The IIconse oft1cer of Omnha has wrltton to the seerotar ' of state aBI . Ing whether or not a city hns the power to Iml1080 a lIcense f\o \ on nuto , mobiles. A copy of the law has beeu forwnrded In repl ) ' . 'rho law 11I\ssol1 last win tor provides for u fee of $1 to bo paid annuall ' to the state b ' the owner of each automobile. TIll : law further provides thnt cities and towns IIl\Vo no power to pass mi ' onll , nanco hnlQslng a lIcen8e or to pnwent the UBO of an automobllo whos. owner bns paid the state license. - \ lJOrmlts the II1'eslclent In time of Ileace to prescrlbo the number of men .In a comIJl1n ' . Last .January , pursuant to this provision , an ordel' was Issued by lho war department requiring each company of the mllltln to have fifty- olght men .Thls number can be secured - cured In most towns in this state where a company Is located , but not all of the companies have complied with the order Issued by Adjutant Gonelal Culver.Vhenever a company I reports less than f1fly.elght men Its attention Is called to the mntter. In tlmo of wnr it would be eas ' for the companies to get the full number of. men , even up to 100. In two days It Is thought the Nebraslm National Guard cou1l1 recruit to the fullnumber required b ) ' the government If the companies'WOI'O calletl Into service. Rnllro < 1ds Go Into Court. Two rmlts hearing on railroad as- sessmentu have been filed In the su- )1.I'0mo ) . court. 'rho first Is a manda- IUUS proceeding directed against Gov- el'l1or Sheldon Secretary of State Jun- kin , Treasurer Brian , Auditor Searlo and Commissioner Enton , comprising the state board of assessment , and de- mnluls that the boai'll answer a serlcs of questions to show h ' what method It Increased nssessments. The Union Pacific Railroad comlJl1ny Is the plnln- tiff and If the mandamus Is allowed the road proposes to ellen the whole question of assessments. 'l'he second Bult , brought by former Chief .Justlce Sullivan , Is also directed against the assessment boord , lIut It Involves the Union Pacific company In that It seelts to enjoin the hoarll from malting a lower valuation for branch JInes of thnt road than It does for the main Uno In Platte county. 'At Alliance Next Year. The Fraterllal Order of Eagles , In Besslon here , selected Alllanco as the place of meeting next yeur. A 11\l1n- \ lieI' of recommendations to the Grand Aorlo In regard to in1I1roved changes 111 the constitution and by.laws of the order were 111\ssed. Ono of these pro- pOBed chnnges IH'ovldea for the pro- toctlon of the holders of mo memller- ship clmls. ' 1'ho cnnls wl1l be transferable - ferablo In that when a mombol' In ono state or aerlo should move to another state or u1rle , his mombol'shlp card wl1lbo transferred to the city at which he Intends to reside. State Willing to Take Bonds. Memhers of the lIonrd or county com missioners of Douglas count . called I on the bonrd of olhtcntlonnl lmuls and fmula to BOO how to frame up a proposition Cor the bOl\l'd to purchnso $1,000,000 honds , to ho vott'd on by Douglns county this faU , for the pur- , IIOSO of oroctlng n court house. The I state bonrd g-nve the commissioners mnch oncoura lImon t , and In all 1IIe- IIhooll will bo allle to take the entlro Issue. The commissioners were enthusiastic - thusiastic ever the IJrOposltion and the state board seals Investments. . . . . - - - - - NEBRASKA MATTERS I MISCELLANEOUS NEWS NOTES HERE AND THERE. ITEMS OF E JERAlINTEREST Social , Agricultural , Religious and Other Matters Having Reference to This Commonwealth Alone. Ground has been brolten for a now hotel at Dellgrnde. German Lutherans of Dloomfiold wUl erect a parsonage. Fremont Is malting big plans for celebrntlon of the Fourth. All of the Sundny schools of Dea..er . Crossing have united for n union Sunday - day School Fourth of July celebration. There Is some tane of Installing a motor car on the Union Pacific road between Beatrlco and Mnrysvll1e , KU1 ! , The state hoard of equaUzaUon has raised the rnllroad assessmenlln Webster - ster couhty from $5J4,765 ! to $ G12,97G , an Incrcaso of $18.221' . v Herbert Winton , son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Winton of Nebraslcn City , wat\ drowned at Clayburno , Texas , where ho foB Into the river. Allianco's school board Is ndvertls- ing for a heating plant for its new bricle and stone modern building now In course of constructlon. , Mrs. Emma Kaufmann , who Is being tried for the murder of a 111'1 that' worked for her , at Flandreau , S. D. , Wtl.S formerly a resident of Nebraslm. City. City.The The Lincoln County Beet Growers' assocla.tlon , which was organized some time ago , IB now malting some efforts toward securing a factory for that ter- ritory. Clydo Black , 18 years oM , 1\ boy wbo hns been HVlng six miles north of Valontlno , drowned whllo swimming In the ml11 pond with n number of other boys. boys.Wolves Wolves aro.sald to be very thlclt In the south part of Colfax county along the Platte river and are so bold ns to enter pastures and ltill young calves. Three times and out docs not apply to St. Paul's church , nenr Talmage , as the steeple of that church has been strucle by lightning three Umes , but not badly damaged. F. H. Taylor received the autograph of President Theodore Roosevelt. It 'Was attaohod to a commission as postmaster - master of Table Rocle. He wll1 enter on his duties .July 1 : The damage suit of Hal E. Marklo o.f Deatrlce against the city of Lincoln for $10.000 for InjurIes rocelved by fa1llng through a mallholo , has been Bettled out of court. The Nebraska Stock Growers , In session at Alliance , elected oIDcQrs as follows : R. 1\1. Hampton , president ; Eo P. Moyers , vice president ; E. M. Searle , jr. , socretarr-treasurer. : John WolJlalldt of Cedar county has appealed - to the suprcmo court for a. reversnl of the judgment of $200 secured - cured against him on the charge of se1llnl : Uquor without 8. Hcense. A pullllc lIbrary nnd gymnasium for Da.vld City now BeeIIU ! to be n possl- bUfty. Already one cltloon has volun. tnrlly offered to donate $1,000 anll two others $500 each for such purpose. While poUshlng discs on an omery' ' wheel at Ord , Joseph Warwick , a blacksmith , allowed the sharpened Instrument - strumont to slip , strlltlng him In the Jog , and vel' } ' nearly severed the leg from the body. . J. W. Stubbs , Hving ono and a half miles northw st of Watertown , was drowned In Wood riveI' whllo fishing. Ho wns sUbject to epileptic fits , and Is supposed to 'have faHon In during 0110 of his attaclts. TIlD bank deposits of Seward county exceed $2,000,000 , as shown by the last banle statement pubHshed. Over one. hntt Is carried by SewnI'd banlts , while the ronmlnder Is with the banks in smaner towns of the county. A man residing In the south part of Auburn had a cow whkJh the veterInarian - Inarian orderEd lmed because of hav- .lng tullerculosls. Upon Investigation It was found that the lungs of 'the anImal - Imal were In a ver ' bad condition. D. Clom Dea..er . enernl land ngent for the Durllngton , Is ha..lng . a special c.oach prepared at PlattsmouUI to contain - tain the exhibits grown In Nehraska , which wl1l bo oxhlblted 0\01' the different - ont Unes of the road in the future. MIBS DorUm .Jenson , who' Cor the- . last fi\'o years has been one of the Cac- ulty of the Institute Cor the blind , at Nobrnslm City , has resl ned her position - tion and wll1 go to So.tt1e , Wash. She maltOs tIle chnn e on account of her l.alth. : If 1\11 of the counties o [ the state mnke fiB good an lucrease In their as- sosBments ns hns Richardson couuty , the total Increase In the assessment of the state will aggrel'ato about $15- 000,000. As eBsor G. A. Jorn of Rich. nrdson couuty hns wrltton Secretar ) ' George D. Donett of the state bot1l"d of oqul\UzaUon thRt ho has "dug up" porsonnl property amounting In value to $ G07,680 moro than It was last year. L 'lo Do 'd of Hastings was tlrowned at Nelson. LaVerne Arthur , his companion - panion , who made nn offtlrt to rescue Doyd , lost his lite In the atternllt. The bodies were roco\'erod. L 'jo Do 'd was wol1 known In Jlnstings. August Heins , a farmer Hvlng twelve miles west of Surprise , Is searching the countr ' for Rev. Hen ! ' ) ' Iuool < o , Gt'l'man Lutheran minis to I' , who dlsap- poared from there last " , o < > le. On the Barno dlUss E.lla Heino , who hml boon making her liolllo at the preach. . er's resldenco while attending , , s rmnn school , .ulso : dIBapIJearo ( . _ J I . . . " - Satisfied. A Beey.looklng loafer , avlnl ; or- ' dcrcd and eaten a largo and sumptu' ous dinner , explained to the walter that ho had no money. The walter ImmedIately told , the restaurant proprietor , who sent for 8 policeman. The proprietor , going lip to the un. welcome guest , explained that he had t nt. for'a policeman. "Thanlt goodness ! you didn't sentI for a stomach pumpl" the seelly ono replied , with hugo contentment.-ll. lustrnted Dlta. Laundry worle at homo would bo much moro satisfactory If the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness , It Is usually neces- ' 3ary to use so- much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric Is hlllllen behlnll a paste of varying thlclmess , which not only destroys the 9.ppearance . , lIut also affects the wear. Ing quality of the goods. This trou- ule can bo entirely overcome by using Def1anco Starch , as It can be appUed much more thinly because of Its great. er strength than ether mnkos. But , They Had Not. At a political meeting the chairman - man asked at the end'of the candl. ciato's speech whether "anny glnUe. man has anny question to ask ? " SOffie ono rose and propounded an InquIry mildly critical of the prevaU- Ing poUtical beUef. A politician behind - hind , raised a club and strucle him to the fioor. The chairman looked round 'and asked qUietly : "Anny other gin. tleman D. question to D.sk7" STA.TE OF 011I0. CITY OF TOLEDO , l ss LaoA. ' COUTY. f' FRANE : J. CUENxr makel oatb tbat be Is Benlor partner of tbe tlrrn of F. J. CUENEY & Co" doIng IIullnel8 In tbo City of Toleo. ( County and Stl\lO aforo'aldl.Dnd that utd firm will pay tllo lum of ONE HU.-.DHED DOLLARS tor each and every cue of' CA.TAnUft that cannot beourell , by tbo U80 of HALL'S OATA.nnU CURE. FRANK J. CUENEY. Sworn to before me and Bubscrlhed In my preseneo , tbla 6th day of December , A..D.IS8s. - A. W. GLEASON , J oJ-l 1 r NOTAnY PUBLIO. Jlall' , Catarrb Cure t. taken tnternally Dnd actl directly on tbo blood and mucoul Inrfacel of tbe IYltem. Send for tCBtlmunlal. . free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0 Sold by aU Druggists. 75c. 'rAka HI1I1' . Fl\wlly Pills for constipation. Ambiguous. At the death of a much.loved pastor - tor some years aso the vestry of a prominent New Yorle church resolved to vlace a tablet to his memory In the vestlb\ of the church , tells Harper's Weekly. In duo time the tahlel appeared in its place , where It stili remains. It has caused not few smiles ; for , af.ter reciting a list of the former pastor's virtues and la. bors , it closes with the quotation : "Now the people of God have rest. " - - - - - - The extraordinary popularity of fine whlto goods this summer maltes the choice of Starch a matfer of great Im- portance. Defiance Starch , being free Crom aU Injurious chemicals , Is the only ono which Is safe to use on fine fnbrlcs. Its eat strength as a BUffener matws lUllf the usual quantity of Starch necessary , with the result of perfect finish , equal to that when the goods were now. , - - - - - - - A , woman derives more pleasure from planning things thal never come off than a man docs from the actunl happenings ot things. Smokerll have to caB for Lewis' Single Bindr ! cigar to get it. Your dealer 01' Lewis' lactory , l > corin , I1I. Wo gain l trength of the temptation wo reslst.-Emerson. t . , . , . . - . . . " " . . . . - - - - / . f J vP ! \ .11 Taken When the First Warning Symp. . temo Are Notlcod Much Needless . SUfforlng May 80 Saved. Ara : rou troubled with pallor , loss of fiPirits , waves of heat passing over the body , shortness of breath after slight ; oxertlon , . nlllLr sldpping of the beart be t'IJ or digestion , cold extremities - ties or a feoling'of 'Weight ' and fullness ? Do nO 'lnako the mistake of thinking that ; these ara dlseascs in themselves ' . and bo satisfied with temporary relief. This is the way the nerves give wnrn- ing that they are breaking down. It ; simply mQrms thl\t the blood has become Impure and Cl\nnot enrry enough nonrish- ment to the nerves to keep them healthy and able to do their work. . Rest , alone , will sometimes give the needed rolief. THe tonio treatment by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills , however , pre- venls the 11nal bronkdown of the nerves nnd the moro serious diseases whioh follow , because the pills net directly upon the impnro blood.1IU1king it rich , . . . red and pnre. Mrs. E. O. Bradley , Gf 103 PnrsclIa vC , avenue , Rochester , N. Y. , says : , U I was no\'er very healthy and some yenrs ago , when in run-down condItion - tion , I suffered a nervous shook , caused by a misfortune to a friend. It was so great that I was unfitted for work. 41 I was just weak , low-spirited Bnd nervous. I could hardly walk and could not bc 1.r the lonGt noise. My appetite was poor and I did not care for food. I couldn't sleep well and once for two 'Weeks ' got scarcely an hour's sleep. I had severe headaches most of the timG and pains in the back o.nd spino. U 1 was treated by two doctors , being , under the cure of one of thom for siX i montJs. ] I got no relief and then de. ' i oided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I , : , Boon began to feel bettor and , the im- ' 11. provement was general. , My 'appoti became hearty o.nd my sleep bettor. The headahcs all left and also the pains in my back. A few mora boxes entirely cnred me and I wns able to go back to work. I felt splendid and as though I ha'd never been sick. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ara invwU ble in such diseases M rheu1IU1tism , nftor- effects of the grip and fevers , neuralgia. St. , Vitus' dance and oven partin ! paralysis and locomotor ataxia. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists , or , 1l bo sent , postpaid , on receipt of price , 50 cents par box , six boxes for $2.50 , by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company , Schenectady , N. Y. ) SIGK HEADACHE' ' 1 1 . ' Fositively cured by ( lfA DTl" fj'tg theBe Little Pills. "M 1I I ; . no Thcy else reUcvo DIstress - " tress trom Dyspepsia , In- . , ' ' " "ZnLE tllgesUonnndoollenrty , ' f1 \ IT it" fi'jI ! BaUDg' . A perfect rem. 'I I ] 'ti 1r..lr , cc1yforDlzzlness. Nausea. r D S Drowsiness , Dad TastD ' 1 II In the ! ! outh , COJ.tod : TODguO , l"J.In In the 51 < 10. TORPID LIVIm. ThQ7 . , tcgu1a1o : tbo Dowels. I'uroly Vc etD.blc _ ' SMALL Pill , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE. J - Genuine Must Bear CARTERS Fac-Simile Signature J . IVER d _ _ --4 . r ' PILLS. / , REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. , READERS of this paper de- . slrlnlr to buy any- - thlnlr advertised In Its columns should Insist upon havfnlr what they ask for. refuslnlr all substl- tUles or Imitations. f. . . 1\1 : . . , I' 1 1. It : : s J Thompson's Eye Water w. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 26 , 1907. t KC 1r4KING POWDER 4 Stands for : "P Quality I' - . ' , EconolDY' Purity 'r providing the famil 's me 1S , don't be satisfied . with anything b t , the best. K C.is gllaranteed erec- I , lion at a moderate price. It makes everything better. ' . Try and see. 1 , ' Guaranteed t : ' " under all Jaquct Mfg. Co , . . Pure Food Laws. Chlct\lo. M.I NNESOT A-HEAL 1MAND INDEPENDENCE' Why not sell where you arc. Bank some of your profits for income and taIe up a new bome , and Itart the boyn too. Fine water ; beatltifll lalces ; quick , fertile soil , fin ' . . .J. . climat . 35,000 acres. Farm any size. itle absolute. Investigate anywhere before buying. Write for maps and truthful representations. Address ROGER. C. SPOONER , Prc9. Donald L. & L. Co. , Bcmldjl , Mlnn ,