Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 27, 1907, Image 3

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. j " Racked with PaIn , Day and N ,
, . ' \ for Years.
Wm. H. Walter , engineer , of Chnts.
'Worth ' , 111s. , .wrltes : "Kidney disease
was lurlelng in my
system for : rears. I
had torturing pain
in the side nnd
bnclt nOli the urlno
f , " was dark nnd full
" ' of sediment. I was
" : ( racltcd with pain
day II. n d night ,
. . could not sleep or
eat well , Rnd finally became crlppld'l '
and bent over with rheumatism. Doan's
, Kidney Pllls brought qulclt rellef , and
In time , cured me. Though I lost ,10 '
pounds , I noW weigh 200 , moro tllali
ever before. "
Sold by n11 dealers. 60 cents a box.
Foster-l\1l1burn Co. , Bullalo. N. Y.
S rcasm.
The lmtchet-faced female surveyoC
, the tramp at her back door , then she
snitTed the air suspiciously.
J "You want' something to c:1t ? " she
1Ineered. "I smell llquor ! "
"Haln't got any on me. "
"Strange. I detect n distinct OdOT
of llquor. "
, "Ain't got a drop , " the tramp' . . . .
! tested.
"Are you sure : rou haven't .a bott1
concealed in your pocket 7"
! "Aw , talce me word for it. It ]
had I'd oblige yer an' produce , I never
( wuz stingy at sharin' de booze. "
\ Thereupon he faded : aWaY graC&
Laundry worlt 'at home 'Would be
.much more satisfactory it the right
.Starch were , used. In order to get the
desired stitTness , .it is usually neces.
. Bary , to 'uso BO much starch that the
beauty and 'fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind .11. paste of varying
'thickness , .which 'not only destroys the
appearance , 'but ' also atTects the wear.
Ing quallty , of the goods. This trou.
blo can bo entlrelyovercomo by using
Defiance Staroh , as 'It 'can bo applled
I , much more , thinly because of Its great.
.or trength .than 'other ' mnkes.
'Quaker Wtt.
A 'Quaker 'riding ' In , a carriage -with
.jL ; fashionable woman declced with a
profusion of jewelry , as.a substitute ,
, perhaps , for 'her scantiness of clothes ,
heard her complaining .of the .cold.
. Shivering in her lace bonnet and
. . . . . . .shawl , she 'exclaimed , "What shall -I
do to get .warm ? "
"I really , don't 'know ' ; " replied tile
'Quaker .solemnly , "unless thou put on
another , broastpin-Sunday : Maga.
That an article may'be good , as well
.as cheap , and give entire satisfaction ,
Is proven by the extraordinary sale or
Defiance Starch , each , paclcngo con-
talnl'ng one-third more Starch than
.can be had of any other brand for , the
, .sarno money.
" 'Rcally-er-l'm afraid you , over-
'heard what I-er-sald about you , "
stammered the gossip who had been
0' caught redhanded. "Perhaps I-er-
was a bit too severe- "
"Oh , no , " replied the , other woman ,
' ' 'you weren't nearly as severe .as you
'Would have been if you knew what I
: think of you. "
\ , 'hc Eternal Woman.
It is because it ia nlways impos-
I Ible toknow how a woman wlll act ,
to grasp the workfngs of her mind ,
to pierce the veil that hides the inner.
most recesses of her soul , that she 'has
held such cOlplete sway over man.
Ho can never d fin..tely ! rely upon her.
-London World.
. ! .
Give Defiance Starch a fair trlal-
. try It for both hot and cold starching ,
and if you don't think you do better
work , in less time and at smaller cost ,
return it and your grocer w111 give you
back : rour money.
, . 'uonutnsuJ oqt ' 0 . .spi > all tua .m" Otn
, .10' os .10 uOIIUw U JO ) lUi > ddu uu oum
Ot SUM pJoJXO JO JOHi > : > l1U1 { : > SU t : > U
tSJU SIH ' tISJaAJun OUp-ot-dn uu JO
puaq oqt o pat : > adxi > su.ttHM uJJa
'AO : > SIP 111 MOIS 10U BUM UOZJno pJOrr
A generous mind does not feel 0.8
belonging to Itself alone , but to th
whole human race. We are born to
serve our fellow-creatures.-S. S.
SmileJ. :
, ,
At very small expense you can cur.
your work horses' sore shoulders , sore nec' ' "
or sore backs and not lose a ain le dar' ,
worle. Socurlty Gall Salve will do it
and after the first application he will b
out of pain. This is also good policy
l for he will surely do more 'worle without
, running down. If your stocle gets cut
J from barb wire , or anything else , be aure
' * and use Security Antiseptic tfealor. It will
. - . cure a cut very quickly. Dealers everywhere.
Security Rcmcdy Co. , Minncllpoli" Minn.
Important to Remember When Caring
for the Sick , '
The first rule In nursing , the first
essential to the patient , without which
all else you do is ns nothing , Is to
keep the air ho brcathes ns pure as
the externnl air without chilling him.
Alwnys have the window of your
patient's room 011en , but not II. window
on a passage just outside.
Place the bed In the Ihhtest spot
in the room , nnd ho should bo able
to see out of the window.
The best bedding Is an Iron bed.
stead , a hair mattress , no urtalnD or
vallanco , very Ilght blankets for a
covering , as weak pl\tlents are al.
ways distressed by we1ght in bed.
CleanIlness of the sl:1n in nlmost all
diseases Is of the utmost impor-
Care should be taken In sponging
or washing not to expose too great
II. surface nt once so : is to check por-
splratlon Bays 'Woman's Life.
Never allow a patient to be waIted
out of II. sleep , either Intentionally
Or accldontally , as this docs serious
Do not whisper or walk on tlp.too ,
as this is peculilrlypainful to the
Remember , never to lean against ,
sit upon , or shalcc , or even touch the
bed upon which your patient Hes ; this
is always annoying.
Do no talk to or allow your patient
to tallt while taking his mcal.
Observance of These Will Greatly Reduce - .
duce Danger of Disaster ,
Never turn on the gas , nnd , when
your mntch goes out before you have
Ignited the gas , step nway , find nn.
other , and 1t. Series of horrible
accidents have resulted from this.
I 'Vhen grease or fat bolls over on
the stove , do not throw water on It.
It wlIl make it worse. Use baking
soda or salt. Ashes w111 smother It.
Do not use a flexible rubber hose In
connection with your gas stove. It
is dangerous and has caused hundreds
of fires and deaths.
At no time close the door of the
coolt stove so , that a strong draft.wlIl .
operate , nnd then lenve the room for
and great time. Ov rheated stoves
are responsible for a great many
fires.Ono of the grcatest 'of aU fire dan.
gers is to have heating pipes close
to the woodwork or rafters.
A swinging gas braclwt is a eon.
stant menace to the home. If you
use one , have the burner protected by
a wire Bcreen , or a globe.
Ashes thrown on the floor , or in
wooden receptacles , frequently eRUEe
Chicken Pie.
Procure II. three and one.halt or four
'pound chicken. Cut up and pour over
one-half gallon water. Stew unt11 ten.
der. Salt to taste. Keep filled with
bolIlng water If necessary. There
should be at least one lluart of broth
when chlclwn is done. Add one tea.
spoon butter unless fat. Talw ono
heaping tablespoon fiour rubbed
smooth , wIth one.half cup milk add.
ed gradually. Add to this a small
amount pepper and salt. Stir this in
the chicken. Let come tp a boll. Set
, on back of ran go.
Prepare crust as follows : Two
heaping cups fiour , measured before
slrung. one-half teaspoon salt , two
heaping teaspoons bakhig powder. Stir
all together with spoon. Add OtlO tA' .
blespoon lard. Work in well. 'fh.en
stir In with long-handled spoon enough
" , .eet milk for a 80ft dough. Have
board fioured anti work dough lightly
with fingers. Hell In'1a round shrtpe
oIle-halt inch thick. Cut gash in cen.
ter. 'Place this on chlclwn and gravy ,
which has been poured in a gra lte
pan three or { Qllr Inches deep. Bak
in Qulclt oven 15 minutes.
Drive Away Ants.
To rid the house of roaches or ants
ulle II. ten cent package of borax , with
ten cents' worth of camphor gum.
Grind the gum to a powder and
sl1rlnlclo with tllo borax. Scatter
around where the roaches and ants
are. They wlIl disappear in a few days.
' 1'110 first day or two It will set them to
crawHng as the ' are trying to es.
cape. Bo sure to Slrlnkle it nround
plentifully the first tlmo nnd leave
it { or several days. When 'ou wash
up bo sure to sprinkle more nftor a
week or two. After th first , or sometimes -
times the second time , 'ou can lwep
the pests away by using the borax
I CharmlnD Flower Gifts. .
One of the most charming IIttlo
gifts seen in 'many a day are the di.
minutlve but exqulslto fiowerlnl :
plants , each set In a decorated china
pot. The variety of fiowers to bo selected -
lected are numerous , such as tulips ,
violets , hyacinths and lovely little rose
trees , etc. These fascinating souven.
iI's were first brought out this .ear ,
and so great was the holiday craze
that they disappeared In a day or two.
they are IIttio objects of the best art
wark In china of extreme corre tness
In flower modeling nnd of great beauty
of color , for that reason are fit gifts
{ or a queen. 'fhey elicit most en.
thuslaslc admlratlon.-Vogl'e.
Flowers for Interior Decoration ,
When arran lng branches of bloom
trom cherry or apple tree for indoor
decoration nt this seuson , bellI' 1ft
mind the exquisite results the Japun.
ese get by placing a single Slray or
two in II. beauUful vase , and do not
spoil the effect by massing a great
bunch of these lovely blossoms in ono
jar.-Vogue. .
. f , '
Double Enders Popular Among Smok.
era In Mexico ,
, -
I "Moxlco may bo bohlnd us In some
thlnJs , but she hns us lashed to the
wheel 'Whon It comes to makinG
matches , " said n mnn just In { rom the
land of the Montezumas ns ho handetJ
out a wax luclfer with n hcad on each
"I snw nothln but double omled
mntches whllo I was nWIRml I can
tell you thnt they save one's record
with the Recording Ansel. If 'ou dig
down in your poclcct nnd find one
match the chances nre that ) 'ou nro '
. : ure of a light , be causa if ono end I
gocs out the other is left. These ohl I
time mntciles , just revived , thnt SIlut. I
ter brilliant spnrlts mny be nil right I .
when It comes to pleasing the baby ,
but the fellow who puts on the market -
ket double ended match wlll find ,
11 dY demnnd. "
t .
Physician Called It Eczema In Worst
Form-Patient Despaired of Cure-
Cutlcura Remedies Curcd Her.
"About four years ngo I was affilct.
cd wllh blnclt splotches nIl ever my
face Rnd a few covering my body ,
whIch produced a severe itching Irrl.
tatlon , nnd which cnused mo a great
del % of sutTerlng , to such an extent
that I wns forced to call In two of the
leading physicians of - . After a
thorough oxamlnatlon of the dreaded
complaint they aunbm.ced : it to bo
skin eczema. in tho' worst form. ' 1'helr
trentment did me no good. Finally I
became despondent nnd'edded to dls.
continue their services. My husbnUlI
purchased 11. . slnglo set of the CutlC\lr .
Remedies , which entirely stoPIcd the
brealdqp out. I continued the use 01
the } . Remedies for six months ,
and nfter that every splotch was en.
tIroly gone. I have not felt II. symptom
of the eczema since , which was three
years ago. Mrs. Lizzie E. Sledge , 640
Jones Ave. , Selma , . \10. . , Oct. 28,1905. "
The Camera Fiend's WnndCTtust.
As the sun day by day ascends the
heavens and the actinic value of his.
light increases , rhapsodizes the editor
of the American Amateur Photogrn11h.
er , there seizes us once more the
{ e'rvor of the enthusiast. From the
high shelf down comes the camera , the
plato holders are loaded , and we tramp
across the green fields looltlng for pic.
tures.-or protendlng to. For haIr the
cause of our wandering has naught to
do with the bluclt bo. . : : we carry with
us. The primitive instinct for change ,
the ancestral wanderlust , It is , that has
seized us Ilnd driven us forth to na.
Sheer whlto goods , In fact , nny fine
wash goods when new , ewe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
Ilre laundQred , this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau-
ty. Home laundering would bo eqllal-
ly satl ractory if prOller attention was
given to starching , the first essential
being good Starch , which hus sufficient
strength to stiffen , without thlcltcnlng
the goods. Try Definnco Starch and
you will be pleasantly sUfl1rlsed at the
improved appearance of your worlt.
Campaign AgaInst Rats.
The French admiralty is preparing
II. campaign against the rnts which
swarm In seaport towns and undoubtedly -
edly spread the InCection of various
devastating diseases In their pass ago
{ rom one country to another on board
ship. It Is announced that It will
soon be compulsory for every vessel
entering a Franch harbor from ccs'taln
other ports to have all Its rats ex.
5100 Rew 'rd , $100.
Tbn reBdou ot tbl paper wltl 110 I'leB od to learn
tbat lllero I. at 10niL 000 drl' Idod dhoa o Ihnl .clouce
bu bocl1 nlllo to cure 111 IItI Its 8tago . nnd that II
C..larrh. . lJall'l Catarrh Curti II tllo ollly p'Hlth'o '
cure UUIV kluJlvu to the 1I10lllcIII tr.&tornlty. C..tarrh .
belo : ; cOl1ltllulhHlSI dl.calo , roqulrcl cOlutltU'
tlon..1 . lroatmeot. lJ.&U's Cltarrb Cure h taken In'
ternally. acting dlroctly IIpon lhe blood nud IIIUCOUI
80raco. ot tile 'Yllom. lllereby dc troylnl ( the
( OUOdlltlOIl ot lho dl oajo. nlld ch'lnl : the patlelll
IlroOllb by lJulldlol : III' till ! constltutloo and 888ijl' !
Inl : nature In doln : : III I"ork. The prnprlolou IIn"o
10 lIIuch (1Ilth In lu curatl"o powera that they olrer
One Hundred Dollars ( or nny ca80 lll..t It fllU3 10
curc. Seed ( or lI t o ( t6811l1l0n11l18 ,
Addroul" . .J. ClmNKCO. . . TOledo , O.
HlJld by all DrullIhU. 7 c.
' 1'0 ' 1InU'1 k'amll1 Pltl. tor COnIUpl1t1on.
Willing to Reason.
"Of course , " declcred the pretty
widow , "I am Inconsolable. "
"Naturally. "
"However , ns 'ou lmow , 1 was never
a fanatic on nny point. "
Don't Sneeze Your Head Off.
KJ'alsc'S Cold CnpsllleR will ' almost
! .c"m ) 'OU -
most 1118tantl ' . At nil DI'IIggU3ts , : ! 'ic. , . .
- - - - - -
No man that hnlmrteth his jO's to
his friend , but he jo 'eth the more ;
and no man that Imllal'toth his grleCs
to his friend , but he grloveth the los ! ) .
811101.ers nppreciate thc Ilualilr vnlllc of
Jewi'l' Sillgle , Bindel' eifar. ( YOUI' dealer
or I.ewil' ! Faetorr , PeOI'Ia , III.
Man is not the creature of circumstances -
stances ; clrcuIDstances are the crea.
tures at men.-DlsraeU.
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - ' -
FOI"Jcttlng Somctnlng. :
When the train Olnl convc-ed Pres-
1(10nt Roosevelt tllrough vtrr.fnla on
his last 80UOI otopped al Cllal'
lottesvlllo , a no RI1Proachod the
presldenl's and pnss'ed abonrl
big basketful ot fine fruit , to which
wns attachel , . the card . ot a. prominent
In course or tlmo the orchnrdlst rOe
eoh'cd a letter of aclcnowledgment
from the Whlto 1I0uso el1resslng : the
presldcnl's appreclntlon of the glCt
nn,1 coml111mentlllg the donor upon hil
fruit. The recll\lollt ot the letter wns ,
of course , greatly I110ascd , nnd , teet.
Ing sure that hiD hend gnrdener would
be much Illterested III the letter , ho
rend It to him. 'fho darlt ' who
ser'cd In the cnl1\clt : . mentioned lIs.
tenell gravely , but his ollly comment
wns :
. "lie doan' sny nothln' 'bout Dendln'
back do basket , do he-SucCOSD
Stnrch , 111'0 o\'er .thln { ; else , is be.
IlIg constantly Imtll'O\'ed , the 11\tent :
Stnrches put on the mnrlwt 25 'enrs
ngo ate vel'y different nml luferlor to
these of the 11resent dny. In the lal.
C t dlsco'erJefilnco Starch-ullin.
jurlous ehomlcals are omitted , whllo
the nt dltlon of another ingredient , In.
\'ented' b ) ' us , gives to the Stnrch n. ,
strength nnd smoothness never nlo
preached by other bl'ands.
On the Honeymoon.
"So you were well 111eased with the
train on which you toolt your wed.
tHllg trip ? " said the bosom frlond.
" \Vas It nn accomlllodntlon trnln ? "
' 1'ho young man's face beamed with
delich t.
"I ohould sny It wns an accommoda.
tlon train , " l1e confided. ' 'WhY , the
porter JHlt the lIght out every tlmo wo
renched a tunne ! . "
Ladles Can Wear Shoes
One Bize Bmallrr nHer uBing Allen's Foot.
En c. A certnin curc Cor Rwollen,8wenting ,
hot , nehing fect. At nil Dl'uggietH , : ! 'ic. Ac.
cpt no Imllf.titutc. 'l'rinl I1nelmge FREE.
Ad rcss A. S. Olmsted , Ie Ho ' , N. Y.
SUl1pose any man shnll despise me.
Let him loolt to thnt himself. But I
wllI loolt to this that I bo not dlscov.
ered doing or sa 'ing anything deserv.
ing of con tom pt.-Marcus Aurelius.
J.ewil' ! Sinjle Binder - the famous
IItraight lie cillllr , nlwlI\'s heet qualitv.
Yom' dealer or Lewis' l n tory . , Peoria , 111.
We do more good by being good
than In nnr other way.-Rowland 11111.
Jllrll. 'VlnIlIO\v' " Soothln ! : , Myrol"
l or children tcclblnK , Rotcnl lho IUI1l. , rcducel III-
nmUlntlon. al1aJI1 > . .lo , curea wind cul1u. oa botUe.
. . . .
Wisely and slow : they stumble that
run fast.-Shakespeare.
t\ \
II . , . . . - - - ' . . . . . . \ . J :
For Infants and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
. Signature
- -
Promotes DigcslionChmrl of
ness 11\\(1 \ \ ( ! tcst.Contains ncthcr !
Op lII\\.N0I11hlnc norNincr 1l ,
' " I
.Gro/u/o'J 'OJmI1E1l ii i i , .
: Use
. For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper. . .
_ " _ t , . , . ' , , " . - _ . . " .
Why not sell where you uro. Bank some of your profil'S for income nnd take op n new
, . tbo . . Fine lakes , fertile soil , finll
home nnd .tart boy. too. waler : beautiful : quick
climate. 35,000 acres. Farm nny size. Title absolute. Investicato anywhere before
buying. Write for maps and truthful \'eprcsentations. Address
ROGER. C. SPOONER. Pres. Donnld L. < < L. Co. , BemldJl , Mlq.n.
- - - - -
- - -
- - - _ .
' .
I RE'ADERS or thl. pcr ! de-
SltlnlC 10 buy tlny- .1
Ihlni adveltlsed In
115 columns sholiid Inslsl upon having
whllt Ihey ask lor , torustnll 1111 subsU.
tUles or Imllations.
' \Tomen for the most pnrt spend
theil' lives at homo , and it is these
women who m'o wllling' aud ambitlolls
that their homes shaH be lcupt neat
and pretty , their children welt dressed
and tidy , who do their own cooldng ,
sweeping , dusting and often washing ,
ironing aUlI sewing for the cnth'o
family , 'Tho caU for 0111' sympath } ' ,
'l'ruly the wode of 8ueh n. woman
is "never dono" and is it any wonder
that she brealcs down at the ( md of n.
few years , the back begins to ache ,
there is II. displacement , inflnmmation
or ulceration o { the abdominal organs.
n feml\le wcnlmess is hrought on , nnd
the struggle of thut wife and mothcr
to continue her autles is l1itlful.
Lydia E. Plnkhmn's Vegetable
I Compound , made from nallve roots
I and herbs , is the exact medlclno II.
I womnn needs whose strength is over.
I taxed. It heeps the feminine org-nns
in n. strong Ilml healthy condition.
In preparing for chihibirlh and recuperating -
cuperating therefrom it is most em.
cient. It carries n. womnn safely
through the change of lIte ar1l1 In
maldllg' her strollg' fillIl weU nSslst ! >
her to 110 a gOal I wife nud mother.
M1's , Hadic Abbott , of .Jeaunette ,
Pa : writes :
DUal'h \ , l'llIkhrtln-
"I sulforell so\'oroly with pain every
month nnrl nlso 1pnln In my left hhlc. My
elector prl's rlhf'11 for IUO but lllil mo 110
oed ; 11 frilJlul f\I\'isI'II ) 1.Yl1111 E. Plnkhnm's
Vl'ctnhlo ! COl11po\llul nllll I "Toto yon In
rard , : : to my eOlllllllon. I Collowed yonI'
I nl1\'lco nnd um n III'rfl'etly weB woml1n. 'fho
) llIlml hl1vo an ellsapprnrell I1ml I ennnot
, l'CCOllll1lCnd ) ' 0111' n1l'11Ieino , tllo hlhly.1I ; :
I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
- - - - - -
Mrs. } ) ree : r-.lcKltrie1t , of , La' ' 1'arge ! ,
Wis. , writes :
Door Mrs. Plnl.ham :
III.'or "I : : : J'cnrs I Rulforc < 1 ( I'om rfem/llo
'Wcalcne . I wns EO Irrt.gulnr thnt I woultl
go from thrco weeks to Hlx monthe. so I
tholl ht I WOIl1t1 ! ; i\'o Lydln. E. l'lnkham's
Ve ! ; tnlI1 ( ) Compollnd 11. tl'lnl. . .
"Now I nll1 oneo moro well n.nll enn do my
'Wofk without 11. ) llIln. Any ono who 'Tishes ,
can WI' ! 00 to 1110 aulll wUl answer alllctters
glndly. "
Womensho hlremember that Lydlu.
E. ! ) inkhulIl'a Vegetable Compound
heMs the .reeord for the g-reatest
number of Ilettml cures of female i11s.
Every suffering' woman i nth e
United States Is nslced to nccept the
following' invitation , It is free , wlIl
hrlng' 'ou health and may 8 II. V 0
your lifo.
Irs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women.
Women suffering from any form of
fcmalo wealmcsa arc invltea to
pr0Il1l1t1y eommunlc1to with Mrs.
Plnlclsam , at r ynn , Mass. li'rom the
symptoms given , the trouhle may bo
loelltedllnd the qnlclcest and surcst
way of ree vcry all vised. Out of her
vast vollllno of experience in treutlng
feml le I11s Mrs l'inltham probably
has the very Imowledge that wl11
help your case. IIer advice is free
and always llOlprul.
pound Succeeds Where Others fail.
. .
PorUnnd , Tacoma , Seattlc , Dellinshnm , I
Hvcrcll , VancoU\'cr. . Victoria ,
One Fare or $50.00 :
l'or Iho round trIp 'rom .
Missouri River Termlnels' I
( Council lIIuUs lo IRnsas Clly , Inclualve )
Tickets on 5.10 June 20 to July I , I
Jj07. ( Abe tielclS one way throush
California 011 saln 5.1010 datcs ;
I at slightly rates. I
. .
E. L. LOMAX , O. P. A. , I
Omaha , Neb. .
Tn oonvlnoo an '
wuman thnt I'lIx-
FREE ' tln , AnU.C'JI'UU , .wlll
I Impw\u hcr bcalU1-
: nlll 110 all wo claim
.tor It. Wo wIll
Rend her nbs01utelY free a largo trial
box of j'axllno willi tJOok of fustruo (
tlOIIJ ! nlHI Ie'nuln'1 I csthllonlal . I ) e 11 d
YOllr nl11110 uullul.ltlresI on lJ , llustal curl ! .
. . unll heuls
PAXTINEclonnses :
01 0 m' .
, \lrnno \ af.
fecllon , Rueh ns lIa al catarrh pelvlo
catatl'h nullillflasnnmtlon eauscllJY { fClul.
nine lIs ] ; ROrl > eyes Here throat null .
11101I.h. . . \ly \ direct local { rrntmcnt Its cllr.
Ilt"u ! ) lowcr over these troubles Is extra-
onllnary nud glres Immedlato relict.
'l'hollsnncls of women IIro usln ! ; and rce-
onllllcndlnc : ' It every.dllY. . c.o cents nt
drll lste or by mall. Ueme'tnbcr , howovrr ,
1'1' ( ; ORTS'Y)1J NOT I l1-lq TO TItYJT.
TUE It. I'AXTON CO. , llollton , 1\11141.
u : s. NAVY
ellUata tn rour 7enn JOlll1jt man ot lIood
clll1raol' ( . .IHI aoulld 1.1.ralcal ! condition between -
tween the IIl'S or 17 UIIII : : "nanpllrenUco lea.
IIHIII ; olll.onullitlua for ndyal1CClllenti l'I1Y '
flU to 87011I10ntll. . lCIe'lr1clnllh.llluchllll.u. ;
hIIlC lllIlth ! , \ ' . ) 'el1won ( clurlLt ) ,
CtUl'CI1ICr ' , hhipi tlcrs. IIrclllclI. IIIUllell1l1lt
cookll , oto" betwco/l / 21 onel 1.6 feara , enliiteu
III Rooll1l \ mtlll.a with Mlltnbh'I'71 b08plll11
I1llpro/ltloel / lK IV 703. . . . "Retlreme/lt on
threo-ourlhs J'31 nr.d nllowQnccs IIftt'r 110
yuau B01'7lco. A 111111 CIUJtB IUUIt be ArucrlcQu
[ ! , l lothlnlf O\lInt trI'o to re rulII. Upon
ell.charllu tranl IIUuwalJl'U. ( 'entR pH I lllo tQ
1Iaco , II ! ollllitmellt. II"IU ! bllr 1I111l1thl' 1.3Y
IIlIcI I/lCU'tUO / In lilt ) ' " 1'011 rO-l'lIlIllullmtw'tlila '
( UllrmllUlhAOr ellacharlle. OlUeN Rt 1.lncola
all,1 , UaUIIIlR.Nllhrnhkll , Aho. durlnllwlntor.
lit IIHK Mllln. . . nr'l Hloux ( " 17. to. . . . , A.lllrr. .
, ,
- - - -
1.IVi : STOCK ANn : ' : \ " ' '
l l.rrs.iW ; lt Tt . rt'h : , rr.lfdW..oDE I&'I :
. . ,
- - - -
-olher Blarch"1 only U OllnCC _ Rt" [ ) tflce aa"
, - '
W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 25 , 1907. ' .
. . . . , " 'f fl . " ' : : . . . ! li " . l. , " : -
_ . . , , ( , . . ' mm . . _ . . , , _ _ : ! . : ,
. No friend , in need could be more welcome to a sick woman , than a medicine
F. d that will relieve her suffering , build up her strength and bring back to her ch.eeks f'
their lost bloom. Cardui has done this , for thousands of sick , miserable women.
. - , Composed of with curative action the
ingredients special , on womanly organs , '
in Wine of Cardui :
goes to the seat of your trouble and is sure to do you good. J. F. Stone , of I
Need Lawrence , Kas' . , writes : "My wife suffered for 10 years 'from female troubles ,
and was given up to die , but took Cardui , and now she is in good health. " $1. I.
- ul'RITE ' US A LETTER Wdrl1etodd , , , , _ , \ ' . . , : ] I1D , . I ( forIWomteln. 1fIY . 1I nte , " Medlc.:1 . , . '
10 " v ce escn your symp oms. slat nl : IIIC ; In" lep y wi .c ( 'nl n P II a Stt.u. eove ope , " " I ' 1
. - . . - . ' , , ' . . . . . . , . , dress . : . l.1dlcs , Advisory . . , , . Dept. . . , The Ch3l1anoor3 Medlclna , . . , , Co. . . . . . , . Ch411111100II . . . . . , Tenn. . . . . . . .
: - ' - ' - - . . , . . . . . /
. . - - - ; . -'I # . , - . ' - ( - - " - , 'J ' . , " " . . ' ' . . ' ' . ' . , . . . . . - ' " If _ , _ 'Il" " " _ ' _ ; " " ' " < \I . . . . . .