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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
. . . J. OGDEN ARMOUR - ONE OF AMERICA'S . . KINGS OF FINANCE I Multimillionaire Works Harder and HC3 More Hours'of Business 7/zan Any of His More Than 20,000 Em- ployes-Has No Time for HSociety"-His Home and I The Game" 1 .lle Up His Whole Life. , Chlcl1go.-By vlrtuo of his millions , his , dlvorsilled financial and COIIIIJler- olal Intorcsts , his methoda , and his menns to I.mslnesa onda , J. Ogden Armour - mour 18 ono of the accredlled great captalt18 of Industry oC Chicago. Dut when you lIoek to dlsco\'or oC his friends the Bacilli sldo of the man , they fire 1I0t certain oven of Its oxlst. cnco. . A8k 1\11' . Armour hhnaolC amI ho re. gards the sUbject liS 1I0t at all worthy oC dl cusslon In hU lncss hours. And J. Odgen Armour hus moro hunlnos8 haUl's In the course of the calcllIlnr ) 'ear than has any ether mil- lIottnll'o In the wcatorn motropolla. Ho eatn hl8 luncheon In hla llrlvnto ontco In the genernl oll1ces in I.n. Sallo street : sellda out for It sarno. whol'O and satillos hl8 hunger with the Icast Ilossible loss of tlmo. When the duy'a worle Is do no ho starts homo in his automobile , juat wllhln the llecd limits of the ordltlancos , for a seven 'cloclt dlnllor. , . HOBllonlllblo for a day's worle as the heud of Armour. & Co" with Ita Ilny 1'011 of 20,000 men , looking to his own llrlvat Interests In halC n dozen lines . oC Investment , meeting In ono' way or nllOthol' the mulllludinous calls that conte from a great worltl to the desle of .the mlllipnah c : Horne and "Tho Game. " HOllle..and "tho gamo" oC business , meas\ll'ell by tona oC thousand ! ! of miles and tona of millions of mOlley- I would you aBI ( ' mora oC Ilesh and I blood ' ! " ' 1'ho gamo" la at once the 211l\n'a dlv.oralon al1l1 his toll ; homo Is the atmo\phoro \ and the physical em- tJodlment of his recuporatlvo neceBsI- ties. Ifor him there cnn bo no social world , wrltos IIollIa W. Field , In the Olilcato Trlbuno. Home ? Why , J. Ogden Armour IB spending n million doll arB on a sum- mol' homo to the west oC Lake l orest , Hs baBomont walla measuring 180 by ' 600 feetl There are 800 acres In the cstate , costing $200 to $500 an ncro , nnd for monthB n construction gnng that would affect the pay rollB oC n , . , ralhoad : has boon nt work dig- gln , ditching nnd lovollng for the laniJBcnpo gardener. Lakes wJl1 bo formed where only I : ' I l'iVkclONi4 Bill THllm ' , ) { . flI1PLE Of" b'OOiY- rEEPIN6 : tJ swamllS oxlsted boCoro. Flva lines oC railway , ono oC which Mr. Armour Is heavily Interested In , wJ11 bo shut off by a great embankment 25 Coot In height and half a mila In length. A drIveway ten miles In length wflJ on. COU1Iafls the ostate. The chleC mn- terlal In C0l18tructlon of the house will be marblo. , - H/8 / Best Beloved. ' I' Oltle ono may find food for thought " on comllonsalfons In the Cact that 1\11' . Armollr's family consists oC anI ) ' wlro and daughter. All the world has hoard of this lIttle daughter , now 11 years old-tho lIttle Lolita Armour , wolghlng three pounds nt Ilor blrth-nursollng oC the Incu- bat. . . . . with the lIttle lIfo hanging by .0. thread-finally the acUvo chUd Wltll ( , lIe handicap of a dislocated hip , to . . - I hecomo' the ImUent oC IL world.famed allrleon , I1nd , rea tared to health and Btrongth , Btand as ono oC the marvel oC twontleth century Burgery. But thla IIttlo dlLughter 113 the light oC the Armour household. She Is legion In the affoctlons of the father. 'rho lJrusCJuunesa of business speech sortonB In her Ilre80nce. 'rho mn.n In the huslnoss oHlco lJecomos the father - ther in the hOlllo. And the trans. formation 113 cotllillete. " } , 'or 11 mall whoso love of 11Omo and family Is aa llIarlcod aa his , ono may see the tom poring jUdgment which Is charl1cterlstlc of Ogden Armonr , " caya a friend who has aeen him In the homo environment. "No ono could express allrprlBo If this baby girl wore the 'apollcll' pet of the hQuae- hold. "But I.ollla Armour Is I1nythlng hut thla. She Is the nntural , , cheerful child of IL fnther who realizes that In the unstudied naturalneas of a slnglo nu/htor / ho may road the ) \Ighest \ hope oC her. ' 1'horo Is the marked af. fectlon between the two , without os. tontatlou ahow of It. The man who haa no ' 1loao' In his bualnesa rela. tlons has none In hlB homo relatlona. In the ml1n Is the ovldenco oC the deep , lasting satisfaction In the homo lifo , and It Is enough. " or Few Words In Business. \ There are men high In the employ oC Armour & Co. who never have seen thla man of the homo cnvlronmont. ' 1'hollfmnds would not 1'ecognlzo him In the position. To thousands oC theBe ho Is 11. man to stand In awe oC -to fear , oven. Ogden Armour In business Is the man ( lC the Cowest warda. In utter. I1nco ho Is of the ateol trap spoech. IIla "yes" or "no" 113 not to bo an- ticipated. They aprlng out oC his Bet fixed Inscrutnbllily lIIto the crack oC fI rlfie. And , once apolcon , they are ir. revocablo. In J. Ogden Armour the man aaBO' elated with him In the buslneBS oC AI" maul' & qo. Hnds In this head oC the con corn the ml1.stor oC details. In the famous hearing of the beef trust bo' fore the federal court In Chicago there Is the Armour testimony that II the matter oC rolJates of $700,000 01 - I . ' , . _ , , . " ; A " I /II IlJlrE8 1I'LITTLE /I1UCIITER 1- 1I * - I 1ffll , NITII. 1I0A'tfE yt'tI OETTlllv OIY. ' HJ 8 TilE LImE HtJ.A t'v'MV ( JIIllIE' IJE PLII/HE ; so , Armour conBldered this a dotnll- a mere something which had bee delegated to n Mr. Armstrong oC t11 concern. Master of Details. Ono may find stories ( Unong forme Armour employes , told not with vIew to conlt aat with this testlmm : but with duo recogntlon oC the man call1\clt ) . and maatOl'y oC the routh oC a great business , which are in co fIIct. fIIct.One oC these l110n Cor years hr been a travollng auditor of the 1IU1 nesses oC the Armour branch house scattered ever ono oC the great se tlons oC t1Je west. In this organlz Hon at the Armour bUBlness ca ( branch hOUGo' has Its own managf1 Each oC ten or 12 houses comes u I del' the Ruper\'lslon oC a suporlnten , \ - - - - . I . ' . , . . , I ont , and ahout the sarno nUmber Is In the territory of a traveling auditor. 'J'ho 11llItry buslnoss of Armour & Co. Is not ono of the money making ventures oC the complUY. Al'mour , In , hIs touring of the country In which his Illnnts are located , alwaya tas an eye to the recordB of this poultry buslne s. Occasionally the manager of IL particular plant overstocks In poultry. 10 [ lIIay buy 10,000 pounda C fowls when the inarkot proves to justify only GOOO lJOunds. There Is 11 consucluont lOBs oC two to five cents a pound on the stock. Manager /'Called Down. " The house may ho GOO or 1,000 mlloa out of Chicago. 'J'ho manager , countltg ) upon the dlstanco from the homo office and the posfllhlllty of the head of 11 great concern scarcely lttlowlng oC the poultry department of thllt lI\rtlcular branch , recelveB the personal call of the corporation's head In sublime optimism. Druslluo but Illeasnnt interchange of conventional greetings lead up to the buslneGs talk. The weather may ho touchcJl Ullon. , The health of the mnnager may ho Inquired aftor. No words are wasted , howover. Sudden- II I . . . , _ Well , It Is oxasperatlng , to say the least. Downfall of CaJhler. ! 'rho cashier came nt last , wearIng the patent loathors. the gloves , the silk hat , tic , and I\ . few othor'of the evidences oC I\ . night In the company oC dressy frlonds. IIo bowed to the head oC the Armour business , who had been filling In the tlmo looking through an oll1co led er. It was Inlco morning , according to the Armour weather report , apropos of the cashlor's silence. ' 1'ho caahler admitted that In his chief's moteorologlcal observation the chieC had beaten the weather bureau by ten dogreea. Mr. Armour had been waiting for Ramo time , he said. The caahler hadn't n. "doubt or It. The ense , and composure , and pains. taking care wllh which the cashlor laid asldo overcoat , hat , allli gloves were a little Irritating at best. JUBt when tllO cashier was removing his gloves , carefu } of the wrlnleles , the head of Armour's brought a hand down upon the open ledgor. "Mr. Jones. that's a - bad example - ample of booklccoplng , If I know any- II " .no. . , I , I , / ' \ " f.J l1llTll , .Lf lif/NAGER ON iHI"CI-JR ET" 0/1" / " 1"1 y , .1lIco the oxploslon of 11. shotgun , I the head oC Armour & Co. touches I upon business. . "That ovorstocltlng In poultry just , before Thanksgiving , Mr. Jones. It I . wasu't a good business movo. Loss or five cents a pound on 6,000 pounds oC 'soft' stock. It mustn't occur again. " The manager stammers a lIttlo. Ho has an excuse , perhapB , and the ex- CUBe Is listened to respectCully. Talk may drift away from the subject n little. Then , as suddenly and unexpectedly - expectedly , the h ) ! ld oC Armour. & Co. comes back to the topic from n new anglo. II Is an oxploslvo recurrence , but In the Inovltablo low , even tones oC the dictator. II IB disconcerting to the degree that It is unexpocted- and a dlsconcorted employo Is regarded - ed as ono of the Inspirations oC Ogden - den Armour. Deforo he Is done with the department head ho may have como back three or four times to the unpleasant sUbject. Dut when ho has gene the manager has the lesson oC his mlstalccn judgment firmly Impressed - pressed upon his mind. He will not offend again. , - Close Supervision Necessary. ' 1'hat such a leBson may be worth whllo Is suggested in the fact that th ro are about 3f O oC these branch houses throughout the coutitry. Three hundred and I1fty manager are neces- sar ) ' for their conduct , and 3f superIntendents - Intendonts and as many traveling auditors - ditors overlook the bualness of' these houses between the Armour head and the m'rlad dotalls of buying and sell. Ing. Ing.Tho The possibility oC $200 loss in each of 3f O bra"nches Is an Item , Oven In a bnshleBs which nets $5,000,000 or $6- 000.000 In ayei'll' . II Is on\f ; the accurate knowledge oC Armour which saveB him In these personal rounds oC inspection. 'l'hero are managers and auperlntondonts and travollng auditors who are touchy enough by Instinct and by training to resent Idle Inquisitions of the kind. There Is no resenting the keen , clear cut analyses oC the master oC a gretit business and oC Its almost infinltcsl- ; mal dotalls. 'I'hero Is story extant In which just ono man did reaent the Armour - finding. . In 110 was the caBhler oC the Boston to branch oC tllO buslnoss , and ho drew ono oi the big salaries on the Armour - mour rolls. Ono day , unoxpoctedl : { as usual , Armour entered the Doston 31' office a quarter oC nil hour ahead oC a the ca8hlor. IY Most 1110n will admit \hat It isn't 's a pleasant oxparlonco to go to ono's 10 office oxpcctlng to find 1111 .employo n. there and who Cor any reason has not yet shown up. , In the holght oC the ul baaoball season It requires all unusu- . .1ally good Amorlcan to accept any . IS , kind oC excuse for the absence. cDut when a man whh novel' had any a. tlmo for society hlmBolf finds hlmsolf : h In such a POSIUOI1 oC cooling his heels II' . becnuso oC au omployu who haB had n. entlrol ) ' too much tlmo for' that par- d. tlclliar thlng- liE /fT/c5f7Ec5 HIc5 ! llIN ERN TilE LEll T PO 81BL llffE . thing about what n set oC books should be ! " "Mr. Armour , " and the cashier shook the desk with the Corco oC his clinched fiBt , "that's a - - - credltablo ledger , and I know what I'm talking about ! " But knowing or not knowIng the Boston branch had n new cashier within n week or two. Which was no surprlso to the cashier , either. . Direct In Questioning. No one in the employ of Armour & Co , over has accused the head oC the present business oC being unapproach- ablo. Approaching him , no employe knowing him has expected n warm , smiling greeting. None ever expects to escape the battery of keen ques- Uonlngs , ono question hot after the ether , straight to the poh t , and stripped of superfluous wording. Not that all such tl1.l oC the head oC the Armours IB inquisitorIal. It would bo hard to count the number of managers , superIntendents nnd travel. Ing auditors who In years past have come to the general office In Chicago , to meet the chief In smiling mood , who have been compllmonted in words regarding their work , and who nt the end of the Intorvlew have been presented - sented with an order Cor a gold watch and 11. suit oC clothes , These are can- vonlent , convertible orders , too. If the man doesn't need a watch , the order w111 be cashed at the cashier's window - dow at $50 ; or if ho has clothes sufficient - ciont , the cashlor redeems the clothes ardor at the same figuro. Enemlcs are Many. . J. Ogden Armour Is 44 years old. , Ho has made enemles-1 > lttor ones- In his tlmo ; mon who hnvo fought him at "the garno , " and nursed defeat In vengeanco. They have fought him fair ) ) ' and unCairly. They have called him the head and shouldera oC the "beeC trust ; " he Is credlted-or discredited-as the "leather trust ; " ho owns 50,000 shares In ono great railroad In the central west , huge blocks oC stock In other lines reaching to the Atlantic nnd to the PaclHc : owner oC lines oC hugo elevators that have strangled compo. titian ; owner oC street railway stocks ; arbiter In the destinies oC almost coul1t1ess aggregations of capital ; defendant - fendant oC the privately owned reCrlg. orator lines , and pleading Innocence lu the matter oC hugo rebates thnt have been In violation oC Codoral law8. Only a few 'Years ago ho waa 11. sick mall , prostrated by the publicity which came oC Ills nggresslveness In "tho gamo. . " But ho Is a mlllionairo man ) ' times. He hils power , which Is compensation in "tho game. " Who wou1d not have It IC ho could 1 lie .gets up at six o'clock 111 the mOl'l1lng and gees to wOI'le at soven. Ho hils few Crlendll that uro Inthnates in the sense that men have frlonds , tried and true. Ho hils 0110 chlhl , who sees less oC him , Ilorhl11ls , thl1n most chlldron see of tholr fathers who are day laborers. Yet this Is success. Who disputes It ? , FOR THE MERCHANT LITTLE POINTS THAT HELP IN SELLING GOOD3. BE READY FOR OPPORTUNITY Let the Public Know What You Have 'to Sell-Never Stop pushlnu- A Hint for the Clerks. - Pluck. How often you hear ono business man say oC another who has been sue- ceRsCul : "Ain't ho lucky ? " Luck has nothing to do with an yo no's success. It Is pluck. Pluck and enthusiasm are the powers - ' ers which make the winner. With these two qunlltles , which are In. variably found together , a. man will succeed. Business men who have achloved greatnesa In their line are those who possess an abundance oC enthus. lasm. A possession that Is better Ulan an ' - thing else to a man Is that determlna. tlon of character Imown as pluck , and an enthusiastic confidence that he wB' ' succeed. To persevere against great odds , and to make fL vIctorious fight In the taco or almost Impossibilities , It reo quires pluck which IB not governed by Impulse. To cultivate pluek ono must encourage - ago steadfastness oC purpose. When a thIng 1.s begun It should bo' fin- 'lshed. The trouble with most of us is not so much that wo have n hard row . , Ii i I I . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nnn to boo but that wo dislike hoeing. Opportunity knocks once-and oCten a dozen times-at every door , but you hav no klcle against the fates it Opportunlt knocks , finds you lost in a pipe dream and turns away never to return. Bacon said : "Tho mold oC n man's fortune Is In his own hands. " AIl men cannot be captains of Indus- try. AIl men cannot succeed phenom- enaIly. AIl men , it seems , cannot succeed - ceed even moderately , but all men can make an effort to succeed. We must not Btop striving to reach a higher and better place until we are willing to sink to the bollom. If wo oimplY expect to float and not try to swim wo might just as well quit. It would be well for us to leeep as a motto before us : "Perseverance and pluck conquer all things , " for It bears close relationship to the sUbject chosen. If we regl1rded the lIttle op. portunltles In lICe more seriously and made the most use oC them we would be better nble to master the golden op- portunities. Let It Be Known. You may know that you have the best assorted stock in town , but th ( > public will not know It unless you tell them about It ; they are not clairvoy- ants. FIrst use the neWSIl1.perS . liberally - ally , then clrculurs , personal letters , tnlk to them when you can catch them in your store , at their homes-any- where. The first and 1l1st thing to bear in minel about advertising Is that it Is as wide as human nature in Us appeal. Advertising is the mighty englno oC success , and without It the business world would bo minus its dynamo oC energy. PUlh All the Time. If It pays to push when b Blness' Is load , it pays to push when business Is bad. If It pays to push when business Is bad , It pays to push when business Is good. If it pays to push at all , It pays to push all the time. ThereCore , don't let It die. When everything Is coming your way , push to make It corne t o faster. When everything Is going the other way , push to make It como bac f to you. you.l > > ush all the time and YOII'1l Ceel the better for it , and make more money. It take. bard thlnkJng and bard . . . . t . wor1e to In13re4Se business In the ntO of strong competition. But the business - ' ness Is there , and somebody will get It \ . -yoll or your neighbor , or perhaps your comfletltor In the next . town. I Which shall It be1 Help your emplbyes Increase your business. Be Business Throughout. A joke Is a joke , but buslne81/ / no joltO , and It Is mighty hard to make the 'two mix. , A man once said : "It pClyS to adv01'o Use most businesses , but mine Ii dif- ferent. " The sheriff sold blm out , and now he workB for his .Buecens r , who docs advertise. - - Success.- The secret of mOBt succcsses Iles In the man rather than In the method. Making people want the gootIs IB , aCter all , about as near the secret of It as there comes to being any secrot. Make the public want whl1t you have . to seU and the sale Is half made. Epitaph oC II. falluro : "Ho'forked overlfmo dodging worlt. " That Man with the Overalls. 'When the man with the overaUa comes Into your store don't turn ' : " around and take your tlmo to walt on him. Don't snub the man with the ov rnUs in order to walt upon S01110 elite of your town-that Is , If the overall - j all man came Into your store Hrst. Your overall man usually standa lJY the homo town. Ho works in the ! shops , 111 the stock yards , In the fac- I torles and In the mills. IHs dollar Is \ just as good as the dollar given to : you by the man who tries to pur on all Itlnds of airs In your town. The old AmerIcan eagle on the aliveI' dollar given to you by the man atUrcd In . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .u.uu ( f/M / Ft\I6@ \ @ rrrr I' rrrrrr rrrrrr -r . . = . ! rrrrr. rrrrrr . Irrrl' Irrr.r rrrr(2 , - rrrlO' - l@W , W : ; . ; ' \ ' \ \ \ " , . - r . , . . ' - ( r-j- / " " , . . I , , , ! - - ? Turn to and bury the mall.order house . monopoly under the sod of local prosperity. You can do It by spending your money with the local merchants. If you give them an opportunity they will treat you fairly , and they , like your- I lelf , represent the Interests of the home town. , ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ nuunnnnnnnun _ u. . u. . . . u _ I overalls counts for just as much and 1 screams just as hard as the bird on the dollar turned over ny the man I who belongs to the "upper tens. " De. sides , If the man in the overalls wants credit until Saturday night or untU the first oC the month , you'll stand to win to get the cash from him when he says ho'll pay you. Don't gl\'e him the marble heart. You want hili . ! trade , Ho needs dry goods and groceries - ceries , and ho wfll spend his money with ) 'ou If , you treat him right. Business Sickness a Common Com- plaint. Stuck in n rut , are you ? Same old . rut , boss doesn't apprecIate your ef- Carts. Interest In 'our business wearing - ing thin nt the edges ? Eh ? Thought so ! Well , what are you waiting for ? You know nothln really comes to the fellow who walts , except the "push. " Some people never "get there" unless they're pushed. If you'ro sick oC your job you're doIng - Ing yourself and your boss a bad turn by hanging on. Start looltlng around Cor another job-that'll keep YOUi mind liquid. WonderCul what a pick- me-up job.huntlng Is to some people. , It you got "turned down" two or three times you'll begin to think what small potatoes you really are aCter all , and that's good tonic for business sickness -tho first sign oC reco\'er ) " , In fact. Your present job wfll , maybe , acquire - quire a. fresh Interest to YOIl , and you'll como at It again like a. twoyear- old. , p If you were born with IL square chin and the normal amount oC gray matter - ter you'll probably , vant to get ahcad of the procession. There Is only ono sure way , and that Is "know how. " A fellow with "know how" novel' loses Interest In his job. lIe wouldn't get ' . . the "know how" If ho did. " It's marvelous how interesting busl. . , I ness Is when YOIl get the proper spirit. Some men obtain 11101'0 genuine pleas. ure from business than they do from pia ) ' . If you want to enjoy bllslness- study It-soak yourself in It , and 1mB- glne It's play. You won't have to Imaglno long , and when you've got the spirit oC the gnme you couldn't bo kept out oC It with a plckl1x. Fashion 18 Ever Changing. , Mrs. Shopper-Is that hat that Willi t $35 this morning the BDJI10 price still T " . " " Milliner-Certainly I Why not ? . - i Mrs. Shopper-Well , it's not slIch a " new Btylo WI It WILS then.-JudJG.