Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 20, 1907, Image 9
. . . . . . . . - ) LOCAL LORE PERSONAL PARAG , . , . , , . . . . . ' < . . < . MA--'t'tlf.A..VW\.VVVV\I\I\\/VV\fVV\lV\I\1\IV'IJ' . Mrs. Carl Foote and son , Stiles , . ! J.Dunning , arc in the city for a fiw , days' visit. Miss Effie Shinn went to U coln last Monday and is s { > ! nding the week there visiting friends. _ ome people cannot understand I w ay some rcstaurant91l have to' ' raise the price of pork and beans cents just because beans haye gone upa cent on th ( ' quart. > - S'enator and Mrs. H. B. Glover , oft Comsto k were city visitors 'J' : sterday. They came over to ktten the rece tion advertised f r Senator Burkett and teachers i' ' , the J ior Normal : . . Last'1'hursday , June 13 , 1907 , in'Bro'ken Bow , Nebr. , Rev. J. H. - eagardQn spake the mystic ords which bound . in matrimony f 'Ir. Geo. E. .Stern and" Miss i Sus , e Woodruff , both f Arcadia. A citizen was heard to remark , n few d'ays ago , that the watcr in Muddy creek would be all right f.r . domestic purposes if it would . only settle. Ther are quite a number of people in thc J\luddy creek valley ditto. P. J. Simonson rcturned home this morning f m Omaha whither he wcnt lasrSunday with' a car of fat caUle. He sold on a . market not as high as he would J havc liked , but , at a price that was satisfactory and' profitable. On account orthe late spring .farrpers will be kept bu y the I first part of next month and in I order 1'0 give them a chancc , to , celebrate why wouJdn't it be just as weU to postp ne . the 4th of J itly till some time.1U . August ? City Attorney Gadd doesn't believe ordinances were made I' just for the fun of it , nor that he . would be true to his oath if he " did not enfurce them and he ( t , declares th t if the riding of ( , bicycles on the sidewalks is not , rliscontinued at once he will show the performers there. is an \ . $ . . . , , A game of baseball Tuesday at , AngJey betwectl the Ansley and . f llr..ken B"w teams resulted dis. asttousJy : for the latter , the score being 9 to o. A return' game will be played in t l1S city to. , morrow afternoon and the Bow boys will endeavor to he l their sore spot by "turning the tables" 'on the visitors. - - 'rhe new grocery store is 'now open for business in the Union block , east side of square. Pro. p -ietor Ankney says if the p ople llf Broken Bow and v.icinity' ' de. sre : to purchase the best class of groceries at a very low price and will take the time' to call , or phone , he will instruct them- free of charge-how it can be done. 'l'here is no doubt now but that the American Eagle will holler lotitt and lon at Merna on the 4th as Prof. J. H. Teagarden , . . ( 'f this city , has been secured to pull feathers from the tail of the grand oJd bird in the way of de. livering the ad ress of the day. 1' hose who attend may rest , assured they will be edified with a really patriotic address. Iev. J. D. Brady of this city writes that there are seven ' hundred c1elegates in attendance at the State Sunday School con. vention , in session at Hastings , this week , twenty.nine being from Custer county. He says there isn't a building in that city large enough to accomodate th ( : crowd and meetings are being held in two churches at the same , time. I The W. C. U. will give a Silver' ' Medal contest in the M. E. church Tuesday evening , June 25 , 190'1. The contestants are : 11 il red Hall , Lucy Jeffords , Bird t.'ckwilh , 'Mill.v Walters , and Clara Dodds. The medal is on display in Baiscb's drug store \ wiodow. MiSis Douglass , Prof. 'I'aylor , Mr..Gadd and Mr. Lewis i . ! . . . . wi1\ \ furnish tpe music. Pro. j gram begins at 8:30. : Admission . J 25c and 15c. , ; Fred Baisch made one of his I characteristic ped striau ! ilunts " . > down the avenue as though seven , " , ' demons were af er him a few , : nights ago when it was pitch " ; " . dark , and collided wil h a settee ' , , ' . in front of the , City Shaving Parlor. He made a few remarks _ 1 to one Jone star that cuuld be seen nd satisfiying himself he . was still alive proceeded bome. ward without furthc ! ' accident. His left hand paincd hran cou- siderably the next.d . ) ' am1 yesterday nn exammahon revealed - vealed a fractured bOde tn his left hand which necessitated its bein enc sed in splints. . . . - Mrs. Henry IIont and daughter - ter , Florence , of Brownlee , arri d in the city Tuesday evening to visit relatives and frien s until Saturday. Uegardle1Js of the muddy roads a largc number of county frie nds came to town last Saturday 'and those who remained till 5 o'clock wer detained an hour longer by the heavy raitl storm. M'rs. J. R. Dean aad children , Paul and Dorothy went to Keafey , Monday , to visit friends while the attorttey is chasing " " mountains "greasers" over the of Mexico i an endeavor to secure a gold mint' . , The county supervisors , after a session of two weeks , during which time a large : amount of business was transacted , adjourned - journed last Saturdal evening. A regular. stated sessIOn of the board will convene July 9th. . Qn Sunday , June , 16 , 1907 , Mr. Sam Lentz and , Miss Lena. . 'Brownell were united in marriag by Rev. J. R. Teagarden at his residence in Broken Bow. . The young couple at once commenced housekeeping in the southeas part of the city. A drive out into the country will convince almost nqyone that nature is doing her level best to make money f r the farmers and everybody' . else for next ' . fall. Both corn and wheat are In good condition and the outlook at' present indicates a heavy crop. W. S. Metcalf rove in from Walworth this forenoon dnd will return this afternoon , accompanied - ied by Mrs M , who h s spent a c uple of weeks in the city. He reports crops in , fine condition in the north part of thc county and the farm rs all pleased over' the prospects. . ' 1'he. name of AI. . Fonda , chair- n an of' the board .of supervisors , is frequently mentioned in can. nectiotl with the' office of qheriff , 'in fact so frequently and favor. ably th t tbe g ntJeman will n. doubtedly become a candidate ( \nd as he' is well-known through. out the county wi111pake a strong race with chances for winning largely il\ his favor. From cor'respondence received Supt. ' Pin'cknev estimated tbat nearly two hundred would enroll at tlie Junior' Normal and .he seems slightl.v dis'.lppointed that there are but 98 1U attendance. He should not allow a little thing like tha to bother him , but just think how the fellows at Alliance feel when they figured on three hundred and have less than eighty itl a tendanc at their Junior , Normal. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Cole left last Monday for Omaha ; taking their 11 months old child to have an" operation performed for a growth in its throat , but before reaching there the little one dicd. -The body was returned to this city and. . . funeral services held this forenoon at the Baptist church , conducted' ' by Rev. J. R. Wood , of Mason City. In their great bereavement the parents are deeply sympathized with by this cO11munity. ! \ Considerab1e space in this issue of the RUPUDLICAN is consumed by a communication from County Clerk Pigman . upon request of the county .supervisors. Our thousands of lady readers will not , perhaps , njoy reading it as thorougply as they would had Mr. Pigman dealt with fashions and wbat to wear , but the several thousand tax payers in the county wilL go to it with a certain amoun t of in terest. . Rufus G. Carr , the sage of Doris Lale has issued a flaming red , white and blue 4th of July postcr inviting everbody to come to Doris. and celebrate. Prizes are httng up as fell ws : $35 'for a ball gamc , $25 for shooting . , $35 for horse races and $5.r r foot races. There will be plenty of amu ement. Merry-go-whizz , dance and fireworks. with an oration for a bracer. Now , while so many ceme t walks are being laid wouJd be a good' time to put up or rather down-the names of the streets. Wher. : a cement walk is put down at the corner of a block , impress t he names of the intersccting 51 reets in the cement , while it is soft , just as the name of the company performing the work is done. The RuPUnJ.JCAN belivcs that it the council will act on this suggestion it will be found a good plan and save the I expense of putting up street names when Broken Bow becomes a 'city of l OOOO population-a I few yeard hence. , J . . = = = = , IV J II . [ I . . . _ _ neve Jamcs C. Derris , of PartelIo , Michigan , who is viit- . ing relntivcs. in the city , wilt occupy the pulpit at the M. E. church ncxt Sunday forcnoon at 11 o'clock. Getting Ready for th.c Fair. A meeting of the directors , of the Custer rOUtlty Agricultural association was held last Saturday - day at which Jules Haumont was elected secretnry. It E. Brega aUlI F. W. Hays tendered their resignations as mcmbers of the board f directors , which were accepted and 'C. 11. Millcr and H. Lomat were elected to fill the vacancies. It was dccided to hold the , annual fair { rom Sept 17 to 20 inclusive. The b-laws were changed so thllt on registcred live stock , where there is but one entry it shall be awarded first prcmiu.m. Various committees \V'cre ap. pointed and all ht\'e begun work hav 1fg in view the bcst and most successful fair ever hcld by the association ancl neitl1er labor or expense will be spared to aUain this resut : . ' Off for Mexico. A bunch nf twcnty 'Custer county. citizcns let t Broken Bow ' 1'ue day morning for Mexico to see the country anel inspect the gold mne : in which Hon.F. . M. Currie , of this city arid B. (1' ( . Young of Callaway are two. tenths owners. The party.occu- pied n , combination Pullman sleeping and buffet car in which they will both eat anel sleep during - ing thc trip whi h wiJI consume about twedty days. The itillery of the trip is to Kansas City , then to San An. tonio , Texas , where a day will be spent. From. there to San r. ouis Potosi , for l da ) ' , t ben to the City of Mexico. , and from there 180 mile south to Balsas , two miles from which station the mit 'e is located. Mr. Currie says therc'are 400- 000 ton' : ) of . ore in sight' which .assays from. $30 to $40 of gold to the to:1 : anel the object of the pa ty going is to b "shown , " which he says"is the easiest job he has ever undertaken. Denver capitalists .have offered two million dollars for the property , which was refused , as the ore in sight is valued at four million , and only the Creator knows how much more 'there is011 the property yet unco'/ered. . The p.trty. ; ; is 9mposed f the following named residents of Custer county : F. M. Currie , ' J. G. Brenizer , H. I\1. Sullh'an , G. W Apple , J. 8. Molyneux , J. R. Dean , ! . A. Reneau , H. W. George , Ed. McComas , Dr. R. C. 1'albot , Broken Bow ; B. F. Young , Callaway ; Hobert Beers , Sargent ; W. E. Warren and F. C. Witso"n , Anselmo ; L. , W. Wilson , Merna ; . . 1J. . Arthur , Comstock ; John garon , Ord , , and two others who "did not want their names published and which could not be learncd. , Marriage Licenses Issued. Since last ' 1'bursday marriage lic nses have been i s ed to wed itl this county as follows : Raleigh Heynolds , Gandy. . . , . .23 Nancy R. Ervin , Arnold. . ' . . . .21 John Caywood , Broken Bow. . .29 Mary O. Blowers , Ansley. . . . . .22 Sam Lent , Bow Bow. . . . . . . .22 Lena Brownell , Broken Bow. . .19 Elbert. P. Gaines , Ansley. . . . . .22 Cora Varney , Ansley. . . . . . . . . . .22 Ollof Nordstrom , Comstock. . , .44 Kristana Kellman , Comstock , :41 ' - ' 2'mBDmm m riuat BUSINESS POINTERS. J ' m m mAll - All rpets and curtain goods at cost. MnvIs & Co. 49-tf It's the real ttting1. better than the best. White Star coffee at the Advo. , . Scientific Grinding of scythes , mowers , knives and all edge tools at S. M. Dorris' blacksmlUrshop. southeast oCt he . square. 2-3 I represent tbe. old , reliable Travelers Insurance Co. Do not tak ; out a policy in any company unhl you have consulted me. J. S. MCGRAW. We are receiving this week an. other. addition to our already large stock , of f rniture. S. P. GROAT & Co. George you cannot be a sweet. heart of mine if you do not get two tickets for the Opera house Monday June 24. It's a home talent cOilchrd by professional , people and the best local talent of Droken Dow. Remember George it's the best show of the season and I will not miss it if I havc to g alone. Let. us be your 'printer. The I good kind of printin otlly. . 1 , Funl just ph nn ) ' fun at Broken Bow Opera hohse June 24. : Hail insurance is good whcn it I is good. We have onl1 the good Idml anel will prove it If you call. J. S. MCGRAW. - - A nenrly new , . Quickmenl , gnsolinc range for salc cheaper than chrap at Konkel's. Yes , McClure has Digester 'l'ankage and Blood Menl for stock and ground bonc , and qone and ment tor , chickens at the City Mill. 51-54 Patronize those who advertise in the RupunLIcAN. 'Jr. Bass , Dentist. Over McComas' W ANTJUJ-To hirc , a good man for farm work. Jiood wages. Address or call on J. ' Arthur' ranch , 8 miles southwest of Comstock , Nebraska. Be on the safe side and insure against hail. I represent a company - pany that pays losses promptly and in full. Come and let me , show you. J. S. MCGRAW , 30 funny olel maids "give an entertainment for the benefit of the Broken Bow band. I am making farm . tonns at 5 per cent interest. . " J AMUS LUDWtClI , . 25tf Broken Bo .v , Neb. FOR SALnGood quarter block , best location in the city. 52-3. . . . . . . S. M. DORRIS. The Kirlendall shoes have the run now. 'l'he best foot-wear on e rtlt at MnvIs Co" . . 49-tf - . Tbe "Comfort" sW1l1g chair. Nothing like it in the market. Beats a hammock all to smither- e ns : Only place to be found in the city , is at Groat's Big Store. Go to J. W. Scott's f r un. adulterated flour-pure , justas the wheat growed. - Lost-A pocket book cQntain- ing a gold locket $765 in money and two tir.kets to the Old Maid's home tatent show at Broken Bow Opera house ; June 24. Finder can keep all as a reward if he will Idndly _ return the tickets. Vt,1 ANTltD-the year around , ten men , with or without families. HUIfUS G. CARR , 20tf Doris , Nebraska. I am making farmiloans ! at' 5 per cent interest. . . . J , A1\utS LnDwIcH , 25tf - Broken Bow , Neb. . . Come early if you want a lovely suit of clothes cheap. MnvIs & Co. 49-tf. S. P. Great & Co. sell the New Rbyal sewing machine. Anyone contemplating the purchase of a machin'e will find it to their advantage - vantage to examine them and the price . ltf - If you want reliable life or accident insurance see J. S. McGraw , Broken Bow State Bank building. FOR SALn-H use with five rooms all necessary out buildings. , Five lots , north east part of city. Inquire. L. F. Oxford. Berwyn. - Drs. .Farnsworth . & Beck- Dentis. . I am making farm loans at 5 per crnt interest. J AMUS LUDWICH , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. 1'he White Star coffee has a fine flavor you can't forget. At the Advo. We want tq reduce stock and will sell all goods at unusually Jew prices. Come and see us. S. P. GROA' ! ' & Co. Mevis & Co. , will close out their entire stock of clothihg at cost. W ANTnD-A good -strong boy about 15 years of age. Good home and saJary. Address or . call on J. ' 1' . Arth ur's ranch , 8 .miles southwest of Comstock , Nebraska. . - , . Bargain Bulletin on Pianos and Organs. 1 second hand organ. . . . . , $ 10.00 1 new , solid oak , 10 stop , $ CIO organ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.00 1 new , solid oak , 12 stop , S75 organ. . . . . . , . . . . . . . 55.00 1 new Mahogony piano organ , worth $150. . . . . . 95.00 I slightly used Richmond piano , original value $325 175.00 5 new pianos , highest quality at fifteen per cent off this month. H. A. WATTS. Schedule of Bratten Bow Mail. . Schedule of arrival and departure of malls from Drokeu How 1108t office . Pouches for east close :18 folJow8 : ' .i'raln No. 40. 9 a PI : No. 42.5:45 : p PI i No , 44.7:45 : p , m. Pouches for west close aa follows : Train No. 43. 7:45 p , m. : No , 41 , G:30 a. In. Office hours. 7 a. m. to 7:30 P. In. Office open SuudaV8 from 9 to 10 a. JII. I. , U. JKWKr.r..t. . M. . - ' . . " " . , . , . . . . " . ' . ' . ' , ' . . , " ' , ' ' 'f. , . . _ , . . . . II 1'P . . _ " : . " 1 r " " " " " " : 1t : r - . - . ' A stl'augQ thing : f ed : Baits . . . " just discovered in rexus. - 'l'hey have no win B t but reach. , a.great height. Will be on exhibit'ion t t ' t , _ to. E. nkney'sl t "TAE NEW GROOERY" I rid Y ami Saturday. Co e and see , them. .1 A strictly cash store but everything is new and' ri\ t . uprto-dnto and sold lit the lowest possible price. II" , t. JIighest price paid forproduce. ' , t Phone . . . . . . No. 85 t First door south of O. H. Mevis. ' t . . . - - 3.0 PHUNY OLD .MAIDS , 3'0 . ' Funny costumes , funny jokes , e'erything funny. , A home talent burlesque by the most . . talented people of Broken Bow for the benefit - fit of the BROKEN BOW BA-ND at- . BROKEN BOW - I" OPERA HOUSE J-:7aTEJ : : , 24 . . . 'fhe Great Rush man of .Mystery in 45 min tes of the impossible. I. . - Stella Ma Rush , Reader and Impersonatm : . . Benefit : Elrok..en. : : E30-VV El 1. , 120 laughs in 120 minutes. Broken Bow' Opera . lIouse , June 24. . , . . : aTOTJCElI : : . MEVIS a. CO. - " have the finest line of Wash Goods . Oh the . market. Beautiful thin goods for the hot weather at prices from 6t ets up. Onr Searsueker and Gingham stock never was ' \ finer. ' Beautiful styles and colors. . , , We "are the exclusive agents for tlH .Iirkendall , Shoes. \ . Sl10e epairirnz.a a Specialty. . . MEVIS C'O. - . - D. C. KONKEL. . " . ,