r . ( USlfR COUNT' ( RrpU UCAN By D. M. AMSBERRY DItoKEN DOW , . . NEDRABlCA : Snn I "rnnclsco noodcl1 BllJlos nrlcr nl1 maI'o thnn It dill monoy. A IJrnh1 storm mn3' ho only nn un. usunl numlJor of "thought. vllJratlons" convorglng Into a vortox. Snn Snlvador tias dlshntltled It3 nrmy. In ether words. . the govorn. mont told the mnn ho might go homo nnd rnlso bnnnnns. I . A Connecticut fIshe mnn clnlms to ! hnvo seen n roll.hended dovll.fIsh which stood on It@ tnll anl1 hl sel1 nt him. Too mnch bnlt. ! A Chlcngo Unlvorslty professor thlnls thnt "Amorlcnns nro too blood. thirsty. " Move to IUnond by excerpt. I lng the word " , lJlood. " t Dr. Phllputt says there , nro more good wives thnn good husbntllls , but mn'Uo ho Is only judging by the . vol. umo of conversntlon. To thlnl ( of thel1' .cnll1ng thnt poor Spnnlsh prlnco "Alfonso Pia CrIstina Edunrdo ! " The boys w111 probnbly cnll him PI , for short ! It Germnn scientists 11l\ve renl1y l11s. covered n cure for tuborculosls the rest of the world w111 npplnud their do. Ubornte methods of study. Grnndfnther Gould mny have thought tennis frlvolou boslde money. mnklnc schemes , but young Jny Goull1 thlnls It Is just the rnclot. Mnrk Twnln mny be expected tb. hnve II. lot of fun with the Dotrolt of. fIclnl who hns declared thnt ono of his storlos Is "lIternry junl ( . " . Henry James snys that ho has nllver henrd nn Amorlcnn womnn sny "thnnle you. " Poor fellow , whn.t bnd compllny ho must hnvo ItalJt III his nntlve Innd. "Do something dlfforent every dny. Get out of bed wIth II. different leg first ever 1110r.l1Ing. " rrlma Julian Hawthorne , Who evll1ently eXIJects us to remnln In b d nftor the second dny. A South Cnrollna pnller opines that "tho tone of n bUllfrog Is the sweetest note In nnturo's music ) " Thore's no accounting for tastoa , as the old wom. nn snm when she Iclssetl the cow. Sir Frodorlcle 'rroves says that .Lon. ( Ion fogs must be abollshod to save the Uves of the IJooplo. Send for some l1vo Yllnltee and ho will find a method to concentrate thom nnd use tiICm for Irrigation. John. L. Su1l1vnn's dofInltion of a mOllycQddlc.La says."fudge" , guy Who. says. when 11e Qught to be scndlng rlRM und left to the jaw-Is unnecessarily pro. lIx. A guy who suys "fudgo , " would bo sufficient. The nntlon Is glven to understnnd by the ntlon of -president In waiving n cnblnet moetlng to jump hurdles that pllyslcal exorclso Is ns hnportant toward good cltlzonsblp us tle ! ex rtlon of gray mutter , I There wns qulto n mystery about the brIdal of Miss Torr ' , who , tn splto of her spinster prefix , Is now maldng hapllY a third husbnnd. The poet must have had her In mind when 110 said , " ' 1'lmo cannot wlthor , nor custom stale her Infinlto vl\l'lot ) ' . " Dravo a Kmold Is , ho cnnnot fnll to see manifold reasons , In Amorlcn , why ho shou1l1 have the welfare of his own country In mind when ho sa's that ho 10POS the bonds botwnon the Unltod States nml Jalllln w111 bo streng honed with the passing yenrs. Wben n man gambles nnd doosn't win , nnd then speculates nnd loses II. few tlmos , his wife Is fully porsuadell that ho .does.1t on l\1rllOSO leeep her out of that exnlted stntlon In lite where sho. would bo Buch a bright and shining ornnment. It novel' occurs to her , says the Nn hvllJe American , that she might dazzle 1'fow . where she Is at. Tusleogoo Instltuto now owns 2,000 acres of land , 83 bUildings , dwclUngs , dormlt9rlos , clnss.rooms , shops and barns , live stocle , fnrm Implements , etc. , all vnlued nt $86,000. Desldos , It has 22,000 acres at 1mbllc lands grant. ed by congress , valued ht $136,000 , and an endowment fund of $1,276,000. 'fho InsUtutc how hus over 1,8QO pUJlls In 1\11 Its dOIJnrtments , nnd Is growing every year. In a .railway carl'lago , perohod an 1\ cliff overhanging -the Severn , t1l ar Drldgnprth , England , lIves Henry HUdson , a mnn who has traveled ex. . tenslvoJy , IHlbllshOlI 11101'0 thnn one novel and written for sclontifIc mnga. zlnes. Ho adopted his strange mode of life IlnrUy from a love of nature , . [ lays nn English c rresllontt nt. He Q uullds coracles , which he sends to Norwny , nnd has Invented soclcs made from wood , which are being cons1 < < } . cred by the British m111tm'y authorl. ties. 1\Irs. Roosevelt has chosen to all ) ' herselt with thnt Ilnrt of society which f goes In for uplifting. She haS sedu. 1 lously avoided the merely frivolous. i Her name Is on the list of patrons of art and music. She Is lllcdged , when ' ; . l1er husband leaves office , to nld In i' : ' I" the establlshmcnt of n national ncad. " emy of nrt and of a national consorva. tory , both to be supported by govorn. ment funds. It Is understood that she r' wlsbos to go down In Whlto House , . annals , s the most Inte1l1go11t nnd " . conaclo 1t1pu ottoctor at hls orJc chinn " 'hi ) hns ever gra ed th Btntoly : DlaDslon. . . , , . . , I . VIRGINIA'S LESSON By Hilda Richmond J , . . . ( CopyrIght by J'oBcph D. Dowlcs. ) "It Isn't that Herbert Is n bnd boy , " Mrs. CnsUo was snylng , with a war. . rJed look on her motherly face , ' 01' that Virgin In Is dlsobol1lont. They nre simply too silly for anything. 'Mushy , ' the boys call them , nnd the word fits I very well. ' Instead of llllving n. good , time with the crowd as they always I' ' did , they prefer to sit around by thorn solves at pnrtles and Virginia Is I getting so dreamy thnt you hnvo to opeak two or thrco times boforo. she ronllzes she Is on earth. " "Oh , well , " said her sister , eonsol. Ingly , "all girls have these opo1l8. I remember how Dab Lnne anl1 I used to think our folies cruel and unsympa. thotlc because they ruthlosllly spol1od our cherished plans by sondlng ufJ nwny to school. Virginia w111 got ever 1101' foolishness In good tlmo nnd bo able to laugh nt hersolf. Don't take It to heart so. " : "It's all very well for you to take that vlow , for your girls nro too small to give you any trouble yeti but just walt a few years. Virginia's 110alth nnd lessens ouffor whllo she Is moping around , nnd I real1y have to torce her to eat when she nnd Her ort hnve hnd n. . lIttle tiff. I wloh they would fal1 out and scrntch each other'S' faces ns they did years ngo. , Then maybe this nonsense - sense would com to an end. I always think of Editha when I see her , for she moped just JlJco that when she was Virginia's ngo. " "Edlthal The very person ! Send I for her to come and spend II. month with you , nnd If that doosn't bring Virginia to her senses nothing w111. Il will mean n lot of hard worle , but' you wm o ropald for thnt , I am sure. ! ' , In less than a woele Mrs. CnsUo WM nble to announce carelessly at the dlnnor table that Cousin Editha and her tamlly would visit them next weele. Mrs. Randolph narrowly watched Virginia without seomlng to do so , nnd saw just what she expected In the pretty Cace of her niece. "Cousin El1lthal" 'said Virgin In , with n ploasod. look. "I havon't soon her slnc" the day I was fiower girl at her wedding. She wns just 17 thon-as old ns I am now-nnd I was t n. Do you remember , mamma , how porfect- ly'beautlful she looked ? " "Yes , she wns a lovely brldo , " said Mrs. Cnstle. "Unloss you oat moro SlppOr , Virginia I cannot al10w you to go to the lecture tl1ls ovonlIg. ) " "How mnny chl1l1ren has she ? " asle. ed Mr. CasUo. "Thre or flYUr ? " "Throe , " answered hts wlfo. "Two boys .and n bahy girl. " The whole family had boon Instruct. . od as to bohn.vlor nnd these plotters against Vlrglnln detormlned to do or I dlo during the weoles to f llow. Even Rob llromlsod to ten l' hlmsolf from the delights of baseball , If by so doing "Vlrglnln. could b made to act with n lIttle common sense , " as ho expressed It. ' A few days later Cousin Editha nnd qer family mal10 their nppenrance. "Give mo the baby , Edo , " said a 3'Olll1g mnn who had conducted two smnll boys In dirty llnon suits down the car steps , "Tho brakeman w111 carr ' 'our luggage. " "Edo ! " Virginia leolted In disgust nt the Jnnocent ) 'oung maD , but her disgust changed to nstonlshmont a minute IntoI' when her mother Iclssod the 111110 young womnn with her hnt on one side of her head nnd told her how dollghted they were to BOO thom nil. Was It posslblo thnt this wns the beautiful brldo of seven yenrs ago ? The long train , exqulslto voll and white tlowers with which Cousin Editha had alwnys 'boon Invested In I Virginia's memory faded awny before this tlrod , thin woman and her lIttle family. ' ' 'And this Is Virginia ? " sad Cousin I Edlthn , as soon as the boys hnd boon I paclcod In the Sl11'roy and the bnby on Mra. Castle's Inp. "You'ro qulto a young lad ) ' , Virginia , and a pretty ono , too. No , Cnrlos , mustn't " , hip the horsle ! Jack , stop pulUng aHho lInel ! These < ; hlhlren were clean when wo started , nun tie , but only" for a few I mlnutos. I suppose I'll have to talco. . the b by. Sho's cutting tooih , nnd fear. fully cross. Ycs , mnmma Is well M usual , but she nlwa's seems tired. She helps mo a lIttle with the chll. dron nnd-Jaclc ! I have sIJolcen to you for the last tlmo ! If 'ou touch these 11nos again I'll spanle you ns soon ns wo get to nuntlo's. " Virginia snt sllont during the short ride. Cousin Editha's husband had wnllced with Rob , loavlng the purrey for the ladles nnd children , so Mrs. Rnco hnd the whole care of the livelY Infnnts. Mrs. Castle sat with her In the bnck sent nnd Vlrglnln lmd the two boys with her In front , so there was uttlQ chance for her joining In the conversation If she had , wished to. Her cousin's sharp , tired volco grated unpleasnnt on her enrs ns she remembered - bored the soft , low tones that had re- IIponded so musically to the momon. taus Questions the dny she had boon the fiowor girl. "Edo hasn't been 'lory weU lately , buf I tblnk the rest wllJ do her good , " Mr. Race wns saYing to Mrs. Randolph when they drove up to the porch. "I'vo got to hurry bncle to the city to attend to Bomo business , but I'm glad to lenvo Ul0 babies In such good hnnds. " VlrglnlJhnst nqd to her : room to examine the extent . f'th" 'damago , two pairs at dusty shoes bnd done to . ' . . \ . " , , " . " . ' ' ' . jat . , l' 'i . . . . L' _ . . . . _ . " _ ' . ' . . . . . . . . . : bel' dnlnty whlto dress , but her mbth- or soon cnlled her down to wheol. the bnby "whl1o Cousin Editha rests n' few ; mInutes. " The few minutes proved t6 bo two hours , for the tired mother wns not wOll , nnd the long c r tld , had made her worl\o than usual. She came down to dlnnor In II. white wra'p' . pOl' that made her paler than ovtir , s Virginia do voted herself to the nOls , boys Ull bedtlmc. "A picnic for mo ? It's very nlco'of you , dear , but I couldn't go , " snhl Cousin Edlthn when Virginia spoleo of the pIon she nnil her mother had made. " 1 coull1n't bo easy n mlnuto awny from Daby , nnd taking her along Is out of the quostlon , You go nnd llavo n good tlmo Vlrglnln , nnd .don't worry about me. If I cnn wear a pall' of slippers anq an old 'wrnpper , thnt Is al1 L cnro for these days. When the chlldron grow up 1'11 go to picnics agnln , but , I'm afraid , not boforo. " "Dut wo want to do somothlng , ploasnnt for yoU , " said Virginia. "How nbout a pnrty ? That wouldn't bo take Jng you fnr from the .baby. " "Edo alwnys says partlos begin too Into for her , " laughed Mr. Rnce. , "Sho JU1s ncqulred the hnblt of' going to bed at eight every evening. " "It nlways shocks Vlrglnln. to have you so.y 'Edo' , but I tel1 her wo hn ven't tlmo for long. nnmes , " snld Mrs. Rnee. "It she hnd thr o chlldron I . . . . . I ' Wheeled the Baby. . eryJng at once she would soon learn to snvo tlmo every way she could. Yes , I do go to bed at eight when I'm homo , for I'm aJways tired out. You'll find out whnt good times you'ro hnv. Ing now , my chlll1 , when they are all past. 1 feel old enough to bo a gwand- moth r somotlmes , nnl1 I'm only 24. " "That's true , " said Mr. Race , with a lIttle lnugh. "Whonovor I see VI glnla and Herbert roadlng Tennyson together I thlnle how I used to sit by the hammocle and rlto 'Lucmo' by the hour for you , Editha. I'll try to remember - member the 0111 nnmo for Vlrglnln's 1J0nont. I don't boHovo I could call to mind thre I1nes now to save m ) ' lIfo. " "I heard.'you quoting this the ether day \'hQn wo had to walt so long at the hotel . for dinner , " said 1\1'5. Raco. . . " "Duthnt wns on13' two I1nes : " 'He mo. ) ' Jlvo 'xlthout lovo-who.t Is po.s. alon but plnlns ? , , ' But where Is the mo.n tho.t co.n JIve without dinIng ? " " 'Vo never paid attontlon t those I1nes In the old days , I1ld we ? " asleed Mr. Rnce , who had reached t11e per. fect good comrndeshlp with his young wlfo which few early marrlagos over show , but which Vlrslnln. thought hor. . rlblo. "I remember we used to weep i I copiously-that Is , you 'Ud-ovor cor. tnln fictitious horolnos , and the sarno ! pnssages now would only caUS ) 'ou to smllo. " Vlrglnln had sHpped nwny from the young couple sitting In the midst of playthings , . little garments nnd crumbs , for a good 11I1rd think In her own room. Cousin Edlthn's visit came to nn end boCoro the I1vely chlldron were every ono out , and when at 1ast they went homo Virginia gave nn 1m. lJ'Omptli lIttle lllll'ty to celebrnto the ovent. The young people who had shunned tilO Cnstles slnco the house hnd to be perfectly quiet after Bovon o'clock every oven lng , cnmo trooping back , and once 'more the big house rnne with laughter nnd fun. Vlrglnln was the gayest of the gny , and once when Herbert pressed her hnnl1 under cover of the portiere , she only 1l\ug11od joyously - ously nnd said , "Don't . bo a gooso. Dert. " Where Periods Are Dropped. "Tho ono thing In Amerlcnn print that lJUzzlod mo 'most when I first began to .rend NO\v York papers was the l1\metuntlon , " said a man from Hull. " 1 wns espoclally confusQd by the n1ll1Utudo of porlol1s us d in ab. br vlntfng titles. In our pnpors at homo most of these dots' are omlttod In thnt conuectlon. Here such abbre- vlatfons as Dr. , Mr. , Mrs. and Rev. , for example , nro finished err with a doti , ever there wo slmlJly wrlto Dr Smith , ? Il' Janos , Mrs Brown and Rev Mr GrQen. Naturall ) ' , the dlrtorenco In : the appearunco of'n whole page of I prInted matter In which these worrls : frequently recur Is striking. " , I - . . . . SENTENCE SERMONS , Modcsty rnultlpllcs merit. There Js no sancUty wlth9ut servlco. The thourJIUess never ro harmless. Large Horrows como from muo sins. The henrt 1s bnnlerupt when It hns 110 love to spare. . . It talces n bravo mnn to bo wlll1ng to bo caHed a cownrd. The wearleat lI oplo nro these who are running from duty. . - Lnzy folks lose a lot pf en . orgy toll. Ing how busy they nre. Consclenco novel' mnkcs cowards of us until we turn our backs on Jt. You never tnste the wIno of mo until sarno of Its fruits nre crushod. . It's n grent pity that ttie people who Invent troubles do not patent thom. In the tom pIe of n great and good lIfo nlmost nll the brlcktt are smaH. Mnny n mnn 1oes bacle by bolng too nnxlous about putting up n good tront. It Is belter to have to regret many a loss than to earn the profit of re- morso. The greatest sin Is not the making of a mlstnke , but the being sntlsfied wHhlt. , The religion that lnys emphnsls on views orten Is romarknbly short on vltallty.-Chlcago 'l'rlbune. , HINDU EPIGRAMS. . What n man desires and strIves . for , thnt h alwri"ys obtnlns , unless In weariness he relaxes. Not to begin an undortaldng 10 the first sign of wisdom , and the second Is to complete what hns been begun. . - , To love those who love you bet , to shun those wh love' you , to make nn enemy of the strong-thnt Is to be n fool. I Under good fortune the henrt of the great Is as soft ns a lotus bloom ; under 111 fortune , as hard ns the mountnln rocle. 'flme wnkes when others sleep ; Tlmo no ono may escape ; without rest and with even pace TJmo strides ever all crentures. . - For five yenrs n man shall -treat his (5on as n prince , for ten years as n slave ; but when n son reaches his slxteonth year , then shall a man.heat him us a frIend. \ - Ho WllO sits after .eatlng gets n 1 > aln ; he who sleeps after eating ge.ts comfort ; he who w ncs alter eatfng 'g9ts ' health ; 'he who runs nftor eating runs to his death. Everywhere good fortune attends the man whoso heart Is content ; Is not the earth coverel1 with lenther for one whoso foot Is In a shoo-Sunday ngazlne. SAID .OF MEN. , Every man gets mighty proud at hIs , own vices when a clergymnn gees wrong. , . . Enthuslasm Is shouting for somo. o thing you don't understand because the crowd Is. - - - . . . . When n woman buys n bunch of flowers It's n sign she w111 lot people thlnle 0. man sent thom to hor. . TlCro Is no use Imowlng so much that it mnkes otller poople's head ncbe . for you too explain . . ! t to them. - A womnn Jles about how smart her husband Is 'at maldng money just the way 110 dee : ! about the wonderful I. things the chlldron say.-New York Press. , REFLECTIONS ON WOMEN. . . . . . 'Laughter Is the test of beauty ; women thnt It embolllshes , are af the divine race.-Rougon. . - A womnn's face ought t-o bo Ulcc an' April day-susceptible of cllllI\go ( nnd , val'Jety.-Lord DYIO.9 : , The symbol of , womnn In general 'Is that of the Apocalypse , on the forehead - head of which Is w"rltten " 1\Iystory.- Dlderot. _ There Is an old saying thnt In Eng. land the wife Is the queen , In Franco .tho companion , In Germany the house- Iceepor , In Italy the'save..London ! : Outlook. " 1 - PROVERBS. Idleness Is the key of beggn.ry. . A young cock crows as he hoard tho' old ono. They must hunger In froDt who w1l1 not work In heat. Though the well may lese his tooth ho never l ses his Incllnntlon . There Is nothing more IIreclou8 than tlmo and nothing more" prodigally wasted. . , The w6rid Is n grent ; bo k of whlc11 the ) ' thnt never stir from home read I only a pnge , . - . . 68 , DUT PERFECTLY WELL. The Happy Experience of a.Ncw CaG' tic , Pa.Woman. . , Mrs. John Manscll , 614 So. Jefferson i St. , Now Cnstlo , Pa. , says : "For 3'ear8 I I WaS running down with Iddnoy trotr- ble without know. lng whnt It wns , nnd finnlly got so bnd 1 wus given up. The urinary pas. snges were painful , 'I &J.somotlmes scanty : - . _ 'V/f and J1gnln very pro. i fuso. My limbs , feet nnd nnleles bloat. cd drendfully , nnd , sometlmcs my whole body. My hoart.palpltnted and I had smothering spellsi A week's treatment with Donn's Kidney P1I1s " elped me ' 1nd II. few boxes cured me. At 68 I am strong and wel1. " Sold by all denlors. 60 cents n box. Foster-l\l11burn Co. , Durtalo , N. Y. , . WON FURLOUGH FOR JEEMS. Artlela Appeal That Touched the Heart of Jefferson DavIa. Humor Jlghtens. every thing , ven grim wnr. Jefferson Davis , with nll the weight of a losing cause on llls ohoulders , could yet spare time to ape preclato and respond to an artless np ! peal. The Incident Is related by Capt. Sutherland. Among the numerous pa. pel'S received by the confederate pres. Id nt , the following turnod' up ono day : "Dear Mr. Prcsldent-I want you to lQ.t Jeems C. of Co. onth , 6th outh C roJlnn Roglmont , como homo and got marrJed. Jeoms Is w1J1ln' , but Jeems Capt'ln he ain't w1J1In' . Now when wo all are wll11n' 'cept Jeems "Oapt'ln , I think you might let up and let Jeems come. I'll make him go straight back when ho's'done got mnr. ried and fight hard as ever. "Your nffectlonato frIend , " and 80 forth. - Mrs. DavJs , telling the story , adds that Mr. Davis wrote his dlroctlons In regard to the matter on , the back of the lotteI' . They were : "Lot Jeems go.-Youth's Compnn. Ion. Laundry work at homo would be much maI'o ! .Iatlsfactory If the right St rch wore used. In order to got the desired stiffness , It Is usually neces. sary to use so much starch thnt the beauty anl1 fineness of the fnbrlc Is hidden behind a paste of varying thlclmoss , which not only destroys the appearance , but also affects the wenr. Ing quaUty of the goods. This trou. blo can be entirely ovcrcome by using Deflnnco Starch , as It can bo applied much maI'o thinly because of its greater - or strength than other makes. Wonderful Enqlneerlng Work. The admirable accuracy of the work of clvll engineers of the best class Is I1hown In the wonderfuUy slight dovl. atlon of the great Simplon tunnel from the calculations of the men who planned It and executcd the work. The tunnel Is 12'1. , miles long. It proved 31 Inches longer than It was expected tn boo Whon. the two headIngs - Ings came together In the depths of the mountain their levels were less than * Inches apart. The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer malees the choice of Starch a mnttor of great 1m. pC\rtance , DefIance Starch , being free from all InjurIous chol11lcals , Is the only ono which Is snfo to use on fine fllbrIcs. Its great strength as a stiffener maltos hall the usual quantity of Starch necessar ' , with the result of perfect finish , equal to that when the goods were new. Bibulous. "He has his faults , of course , " said the friend , "but ho Is an amlblUous po t. Ho would serve the muses all his Ufe. " "Vory likely , " roplled the crlUc. "But ho makes the mlstako of s ppos. Ing that Dacchus Is ono of the muses. " Defiance Stnrch Is the lntest Inven. tlon In that lIne and an. 'Improvemont on- all ether makes ; It Is moro economical - nomical , docs bettor work , takes. Jess time. Get It from any grocer. Many a tellow sows his wild oats and reaps a grusl ! wI ow. , . / The Business Instinct. ' \ A pa tYOf ; tourists w re vlsltln tbo- " \ . nnclont Jandmnrlcs of England , actprd. 'T Ing to a writer In the New Orteans Tlmes.Domocrat"and tholr guldo wa Buppl'fng thorn with valunblo hlstorJo facts. . "This tower , ' be rcmarked , "goes. back to W11llnns the Conqueror. " \ . "Why , what's the matter ? " Inqulr ono of his listeners. "Isn't It sntfsfnc. ' " " - . " ' . " tory ? 1 It Cures While You Walk. . . " . . " . ' Allcn'A' Foot.F..nee is n ccrtain cure for _ ' t ; : : ; : " , . . hot , sweating , callous , and swollcn , nchIng : . . . : , \ , fect. Sold by nil Druggillts. Price 25c. Don't . accept any I\ubstitutc. Trial packagc FREE. . , , : Address Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy , N. Y. . . . ' A Good Charger. : : . . Client-Didn't you mnko mlstak& . \ ' In going Into law Instead of the armyT . , . , . , Lawyer-Why ? - ' - " ' 1 ClIont-Dy the wny you chnrgo , . ; > ' there would bo lIttle left of the enemy. , 1It" . 't : ' , , " . Krause's Cold Cure. I . J : . ; ' . . : "j For' cold in head , t1 roat , chcst or back. . .l' : ; ' cst remcdy for La Grippe. Druggists , 250. . . : . : . . . ' , " " Many n. . girl's Idea of doing good lIlt . ' " ' . , ' the world Is to marry n man toreform him. . ' I 1t : Lewis' SmRlc Binder strnigbt 5c cigar . . ' ; ! " , 1 made of rich , m'cllow tobacco. Your : . . . . ; J. dealer or LeWIs' l"'uclory. Peoria , Ill. . . ' : . . . . . . " . " . . . , , " . tt , : ' \ The worst thing nbout common. , ' . ' : .9. ' Is thnt t u a hlonnblo. , ; ' : sense ! _ _ ! _ ? _ . - : . . IIlr. . 'Vlnllow' . Soothing Syrup. . 0 Vor chlldrell teethlllg.8ottelll the gurUl , reducel ! Do. : . ' ! QammatlollallaYlpalll.cure.Wl.lldcollu. , abotU. . . . ' ; . . . " ' , ' . . I .I" skin. , Even wisdom may bo only deep. . . . . . . . . . FARMS THAl 8ROW 1 "NO , I HAR " WHEAT' , 'i . , f : . 'i , ; . " ' : " ' " : ' ' . . . " ' ; . . ' . . . " . ' 'i ' " , . ! ' , ' . . f - . " . . , . . , I 'New Wheat GrowIng Territory : : : ; . "I " . - lIAS mum MADE ACCESSIDIE TO l\IAR- , j KETS BY Tun RAIIWAY CONSTRUCTION . .i that has been pushed forward so Tigorouolr by the three great railway companIes. ' 'Forllleraturc and particulars n Jllress SUPER. ! . INTENDENT OF Il\U\I1GRATION , ottawa , . Canada , or the followIng aul1lorlzed Cauadlaco Government Ale lt : . : , . W. V. BENNETT , 801 New York Life BuildiDi , . . Omaha , Nebraska. . . . j Mention this paper. . " NORT.HWEST , "J - AND RETURN r Portland , Tacoma , Seattle , ellingham , 1 : . Everelt , Vancouver , VIctoria. ' and New Weslminster ! On'e Fare or $5'0.0.0 t - - For Ihe roulld trip from l Missouri River Terminilis. I ( CoUllcll Dluffs tb Kallsas City. ncluslve.J ) , . / , I ' . VIA . 1 I UNION PACIFICf : Tickets on sale Junc 20 to Iuly 12 , I . 1907. Also tickets one way through . , California on sale ) lame dates ! at slightly higher rates. : . . . ' INQUIRE OF r . ' ; . . . E. L. LOM X , G. P. A. , ' I . . Omaha , Neb. I' - - SIGK HEADACHE . , Positively crred br these Little PUis. CARJERS Thcy tllso rellcvo Distress - tress tram Dyspepsia , - dtscS1J on and Too nc.rt. : " EaUng' . A pcrfect remedy - edy for Dizziness. Nnusea. DromlncS , DII.d TlISw , " In the : Mouth. Coatc ' , . Tongue , Pain In the Side ; . TORPID'LIVER. The1' rcgulajo the Bowe1S. 1 > ureIyVegeta.blo. " SMALL PilL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. : . - ' , - , CARTERS Genui D.Mu . Bear Fae-Slmllo Signature , aVER d _ ' - , , PILLS. / " .p . " , ' " : , . ' . . , 'y ' - REFUSE SUBSTLTUTF.8. . : . , r.- , . ' YDlA E. ' . P.INKHAM' $ - VEGETABLE , . COMPOUND . , : Is ncknowlcdgcd to be the most sue. . . cossful remedy in thc country for those paInful nllments peoullJ.r to women. . . . . . For more than 30 yeJ.rs it has t , . . , , . been curing Fcmale ComplJ.lnts , I4i > ' such ns Intlammn.tion , nud Uleern- . tlon' , 1"a1l1ng nnd Displacements , nnd consequent SpInal Wealcness , Daclmchc , nnd is pecullo.rly adJ.pted to the Change of Life. Records show tho.t it Ims cure(1 . _ more cases at lJ'emale Ills tbJ1n nny other enc remedy lcnown. Lydia E. Pinlebnm's vegetable Compound dissolvcs nnd Tumors at an curly stnge of development. DraggingSensJ.tlonscnusing expels palnwel ht , nnd hcadache arc relieved and ! permanently cured by its use. It corrects Irregularities or Painful Functions , Wealmess of the Stomach. Indigestion , BloJ.tlng , Nervous Pr03tratlon , lleadache Genc. , rn.l Debility ; o.lso. Dizziness , Faintness Extreme Inssltude. "Don't o.nd " care I wnntto be 10ft alone" feeling , Irritabillt.v . , ervousness , Sleeplcssnes.'I , Flatulency , Molnncholln or the "mucs. " 'hese are sure indications of ! femBlo wealcness or some orgnnic derangement , For Kidney Complulnts of either sex Lydln. E Pinlebam's Vegetable Compound is n. most exccllcnt 'remedy. Mrs. Pinkham's . Standing Invifra.tfon to Women Womcn ' snfl'erlng from any form of fen11101 ( , wenlcness o.ro Invited to write who has 'Mrs bcoll Pinkham , Lynn , Mnss. for nlh'lce. She Is the Mrs. Plnldmm advising slcle womcn free of chnt'ge for m re than twcn' y o.rs , nnt1 bcforo that she nssloted her motherln.law Lydia E. Plnlcham . , y in advising. ThuD l10 Is weJ1 ql1nl1f1ed to guide sicle women back to health. lier ndvlce is free and ahvays helpful.