Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 13, 1907, Image 8

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_ _ , l' ' . .A . _ _ -1.- _
Eye , EarN OSC , Throat
and Chronic Discases.
Fittin ' of OI sses ,
Office 111 Realty block ,
Consult him If you want Water ,
Phone 112 , - Droken Bow.
. "
_ . _ . . . _ _ _
- ' - - - h
b.J J _ " . ,
A , A H 10Ul ,
Attorney at Law.
Drokon DOW9 Nobr ,
1I:11'IUII" JUAt hulclllht : ) 'l1 rs practical expcr
lencl1 aA County JUdlll1. " 11I1l1e APpclal alien
tlonlo Ihe drawlnl ( allll llrohallnll of wills al1ll
Ihl1 adnllulAlrallon of cAlaleR IIr deceaAel1
Aonll a 1111 minors. Write or phon. , me. IlIIay
la"e yon I' trIp.
. . . . . DOlllorln . . .
I'nml' " Wlnll , Mill" TAnh" . I"IWnlf' " , CJnnolln ,
Bnll.lno. . . , ntn. ctc.
Urnlcon lIow , NobruJr" .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ) " " - : ocxr..Otcr..orJO :
The lVes1 ; E:1eva1or : ; '
I handle [ i'eed in small quantities for the retail trade
Special attention given to filling orders for coal
in any quantity ,
Broen , } Bow , - - Nebraska
J : ( . . . " ; . " . . . : ) " . : . . . . . ) " . . . . . # J".r..JV .rJ".r.r..r..J
We are now about ready for
having cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchandise.
New goods are now arriving daily and our many t linct will
. soon be complete , When you are loking for
Good Val ues and Honset Prices
the , year 'round in , dry goods , clothing , hats caps , shoes , rugs.
carpets. mattings , lineoleums , notions , etc. , don't fail to look
our lines over.
. . . . . . . . . . . . , , _ . .
i\\ " > ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " ' " .tr-ILe. : ' " ' "
iCfr : > : ! 1.1 : . : Irh : fm ri' 'Irr' " fr'1.'I : > .f. . Q " " " : ti- " ' . . ,1J ' Wi
iiJfi ! i mI' : 1fill 6 JN YI.fFJl ; "iJilirtJ.'i1 w.iN : i : : ; lii 'iJ
III , . When des1r1Ug to figure on a bill
I. of Lumber call on the. . , . . , . " . fil
; C . L . T urn e r L urn b or C o.
: . : We carry a ull stock < ? f Lumber. .
i f Sash , Doors , ould1Ugs , etc. [ ii '
: l. I'I' : ,
R p" & Loan Association ,
. . . . . B1I11d1Ug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 1
' ' " ' - : " ' - " "
fI : 'r. : a'f:1 _ : trJiJ11 . . . : L.FJ'J-.r. .l _ "Nftr.CI'- _ : : ; : _ ; ! I11 : "
.61il t' ! 1 ! "il ; d'iliii : 1 ytl "iJw illi ! f
& ; E
here by chasing
. . . . . . . pur . . , .
I , ,
Pain ts Oils ! :
I Hard ware , I
I . Furnitur , I
I' ' !
" Flour , Fecd I
"l and Seed. '
. , . . . _ I'
" " ' " " " 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII""I""lImllOllllllllllll lllll.'IIIIIIIIIIII""I."nll. ' ' "
J , . W. SCOTT. . .
South SidelSquare , Broken Bow.
. . . -
Send your Abstract Orders to
Bonded A bstr cter
- Office In Security State - Bank 'ld'ng
-B =
fore y U BUI
II C3reo. . : J ? a , pin.e : au. . , :
Contractor and Builder. Estimates
' " ' Furnished free with plans and specifications.
. . .
I -
c. - vvJ30" : : . .
, . ' . Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
At the OLD STAN D.
'Real Estate , City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented , Taxes paid for non-residcnts ,
Will buy some good paper.
t , Call and see me.
l' ) : , . f , ' < c. . E3o"
' , . " , , , .
" ' ,
' .
, , " '
' .
! ! , ' . .
P' . , : , , ' ' . . . , , ,
, \
' ' . ,
' 'J' : , , ,
.t " " 1" " " ' ' 1"1' ' . . : , . . , ' . . , . " _ ' ' - ' ' I' . . , . ,
, .
. . . . . . .
- --I'-- i-P'ij .1. ' - < r'
Reception - to Senator Burkett.
On Wednesday evening , June 1
19 , a public reception will be
given to Senator Burkett , and to
the faculty of the Junior NormaJ'1
at the Temple Theater , All citizens -
zens are invited to be present ,
amI to become acquainted with I
these ent1elUen anl ladies ,
Senator Burkett has expressed a' '
desire to meet the representative I
citizcns of Broken Bow and vicinity -
cinity , and especially the leaders
of all the l'olitical ' parties , Now
don't say you have been overlooked -
looked or slighted , for if you are
a citizen or a politician you arc
invited to accept this invitation ,
Neither is this an intimation
that a politician can not be a
citizen and a good one. Turn
out , and Jet us show the Senator
and Jhe instructors of the Junior
Normal a good representation of
the people of Broken Bow and
surrounding country , The re.
ception will begin at 8 o'clock ,
and continue as long as seems
expedient ; after which Senator
Burkett will give a.n address to
those present ,
How thcTrult Price I on Abatracta Work.
. . \
A busltless man In Broken Bow
asked us what we charged for
abstracts , We replied. "About
three fourths of the trust prices. "
He says : "Will you give me 20
per cent off from your prices. I
get 25 per cent off from trust
" That's it the
prices. , put up
prices and give a rebate to obtain
businflss. . How would you like
to have this business man get an
abstract for you ? Charge you
the trust prke and pocket 25 per
cent of the fees ,
We have one price to alt ,
June 1 ] , 1907.
To whom it may concern :
We expect to move to our clai'm
near Dunning this week , but ]
shall visit Br ken Bow weekly in
the interest of the cases of
chronic diseases on hand and
those who may wish to consult
. me that way and particularly I
, . wish to inform the soldiers who
are ordered before the Brokel1
Bow Board of Pensions that 1
I shall , for the present remain , the
: secretary of the board and that I
! will provide a room where the
board will meet and I will notifj
j them that the meetings will stilJ
be held on the 1st W dnesday il1
each month , as heretofore. Boa ( ]
' meeting at 10 a , m. .
'f Real Estate Transfers.
Cl1arles A. Dodson to J. A. Kellcnbarger. lot
7 and II In block 9. Recond add to Merua , $790.
Statoof Nebraska to J , A. Kellenbar er , If ,
i : acres In 16-18.2 , $110. :
Lincoln Land Company to Ida M. Brow
I parcel nw se 3.19-18. 161xl313 , $135.
R. Georll"ellackett to Oscar A. Johnson , 241
: acres \1.16-21 , 87'00.
E ra P. Savage to Ida M. Drown , parcel nw ,
se ( 3.19.18 , 161x1313 , $135.
Lela E. lIarrlR and Capallf L. her husband
to Mrs. Katie Shafer , lots 1,2,11 and 11 , blocl '
1 , orhrlnal town of Sargent , $3600.
Jol1n L. Walker to George W. Mulligan , par
cel nw nwJC 1.19.20 , 13xlll. $12.5.
William G. Dlttcrs to Gcorge F. CI1r1sly , 1/1 /
acres In 25-19.0 , $ ISO.
lI. A. Shermau to Alec C. DavlR , lots I and'
and n 3. In block 1 , 2nd add to Sargent , $17\ ' \ (
Willard D. Vanwart to Mark Warrick , Ie
acres 111 26-13-23. $1SOO.
George R. DoulI"las to Warren E. and Emm
Leymasler , 160 acres In 12 and 13'19.19 , $1600.
ElIsl1a ' 1'avlor to William G , Dltters , parc
In 2'-19-20 , $150.
William V. Beck to Ross G. Moore , parcel I
block 3 , ReyneS'R add to Droken Bow , $2OQ.
F'M. Rubleo to J. G. Lemlnll , parcel In see
tlonR 10,21 , n , 23 , 24 , 2.5,26 , 28. 30 , 31. : U , 18-11
, $15'ZOO.
Alonzo E. Davis to Ulysses S. Horu,1GO acn
In 5-13.19 , $4250.
J. W. Wayulck 10 Sue W. Valentluel00 acn
hl 3.18-18 aud 16U acrea In 15-19.111. lots 1 and :
block 11 In Sugent , .
Fra'nk Rumsey to Benjamin F. Good , . 2'
aCres In 1.17.20 , 400.
Frank Rumsey to Jennie J. Good , SO acres I
1.11.:0 : , $ .
Phineas M. I'cck , nnmarrled , to James WI
son.1GO acres In 21.14.17 , $4 .
. The Unloll Pacific Railway Co. to Uans l\
- Jorgensen. 11 > 0 acres In S.lJ.5. ! f4 .
Jol1n ' 1' . Edwards to lIauA Jorll"enson 40 acrt
In 34.14.25 , $125.
Cl1aa. M. Dlowers to 11. W. Ray , 4SO acres I
3:1.16-2.5 : , $4800.
Emmet Crawford Lodge No. 148 , A. : I ! ' , and.J
M. , Droken Dow , toCl1arles ' 1' . Orr , lot - 1
block 20 , secoud alld to Anselmo , $21.
Charles Nicolai to Jol1l1 R. Dye , 100 acre I
17.19.19 , $ SOJ.
. WIlliam W. Warren to William J. ' 1'aylD
1.arcelln 31.17 aUtl 2.5 11.23 , $4500.
Benjamin ] , \ Shank 10 Robert S. Slone , I
acres In 24-18.17 , $2000.
M. L. Friel ! to Robert S. Stone , 100 acres
251817150. .
George T. Malcom , et al. to } 'rcd M. Ku
vltzky , 100 acres In 24.14.25 , $1400.
; ; ; ; 11 I'erry Buckbee and Wm. . to Jol1n Klapel , I
acres In 4-19.17 , pJOO.
Clark Tolle to J. II. Decker. lot .16 , block
railroad add to Callaway , $5SO.
I. N. Vlnnlnll" to 0110 Furst , 160 acres In 35- ]
17 , $44 .40.
C. U. Rlchardsoll to Mary J. Wallon , lot. .
and 20 , block 13 , orhtlnal town of Droken Do'
$ SO.
Ezra P. Savall"o to J. R. Klme and 'A.
Davis , wlo ( wJC 2-10.1S , undivided Y. 3OOxl'10 :
I $75.
- Georlle O. Beuller to J. D. ' 1'royer , lotll 3 ,
6,7. 'I , 10. lI,12k13. ! , , j5 , 1 < 1 block 3 , lot 3. 4 ,
11,7 and II , bloc S. ; .wu.
Lincoln Land Company to J. R. Klme a1
A. L. Davl _ wJC BWJC parcel In 2-19-18 , u
divided ; AAlx140 ft. 175.
' 1'l1omas C , Lawler to B. ' 1' . Baker ; Iarcels
34 aud 35-16-17 , $ l , OOO.
L. W. Hurlburt to Grant ClIue , parcel
1\ \ and 11.1\1-23 , .
lIenry 'Vt.'C'.aklin ' to Richard Barr"I , lots
2,3 , II , 9 and 10 , block 43 , $3000.
LeGrande Athey 10 Jol1n Delaue , Iota I , ' 1 a
II. tllock 4 , In M. . A. Wellt add to 1Iroken Uo
rJames ! W. Illellry to Lars nllxl , .91' :
acrea In 6-14-2. . . $3. > > , ) .
John Delane to LeGraude AtheylO oures
12.111.21 , $1600 ,
Lillian McGulnt , sh'ile to lIarlew I' . Wt ,
dey , 1,0 acre" In 1JJ.0-53 , $4 .
Tile Uulon Lalld Co. to Charles S. Carothe
lot 14 , block 51. railroad I\dd to Callawty , $15
Sarth F , l'Uale ! to l'ru8 Cl1rlliten , 160 olCI
In 1 19-1I , pJUU.
Lottie W , Smith to Cl1arln S. Cuotber. , II
. . .
IV --v ' - " - ' " " " , , " 'J H r ' 1
: , : : ! :
, ,
15 and 16 , block 54. railroad add 10 Callaway. ;
l t2OO.
, James N. Ridenour to John I'arr , lotlll. 2and
3 lu block 7. Aecoud adtlto Merna , ! bOO.
Lincoln Land Company to Jamcs N. Ride-
! lour , lols I and 2 , blok 7 , 2nd adll to Merna ,
$ ISO.
1.lncoln Lalill Co. 10 Yillalle of Mprna , lot 9 ,
block 9 , IIrhclnallown of Merna , $12.5.
Charles llnllllhreJ A 10 John Nallsell6Q acres
1" 2l-15-14 , fl400. :
, Myrtle HerAlh et ai , to Mary I , lJIe slnll" .
parcel In 1J.19.m , S9Ic..G6.
, CharieR W. Miller to Wesley MlllerIGO acrell
In 9.1s.J9 , $75.
Myrtlc Herah , et ai , to Alfred Oxford , parcel
In 13.19-21 , $1000.
1.lncoln I.allli C'OIIIPany 10 Carrie JennltllCR ,
lilt 'l. lIlock 2In AIIAley. orlllinat lown. fW.
William II. Slewart to Jlyrnc 1 .Roblllaonl6Q
acreH In , JO.
Mary A. McKee 10 Mary M. Knllll1t , parcel
In 2-1CJI7 ; , $ ' )00.
Clarence Mackey to A. L. Real , lGO acres In
21.17.18 , flAOO.
lIugb Davy to 11. 1' . Gales , parcel III 2z,20-21.
, 1200.
L , R. Jonell toT. ' 1' . Varner , lott I , 2 and 3
block 17 , original town of Ansloy , ! OOO.
- - - - - -
- - -
- . .
Opening of Huntley'
Lands :
33,000 acres Government
irrigated land near BiUings ,
Montana , opened by lottery
system , June 26th ; chea
excursion rates to registet
for these rich irrigated . lam s.
Finest prizcs yet offered by
the Government. Cos ap'
proximately $30.00 an acre ,
divided into ten yearly pay.
ments , Get detaiJs.
, To Pacific Coast :
Specially low round trir
California rates June 8th tc
15th ; June 22nd to July 5th.
Also to Portland , Seatth
and Spokane June 20th t <
July 12th. Daily low rate
Coast tour commencing J UI1 (
1st. Slightly higher vi
Shasta route.
Good Chances
Eastward :
Daily low Jamestown Ex
position rates with side trip !
available. for New York
PhiladeJphia , Boston , At
lantic Coast resorts , Alse
July 3rc1 to 6th nry cheal
to Saratofa with side trip
to New York , also Julv lltl
to 13th to Philadelph .
Big Horn Basin :
We run person'ally onducte (
homeseelers excursions Junl
4 and 18th under guidanc1
of D. Clem Deaver , Genera
Agent Landseekers' Jnfor
mation Bureau , Round trip
. $20.00 ,
Call or Write for Details.
H. L. OR1\ISBY , Ticket Agent
L , W , W AKIU.UY , G , P. A ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
r- _ - .
Practice In State and Federal Courts , A1
slract of titles examined. Real Ealate an
Mnnlclpal Law a spcclalty. Dealer In Re :
Eatate. Strict attention glvcn to all bualne !
is Office In Meyer Block. Phone 80. Broken Do'
Legal Notices.
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
The Commissioner appolnled to view and :
deemed for the pubUc good to locate a roa
petitioned for by Leslie It. Clay , et aI , cou
menclng at 80 rod ! ! north of the southwe
corner of the southeast quarter of section 2
town 15 , range 18 , and running thence eal
one mile and a half. terminating 80 rOll
north of the southeast corner of the so uti
cast quarter of sectlon2 : ! , 10wn 15 , range I
Head to be 40 ft. wide , haH reported ln fav (
of the estallUshment thereof. and aU obje
tlons thereto , or clalmH for damages. must 1
lUed In the county clerk'tI onlce on or befol
noon'of the 15th day of August. 1007 , or sue
road wIU be estaliUshed without referenl
thereto ,
In Witness 'Vhereof , I have hereunto s ,
my hand al1l1 seal of said county , this lit
day of June , 1007. Jos. PIGMAN.
lu ( RKAJ. ] County Clerk.
First pub June 13-1t
GO ' .1'0 whom It may concern :
You are hereby notllled that the Counl
, Doanl of Supervisors IlId , at their meeting I
June 5 , 1007. declare the follQwlng section lit
I s- to be a ImbUc highway. Commencing at tI
" corner on the south side of section , tOil
H , range 10 , running thence east one mile
19 the south center of section : ' ' 7 , town U , rani
v , III , also commencing at the soulilwest cont' '
of section 20 , town U , r.m . e 10 , runnll
C. thence cast H mile ,
rt. AU objections thereto , or claims for du
ages must be 1IIellin the County Clerk's 0111 ,
. . on or Lefore noon of the 15th day of Augu :
5' 1007 , or such road wIU be established wltho
, reference thereto.
In Witness 'Vhereof , I have hereunto 1\
dd my hand and tical of said county , this 11
IU. day of June , 1007. Jos. PlOMAN ,
( SGAL ) County Clerk ,
III Flrst pub Jnne 13-1t
In HOAD NOTlm : .
To whom It utay concern :
I , 'l'he commissioner allllointell to'Iew , al
If deeutell for the pubUc ood. to locate
nd road , Iletitioned for lIy J. 1\1. Whisler , et ;
w , commencing at the northwest corner of SI
tlon 11. town 15 , range III , running south 1
thence west about H ( miles Inlersel
lOCI Ing w th roall on section 21. town 15 , range
lias reported In favor of the estabUsltme
In thereof , aml aU objections thereto , or clall :
I for damages , must be l11ed In the Coun
lit. Clerk's onlce on or before noon of lIle 15
day of AugustlOO7or tluch roall111 be esta
lIsbed without reference thereto.
II , In witness Whereof. I have hereunto 6
. my banl1 and seal of said county , this 11th d ;
e8 of" June , IWT. Jos , PIOMAN ,
[ 811J.L ] County Clerk
) ts { , 'Int pub Juno 13-ft
- . " . " ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NO'ltCC 'l'0 CR DITCJ .
COllnlJ COllrt. Cusler Count ) ' . Nebraska.
'I'be credltorll of the estale of Mary L. Strath.
'rake notice. That I will sit at the Connty
Conrt room. In Broken now , lu Bahl COUllty , ( ,11
the : llld day of Jill , . , t9071 al1d on the 7th day of
December , 1'J07 , each al 0 o'clock a , lit , of eacl1
"a ' , to recelvo alill examlno all clalm'l alralnll t
I < ald "AtDln , with a view 10 their adjU'Iuneut
atlll allowancc.
'l'he lime IImltell far Ihe I'reselllalloll of
clalmR allaillst said ealale III "Ix 1II01lth'l fron ,
the 25th day of May. 1')07 , aud Ihc time 1ltl1lted
for Ilaymenl of deMs IA one year frollt tlald
Uated May III. 1907.
A. R. UUMruRKCOlluty J.dll"e. .
} 'Irst Ilub May 2J-4t :
- - - - - - - - - - - -
NO'I'Im : .
' 1'0 C. W. Sheppard anll J. W. Young , non.
reshlents :
You al1l1 eactt of you arc hereby notUled
that on the 11th day of April , 11105 , 11. W.
George purchaMed at Ilrlvate sale from the
treasurer of Custer county. Nebraska , the
following tlescrfbed real estate situate In the
county ot' Custer and Slate of Nellraska , to ,
wit : I.ot No , II In hlock No.2 , In A. W ,
GandY'tI addition to the city of Broken Bow ,
Nebraflka. ' 1'hat said sale was for the taxe
levlell against sal' } I.roperty for the yean
IBII" ! , 1803 , 111117 , IBOII , 181111110O / , IOO. ! , 11103. and I
now the owner and holder thereof and that
, he has paid the taxes against saldlots.for all
of said year ! ! , together with tlullsequent taxe !
levied for the years 11101 and 1005 , as tollow ! ! .
tOIVlt : Lot 6 In lIlock 2 , above referrell to
assessed to O. 'V , Sheppard anll J. 'V. Young
who appear to be the prellent record owner !
of the tlame , Halll sullselluent taxes beln
paid , vlz : For the year 11101 on May 10th
1\105. and for the year Iw : on May 201h. 11106
'l'hat aHer the expiration of three month !
from lhe completion of the Ilubllcation 01
this notice I will apply to the treasurer 01
Custer county. Nebraska , for a lleed to sal ! )
Dated at Uroken Bow. Nebraka. this 21s1
day of May. A. D. 11107 , 11. W. GEOnGE.
First llUb May 23-1t
'fo Frank Curti ! ! , non.resldent :
You arc hereby notl\led \ tllat on June 21
1110 ; ) , Simon Cameron purchasell at Ilrlvatl
sale from Ule treasurer of Custer county
Nebraska , Ule following described rea
etate situate In Custer county , Nebraska
to.wlt : Lot No.5 , In block No.2 , In A. W
Gandy' ! ! a ltlon to the city of nrQken Bow
Nebraska.'fhat \ ) said sale was for the taxe :
levied against said l.roperty ( lot ) for thl
years 18111 to 1110:1 : Inclusive , being the yearl
, IB91 , 1805 , IBIIO , IB97. IB98 , 11190 , 1110O , 1001 , 100' !
1003 , who assigned the same for valuable con
slderatlon to H. 'V. George , who Is now thl
owner and holder thereof ami that he hal
paid the taxes for.all of said years , togcthel
with sUbsequent. taxes levied against sail
lotI : ! for tilt : . years 1001 and 11105 , as follows
to-wit : Lot In block 2 , above referred to
assessed to Frank Curtis , who alpears to bl
the present record owner of the ! ! ame , sail
subsequent taxes lIelng paid , vlz : l or till
year 1\101 on Jum 20 , 1\O ! : ; , and for the yea'
. 1lI05 on May 21 , I\OO ! , 'l'hat after the explra
tlon of three months from tbe completion 0
the publication of this notice , 1 will . apply tr
the treasurer ot Custer count , ) , NelJraHka
for a deed to said lot hereinbefore descrillell
Dated at Broken now , Nebraska. this 21s
da , ) ' of May , A. D. , 1\101. \
First pub May 23-It
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'I'he commissioner appointed to view ani
If deemed fet the IlUbllc good , , to locate :
road , petitioned for by I. H , HusseU , et a ]
commencIng at the southeast corner 0
section III , townHhlp 16 , range 21. thence wes
on hectlon line about one and one tourt ]
miles , to the cmyon bank , thehce about a
the mall route now runs to Custer Canyol
school house , to Intersect a laid out real
omlng from the north , thence south , abou
as the mall route now runs to John Helll
hardt's mall box. , thence wesl and a litll
north UI' the I1rst canyon north of I. IJ
_ BusseU'1 : ! house , thence west over the mos
practical route , to the McI'inley post omci
thence sonth and west about as the mal
route now runs to Intersect a laldout roa' '
, on Spring Creek , said road to have a wldl
_ of 40 feet , has reported In favor of th
etallllshment : thereof , and all objection
thereto , or claim : ! for damages , mut : belIe' \ '
In the county clerk's olllce on or before noo'
of the 25th Ilay of July. 1007. or such road wll
lie established without reference thereto ,
In witness whereof. I hav hereunto set m
haml and seal of : ! alll county , thl : ! th day ( J
1\Iay , 1I1lY7. JOB.I'IOMAN ,
ISEAI. ] ( jounty Clerk ,
. 'Irst pub May 23-1t
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
The commissioner aspolnted to view an
If deemell for the public good to locate a roa
petitioned for by J. B. Morrison , et aI , con
menclng at tbe lIoutbeast corner of section t
_ townshfp 15 , range : ! ' , J , thence nortb along th
secUon line } ) mile. thence east about 100 rod
thence north , or nearly so. ulJout 170 rodl
thence eastward aboutOO : ! ro s. to the lal
out' Canyon road running north and south.
Said road to have a wlilth of 40 feel. bas rl
ported In favor of the establlsllmen thereo
anll all objections thereto or claims for dan
aes must belied \ In the county clerk's ome
. on or before noon of the 25th day of Jul )
1\101 \ , or such road will be established wlthm
reference thereto ,
In witness whereof , I have bereunto set m
haud and scal of said county this 20th day (
May , 1007. JOB. PIGMAN ,
ISEALI County Clerk.
First pub May 23-1t
'fo whom It may concern :
'fh'e commlssfoner appointed to view and
deemed for tile pUblic good to locate a roa
fletitiOned fQr by C. U : . Heist , et al , commen ,
ng at the school house at the northwest co :
Der of section II , township 11 , range 11 , thenc
east about I mile , thence north and ea !
about H miles to a point about 80 rods ea
of the southwest corner of section 3t. tOWl
ship 18 , range 11 anl1lmersect laid out roa
at township line , thence take the F. E. Va1
Antwerp survey. north and east about H
miles , and Intertlect laid out road at no rtl
cast corner of southeast ! ( section : ' ' 7 , tow 1
ship III , range 11 has rellOrted In favor
- the establishment thereof and al
objections thereto. or claim : ! lor < 1amage
mut : be Illed In the County Clerk's onIce 0
or before noon of tlle 6th day of August 100
or such road will be estabUshell wltbol
reference thereto.
In Witness Whercof , I ha\'e hereunto tll
my hand and seal of said county , Ihl : ! 6th da
of June , 1001. Jos. PIOMAN ,
ISKAL ) County Clerk.
fo'irst pub June 6-1t
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'I'he Commissioner appointed to view and :
deemed for tlle pullllc good , to locate a roa
petitioned for lIy OIof O. Nordstrum , et a
commencing at the southwest corner of se
tlon 36 , township 18 , range IS an , } runnln
thence eat : on or atl near the section line :
Ilracticaallle , , one and one lIalf miles , to II
southeast corner of the southwest Iuart
of section :11 : , townshll'lB , range 17 ; thence 1
a southeasterly direction on the most pra
tlcallie route ami connect with road No. 10 ,
at or near the tloutheast corner of the soutl
wet : quarter of section 5 , townslllp 17. ranf
11 , has reported In favor of the etabllhmel : :
thereof , and all olljectlons ctaln
for damages , must be . \ theretohor Counl
Clerk'lI olllce on or before noon of the 61
da } ' of August , 1\101 \ , or tluch road will 1
establlHhed without reference thereto.
In . , Vltness Whereof , I have herennto s ,
ltl } hand anll seal of sahl county , this 6th def
of June , 1007. JON. PIGMAN ,
{ SKAI. ) County Clerk.
"Irtlt Ilub June 6-1t
' 1'0 the Iln nowul1elra altd dc"laee of Jol
Crowley , deceased.
You and each of YOU are hereby notl e,1 then
on the 31lit day of 1\1ay , l'm , the plalutlff , Mal
I . 1\1l11s , administratrix of tl10 estate of 1\1. I
1\1 Ills , tleceased , filed her l > ctltlon In the DI
trlct court of Custer county , Nebraaka , all"alll
- Sellastlau Nelh , admlulstralor of Ihe estale '
Jol1n Crowle ) ' , tleceased , and tile uuknownl1el
; llItl devlleeli ! of ald John Crowley , and on II
same day olltalued an order 10 serve YOU of II
ld notice oflaid sull by , 'ubllcatlou. Tile objel
a ane prayer of said suit 18 to foreclosc a mOl
II , lI"agell"h'eu by Ille said Jol1u Crowley to tl
c. Nellraska Morllrage and Trust Co. aud b ) '
I assllrued to Ihe lIald 1\1. II. M1II8. tile se
: t. secllou , lownllhlp 17 , N. raUlI"e Ufon . 11th :
III , 1\1. , to secure the payment of his one certa
nt l'rolllsson' no Ie of $500.00 wltl1lnlerest Ihluet
t1 : ! froll ! Sel.tember 26th , 18'11. at 10 l > cr ceut 11
ty annum. That derallil l1ad beeu made In tl
th payment of said nole and Inlerest. Plaint' '
lb. aska for a dt.ocree of forecloau re of said n101
lI'alle aud a lale of tile land to salilify the sa
Ict dellt. You are required 10 auawer said pelltl <
:1) : " 011 or before the 151h dty of July. . A. D. , 1'J07. '
MARY . MILLS. Administratrix ,
. Ily ALPUA MOItOAN , her attorney.
l'lnt pub June -4t
. . , . _ . . ' " ' , " ' " " " " ' - < I'
. . . . , ' , . I _ , , - , . . ' . . . "
' - - - - - " - ' - - - - - I
' - " .
vv'I'--\i'W"--vr.--u" " -'rr--n--- : = 5
- - - - - - . . F
'I 'fo whom It ma conccrn :
The commlssoncr 31.polnled to view and I
deemed for the pUblic good , to 10cateJ. road.
, lctlUonell for by A. II. Pracht , et ai , com. .
lI1encing at a Ilolnt about 16 rods south of ' . - . : '
the norlheaAt corner of section 3 , townshl ,
II ) , range III , thence running In a norUlwc8t r. 'J
Iy course to township tine ahout 5 rodA west
of northeast corner of said Aectlon 3 , thence , i '
In a northerly course to the north line of t' : f.\
, section 3r , . tOl\'nsh111 11 , range 11' ' , following " . , . . . , "
old trait , Ihence IlOrthwesterly to Intersect , , _
roall No , 745 near stallonl5 of said roadl '
I Also to vacate road No. 145 from stat on 11 . \
to station 2'J and from hHersectlon , with road . t
No , 761 to a Ilolnt of Intersection of proposed " , '
road , has reported In favor of the. establlsll" t ) ' : . j
ment and against the vacation thereof. and : : : . . ;
all oblectlons thereto. or claims fordamago ! ! ,
must be 111 ell In the county clerk's onlce on
or before noon of tlle 25th day of JUly 1007 ,
or MUCli road wIU be establlslled without
reference thereto. . ,
In witness whereof , I have hereunto sct my -
hand and seal of tlald county , this 20th day
of May , 1007 , J'OS.1 > WHJ.N , "
' . County Clerk. . , "
lSKA'.J Ilub May 23-4t
' 1'0 whom It may concern : , ' .
'fhe commissioner appointed to view and If "
deemed for the IIUblic good , to locate a road ; , -
petitioned for by A. Lammert , et aI , com.
menclng at the lIoutheast corner of tlecUon .
township l . range 23 , west 11th P. M. and
terminating at tile southwest corner of sec-
Uon.l , tlame town and range and traversing
thl : most practical route between said 1101nls ,
dropping lIown a little In lIections t ! and II.
Also running north In secllon 3 about 110 rod ! !
and hack to Mectlon line In southeast dlrec.
, lion , lIa : ! rlported ! In laver of the establish. -
ment thereot , and all oIJjectlon : ! thereto , or
'clall11 : ! for damages must be Uled In the
county clerk's olllce on or before noon of the
25th lIay of July , 1\101. \ or such road wIU be. t
establlhed : without refCl-ence thereto , _ _ . . .
In witness whereof. I havc hereunto set my ' 1
hand allli seal of lIalli county , this 20th day "
of May. 1007 , JOII. : PIOMAM , f'
[ SIMI.J County.Clerk. " ' \ \
l lrst pub May 23-4t - .IiI'
'ro whom It may conccrn :
'file CommissIoner appolnted to view , 'and
If deemed for tile I.ubltc gooll , to locate and
vacate the following deHcrlbed roads , pell. '
lIoned for by' ! ' . M. Oakes , et ai , commencing , . , ' . ' -
at IItation No. 20 of roac1 No. 1t5 In section 3i , . -
township 11. range 10 , thence soUth apd east
25 rod : ! , thence east 20 rods , thence east of
north 51 rolls , thence east about 32 rods , to
the H6th line , thence southeast to the town.
shll'llne , joining road No. 350 about to rol1/J
west of the 's secllon corner.
Also to vacate that part of roa < 1 No. .
west of the last named 1101nt. '
AmI to establlHh a road commencing at lhe
southeast corner of section : I , townlllip , ;
range 10. running soutll on the section 1 nc' "
about 15 rods , then angle southwel'lt ' , Int r. \
sectlng road No. C68 at a 110lnt about 20 rod/J .
north of the southeast corner ot' the north. '
cast quarter of the northeast'quarter of sec. . "
tlon Ill , , townlhlp : 16 , range III , fOllowlng the'
road as now traveled. < ' , ' ,
Also to vacate that part of road No. 001I of
which this road takes the place , has report. . .
ed 111 favor of the establltlhmcut and vaca.
tlon thereof , amI all objections thereto ; or
claims for damages , must be tUed In the'
county clerks oUlce on or before noon the25th
day of July. 1007 , or such road w1l1 be estab.
IIshedland vacated without referenc thereto.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set
my hand and seal of said county. this 20th .
day of 1\1ar. 1007. JOI : ! . PIGMAN ,
l1llJ1AL ! ] County Clerk. '
"Ir t llub May : )3-4t
' 1'0 whom It mar concern :
'fhe commissioner appointed to view ana
If deemed ' for the pullllc gooll to locate anl1
vacate a'road petitioned tor by Ellw. Hobin. '
son , et aI , and dellcrlbed as tollows , to-wit : . I
' 1'0 vacate a road commencing at or near .
the northwet : corner of the northeast quar' . 1
ter of the northeast quarter of section JlI ,
township 16 , range 19 and running thence
southeast to the lIoutheast corner of saId -10
acre tract , and to establlh a road 00' feet ' - ,
wide acrolls said 40 acre tract where the "
travel now goes , has reported In favor of
the establishment and vacation thereof. and
all ob ecllons thercto , or claims fordamages , .
must Uled In the county clerk's ol1lce on
or before nooll of the 25th day of July. 100'1 ,
or such road will be established and vacated
without reference thereto.
In witness whereof , I have hereunto set my
hand anll e ll of tlalcl county this th day of
! \IayI\I01. \ JOB. PWMAN , . .
lBKAJ. ) C9umy Clerlr.-
"Irst .
pub MaYI23-4t. '
To whom It may oncern : '
'l'he commissioner ' .
apllolntell to view and If
deemed for the pUblic good to locale a road .
petitioned for by Joseph VOdenahl , et aI , /
commencing at the southeast corner of sec.
lion : . ? , township 20 , range 11. tlencc running
west on the section line as near as practical
one mite 10 Intersect JlubJic road running
nortl ) and sputh has reported In favor of the
establishment thereof , and all
objections thereto , or cl lms for damages ,
lUust be tUedln the County Clerk'lS onJce on
or before noon of the Otll day of August , 1m ,
or Iuclfroad will. lie esttbllhsed , without ref.
erence therelo.
In Witness whereof , I have 1er unto Jlet
lilY hand and Ijca ) of sal < 1 CQUtlty Utili 6tll q y
of June , 1IJO'1 , ' JPr1 , PJGM4N ,
lSEAL ] C9untr Clerk ,
. 'Irst pub Junc6--1t
United Slales Laud Office. I
Norll1 Platte. Nebraska , Mpy 14 , 1907. f
_ otlce Is hereby Illven tl1at JOlIN LAUV Jl.
of Broke/l Bow , Nebraska. haa flied notice of ' ' > J
Ills Intenllon 10 make fiual five year proof In ( 'TI
support of his claltl1. vlz : lIomestead Entry { " . ' < J
No. II5J l11ade JQly 31.1900. for the eH sw , . . . . . .
and w 's se" of section 10 , township 16 . ,
anlle 2 W. , aud that said proo ! will be made
befor A. . Humphrey. cOUIJ\y j\1tlfe ) , at bls
office at Broken Bow , Nebraska , 011 June 24 ,
1907. 11 e namell , the followlnJl" lln ses , to
prove hfs contll1uous residence upon , , apd
culllvatlou of. the land , vlZ : David Coulter ,
of Uroken Bow , Nebraska I panlel ! Jarrell , Jf
Broken Bow , Nebraska ; James 1\J. Wimmer ,
of Broken Bow , Nebraska ; John . J. Phillipson ,
of Broken IJow , Nebraaka.
J. E. EVAN8 , Reilstsr ,
J.'lrst pnb.May J6t. .
Countv Court Cusler County. Nebraska.
' 1'0 the belrs and next of kin of Arthur D ,
Uanga. deceased.
You arc bereby nollfied tbat I\Jagll"le Bani' "
widow of aald deceased , has flied her petition
In said Court , asklnJl" that ahe may be appoint.
cd administratrix of tbe estate of Arlbur D. ,
- 1Ianlls , deceased. Said matter has bten set
for hearltlJr for Juno : : IItl1.1907. at III ( "clllck a. _
m. ' at tile County Court room. In Droken Bow ,
Nebraska. when allinteresled parlles may appear -
pear and be heard.
Dated the : ! 5tb day of May , 1907. . _
[ SRAL ] A. R. IIUMrllRRY , Count ) ' Judge.
J. A. AItMoult. AU'y.
Firs , pnb Ma ) ' : IO-llt
ROAD NO'1'IC . . . . . . - -
' 1'0 whoui It may concern :
'l'he commissioner appointed to view anc1 If
deemed for the pUblic good to lo ate a road
petitioned for lIy O. H. ' 1'aylor. et ai , com ,
menclng- tile northeast corner of section
:16 : , town 11 , range 10 , running thence south on
the section line 'o mite , thence west about 220
rols , tbence south following 0111 trail to tile
township line has reported ln favor of t le
establishment t ereof , and alt objections \ .
thereto , or claims for damages" must be llIed tI" ! "
In the County Clerk's o lce on or before noon
of the Illth day of August , 1\101 \ , or sucll road
wltl be established without reference there.
to.In Witness Whereof , 1 have hereunto set
my hand aUlI seal of said county , tltlsll th day
of June , 1007. JOS.I'IOMAN.
( SEAL ] County Clerk.
l lrtit pUb June 13-1t
In County Courl of Custer County , Nebrallka. ,
In tile ml1tter of the estale of Lenora L.
Cameroll , deceased.
1'0 all persona Inleresled In sahl eslate : . .
Take nollce , ' 1'l1at Marsl1 W. Bailey , execu.
tor of said estale , did. 011 the 16th day of May ,
1907 , file In said court 111. . reJlOrt of his actsas
exeCUlor of said estate , tOlletber wltb tbe reo '
ceh'tll alld dlabursements of said eslate and
praying for an order tl1at the residue of Bald
estate may be turned over to I1lnt as such
execut , r for tile purJlOSe of maklngllnal settlement -
ment of said eslate In an action now pendlnJl" "
In the Dlelrlct Court of Wasl1lngton cuunly ,
Iowa , and bls acllona approved and said execU'
tor 1 > e dlscbarJl"cd , and surely on his bond re.
I sed. -
Said pelltlon la set for hearlnll" beCafo .eald
court onlbe : :9111 day of June , 1001 , at 10o'clock
a. m. \ : , #
Dated May 29 , 1907. . ,
A. R. lIourURB } ' " II , I. . 'NIl .
( SBAL ) County Ju , cI ; ,
} 'Irllt Iub Iay 3O-4t " :
\ \ .