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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
'CUSTIR COUNT' ( RIPUBUCAN - - - - - - - - By D. M. AMSBERRV BROKEN BOW , . . . MiJUltASlu' No 'o\lth without IL calc 1It'I"s glove can ( 'xpet ! to l11ulw un 1tllr < 's lon on the puhllc. But som ' JloOpio-I LVO Hl11posod } that ( 'vor ' perfect Indy nlways carrlml a rnt on to 'tho street cnr. . . The now .gO\'orJlo.j : of .Jul11ulca Is sahl to bo "affable unci democratic. " Com. paratlvoly sllcaldllg ? . A hundred ycnra. ago - twenterprls. - . Ing merchants were duclwd once lor every missing ounce. Oxford Is to c - forutho degree of bachelor of lettl'rs on Mal'l { 'I'waln. Oxford cnn't expect any gift from King Leopold. There are 8/j / wfJows In Dowdoln. ham , Mo. . It vlllago of 1.300 Inhabit- 11I1tS. ' ) 'ho youngeat Is 29. the oldest wIdow Is I ) ! ) yenrs 0111. As If U ere Wlre not enough street perils on wllCels already. 1L pl'Ol11lnont ph 'slclnn ndvJses stout elderly men to go In for rol1er olmtlng. Swlnbourno. the ] lIg\lah \ poot. whl ) has just passed h1s seventlelh birthday - day annlvorsary. Is wrIting a trag. ody bascd on Caesar Borgia. Andrew CarnegIe has sailed for Eu- 1'0)10 ) to recover his health. thus demo onstratlng thnt. although ho Is a man ot stee ] . ho has not n constitution of Iron. The CalifornIa man who s01d his InherItance to n mUlJon f r $80.000. rather than walt a coupe ] of years for H. must have needed the money badly. Dr. Os1er says hOllo Is one of the best medicInes people can have. A good t1IVtS about sue11 mel1lclne is that ono can hardly take nn overl1oa of it. A professor at Berne university is 1\1)e. ) ) Gertrude Wolter. She Is 26. and IHlssCll nl1 her examInatIons some tIme ago with great distInctIon. She ] eeturos on phrslcs : and chomlstry. ' 1'he thler who snatched a IlOeltot- book and a paekago of ham from a woman was no . Beelter after analogy. Howover. tho.110clcctboolc may have lJeen ono of plgsltln. Even prosllerlty has Itll 11Isadvan- tages. A New Yorle 1101lceman has been dIscharged beclluso a prisoner 11111111'd through nn olenlng ( an es- ea)1ed. ) anll he was too fat to Cal- low. , 'fhe outcome of th ( ; fl nd leCt to the city ' of Doaton 11 : . Benjamin 1'ranklIn so' long ago , whIch mntlll'ed last yell 1' , and was doubled by un mlllow111ont from Andrew Carnegie , Is to be a fine trade school. 'fho ol est AI111nlst lIving Is 1\r. C. RussI. a schoohnaater of Atdel'l11ntt. : who has just celebrated his OlIO hundred - dred ancl fIrst blrthdu ) ' . Last summer 110. accompanIed by several Alpinists. made hIs Just clImb , uscenllng ! the Gutsch mountaIn. nearly 7,000 feet. wIthout assIstance. A troey ) ) IIno 18 to ho constructed from Washington to Gett 'sburg. ' 1'hat wIll facllltato slghtseelug and wIll bo I\n ndded attractlou for visitors to the national Ca)11t.-\1. ) 'fho constructIon of troey ) ) railroads Is ono. of the remark- nblo dovololmonts ] of the age , und the l1robabllit ' la that in course of tlmo a ) ) the ] lolnt6 of s110cial Interest In that quarter. und not.ablY tho' battlefields on which the Army of the Potomac tlg- ured durJng the civil . .war. wIll bo I brought within eas ' rcach b ' this , means. Phlladollhla ] hils nt ] ast started . . Bomethlng original. Prof. Stechor. dl- rector of Illlyslelll Instru tlon In the 'public schols. has decldell that the 'young women emlllo'ed asteachors in -tho IIU111mor school : : ; .mUt : quullC ' \thomselves \ ns basoba ) ) umpIres and .supervlso the sames of their pUllls. ] This will not only increase : respect for the umplro In the risIng -Heneration , :1. : > ut It opens a new fioltl of , .empoy- ] ment for women tlmt Is at , once dignl- : l1ed .and remunerative. And qulto , poJJoJby ] man will be wUJlnr : to.surren. : der the job. , Russian statesmen seem to object to , (1 ph.8lcal connection betwoeD Ameri. I Ica and 3111. as effectlvey ] If not tiS' ' Ivlgoromdy as British statesmen object Ito p11yslca ] connection between Ens. /land / and Franco. remarks the Youth's Companhm. The l11an to tunnel the 'English channel so tbat railroad traIns may run trom London to Paris haa 1 a tel ) ' been 1f.1Jsllroved b ' the British governmlnt. al11d last month the Rus. sian cabinet rejected the proposal made by I\n At.oerican syndlcato to dIg n ralroad ] tunnel under Bering StraIt. to provld ( . con1J.cction between the ; Alaslmn and thE : 'frans.Siuorlan raU- ways. The uIlI recently p2l.ssell lJy the IlII- nols legIslature torbhhIJng the pollco to photograllh prlsonors lor tho'rogues' gallor ' except after conviction Is more. ! ' ly an Indorsement or the rIght of It , . accused person to bo hold lunocent lUl. tI1 he is proved gult ] ' . It 16 generall.1 commended. - Dy the lectlon of Lord Mlchaelhalh ( Cormorly Herbert Stern ) 1\13 an alderman - man or the city ot I.ondon the Jews aga.ln have 0. reprelentatlvo in the London council OI may Jook tor- ward to the InductJun or' anoUler Jew. Ish lorl1 ) 'or , ' .I _ _ _ d . 'i ( : ' , . " . , , \9l \ tJi I I. ' ' ' \ ' ' . " , WORLD TOURtl OJPSIAn'S G n \ \ \ \ \ % \ \ i't \ \ \ \ \ t \ i * \ n , . . ! J' , . . . ; ; j ' 1"i 1"t t i ; ; . . ; , " , . . r 1 , , . I , . ' ' . ; ' ' \ . , ' " ' " " . ' . . : . . ' " . , , . . 1 l j " r , ' > . ' . 'Cc' . . . , - t f' / ' . ! c.w. . , , : ' , . , . "A " , . ? ' , , , " ' . ' i'&lolt ' ' : ' ' 1 , I , , ' w" ; , , , . . n 0"1 . " . / , 7ilr. 1 ' . . \ . . " } " ' ' . ; : ; 4 , ' , ' , r. It' ! , " ' ' , ' / jo , ' ; " , , , " . . I' , c 1 " 'I I f . ' . . , , , ' ' I : , - ' 4 \ , . . . .tn' . . . , - J""H ? . ' i/ ; . : ' ; ' .5J ! ; ; ' \ ' 1. { " I ' . ' ! i : , , ; , : , J ) , < ? 'f.s " , _ L-JI" : ' . . . , , , . ; . . . -it- , ; . . . . . . . 7"1 ( 'lJ.1I J L v' ' ! J."I c ' . .T"J" - " ' \ : I J@ , ONGffORN - "lVr Ont to Bee tb. ) WOIlIlI. ' : I'ho : IHng of Slam b ' easy flta' . es Is going to glrllle the earl1l.lllli / w ethOl' the )1otentato ) , of this little AsiatIc Idngdom is actu. atoll b ' a slll'it ) l\ ( adventure and ] onglng for some new. sIght and sensation - tion , or is moved hy n deo)1 ) 111\1'IOSO ) to lenow the W01'III 'huttoI' that ho ma ) ' govern his II1'lnclpaIlty moro wIsely la an Olen qumJtlon. hut ono thing is eel" talt1 , ntH1 t1ULt is ho 10 'having n royally - ly good tlmo IInd Is making the most of his OIlPol'tunItIea wherever Ill ) gem ; . Paris hils just extendoll the glad l1an to him , und Is going to help him have IL good time liS ollly the ParisIans - Ians c\n \ do. No ouhl I\lnly honors 111111 lIistlnction will ho showered . \Ilon ) hIm , but It 10 110t just whut ho 10 ufter. according io Ilorflons who are close to his majesty aud who say that ho slloclally 11esl1'os to I'omaln liS 111uch Inco n\to \ as ] 106SI1110 , liS ho wan lto \ do l11\1ch sight seoln and on the quIet "havo the tlmo or Ills life ; " ' And aCtor Paris III covel'ed center to circumferonco. London and other gl1ropcl1IL cities 'arc on his lIst. after which it 1s IIIccly that 'ho will come to America and crOSH to the Pn- \'Illc coast , where he w1l1 cl11barl { fOI' the vC > j'ge 1l1\cl. to his own land I1nd his IIaco ] at lJanlcolt. 'fhcre Is no so-ol'elgn in 'the ' world who Is nccl1l'1tol11ell to recelvo 1110re abJect h0111ago than lIlt ; 111ajest ) ' of Slam. IIo Il0SSCSflOS n moat l111poslng strIng of titles. Among otl1er things he Is 5U)1re1110 ) nrhlter of the oub I1nl1 lIow of the thIes , 1.Irothor of the 1110on , half brother of the Bun and owner .of fOl1r and twentj' golllon nmbrellas. Whenever he taltes anII'IIl ' 1n lilt ; own domain his faIthful'subjects IIt.Of ; " tratc themselves as ho passes br , no n1l\ttel' how m\1\hly \ the treets may hapen ) to boo 1'ven the highest tn ihe land when ther aplroach ) hb-I ausuat' ' presence mUl1t 110 so on al1 fOI1.-s. HIB fn.vol'lte wives have to hincel hel'ore him. HIs brothers 110 lIlwwlse , So King Chulalonglwrn Is not 1I.1j. : to bo 1 much Imllt'essl1 by a crowd that i Icceps on Its legs before him amI I shouts and waves hats and hnlllwI'j ' j chiefs at hIm. He won't bob his held untIl his nocle aches as Europcan Itlngs nro expected to do when Ule ) ' nhow , themselves to the ) Illbllc. As Idng of Slam. Chulalonglcol'11 has 0. lUuch easlel' billet than the occupants of Eurollcan thrones. lIe Is Invested with Ilowers as autocratIc as those of the czar of RussIa. but his Is a 1m- ternal desl10tIsm which Is not tempered - pered b ) ' assassinatIon. Siamese tolk don't throw bombs , and no no or them 1111.vo yet reached that stage of en- ] lghtenment In which monarchs nro regarded ns costly sUllerl1ulUes. Chualonglwrn ] Is not required to lead the strenuous lito , He can take things as easy as 110 pleases. Ills In- C01110 Is somothlng lIlcc $10,000,000 n year. HIs gorgeous ro 'al lIalnco nt Bnnglcok Is a walIed and battlemented clt ' within a clt ) ' . Behind the IIno or not vor ' warlllco sentrIes who guard Its 11\alslvo \ ! gates la contained treasure - uro far In excess of the loot obtained b ' the greatest feat of rObbery com- mlttod In modern tImes-tho sacldng of the summer llUlaco of Poltlng In :1860. : It Is really a douhlo palace-an outel' and nn inner lIalace , lute the latter no Em'011can or the male sex hUD OVOI' llenotrnted. It contains about 4.000 W01110U and ono 111an. And that man Is the king. ' 1'110 Siamese calI the I1lnco Kang Nnl ( " 'rho ] n. sIde , " ) 1\1111 so sacred Is It held thnt otiqueUo forbids an ) ' Ollen al1u810n to it. ' 1'ho most oxtraorclhH1r ' reaturo of the Knng Nal Is the submergecl 1Iarc11\ \ , situated lu an nrlHlclal Inlto. It Is built entlro ] ) ' or tlass of variegated - gated colors , the I1latos helng joined togethcr b ' an Insoluble comont. It Is ornamented wIth quaint t11l'rots and mlnarots. WIlen not In use. It fioats PI } the QurtQco ot the Illka. When the . - - . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . , Idng desires to'tako his case wlililn it. accomllanled bY his harem favorites. he entel's the slnglo dool' . which. when closed. is ail' and wator-tlght. At a signal certaIn valves 11.1'0 opened and the house of glass descends to the bottom of the lake. The arrangements - monts fol' sUllplylng fresh air 11.1'0 per- fect. In the hot summer weather It aITol'lls IL deliciously coo ] rotreat. and there Chulalonglcom Is accustomed to while n1l\n ) ' Idle hours away. rejoicIng - Ing douhUesa that fate did not summon - mon him to l'egn ! over a llrogressivo and civilized 11eOlle. ) 'I'hat famous sayIng of ShalccslJOare's : "Uneas ' lies the head that wears a crown , " does not allilly to him. in nccorc1a1\ce \ with eal.tern custom ho' la : much manlod man. Ho has IL score or two of ofilclal wives , and nobody - body Imows juat how 111any hundNids of what might , o termed courtesy wives , Uiough in Solomon's tlmo they WOI'O known -another name. lIow far contact wHh western v- ilIzatlon has mo lfied Chulalonglwrn's religious views nobody lalOws. but noml1mll ) ' , at least. he adheres to the state religion , which is a decadent fm'm of lluddhlaIl1 on which many su. Ilm'sUtlons have been grafted. The hugo pall\co Is glt'dled by a holy rope which has been lJIQssed by the priests and Is , thcroforo SUl11100sed to form an effectlvo banier agaInst the fiendIsh - Ish host whoso special llrey Is roy- aH ) ' and Its multItudinous offspring. It is the Siamese custom to scare demons - mons by demons , somewhat on the ) H'incI)1Ie ) of settIng a thlof to catch a thief. 'I'ho demons empo ] 'ed are hugo amI hideous efilgios. 'fho priests wanted Chulalongkol'11 , when ho ascunded the thl'ono , to permIt the eroctlon of two of these monstrosities outaltle the lJUlace ga'tes. ) Jut they C0111111'omlned on the hol ) ' rope. Op- plloslte the 1ll\ll\ce , on the western llllnlt of the .Iver , stnnds a temlll ! ' known aaVat Chung , 01' tl "Templo of Dawn , " which the Idng attends for public worship , 'fho wardens are two gigantic stone figures , male and fe- mule , wcarlng nightmare masks , And the king. s1teptlcal , though ho maj' be as to their effieac ) ' , ( leems It prudent to malO nl1 obelssanco when he passes between thom , . . He lIas . . .lstted Englaud on co beforo. 'fhat was In 1897. He .wasn't feelins' tmrtlculul'lr comforta le at ihat tlmo. tor France was threatenIng : to gobble up the biggest ) , orUon of his kingdom , aUlI ho didn't show himself much in pulJIlc. It was Bupposell then thnt the chief l111rpose of his visit was to get England to block the Franch pame. ; On that occaslou ho paid n. " t to the queen at Windsor CasUe. Ie 'was assIgned to n ml\gnlficont suite of rooms on the first 11001' . which corre- 8P01Hls to what Americans woultl caU the second floor. But desplto the1 : ' sumptuous furnishing , It became np- IlI\l'ent that hIs dusley majest ) ' was far from comfortable In thom. Then the truth lealccd out. It Is customary In Slam for the monarch to 8J.cOP , at the top or the house , "nearestleaven. \ . " and that anybodj' should occup ' apart. ments nearer the realms of the blessed than himself did not accord with bls notlon8 of what was duo his ranI , and dlgnlt ) ' , So he was shifted to an at. tic \'oom , and though of l1ecesslt ) ' , It was n far meaner apartment. ho was m01'O than llloased with the chango. Raven as Marlner's Compass. Perhaps the Danes seected ] the raven fOl' theIr standnrd out of fee ] . lng's of gmtltud . for before the 111- \'entlon of the marIner's \ c0111pass the ) ' I11Ust hl1vo fO\1nd him extreme I ) ' Ulle , tul , 'rho enl ) ' method of dotormlnll1 ! ] WhOUIOI' land was l1eal' was to 101 loose a 1'I1\'el1. If the bird saw land he sailed away forever : If helId not he returned to the shlll.-London Chron ICle. . . " , _ . . _ . - . . - - _ . . . - - - . - - . - . - - , . . , . . . . ' , . , NEBRASKA MATTERS I Ml r.ELLANEOUS NEWS NOTES HERE AND THERE. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Social , Agricultural. Religious and Other Matters Having Reference to This Commonweal h Alone. ' ' w111 beheld otoo COUllty'8 stock 'Show hold In Soptember. A class of 11vo wm graduate from the SewnI'd schools thIs year. The diphtheria plague In the vicinity of I1l1nlboldt 1ms o.bol1t suhslded. f A heavy wind nt Albion did much dam ago to l1ulltlings IInd wIndows. The Fremont HIgh school will turn our thirt-nlne graduates this yeur. Heavy mln visited Deuel county. Insuring - suring bountiful crops of wheat and rre. rre.A sneal , thlof brolto Into It barboI' shop at 1\1l1fol'll and stole thirteen I'll.- ors , Chester count . .s thirtY-fourth annua1 tl achers' Institute will be held Juno ! to 1G. Fort-one persons united with the EplscOllul church. , Premont. on 11. recent - cent Sundqy. E. 1" . 'I'horp'of otoe county fell from 3. scaff ld. 'brenldng his right thigh near the hip. 'fecumseh Imrbors have mlsed th ( ) dhaving 1Irlce to 1/j / cents on l1nd after the 1st of .Tune. ' Church ] 1eo1lo ] of Alllanco are In a movement to have all screens re. moved from saloons. Bm\Ie statements of the First Na. lIonuland Omaha National banlts show deposits f about $13.000.000 cash. ridgeport's town board is consld. er/ng / the matter of ordering permo.- nent cement sldowallts about the town. SouthwestC'1'U Nebraslm got effee- lIve relief from the long ] 1erlod of dry weather. 'Heavy 'Showers fell over 0. . . .ido district. ' I"rank Jones , a Union Pacific section - tion hand. died at Grlln Island from burns received 11) " the exloslol1 ) of a gasollne can. , DavId HQpltlns of Dewitt died re- centJr from ) Ioisoning contracted hy plel'clng the ] 1alm of hts hand with the horn of a catfish. The Valparaiso state bank has reduced - duced the calital ( stoct { from $25.000 to $15,000. 'fwo of the Hve stocl.hold- ers wiah to withdraw. A horse marltct has recently been estabJlshed In Raveunu , where mem- hers of the equine family wlll lJe sold for shipment to the east. 'rho annual estimate of the oX)1enses ) of the city of York for the fiscal ) 'ear lJeglnning in August. 1907 , and ending in August , 1908 , Is $21 , < 1.50 , A tornado swept the outskirts of Ha Ungs nnd did considerable damage to property. and also injured John l\IU1'ph ' . The storm was followed by n l1Cavy rain. A new organization has been formed In Yorlt to lJo 1mown as the Ii'armors' oxchange. of which Bernar King is the )1resldent : The company Is erect : ing a ] m'ge bricl { building. Colonel H. C. Mel\lalcon \ celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his arrIval in Plattsmouth lJj' inviting all of the old 'SeWers who came that year or prevlousl ' to Cass count . . also his children , grandchildren aud great grandchildren. , The 11roceedlngs against Charles W1lllams for the murder of his father on the 11th of last September. have 'been dismIssed b : . the court at Au- burn. His brother Clarence , 'ho admitted - mitted having Hrod the fatal shots. was cleared last winter. According to the records of tbo ' ' Johnson eount ' for count ) CO\11't of ) twenty years from January 1. 1887. to January 1. 1J07. ! there were 2,018 marriage - riago Ji.censes issued. During that. twent ' 'ear8 there were bnt 187 applications - cations for divorce filed In this county. C. V. Bartlett. who " 'as arrested at St. LouIs , } ilo. . charged with embezzling - zling $26,000 of the funds of the com- ] 1any for whIch ho was workhag , was formerly manager or the Nebrnsla C1t . 'fcJephone complLliy at hat place nd made that city his homo for several - oral 'ears. The surTeror of ilio port of Lincoln gets $75 n. month and fees. the fees amountIng to enough to make the sl arY about $100 per month. The surve'or of tllO port. by virtue of his office. Is custodian ot government prol1erty In the city. but he draws no pay for hIs services in this position. The Nebraslm Banltors' association has n.dvlsell the bans ] at Yorle of 1\ uow graft that is boIug worlted upon farmers in Nebrn : > 1m WMO are ap- prDached by an agent for 0. new st . ] o ot stocl , food and after n. 51\Ie Is made , the ) lroJloslUon of 1111 onCj' Is presented - sented to the farmer an upon Its acceptance - coptance ho Is ased } to slsn what ho \ll111erstallds Is an lI.gonoy contract or somJlhlng ot that nature , but it dovel. ops that It 18 rcall ' a note for usually $130. $130.A A Grete ollltor t-olls how to get rId of dundellons , Ho BarS : Sprlnltlo tllO lIest with 1L mixture of 20 per cent Call- perns and 80 pOI' cent wa to 1' . It Is a E1l1'O Itmel' and doesn't tnjuro the I grass. " 'fiio crop ( 'Ollllltions In the state are jus au gooll Ithl' ' were ] ust s < Ja. son. antI the cold weather has done IItt3 ! hut retar.1 the Grain. Heports of tlanmso hl\\'o been Hreatly oxag , , ; ornto.1. " ThIn utatemcnt was made by'It'o Prosl'1"nl'lohlol' : of tbe Un. . Ion Pne fic , who rctnrnetl tl'Ol11 a sbort trip through Nobraslca. , . .h _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . _ . . ' . . . .d . -j . BACI < ACHE IS KIDNEVACHE. Cure the Kidneys and the Pain Will Never Return , - Only ono way to cure nn aching bacle. Cure the cause. the Iddnoys. Thousands toll of cur 0 13 mallo b ' Doan's ICIdney PJIls. John C. Col2man. n llromlncnt merchant of Swalnsboro , Ga. . sa 's : "For several 'ears my 1d no 's were affected , and my uacl { nched day , nml nIght. I wns ] anguld. nervous and lame in the morning. Donn's ICIdnoy PIHs helped mo right away , and the great reHef that followed has been permanent. " Foster.l\t1Iburn Co. . Buffa10. N. Y. Sold by all denIers. 50 cents n box. "WhIskers. " "Whlskers" was a word formerly uled to desIgnate the hnlr on the upper - per lip. Scott more than once speaks of "whiskers on the upper Up" and so do08 Defoo In "Robinson Crusoe. " Johnson defined n "whlskor" as the hall' growing on the upper IIp or chock unshaven : n. mustachIo. " It seems to have talen Its name from a fancied resemblance to a small brush. to "whlsk" properly meanIng to sweep. and a "whislwr" havIng been a par- tlcula.r kInd of feather brush-also. In the slang of a ( ormer time , a switcher or rod. In the seventeenth century a "whIsker" l lgnlfied among other things a bralen : lie , a "whoppor. " One Redeeming Feature. A youthful New York artist recenUy Invited 0. friend to dinner In her stu- dio. As the bachelor maId's sldll was Iroll.tor In mIxing colors thau In ca. ! to ring to grosser tastes. the dinner WitS some hlng t.o gnash ono's teeth at and upon. 'rho roast chhkon was tough. the potatoes were underdone. the plncapplo salad was pithy. In an- Ish of mind , the ) 'oung hostess sanl { to the depths of apologizing. "Tho dInner was deUghUul. I assure 70U , " said her guest. a clIarmln ! : women - on who would cheerfully have perished - ed I\.t the stake rather than utter . tactless word : "I have rarely tasted such tender gravy. " . - - - - - - - Return of the Prodigal. " 1 do play In tough luck sometimes. " declared the impecunious girl. "Last nIght , ) 'ou remember how It rained. I happened to bo in the neighborhood ot some trlen s of mine whom I bad not seen slnco the ] ast hard rain. I -o luded to call , Before tbe ' aslccd me In they grabbed the umbrella I car"led. hurried across the room with It , ? ,1laccd it In a closet there and loc ed the door on It. "Thank hoe.venl" the ) ' crIed. "At last ! Our long lost umbreHa ! " f''eer white goods. In fact. any fine wash goods when now , WO much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered. thIs beIng done In a manner to enhance tholr textllo beau- ty. Home laundering would bo equal- ] y satisfactory If proper attention was given to starching. tbe first essential being good Starch. which has sufficient strength to stlCfen. without thlclwnlng the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you wiU lJo pleasantly surprised at the Iml1 oved apl1earanco of your work. Supplied. "Don't you want to get a talking machIne tor your home ? " "Thanlts : I have a wife at home now.-N. Y. Herald. To imlro.c the general health. tal < e Garfield Tea. dnilr for n time ; it purifies the blood. eradicates rheumatism nnd p1any- chronic ailments nnd keeps the health ood. Garfield Tea is ma e of herbs ; It is guaranteed uuder the Pure Food and DmB Law. Garfield 'l'e : ! . Co. , Broold 'n , N. Y. We cannot un crstand character Kreater than our own untJ ] somethIng congenial to It has grown up within ourso ] ves.Whlppo. ] . - . . . - - . " - - - - . - - ------.e ; : : - - a . . . . - - 'f " . " As every throall of gold is va1uable , so Is ( lv'ery moment of tlmo.-J. Ma. " Gen , YOII nlways get full value in Lewi" Single llin cr strnlght 5e cignr. Your dealer or I..ewis' : I'actory ! , loorin. 111. - - Good Point About the Auto. . Prospectlvo Purcbnsor-l Ulto the loolts of thIs automobile. but suppose. I shou1d run ever somebody and- " Salesml1n-"Tbe springs are so oasy. III' , You'd scarcely . be jRrrod Ilt nl1. " : . . " PALE , WfAK pmPLE , MADE STRONG AND ENERGETIO BY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. , General Brealcdown Caused by Deft- clent Blood Quickly Corrected by : This Tonic Remedy. t A feeling of general wenkness , poOl' nppotito , loss of breath o. ter the slight. j cst exercise 0.11(1 broken sleep nro soma of the symptom.q of general dobility. Yon may think that they have no relation to each other nud that : you will worry nIong , hoping all the time to feel better " soon. This is n mistako. for overy' ona . of the srmptoms : is caused b ' bad blood , ' " ' which must bo mndo pure nnd new 1" before health will be restored a ain. A . tonio treatment is necessary and for thia . I pnrposo there is no better remedy than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. J. G. Hnvoy , of 95 Willow St. , Ohelsea , Mass. , Sl\ : " 1 wus sick for" number of years from general debility o.nd indigestion. I was never free from . stomnch trouble my nerves were so I shattered that the 1est : ; excitement unfitted - fitted mo for o.ny serious work. My sleep was restless ou account of terrible pains in the small of my back. These pains would sometimes last for a month or two. Mysightgrewwenk , theroseem- ing to bo a blnr constalltl - before my ! oyes. I couldn't conceutmto my mind j on my work. and the attempt to do 60 completely oxlmusted me. " 1 wus finally forced to give up o position I had held for twenty-olght years. Moor' trying se\"ernl medicines without help , I read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and gave them a trial. They made me feel so much better nnd 80 much stronger that I started in business for myself hero in Ohelsel1. . I ll .vo never had a return of my former sickness - I ness and cheerfully recommelld Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills 0.5 Wl o1cellent nerve null bloo < 1 tonic. " Dr.' Pink Pills have long 'been recognized ns an excellent touio remelly in PIlses of iUlligestiollancl gen- ernl debility , \\"hero the stomach and ether organs of the bed ' are weakened nud disordered simply through lack of proper nonrishment. They ha..o als ( ) . - : ; " \ beeu especially sncccssft in curing , nu mia. rheumatism , after-offects of t11 ( ) grip aud foyers. I A pamphlet on "Diseases of tl1 Blood" and a copy of onr diet bo01t will , 'bo seut free ou request to anyoue lliter- . h DI' . Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists. or sent , postpaid. onl'oceipli of prico. 130 ceuts pel' box , six hexes for $2.50. by the Dr. WillialllS Medicine Oompany , Scheuectady , N. y , . SIOK HEA AGHE . t Positivcly cnret } b. , . ) ' tiles" Little Pillse ( CADT D'S # niL\ \ Ther nlso rel1 vo Dlsoi .7 tress tram Dyspcpslo. , In ; ITTLE l11/estlon / and Too lleo.rt ) , III 11 8 rQ Eating. A perfect rem II ' 9 fha : If . edy tor Dizziness , No.l13ca. PI LL $ Dromlness , Datl Taste in the llouth , Coa.ted Tongue , l'l11n 1n tIle Sldc TORPID LIVER. 'IhCJ. ' regulate the Dowels. : Purely Vcgetable. SMAll Pill. SM ll DOSE. SMALL PRICE. . - Genuine Mus Bear CARTERS n , Fae-Simile Signature , .ITTLE IVER 4 PI-S. /v .A7 . . REfUSE SUBSTITUtES. : FIT & PITLESS SCALES. For Steel nml " 'ood Frames , rS and up. Wrlto us1.Joforo you buy. Wo swo you money. Aba l'UIDI19 nnd Wllld ll1ls. . IIJoCKl1.U : DIms. . D. . 11.1. . . . b. I DEFIANCE STARCH- na : : : ' t -other starch.s only 12 ounces-lame price and "DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITV. I , I Dishe's for your table ! In every 25 c family package of I I Quaker Oats ' you will find a pi ce of finest American : china , either. cup and saucer , plate or . bowl , etc. The oatmeal in the package is the finest . , in the world and it costs no more than inferior brands. I II I 11fe Qual < er Oats (9mtiaT\Y " . . , C 1.1 I C AGO ' , : If you want a delightful surprise buy a package of Q aker BerrieSnewand ; delicious. ---oJ. . . .