Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 06, 1907, Image 1

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Stt\tu lltllt L\brnrlnu \ oulQly .
. , .
- - - -
. .
, " ' .
, ; ' ; < , . .
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, '
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ii' , . ' .
It IIIaUf'r11 lint whel her 'ti-1
" " JOllr best girl or secolIl hrst
gid } ' ur pride suggest a ,
good rmg
. She will ap"rec ate it aml
) 'Ou will feel hetter about it ,
re ) 'ol1've got the girl , I
have the rings ,
Crilical examination tIlere-
j 1v tends to enhance the \'alue
, "
o"f the rings I show ,
Ir I r .
Practice In State and Federal Court8. Abstract -
stract oC titles examined. Heal Estate a 1111
MunIcipal a 81Iccl\lty. Dealer III Real
EHlale , Strict attentloll given to all business
OffiCe In Meyer Ulock. Phone 80. llrokell Dow
A ] ine D.'ug . Store
I\'c in'ile 1"1'1" who ' .
IIt'\'cr h' ' l'lI ill , ) IH 11 rut. : ' ! 'tnre tn
I cOllie nn'd it lId" wC'ck. 0111
cuClol1lers : ; kll' ) ' " whnt a Ul'Hlltiful
storf' we ha\'l' , hllw nccol11t11011nl.
ing it i , how well stocked cvcry
department i8. 'l'his invitation
is meant particularly for new
comers in t his locality. Come
and make yourself a.cquainted.
. .
Open on Sunday from 8:30 : to
10:30 : a. m. only. . '
- .
Drug Store Facts
l .
There are so many things about drugs and a drug store ,
. . which require years to learn. You cannot be e"pected to
. . . . . . ! - - ' , know much about many of these matters.
It is your druggists business to know , and to know surely
I . . and positively all about the drugs he sells. If he does ; not
1.rJ' know , it is his fault , and you should hunt for and trade with
. 'A ' . . some one that does know.
: ' Mastered Details.
l Our business is drugs and we claim to hav thoroqghly
, mastered the details of this business. We arc exerting every
, . enery { to running our drqg store as you would like to see one
t run , If you knew all about drugs and drug ttores. I
Almost everyone would like to pa troni e a drug store
where he knows these conditions prevail. Many people are
not sure they know of such a drug store.
1'- Our Highest Ambition.
To deserve and get your entire confidence , when it comes
to a matter of drugs , is our highest ambition.
We want ) 'ou to trust us. This point gained we know
we can depend on your drug wants being supplied at our .
, store.
- It is indeed gratifying to be able to say that our ellorts
. are LeiMJ ! amplj n warded.
Proof of Appreciation ,
, Our rapidly increasing general business , and cspedal1y
. the fact that our prescription business is showing remark- .
, aule gains , , is clear proof that an earnest , honest , intelligent
effort seld : : > m faits to bring prompt . rewarc1.
, S. : : Fl. . . I..E- : ; ; : ; ,
I . "The Busy Duggist , "
. Ifave you visited our Soda ] 'ountain today ?
-'I" " " ' " ' - . -
j ' -
, Tea Leal Brand Wright's '
TEA Condensed Smoke
Price reduced to for smoking mcat
50c per lb. 75c bottle.
' ,
, . Sprayed Vegetables v : : r's : : : ;
, ; ; ; ; ; . for flavoring
" RadIshes
We , . Ice Cream ,
, Green On1ons , Jellies ,
I buy Lettuce ; , " . Custards ,
, 1 cream Tomatoes , Pastry , etc.
, Beans . . PRICES :
1 every Fresh Daily. VaU11l1a ,
J 20c & 30c
d y Our sprayer throws fresh water Lemon ,
II . . in a very fine mist , keeping the 15c & 20c
I In the vegetables crisp and fresh as the These goods
hour they came from the garden. are used by
wee. Phone your order to No. 5 or United Scates
( give the order to our solicitors. government
\ because
, - - - of their
) Berries Daily. Berries Dally.superiority. .
peroli Axle Greese ,
I l' For sweeping J . . C .1 B owen
( carpets and Coal Oils ,
I . floors.
. .k- Deat to dust oldTI1t . '
' \ ! 'J1.w'- Pltrc VlnCllar M ac lne 0'1 ,
, and moths. MARK
. .J. . .
I , . " . " . . . , . "
' , '
. , ' '
. . . ' .Q'PI'
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- - - -
Synopsis of the
New Primary law
Candidates. for Office Are Selected by
Ballot of Each Party , Doing Away
With Caucus and Con vention.
- -
SHC'l'ION 3. There hall b a
primary election held at. the
regular polling ulace in each
precinct on the first 'ruesday in
epteU1ber , 11)07 , and annually ,
thereal ter Ion the l rst Tuesday
in September , for the nomination
of cauc1idatcs to be voted for at
the Novemher e1cction.
SnC'l'ION 4. At least1sixty days
before the holding of any September -
tember primary the governor
shall. iSStle his' proclamation
designating the offices to be
filled by the electors and transmit -
mit a copy thereof by mail to the
county clerk of each county.
Upon receipt of s 1ch proclama-
til'l1 said county clerk shall , with-
in' ten days , thereal ter , make.and
publish a notice . . . . of such prim-'lry :
in mann r and.orm substantially
as now - prO\ided by law for
notice = ; of November election , and
all persons to whom said notices
may be by'sa1 < l county clerk delivered -
livered , shall post the same in
the same manner as the notices
for general electi. . n.
SUCTION 5. The name of no
cSlnciidate shall be printed upon
an official primary ballot unlesss
at least thirty days prior to such
primary , either he or twenty-five
electors of the party with which
said candidate afliliates shall
have I led a written application
with the proper at1thority in substantially -
stantially the following form :
I , ( or we ) the undersigned , qualified -
fied elector ( or qualified electors )
of precinct ( or ward ) of
- - , ( or city ) in the
state of Nebraska affiliating with
- nnd at
the----party residing
hereby Tl'quest that my
( or the name of-- ) name
be placed upon the official pri-
mar.v ballot of the said party. for
the prmary : ( 'Iection to be held
on the-day of in
as a candidate for the office of
I to
- - - pledge myself
abide by the results of said primary -
mary election and qualify if
electecl. In case a nomination
shall be made uy electors other
than the canc1idatc , said nominee
shall within five days after the
date , said certificate shall ue
I led with the officer , a statement
in writing duly verified under
oath stating that he affiliates
with the party named in said
cerhl cate , that he will abide by
the results of said pritpary and if
elected will qualify and serve as
such officer. In case said statement -
ment shall not ue filed within
five days the name of the candidate -
date in the petition shall not be
placed upon the primary ballot.
SncTIoN 7. At least twenty-
five days before any primary pre-
ceeding the state and county election -
tion the county clerk shall make
public the proper party designation -
tion , the title of each office , the
names and addresses of all ner-
sons for whom nomination papers
have been filed , the date of the
primary , the hours during which
t he poles will be opened , and
where the primary will be held
in each precinct. Such clerk
shall cause copies of the same to
be posted in at least one public
place in each precinct in his
county ,
I SncTION 8. The method of
voting at such primary election
- - - . . -
5hall be by ba 110t and such ballot
shall be pri nted. 'l'he county
clerk shall group the candidates
for each party bJ' themselves /hud
shall pare at once a separate
ballot for each party. 'rhe
, official pri mary ballot shall be
Iprinted and provlCled for sub-
. .Mantially as is required by law
lfor official ballots used at No\'cm-
fuer elections , provided , however ,
hat a separate uallotlshall he prepared -
, pared for ach political party cn-
: titled to participate in said primary -
mary , and providcd furthcr : that
said ballots shall nil be uniform
in si-c , color and quality of paper ,
a 11I1 In arrangemcnt and st'le of
printing' .
: SHc'rroN 10. 'fhe primary
election shall be held in each
el'ctiotl district at the place
where the last election was helel ,
or such other place as may 'e
lawfully dcsignated for the
polling place for the election clis-
SnCTtON 11. All ballots , hlanls
and other supplies to be used at
any primary , and all expenses
necessarily incurred in the
preparation for or conducting
such primary , shall be paid out
of the. treasury of the county , in
tbe same manner , with like effect -
fect , and by the same officers as
in the case of elections.
SncTIoN 12. Prior to the filing
of such pet ition , and for the purpose -
pose of hclping to defray the
expenses of such primary there
shall be paid to the county
treasurer for the use of the general -
al fund , of the county of the
candidate's resideQce , by or on
behalf of each candidate , a filing
fee as follows ;
For the office of United States
Senator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00
[ i'or stateDofficers , members of
COligress and judges df the
District court. . . . . . . . . . . $10.00
For county , legislative and city
officers. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .t5.00
No nominating paper shall be
filed 1Util the proper count )
treasurer's receipt. showing the.
payment of such fihng fee shall 1
be presentrd to the officer with I
whom such nominating paper is
to be filed.
No filing fee shall be required I
( COlI IIIUClI all laHl palCe , )
'I' 'II
' " Softens the water UI
' " W
' " and w
: Better than perfumery.
' " w
' " A w
' " . ili
' " w
It' If\ , FOR TilE BA TII 'II
" w
' " w
It' . .
It'I. t is only 25c a box and tf : t
" ' once . used you will not be " "
It' ' " Wit lOut It. ' ' "
It' UI
11\ UI
It' ' "
' " w
' " 'II
Physician & Surgeon
in charge of
Oity Hospital
Ph Office , 260.
oncs { Nights , ( hospital ) 6r
All ca11s promptly attcndcd.
. ' ,
. .
With this edit ion thc I JtI'UIIT.CAN completes its
t\ > . ' ( 'ntJ-l lth ycar of existencc. It was cst.ab1 shed in June ,
lSS2 , b ? ' R 11. Miller , ill a sod housc-an illustration of
which 18 here prillt'cl-which stooll upon the present site
of t h - ' Brol'l'n Bow Stllh bank. lit . the first number of the
I H1'tIBT.CAN Bltitm' Millcr said :
" ' ( 'hl' 10WI1 WIlH located eluring the month of April ,
this Y"lIr , by Jamcs Ualitl ) ' atld the Iin huilding erectcd
WI. ; . thl' rl'itII.'IICt ! ancI ( ) mCC of the Custer County Hcpubti-
( 'all'v'hkh WiI , ' ) occllp l'l1 April 4th. hut 1I0t completecl.
Pr'violl" to this .Jamcs GancIH1ilt \ a log building on his
prc l'lI1ptioll nc1juinin/.r / the south stele of the townsite.
'I'hen are now nine bllildins { in the town anl1 what has
beclI elUI1C hils been completecl within about gixty clays ,
nntl chtr n/.r / that time wet weather and uad roads were
contctHled with. "
In March , 1SS7 , D.'l. . Amsberry succeeded Mr. : Miller
and has continued publishing' ; the Rltl"l'IIT.ICAN the past 20
} 'c1rs in a frame lHtitcling 10U feet north of its first home.
- - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - . - ' - - -
_ .Io. . . . < L _ _ R'
ifI" " PURE F 'OD 7ws "
II lias no effect upon Heinz. Ills gOOds are always pure. See Ihe
For Ibis Molehle. . Li. . of Go.ds ,
Pure Ciller Vine ar , pcr go1.35e PrescrvcIIsour picklcs. . . . . .35e
Purcl\tnll VitwgarperhoUle.3oe Preservetl mixcll plcklcR. . . .35)
Pure Oi\'e ! oil , per uollle. . . .50C Swcct picklcs , hulk , PCtllOZ.l0C
l\Iaugullla Olh'cs , pcr hotllc.2o Sour picklcs , hulk , per IlOZ..1O
Chili Soucc , pcr bollle. . . . .35e Picklcl onions , per hollle. .30C
l\1 ttllalay sauce , perholll . .30C Applc huUcr , pcr crock. . . . .45e
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Celery SntlCe , Ilcr hollle. .25C Apple uuller , per cau. .251 :
Pcpcr snucc , pcr hollle. . . . . .35c Assortcll prcscrvcd fruits. . . 7Sc
Worehcster sauce. . . . . . . . . . .30C Assortcd prescrved fruits. . . .45c
. . . . . . . . . .
Chow Chow. .Ise 20C and 2SC Curraul Jclly , per Iass. .2SC
1\1ustnrcl Dressing. . . . . . . , . .3oe htllia Relish , per glass. . . . .30C
Horsc Radish. . . . . . . . . . . . . .35C 'l'otllalo cntmpper holllc.ISC,20C
Prcscrvctl swCttt pickles. . . . .35c nakell beaus , per can. . .IOC , ISC
Phone 5 8. North Side Square.
. .
_ 1IJIII _ _ IThlI IIRClil.II _ > . J 11 UtlW"1I L.- _ _ _ - _
- " - _ . . - - - - - . . . . - -
" 'rr.i''iJ1I'jf.III''rnmm11111:1l1ll ' ; ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' . : ! : ' ' ' 0ijI , , ' ' ' , ' ' II'"IiJ1i'P''rr.i''JfJ1IlIIlli1I ' ' ; ' ' ' : ; ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ; o ' 'I"f1''iJ1iI'ilP"r.1'.mron. ' ' ' ; [ ' ' ' : ; . : : .
. ,
. , , .
" ' ! " ' ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ! ! ' " ' : J'"I ' ' ' " ' ! " ' " ! : ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ! ! ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ! ' ' " ' ' ' ' 'i'JI""tJ11JI ' : : " ' '
: ' 1.
J and Repairs. t
f Hay Sweeps Jnd Stackers. '
; ow is the timc to ] 0/)1. / ) up B ) ] ( ' '
\ : your : Mower and Bmder n E r K I R f\ ! }
i 1
W 0 cau , fUJ'uish J'opai I'S foJ' the fo 1I0wi ng :
_ 1 'DEERING \ ,
\ I'
I \ PLANa l\
t'i r KEYSTONE it <
rr , ' , : ' _ . ACME I
/ " )
" 1
iI/ i i'
Before purchasing see onr , Deering Side Del -
l li vcry Hay Stacker. 'l'his is something new
hay swoops. See t.hom
> L.'rr.iIr.'IMmr.nlr"iJ1iI" , , , , , . . . . .
" ' ; ; ; " " " ' ; ; " ; " " " " 'iij.i " " [ iJ1iInnrrr.m ; : : ' ' 'IM''iJ1i'iJi''IJT.iI''I1111:1I' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; [ ' ' ' ! ; ' ' ! ' ' ! : ' I
. . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , . . , ,
l1r&uuaurr. : uU1l:1u"'JI.I : : : : > ' > : JoI1' ! ' ' ' ' ! > ' wJwtJ1JrJ.I : : : : ; ! ! UIIdJ"dl1lJcJ ! : : HJIi.u. : : : : ' " " " "
. - - . " . . - -
: sItttttttttt"tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt"'tttt1tt1t , " , , , , , , , " ' ttttt
- -
- -
I Slepparcl ] & Burk I
- -
- -
have so many fresh and seasonable goods in t.he 3
- -
= = line of Grocerics and Pl'ovisions ' that to publish :3
- -
a list would require a whole page in the paper. 3
- -
= = The best way for the patl'olli il1g puhlic to do is = =
- -
E to call at the store or phone for anything they
- -
E want.VE IJAV.I EVJ Hyrl.'HNG and it is = =
- -
= = n 11 in the 1)11)0 ) food class. = =
- - -
- -
- _ - - _ -----4 - . - _ -
- -
- - -
- -
Fruits and Fresh Vegetables
- -
: : : : : , : : : : : :
- -
- - -
- -
Phone 125. , South Side Square 3
- - -
1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l111111 11111111111 S :