- CUSTfR COUNTY RfPU LIClUi By D , M , AMSBERRV DROK N now , - - NEBRASKA. ' " - - Ger111an ) ' Is fet 11l'aco anl1 nloo It Is going to keep Ita powder I1ry. . . _ - - An old Im\ln In young head Is bet. ter than 1JlII1H brain In an 0111 heall. It Is trno that money docs not brln happlncss. 'fho czar gets $23,000,000 a year. Music may do so 11\ 0good. - . Whtlo Il boy Is. whlsUing ho can't be smoking cigarettes. How can old fogy 11ractltlonors say that the ) 'oung Iloctor , 18 whOllY In. competent uctor they have Been hili lovely whlsleers ? Winston Churchill receives a royal. ty of 30 cents per volume , anll already bls recolllts from ono book are aald t.o have been $ l OOOO. Germany Is not going to favor dJ.J. armamont. It Is afraid the seconll. l\anll man wouldn't glvo It much of anything for Its guns. Why 1l00lru't some multlmlllIonalro glvo Commander Peary tbat moro trlfie of $00,000 and get him. started tor the north 1101e without delay ? Very IIkoly It Is true that many young doctors do not Imow much , but nature worles as hard to assist thorn M It does to assist the old practltlon. ers. Dy mlstaleo , a man who meant to varnish his front door used maple sy. rup. Fortunately , though , It does not nppear that ho used varnish on his bncltwheat . .cakes , Tom Lawson Is said to have made 2,500OOO the other day by not buying 0. copper mlno. Wo rofraln from buy. ing copper mines every da ) ' In the year without alnlng anything by It. Hudson Maxim announces that bo has completed an invention which w111 render armor pillte useless , This ought to hell ) some moro toward the establlshmont of unlvorsl\l peaco. Kipling may not have been trying to make the 110et laureate look 1I1eo a plugged 30-cent ploco , but that was a sort of by-product of Rud'ard's latest effort. I A Dos ton woman wrote 225 words a minute for Hi minutes on her type. writer. No doubt that if it had been necessary she could Imvo talkCll thorn at the sarno speed for as long a time , A Now Orleans man doesn't want the negroes to benefit by the Rhodes scholarships. The ohn1 > lest way to prevent tlUl.t would bo for the white boys to boat the negro bets In the ex. amlnations. A correspondent writes to a London paper "to lrotest omphntically against the carolC and selfisb persons whe walk about in a crowded tborough. fare Wltll theIr umbrellas carrlod 111 a dangerous way. " Whft.t's the use Queen Aloxandra. io but one of tlu ; mllny royal ladles who bear the name of "Alox. " Her two nlocos , Princess Aloxandr2. of lIesso , who is now the widow of the Grand Duke Serglus 01 Russia , nnd the present cznrinn of Rug sin are both Imown 0.8 "Alex. " Fitly or mora mirrors have been 1'0 monli from the government prlntlnf ; office 110 the women employes won't bo evorlaHtincly primping , 'fhls dla bollcal move , however , w111 tail to ar rest the Involuntary straying of Un lIly.white fin to fool of the marco wnve or .tho pomp. Ransford D. Duckman of 'Vorccster Mass" recently appointed naval ad viser to U10 8uUan of 'rurkey , is nO\1 In command of the fieet which guardl the Dosphorus and the Dardanolles with the rank of admiral. His firs oxperien.ce as a aallor was gulned 01 the grent lakes , where ho was a cnbh bo ) ' . Now , nt 10 , ho Is nn admiral. The 000 elderly old ladles of 0. SWili1 community who have organized a cru Bade against excesslvo dancing ani have forwarded n potltlon to the can tonal officIals l > olntlng out that num berless balls , dances and other de moralizing ontertalnments were glvOl last year , and the young people de voted too much time to pleasure might lese tllelr labor If Bomebod should dub thom publicly the Sou Grapes Msoclation , Vermont has 14 living ex.governorl ranging In age trom 84 years down t halt n century , The list is , of 'oours headed by Frederick Holbrook of Dra Ueboro , the war govel110r , and the comea ex-Congrcssman Jobn 'V , Stev art , Bonator Redfiold Proctor , John I Darstow , Samuel E. Plngroo , Ebencz < J. Ormaby , Senator WIlUam p , DI IIngham , Carroll S. Page , U , A. WOOl bury , Josiah Grout , Edward C. Smltl WilUam W , Stickney , John O. McCu lough nnd Chnrles J. Dell. A 1000dln tavorlto In the lIterar circles of Washington Is the widow ( Rev. T , De Witt Tnlmt\8o , the coli bra-ted Drooklyn 1lreacller. Since th death of her husband Mra. Tl\lmng hns spent much ot her tlmo in Ul capital. She wrItes tor magazlm and noWSpalerS , generally verses , bl always under a nom do 1)lumo. The ngllsh ribbon trade is Bald I be now In a more 1Iourlshing cone tlon than it haa been in many yeal owing to the buge demands the dres makers and mlllinors are making upc the output of tbe manufacturers. . - - . Mt.&Li'U. & aU.ti fl& 'CJM l lf ) . . . - HER DILElV MA By MRS. PHILIP CHAMPION DE CRESPIGNY ' 1" 1"V 'j l'1 ' ' W'ttf W''JnV / , ' rf 1f1" Wf fJ' ( Copyright , hy Josevh D. DowII. ! ) " " . sall1 lmlanclng "lIon or , Cynthia. , herself sideways on the old bahls , trude ovorlooldng the lalw : "I won. l1ar what you would do If you wore In my position ? " "Fall over Into the lake , " I replied promptly : IOns you will In a minute , i If YOIl are not careful , and you will i find It VOl'y deep water , " I "I am In deep water alrel ) y , " sbe said gently , und 1 should bo moro than . glad If you cdll tlnd a way to help mo , but It won't bo very easy. 1 thought It such 1\ good Idea to start with , but now It doesn't seem to have worked out very well. " "What Is It ? " "H's Mr. Peters , " she. said , turning her face away aud looldng out dream. Ily across the lake. "Still 1\11' . Peters ? " I asked with a little surprlsc. "It has been Mr. Pe. I torn for qulto a long tlmo , " "I don't Imow If 1 have told you that ho has nsleed mo to marry him , " she went on after a pause. "Yes , " I said , "soveral times. " " 1 wish people wouldn't asle mo to ml\rry them , " Cynthia said Impatlont. Iy. " 1 noyer know what to say , " "Thoro I I not much choice , " I ob. served. "You can only say 'Yes' or ' ' " 'No "That's just what Is so tlresomo , " she suld calmly. "I said nothing. Yesterday - terday ho wrote to say he really must htlVO Ull answor. 110 gave mo a week to think It over , as he did not wish to hul'tY mo. Dut I sent him my an. swor by 110st lust night ! " "Why did you do that ? It would havo. been better to have waited , as he suggested It , till the end or the week , 1 thlnl { . " Cynthia could change her mind a dozen times in a weok. "No , " she answoretl sorlously. "I sent the I\nswer at once because I hate to huvo a thing of that sort hanging over my head. " "If you have alreatly sent your an. swer , where can the difficulty bo ? What was It ? " I repented with a lit. tlo Impatience , "Ye ! : ! , or no ? " "I don't Imow , " she saM , gently ; "that's just whc'o the trouble 1s. " "Cynthia ! " I cried sharply. "Do you menn to tell mo } 'ou don't know whether you have accepted Mr. Peters or refm.led him ? " I "That Is oXl\ctly the state or the -1.4JV- , . He Has Asked Me to Marry Him , cnso , " she replied , with maddening se- renity. "I sent him his answer last night , and I've no moro 'notion what It was , " she loolcod nround tor an example , "than the mnn in the moon. " "Cynthia , " I said slowly , "I think one at us must bo mad , and 1 do not believe It Is I , " "Not at all , " she retorted briskly : "If you will listen I'll toll you exactly how It happoned. Mr , Peters has been pestorlng mo tor nn answer for weeks , and tbe truth was I could not tor the lIfo ot mo make up my mind what te say , Don't you think ho Is a vor ) ' l'nlco man , Honor ? " aho added , looking l' at mo earnestly. I' "That Is just It : ho is so nlco that 1\ . I hadn't the heart to say : 'No' to him : , but as I never have liked talr halrl t , I couldn't bo quite sure I wanted tc y say 'Yos. ' Then tills letter asking fOI r 0. definlto answer came IIko a thunder. bolt. "I tolt quite auro It would be no eas " ier to make up my mind at tbo end 01 o 0. week , and that the best thing woul t. o bo to do It at once. So I did. " "I am glad to hear It , " I romarke ' n . dryly , "I understood you to say YOl { do . not know whnt you had said. " . .J. "No more I do. 1 wrote two letters 11' . ono accoptlng him nnd the other re I. . fusing him , and addressed them ox 1. BCtly allko and shufUed them with m I . , eyes shut , and then I put ono In thl 1. fire and the ether In the mal ! . " "Which did you put in the man ? ' "I don't Imow , " she answered pIn cidly , "thnt's just whore the fix comel . in. " I ) o "Cynthia ! " I oxclalmed , laughlnl :0 : against my wJlI , "and you call tl1 ; 0 mnklng up your mind ! " 'S "At first I thought It was rather I t good idea. Of course the awkwarl pnrt is not knowing what I have sull to him , If I toun I had mailed thl to wrong ono , I ahould probably b vl U. sent the other after It , And tha rs wouldn't have mended m tters. " s. "Thero Is nothing for it ut to tUCI In the situation , " I remarked impo UenUy , "I don't mInd the situation : it's 1\11' , Peters I on't wnnt to fnce , " Cynthia murmurClI. 1 could think of no surgestlon , and sllenco fell for n moment or two. " , Just think of the unpleasantness of It , lIonor , " she remarked. " 1 have had n telegram to say ho is comlne at three o'clock. " "And what llro you going to do ? " There was a long pauBo. "I thought of going down to see Mrs , 1\Ialoney's new buby abollt then , " she said at last. I half rose to my feet In Indlgna. tlon , and then aat down again. "And leave mo , I suppose , to Inter. .vlow the victim of YOllr foolishness ! Cynthln , " I Gal solemnly , "I am not going to o It. " "Ilonor , " she snld Insinuatingly , "just think how horribly unpleasant It would bo "tor mo to meet him , not having II notion as to which letter I put In the post. Whe eas you cOllld bo a8 Innocent as a lamb , nnd easily find out Incldentnlly in conversation , whether I said Yes' or 'No. ' " " 1 am not going to help YOII , " I said , rising nnd wnlldng across the gravel. cd terrace to the balustrade. "I nm sure you will when you think of It I Honor , dear , " she s id entreat- Ingly. ' 'It Is not much I am asking you to do. Just to see Mr. Peters , Instead of me. Then I shall Imow how to meet him , and shan't bo taken abacle. " lt was eloso upon three o'clock , and a servant came to tell mo that Mr. Peters was In the drawlng.room , and that Cynthia could not bo found. As the interview had been forced on mo I dotermlned to make the best ot It. Cynthia taced mo quite placidly on her return. "Well ? " she said Interrogatively. "did you see him ? " "Yea , I saw him , " I answered curtly. "And which letter was it I put in the mnll ? " "I have no more notion than you have. " Cynthia opened her eyes. "You menn to toll me you tnlked to him for half an hour and couldn't find out that much ! \Veren't there any symptoms ? " "What do you mean by 'aymp. toms ? ' " , "Wben ho came into the room did he look jUbilant-as if ho would IIko to stand on his head ? Oh did he look as If ho hadn't shaved { or n week , and never meant to shave again ? DId : rou ask him if he was happy ? " "No ! " I cried , exasperated , "nor die } . I llsk him If he was good : nor how old he was : nor whether ho dyes his haIr" nor 1\ny other impertlnont ques. tion. " "Then it se ms to me it has ull got to be done over again , and wo are no further than wo were before , " she said dismally , rising from her chair nnd walking to the window , "I am afraid you will have to face him yoursl'lf the next time , Cynthia , " I replied gently. "Supposo I were to throw myself on his mercy , " she aald hopefully , turning round acter " a pause-"tell him the w.holo . truth , and say I had mndo 0. mlstake-whlchover way it was-what do you think ho would say ? " " e would certainly have nothing more to do with ' " I ) 'OU , answered so : vorel ) ' . "I do wish I knew what I snld , " she murmured. "I shouhl feel so much moro settled. " ' } 'hreo days passed and there was no algn or Mr. Peters , Cynthia's spirIts - Its bognn to droop , and I was sur. prlsed to notlco n IIttlo IIno of worry permanontl ) ' settle Itself between her eyebrowa , Then ono afternoon I found her In a secluded corner In tears. "Oh , Honor , " she 'sobbod , givIng wn ) ' nltogothor , "I must have said 'No. ' Can't ) 'OU heh > mo an'how , Honor ? You have never failed me yet. " "Dutwhat can 1 do ? " I replied , helplessl ) ' . "Go and see him , " she said , des. 1Ieratel ) ' . "Tell him I dIdn't mean it , Honor-that I mean 'Yes' for all the rest of my life. " , ' "I can't do that , " 1 said at last , "but } 'Il go and persuade him , if I can , to como and see you. " I returned some two hours later from my I'ather dlstastoful mission to nnd Cynthia b ) ' herself In the draw. lIg.room. To m ) ' surprIse her fnce was wreathed In smiles , and she . waved a square of whlto paper at me exultantl ) ' ns 1 entered the room. "Honor ! " she cded. "It's the let , ter ! 1 tound It in the pocket of the dl'oss 1 was wel\l'lng that da ) ' , aud , ho's just waiting till the end ot the . we ok for m ) ' answer ! " 1 aturell at 9 her atupldl ) ' . "Oh , lIonor , I am so hap 11) ' , " she aald softl ) ' : "don't bo angry wltb mel" " 1\11' . Peters Is putting UI ) his horse and will bo hero " . In u moment , 1 an. swered , my wrnth on I ) ' Imrtl ) ' nllpeas ed , "find now , C'nthla , I hOllo you've hnd a lesson , and Imow ) 'oUr OWl ] mlnll nt Inst. " "Of course I do , " she retorted , witt : a slight show of Indignation. Mr. Peters at that moment cnme In at the door , and 1 wont out by the window Into the garden. - NEW FAD IN BLOUSES I LACE : : aABMENTS THR'EADEDWITH SILK OR VELVET RIBBON , Some Pretty Ideas For SeMonable Garments In Either Silk or Lacc- The Effect of n Soft Tic , The lace blouse , everywhere recog. nlzed as mnrvclnuuly economical , stIlI . Is IWllt outside of the range of com. monness by new Idean in its selection nnd trcatmont. InBtead of the over. work d way of brInging it IDt.o hare mon ' with the nklrt by moaT1S of rib. ball hrctcllell nnd glrdlo , It now Is thrcaded wIth ribbon , elthor soft \'el. vet OJ' with Dille cut billS , nnd hemmed with the narrowost. roll posslblo. ' 1'hlo Bille drawn throllgh nnd olther ImoHetl IIIee a tlo or having the enda srnlJly ( llOlldant In front Is cl1 rmlng I it has ringo knotted Into thorn and an ' lreHy ) , rich docoratlon of em. broider ) ' stitches added. ' 1'he velvet Is finished off wIth cluBters or loops IIko rosettes atlll nomeUmes will be stllrted half way down the back and thrcaded over the 'shoulders ' , entllng with the rosetteG at just that point on the bust which will bring the long line from the shollidel' down to the turn of the figure , now raved over by dressmaker artists. Or the soft tlo will bo sot around under the arms lIke the finish of a bolero , drnwlng It lip ns It reaches the front and leavIng the entls to hang to the waist. . Anotlwr way Is to thread it around the shoulders In the line or a bertha , although this enl ) ' can be done when there Is a long shoulder seam. The largest meshed laces are In demand for this prett ) ' fashion , another rorm of which Is carrletl out with gold rib. bon laid over II backing of cloth like the skirt. Economical and pretty for evening petticoats 1\1'0 thono of white net .greatly berIbboned. They are easIly cleaned aud even washable and are equally pretty to wear with smart afternoon frocks and any second sea. son" white silk or brocade petticoat can be easily' rejuvenated by its lowner with Hounces of thk e net trlmmOI with wash Insertion to matcher or with wash rIbbon. Whnt everybody does not Imow Is that faille , the new silk standby for blouses will wash with great slIccess In the wlllte and if cnre Is taken even In the pink nnd pale colors. An eXl1ul- slto blouse of this sllle has shoulder tabs and corresponding tab. coming out from under the stock in front of the material , edged with real baby Irish lace an inch wide. These tabs are embroidered with largo disks of white sllle , which also appear with the lace on the cuffs of the short sleoves. This blouse , which , by the way , Is copied from a famous walstmakor's model , fs tastef.ully worn by its owner with .whlto pearl beads and an ex- , .tremely long bar pin of the same Roman - man pearls , set so as to conceal all , of the structure and to stand out in unspoiled whltenesB Hko the string of beads , Changing the Piano. In the very common dab Ie effort to change things around a bit and glvo the house a now look at house clean. ing time , it is just as well to be a lit. tle earoful in the matter of placing the plana. A refreshingly now and changed appearance may be given to a room by , having .the piano In another cor. ner for a change , but If that corner Is near a window or close to a register the scheme bad bettor bo abandoned , A plana ia extremel ) ' sensitive to cold , heat or dampness. It la a great mls. take to put it too nenr to the fire or rad-Iator , because the heat Is apt to affect the delicately constructed sound. Ing board and interfere with the tone of the piano. A piano which stands by nn open window on a rnlny day is almost sure to bo damaged. 'rho dampness rusts the wires and other. wlso affects the interIor , When disposing of the bric.a.brac room do not save a largo share of It for the top of the piano , rather let the instrument be unincumbered by books and ornaments so that the purl1) ' of the tone w111 not bo Interfered with. Correct Mourning , Fashions In mourning have under. gone a very great change since the wonderful Improvements that have been in crepe. In the first place , it Ima been successfully waterproofed and is no longer extravngant wear. Then the soft. nnlsh crepe is partlc. ularly well adapted to the plcturesquo and art.1stlc gowns of the present day. Instead of the gowns being trimmed with folds and voJants of crepe this senson ent4'o empire and empress gowns will be worn of this soft and graceful crepe. Simplicity will be tbo keynote of all mourning garb. For millIner ) ' lonp , soft-finish crepe v lls will be used to tll'apo the large and small shalles , nnd will fall In two long ends below the waist. Paris and VIenna ha..o talccn UI ) this Crele ) and it Is being used extonslvely for nil articles at mourning. Lace Coats for Evening , Lace coats will bo worn for e\'enlng and for da : ; and they assume many torms. In. Irish laeo they sink Into the belt of Il V.shaped trimming' or velvet , which borders the sleeves of the same. Straight-fronted coats en. tlrc y of lace , made after the ardor of the palotota , of years ago , three.quar. tel' length , ar.c a good oxamplo. For day wear lace coats 0.1'0 often supplemented - mented by 0. good deal of velvet , which covers the bncle and the trent or the bodice portion , tbo lace , as It were , being avvllqu d on to It. : ' , , , WORN TO A SKELETON. A WonderfJ1 ( Restoration. Caused D Sensation In a Pennsylvania Town , Mrs. Cha.rlos N , Preston , ot Elkland , Pa. , says : "Three years ago I found that my housework was becoming a bur. den. I Ured easily , I had no ambition and. was fading rast , 1\Iy complexion got yel. low and. I loat ovcr GO pounds , My thirst was torrlble , and there wns sugar in . ' ' ' ' < > ' . . , . . . - the Iddney secretions. I My doctor leept mo on a strIct diet , but as his medlclno was not helping me , I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They helped me at once , and soon all traces of sugar disappeared. I have regained my former weight nnd am perfectly wel } ' ' ' Sold by all denIers. 50 cents a box , Foster.1\Ulbum Co" DUffalo , N , y , Siamese Object to Walking , The SIam060 , nbovo all nations In the world , hate to wnne : no such 1podo of progression Is tolerated by a Slam. ese If he or she can by any menns ride. A Venetian gondollor w111 wallt sometimes : ovn ! n Hollander w111 rldo on his rough ca\'t : but n Bangltole man -not If ho M.n help it. His family heat for Mm.-Windsor Magazine. With a smooth iron and Defiance 1 Starch , you can laun er your shirt. : waist just as well at home as the steam laundry can : it w111 bavo the proper stlflness and finish , there w111 bo less wear and tear of the goods , and it w111 bo a poslth'o pleasure to use a Starch that does not stick to the irQn , . Obeying HIli Command , Benham-Did you have any com. pany while I was flway ? , Mrs. Hcnham-NobodY to speak at. Donhnm-WasIJ.'t your mother hero ? Mrs. Denham-Yes , but you won't let me speak to her. / What reason could not avoid bas often been cured by dolay-Seneca. I\lr , 'VJnlltow' " Soothlnr - : Sym " 'Y For cblhlren toeUIIDI : , .oft .ne tbo gJlI'OI , re ucee In. Ulmmatlon : , allal' DllIcaroe wInd collu. ca bol.tlo. Any woman Gan maIm a dollnr go so tar that her husband will never see It again. I , Don't Sneeze Your Hend Off. Krausc's CoM Cnpsulcs will cure } 'OU nl. most instnntl ) ' , .At nIl Druggists , 25c , 'No , Cardella , a man doesn't noccs , sarily have paint in his eyes when 110 Is color blind. . , - - - - - - - - JCWiR' Sin lc Dimler costs more than .Jthcr c cigars. tJ1nkcrs know why. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory , l'eorin , IlL . - - - - - - ' - The people of Colorado are so con. fldent that publicity pays large d1vi. dend that they are going to spend ' a fund In advertising tbe state's re- sources. To be on oed terms with Innnnn nnture , De Weill Unrfiehl 'ca purities the blood , eradicates disease , rcgulatcR the tliltcstivo organs nnd brinltil Good Health ! l\Ianu' fnetured hv Garfield 'ca Co" Brooklyn , N. y , Sola b ) ' druggists. It's tough even on the sh.footer : : . ' " when he has ono foot in the .gr e , ' " - . : = - - - - - - - - - - - SIOK' HEADACHE ' " , . . , Positively cnred . , l4 " : ' these Little rills. , C , .1 D"JrD'S They nlso rcllaTe DI8. ; tress from Dyspepsia. In. ITiLE dJgcsUon and Too lloq . " g Ent1ng. A perfect rcu : II ! tf rR edy tor DIzz1ncss. NI\U5CB. PI LLS. Plowalncss. Dad 'l'asto In the : Mouth , COl.tc4 Tongue , : PnIn In the 8140 , TORPID LIVEn. Th regulate tbo Dowels. l > urcI1Vegetablc. . SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMAll PR1C CARTERS Gcnuino Must Bear . : Fac-Similo Signaluro ! ! lITTlE aVER d. - ' PI1.S. ! / REFUSE SUiSTITUTES 'Tilled Nervous WO 11en Make Unhappy Homes . MRSNELUE MAKHAM MRSGEOA.JAME5 A nervous irritable woman , often on the verge of hysterics , Is a source of misery to everyone who comes under her influence , and unhappy and miserable - erable herself. Such women not only drive husbands - bands from home but arc whol1y unfit to govern children. . The ills of women net mce a fire brand upon the nerves , oonsequently seven-tent.hs of the nervous prootra- tion , nervous despondency , the "blues" . sleeplcssness , nnd ncrvous irrit.abilitv of women arise from some organic d rangement , Do you experience fits of depression with restlessness alternating \ ' th extreme - treme IrritabiUty ? Do you suffcr from pains in the abdominal region , bnclcnche , bearing .down painenervous dyspepsia , sleeplessness , and almost continually cross and snappy ? If so , ; rour nerves are In a shattered condition - dition and you are threatened with nervons prostration. Proof is monumental that notJ1ing in the world is better _ for nervous "troubles of women than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , made from native roots and herbs , Thousands and thousands of women can testify to this fact. Mrs , Nellie ? ! Ialcham , of 151 Morgan St. , Duffa.lo , N. Y. , wl'ites- : Dear M s. Plnkham- "I was n. wreck from nervousprostrntion , I suffered so I did not care whnt became of I me , and my family d irod of my ro- J covery. PhysIcinns faBoo. to help me. I r ; ; was urged to try Lydia E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound and I want to tell you that it has entirely euJ' d me. I thinK ill is the finest medicine on earth and I am recommending it to all my friends. and o.equaInmnees , Mrs. Oeo. A , James , a ' life long resident of Fredonia , N , Y' " writes : Dear Mrs. Pinlchnm- "I was in 0. terribly nm down condition and bad nervous prostr.l\tlon caUS d by female trouble. in fact I bAd not boon well since my children were born. This am- dltion worked on mr nerves and I was irritable - ritable and misernble. I. bAd tried ml-ny remedies without getting much lIolp but Lydia E. l > in1cham's Vegetable Compound brought me back to health andstren th. It hns also carried mo safo1y through the Chan o of Lifo. I cannot too strongly recommend your medicIne , " I\lrs. Pinkham's Invltatl n to Women. \ Women suffering from any form of female well.knesCJ are inyited to communicate promptly with Mra. Pin1cham , at Lynn , Mnss , From the symptoms 1 ' vcn , the trouble may be loca.tcd and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised , Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female iUs Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very lct10wledgc that w1ll help your case , Her advice ill free and always helpful. Lydm E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , made from native roots nnd : . I herbs , con ains no narcotics or harmful drugs and today hol s the record for I the la.r cst number of netual cures of female dlsell.3es of any medicine the . j , , "orld hns over lcnown , and thousands of voluJltary testimonials are on j I file In the laboratory at Lynn , Mass. , which testify to Us wonderful value , LYdia E. Plnkhllm's Vegetable Compound ; a Woman's Remedy for Women's Ills. . . 1l.hose ' who believe in quality , \ use K C = b 25 ounces for 25 cents Made from pure , carefully tested materials. Makes all baking healthful. : -i Why pay more for inferior .f powders , . .JAQ JEs MFG. co. Chlcaoe ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE nta .Ignaturo f.jfMek A Certsln Cur. for TIred , Hol , Acltlna Foet. Addrm-m.A . DO NOT AOCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. on CTCry box. Lo 01'I