Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 23, 1907, Image 8

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    . . _ - . . _ . . . . . . . . J ' _ - . . . . - .
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: . -JIh.e : : VVes"t E.1eva1or ; 1
, . - DEAr4.m1 IN -
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( ( Stl1 ' I ror c
Spccial attention givcn to filling orders for coal
1 " . iu any quantit ) ' , U
13rolcen Bow , . . N ebraska
_ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
9 High-Class Jacks.
Part in l\tliley's and purt in Hichardson's burn.
"t Broken Bow , N e bruska.
! . These Tacks are mostly black with wlute points , good length ,
good height , good weight , good style , quick performance and ' 1ure
foal getters , Better breeders don't live.
, The breed ing season IH s commcnced a nd these Jacks wiil be sold
at less than their value , They are sure money-makers ,
; I Prices and tcrms right , Come and se them , D , A. COLYER
, , f ' , _ " ' - - . . . . . . .
- - -
" 'oj SNYDE BOROS , & ' Co. .
t 1 . E. & W , COLLARS , PE'l'EI S SHOES ,
. , I We are now about ready for
t : t . " .
v. having cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchaudise.
"i "
New goods are now arriviitg daity and our many lines will
t soon be complete , When you are 10kingJor
: .
: . . I I cO 'ro l ; : ooi : hin ; : ) S' S : :
U carpets. mattings , lineoleullls . , notions , etc. , don't fait to look
our lines over.
; ;
" t , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
" ' ' ' ' ' ' . . .
t , t ' t r ; ' . 1 . ! ? j ' II . . . :1 " " , " ; _ : 1i'- . : tn. . - " ' / ' ' . j.J. " ' 'iJ. , ' : ' ' ' i ' . . j YiJ'- ' ; : # l.q' ' . : : . ' -I. . ! . . : . . : r."I".i - .JI' " . : 'ier.i " . . . . " ; ' . . i . . -.4.'ite. : " . ; ' " " " : . , , : , , . . " j J II
( .
" . ii ) When desiring to figure on a b 1
r. . 1 of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . W1
0 . . , , C. L. Turner Lumber Co.
, 1t 1tp
} ' , i IIJ . We carry a full stock Cf Lumber. / f " ; ' !
. \ ' Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc , I '
. tt
.1 : . Ag.en s for the Nebraska en ral i { :
. Bmldmg & Loan AssociatIOn. ! # . .
. . . ' , .a. 'W. . . ; . . . . . " . . . . . . . ' : . " t.f.I":7o .1.'v , , , , , . ! : t'- : : , . l\ . \ . n . . . ' .v . . . . . .tS . . . ' . . . .c. . . . ! , . . . . . , . , - . . . . " . . . . . , . " : : : Io . " : . . : . n.'IfJ' , . . . .I. : , ! , . . " . ' , . , . . . . . . , ! . 1 , . ; : : . : . ' . . . . . . . . . . , " " . : . _ ; ; ; . . . . . . ' 'j , \ ' . , . , . . . . . . . .0. . . . . . . . . ' . : . . t. " . . " . " : " ' . . . . . . , , . : ' . .1- . " , ' . " ; ; ; . . . ' 1 . . . . . . . ' . . ' . . . 'I . . ; \ ; ' . , " ' ; " ! : I :
, - - - ,
- here by purchasing .
. . , . , ,
lnl " " '
, . ; i 2 Paints , Oils , . . . . .
j I Hard ware , i
II' I Furniture , I
' l . . . Flour , Feed
, i -I - I. and Seed. ;
It . , , , I''III.II"i , , , ,
" " " " " " "
"I""II""IIIIIII""IIIIIIIIIIIII"IIII""nol""IIII"II'III"1II1 " ' ' ' 11I1" " ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " "
fj J. . T T
h i < lC.sq , . cu .
' :1 : . _ _ . . . . - _ ' . . . . -AS .A - _ _ _
. I
Send your Abstract Orders to
J. G. LEONARD , . .
: Sanded Abstracter
Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
- - r ffiffi . ff& - -
_ I n ore You Build. Consult
e . : Japin.ea"U. : ,
Contractor and Builler. Estimates
Furnished free with plans and specification. . ' ! .
1 I W 1m , . .
MW 3
, _ . . .
- " - - _ .
. . . . !
, 011I VV" : Be > - : : .
- -
- - -
Successor to BOWMAN . . & ANDERSON.
At the OLD STAN D. .
Real Estate. City tots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented ' : Taxes paid for nou-residents.
'Wl11 buy some good paper.
Call and see m .
CJ. VV. .J3o
. - . _ . - _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ ' .
, _ _ _ . . . , 1 I . . - =
Here's a Little Tip. I
Here is something which a I I
Missouri editor 111 nls is worth
many a dollar to ever } ' farmcr to
know : "Spnnldc lime iu your j
tank attd not a particle of scum' '
will form on the water. When' '
the limc looscs its str ngth scum :
will begin to form , which may
be twice during the season.
'l'hen wash the tank and repeat
the dose. It is cheap , not only
harmless , but wholesome , } { CCPS
the water sweet and saves the
live stocJ { . " If ypn try 1is and
it proves valuablc , l < indly inform
the Ihu'ulITICAN eclitor"-when
you find time to pay ( or send by
mait ) the amount past due for
5U bgcri pHon ,
Rains Coming.
' ! 'he Christian chur.h : of Broken -
ken Bow will hcnceforth look up-
Oll August 11 , 1907 , as a great
day in their history , for n that
day they cxpect to dedicate their
new buitding , and they have en.
gaged for this service F. M.
N.ains , of Cincintiati , 0. , who is
secretary of the F. C. M. S
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our heart
felt thanks to our friends and
nl'ighbors for their kInd help
and sympathy during the siele-
ne s aud death of our dear little
MH , AND Mus. W. D. BOGIms ,
Card of Thanks.
We take this method of extending -
tending thanks to friends and
neighbors for their kindness during -
ing the sickness and after death
of mother , Mrs , Mary J. Hargett ,
Real Estate Transfers.
'l'he Union I.aml Co. to ' 1'ena Owen , lots 10 ,
17 a11l111lln : block 25 , Oconto , $130.
Oeo. A. Brown to Chris II. Klrl1ll. 100 acres
In 2.14.2IIIOO. : : .
Oerl1t II. Velleler to Peter II. Morlsson. 80
acrel ! In .10-25 , 1f100. :
William II. UUflt to C. C. BlggerstaH , 100
acres In aO.I7-o.15IJOO. : ' . .
I lIzabeth Bailey to .101m Bailey. lot I ,
hlockl : , M. A. We t ail II to Broken Bow , $10.
Johnl lnch to Ool1fre ) ' Nansel , 100 acres In
parcels In 21 and : . ! S.1O.2. . . 111000. ! '
Carrie D. I ellogg to Asci Swanson , 3'lJac1'efi :
InJ.J.O : : , 1t3000.
B. C. gmlll1ehl to Ward JUcher lot 71n block
2:1 : , original town of Anselmo , Io.
Wll\lam \ II. Concanon to to I rank 1Olm. .
stead e8 : ! ft lot 17. all lot 10 , block 15. $1000.
Oeorge Chamller to 'l'homas M. Kimes . , 100
acres In 21.10-21. $1000.
I.evl Pringle to Wilber g. Sloan , two par
cels 10-15-11:1 : , lIOxllOOH feet , : t 2xl100 teet'
t'\"J \ ( ) ( ) .
Albert A. Brigham to gdwarll McNulty ,
parcel 42xlW ft. : II , 14.2IIJo.
H. I . Brega to .J. 1' . Nordell , 1110 acres In 0
an117'15-21 , : fjOO.
Walter A. IIayward to Nancy ' 1' . Knapp.
:120 : acres'ln sections 27 a11l121:1-10.2I,1M075. :
I.I1a ! Hayward to Nancy I. ] ( napl' . 100
acres In : ! ! : I.IO-2I , : f2'5. .
John lJurnett to Marie F. 'rlerney , lot Ii In
block : ! ' . In Ansler , $ W.
GeorgI ! H. Bellinger to Alma Cleveland lot
2 , blocK .J , In Comstock , WOO.
Charles P. IIo1\e to Marie I" . ' 1'lerney. 10-15.
18. parcel , : l3Ox:1I0 : ft. , $300.
I.uclnda Burnett allli husbanll to Marie p.
'rlerney , lot 81n block 2 : . ) . In Ansley. itl- : " ' .
Isaac A. Beneau to Carrie D. Kellogg , .10
acres In : ! O.20-20 , : flOO.
I , . A. Parmcntr.r to C. L. Mullins. lots 14 and
IS , block 13. J.P. Gallllv's add , $1350.
Ellzabcth N. Duke anil hURbanl1 to R. lJ.
Walker , 40 acres In 6.14.17 , $ ZOO.
George II. Peterson to Rasmus Hansen , 480
acrc > ! lu 23-H. 41000. .
JosePh K ! 'f to ' 1' . O. McDaniels , 16' ) acres In
14.1-1.21 , $3:00. : :
Wl1l1alll 1 . IIa'es to Jo el1h IIoI1C , 160 acres
In 14.14.n : , $3 'OO. -
Lonlsa Willhoit , a willow , to Sarah J. DI.\'ls.
lot I ) In blltck 4 , In SanrelltP$500.
Charleq 'V. Colt to Illaac A. Rencan . 80 acres
In 23-11:1.17 : , $1 00.
Harvar,1 Lomax to Charlel I . Drandt. 160
ncrelln Z5.II-I : : ! , $1800.
Mary D. Osbourn , a widow , to Joscph .
Osbourn. 100 acrcs In : ! 6.IIJ.II:1 : , $1U00.
Maud N. Penn and hnsllalll ! , to Nellie MarQuis -
Quis , lot 3 , block I , J.P. Gandy's alldltlo n to
Dl'okcn Bow , OO.
'Valler A. Geonl'e to Ralph Drake , 40 acrcs
In 1\1.13.19 , $152.
Lotta " ' . Smith anll hnsband to Wallace ' 1' ,
Keyes , lot I . block 4t , mllroall adllltion to
Callawa ) ' , $200.
B. E. I.arson to Geonre J. Andcrson. lot I In
blocl ( : I oC Mason , $1000. -
Jail D. Y. Sumler to _ 'ranl ( A. Phlllll1s , l'a1" "
celln J..19.1H. $303.
I rank Booth to G. A. Rupert , lots 9 and 10.
IIlock 3'1 , mllroall adlItlolll0 Callaway , $975.
'rho Union I.alld Co. to I.'rank Booth , lots 9
alll10 , block a'l ' , railroad add to Calll\vay : , $75.
B. A. Darrow to the Parmer's ( : raln Co. of
Omaha , lots 3 allll , In block 3. oC Jolll1 A.
Amsberr"s adll to.1\lallon City , $ J. O. r
. JollII A. Amllberry to B. A. Harrow , lots 3a'lIl
. , block 3. oC John , A. Amsberr"s ad" to Mason
City , $ ' ' : J3.
Georll'e 'I' . Milligan to Christ Christensen ,
ICtO acrell In 17.1j , $4000.
C. U , Hlchal'llson to G. W. AI'lIle lot8 3 and
4 , In block : : . orllrlnal town oC Brokel1 Bow.
Zx90 U : :0. : $150. .
C. U. Hichanilion to Jo' . L. Morris s ue
10tNI and 2 In 4.1'.1 ' , $535.
Ho ) ' W. IIlckll to A. P. Phllill's , l1arcel nw
se } J19.18 , 75x150 , $150.
l zra P.r.Sava&c , to Roy 'V. Hicks , parcel In
w lIe { .J-ll.tS , J)3xI896 ) feet , $ \OO.
Roy W. Hicks to U. A. Sherlllan , l1arceluw }
se . { J..19.HI. 75xt50 feet , $150.
William Parrer to John 1' . Lon ! : , parcels Itl
5 and 8 , 17.24 , f32. 0.
'l'he Harrison National Blink to John P.
LOIIII'IW acres In 5 , and 8 , 17.24 , $1000.
Nanc ) ' J. Knapp and husbtn" , to lIans 0 ,
Dahdc , 3ZO acres In 19 and ZO,17.19 , $9600.
Mary C. Street to John Parr , lot . . , IIlock 7.
2nl1 add 10 Merna , $1650.
Ezra I' . Sa.vall'D to Slmllen J. . Perrin , lot 1.
IIlock 16 In Sargcnt , $ .5O.
JohnI"lnch to C. U. Sanllerson , lot I , Finch's
add to Arnold , $1:15. :
GeOnl'D 0 , Gordon to C. II. Sanderson , 3 x5O
rods. lu acres In2z,1'1 , : ! , $ i5O.
Jackson Grcen to Jolll1 1' , 1.01111' , parcel In
5 and 8 , 17.2 , $ :1 : : : .
John 1' . Lan ! : to Geor&e T , Bailey , 120 acrcs
In 5.17.24,1oOO. .
AtwooII Sloan to JollII I > .Sprlnll'lIIanl6 acres
In 2 .I5.I' ' ) , $ ' ' : OO. .
1. U. O. Pancake to A. G , Mo\"erll : , lots 7 and
tI , block 75 , also lot ' 1 , block 79 , $300.
Johu I lnch to Charlcs C. Babcock , 'Iot 25 ,
Jo'inch's adLI to . \ ruold00. .
John Pinch to 80lhla 1Ioulthton , lot 10 ,
1.'lnch'S 011111 to Aruold , $100. I
John 1.'lnch to 1' . G , lloulthton , lot 17 , I
) o'inch adll to Arnold , $1l .
Albert g. Brlltlmm to W. S. Kdloltlt. I'\rcel
ne fle { 31.1".21 , 4 T.15O ft , $ SO.
U. B. Amlrews to J. I . Brechbuhl , 40 acrcfl
3\.zo.2Z. ' 511 ,
'l'ho Union Ianll Co , George to M. Urown ,
lot 11 , hluck 30 , In Oconto , $35.
Gconl'u M , Brown to Cora E. lJrown , lot 12 ,
block : JO , lu Oconto , $75.
Lincoln Iaud COIIIPanr to Clarence A ,
Re'der. lots I1l\nd 12 , IIlock 2.3rd add to Morua ,
: fZ25 ,
T. C. Cannon to W , Jlnrdett , lot : ! , block 21 ,
In Ansley , $50.73 ,
, . .
- - - -
- ,
. . . . .
" . ' , _ . # I , _ _ _ . II
, . 1 . . .
. .
- I - '
, j' -1:1) : "
- - - -
i ,
\ .
Special to California :
I40w rate Summer tours to
San Francisco and Los
. . .Angeles , nbout half rate un-
tit May 18th , also June 8th
to 15th ; June 22nd to July
5th. SIiJ'htly : higher daily
commencing June 1st ; 8mall
extra cost via Portlanc1 and
Big Horn Basin :
We run personally conducted
homeseekcrs excursions May
7th and 21st , June 4 and 18th
undcr g11idance ; of D. Clem
Deaver , General Agent
Landseekers' Information
Bureau , to assist settlers to
secure an early hold at cheapest -
est rates of magnificent irri-
ga ted lan s'in the Big Horn I
Ba n ; write about these :
lands. Round trip $20.00. !
Cheap Rates East : . I
1.0 Jamestown Exposition i
daity low rates ; via New
York slightly higher , During -
ing the Summer low excursion -
sion rates to Atlantic Cityf
Saratoga Springs , Phil-
delpha , also to the Seashore
and Mountain resorts.
Rocky Mountain Tours :
'ro Colorado , Utah , Black
Hil s , Cody , Sherid n ,
Yellowstone Park. Dally
low rate tours after June 1st.
H. L. .oHMSBV , Ticket Agent ,
L.V. . W AKELItY , G. P. A.
Omaha , Nebraska.
. . . . . . , . , . . . .
, _ _ - - " - , e.-- - . . _
_ . - . : : _ > -
Legal Notices.
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
The commlssloncr appointed to view and If
l1eemel1 for the pUblic good , to locatc a 1'Oal1
} letltloned for by J. II. l'rlc , et ai , commenc.
ing at the southwest corner of section : I : ! ,
townshll' 17. range 21. thence north on sec.
lInc to a point about 80 rods south of corner
of sccs. 17.11I.IOO : : , thence northwestcrly tea
a point on lIection line between sections 18 and
10. about 40 rolls wellt of corner of sections
17,11:1. : III. : ' ' 0. thence north and northeasterly
to a point on section Jlne about 00 rods south
o ( quarter corner between sections 17 an1118 ,
thcnce north on Hectlonllne to corner of sec.
tlons 7 , 8.17 anl118 , has reportL'il in ( a VOl' o (
the eetabllshmellt thereof , anl1 all objections
thereto , or claims ( or damages , mUtt ! be lIlell
In the county tlerk' > I' olllce on or lefore noon
of thc 151h day of July , 11101 , or lIuch roal1 will
be elltablhlhe without reference thereto.
In 'Vltness Whereof , I have hereunto set
my hanl1 anl1 seal of said county. this 15th
l1ay of 1\Iay. 1007. Jos. PIGMAN.
lH&AL ] County Clerk.
"Irst pub 1IIa ) " 10-lt
Unltel1 States Land Office. l
North Platte , NebraBka , May H , 1907. r
Notice III hcreb ) ' Illven that JOHN LAUVER ,
of Broken Bow , Nebraska , has filed notice of
hili Intention to make final five year proof In
IInl1110rl of his claim. vlz : IIomestead Entry
No. 18S3\J made Jul ) ' 31,1'.100. ' for the e sw ,
and , ,110 e of section 10 , township ) ( . N. ,
rauge 22 W. , and that said I1roof wilt be made
before A. R. IIun1l1hrey , county judlle , at his
oUice at Broken Doll' , Nebraska , on Juno 24 ,
190'1. II e nameS the followlntr whnesses tQ
prove his continuous reslden e upou , auLl :
cultl..atlon of , the land. . . .Ir : : : Davll1 Coulter ,
of BrokeulJow , Nebraska ; Daniel Darrett , of
Broken Bow , Nebraska ; James M. Wimmer ,
of Broken Bow , Nebraska : John J. Phillipson ,
of Drokeu Dow , Nebraska.
J. E. EVANS , Rell'lster.
Firat putrMay 11-0t.
To whom It may concern : _
'l'he commissioner appointed to view and If ,
deemed for the pUblic gool1 , to locate a roatl ,
petitioned for by A. n. Pracht , et al. com.
menclng at a point about 10 rods south of
tile north cast corner of liectlon 3. townlihlp
la , range 10. thence running In a northwester.
1) ' course to townlihlllllne ahout 5 rods west
. of northealit corner of lIalcl section a , thence
In a northerly courlie to the north line of
! Section :15 : , townshlll 17 , range III , following
old trail. thence northwesterl ) ' to Interloect
road No. 7t5 near statlon.15 of said road.
AIto ! to vacate road No. 745 from ! Station 17
to Htatlon 2' and fr01ll InterHection with road
No. 701 to a } Iolnt of Intersection of prollosell
road. has reported In favor of the establilih.
ment and vacation thereof. anI } all objec.
tlons.thereto , or claims ( or damagcs. must
be 111 ell In the county clerk's olllce on or be.
fore nooll of the 25th day of July , 1007. or
such roall will be estahllShell ! and vacated
without reference thereto.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set m ) '
hanll anl1 seal of salll county , tills : : Oth l1a ) '
of May. HI01. Jos. P1G IAN ,
( SEAl. ! County Clerk.
Jo'irst 11Ub Ma ) ' 2:1-lt : \ . '
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'rhe commissioner allllolntell to view anti If
.Ieemcll ( or the 11ubllc good , to locate a roall
11ctltlonetl for by . \ . LamulCrt. et al. com.
menclng at the southeast corner of section O.
townshlll 15. range 2:1 : , west OUI 1' . M. atlll
terminating at the Nouthwest corner of sec.
tlon 2 , saUle town and range anl1 traverlolng
the mOlot } Iractlcal route between ! Said 1I0lntll ,
drollplng llown a little In sections 8 aml O.
AIto running north In section 3 about 00 rods
aUll back to ! Section line In southeast lUrec.
tlonlllll : rellorted In ( aver of the establish.
ment thereof , amI all objectlonll thcreto. or
claims ( or damages lIIust be lIIetl In the
count ) ' clerk'il olllce o..n or before noon of UI
25th lIa ) ' of JUl ) ' , 1007 , r such'roal1 will be
eHtahlishel1 without reference thereto.
In wltnets ! whereof. 1 have hereunto bet m ) '
halHI ami seal of tlald county , this 20th llay
ot Mar , 1007. JOII.PIOMAM.
IHICAI. ! Count ) . Clerk.
"Irst l b May 23-tt
ltoAD NO'l'ICE.
' 1'0 whom It lIIay concern :
'rhe cOl11l11lstloncr aspolnted to view anl1
If lIeemed for the 1m hllc gool1 to loca te a roal1
petltloncl } for b ) ' J , IIurrlson. . et al. com.
menclng at the ! Southeast corner of section O.
townshl1l15 , range 2' , thence north along the
bectlon line lillie , thence east abollt 100 rotls
thence north , or nearly 1i0. : tbout 170 radii.
thcnce eabtwarll abollt 200 rOll > ! , to the I aII \
out Can'on roaLI running north and south.
Said roall tu have a w\llth \ of 40 feet. hatl re.
110rteLIIn ( aver of the establltlhment thercof ,
al1l1 all ObjCCtlOlI > ! thereto or claims ( or dalll.
ages n1ust be 111 ell In the county clerk'tI unlce
on or before noon of the 23th l1ay of July ,
1007 , or such road will be establlblled wltllout
reference thereto.
In wltnclls whcreof , I have hereunto set my
hanll and tical of said county this 20th day o (
May , 1007. Jos. PIGMAN , ,
181CAL ) County Clerk.
. 'irst l'Ub May 23-1t
. = : : : : : - -
, - . . . . . . - .
" - < - - - - -
"f -1
COlluly COllrt , Custer County , Nebraska.
' 1'be creditors of the estate of Skiles W.
Kinkaid , deceasl'II.
Take nctlce. 'I'hat I will sel lit the Connty
COllrt roont , In IIroken 1I0wi In Raltl County ,
on thu JOth da ) ' oC Jllne t90 , allil Oil the 31st I
day oC O t. . 19\17 \ , each at 10 o'clock a. III. , of
each day , to receive and exantlne all claims
IIllalnst sahl CIItate. wllh a vluw tu thel l' adjust.
ment and allowance : and that on the Ilrst lIate
above the t'etltlons of widow will bu hearl1 for
hOllleMtcad , exentt'tlons. allowance and other
Statutory rlll'hts.
'I'he tllIIU limited lor tbe presentation of
claims allnlust snld estate Is six lIIonll18 from
thu 20th day of Allrl111107 , allll the tll1Ie limited
for paymcnt of debts Is olle year fronl all1
Datell Aprl126lh , 1D01.
A. H. IIUlrIlKKY , County JUlIKe.
} o'lrlit 111111.lay 2t
' 1'0 a. W. Shepllard and J. W. YOllng , 110n.
relldents :
You and each of ) ' 011 arc hereh ) ' notilled
that on the Oth lIay oC April , 1\10 ; ; . n. W.
Ueorge purchasell at private Nalc from the
treasurer of Custer count ) ' , Nebraska , the
following' Ilescribell real eNtate ! oltuate In the
county of CUll tel' :1II11 State of Nehraska , to.
wit : Lot No. 0 In hlock No.2. In A. W.
Ganlly's alldltlon to the city of Broken Bow ,
Nehrallka. ' 1'hat saldllale wa > ! for the taxes
levlell against salll propert ) ' for the ) 'ears
IIII : , I IIJ. : 11:1\17 : \ , 1811111I1fI. : \ \ . IIOW , I\IO'J \ , 100:1. : and Is
now the owner and hohler thereof anti that
he has pahl the taxes against said 10t .Cor all
of said ycarll. together with subsequent taxes
levied fur the ) 'earll 1001 anll 1110 ; ; , as follows ,
towlt : I.ot 0 In block 2. above rcferret1 tu ,
allllcssed to C. W. Sheppard ami J. " ' . Young ,
who appear to he the present record owners
of the samc , salll subsequcnt taxes being
paid , vlz : l O'lthe ! : year 1001 on May 10th ,
IlJO ; ) , atlll for the year 100 ; ; on May 20th , 1\100. \
'l'hat after the expiration of three 1I10nthli
fr01l1 the cOlUpletion of the } JUblication of
this notice 1 will apply to the treasurer of
CUster county , Nebralika , for a l1eel1 to said
Dated at Broken lJow , Nebraska , this 21st
day of 1\Iay , A. D. 1007 , 11. W. OEOIIGR.
First 1mb "May 2:1-Jt :
' 1'0 Frank Curtis , non.resldent :
You are hereby notilled that on June 21 ,
11105. Simon Cameron } JUrchased at private
sale from the treasurer of Custer county.
Nebraska , the following descrlbel1 real
esthte situate In CUstcr county. Nebraska ,
to.wlt : I.ot No.5 , In block No.2. In A. W.
Oanl1y's adtlltlon to the city of Broken Bow ,
Nebraska. 'rhat said lialc was for the taxes
levied against salll prollerty ( lot ) for the
) 'cars 18111 to 1\10:1 \ : Inchlllive. bclng the years , I
11:101 : , 18\15 \ , 11:100 : , 11:107 : , 180 . 18\19. \ 1I1O. ) 1001 , II ! ( ) ,
1\10:1 \ : , who alislgned the samc for valuable con.
sll1eratlon to H. W. Georgc , who Is now the
owner and holl1er thereof allll that he has
paid the taxes for all of said years. togcther
with sUbsequent taxes levied agalnllt salll
lots for the years 1001 and 1005 , as follows.
to.wlt : Lot 51n block 2. above referred to ,
alisessed to Prank Curtis , who allpears to be
the present recorl1 owner of the satne. said
subsequent taxes helng p\ld , vi ? : For thc
i'ear 1001 on June : ! O. 1005. and for the ) 'ear
00 ; ) on May 21. 1\10 \ ( } . ' 1'hat after the explra.
tlon of three months from the completion of
the lJUblication of this notice , I will apply to
the treasurer of Custer county. Nebraska , I
for a l1eed to sall1lot hereinbefore described.
Datel1 at Broken Dew , Nebraska , this 21Nt
day of May , A. D. , 1007.
II. W. OlmllUI' : .
Plrst pub 1'oIa ) " 23-tt
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'l'he commissIoner to vlcw atlll
If deepled for the pub Ic gootl. to locate a
road , petltlonel1 for by I. H. Hussell , et al.
commencing at the Noutheast corner at
section 10 , townshllIO , range 21. thence west
on liectlonllne about one anl1 one fourth
miles , to the canyon bank , thehce about aN
the mall route now runs to Custer Canyon
school house. to Intersect a lalcl out road
coming from the north , thence south , about
as thc mall route now runs to John Heln.
harl1t's mall box , thence west and a little
north up. Ule Ilrst canyon north of I. 11.
Husscll's house. thence west over the most
practical route , to the McIlnley post olUce.
thence south anl1 west about as the mall
route now rU1111 to Intersect a lald.out roall
on Spring Creek , sall1 road to have a wll1th
of 40 feet , haN report ell In favor of the
establIshment thcreof , anl1 all objections
thereto. or claims for damages. must be lIled
In the county clerk'li otUce on or beore noon
of the 25tll day of July. 1007 , or such road will
be established without reference thereto.
In witness whereof. 1 have hereunto set my
hand anll scal of said county. this : ) ( Jtll day of
May , 1007. Jos. PIGMAN.
lSEAL ] Count ) ' Clerk.
, 'Irst 1JUb May 23-tt
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'rhe commlssloncr appointed to view and
If I1cemed for the public good to locate anl1
vacate a roal1 petltlone for by Edw : Hobin.
son. et ai , anl1 descrlbcl1 as follows , to.wlt :
' 1'0 vacate a road commencing at or Ileal'
the 1I0rthweNt corner of the. 1I0rtheast qual"
tel' of the northeast quarter of section 11:1. :
township la , range 10 amI runlling thence
lioutheast to the southeast corner of sall1 o
acre tract. and to e'tabllsh ! a roall 00 feet
wille across said 40 acre tract where the
travel now goes. has reportel1 In favor of
the establishment anl1 vacation thereof , and
all objcctlons thereto , or claims forl1amages ,
must be III ell In the county clerk's otUce on
or before noon of the 25th l1ay of JlIly , 1007.
or such.roal1 will be established and vacated
without reference thereto.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my
hanll and seal of said county this 20th l1ay of
May , 1007. _ JON. PIGMAN.
ISEAI , ] County Clerk.
"Irst pub May 23-tt.
To whom It may concern :
' 1'he commbsloner appointed to view and If
deemed for the pUblic good , to vacate a roal1
petltlonel1 for hy ' 1' . M. Colly. et al. and lIe.
scribed a.s follows. to.vlt : Commencing at
the southwest corner of section 12. township
: ) ( J , range 10 , thence south on the section line.
one mile anl1 a half. or to the lIouthwest
corner of the northwest , of section 2 .
'rhence west to the Cummings Park roall. as
lall1 out on roatlplat book at Custer county.
and 'Vest Union precinct , has reported In
fa VOl' of the vacation thereof. anl1 all objections -
tions thereto. or claims ( or l1amages. mu t be
ftled In the County Clerk's onlce on or before
noon of thc lOth day of July , 1\107. or such
roal1 will Lbe vacated without reference
In Witness whereof , I have hereunto set
my hall and seal of said county this Oth l1a ) '
of1\lay , 1007. Jos. PIGMAN.
ISEAI. ] . County Clerk.
. 'lrst pub May O-tt
. .
To whom It may concenl :
'rhe commissioner al'polnted to view and If
deemel1 for the public good to locate. a roal1
petltlonell for by Peter Norl1en. et al. com.
menclng at the southwest corner oC section
3:1. : towllshlp 13. range 25 , thence east 011 the
county line to the liolltheast corner of sall1
section 3:1. : township 13 , range 25 , one mile
lias reportel1ln favor or the establishment
thereof , anll all objections thereto , or claims
( or l1amages , mu&t be Illed In the County
C1erk's otUCf : on or before 1I00n of the lOth
l1ay of July. 1007 , or such road will be estab.
lI > ! hed without referenqe thereto.
In Witness Whereof. I have hereunto set
my hand and seal of sall1 county , this Otll1ay
ofIlIay , 1007. Jos. PIGMAN.
lSEAL ] County Clerk.
, 'irst pub May O-It
County Court , Custer couuty , Nebraska.
The creditors of the'cstato of Geonre W ,
Lanll' , deceased.
'l'ake notice , 'I'ltat I will sit at the County
Court 1'0011I. In Uroken Bow , In said County , on
the 10th daof June , 190'1 , anll on the l\th \ ! day
of November , 1907 , O.lch at 10 o'clock a. m. of
each day. to receive aud examine all claims
alalnst said estate.
'I'he time limited for the presentation of
clahl\s alalnst saId estate Is six mouths frolll
tholl/tit / day of Mav , 1'.107 ' , and the time IImltcd
for payntent of debts Is one year front said
Hatcd Mny 10th. 1907. -
[ SRAL ) A. H. lIUMPIIKKY , County Judll'e.
'Irstlull May 10-4t
County Court , Custer County , Nebraska ,
The creditors of the estate of Jane 1' . Klump ,
Taku uotlce , ' 1' hat I .wltl sit at the Counh'
Court room , In Brokeu Uow , In said County ,
on the 15th doty of June , 1'JO'1 ' , and Oil the l th
da ) ' of November , 1907 , each at 10 u'clock a. m.
of each 1101) , to recelvu and examlue all claims
allalnst said estate with a view to their adjust.
mellt and allowance.
'l'he time lImltcd for the Ireselltatlon of
claims all'alnst Raid estatolli six months from
the 13th day of May , I'M , and the tlnlo limited
for payment of debts Is oue ) ear from said date.
Datl'd May 13,1007. I
[ IIKAW ' A. R.IIUMPUKKY , uuty Judll'o , J
1'lrllt : pull Na ) lb-1t
- -v _ . _ _ _ . _
= : ;
' . ,
- , - - - . . " , . )
. I l..l p"r- = . .
To whom It may concern :
The CommissIoner appointed to , 'Iew and
If l1eemed Cor the lJUbUc oed , to locate a
road petitioned for by C. \ \ . Chapman , et ai ,
commencing at the northeast corner of sec.
tlon 13 , town. 10. range 20. and running
thence south on the rahge line to a point
: tbout ro rods south of the southeast corner
C the ne of the ne ( of section : ! 4 , townshllJ
10. rangc 20 and then In a southwesterly 111.
recti on on the most llractlcal route to can.
nect with road No. 80\1 , has reported favor the
establishment thereof , ani all objections
thereto , or claims for damages , must be lIIed
In the count ) ' clerks office on or before noon
of the lith day of July , 1007) or such road will ' I .
be established without reterence thereto.
In wltncss whereof , I have hereunto set
my hand ami sea ) of said county , this 2nLl o'
, lay of May , 1007. .
I KAt. ] Jos. PWMAN , County Cler k.
. 'Irst 1mb May 2-1t
' 1'0 whom t may concern. .
'l'he commllisioner appointed to view anllif .
l1eemed for the IHlbilc gooll , to locate and ,
vac'lte a Iluhllc road ! petitioned Cor by C. s.
'l'ooicy , et ai , lIellcrlued as folluWR , to.WIt : ' . .
' 1'0 locate 1'0:111 at.the .
a : , commet.lclng at. s.outh.
east corner of the ne ( 01 settlon : .10 , ton III ,
range'O : ' runnlug thence lIue west , on or as
near the' half section line as practicable one
mile Intcrsectlng roall No. 111)2. ) ami following .
saUle ! mile north andi ! mile west , thence
III a north weliterly direction as the roal1 Is
now travclel1 , thence In : t Hottthwesterly dl.
rcctlqn htterliectlng road No. II : at a point
about IO : rodtl eabt ot the northwest corner .
of section 20. tow11shlpl\l \ , range 21. Also to .
vacate tllat part ot roads No. : : fl7 and : I2jj as "
now platted of which thll ! Is to take the lliace ,
has reporte In ta VOl' of the establlthment ! " J
and vacation thereof , and all objection ! ! .
theretu or claims for damages , establlthment'w
ill the County clerk's olllce on or before n0011 " (
of the 5th l1ay of July 1007 , or such road will 1
b , "tabU" " . , no v , , " , , . WlthOb ( ' ' ' ' ' 'hO < .
In Wltnes > ! Whereof , . I have hereunto set
my haml and seal of Nald county , this 2nll '
l1ay of May , 1007.
ISKALJ Jos. PIGMAN , County Clerk.
"Irst pub May 2-1t
' 1'0 whom It may , oncern :
'l'he comnllsslo11er appointed to view and If
l1eelllcd for tile IIUblic gool1 to c > ! tabllsh. ami ,
to vacate a pubhc roalt described as tol1ows : .
commencing at a pulnt 2 rolls west of Ute
suuUtealit corner 01 the southeast quarter of
tlte sonthwest quarter of licctlon.)2 , town.
ship 10. range 21 , : ml1 run thence north to 0
wlUlln 2 rOlls ot the IO : ! roll line , thence rUl1l
west to the Nectlon line on the west side of ' ! , ' 1
section 12 , to connect with road No. 11:1 : , Abu 1 .
to vacate that part uf road No. 1:111:1 : : trom the I ,
point 11rNt named above to where It Inter.
sects road No. 1ll. : has reportel1 In ta Val' of
the elitabllshment anl1 vacatlun thercof , and
all objections threto. or claims for damages , . .
must be tiled In the County Clerk's 011lce on
ur before nuon of the 10th day of July , 1007 ,
or such road will be elltabllshed and vacated
without retere11ce thereto.
In Witness Whereat , I have hereunto set
my ban and seal of said county. this OUI day
ot 1IIay , 1007. Jos. PIGMAN , "
[ SICAr , ] County Clerk.
1 < 'irlit } mb May 0-4t
' 1'0 whom It may concern : \
'l'he commissioner appolnte to vicw and If , \
l1eemed for the pUblic gool1 to locate a road
petitioned for by II. O. Hover , et aI , com.
menclng IO : ! rolls south of northwest cornel'
of section I , township 13. range 25 running 80
rolls cast. thence so 11th as near as 11ractlcal
through nw { of section I , townshlpla. range
, alsu through sw section I. townshlll Ja ,
range : ! , Intersecting bectlon .lIne between
section I an1112. township 13. range 25. and tu
vacate roal1 already estal > lIlihed ISO rods 50uth . 't _
of northwest corner of Iectlon ; I , to section . . . .
corners of 1,2. II and
12 respe tlvely , has re.
portell in tavor at the establishment anl1
vacation thereof , and all objections thereto ,
or claims tor damages , must be 11Ied In the ,
County Clerk's 011lce on or before noon of the
10th l1a ) ' of JUly. 11101 , or such road w111 be "
estallllshed anl1 vacated without reference 1
In Witness Whereof , I have hereunto set
my hand and seal of sall1 county , this OUI
day of 1IIay , 1007. JOR. PIGMAN ,
[ SICALJ County Clerk.
.to'irlit pub May 0-4t
To whom It may concern :
'l'he commissIOner appointed to view , anLl
If l1eemell for the pUblic good. to locate a
roall petltlonel1 tor by 1\1. H. I.'oster , et aI ,
commencln ! : at the southeast corner of the
northeast of section 17. township 111. range
22. running west on the Ya section line. one .
mile thence northlO : rolls on the section line . , , -
thence to angle across the corner of the "
northeast ( 01 section 18 , township 10. range
2' , to interliect laid out road on section line , .
has reported In favor of the establishment
tltC't'eof. aml all objections thereto , or clalUls
for damages. must be ttled In the County
Clerk'li olllce on or before noon of the lOth
'l1a ' ) ' of July , 11101 , 01' lillch roal1 will be estab.
IIlihell without reference thereto.
In witness Whereof , 1 have hereunto set
my hand anl1 seal of sall1 county , this IIth : day
at May. 1007. JOS.I'IOMAN ,
[ IIKALj County Clerk.
b'irst pub May \ t
To whom It may concern :
'I'he CommissIOner appointed to view and If
deemed for the pUblic good , to locate a road
petition ell for by 1' : . J. Boblltts. et al. com.
menclng at west terminus of road grantel1
'l'hos. ! o'mltm through sp.ctlon II , townshlll br.
range 21. termlnlts of liall1 l'oal1 being the
halt Mectlon corner bctween sections Hand
15 , town H. range 21. from sall1 terminus
about 100 yards to 1I0blltt'N alfalfa 11elll.
thence about ' 100 ) 'ards bouth by west to
' '
'l'uckervll1e'road , tftence In a westerly I1lrec.
tlon to Boblltt.1i vlneyarll on public road to
Oconto anl1 Broken How , has reported In
tavor of the establishment thereol. anl1 all :
objections thereto , or clalmN tor damages. ; t
must be 111 ell In the ' ' olllce on
or before noon of the lOth ay of July. HI01 ,
or such roal1 will be cstalillshed without
reference thereto.
In 'Vltnebs Whereof. I have hereunto set
my hanl1 and seal of sall1 county , this 11th l1ay
ot May , 1007. Jos. PIGMAN , )
IHICALj Coun t > Clerk. :
'Irst } mb May O-It
HOAt > NO'l'ICI .
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'l'he commissIOner apIolntet. ! to view , and
If l1eemed for the pUbliC good. to locate a
road l'etltlonel1 for Oy W. U. Ul'ant , et al
commencing at or near IItation No. 2\1 \ , of
roal1 No. IIII : ! ! inliectlon 15 , townshlll 11:1 : , range
21 , and running thence east un the Section
line. as near ali practicable to about 20 rods
east of the southwest corner of the sutlthealit
section la , townllhlp 11:1. : range 21. thence In
a lioutheasterly I1lrectlon through northeast
section 21 , township 11:1. : range 'O , contlnuc.
I g In a Noutheasterly direction through liec.
tlon 1\1 \ , township 11:1. : range : ' ' 0. Intersecting
I roal1 ' ' No. 10 at 01' near statlun No. M.
'l'he above route being a route traveled for
many years.
' 1'lIe above petltlonel1 roal1 to be forty feet
wide , has rellortedln favor of the establish.
ment thereof according to plat and
now on tlle. anl1 all objections thereto report.
claims . for damages. must be lIIell In the or
Count ) Clerk's oUlce on or before noon of the
15th l1ay ot JUly , 1007 , or such roalt , Yilt be
establlshell wltl10ut referencc thereto
In Witne ! > 11 Whereot' , I have lIereuitto
my ha.nd amI seal of lialtl county , this 15th bet ,
l1ay ot Ma '
) , 1001. JOS.l'WMAN ,
County Clerk.
l' P YJO = , t
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
' '
Commissioner appointed to vIew
If deemel1 f r the public goolt , to 10catJ anl1 antI
vacate the
tloned tolluwlng ' ' dClicrlbell roa\ls } 'etl. I .
for by 'I' . M. Oakes. et ai , cOllllnJnclng I
at station No. 20 of ro ll No. 7J51n section 31
township 17 , range 10. tllence south and ealit
25,1'0115. thence cast 20 ruds. thcnce
north east of
57 rods
, thence cast about
the JoOth ! rolls ' tu
. thence
to the to'wn.
IIhlll line , joining road No.'JJ \ ( a out 10 rOIls
west of the
H bectlQJI corner.
Also to vacate tllat
part of roall No. 350
we.t of the last nanlelilloint.
AI1I1 to establlNh a road
comlllencing at the
corner of bcctlon
range . running south un the townbhlp 10 ,
about 15 rodfl ! then angle
southwest .
lIectlng road No. 008 at a point about
north of the radII
corner ot the llorth.
eallt quarter of the northeabt
IIUarter of .
tlon 10 , township 10. sec.
range 1\1 \ , tollowlng the
roall as now travelell.
Also to vacate that part of
road No 008 of
which this ro d takcli the l'lace , has'report. .
cllin ( aver ot the report.
establlbhment : lI1d , ' .
lloll thereof 'aca.
, aUlI all objections theretu
Ialtlltl for or
damagcs , must be IIIcd
In the .
lIunty clerkN onlce
all or before
: lay Ishedlalld of JUly , 11101 , or buch road will be the ebtab. th
In witness whereof , 1 have hereunto thereto sct
Ill ) ' hO\nl1 anl1 seal of sall1
county. this
lay of Wtl1
May , 1001. Jos. PIGMAN
IiIAL : : ) . ,
"Irlit IIUb Nay 23-tt Clerk ,