. . , - . - - - 1or Gaunt , ' GpubUaan. ONH DOI.T.AH FTtR V' < AR , . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . ' _ _ ' . . _ . . . . u . _ _ _ . _ _ _ "IIY'I ! ! l'I < ' ; f ; ' : RATI 8 , . " . r " 1"'UIt. ' t7.00. One-half' e . ' , , 'III.14.lIu. ' "au.t wt.as. . 1101' tu. . ' . , ( . , . . , . thAI ! ( fua1wr Jlmin. . ftO , t . " , , , par 1I10lltll. \ . . .iI " 11 < 1 PQ' ' " 1JO ed\.8 \ port cll pu ! II , ' " ' ; ' r . . ; "tlflh1Cfftl."ir " UIJI ! "JUlb'laler. . t' ' , ' , ' " l' bur ! , ' " f'.It. . PQJIIlhl4)'I , ' . .rI . tll' ' ' ' ' ' t , til'N I'lItJI1t' ! ) > ' . . h.'I ! ' j. OJ-.U , , r" . ' . , cc : ftelll hllr ' . ( 'II II.1thl. ( , , " , Iii. . . . . ' . , . " , , ' 1 , anlee. II 1' " . . 1 - . , ) I , 'iu1I ' ; II t rIL' "r/lvld Jd by lat tUII of . . . I" I" " " " 'l > l't'I' . " . , lc"MrouI-oltlllouI.CllllI-lt. . . ' . ,1'1 , ' W.'rjlllhl' I1I1UCU ' , c < lo IUIH ( , rico ft'r : " ' " ut pnQClJth , ' , , . - . , - - . - - - , - . - - ' . " Jnl : , . " ,11' ' Urtlk"U " 1I0w. Nflbrnllkn. fur trlll1' . ' 1J1 ' 1II11 111 the Ualle,1 , fIItat. . mall" lit IhCUII,1 clnH8 ratt. . . . . . _ - - - , , . - - - - - D. M. A ! \ [ filCl'tRY , - PUBI.ISlItR , ! CIIAS.IC . 13A8sn'rT , w ASS CIA'l'Jt - . . . . . - _ . . - . _ - - - . . - . - . . - - - - - . 1'hupHfty ] tvlay 23 , 1 07. " . ; b'tt : " "I " -Ii 't : . . 1 l. . . . I. . r. rhe people of tbo United St. ' U' " , t : , more exited ov < > . t the sl . . , dllvr on the rlt'itr.pad ; now th ' 1 " , , ' , 'r bdore it ! th ( hlstorv ot ' : l ir opcr tiotl. ' 1'11 ( " d .l ] H' " t , ' . . . lJectrn ( . ) appa,1inr , that aU ,111111 'dia te . : ba.ng ' lor im" , 1" d \ < 'Il . \ Jud ilions is d.'manded. ' . rl1t1tles cHsrl'p'urd for I : , : " iifc must bc' ch'kcd in I. 111 , : nnnoet. 1'hl' dnl1ghh r 2 , ' , , ui.1tHaL ou \ > V tl ; , : ra lwav 1 1. " " I : &s it. is , 'b .n t cnnfiie tt > " ' , engers. "fhe It\t . , .t $ .tatis. ; tl , .10W tbat ( )11' tr inluD ! : i ' 'oJ , b led for f : " ry' . 133 I. mployed ' a. ' le'injured ftt I.vcr.r nrne in. . t , . " . : tvlce of' the f lffe'reot Co , ' . timu : Th : dealhs and ll'j"r\ " : " ; totraJm , tl r due' ' In , .1) to. the -Jack of. , ' trfety npi"l" 11lt.'S : a.n through -th carles.I1''SS of. the c p\oy's. \ Just , at present tht' ! tail.road managers I\re inclined to place I the blame for the m jority of accidents to defective materia ] , J and there cel11s to be something to thcir clAims. So 1lIdnj' things 'enter into the matter thnt it is. . difficult always to discriminate. I The olle evcr pr scnt suggestion I is that there must be imprcwc" ment soon. - . - _ . - . - - - r. 'l'hel'e is a gcneial reluctance # nIllOI1g- ' the peoi > le of tl1\ \ ; : United Stl\tes to relinquish tbe : hope i ( that President Ro eve1t will I r accep.l it' : rcnomiul\tiou f l' the t , . presHtt'ltcHe : is iu the centre ' or 'in 1Uany important = ulmnis. ; ) i'l tra ion I a lairs that tfl\re is a r g.II"'ral belief that I1U nther man I C'v .11 . . ; ontiuQe the wolc } t\uite \ 50 f- \ n ft tbe preleot occupant of t' I\ 1 . While HQ se. A Ulitl\le iu . ' It.elr tio'11 of . ' ' ' ' : ll\ a. 'ttUcct' ' ! ior to t' t'le prest ent would rctMd for 'I 'I , j ears , th 'Work he h.as , so r"I I ; ! ; : ) ! endiJy , } started. ' Thflre : is u ' " I f. ' ' \rol1g hehct lUoug rc.pubHca.ns ( . tl.at the. deman4 , for , b } . -1' - " : ! , 1'"tniuation wUl. bc's grcat . I , J' ' \vdt ; will h f01'c d tu f ) 're1 0 h r-.on l prcrcncc-s , bu..t if 11\ ' CUold'1U' ; , Ji.rrn 1 . } , is d lccm1ua- tion to quit ] , e pft siit n ( ' . ) ' , th sentiment. . . . . . . fa..oring n RooseveJt man ' ; \ ' 1l be accentuated : Just bow sentiment win change is , of course , . impossible to forecast , bu t there is no c1ol\hl that toda.y , Secretary Taft is It lerHHng second choice aitcr Hoosevelt " "itlt Hughes of N w York third man in consideration. . ' - - - - Americans . .lie accuBtomcd to surprises in iu..enliol1s. The ) re familiar . with the use of paper for everything frow makiug' car wheds to wrflpping up litU , ; : hUllch ( ' of tobacco I11tO cigarettes for killing off the vout h , hut an , 11\'t' : "or fl"ol11 Snxony rather _ ! . L I I , . , the puhHcl.ltlJ the state. ! 11 ' 1J1. that be CDl1 make a higb r. : Je of yarn out of p.llI'r. He co.tl1s it 'lxJloHu" and spins it dji-ect froll1 wood J > u1p. It F u9 { l for inn\.ltu.erab \ t. ' purpOiCSI ! l'sp Jly for clrP'Jb , fOgS , war II" . b.\tg , Bboef' a ntl gimiln1 Iriicl 9" d is ; ' tid to Wt.'Df well. . , k" , .l < 'iactorj \ ar. p.1r a y en , , ' , 'aged , i the m riuhtl"tufe 01 trticte's . - . frQmt . . e . p.\per : . aru. ' " - - - . ' " . . : ; : ; : : The , h $ aIt' ( . for e cars (01 pased erco > > c1t c r lV l I In conBtiAUUy. , UMre toti ; , , ; TH : : tllf.VI' tnftn'V ad-f'a,1\J.aStl lr'i 'J.'h ( l " ll not ' ' . ' wrec1 bUTU'Ul' ) iu. , ty 'r.y' ani will "go to smn.h" ] ! 9S thai wel ( den ones. It.ft. been enl , fiJt'ars sinc' : builders starte ( to nHtnufacture them aud UO\1 several factories are turQil1 them out. The ) ' mean iucl'ease ( safety for passengers. and then ue\'cr was a time when 1110n security for peoole wbo travel 01 railroads was w rse 1\eedec1 thai at present. - : . . . . . - - Both branches f tb ( ' Illinoi 1egialature went on record a [ \'oring 8. cbacge iu tht' constihl tivn pNviding for the QItction 0 Unit d StAtt Sluators b ) opular vote. ' . ' . ' - - . - ' ' : : : - : : : " ; - . . ' . . . . . . . - . . " . . - . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - - - We Trust Doctors . , . , _ _ _ " " " , "ll" " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , If you are suffcl" n from ti'pure blood , thin blood , d , 'N ; ; ; IY , n rVOtlSlICSS , exh tb- ' r.houl bClln nt Olleo ( 'f' you : \ ' . " d A y r'ti Snrsnpal'illa , the i ; - . . 'rS.lparilln . you hnvc known I . . your life. Your uoctor I kIH\Vfdttoo. \ Askhimnboutit ; I " " " , , , ' /0' / ' Inok well lifter till ) rnll.Hllnn . "r , , . . . , 'er . " "t "n\l'ol . 111It'8" ! , , IIrrl' i. 113111 , . " " lilli , , , " "IVI'I"pIII".O " , , , , Inr" . " IIro . , . , . . , . . . , ' " ,1 "AII"IIIJf htllltinchc. 1.111'\,11I. "nil' I ; , , , . , . ; 'I ; ' , . . , ' " 1111 " " 11"1111":1 . . . . I"n H'r ' . j ' " rum .1111t'1 ( itA 11/1'1 . ' .lr Ayl" & I . . . ' , , , . " 'Jf'Ihlt ! " \ l ( . ' " ' ' " ' " . . . . . . \ . . . , . , . J I ' 011 11J1. ' I" : "t " 1. ' .1 "Il' " i . , . . . . . . . - " ' . . . . . - _ . _ . . . . . " ' - . . . . . . . , . ( . Made b ' .1 , O. 'or ( ' ( > . TA'W Jl , .M .1. , " " .1.0 "JlBlJllrMt'J"t.L'1I " fIe /.1 : ' ) II A III " 10011. ' 1/ : r AOtln CUR ! ! . , 111eJ Ii V' tII'JrQY : : ' I'Er.row : . . r. . . , , _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ " ' " . . _ _ r. < ! , I ' _ _ a n"r ! "Threw a Scare" into the Populace. I 'fhe "oldest se Wer" in this I Hlretch of Nebraslm's fcrti1e region - gion has been { Jut ont of business . by the weather that . has pre- "ailed this spring , especially by the windstorm between 11 and 12 Monday nigh t , nnd fra.nkly admits that he "never saw anj' . thing like itl\s far hack as forty" ni ne years. " rhe populace , acw cording to report next morning , was 8pontaneously awakened from a. peaceful sleep by a terrific tush of wind that shoole : the b i1ding5 on their foul1dation8 .luci tor ; tn hour continued with hetwy gnsts intcrsp rsed witb p r . ( " ( t c ln18 , and with each calm the' aforesaid populact' prad . there wonl ' be no tl..Ol'e terrorizing gnsts , bnt they came , rcg < trcl1ess of snvplication , aud then the pupulace 111omel1tariallv ( xpccted the displacement of thereof roof from over their heads. A numher of windows were blown iu , including a few plate glass Ol1es , hut no damage to humanity is rep.orted. A light shower . : companied the wind , but not of a sufIiciency to lay the dust. It is safe to say that-while the sloflu lasted-none of our citizens thought they would be here to I help celebrate the 4th of July. Corn Contest for Coanty Pupils. County Supei ntendent. of Schools Pinckney hits just com. . ' pleted sendiug , out 500 graips f corn to each of 325 boys and 35 girls in the count v who have W agreed to compete in a corr,1w growing contest , and the genial uperintendent doesn't stuttcr in l'xpressing the opinion it was one of , the most particular , laborious and monotonous jobs he has undertaken since assuming the duties of otlice. He at first thongbt of joining Buffalo county n a contest of I thl : > Iciuc1 and scnt out circulars I in ord r to learn how Ulanrpl1pils woud ! enter , atHl was sutprised to receive responses from nearly Clue , .uru1red. 'l'his inclined him to the helief that as many more would cuter a straight Custer . I county cent st , 1 > 0 anot b er clr" I . eutal' or .inqutry was scnt out. witb the result above stated and before the end of this week 370 Custer county boys and girls will be lcrforming the agricultural 5tunt. li'ifteen cash prizes , graduated from $10 down to 50 cen ts , wil1 be a warded for the best ten cars of corn and the same amouifts for the best single ears , selected from fifteen samples not included in the groups of ten. 'l'he interest already manifested gl'eatty\pleases Sup't. Pinckney and he feels that his laboriou5 task will prove vastty beneficial to the grown.ups as well ns school children of the county. . - - - - - Co. 1\1 , Attention ! 1.'l1at peerless volunteer soldier , I Gen. Joh11 A. . L.ogal1 , as com- . mander"in-chief of the Grand Arm ) ' of the Hepubtic , issued an onler in IHS. designating the Jfth ) day of May of each year as I . r Ul corn 1 ion day anti requesting" all survidllg vcterans and patrio" : ic citizcns to unite in decorating tlH' gra\\'s of our country's de. fCllii'r , with the choicest llower of J1ril1utiU1c and by other ap' propriate exercises emphasizing the mcmory of their valor and heroic sacrifices. < 1'he National Guardsmen will readily recognizc in this observance a duty of lovc and an opportunity for patrioth expression by participating it the solemn exerC1ses of the day. . therefore all members of Cf. 11 l tl eg. N. N. G. will assemble at the Armory at 9:30 : a. m. 01 t5 May 30th , to take p3rt in the S I exercises of the day. All mem _ are earnestlv requested t ( If \ report ilt 9:30 : sharp. Blue uui . y form. Lno DItAN , Second Lieut. Com. Co. M , " . . . ' . . . . . " . Would You Take Boarders. Since the State Junior Normal at Brokcn Bow is assured , the atw tcmlance is expected to be far in' advance of any prevIous Sum" mer scbool. It is likely that , all available r00111S and boarding plnces will be ueeded. If you have roolUS to spare for lodgers , or if you will tak ( boarders d ur- ing the Junior Normal , plcase Icave your name , address , and all m'Cesliry ! information , at the office of the county Ruperintendw ent of schools. Prairie Hill Happenin s. Mrs. Kelley came home Sunday from a visit with friends near Arnold. Ed. Neth ( m fntuily visited Mr. Neth's in Union Valley last Sunday. Miss TAzzie I1iefle , of McKinley , /lpent / Saturday ntlll Sunday at Mr. I1ogaboon'/I. / Allie and Austin lurrow spent Sunday with their hrother , and ! ister near Merna , A hard wind I1truck this neighborhood Monday night hetwcen cleven and twelve o'clock , which bhw down n number of small buildings. A party was given to the young' people last Saturday night at the home of Mr. lIay's , everyone enjoying themgelves very happily. Ranncy's horse sale , Ricbanlson's barn. Broken Bow , 10:30 : a. m. , Saturday , May 2sth. . . ' Berwyn Breezes. This locality was favored by a fine rain on Tuesdu ) ' evening , Everything is looking fine at Iresent and it appears that the talked 0 ! dry season is broken. George Outzell and Elmer Cannon , of Wcsterville , wcre seen in BerwYIl on Wednesdny. Peter and Henry Rapp shippell cattle and hogs last Sun ay morning to Omaha. The hog market is stronger soni whnt since the rain. Jud Kay shipped hpgs to Omahn Wed. neslay } mor .ing. Mrs. Clem Juker returned from OrJ1aha Wednesdny morning where she went hI. most three weeks ago to have an opera lion for appendicits. John Wonlen and wife were in the Bow on Tuesday. James Davidson and son , Arthur , were in , the now Wednesday. James Carland received a shipmeht of fish from the state fish COlllul1ssion. "Jim" expects to put these in hi ! : . fishing pom1. Ranney's horse sale , Richardson's l.am . , Broken Dow , 10:30 : a. m. , Saturday. May 2S. _ . - - - - - - Dry Valley Doings. A li ht rain visited this parts last week . and laId the dust. John lIoahn ha a telephone . installed in his IlL'1\ ' residence last week. The Farmers club met , as per an nouncement , last Saturday , the 18th Jnst. aud a large crowd gathered and had a good time. The , next weeting vill , be at the residence of.Mr. mid Mrs. . Sq . ires the third Saturday in June. I Zaek Amos , Mr. Foss and others shi - pell stock to Omaha 'last week. They did not strike as good 11 market as 'an. ticipated. , Mr. Crownover , of Sargent , was through these narts last week in the intcrests of the T lephonc company. Mr. Wadsworth has decided to move into Comstock and remain there till faU. wllcn he will .take up his residence in Ansley. lIe has engaged in cistern , cellar - , lar and well digging. The oats are couling ou in good shape. They were kept back by recent cold weather , but with plenty of hot weather wi11not be long till they ar fully caught up to the avcrage year. Corn pllmting is the latest topic of the day , some finishing up , some about half doue and others just started. , The fruit crop in all probability is ba - ly injured this year although some blos soms are now ou the trees. . u'anney's horse slIle , Richardson's barn , Broken Bow , 10:30 : a. m. , Saturday , May 2S. " . . . - - - - - Zumbrota Zephyrs. Mr. Vannice and sou were traveling through this part of the county Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday morning as a youn man working for Wm. Barrett was gomg to the Bow with a load of hay : , he stopped at Nine McComas' for a dnnk when .his teum started to leave and ran until Butler Sands caught them at the "Hog beck. " During the high wind Monday night W. W. Bishop lost the roof and even the mangers were taken out of the cattle barn. Fortunately there was no stock in the l1rn. Several of the young people of "SnRke Run" attended the basket supper last Friday eveniug. Orin Cole has returned home after spendiug some time at Monroe , Neb. . Mis ! Zee Dishop visited over Saturday and Sunday at G. R. Russom's , north. west of Brok n Bow. Ralph Johnson is serving on the jury this week. Owing to the weather last Friday e\'ening the bllsket supper at Tappan Valley ! chool house did not have a very large attendance. A short vrogrnm wns well rCI1l1cre line } the proceeds amountell to :22.S0. A neat little SUUI considering the number present. Rnnn y's horse salc , Richardson's horn , Broken Bow , 10:30 : a. m. , Saturda ) ' , Ma ) ' 2Sth. / ' I I A pretty home welhling occured at Mr. I and Mrs. G. J. Martin's on the evening of Mfty IS , ] 907 , at seven o'clock. when I their eldest daughter , Ida Ellen , was ' united in marriage to Mr. Frank K. Griffith , Rev. Thompson officiating. The bridal couple. with 1i5S Griffith as bridesmaid an Mr. Wythe Martin as best ml1n , entered the pdrlor as Miss Bertha Koozer rendered Mendelsshon's "Wedding March. " Rev. Thompson performed a very impressive ceremony and after congratulations the guests were ushered to a ountiful and appetizing - supper. The bride was attire in a beautiful white silk and wore cream . roses. The groom wore the convention. al black. The bride has lived In ( jur comwunlty for the past six ycars amI has mad wauy friends who regret to see her . ' . . . . . . . . . . . - . .7" " ' " " ' ! " " - " 'II' . - leave the vicinity , but wlllh her much joy and happiness for the future. Mr. Griffith fs young mau of good charac. ter and has prepared a home for his' ' bride in Drokcn Dow , where he is en. I gaged I in business. I II B. & M. Train Schedule WEST IJOUNV : I No. 31) 10calllaR oullcr. cx. Sunday. ar. 6:20 : p ItI 41 coaat 1J:1RRetllCcr. : dally , leave..6:50 am 43 coalt paRRClIlCer. dally lcave..U:24 : n m 47 local rrcllCht. arrlvc . . . . . . . . . . . , .2:10 : pm EAST BOUND. No. 40 local pa8sc"lCcr.lcavc. . . . . . . . . . . .9:30 : am 4ZcoaRt paSRCtllCer , leave . . . . . . . . . .6:21 : p'm 44coa8t passcnlCer.leavo..5:2Ja m 48 local frcllCltt arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:10 : p m 3' ) atld 40 110 ) jot rutl west of BroKen Dow. . Schedule of Broken Bow Maill. Schrdule or arrival and dcparture of malls frolll Droken Dow tlOst office , 1'0uclleR for cast closc as rollows : 'rralll No. 40. 9 a. m. ; No. 4Z , 5:45 : 1) . 111. ; No. 44.7:4 : : ; p. nt. PoucheK ror wcst clo e all rollow ! ! : 'l'raln No. 43,7:451' . III. ; No. 41.6:30 a. 111. Office huur8. 7:1. III. to 7:30 : p. 111. Olllce opeu Sunlla-s from 9 to 10 a. 111. 1..11. JEWETT. 1' . M. NOTICE 'ro CRJ : DTORS. County Conrt. Custcr Couuty. Nebraska. Tile crelUtors or tile estate or Mary 1. . Strath. dee. deccaKcd. Take notlcc. That I will sit at the Connty ( 'ourt ruom. In IJroken 1I0w. In said County. c.n the 11llIt day of July. 19071 and on the 7th day or December. 1107 , each at 0 o'clock a. m' or each day. to recclve aUlt cxamlno all clalmM alCalust Kalil estltc. with a vlow to their adJultlllent ( and allowance. 'l'ho tlule lImltcll ror the prescntatlon or claims alraillst said estate Is ! llx months from the 25th day or May. 1907. and tI time limited ror paymcnor debts Is oue year from 8alll date. Uatcil May 18. 1907. A. R. lIUlIIl'IIREV. County Jadlle. J'lrRt Pllb May : ZJ-4t ; - - - - J.A. . ARM.OU1 , . Attorney at a'N. Broken Bow.iNebr. . IIavlulC JURt had cllCltt 'earH practical exper lence as COUllt ) ' Julille. wl11lClve special atten tlun to tile drawlalf alllt r > rolmtllll : ' or wills anll the allntlllistratioll of eslates ur deccascd pcr. ROilS al1l1mlllOrl : . Write or plloue mc. I may eave yOU p triP. o.f.I OON HAD. -/D\I\t.r ! In . . ' Pump. . Wind. MII1 . 'fmk . Fltllng , . GlIDolln , Enllnolll'lo.Ctc. Broken 1I0w. NcbrMkn DR. CHRISTENSON. Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat and Chronic Diseases. Fitting of Glasses. Office in Realty block. FRANK KELSEY" ALL KiNDS OF WELLS' Consult him If you want Water. Phone . . 112 , w Broken Bow. I DR. c. B. JOB , , Physician "and Surge n Office and residence opposite U. D. church. - m mm m m m mm I Phone No. 27. I Livery Stable I , W. A. DILLAVOU , Prop. . . . - ' . i Our special aim Is to please ] Jatrons and wIth this In view the stable Is equipped willi all kinds of goers and vehicles , which we hire out at the I most reasonable of reasonable rates , Care Is excrclsell that harness and buggies are In ! lound condition. _ We 110 any and all kinds of olld jobs , _ m mm s m s DR c. ICKErT , Prof ssor of Psychology. Lincoln edi cal College. Office at residence , one-half block east of U. D. Church. Chronic diseases given specIal attentton. 'Phone 147. : I'U.n:1 : : : : her By the load or by the car load. No mattcr bow much or how little you may need. We arc here to do the right thing witb you , both in quality and pricc. H. T. BRUCE & CO. Lumber and Coal. to - , , - " I r Look out for Bugs and Flies I Let us SeI'een your I ' : Windows and . Doors. A larg assortment of screens on hand. Dierks lumber & Coal Co. , J. E. WILSON , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practlco III Stale and Federal Courts. Abstract - stract of titles examljed. Real Estate and MI1111clpal Law a spcclalty. Dealer 111 Real Estate. Strict attention II'h'en to all busljcHs Officc 111 Neyer Dlock. Pllollc 80. llroken Dow GRIFFITH & REEDER , I , are pleased to a < 1vise you they bave purchased of F. . 1-1. Smith and requ st your drayiug patronage _ i for the ' II I II I I Oity Transfer the line that II I I Responds Promptly I Deliv rs Quickly/ , ' Oharges'Reasonab Iy nd Pleases Patrons II' . ' 0 0-- - - , Give us a trial and you'll be with us always ever afterward. For the present , until the Telephone company can supply us with a line , phone your orders to Dierk's L' & C. Co. . ! ! _ . --II . / . . . . . . . . .Jlerd Iin It clefl D7. . . . . . . . . Crhl1' ( ' ! ! CJ t Nt1. 717035 , , f'I ' J..BRENIZER ( , llreeaCt "r Pnre Scotch and Scotch Topped Short lIorn Cattle. My hcrd nunlbers 40 cows. Will CO\l1' pare In breodlnll' aud quality with any west of Chlcallo My experlenco has taught me that to i Illve lloodBatlBfactlou. breedlnll cattle mnst be . rulHCdln till" . .Ultude. I expect to r I et1lell1 here the eqlln' of allythllll : raised In'hl'l ' U. S. I now h.1ve25 bulls suitable j ror thIs alld ncxt year' ncnlcc. My cows Aieillb from 1400 to 2000 pounds. Come and Ree ben'F J".r J".r . .D : F ' I The Advo , I 1 I Restaurant I . \ c. E. STOUT , Prop. b 8 S - I . R t g First-class in Ever ) ' Respect. , Short Orders , a Speciqlty. Lunr.h COl1ntc ; : ; 'onnectiol1. ti - Our pies Are Unexcelled. R Try one-or more. n . : . . .M ; o' d . - - HARRY KIMBALL , Practical Undertaker I Llcnsed Embalmer ! Dusiness phone , 301. Residen e 334ll Urokco. Bow , No . 1 MARTHA K.wD1LL , I HSTRUCTORI. , OF PIAUO.PORTE ! Classe ! in Theory of Music , Harmony . aud Kindergarten. - piano lessons of 40 minl1tes , So cellts per le son , payable monthly. In Gleim & Myers block. . rokeu Dow , ' - - - Nehraska. , ) Let us be your printer. The . good. kind of printi on . , J _ _ l SPRING TIME All humanity in Custer county has been patiently awaiting .A- the arrival of the gladsome spring and now that it is here , -LET ALL BE JOYFUL. One way to do this is to come here and make your purchases. Hera's a few 1tems j . for your consideration this week : , Do not tote the baby around in your arms , which , G 0ar t S is liable to dislocate your vertebrae , and in such an event the doctors would charge heaps to mend it. Use a go-cart and save your b1ck. We have 'em from $2.50 up. . \ r A full line of late designs , comprising anything F Urnl t ure and everything at prices hat will sa\'e money I , for you and cause great JOY to permeate your home. Don't bny until you have investigated this stock. . ' It's time to begin lookjng fr the ice Refr.lg .r ' " 't 0 rs man. Be prepared to gwe hUI1 h coo ) reception by purchasing one of these re- frigerators. We havehem at ' 14 and , up. . In this department w gli ten and of \.l fljsol.lna Stoves fer exceptJonal bargatn3 In the very hest makes , which we guarantee.Ve have them in many styles and at prices from $2.75 up. , Don't permit it to et Th e 'rass lS 'rOwlng to.o tall before cutting ' ' I wIth one of these DES' ! I.A WN MOWERS The prices range from $3.50 up. : J.G. VanCott. " - . . VanCott.w -w . . J ' i : " I it The Advo . is acknow 1edged to be the best p1ace in Broken Bow to buy good groceries for the ) east money. \ t 'l'he highest market price paid for \ produce. Ii - 1 Goo oil a RPocia } ty. t . m > ' . , 't 'J. ' --.L . . . I" I .