Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 16, 1907, Image 8

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    . . - - - _ . . . . " ' ' ' , . , . . " . -11
_ _
P-hc : ; > VVe 1 ; E : r
t . . handl . [ I'eed in sma1l quantities for the retail trade
pecinl attention. given to fi 1ing orders for coal
In any quanttt ) ' . 8
Bo\v N ebl'asJta
Uroken \ , - -
. .JOO' : . & / . : . . . : o' .r.r.r x9
f : Ior Sale
, . . . . . _
--1------ -
9 High-Class Jacks.
Part in : Miley's and part in Hichardson's barll.
Broken Bow , N ebrasku. ,
These 'Tacks are mostly black with white points , good length ,
good height. good weight , good style , quick performance and ' 1ure
foal getters. Better breeders don't live.
The breeding season hus commenced and these Jacks wiil be sold
at less than their value. 'l'hey are sure money-makers.
Prices and terms right. Come and set : them. D , A. COLYER
. . - -
We are now about ready for
h1iving cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchancHse.
New goods are now arriving daily and our many lines will
soon be complete. When you are laking for
Good V l ues nd Honset Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats caps , shoes , rugs.
I carpets. mattings , lineoleums , notions , etc. , don't fail to look
) " I our lines ver. : tot
! 1.\ I
I , _
j J B " : : . ' . 1,1) . ,1. " ' . . . . " . . . . . . " 'J" . , . , . , " , .c-Yi 01 , ) . - ' I . . . . I. , 1.1 : " . . . ' , 1- . . . , . ' . . . " .II.'O. , .r. . . ' r.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . " . . " . . . . . . ' t " . ; r . . ' " . I. . . . . . " . " . . . . 'f" . ro. : _ ' . . "rno. . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . : , , . . . , . . . , > . . : . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . " . " . . . . . , ' . . ! ' ite. . , : . . . . . . . . , : . . . . , . " . i . _ : . ; . . . " !
l f.I\ I ) ! 'When desiring to figure on a bilI tj
I" ; 1 fi ! . . . . ' . . . . . . ! , A
J . 0 f L um b er ca II on t h c. 1
\ f' ) I I I ' C. L. Turner Lumber Co.
1 i W'e ' carry a fun stock of Lumber. J
} ' . ti Sasb , Doors , Mouldings , etc. .
y. . j Ag.en s for tbe Nebraska Cen : ral " 1
' Bmldlng & Loan Assoc1ation. ; : ! ! . .
, I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ! . ; . ;
" " " ' ' '
: e : "I ' : '
' t ' ' p. '
f' ) 9 , 'iiel , m ! E'i'lii'li : ! 'FJ : 'Iiii 'i m' ; 'Ii.i .
. ' 1 -
if here by purchasing
. .
I IJI 011111I1I11I11I1111 III1'"lInIlW ' IUIIIMIIUIIIIMIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIII ' 1111111I11.11111I1111I. " " " ' 111110111111111111" " 111111'11I"11I"11\1 ' \ .
i \ I Paints , Oils , I.
I Hardware ,
D Furniturc , I
i 1' ' Flour , Feed i
Seel. i'
. . .
IIIY'"ti''IIIIIIIIIII. ' ' IIIIUlllllllllllln 11111110 'nlllllllllUlIlIIlIlIIlIlI ' 1111111I " ' 111111111I11'1111111111 ' IIlIllIn "II.II""IIIIIIIII' " '
J. W , _ S C 0 T.T .
Soutb SidelSquare , Broken now.
. , . 2' '
I - - - - - - - -
. ' Send your Abstract Orders to
. ;
. . , ,
, ' : Sonded Abstracter
\ ! Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
. f U. " J"r ( ! U.-
. "
- Before You Build. Consult '
C3reo. : Japin.ea-u : ,
Contractor and Bull : Jar. Estimates
i I Furnisbed free with plans and spedfications. .
J 1.1
) . .
- - - -
- - - ' -
C. - vvJ30"VVnl.8JX1 : : : :
I -
' Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
t ! At the OLD STAN D.
: I Real.Estate. . . . City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-resideuts.
Will buy some good paper.
: : I Can and see me.
, c. VV. . : E3C > : nl.a..n. :
. .
. . ,
- , " "
. . .
. . . . . , . ,
. , . b. _ _ _
Free Public Hiib School Attendance.
l1"or several ses ions the Nebraska -
braska legislature has tried to
formulate an adequate law for
free High school pr'il gcs
throughout the state. 'l'wo or
more ! : ! uch laws have been passed ,
but declared not constitutional.
'rhe present law was drafted after -
ter careful consultation with
eminent .jurists , and is believed
to be withiu the rcquirements ,
This law providc ! : ! that all pupils
of auy public scho l .
the state are to have the privilege -
ege of four years free instruction
in Hig h school.
The requirements are as follows -
lows :
'rhe pupil must have a statement -
ment I rom the county superintendent -
tendent of tbe proper countj'-
stating that said pupil bas com.
pleted tbe Eighth grade , and
cannot secure furtber ad'ance -
ment in th district of bis or her
residence. ( 'rhe same appkes to
those who have completed the
work of the Ninth , Tenth or
Eleventh grade. )
'rhe parents ( or guardian ) of
the pupil desiring this priyilege
shall make application in writing -
ing , to the county superintendent -
ent of the proper county stating
I the number of the school district
in which they liye , the number
of pupils for whom this privilege
an the grade which each ot the
pupils is to cnter. This application -
tion must be made to the county
superintendent not later than the
second Monday in June.
It then becomes the duty of
the county superintendent to
notify the district in which
said pupils reside , which district
shall levy a tax for this purpose ,
sufficient to pay the tuition of
said pupils t the school of their
choice , at the rate of seventy-
five cents per week. If the district -
trict shall fail to vote such tax ,
it becomes the duty of the district -
trict board to order such levy ;
and iu case both the district and
district board shall tail , it becomes -
comes tbe duty of the county
superintendent to make and deliver -
liver to tb county clerk an itemized -
ized statement of the amount
necessary to be levied. The
clerk sball include these amounts
in the levy for school purposes.
The princiDal thing for all to
remember wl o desire to take ad-
van'tage of the provisions of this
act may be re.stated , as follows :
S tisfactory evidence must be
furnisbed that the pupil has completed -
pleted tbe work of at least the
Eight ! ' " ! gradc , and that the I
higher grades are not taught in i
the district of residence.
Application must be made to
the county superintendent not
later than the second Monda , . ' in
Since the law provi ei that
the rate'of tuition shall be
seventy-five cents per wet'k , it is
probahle that High schools will
generally make this the rate of
tuition to be collected for all nonresident -
resident pupils.
County Superintendent.
DutD-In Broken Bow , Nebr. ,
Friday , May 10 , 190' ; ' , at 12:30 :
o'clock , noon , at the home 9f Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Rickell , Mrs.
Mary J. Hargett , aged 76 years
and 18 days.
The maiden name of the deceased -
ceased was Mary J. Brock , born
April 22 , 1831 , at Uricksville ,
Ohio , and < vas'united in marriage
with Amos E. Hargett July 3 ,
1857 , to which union seven
children were born five of whom
are living. namely : Mrs. Emma
\Valters , and Er.ra Hargett , residing -
ing at Seward , George Hargett
and Mrs. W. C. Hickell , Broken
Bow , nnd Mrs. Ernest Pierce ,
Georgetown. I .
Mrs. Hargett came to Broken.
Bow with her husband-who
died about five years " 'go an
family in 1887 and resi ed here
until ten. years ag'o when sbe
moved to Seward , Nebr.
Funeral services were held at
1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Rickell on Saturday , May 11th ,
conducted by Rev. R. H. 'l'homp-
son , of 'the M. E. church , of
which sbe was a member. The
remains were taken to Seward
for interment.
Lands in Canada.
Of the 90,000,000 acres at fertile -
tile land in the West of Canada
the government has allotted 75-
280,000 and has enl } ' 14,180,000
left , In 1906 the crop acreage
ot Monitoba , Saskatchewan and
Alberta , with a population of
806,928 was 7,282,719 acres. Only -
ly a sma)1 ) proportion of this has
fallen Into the han s of bona
fide farmers. Forty million acres
of the fertile lilnd given out uy
tbe go\'ernment 1S in the h nds
of companies , syndicates and
private and otber owners , all of
whom are holding for the purpose -
pose of obtaining higher prices. .
. . .
. . . .
A Rare ' Opportunity
. is here offered to the
t : ick and Suffering
of our Community.
Read , Reflect , Act
carefully thoroughly accordIngly
Visitnig pecial sts
and SURGERY , ' .
Cleveland. Ohio ,
will paytheirfirt : ! ? visit to
Broken Bow , Nebraska ,
and will be at the
Grand Central Hot ] ,
Saturday and Sunday
lVIuy 18th and 19th.
Two Days Only
9 a. m. to 7:30 p. m.
. . .
This Institnte in order to introduce
Iheir ncw Medleal DiBcoveries and X-
Rll1ium Systcm , sen s at its own ex.
ensc thcsc emincnt specialists to give
to thee wlio cull on the above date ,
'ommltation , eJlmination , ndvice and
.11 medicine r quired' to complete ' "
11'l' , : l ! . ' : ] utcly free.
he c IIpeclt.lists will dingnose your
.M : 1Ic1 gi\'c you the benefit of thcir
o Imowhdge. 'I.'heir is no ex-
z1' mel1ting 01" ( ; 'UCSS worlc. You will
to d whether you call be cured or
) t. If. ) our casc is curable , they
treat ) "ot\j if incurable they will give
you ! : ' 1I.h a . . 'i.c a rpay prolong your
lifc. . .
Thdr treafment gives quidt relief
and positi\'cl ) ' Cur b. Being llrepared
to suit each indiyiduul CIlSC the human
system tllIJruughly cleansed ( If tI ,
discascin a natural aud direct Immllc (
and improvement is uoticcd at OIlCC ;
even the wor t cas\ . arc treated , : .itn.
out an ) ' incouvcuicnct to the paticnt
or the pursuiuJr : of his ( bUy vocation.
If you arc improvlug muler your family -
ly ph'slcian o 110t Cor.1e alld take up
their vaIn able Umc. 'l'hc'y witlh to gi\'c
each oue } llcut ) ' of .time , but cannot
listcn to 10llg torlc : : > tot pertainillg' co
your cast.
Thcy havc dl curded the old rCJl ( ' ' '
dics uscd for a Ci by the medical
world fir" . , .ich it would be folly to
dcpend UpOll any lonrrc1' for they ,10
not curc , a5 thtjusancls dl depcndiug
" )11 thcm fqr relief.
The fact that these Specialists have
discovered cntirely new treatments
and natural cures , gives them coutr l
of the Nervou System , Heart , Stom.
acb , L ngs , Kidne's , Cntarrh , CGll
sumption , Epilepsy , Deafness , Mt&te
and 1J'cmalc ' , Canccrs ,
Turners ; PilC9 and other Chronic Dia.
'fhey treat deafn 9s by 311 entircly
ncw method and hearing in many caies !
is rcstored at oncc. 'Catarrh in alllt
yaried forms cnred so it wilt nev.r re.
turn. If you have wc.k lungs or con.
sumption . . UO 110t bit to be examincd.
AU cases treated' can nnd will bc
curcd , no < 1ifferncc who ) 'ou have secn
or trcated with hcrctoforc. Thqusands
who havc givcn up all hope of being
cured , now have an opportunitr ; tocon.
sult specialists of reputation.
Dent fail to call as a vil\it : costs voU
nothing aud may save : nmr lifc.
II ) 'ou suspect khlnc } ' troublc , bl'ing
a two ouuce bottle of your urine for
chcmlcal : md microscopical nnal > , sl .
\IEMnFm.-Thc : free offer is
during this visit only amI will 'not be
givcn again.JerGons commenciug
any trcatment after lhla trip wi11 be
require to pay , but not enc cent 'will
be asked of those commencing trat- !
ment during this visit for any mClllcine
necessary to effcct a cure ; also a posi.
live guarantee to cure wilt be given to
patients acccptcd under th ir system
of treatmcu' Those having long
standing and complicated dls ases.
wbo have failed to gct cured and be.
come discouraged , are especially invi.
ted to call as thousands who have
given up all hopes cau tentify to pcr-
m l1cut c.urt.'s obtained.
NOTICE-l\Inrricd : Ladles without
thelr Husbatlds , .and Minortl withou (
their Ftlhers" wl11 positively not Ix
d111itted to co11tm1tation.
Office HOllr : : > : I ) A. 1\I. to 7:30 : P. M ,
'Oon't Forget tbQ Da" ' ' '
Saturday and Sunday , May 18t and 191b
I Two Days Only.
. - - - -
. - - - - -
" . . , . . . ,
_ J. 1 > : ; 4
SOME , I-IEI l :
Special to California :
Low rate Summer tours to
San Francisco and Los
Angeles , a bout half rate until -
til MaJ' 18l , also June 8th
to 15th ; June 22nd to Jul\
5th. Slightly higher Ilail
commencing 'June hi ; smull
, extra cost via Portland and
Seattle. :
Big Horn Basin : I
We run personally conducted "
homeseekers excursions May
7th aud 21st , June 4 and 18th
under guidance of D. Clem ,
Deaver , General Agent. I
Landseekers' Information
Bureau , to assist settler ! ? to
secure an ( 'arty hold at cheapest -
est rates of magnificeut irrigated -
gated lands in the Big Horn
Basin ; write' about these
lands. Round trip $20.00.
Cheap Rates East :
'I' Jamestown gxposition
daiI ) ' low rates ; via New
York slightly higher. During -
ing the Summer low excursion -
sion rates to Atlantic City.
Saratoga Springs , Pl ilt-
delpha. also to the Seasqore
and Mountain resorts.
Rocky Mountain Tours :
To Colorado , Utab , Black
Hills , Cody , Sheridan ,
Yellowstone Park. Daily
low rate tours after June ist.
H. L. ORMSBY , 'l'icket Agent.
L. W.V AKRLUY , G. P. A.
Omaha , Nebraska. "
. . . . .
- - - . . . - - - -
, -
HOAD NO'l'1Cl- . '
' '
1'0 whomlt may conccrn : I
'fhe commissioner appointed to'Iew and If ,
deemed for the public good , to locate a road I
for hy J.II. Price , et al. cOl1lmcnc. I .
ng at Ihe southwest corner of : lectlon : tl ,
townlklp 17 , ranle : ! I , thence nurth on sec. I
line to a IJohlt about 80 rolls , ; uuth of cor.ncr
of S'Cl. 17 , H ! . 1IItI ! , Ihence northwestcrly tea
a polut on section line betwecn I > ectlons III :11111
19. about 40 rodl west of corner of sections
17 , IB , 19tI ! , thence north allli northeasterl } '
to a point on section line about 00 rollii south
of ! IUarter cornt'r b tween sections 17 antllB ,
thence north ou section line to cornel' of sec.
tlonl 'iII. 17 anIIII , hal reportel In fa\'or of
the eetabllshment thereof , an all objections
thereto. 01' claims for damages , must he lIled
In the count } ' clerk's ontcc ou or Lefore noon ,
of the 15th day of July , 1007 , 01' sllch roa will
be established without reference thereto. I
In Witness " 'hereof , I have hereunto set ,
my hand and seal of salol co un I } ' . this 15th
day of May , 1007. .Jos. P1GloIAN ,
[ SEAL ) County Clerk.
Flrsl pub May 16-lt
Unlte States Laud Ollice. t
North Platte. Nebraska. May H , 1907. r
Notice Is hereby II'lven that JOON LAUVER'
of Broken Bow , Nebraska. bas filed notice of
his Intention to make final five year proof In
lIupport of his claim. vlz : Homestea,1 Entf } '
No. IB.536 made July 31.1900 , for the e sw- ( .
au wYo se ' of slctlon 10. townshh ) II > N. .
ranll'e ZZ W. . aud that said proof willIe lUa e
before A. n. Humphrey. county judlle. at hili
office at Uroken How. Nebraska , on June 24.
1m. He names the fol1owlnll wltne'lses to
prove his continuous residence upon. aud
cultivation of. the lan,1I vlz : David Coulter ,
of Brokeu 1I0w. Nebraska ; Vaulel Uarrett. of
Broken Bow , Nebraska ; James l\l. Whnmer ,
of Broken Bow , Nebraska : John J. Phillipson ,
of Broken Bow. NebraRka.
. J. E. } : V ANt ! . Rel'lsler.
First pnb May lli-oIt.
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'fhe comml"rolle" appolnled to'Iew and It'
deemcd for tilt. pUhllc gOOll , \'acate a roal1
petitionell for It } ' 'I' . : 'of. Colly , et al , . and de.
: lcrlbed as foil 0 11':1 , to"wlt : Comll1euclol { at
the southwest Comer of section I : ! , township
20 , range 19. thence south on tlw section line ,
one mile aUlI a half , or to the bouthwest
corner 01 the northwel > t H of section : ! i ,
'l'hence we lot to the Cummlng'l l'nrk road , as
laid out on road IJlat book ot Custer county ,
and 'Vest Unlpn preclnct , has reported In
fa'or of the vacation thereof. and :111 objec"
tlons thereto , or claims lor damages. must be
tiled In the County Clerk's olllce on or before
noon of thc lOth ! lay of Jul1007 , or IJuch
rOlll will . bc'acatell wfthom rcfcrI'lIcc
In Witness whereof , I have hercunto sct
my hand and ! I"al of sahfcoUnty this 11th day
of Ma ) ' , 1007. JO'l. : PWMAN ,
( ! : lEAL ) County Clerk.
f.'lrst pnb May \I-tt \
- - ' - -
. ItoAO NO'l'ler , : .
' 1'0 whom It may cOllccrn :
'l'he cOllllOlsoloner alIJolllted to view alld If
deemed for the pUblic gOOlI to locate a rouJ :
pdltlonel for by l'ett'r Nordell , ct ai , com-
mellclnll at thcbouthwest corller of section
33 , townehlpl3. range : ! : ; , tlH'nCt. t'a"t 011 the
county IInc to tbe southeast corner of .Id
! lectlo ! ' :13. : towlIshh ) 1:1 : , rangt. : ! 5 , one , WIle
hal'reporh'd In fn-u" : 01 the cl > tahlllhllll'lIt
then'of. alltl all ohjectlons thereto. or clalllls
lor tlalllalWs , lIIust be IIIl'l1 In the. Vounty
Clerk.1i onlce on 01' before 110011 of ll1e : 10th
day oj July , 1007. or " 'Ich road will b ! estab.
IIshed 'without refcrence thereto.
111 Wltlless Wh"rt'ot , I haVe hereunto , wt
m ) ' hand and ! lcal of said county. this Oth tlay
of Ma ) ' , 1M Jos. PJ01tAN . ,
[ S1-ALJ : Count ) Clerk
1-'lrsl pub May 9-tt
- - - - - - - - -
County Court , ClIster county , Nebraska.
'rhe creditors of the estate of Georll'e 'V.
Lanll , deceased.
'rake notice , ' 1'hat I wl11 sit at the Coltnt } .
Court room , III Broken Bow. In'sald County. on
the lath day of June , 1907 , and on the l th day
of Novenlber , 1907 each at 10 o'clock a. m. of
each day. to reculve and examine all claims
allalnst said estate.
'rhe time limited for the lresentatlon of
claims aialnst said estate Is IIlx months from
tbe 10th day of Mav. 1907. and the time 11m lied
for payment of debts Is one ) 'ear from lIald
Dated ltlay 10th. 1907.
[ SEAL ) A. R. HUMl'nl < K\ , Count } . Judge.
First ub IlIa } ' 16t
COUnl } ' Courl , Custer COUIUY. Nebraska.
'rhll creiltors of the estate of Jane P. Klump ,
Taku uotlee. 'fhat I will lilt at the COlluty
Court 1'0011I , III Urokeu Uow , In Hald County ,
on the Illth d"y of JUlie , 1'107 , and 011 the 15th
day of November. 1907 , each at 10 o'llock a. m.
of each tla ) ' . tu receive allll e.xamillu all claims
I ulCalllllt Rahl estate with a view 10 their :1tljullt.
lIIent aud allowance.
'l'he tlllle IImltetl for the preselltatloll of
claim II alCalnBt Bald estate Is six 1II0nthll frum
the 13th da ' of Ma ' I9Oj
) } , , andlhe time limited
for payment of eblllloue ! ) ear frulllllaid date.
Datr May t3,100i' .
[ IIUAL ) A. R. UU PIlKI > Y , Count ) ' Judge ,
} 'Irtit pub ay 11I-4t
- - -
' 1'0 whom It ' concern :
'l'hc mat oller n pointed to view and
If dccme1 for t Ie : PUbfto teed ( , 10 locata
road pctllioned for by ( ' . \ \ . Ohalmull. et ul ,
commencing at thc northcast cornel' of lec. f
tlon 13 , tOWlI , III , . .anRe : " ' 0 , unU runuh1g .
thence liouth on the l'IIngl' line to a point
about 20 rods : louth of the poulhcapt corneJ"
of the ne of the Ul' 'of Mectlon : ! I , township' "
1\1 \ , rallge'O : a11l1 thcn In a Nouthwestcrl } ' dl-
recti on on the IIIOSt practical route to con.
\ ' with 1'Oall No. 8O\Ihas reported favor .the
cstabllshment thneof , an all objectionl , or clallUP ! for llnnages : , must be llec1 ! .
in the coUllt } ' clerks otllce on or before noon
ot the : ith day of July. Il'07 , or : luch road wll1
be establlshet without refl'rcnce Ihereto.
In wltlll'IIS whereof , I ha\'c hereunto let .
UI ) ' hand and : ll'al of : laid county. tills 2nd
da } ' ofI ! a } ' , Ill1/ / ' . .
[ 'lEAL . ! Jus. l'IO.lA'ount : ) ' Clerk.
j. t IJ l\I : ! '
: : _ _ _ _
. .
NO'fICE or 1'1'l'I'1'ION. : ;
i.t.ttc 01 Mary 1. . Stralbd e. deceased , .111
Coullty COlirlOr CURter counu' , Nebras a ,
'rhe Stue ot Nebrallka , ' 1'0 al11 > enonll Inter-
e led In R:111l eSlule , lak 1I011ct' , luat a petition
ha be 1I 1I1ed 'or IbtIpolutlllent III JOI"III& ;
Murra ) ' au admlulstrator of ald e..tale , whhh "
ha'l bc n lIet fur l1earlnl/ / ' lie rei" , UU ; \ Ia18tb. .
1W ; . at 10 o'clock a , III ,
aJatedla ; } ' 1st. lW7.
rSK.U , ) A. R. UUMI'UHKV , CLluUIY Judl/e.
J'lr , 1 ) leb May : l-31
- - - - - -
BOAU NU'l'H.'g.
' 1'0 whom it lIIay CII/ICern / :
'l'he cum missioner IlIJpolnted 10 view alld If
decmetl tor the pUblic gooll , to lucah : anl1.
\'acale a luIJlIc road pelltloned fOI' by C. .
"I'ooley , et ai , descrlLed as tollowl , to-w1t :
' 1'0 locate a road , commcnclng at the sO\1th.
east corner of the ne , of : lecUon 30 , toWn 11/ / . . ,
range : " ' 0 , running thence due west , on 01' ai
near the half section line as practlcable one
mlle : Il1tenectln road No.Ir \ ! , and followln
same y. mile Ol-lh and mile west , tbence
In a.northwesterly direction as Ihc road h ,
now travelcd , thence In a Southwcsterly 'dl. .
rectlon Intersecting roal1 No. : r.'t ! at a point
aboUt 1tI ! rodli east of the norlllwelt corner . I
of section 20 , township III , range 21. All o to. .
vacate tllat part ot roads No. 257 and II anew
now platted of whlchlhl'i Is 10 take the place
has repol'lelt In fa " 01' of the estab lshment
anI'acatlon thereof , and all obJectiona
thereto or claims . tor damages , must be tiled
In the Count } clerk'5 omce on or before noon
of the Mh day of Jllly 11107 , or such ro:1d : w\11 \
be cstablllhed ami'acated without reter nce
t h\reto. .
In " 'lInes ! ! Whereof , I ha "e hereunto sei.
.IIIY hand and : : leal uf saltl county , thl5 Intl :
lIax 01 Ma ) ' , 1007.
Is" , . . . ! . ! Jos. PJUIAS , COllnt ) ' Cll''k.
. 'Irlt pub May 2-1t
COllilty Court , Custer COUlll ) ' . NeIJraska.
'l'he credltor of tbe elltate uf Skiles W.
Klu hahl , eceased.
'l'uke notice. 'l'bat I will set at the COUllt
Court room , lu Brollen How. In sal County. '
ulltlte 1Uth day tlf June J901 , and on the 3181
day of O t. , lW7. eaCI1 at 10 o'clock a. m. . of
each day. to receive au examine all claims' .
all'aluBt said estate. with a view 10 their adjuat. f
mcnt and allowance ; and that on the first date
above the petitions of widow will be lIeard for
1I0militead. exemptions , allowance and other
Statlltory rlll'hts.
'rile time limited for the presentation of
cl lms asalnst sal estate Is six monll1s from
Ih9 2tJth day uf Aprll1W7. and Ihe lime IImlt l1
for. payment ' of debts Is one year' ' from .ala
Id .
VUed : April : : 100 ; . ,
A. R , HUMl'1JKKV , County Judlt'e. .
First pub. May 2oJt "
! tOAD NO'rlm : .
"fo whomlL may . : oncern :
'l'he cOlUmlHsloner appolntcd tu'Iew and if 4 .
lIecmed for the pUblic good 10 eitabllsh. and'
to vacatc'a tlUbllc road described as' ' follows : 1' .
cOlllluencing at a point : ! rods west of the , _
: : Ioutheast corner oi lIle bout/least / Iluat'tcr of' y. '
the bouth WClt ! IUarter of : lcctlon I : ! , 10wn.
ship III , range : ! 4. and run thence 'north to .
within : ! ronl of the : bU l'ml line , thence run
west to the sectlunllne on the west 'side ' 01'
scctlon I : ! , 10 connect with road No. , 113. ' Also .
to vacate that part of roall No. IItll from th , . "
point tlrst nam'll abo\'e 10 where It Inter-
sectl > road No. II : ! . has reportell In fa\'or of
the establllhment and \'acaUon Ihereof , nl1
all objections threto. or claims for .damages ,
lUust Ill' Ulellu Ihe lount ) . llerk's unlce on
or lJelore of the IUtlt da ' '
noon } of Jul ) ; 1007
or buch road will be establbhed and . vacated
without reference thel'cto.
In Witness Whereof , I have heteunto ser. \
m ) ' halul atHl seal uf > > ald county , thlj OUt day .
01lay ! , 1007. Jos. l'JOllAN ,
1ltAl. : ! County Clel'k.
h'st pllb : 'olar.9-1t
HOAD NO'rIC" . .
' 1'0 whom It m y concern : _
'l'he commls.loner : appointed 10 "iew and , If .tit
lIeemed for thc pUblic good to locate a 1'011 : r
petitioned for b ) ' H. G. lIonr , et ai , com. .
menclng 80 rods south of norlhwest corner .
of section 1. tu\\'nshl 13 , rangc : ; rlinnltlg .
rolls cast , thence'south as near as pra tlcal .
th1'oughn\\- ! section I , to\\nshll ) la , range
, 'al5o through sw ! lcctlon I , township 13.
r.uige : ! : ; , Inte11iecUng scctlon ' .lIne , betweeu . . , .
sectIOn I and 12 , township' 13. rang : ! : ; , and to. . -
\'acate road alrcady established bU.rods south .1'
of.northwest cornel' of section I , 10 IHctlon ' .
c nICr : . of I , : ! , 11 and 12 l'cspectlvel ) ' , ha re- , '
IJOrted In fa\'or of Ihe establIshment and " .
\'acaUon thereof , and all objeCtions thercto. ,
or claims for'lIamagel. IUl1st beUled hi .th : [
luunty Clerk's ol1lce ull or before noon of tht :
10th tlay of JuI ) ' , 1007 , or such ro&d : wm be
eotabllshell and , -acatcd withoUt r ference .
therel . .
In Wltncss Whereof , I h':1\'e : hereunto set. .
m } " han and seal of s&ld : count } ' , ' tlIllI : th ' .
da } " of "Ia } " . 1\107. \ . Jos. PWlI.&N ,
[ REAL ! County Clerk.
1"lrst } IubIa : ) ' II-tt . . . .
. . , ' . ,
ROAD NO'l'lm : .
' . "
' 1'0 wh m It may concern ;
' 1'he cOUlmlssloner ap olnt . d to vlelY. and
If ,1It'l1\e,1 for the public .good. 10 locate a
road pctltloned for b } " M. n. J.'o ter , et : iI , "
commencing at the sOlJthcast COllier of the
northeast , pI'lectlonl1 , townslt\t \ III , range '
2 : ! running \H'sl n UI ! ! ' : l cllon 1I11Oll
ml1e.thl'llce north 1tI ! rods on the se llonllne .
thence to angle acrosS the l'orner of 't111 :
northeast ot : lectlon III , township 19 , range : : . .
2'J , to Intersecllald out road on bel.tlon Une.
bas rcported In fa\'or of till : e tablllhment :
thereof , 'alld all bjectlon' ) Ihereto , or claims
for damages. mu t be tiled In thc rQunt ) " . , \
Clerk's ontce on or herore nooll of tlte 101/1 / I .
day of July , 1007 , 01' such'road111 III" clta . .
IIlilted without rcference thereto. ,
In'wltn > s " 'hcreof. f Ita\'t. Iu'nunto set , " . .
11\ ) ' hand aod beal of salll Coulltr , this 8th day
' . .
of' ) ' . 1007. JOl ! : , 1'ICM N.
[ Si&LJ : County Clerk , .
.Flrst pub May II-It .
, .
. . '
HQAD.NO'f l- : . , ' . '
' 1'0 mar concern : "
'l'ItI.Conllnllslone1".tp : lOlnted to \ ' 11'and"U' J
deemed Cor Ihe lJUbllc good , to locale a road , J
petltl ncd for b } ' F. . J. Uoblltts' . et ' : al , COUI.
m nclng at west termlnllS of road'graU1t'
'J'hos. f.'lnlcn through section H , township U. .
rane : ! I. lcrmillus of said roa being UIl' .
halt st'tllo11 ; ctJrlH'r brt We11 : It'Ctloll5 H , 'and , .
I : ; , ton II , rall t' : ! I. froUl saill terlllinul > '
about 100 ranis toloblltt's alfalfa 11l'ld ,
thence abuut 100 ratl buUtlt h ) ' weSt 10
' 1'ucker\\Ile \ road , Ihence In a westerl } ' dlrcc-
HOIt'to \ loblltt.'Ine'ard ! on pUblic road to
Oconlo :1n,1 : Brok.en Bo\y , has l'eportcd In
fa'ol' of Ule e.tabllshmeot : thereo' ' . and all
objecllons Ihereto. or claims for am & e ,
JDUst be : tiled In the CountfJ'Clerk'S onlce on ,
or ! Jefore nooll . of the 10th : & ) ' of July , 1007 , , i
or such roal1. will bi : establlslled wlflnoUt.
reference Ibereto. ,
In Wl111ess Wbereof. 1 haVe hereunto 'lie ! : :
my hand and scal of said county , this tJth day
ot Mai" 1007. Jos. PWMAN ,
IsEAL CountY'Clerk. .
' .
"Irst pub : 'tIay 9-tt
. , iTo
To whom It ma ) " concern : '
The commllislontr alpolntel1 ) to view. : mrl .
If deemed for the pUblic goo .locate a.
road petitioned for b ) ' W. 'D. urant , < < : t al - '
commcnclng at or near. IItation No. . 29" l
roa No. UtS ! ! Inl cctIon I : ; , township Iii ; r " ng-e .
21. and running thence ealit on the's ct1on \ . .
line , a near as practicable 10 . .bout 20 rods .1 J
east ot the southwest corner of the southcalit J
sectIon 13 , township 18. I .
rangen : , tbtnce Iu 'j , I
a 50utheaslerl ' direction
) Ihrough. nortbeast
! - ( section ' 2 , township 18. range : JO , continue. i '
Ing In 'a SOUlbuliterly dlre lon through see" . "
tlOIl 19 , township 18 , range 20 , Inter ectlng ,
road No. 10 at or near station NoW. -
'fhe abon : route beln a toutc.ttavcled for
manY'eart. . ' .
'l'he abo\'e petltlolled road to br fort ) feet . .
wide. has t'ellonellin favor of Ih l.5tabllsb
metlt thereof according 10 llat ' ; 1IId re ort . ' ,
now un lIIe , and all objection. . tlwrelu or .
cia 1mb . fOI' tlamalt'l ; . must lie IIII'd In thl'
COllnt } Vlerk'lI onlce un or bet'ori ! noon of tht'
Ilth : da ) ' of Jul } ' , HIU7 , 01' : luch roall will lie
l'btabll hed Wllhout reference therioto
In WIUle Wbereat' , I have bercuiuo liet .
m ) ' hand ' and seal of 1ld 1 : count ) ' . tills 15tll
da ) ' ot' May , 1M. JOlt. llOM , , . ,
[ . lilAL ' : ] Count ) . Clcrk _ _ . . '
J.'lrtit lIub May Id t