\ . . . . . . . . . . . 'C . . . . . . . . ' . . . . - - " - ' ww.w. . . . . , . . . _ , . . _ . . . - WI' H' ' 1'1 " . - - - - . ' . . . . . . . , . . " . . d' N lu . C , . C ' lJor 1 ' 111 New.s..of . , ' a , . ' ' L qal a : tne 0 t. n . . , , . , . . , . 4f , t ! 'f' " 11 < If' " " 7- ' " . y.A - "vA"1'1r'11."v""YJ' ' : . .N'V'f'jr.t'r".i' ( : { . . . . , . . . . Dr. Cbristens . " . 'n' ' J'c'U' . ' M. , t I Y : evening for Omaha , C'xll tinw.to' : return home tomorrow. . 'rhe Broken Dow high school - * lIas ban team go to Callaway to- : : r. . , tIIorrow to try cnl1c1t1sion with " .I. th high slhool luh of that I \'IUage. I Will Davi 1I1..II .n lIurriccl .1 tlusiness trip to II.\stings , going Monday morning' and returning 'J'uesday evening. " , 'David Steadman , of Browillec , , ' . in ' , ! was transacting businesR ti'c ' 'r city yesterday. Mr. Stead.man . I was formerly a resident of Custel' ( ounty , uear Westen'ille. : By exact measurement the snow ; f.all last Thursday night was j ( nmcUy two and , one h111.f inche . deep. ' If 1t had been a sixteenth . ' . . . of an inch more or ess we'd -vq say so. ' i - : r ! I Drokcn Bow the scheme to . ' move May 1st has never become t ' , t he vogue. Houses are so scarce I , . 'h re that it is a ind of a catch- t ' . : ls-catcb-can affuJr and renters I 1I10V any old time therc is an , " ( lpen111g. . Indications are today that tomorrow - morrow will be clear and warm , : , , . . and in that event there wiH un- 1.1 ddubtedly be a large numbcr in the city from the country to see Campbell Bros. circus and I . ' I 'cnagerie. 1ou't fail to follow the con- tlriued B "ry by the Litchfield ir Company on our first page , con- 1 cerniug their guar.antee for a J term , of five years. yve fail to ! j + 'find ' an ) ' one else mak111g such a , liberal contract with their trade. A P. Dobesh , of' Ansley , was ' j 1 in the city 'l'uesdar 011 busines ! ' ! . . . . and during a lull in the proceed- 1 ingr ; piloted himself to this office , I and regalell us with reports of . , the recent cold snap in his . , ' - , . . vicinity which , he says , beats ' anything the oldest settler can 6 ! . nunember. ' . , ; ' 1. A. l eneau intendg to do his ( share , toward the beautifying of i 'h'oken ' Bow' and is this week \ . having' the grounds of Hotel ' Henean fitled"in and le 'elec1 , This will not only beautify , but greatly improve the.uanjtary .cplc1ition of the 10catity. ; li'ifteenmembersof the Knights of Pythias lodge of this city elcpbanb.'I _ . ' . ' and associated witb thr.ir brethren - J' . , , , : : ren in that vi1lage who conferred , . . degrees on three candidat S. . " . Our felIers report a roya 1 good \ 11 time and say the Ansley bunch cannot be out done as entertainers , , Editor Hyatt , of thc Sarlent Leader , lJntanllcd himself from nlleged poetical effusions long I ' . . nough last Saturday to visit his I j county seat capital and indulge . with county students in their field J day sports. declamatory contests , ; , ct cetera , which means trying to learn that the Broken Bow and : .Western railroad would not be ui1t. . I'll''fhe K. P. boys who dtcudecl lodge llt Ansley 'l'uesday night arrh'ed there in time to partake of supper at George Wright's .restaurant and e cb of them are : liberal in praise of the excellent , . s n'i e and arc advising friends I' when in J\.t , lcv at meal hour , or ; j iJOY time , to remember ' \Vright's r sta"rant , where cverythin is 'J"nght , J _ { Guaranteeing a machine for ! live ye rs , .Jueans a great deal. . Particularly do we think this an . 'oall important quest'ion when considering - : } sidering such a machine as a Jl1an"rc Rpreadcr , that has a . reconl har ly , equaled by any other mac111ne tor breakages or < repairs. l eac1 the contlnnel torY this week uy the T-4itcbfield . , Mfg. Co" on first page. Mr , and Mrs. F. I-I. Gravea and L : I four children , of Council Bluffs , . , Jowa , are in the city and will . hecome residentg if they can : . tlccnre a house in which to reside. - Mr. Graves is eugaged with the C mncil BlutTt\ nursery and has . . , lIeen assigned work in this part of tbe state. If there were resi- liences here to rent-as there hou1c1 be-the population of ; Broken' Bow would reach 5,000 . " before 1910. . 'l he school board very wisely decided that there should be no session' of school tomorrow- : circU ! day. The board is composed - posed of men who were-once- , ; ; upon-a-time-bo's , and tbe ) ' t'J knew that quite a number of . . . pupils would not attend and L those who did would have their ; \ . , mind on tbe circus instead of the klessons , hence they voted to give , the young people a free and un- . , f ttered opportunity to ! iee the , elcpbanb. ' . : : r ! " ' " . , ; . - - . . . . . . . . . , . ' . . . . . . , . , . r. > . 'I 'I ' M or & Carlo ; : , the. ncw taw- , : { eal-cstat ' and i { t , lhf. 1tTr t { , .coli1vocd. bf H. C. MOClrl' amt ly lu' Caj'l _ q , nre' ' 1\\\9 \ \ lta'lilicehuH M a irS oIcClJtI1as' -dru .s.lQt and at ) 'our. c.nlkt ! . : . " .3. S S. f1"ynan ; , state manlJer ( ( I f . t . 111. ' I. B. A. oreler. .was a ci I ) ' \'ISlIur 'I' uusc 1 alUorulIIlf. " ' . ' ] l' I" nrrally.ell for an I. U. A. count.\ ' r1I1\ ; ' and c1af , ! ; contest to be held at rohn Bow May 31 t. Th sun rise ! ) carly these nlorn- ing . Get up with him , take a walle through thc park , aroul1lt a con pIe pC.lIlock . and gel yonr lungs tilled wit.1t { litre inorat - ing air hefore brl'alcfast. 1 twill pht you in heth I' shape for the day's work , , 'l'hc nag slaff presented for use at the court houac oy W. W , Cowles before he lcft for P oria , Ill. , was placed on the tower of the court house 'l'uesflav and the , flag , also a present fro111 - Mr. C. , I will hereafter he displayed on aft National and public days. Onc delinquent subscriber aid : "I will pay you Saturday , 1f I tive. " IIe's dead. Another said : "I will see you tomorrow. " He's blind. Another , a profane one said : "I'll pay you this week ergo go to hcll. " He's gonc. Anyhow - how none of them have paid. S , C. RUlUery , a highly respected - pected cifixen of Mason City , 86 years of agc , sent his regards to the RUPUlITICAN. ' 1'uesday , for nether year , by the hand of F. ' 1' . Ltsua lnt \ , the expert black- ! Hnith and farrier at Mason , and our thanks arc herewith extended. J. G , VanCott doesn't lay claim to be a poet of the Longfellow class , but ndw that pring has arri\'ed-or hc thinks it has---he writes very entcrtaing-ly in prose on that suhject which RHl'Un- I.1CAN reaclers will do wc11 to peruse on the oppos tr pagc. J. M. . Shively , of Lincoln , deputy commissioner , of pubtic lamb a nd huilding , who has been looking O\'cr ) and in this part of the slat . -in the elis- charg of his 11uL c-was a Brol < en O\V visitor last Friday and' a pleasant caller at the ofi ce of this Ifrcat fan ily journal. "Boh" Sldnl1er has a new front. Not to himself' , as nature has pfrsonallJ snpplieel him abundant - ant\ ) , . hut to his blacksmith shop in l ilc shape of an awning so that when it's hot inside he can sit out doors in the shade and allow the cool bree.es'to : fad" away the perspiration from his ntanly brow. . 'Gust 'l a ylor , who has held a pmition : as clerk in the omce of Register of Deeds the past .year or Ip , : > re has r signed his position to accept a position as clerk in the ofi ce of the connt ) ' treasurer. lIe assnmed worl < in his new position - tion Mqnday morning. Hay Mc- Call succeedg him in the ofiice 01 the Register of Deeds. On the first page of the RHPuu- LICAN this week thc ' agle Grocerj' Co. , announce price's for a few staples which will certl n- 1) ' appeal strongly to the purscr ; of those who have been touched for excessive fees for the same goods' . The lCagle store has a tine stock of grpceries , and always mae prices right on everything. A tnlt lber of the members of tbe ] oyal Highlanders , of Anslcy , attcnded the meeting of th l oyal Ili hlanders of this place 'l'uesday night. 'l'hey carne lip on the evening local and returneWelnesday \ morning. They wen Messers Harris , Hus- sell , Daniels ; Mesdames Daniels , VarneYi Misses Morris I and Frona 'Zimmern1an. MAlunnlJ-On Friday afternoon - noon , Mai ; , 1'J07 , Mr. Charles H. I oem 1g a 11 < 1 Miss Jennie Wardrobe , . both of Merna , Nebr. , at the Baptist parsonage in Broken Bow , the knot ueing tied by the pastor , Hev. J. D. Brady. Bere'i ! hoping all the "air castles" they have builded for the future may stand intact anel the roseate hues they have pictured for thc Cnture may ne\'er grow dim. In the office of the ( tranel Central h tel a few days ago a commercial travcler tolc1 of a fcllow-traveler who was visiting bis uncle in the country antI was unexpectedly. called upon to ask grace at chnncr , He met the delicate emergency without flinching and executcd thc job thnsly : "w aclmowledgc the receipt of your favor of recent ( bte. Allow me to express grati- tu e for your expresslOn of gooel will. Trusting that our house may merit your confidence and shall havc many orders from you , we are , yours truly , Amen. " . , . . _ , t. I p- o - . . 'I . T.- ' , . . , : ' . , ; . ' , " , T.,1 l11j' Lt ranK \ . , "ohcrson " 1S t Ii IC lore- most illustra ted lc'clurer in Amcrica. TIcV 1'rHg ' 've ' lwq. of his . < 1(1t'egcg ! duringt1i ' ( .hi : { , ' { ; .W : Ipla In Brolccl } Bow , : . . . - - - - . . _ . - - ' - ' - - " - 'rhe r llIlies : of the Presbyterian church will sel'\'e dinner on Maj' 25 , at ' 1'emplc : theatre. Mes amcs McCormick and Draper , of Ansle ' , wcre visiting in Broken Bow ' 1 ucsday. ' Jas McAllister , of Mason City , was among- the fricndly callcls at this ofiice l lt ! li'riday morning. Jol. D. George is having a fine barn and grainerj' built on his premises In the cast part of the cit , } ' . r uemont Pigman , who closed a term of school in thc McCall district ten daj' ngo , is nowen- gaged in 'the office of the county . clerk. II. A. Watts will opening thc ice cream and soela season in Broken Bow tomorrow. Hc promises music contantlYI ! ' ! day aud cvening , which will nn- don btccHy plea'1c a 11 pa trons , Work was COUllllOl1Ced ) 'cstcr- clad tearing awa \ ' the lIoanl walk on t hc nort It side 0 f t hc court housc yard , with Snper\ ' ser Cushman ill charge. 1t is thought tIe laying of the cement walk will It commcnced by Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cco. Kiser , of Grand Island , have been visiting in thc city several days with old acquaintances. 'l'hereturned to Grand Island Tucse 1y morning to close up their business there with the view of mo\.ing to Oklahoma - homa wberc their dal1g4lcr has loclted. . . A. H. Head , of Council ll1un's , lown , father of Mrs. J. G. Leonard , arrived i'tl the city last Saturday ancl will \'isit here for an inc1efinifc length 'of tiillc. About two wccl < g ago he suffered - fered a ! ' ! trol ( ( of paralysis on his right sidc alHl he. ' COUles here , away from bnsinesscare , in order that he may rest ancl rccupcrate. [ ? rank Grahel , who return'cd to Broken How last J annary after an ibsen e of t w l ve ) 'ears. bas leased the Bachelor's Cafe , on the north sidc uf the square , which has becn conducted by Will Davis the past winter. Mr. Crabel is an oM hallll at th business and pat rods will , 1 nd ' " the' .service cn tir l'y sa tisfnctory under his supervision. "Keep Y011r haud on your IJocket-bookll tomorrow. Although - though the Campbell Bros. , ell. devor to keep pickpocketg aUd short-chang'c mcn a way from their shows there arc alwaYi ! followers who are on the alert for ever , } ' dollar they 5ee or thinl { they see in your pocket. Don't tal < e bills of any dcnomination over $1 with you to thc circus ronnds , and then if you are caught by .a short change artist the loss will not be much. The best way is to tate what mone ) ' yon'll n'eed in silver and then make chang-e yourself , otherwise ) 'ou .arc liable to pay doublc price , or more , for what you get , C > 'fue increase in the population of Broken Bow i handicarpec\ \ because . there arc 110 hauses for rent. Thc rmprovement club could not do any b tter work in the interest of Broken Bow that to induce capital to con e here and build residcnc'es , an it could be easily indl\ced \ if facts. a5 they exist , W re 5110WI1. For instane , honses costing $800 and containing - ing fonr or five rool11s rent , for $12.50 per month , If twent ) . per cent isn't a pretty good rate of interest on n investment , then will someone kindly inform an anxious puhlic wherc theru's a bet ter one. Sewin Machines Made Good as New. Frank 'fheilcr , of Ansley , will be in Broken now next Monday , Mny 13th , to rcpair sewing machines. Satisfaction guaranteed - anteed or no pa ) ' . Hc has followed - lowed this uusiness for lorty-live years ancl is an expert. I4ea'C orders at Konkel's furniturc store on or bcfore thc abovc elate aucl he will call at , your rmi ence anel prcscribe for the machine if it is not feeliug' well. T I . . . . ' . . - . BUS' ' N BSli. p mTf.n. , , M * W M . . . .d. fj ! , . : . . . : : I. " # n 'CCI : : > 1S "S winb"'utJt d. . , . I'1J.nqutr.c 'tat tlnd' : ' . 'l'\Hvk \ HeM aura nt , , , , , I. " " 'tl' ' i a. 11 : . : ti o. ' : r , , pTI ; ; : < t' ' ai\3 \ shm I'"M.dl' "aIM9.f . I.uCIUItIllW.Mj il + - ' - " , .yi - . , . ' ' ' - " - npl'ft.yi fT1r11-ttlt.r'i'I1'r-t : p-T.w " roN" " , 15 , ' Jj'lcQI ( : > > nlJ. .lh . \ II JI\I. .I < j eJu ajl. . hQ.lp . . "tl , \I ] , \U $ ) , . c.o.ot , " ' " . " . - , . " 1T i , , . ' . - - . 'rvlltl"- " " J .rT ; : : : ; : " " "II\ \ \ \ . ' rt l\rator : : ; , I st 1\1 \ tOWII , a ( [ Ken lid . 11IAclatU.1. " " ' ) ' ' ' ' ' . ' _ _ ' -1St..tin A" " ml.t hitll1R' Lr.ltlncct ! ! . .nti t1 rt'Jla-rh ' l. . . . . " ( : > 1)t ! H'tJ' l'ltml ! k n" ' . . . . . . . . . . . IIIL 'lU'o.1"Jt ' \ _ - _ . . , .A I'Sl. I. , tl1to " . ' ' , , . I _ t.'I'rc frig ntl\1i , ' .IIn , ' . l tJIICa'15 ' ) ' " ' , f' ' ' " 'lV 1ft ! . .I . , " . . . . . , . 4 } . - . . . ,1 - Jw. . . . . . . . . . . . .y. . . . - + . .n- : + ! . . . . .ryt1""T"Mt1 ; "IHU.t.Ip,1I0H , , s\ ttl8WjI8s.hrrJ\11 . , \ : onc'1jcIH110111 'Iln.I.ltl..Ii'IOnU' . ' < \nU' " " .JII" , qn'ire"lcl' H I NlnwItMNol1 : c , " " 'Ht , . - , . . . . . . , I , . . . .1 " . I. . . " .1 II H 1ll1ll0C ) ( St\\Q ; \ \ tiI.nel"c ; , hua , ) " $ .t at Tonlceli. ! . . - - - - - - - - - 'r IrniW"i'b 1 " 9 ! \ I.'ItHn ' \"C " 'fllmtfL 1 00 vcrtitr' \ ! > h'fl\t' \ ll a/nt' / orr.ill1icn- tal trees , f ! "shl' ' "bH&liJii ; r'C ll "n J Advo , " ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' I' . . .1 .q'J ! ! { ) Grocep' . , l . , , , J - ' ' ' : :1\ , . .ol"P Fodge will collcct r i1 t ; tfffil' : ' look after your prop rtj' . ' SleW . him. . West side CitY , Park. - - - r inoleum. cheapcst and hest in town , at Konkels. Regular visits will oe made oj' Dr. Barnc ! ) and notice given throng-h the papers. One da } ' onlj' , 'l'hur8ela ) ' afternoon the H , . Sce those new samples of AXlUiuister and Beacon velv t carpct at Konkcl's. New line of conchcs at Konkels See them befor purchasing. WIY. sel1 the T\irl\cndall she s. 43-tf M H\'IS & . Co. - . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. Bass , Dentir.t. OverMcComas' New roclers al Konkels. Pr \ : 8 rig h t. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - .1. 1\1. 'I'odge ' 15 making -a specialty of house I'Cntlng' , list your properties with him. 'J'C 1'111 ! ' ! reason able. 48-41) Go to J. W. Scott'g for tin- aflu1tcratcd Hom'-pltre , jnst as the wheat ' ) . . . - - . . growl'c . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lL' the . real thi nghetter than the h ( st. White Stal' coffec at the Aeh'o. . - - FON SATn-Good quarter hlock , best location in the cit ) . . . S. M. DOHlm . For Sale , ! , A , fine s cOll-hancl Qrgan at 1.o v JIl' ce ; ' CaH'-nt Mis 'j'oclI1'i ! uulhnerj' slore. Dr. aruecycslght : spccialisl. pf Omaha , will again h at the Grand Centra' ! hotel , 'l'hunlay afternoon , the 16th. Call as en 1'1 y as COll ven iell t. Nem fiibcr the date. \'erythinlf warranted as rcpresentcd. . - " - - - - - - W AN'1'UO'-Cows - hClfers a d ! 1teers. In answcring please givc full description , prices , ctc. Call on or addrcsg. li' ! iqu ON , 8 miles sw Comstock , Nl b. . - - - - - . . . . II'he Kirlccllc1al1 shoc is the sh e for you. l-.hWIS , Co. Have YOM Wheel rep' . ire'cl-"in first class manner. CIIM . , HtJQl I,1\UHHHY \ , North side of square. , WAN'J'HD-the year arouuc1 , tcn mcn , with or without families. Hmtus G. CAlm , 20tf Doris , Nebraska. . I am ma illg fanns toans at 5 per cent interest. J AJlfHS T-41tDWICH , 25tf Brokcn Bow , Neb. - . . - . - - . - . . - . . - - Go-Carts at Konlels. Drs. Farnsworth & neck . - De nf sts. , . . . . . I\irkcnc1all fihoes cnstom made at M\tVIS \ & Co. 4 .tf . - - - - - - - I am making farm loans at 5 per cent interest. - JAMUS IoIlmWtCH , 25tf Broken Bo. . . . , Neb. f-4awn ch 1'r. ancl swing-sf Where ? At Konkels. _ . - - - Leave your onlers for sewing machine repairing at ] { onkcl . - - - - Wc arc still receiving and selling - ing carpcts and rng-s at rig-ht prices , at Konkels furniture . store. I am making- farm loans at 5 per c'nt intercst. JA1\InH I4IU > WICII , 125tf rol < cn Bow. Neb. Klrlcnd-all shoes best on the market. hWI & . Co. 'l'he White Star coffee has a fine Havor ) ' 011 can't forget. At thc A(1\o0. - - - - Hammock frames with canopy , at Konkels. R. . Mullins , M. D. , D. D. S. the Dentist. 37tf , f , , . ' , . , . " . . , " . - - . . ' t - 'a7:1 : ' ; ; J H-I . "h t I . , - ! Ju i , pp I < , U ) , .nv , ' J , ' : ft ' . 'a ' . ( r. itu ' ' 1 I .1. , ' , ' . , " . .I r' - . . . . .It' Spring is h . anc1 re. spring " , , . . . . r 1 't ' .1 II wtnels. are 'not { h m091 ' soothit.1Ji , th l1g inqlcr : vy lc1 fol' ( lclite. : \ . . : \ \ < . js ! , " "Can't , : : , rti\I ; , ) , I.t r.II1 ! .c " , Vo\rghr ! if' , , . , . . , . { lur , ' . . . , " ' " . . " . , . - . ' , ' .H "d : and . F c ' . Lotions " . ' " , . ' 'c se f ag a pre\elt ; t h.c. 'J'weltty-tivc cent5 h Ys' Il ' l g ; \t1cJl \ > > : . n ' 0l VRl1 , 1 ; , xi ) f' . . . / ' ; t + ' It : ; - 1'1 : I . . . . , ' ' ' " ' ' . . ' . . 'I . L. . ' ee The Busy Drugglt. . , . : ' ' \ " . . ! . " . . . - - - - . . . . . . TJool\ out for . . . , U ugs and : Fl ios Lot UR snI'enn yOUI' ' l i nc1o , rs and ' . . Do'ors. A 1t\l'go \ nSRol'tmonf : or SOl'lwns 011 hnnd. Dierks lumber & Coal COe . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( t'OH SAI.H-30 Victor 'l'alldng Ivla'thine records , .in eel ( con- clition , ac oITcred for galc in lots of tcn at0 \ cents ca'ch. Inquire ' " t I I'Ulll.ICJ\N oOice. I , ' - . ' . . . . . . . . " . . " , . . , , . " . . . . " . . . , ' . ' : . t . . . . ' , . - - - - - - . . " " , . - - . , . . " ' , . . . nllerd "Iallele" 8J' . . . . . . . . . L . J\.S ( . \ N" . IU1Q1t . ex . . , . ' ' 'A " . ' . . . , . . . ' . . I ' ' 1 f' tJ.G. RENIZER , Hteene ! f Pure Scolch111 ] Scolcll 'l'oI1PcI Shnrl 1I0rll CnUIt' . My herd lIumberll 11 CO\\'II. win cOUP' I1no 111 brellallt ! , n.llt I1l1nlll } ' wllh nil } ' "CRt 01 ClftcnlfO My o'ft1erl llco haR tnlllthlmo Ihnl II ttlvijrpotlllhtf:1CIop : \ , hrl'ulllllt cllltle lInlHI lJiI rNlltIIlI1I : Uillt .dll"e. 1 "xlleCI t ( rn..eUu lI. ' .cre Ilin CC llUlof n l'lhlu rnllleIIII' ' " " U , S. . . . I 1I0l'ho2SJull'i \ ' " 1 lltlJl ; I 'fir IhlA nllllllt'xi yt'nr flcrlce , My cuw , 'Il'hth from HOO to 2\1)0 ( ) 1101111.111 , ClUlle nllli ' 1' ' ' him' , f - - - - - - , . . r J f. : r.A"er 1F t\--- ' . . . . ] : - - : : - ' f i.f l The AdvQ , . I Restaurant I 'ilc. ' : STOliTrop. . fi . . , " ' - . . B 8 , . " " ' " , . , ' , o First.elm1 ! ! In Hvcr\ ! ' CSllcct. ' . . " B . 8 - - - BhortOrclcrl'l. ; . n Spccil1 t } ' , . , ' : . . . . I..h C" " " " " 'IIIlo" . I ' . Our PiCR Arc UncxcellCII. k ' 1'oucor . , I \ ) ouc-or more. N . Ox . : & : , - - - - - - - J. E. WILSON , . ATTOBNEV AT LAW. I'rnctlcn III SlaIn nllt 1'c.lcra ] Courl" . Ab- "Imct IIf tltIc" CXIIII : I IH'II , nIHil l HlnlU nll,1 Mlllllch.1 : I.aw a IIl'cclnIU' . lIenler III Heal 1lIlnll : ! . Rlrlcl ntlcllllulllth'UII 10 nil lJu llIelli OOice IIIt1YI'r ! 1IIuck. l'huun SO. Uru\ell \ How DR C. PICKI 'l"l" Professor of l sychology , . IllIco1n cdl enl Collcge. Offill ! nt rcslclcllce , onc.hnlC hlock ensl of U. II. Church , Chronic clisenscI given specIal nHellhon. 'Phone J47. . ANI > A 1I0l\U1 TJAT ULAND YS (101f. ITS IP ( Wo will scll , ' 1111 CIIIlI\I\O 111111 turn 1II' r } 'IIII Irrljntcillallil wllh . Crnll I/ru\\ilw / , TIn will cOlltlnuo to r.llltlvnlo till ! 1:11111 I , " lI"ut nl thncrup nryollcnll do thnt nllll IIlrt' . " 'our hnpl'f hClmc , III IIlIt that f.lIl1iclcIIL warrallty II . . :11111 /jln'nr lI\\rlmt't : Cl1umto 0 / 1I1I1I hh\ ( ' ; , ' :1culth' : , : , ' payn..ntll : Frlllt : A lIalpOlltlr ( : : ) ' ; IItne ' : Ifmlll : Wrlle 10J : " hooklet. n,1 1\VIJ \ : lJunlll wRnled , II UTAII COLONIZATION C ( ) . . Go7 l'lnet ) r l'rCIi'1 JllIll < IlrllC , HI. l'alll , foIljtll. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . . - ' = .r , _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . \.D "CI1 > , . \Y.h c:11.\1 . , . , , ( fh . , , ( y ) : _ \ ' T. . , . . ' ) . . \J.I , r.r , , , , ( ! .b , 5\'J JnA . ? . ; . > ; " : t > : : : : 'aIi ' : ? . ; . : ; : & > . - _ ! ; . . . ; j \ ? . . : . . . . . , . , , _ ; . . ; , ? : . . c.'a.tir. S' ) . ; : , . . . . Peale's. BILlletin' ; . : F'C > : : FI. BILlletin'I : ' t - \ ' I & .I'l'esh ! V eget.nhloR ' OrangeR , Bananas ( lud.Lemons. . . mr Oust.el' UOUllty I'loney. rq Buokwhent. Flour " f JfruitR of All .Kineis " , < 'ille Butt.er a Speoialty 'Wp , lijyeryth iug' ( j ooel to .I at ; \Ve \ guarnntoo the heRt at the lowest ; pl'iees " , ' t J. N. PEALE . . . , Hna ty Bloc \ , B'oken Bow. . : . 1f(1 ( ( ' ( ' : ( " . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # II & : ! niN ! . . . . . - .1 - - - _ OTJCEJ : : ! . . . MEVIS } l CO. hnyo the HneRt : line or 'vV nsh Goods on the . mnl'ket. , BpHutit'ul thin goods 1'01' tw ; } hot weather at IH'iem f'om , ( ) 1- e tH up. . Onl' . . Rnn " I'RUcWI' ! and Oinghn III Htoek n ( Yel' wn fi lPI' . Beaut.iFul Rt.ylcs and colol's. \V o nI' tlw ; e"xfiIIlRi"e nA' ( llts rol' t.he .Kil'kendnll HhoC'H. Sl1n ( . . l epail"in .r a Specialty. MEVIS } l CO. . . . _ . - - " - r - - ,