Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 09, 1907, Image 8
pn LIVES FOR OTHERS - - - MRS. FEARN , OF WASHINGTON , ' TRUE PHILANTHROPIST. ' : : Her Mission Aml ratlon of the l \ Condition of the Blind-Queen of Rounanla ! Her Close rrlcnd. A fusC'lnuUng uUlI fOl'clhlo Ilhllnn. throplBt whoso mission uUlI ItB uPllenl IBInlqllo , Is 11rs.Valkor Fou I'll , ot WaHhlugton , a gl'find dumo oC quccnly 11110n , who hus spent most ot hel' lito ut Burolloln cnllllul8. MrB. 1"oul'11'S late hUBbnnd wall Un lied Stutes minis. tel' to HOlllUnnln. In which IntofsUng ) country the conilio became InUmutel ) ' Idontlfled wllh "Curmon S'lvu , " I II1. . aheth , the healltltlll , the good , the brll. lIunUy cndowed queen , pel'hnllR the most romurlmblo wOlUnn In the wOl'ld , IIQssesslng ulmost over } ' lnlent and cvory gruco. 'rho qlloon oC llolllllanla fOllnd u I'ondy aylt1ll1Lthl1.el' 111111 coadjlltOl' In her vurlous bllmuuo enterprIses In the chnrmlnl ; Amerlcnn , the two wOlllon 1)Jln confidentlnll ' ' . Mm. ) ( } on I'CllllJOrt. , Pourn und "Carmen S'lva , " the ro'u.1 , Iloet und phllnnthrollst ( , wOl'l < cd hn1ll1 In hand. 1\1 I'S. Feurn's oSllCclnl entllll. I.IluslII bolng onllsted In the Iuel.m's wondOl'tll1 IIIlsslon to the blind. 'fhel'C arc 20,000 ot the HlghtlesH In the Hlllnll country oC Houmunln , und Co I' the nmolloraUon und uplift oC the conlll. tlon of theBo nnfortunates the qlleen Is hulhllng an ollllOclul : elt } . , "Vutl'n J.umlnoasa"-tho "Iumlnolls henrth , " where ovm'y pOHslblo ph'Hlcal uUlI edu. catlonal advantngo will bo afCol'dod thu henel1clarles. Mrs. Feat'l1 , flllICO her I'eturn to AmerIca , Is PIII'flUlllg the same lIne of hllmano ulldeavol' hero as was Inspll'ed by hOl' frlelld , the beautl. fill queen of Houmanla , with whom she Is In constant communIcation. Mrs. F'earn Is consecrating , grutllltously the hest eUorts of her lIfo to the l'elloC of the blind , her philanthropy beIng ex. pressed Immedlatoly In a vIvIdly IntoI" osting lecture that she gIves called "A MIssIon of Love to the Dlllld , " with ' tal from Inti. ! : Itel'ooptlcon vIews < cn mate homo scene and royal glhnpses at the Houmanhm capItal. MI's. 1.'earn ' wem's during hm' lectul'ea , a wonderful natlvo Uoumanln'1 costume , u. cOllrt di'ess IlI'esented to her by Queen lIz , abeth. heavy In emhrolderles of sllvol' . A , long , whlto flowIng voll wInds gruco : fnll } ' at the hacle , Mrs. Fearn , ono of the effectlvo floclnl factors of Wash. Ington , ontol't 1lnod an alllll'eclatlvo company' of friends charmlllHly at hel' homo In 1\tnssaehuJctts avenue , with talle aUout hOl' wOl'le , and lllustrat10ns and a rIch collation. Hel' own pIc. tl1l'esquo SwIss maId nlso were a beau , tJCul Roulllanlan coritumo of the up. 111'OI > 1'lato elass. 1\1rs. Fearn , formerly MIas 1'rances Hewitt , was bol'l1' I I oulsvlllo , , Most of itOI' early lICe waR sbont In Now Ol'leanl : . She Is starting on u tour at on co to clln'y her beautiful m < : Jssllge t other parts of the country , going I1rst to CIncInnati , where she will bo the guest ot 'hor lIfo.long friend , Mrs , LongwOl'th. 'fhen Kontuclc ) ' , 'I'ennes , seQ , Now o 1'1 OI111S , 'I'exas , Indlanl\ and other sectlonH will have the 1II'Ivllego of hearIng thlH cl1l1l'mlllg woman who has consecmted her IIfo gratutlouHI } ' , without the "lightest l'emUnOl'atlon , to so nolllo and benIgn a causo. At hOl' lecture at Hlluseher'H to n h'emendous , fashIonable audlonce , 1\11'8. I"ol\l'I1 waH Introduced b ) ' the Hev. DI' , Couden , the blind chaplaIn of the house of repro. sentatl'vos. A recent alltogral1h mes. Rage from the queen of Houmanla to her symliathellc frIend reads , "BI'lng light to the hllnd , m ) ' deal' 1\1rs. Feurn , and malte thoh' lICe shlno for all these whoso mlnd'H 0)0 Is not ) 'ot 011Oned. llzabeth , " New Homes In Washington. Onl. } ' a few da's ago the announcement - mont was made of the half millIon , dollar bomo to be built at Washington by August Bolmont. 'fo'day It Is gen' 01'1\1 gossh ) that olltlons have been se , cured b } ' 1\I1'S. Marshall Flehl , ' ot ChI , cago. and Geol'go W , Vand rbllt , of Now Yorl , and I1l1tmol' ( . on "oslllonco prol1el'tr In the northwest. 'rho prop' erty on whIch the homes f r these mil , lIonalres Is to bo erected Is the west end 'of the square fronting on a small parle formed by the Intersection 01 Now Hamllshlro avel1\lO and Seven , teonth street , The property 'has n ' frontage of nonrh' 2'00 feet. Tourists and 'Mount Vernon. 1\Iount Vernon , tbo homo of Wash h\gton \ and hIp burIal place , Is vlslte ! : by thousands of tOlll'lstH oYer ' yelll' but. Washingtonians don't 'go thol'o You lienrVulihlngton Calles 011l1envor Ing to tlag theIr vl HUngrolatlves al1l frIends from , other Illncos C 'Om the trll to l\1ou t , ro1ton. ; ! 1\Iost folks wll ! vIsit WashIngton want to , see 1\Ioun Vernon. 'rhey suggest the trlp8 tc theIr Waablngton entertaIners' as SOOI as Ule ) ' get thero. ' - - - " . Reward for Faithful $ ervl e. For the Inst two 'ears of hIs sel'vlc , In ongrellll MI' . 'I'heobold Otjen , a , I\lwallicce. \ WIs. , hns led a S\uIIII\ : nIght sacred song 80rvlco for th , Sliosts at the hotel In which ho IIvel Ilt WasHIngton. Hecentl } ' ho was presented sonted wIth a gold watch fob In hehal of those whom 110 hall lOll In the ROI" Ice-CongresslIuUl Crllmllacltor's wlf malting tbo presontatlon sllOech. Cablnct Officers' Signaturcs. Soorotary Hoot , ' although hIs fll name , Elihu Root , 113 not a long on Cound It laborIous to put bls who , mlUa 011 hIs atato doparlinent mall , i . ho now 111m ply sIgna It "E. Hoot. " Se retary' BonaIarto's rIght arm does 111 1100111 to have grown tired , 1I0wovo In , signing bls mall hr. stili signa h tull name , "Charles J. UQaparto. " ' " " - . , . . , . . . "J.-t , , -1 .4 : -1t- " . , - - - - HIGH , .LAY IN , "ASHINGTON.I I Hcavy Gambling a Part , of Social Life of the City. Prolmhly In no ether oIL } ' In Amerleu . 11001:1 : this nlghtl ) card plnylng take on so IIIl1ch or the utmoRllhel'o of the Hlvlern us In Washlnglon , ' 1'hore are many rorolgMrs thorc , and they play the game with that plcturesquo fovor. Ishness which Is t'plcnl of thclr natllro ! Lnd trlllning. The great majorIty ot forelgu altuchos are not oqulppod flnllncllllly Cor the exactions at the game , hut their position COlli pel a them to ncco)1t ) every In v\lntlon. \ 'I'holr argument-whllo attuclccd by many as ono showing lacle of morn.l courage-Is qullo satlsfaclory to thom. 'I'hoy SIlY they were not sent to thIs countt' . to 111ny the part or . scholarly roclullo. 'I'hoy IUUSt ho In evldenco at 1111 smart fllnctlons. What would ho thought of them , they asl" tr they sternly refused to IIIIIY brldgo for noney whcn the wOl'Id they move In , IInl1 the wo1'1d they rellresont , consld. ors It the rIght thIng to do ? 'flwll' II1lnlstors pillyl' Melllhers of the cahlnet Illny 1 'l'hoy flcarcely feel IIIw directing to thell1solvelJ und to lhelr legaOonR the 1'ldlculo and crltl. clsm whIch would follow the guest who sllliS IIWIlY between dinner /lnd / brIdge. So they play. If they lose on tholr flmall Incollles It becollles necessary for thorn to 1'OCOIIII , alld the ollly way 10 dO this "Is to go to moro hrldgo pnrUes. ' Waflhlngtoll 113 Ilroomh1ently 1\ city oC the lolfluro elasBes , alld the ulmost cOlltlnuous social seasoll tH ro raIses 1II'Idgo to Its mOflt gllttorln'g helght.- Broadway Maga1.lne. THE SIEGE OF WASHINGTON. . European Natlono Raise alarlcs of. Their Alf1bassadors. Not wIth 1l1'l1110s , not with warRhlps , hut with that which will hllY both- monoy-tho nations of EIII'OIIO are pre , IHlrlng theIr forces for the capture ot Wlishlngton. In 1893 Great BrItain raised the ranlc of her envoy at 'Vash , Ington from mInister to amhass ldor. l"I'unco atHl , Germany dId lIlcowlso the SUIIIO yeal' , H.usslu In 1808 , Huiy In 1001 and Austrla.lillngary In 1M2. ; \Iexlco , I1ra1.11 Il1Id .Japan 'followed th'o example o ! the Ellrollcan powers , " IncrCl\setl rallie requl'l'es hettel' hous , lng , and fOl'el n natlolls have sp nt milch slnco 1808 III bllylng and build. Ing emhasslofl at WashIngton for tholr rel1resentl\tlves. Soma of these I\re plendld enough to be worthy of ranle. Ing with many ot Eurolle's palaces. It was then leCt for Great BritaIn to 11IscovCl' that her amlllasslldor o ght to be paId as IIIl1ch as the preHldent ot the United Stutes , und 1\11' . Bryce Is to recolvo $60,000 n ) 'ear , $6,000 maI'o thun hIs pl'edocossol' . As In 1893 Gel" many followed , Britain's lead , so noW her mqhaHqllllOl"s , sulal'Y has been mlaell $ riOOO , Undoubtedly , the repro' sontatlves of othCl' nations have felt " of ' ' " and wOllld be th9 1I111ch II\'OSIIOl'Itr" , , glnd to recelvo an increase .of salary. 'rho moro 1110 n e } ' the ombassles a 1il legntlons have to sl1elld the bottoI' it will bo tor the shol11ecepers of Wash , IlIgton. The diplomatic benefits are not so obvIous , Joke on Palmctto State. RepreHontatlvo Adamson at Georgia Was rubbIng It' ' In on Rel1rosontatlvo , Johnaon of , South 'Carolina , and tolll this fltol'y about the red hills of the Palmetto state : "Wh } ' , Johnson , South Carolina land , 01' , most ot It , Is too poor to OVOII raIse a dIfficult ) ' on , I heard of an old fol. low ever there who was greaUy war , rled about his neIghbor's cuttle got , tlng Into his pasture. HIs own cattle didn't get half ollough to keell thom alive , ulld the ohl' follow didn't see how he could altoI'd to lot hIs neIgh. bor's catllo share It with tholll , "Tho old man wellt to hIs neighbor and made c01ll111alllt. 110 saId ho waR not hunting trouble , bul that his cattle - tlo must stuy at home. " 'Neighbor , ' wus' the 1'oply , 'I am Berry my cattle are wOl'r'lng you and I hllto to BOO th01l1 die , but If } 'ou will jllst lot thom shl } ' III YOUI' pnsturo two dUrR they wlll'starvo to death : Just Pllt tll ) the fence alld , keOI ) them In and the"ll sturvo as SIll'O Its YOIl live. ' ' ' All Listen to Proctor. Probably the ,1I1ost rOIlll\l'lmblo volc III the son to Is thut of the senIor VOl" mont senator , HodfIeld Proctor. It 111lf heoll called a bollol' factory volcQ , bu1 that descrh1t1011 doeR 1I0t begIn to do II jllstlce. When 1\11' . Proctor speak ! every senator In the clmmbei' listens ; , ho cannot help hllUsolf. The only a lie can avoId hearing what he 'says If . b } ' leavIng the bllllding. A faInt whis per troIU Proctor cun bo heard illstlnot Iy In the press gall or ) ' . HIs volco 18 deOI ) buss and Is preceded gonerall ] 'by a low rumbling sound that 8eelUS tc como from sOlUe faraway Bubcollar h his anatomy. 'fhon the words 110111 forth wIth great I'nl11dlty wIth th. . junlng force ot small thunder claps. - - Got Temporary Shock. Whllo the senate wus on the eve 0 adjournment SenatOl' 1"1'0 , of l\Ialn I'athor shocled hIs colleagues Co I' I momont. 110 WIIH on his teot malhll d. report from hIs coinmlttoo on C01l1 nt'orco on several mInor bills , a dut : ho perfol'lIIs trcquentl ) ' and whIch , a a rule , ath'lIcts lIttle Illterest or attOlI tlon. Suddonlr , I'IIlslng hIs volco , ? oil Fr'o exclaImed : "lt I call get hmm dlato cOllsldoratlon fOl' that damblJ I will 11romlso the senate not to repor allotllOl' dum bill thIs session. " Ami u gelleral laugh the bill was 11Issed. St. Gaudens to Design Coin. , Augustus St. Guud ns hus heen con It. mlssloned by the tI'ensllry departmel1 Is to execute a now dcslGn for the $2 cold ploco. " . . \ , - . . . . WILD AND WARLIKE - - ILONGOTS OF THE PHILIPPINES A FEROCIOUS TRIBE. , Secure In Their Mountain Fastnesses , They Have Never Acknowledged till ) Sovereignty of Spain or America. - T'lero ' Is ono wild warllko trlho In the Phlllpillnes thnt hus otubbornly l'efllso ! for centurleR to become at. tracted 01' Ilsslrnllaled by the ChrIs. lIan Inhahlt.ants. 'rheso II'oplo arc Imown IIn the Ilon. gota' : : : ncl uro fOllnd In the mountaInS lieuI' nalor , sa's the 1\1 all 11 a AmerIcan. 'rhl8 trilio comeH withIn the jurlsdlc. tlon of 'rayabaR , and IIccordlllg to Gov. QlleZllll's report , there , Is ono sec. t\m \ 1I0rth of Dagcan Inhabited by these people where no Clrlntlan , has ever Iionotrated , and where the sov orolgllt ) . of SpaIn or the UnIted Straos hils novoI' beclI ucknowledgod , Gov. Qllozon says : " 'I'ho Ilongota , are found ollly In the mOlllltalns of Balm' , from Dlpaculan , Dla1'abasln and Dlnudlanan to Isa. bula , toward the north , and from the nlOllntllllls oC SlIn Jose de Caslga1'lln lI fill' us Panlnhangrm and Carranga. lan , toward the wost. ' ' ' 1'hoy are a foroclous race , always on the lookout for IIn olillortunlty to kill the Illhaliitants of every other set. tlomont. "Tho road botweell Pantahangl1n and HalOl' Is wont to be the scene of these uttaeks on the lIart of those Infidels on ChrIstian FllI11lnos. "Dllrlng the tlmo of Spanish , gov. ol'llmont troops wore wont to be : sent to the Jl\ollntulns to IIlInlsh the Ilon. ots when they assassinated Ghrls. ! tlan 1"llIplnos" " and then the fOlmer' ' would either sllrrendOl' 01' ren1l11n IIIIet ! for some time , payIng a tnx of 2 contlmos Cor each male InhabItant over 18 and lindoI' 60 , collectable In tobacco leaves , as they had no money. " ' 1'hon tholl' local allthol'ltles were nppolnted fl'om umong their number. Pmctlclllly , howovol' , these authorities apllolntml by the SpanIsh government were , never nclmowlodged 01' recog. nlzOlI b ) ' tl o Inhabltllnts of each set. llomont , those really rocognlzed as such being the leadol'fI whoso vulor and great ferocltr Insl1h'ed terror In all othol's. 'fho Ilongots of San Jose , Dhll1culan , Dlarulmsln and Dagoan wore the onCH IInsubjllgated by the Snunlsh , and as no Christian hils hoen there theIr number cailllot bo estl. mated , but It 113 known that they ' ' the Ilongots al'o maI'o numerous than who wel'O Rubjugatod , from the In. Cormatlon , given by the latter , " 1"holr wlll'lIke urms are the arrow the call1pllan ( a wIde bo o , very lI'ght and well shar ened' , about t\V IInd a hnlf hand.breadUls l limgth ) , and the lance , 'I'helr deCenslve urm Is a shlold three feet long , - by , ono foot wIde , called culasllg. "Their uttuclca 1\1'0 ulwars chal'l1c. 'tetl1.ed hy l1'oachOl' } ' , they 110 InJalt In the hllah IInllllmhllsh theh' vIctims ; f om tholl' hldln ! ; ' 111aoo ther IIS0 theil' lances , and when wounded , dls. patch theIr onemles , takIng their heads and leavIng the bodY where It fell. 'fhe heall Is cal'rlod avay and preserved as a hophr of war , a feast hehlg colehrated II110n thu arrl val of the head at their settlement. "For UII 1I0ngoL to mun' ) ' , It Is nec- ossur ) ' that he I1l'st bring 'the nllmher of healls of Chrlstlllna or Infidels thllt hIs future fatherln.lllw ma } ' designate , whIch heudH 1IIUSt have , IlCon Cllt olt by the suitor hlmselr. " LIOIng'a Diplomatic Answer. Ono oC , the slll'est Indlclltlons. of the rovolutlon of sontllllerit tllielng place In China. Is the 11011\11111' movement to. wurd the cducutlon of womcn , Ono or the strong advocates for the new dopartllro Is the ) lres nt Chinese mIn. Ister ut Washington , SirLiang , whoso AmerIcan Bchool life , when for Pl1l't of the time ho was ullller the Instruction t wOlllan teachers , gave hIm a lasting ' for femlnlno Intellectual I I'ospect 110W' ers. Shortly hofOl'e ho left ChIna fOl' , WashIngton SII' I.lang had Ull IntoI" 'vIew wIth the oml1ross dowager und the subject WIIS brought 1111. "I h ve been ad vIsed. " said hOl' majest } ' , "to I Introdllco schools .rOl' gll'ls Into the . empIre. But I 1m vo noticed that as I soon as women begin the 11IIrsllit 01 t learnIng the } ' are sel1.ed with the t lDMla for meddling In politics , " \ SII I LIang wus equal to the oceaslon , : "Your majesty'R lIubjocts rejoice , " he roplled. "that the' ' 100,000,000 of Chinn have for theil' l'ulOl' an edllcated wom- 'an. " J' ' . - . Growing Old Comfortab'ly. ' I tlnd I am called 1111 old man b } ether 11eolllo , hilt I get along m'sell wllhout thlnllng oC this or talltln about It , unlesa somo" c rrespondenl asleR mo to , wrltos NdwlIl'd vol'etl Hale , In the CII'clo. 'l'hIlH , I I\IU lame ; , but I do' not sn ) ' I Illn lanlO heeallso : f am 84. I suy I Ilm Illmo lIecallso I hal a Call , preelsol- I Rhould hu0 salt , It If I were :13 : ) 'el\l'fI' and :1 : months oh nt three mlnutefl lifter thl'eo In thl third month oC the ) 'cal' . " Or , In hrlof , If you ean get alOll ! without thlnltlng of ) 'olll'self lilliCh , I will 11robllblr be a comfol't to roll\ ' self , und It will certlllnl ) " bo a comfOl' ! . to your frlenlls. II.t Bottle Long 'Aflo < tt. d The greatest length ot tlmo whlcl ahY. holtle has been known to rc lilaln IIfloat Is 1 ) 'ellrs , A bottll cOlltlllnln ) ; n lIIoaHage , whIch 'wa' ' 1 , thrown'CJ'OI'1I01ll'd br IIn Amorlclln BCI Lt cal taln off I'owfoundlund In 1878 , wa :0 pIcked UJI off the w'at cotlft of 11'0111111 enrb' III 1809. . . . ' " " ' - " " ' q' , , , - . - - - - . METHODISM IN EARLY OHIO. I.orenzo Dow , Peter Cartwright and Othcr Famou's Circuit Riders. Few romances , 'IIlYS the Yuuth's Companion , cUn ellual thnt of el\l'ly Ohio Melhodlsm. No tJart of the Ullited Statefl found u mol' Cl'lIltCul field or ylelclod a greater harveal. In 1i16 .John Slowart , a free mulat. to livIng In 1\IlIrJetta , addicted to drunkenness , and on the WU ) ' to t.ho rIver to drown hImself , heard the voIce of a cIrcuit rldOl' , Htol1I10d at , the church door to lIBt'II , and went homo with un aWllle'nod conscIence. lIe ! loon voluntem'ed to go umong the Indian trhes ( and toll hlH story. Wlln. dorlng northward , ho cllmo to a Wy. unl otto v1l\ago \ ou the Saudmlky rIver. III. ! could 1'eu(1' and Hlng , and ho soon hlld the whole trlbo undel' his Influ. ence. lie dIed at lhe IIgo of :17 : , mourned und honol'od , the flrflt Amo1' . Ican mlssonary ! oC the l\IethodlHt EplscoJ1al church. Ono of Stowal't'll convOl'tll was Bc , twoen.the.Loga , , w + W'l\IHlotto chlel' . He was horn at 1.0WOl' Snnduslej' , now 1"l'umont " , 0. , took the Ame1'lcnnslde In the wal' of 1812 , nnd accompunled Harrison In his Invuslon oC Cluiada. BIHhoJl 1\lcCllbe'fI unele , DI' . L. D. 1\lcCabe , a notable OhIo 1\lethOlllstl waB nmned aftel' that fumous cIrcuit rider , Loren1.U Dow. Dpw was cole- hratoel for hIs eccontrlcltles 'of 'dres ! ! und speech I , well as for hIs l.eal. Ho WOI'O no bultona on hla coat , but tlod Ihe gal'ment around h s waIst wtth a 1'0110 , lIe would mnko appoInt. nlJJnts to 11I'each months In advance , and flO 11II11IIclt was the faIth of his 11I'omlses that on t.ho allpolnted days grout cl'owds would gather f'Om miles around. Ono Instance Is recorded where Dow preached thus punctually to the mlnuto on an 1I111)0lntmont mudo fIve ) 'ears previous. Of Peter Cal'twrlght , I\n Ohio "son of thUlldOl' , " licensed to preach at the age of 17 , It Is saId that hIs cIrcuIts - cuIts were llco lines of hattle. Ono quartorlr meetln was hold In the woods. A mob led by two chamillons with leaded whl11H Invuded It. Cart. wl'lght seIzed one after the olher of the IIrlnclpal rioters , threw them down , and , aldod by frIends , seclII'ml 30 1100'Hons , wh01ll ho 1IIarched off to an emllty tent , had thom guarded aTeI' night , and hr ught all to' jllstlco. IIIIJ Herlllon that day was from the text : "Tho gates of hell shall not IIrovlIlI , " ClII'twrlght durIng his 6 years of 11I'eachlng receIved 12,000 1IIembers Into the church. 'l'he C1\1II11 mcotlng orlglllatetd and attaIned Its highest devulollment In ! OhIo. Under llIshop l\lclen reo such WIIS the eagerness oC the lIeol1lo to at. tend that the roads were lIterallj' crowded with those pressIng their war to the groves. Entire neighbor. hooch , ; wmo fOI'HaltCn for a season bj' their Inhabitants. A bishop's salary at Ihllt tlmo was from $20 to $50 a rcm' and trn vollng eXllenses. FI'01ll thIs IllLtanco he had to bl1j' his clothes IInd II1'0vldo for his family , Rest , co 'rho ancient , Ioh longed for the rest of the grave , and th l'ohr oxhlblted just u bit of cowardice , besides mIss. Ing lIfo's trlle meaning. Real rest Is not Inactlvltj'-llot cessation from en. doa VOl' , .hut Is an abIdIng peace , 1I0w. Ing out from God. 'fhe fOllndel' of Chl'lHtlanltr , aclmowledged u. gl'ellt Ilhll08011hel' , 1I1' mlsed rest to the ' ' of eal'th und Ills woal'j' , c9mpetency to tlUI sl1eal , Is largel } ' vIndicated b } ' Ills own comllosure lindoI' ever } ' tr'lng cll" cumstunce , It Ifl the world's neod- rest a1llid IIfO'H dIstractions , The 11I0si of liS are tr 'lng to IInd rmtlsfactloa In outward clrcumstanco , forgettlllg all the whllo that the Itlnldom of heaven -tho one satlsf'lng state-Is within 01' lIot at all In so fill' as wo aI'e Call' em'nel ! . All ancient statement has In It a p rahle or lIfo : "But the dove found no I'est 1'01' the [ mil. ' . of her foot , and she returned \Into him Into the arl. , " OUI'S Is a lost lIal'lulhw to regain whle1l wo mllst he 111110 to allswer to God without bolllg IIfrald. That means for liS n st when the conflict Is fiercest ; 1'01l0SO when all ahout Is III alarm. " ' 1'hell are the } ' Iad. becallse the ' are lit rest. IIl1d so 110 hl'lngoth them IInto the haven whore ther would be.- I Waco Tlmes.Hel'ald. - - Safety of the Night , A man who Hta'od , ut hIs ofllco to worl , ono evonlng was SlII'llI'lsed to see II mall como III abollt nIne o'clocle I armed with ! : Icruhblng 111111 and wIndow mOil. . "Will It hothm' j'ou If I clelln the ' windows IIOW 7" ho IIsltCd , " o , : ' said the 1111111 , "It won't bother mo ; but , great scott , ) 'OU don't clelln . wllldows ut night , do ) 'ou ? " ' "In thIs bllllding we alwa's , do. " was the I'ellh'tost ; clollners wOllld rathol' worl. at IIlght , 'rho } " cun't see , then , how 1'1\1' it Is to the ground , cense , quentlr the } ' 111'0 lIot so IIkel ) ' to get dlzz ) ' , allli there lire fowlJl' acchlentll : , For that reason half the window clean. Ing In" hlg buildings Is done after darl.-Xow York Glohe , "Cure" Is Centuries Old. t A 11I'omlnont member of the Hallall chl\1IIbol' of delllltJes has tuken u leaf ; ollt of the book of his IIhllltrlous : l'on , fI'OI'O , llIrCI1S ' 1'lIl11us Clcoro , h ' buth. Ing In thl ! mud of lakt ! Agllan , III > Clce , 1'0 ( Ud , OOO ' ( , III'S ago , In order to Hot riel of the go lit , The 1IIud of the titand , ling watenl In the district west oC I- lIllles wus famous frolll ourly times for the 1'eU'f of IIlIthrltJs , ' } 'ho IlIxu. I'lolIs hl h Ih''l's of the 11111101'1111 tlllj'ti Imow theil' emeac ' , IlIId no doubt , tlld tJll'lI' "curo" there In much the IIIUll0 : II I"ushltlll liS Ihelr modcrn represent a , J tl'c does , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AL..IIl.r J - 11" III . THAT OTHER WOMAN MRS. NEWMARIE VOICES A GRIEVANCE. Demand for Explanation Left George Very M-Ich ! "In the Air , " But of Course It Turned Out All Right. When : ! \II' . Newmarlo came home the other ovenlng he was not greeted with the close , lovIng embrace and sweet , clingIng kIss with whIch Mrs. Now. marle alwllYs met hIm. On the can. trar ) ' , that lad ' stood like an avong. : Ilg spIrit In the hall , her darle eyes III\1hlng and her 11rollli breast rIsIng und falling lIke a stOl'lIIY soa. lJorrlfled ut hm' nppearance , 1\11' . Nowmal'lo stellpod back. "Hose , " he crIed , "are you mad ? " 'I'hero wus no IUlSWm' Immedlatelj' . 1\Irs. Nowmarlo stood there , her hallds lIervously working alld her eyes flash. Ing fire. At length Bho slloko : "George , " and her volco was tel' . I'lble in Its anger , " 1\11' , Newmarle , am I YOllr wife ? " " \Vhj' , of course , darling , " said ho. "DolI't call me darling ! Then , If I am your wife , pel'hl\ps you can' ex. Illaln who thllt other woman Is. " And she folded het" arms and looled clear through hIm , oven to the collar stud at the back of hIs lIeck. "Mr. Newmarle was surprIsed. "What other womlln ? " he gasped , "Tho beautiful blonde. " " \Vha t ? " " 'Vlth great blue e'es , and- " "Roso ? " "Golden , curlhall' , and- " "Who Is she ? " "Teeth IIko pearls ! " "Aro j'01l crazy , 01'- " " 'rho ono In the sealslln jacket. and- " , "Bllt what- " " 'Vho elllls ) ' 011 'love' IInd Idss- " "lIeavcnH , wluit hils got Into ) 'ou ? " " 'Vho fawns all 'our lIeck and lIlays with j'ollr mils tache , and sa 's you arc the ani ) ' man she eyer loved. 'and-O.o-o.h 1 j'ou b.r-r.r-rute I" And she burst Into sobs. Mr. Now. marie gathered himself together suf. I1clently to rush to his wfo's ! assJst- ance , cryIng : "Rose , my delli' wife , tell me- " I "Don't touch me , " she shrieked. "Go to hor-go to her at once ! " As for me , I shaH kill myself ! 0 , George , how-how c.could you deceIve your II'P'1100l' little wIfe so terrIbly ? 0 , 0 , 01" And she fell sobbing Into his urms , MI' . Newmarlo laId her tremb11ng form Ul10n the soCa and bent over her In prates lations of hIs Innocenco. "It's a wlelced 110 that some no has lJCen telling 'ou , " ho saId.Vho was It ? " "No one , " she replied. "Then , where did you- " " 1-1 dreamt It. George , " she said. "whl1e I wns taking a nal1 on the sofa thIs afternoon , And It all seemed so true ! Isn't It , love ? " And he replled-IJ\1t \ there are some things that cannot he put Into \\'ords , -London 'l'it.Blts. Unappreciated. A noted evangelist was preaching the other day In an uptown church. says the New York TImes , The faml1y who entertaIned him had a son who was usuall ) ' fond of attending sorvce. ( When his parents were ready little Charles Ilatl ) ' refused to go with thom. " \Vhat's the matter ? " asked the mother , milch surprIsed : "are you Ill ? " "No , but I heard Doctor - bo. fore , and I dOll't like him , " confessed the child. "Oh , Charles , that's a wlclced thing to say , " gasped the I lother , " ' 1'01/ / mother wh ' . " " 'Veil , " snhi Charles , "he IlI'eaches so long that I can't leeopawalcc and 1) ( ' preaches so 10lld that I can't go to sleep. " Ancient English Inns. 'I'ho vlllago Inn at Addington , In the cOllnty of SlIrrey , has been ton. anted by the members of ono famllr slnco the reign of lIonry VII. On the deatb ot the mother of the parent hostess she leCt no son , bllt anI ) ' threl' daughterH to survIve 1101' . The three sisters In turn tool , possession , und the present hostess Is the last of them. The JolI } ' 1\llllers Inn. at New , hnm , CambridgeshIre , has been kept by a famll } ' of the name of Music for the Illst 400 years. It Is recorded In Cambrldgo IInnals that Queen Eliza- b th once stolilled hero IInd drank a quart of "Yo Olde English Ayle" without getting down from her hors ( ' , Skillful Woman Chess Player. Mrs. nl\lrd , who has been called "the Queen of Chess , " has IlIIbllshed 1,200 chess prohlellls and 110 woman has ocllpsed tbo posItion which she holdlJ In the chess world 1 She possesses IIbout riO prIzes secUl'ed In OllOn com' Iletltlons. 1\1 rs. naIl'll's Cather , mother IInd two brothers shllre her enthuslaslll for chess. She has other recreations , Incilldlng archol' } ' , tennIs al\l c'cllng , whllo she haH alwa's heen verr fond ot designIng Illumlnatlons.-St. Loul Hepubllc. Bird Is Giraffe's Companion. The red billed wellver bll'll'ls a constant COml1l1ll1011 of the gll'affe , lIerchlng Itself upon the withers and Ilylng along when Its host takes to rtlgbt uncI ImIlledlatol. } ' alighting asaln on Its back I\t th first 0111101'tllnU } ' , Rich Production of Sliver Mines , Thu Potosi sl1ver mlncs , lit Bollvln , lIavo been wOl'kod slnco 1546. I1\IlI have produced 600,000,000 wOl'th oi sllvol' . . = ' - " . ; ; ; ' - : . . , 'I ' I r" , , ' J - JERUSALEM A PLACE nF WOE. ) Holy City and Its Inhabltanto Fallen on Evil Ways , ' MIss Helen 1\1. SmIth entertaIned n. lurge compan ' In the ballroom at the Tullerles tbls morhlng II } ' un anhnated doscrlptlon oC the , far eastel'll coun. trIes , sa 's the Boston 'I'ranscrlnt. She 11I'esented pictures of places rIch In classic und bIblical Interest-Constan. tlnople , Smyrna ( whore the tomb or Polycarp is ) , UIO ruIns of the teIIIlllo . of DIana at EnlwslIs , Jaffa und .Je\'ll. salem were all descrIbed In wonderflli. . Iy entertalnlng fashIon. - 'fhero was a , narration of the grad , ual climb of fOllr hours to the lat er city whIch Is 3,000 feet above the sea. Great areas of brilliant red flowers , ' "the 1I11es of the fleld , " matee a rtrll , . Ing ImpressIon dll1'lng thIs journe ) ' . " , Jerusalem , " saId 1\IIS8 Smith , "cannot full to dlsappolnt-grlove ono with Ideals. Thm\o Is 80 11111ch dll't , depravIty - Ity and deceit ; so IIIany Calval'les , so many graves from whIch the Htono was rolled awnyl There Is only ono Gethsemane , but It Is a tI\Wdl , artificIal - ficIal place-In no sense the secluded spot whore 'the suffm'lng SavIor wept. : alone. ' 'l'ho 1\Iount oC 011ves probably 1 looles as It dId 1,000 years ago. It was , Indeed , the only place where 1 felt r v- eronco for the holy land. From It I could see tbo HIveI' Jordan , the Dead sea , and follow , In fancy , the wandoI' . Ing step of Abraham and feel the Influence - fluenco of the prophets of old. " , JOI'lIsalem Is surely In need of an ehllghtened prophet who 'will ' rId the cIty of Its filth , brIng healthy con. dltlons to Its half.bllnd chlldl'on , und a hetter sense of rIght to Its morally de praved people , Here , where the best examples of Chrlstlanlt ' should be 'shown are seen the worst. Never mInd where the actual crOSB home along the VIa Dolorosa , the cross of Ignor. : mce that Is crushIng the people shollid he lifted , All wa8 In , TcrllSaleill to. day are ways of sorl'ow , " Wanderings of II Seagull. On Oelober 28 last there was shot at Ouchy , on Lalce Lemon , a seagull aged about 16 months which was Cound to b wearing on its' 'claw II sl1ver rIng engraved wIth the words "Vogel stat'on , Rosslttcn 20. " Rosslt- ten Is sItuated In the Lido or the COl't- land lagoon , hotween Konl sberg and \lemel , In the Baltic , l , OO 1.1l0meters from the Lake of Geneva. . 1\1. FOl'el or Lausanne commllnl- . , ' cated with , Dr. J. 'fhlenomann , dIrector - or of the ornithological station at Hossltten. According to the latest " ' notes the gull No , 20 was hatched - , there and was marked with the ring when a few weeks old hefore it couhl fly , on July 4 , 100 . It seems 11 rob- able that It bud thus made two win , tel' mIgrations before It feH a victim to tbe human barbarian. " So Small. ' , . , And It came to pass that soul'wolg . ' 1. Ing was a scIentific fad. , "I'd lIlce to get a pall' of the most delicate scales YOIl can put up , " flalt ! .J lhe great ph'slclall , l" " ! "Yes , sir , " replied the great manll. factureI' of scales. "We can construct } 'ou a l1alr that will reglstor the weIght of a hllman hall' , " . "IndeedVell ! , cOllld ) 'OU con. strllet ho a Imr ! , that woulll register the weIght of 11 mole's haIr ? " " ; \Iole's hair ? Great Scott ! What Jo ) ' 011 want to IIse them for ? " , "r wl\nt to weIgh the so1l1 of a trllst uaron. " 1 Useful. ' , Hornets. "I.awson , " saId the old colored dea- con. as he tllnldh' gazed at the hor- nets' nest in the cOllrse of constl'llc' tlon among the l'IIfters of the meotlng hOllse , "why doan' yo' glt a broom en swocp dem Insects Ollt of de hous ! ! ob wors'-lp7" But the wise old IJUI'son shook his head solemnly. "I'o , BruddCl' Simpson , Providence done sent dem horne s , " "En what foh , pawson ? " "Wh } ' , to keep sleepln' llInehs a wako. WId all dem hOl'llets huzzln' fro de nlh deh won't he enny mo' sIlOl"ln' In church dls season , " New Bills Not Popul < lr. . \ccorlllng to the Wushlngton Post , qllotlllg a cashIer , bank officials do not prefer fresh , new bills to 0111 ones. \'erybodr dotsn't care 1'01' uow ' greenba les , " said a cashier , "It Is a common Idea that bank cashIers do not care to glvo lip crisp 1111 P 01' money. : ) ' As a matter f fact , ulne cashlors out . . , ! of c"ery ten try to get rid of new - mone } ' us Clulckl ) ' as 1108s11.l10 after re , eoh'lng It. 'l'hel'o Is gra\'o cIangCl" to the a\'ol'llge IJI'lng teller In handllu IInused money , New Banle nolos stick together. Frellllcntl ) ' the Ink Is not 1 thoroughl } ' .dry. " Both Right. "I'm not expecting au ) ' llacl\ale. , " saId 1\I1's. Hamlet to the dl'lvOl' of the dellvor } ' wagon , who. WIIS JlHI' . Rlstent. "This Is the numbOl' , " Inslslccl the drIvel' , looking at hlB hoole IIl'aln. " ) : amo Hamlet , ain't It ? " I "Yes. " "I'o , 74 ? " "That's 011I' nllmber , " " 'I'hen It's fOl' ) ' 011 , " "I th lk not. It mllst bo a case of mlstalccu Identity , " , " o , mlll11. It's a CIISO of heer. " Lunch for Hungry Youngsters. 1\lIstl .JlIlIa Hlcilluan , a tllst'lct su. perlntendeut In Now Yo'le Hehools , Is having great slIeccss with a 110nny IUllclwou of cl'llckors aud milk COI' , the YOllngust chl1dren. All In\'ustlga. , tlon uot long alO In that clt ) . showed " . 70,000 breakfastless children In tbe 11ublln schools. . , - . . . , ' " , . , ,