Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 09, 1907, Image 7

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- - - - . . - . , _ _ - - J . . - - " - _ . . - _ . . . . . -P , _ .n. L _
. . .
. . , ,
PI4KOS .a.ND ,
. O.ClAKS'
We aJways sell them cheap ,
but we are going to chop : pr ces
to rili Jce..meat in May , just to
make things lively. Here is
what we want you to know :
, ,1. , . . . " -
FI : FI. . S arr :
That we have fitted up swell , new piano parlors
and filled them to overflowing with Pianos and : .
Org ns , ; epresen ting THE : B E S.T M ANUF AC-
SJCC > : D' :
, That we guarantee every instrument sold by us
. and agree to cheerfully take back anyone which
: proves uns tisfactory. WE ARE HERE TO
STAY ! You know us ; we know YO . , Isn't
I tha. t , some hing ?
err I : FI. . : J : ) :
Ii I i We meet and BEAT ANY AND ALL COMPE-
: TITION as to price , quality 'and terms. Prove it ?
Well , just come in.
- -
During this sale we will display our famous
, ; Victor Talking Machines i
by playing the very finest records , some to laugh
' . > , . , , over , some to , veep oyer and others to holdyou !
Spellbound and Breathless
made by Uaruso Patti and Melba. These cost us as
much as $5 per re'cord. Want to miss 'em ? 1 guess not.
I. May 10th , circus day , despite the weather , nd
serve the best nd latest delicacies known to Solo-
. We invite visitors.
JUan. c. . . . . . . .
. . a"t"ts ,
\ .
, . . r7 " . ' ,
, , I ,
J 'rr-- , . . . . .
; .r _ . . . ' , " . ,
Irhlegroom'a Proof That He Had Been
a "nul Sport. "
- \
A Denver hotel man tells the tal.
lowing Btory and says It's true : A few
daYB ngo a bride and groon. from the
country reglstored at the hotel ,
"What nro your rates for room and
board fqr tw01" aBked the ! ; room.
"Six dollarR , " 'Wall the reply. That 'Was
8RtlBfnctory , and the two ware Klven
a room. When they decided to leave
the ! ; rOOlU aBked for his bm , It was
$24. lie wns Btaggered. "Whatl" he
ejaculated. "Twenty.four dollnrBI
'rhllt's an outrage. You said six dol.
lurs. " "Six dollar n day , " CU010 from
the clerk. "Sir dolhus a dI1Y. " "Six
t ollar a day I" the Groom almost
IIhouted. "I thoucht you meant Blx
dollal's a wcek. " The clerk simply
smiled. 1 < 'lnally the groom Ilaid over
the mono ) ' . "Now , " he 8ald , cahnlnr ;
down l'Iomowhat ' , "walt a mlnuto. I
waut to go upstalra. Keel ) that money
In your hand. " 'fho clerk dldn't under.
atand , but be decided to humor the
man. The latter soon returned with a
camera. Aiming It at the clerk he
took a picture. "This 18 the hlgheat.
In Iced pluco I eyer stOlllod ) at , " he ex.
plalncd. " 1 JURt wanted a ) llcturo to
show my friends that 1 wus II. rcal
Sllort here In Danvor. " Then he and
his brldo Jnthereli UI tholr telescopes'
und went out.
Circumstantial Evldanca Certainly
Was Strong In This Case.
"Yes , the ) ' cnll It olrcumstantlal evl.
dence , But she won 1\11 right. " So
aatd the old gentleman romlnlllceuUy
to his eonipllnlon , a younier and much
les8 experlonced man. The two men
were dlaouaslnar life In double harnaBS.
The youngar on. was nnxlous. He felt
halt afraid. 80 he consulted his
trlond , older and far more eXIJerlonoed
than he In . the matrimonial ileld.
"But bow did they prove It1" Iluerlad
the younr ; man. The elder man hall
been telling him of his own paoullar ,
exparlence. And he told It In a sad , !
way. "Well , " replied the experlenoed
one , "Nell , she stuck a nuadle In her
waist about a year before I got sa
strong. And that blamed needle kept
working around there all the time.
I got kinder atrong and kept on Kolnat.
I was there to see her moat over1
nlrht. Finally that blamed neadl _
worled out of 01) ' arm anll IIh. had me
dead to rights , It doesn't pay to let
too olose to a lood thine : aometlmes. "
Why He Sought the Mournera' Bench.
"Once we had a revival , ILDd I at.
tended It with 011 slrl. She got qulto
excited , and berore I knew what was
, halJ enlns she started for the mourn.
era' bench. She didn't ask me If 1'4
:0. She Just Kat up and weat all b1
horsel ! . Wel1 , sh. kne led down there , '
and I see that rJCht next to her wa
kneelln' a feller she'd been KIln' wltb
aome and who was a rival 0' mlae.
I said : 'B1 & olhl I can't staad tllatl
Maybe ho'll be ketchln' her. ' 1'her.
was juet a little room botweea ner
2nd him , and I IItoppod up and kneel.
ed 80 as to separate 'em. I Cllt him
out that time , and be didn't marrr
tbal girl. As tar aa thal iOOS , neither
did t Oh , well , ) 'ou can't , be fOUaat
but. nnma I"
Jewels of Engllih Women.
Mnny English society women are
the owners or jewole worth tbe pro.
verblal klng's ransom , Perhapi the
largest collection. belong to the duch.
eSIi or Portland and the duchesa of
Marlborourb : , but Viscountesll IYcl1&h &
Is the IJOIJSeSlior of one ot lhe most
yaluable necldaccs In En&land. Her
pe.arls are worth oyer ' 350,000 , aDd
took Lord Ivellch n long Ume to col.
lIct. Lady Rolhschtld , the counle88
of DUdley , the countcss of nneale1
and Lady Denman all own mOlt beau.
tltul pearls. The duchcBa of Rox.
burgh and the Marchloncss of Dut.
fel'ln' both have a lar e number et tur.
Plant. for the Garden.
AH II. bed or BoUd color pJalox drum.
mondl III very errectlve , Canuaa entail
conalderable labor In the plnutlns la
the spring and ramonl to tbe hou. .
tor IJrotocUon In 'the autumn , but the
phlox , 'beln. : perrecU , . hardy , makes a
permanent bed. Oardenars are now
subaUtutlng them tor the tender
plants. Arter the tops are cut err In
the 'tall a two or threa.lnch coaUnl : of
stable manure luaurell strons srowth
the tollowln , ; Baason. If ono happens
to see a dealrable shade all that Is
necessary Ie to mllke cuttlnrs taree
IncbeB Ions , plant In the opeD IIround
In a moist situation and In thre. or
tour weeks rooted plantll wl11 be , ro-
Didn't War1t to Mak. Trouble.
When Dob\ilo went to Ice bl8 graJac ! .
mC ther he was much Intereated In
whateyer went on In the kitchen. One
da ) ' she Bald to him : "I'm lolUK to
make you a nice IIttl. pie In a sau
cer , all for your8elt. Don't you tbl.1I
I'm pretty seed to take 10 much trou.
ble ? " Bobble pondered. "Orandma , "
ho said at lencth , "mother told me
net to be a bother , nnd If It's Ioln'
to be a. , . tro.ble you can JUBt IUS well
make ray pie rec'lar slze.-Harpor'o.
81gned the Pladle ,
Gunner-"lIow In the world dId
Mrs , Deader retorm her buoband trom
I tlplJUnc1" Ouyer-"Dy a ma'l1ltylns
Clobo rull ot coldftsh. " Gunner-"Mn : .
I ntrylng globe ? " Ouyer-"Yes. Bend.
er came bome one night , silled the
I clobe and vowed he was about to be
ewallowed by u. IIchool of whales. The
next morning he telt 80 ashamed ku
1 II11Ded the pledle. "
_ _ _ _
, .
1' ) , - t' r ' _ to.
_ - : : ,
The t&teal Home ,
IIome t. the NI1ldonce ! not merelr
of the body , but of the heart : Il Is .
plle tor the atrootlonB to untold and
dotolop thomsetvoB : tor children to
play In : tor husband and wlfo to ton
smtllngly together and make lito a
blesslnr ; . The object of al1 ambition
.lIould bo to bo happy at bomo , If we
are not happ ) ' elsewhere : It 18 the
beat proof of the vlrtu a of a tamn ,
clrclo to see a happy roBldo.-Max.
weil'l TaUBman.
The Modern Youth.
Few young 111ell nowallnys cutUfnto
the art or
making thelll801ves agroe-
able. This was ono of the thlngB they
managcd b tter In bygone daye. No
' doubt spme of them rove < I abject tatl.
'uros , but they at leust do served credit
'tor gooll Intontlona. Nowadays they
, rarely , If ever , make the attempt.-
, Ambrosia , In the World.
How to Keep Young.
AU the tl\clal massages , aU the
, creams and lotlon In the world w1l1
nol enable a wonum to keel ) young
unless she kceps bor hcnrt young at
the 8amo time : tor , 1\8 Dorothy Qulg.
'Ioy oays : "Thoughts llOnoll your , " and sweet , bright. thoughts
bring tholr reward In a 8wOOt , bl'l bt
expressl n.
If Q. man. bo merely great , bo stnnds
a chance of getting to bo understood
during his lIfetlmo , IJI\rtlculurly If he
be grent enough to knock UIO world
rothor heavily between the eyos. Dut
If ho bo bolh great IUld good , ho w11I
have to walt until utter he Is dond tor
his roeognltlon.-Puclc.
Good Remedy for Earache ,
Here Je a remcdy for earache novar
known to fall : "Take a bit of colton
batting , put upon It 'a vlneh ot black
papper ; guther Jt up and tie It : dip
In sweet 011 and In8ert In the oar.
Put a flannel bandage ever ( ' .10 head
to IOelJ It warm' ' . It w11l glvo Imme.
dlato rellet.
Added to Stata' . Wealth.
Ev ry man , womnn and child In
Mas8acllUaetto produced $300 worth of
manutaetured goods and $15 worU. of
agrloultural IJroducta In 1905-over
$1,000,020,000 worth of manufactured
llroduct . Rnd only $42.000,000 worth
of agricultural. .
Get an Air Castle.
"Arter all , " IInld Unole Josh this
mornlnlJ , "air cl1atlos Ie dum good
property t' hov. Y' don't necd no :
lIervants In 'om , an' y' don't hov t'
pay no taxoe on 'em , an' . thoy're 10
aJlOred chel p cnnybody kin hey one , .
' "
b'jlnkB I"
His Funeral Remark.
"By de ble lsln' or Providence , " satd.
Drother' W1I1tams , "ho lor' money 'nurr !
ter bury' him , en dnr'll be Borne 10'f"1 '
over tor help his widder gel a black ;
dross , ter mourn ter him 'twel she ,
< < tta marrJed q'ln.-Atlanta ConIlU , '
Lucky FInd In Almuhoule , I
A smnll table that had boon many'
) "ORrll hi nn almshouse al Bristol"
England , wae sent recently with other :
dlBcarded turnlturo to an n.uctton ,
room , where Il WQB recognlzod aa IL'
Chippendale &nd 110M for $367.60.
. The Last Hope.
The German proroHBor belloves that.
the dny la coming when mell cnn ex.
chan o h ada with the aid at ur < < ery. ,
That eoomo to be the last hope tor'
101D0 men with plenty ot money and
no brnlniJ.
I , Thoughtful Hour. . ,
You greatly need certain free hours'
in which' ypu could recollect yourself"
, -ry to steo.l eOlDe , and be sure that' !
'these IIltte parttnls of your dayo w111 ,
be your best treasuroo.-Fonolon.
I Julrt a LIterary Note. i
We cather , from n preliminary puff.
( or two ) , that a well-known " , rlOOr 18
brln n& , out a book entltlod "Smokel'
No doubt It will be 181ued In volumea.t
ndo Punch. II
From the Garman.
A nalt. secures the horseshoe , the :
8hoe the horBe , the horse the mau ,
the man , the castle , and the cnuUe the ;
whole land.-oerman.
i Hard POlltlon to Fill.
, I "Wanted , " said the adverUoemont,1
Ha YOUDIr woman tor tarchlng and ;
luu . A , glng uv. Apilly at laundry. "
, ,
I Proverb Revised.
I "United we stand , but divided we ,
E'ot all sorta of mean thlnga said'
'about U8 , " snUh 'I'he Skirt.
. .
I H _ Seldom Flnda Out. '
, Many a mILD with toollsh prejudlceo ;
, wondero 'Why he Isn't pralued tor bav. ,
InK Itrong convictions. ;
I I .
I A good mo.ny of the opportunities ,
, that Boem to 110 golden are merely
' .
: Writer HlmleJf Must Believe ,
If a book come tNJDI the heart It :
w111 continue to reach other hearto.
I .
Don't Hesitate.
Hesitation lUay be as great n. mistake -
take as the dolul of the
wrong thing.
Good Men to Leave Alone.
It Is the quiet people who are dan
aterouB.-.a FOfltatnQ.
. - - " - . . . . . . - - . . . - .
: ' " . . . . ' : ' " . . - - ,
I . A Rare" Opportunity
is lu re otTered , to the \
Sick and Suffering I
, ,
of our Community.
, Read , Refle.ct , Act
carefully' thoroughly accordllgly
, V isitnig Speciansts
I'ltOM TInt
Cleveland , Ohio.
willU J > ay thcirfirst visi t to
Broken Bow , Nebraska ,
and will be at the
Grand Gentral llatel ,
Saturday and Sunday
Mu ) ' 18th nnd 19th.
Two Days Only
9 a. m. to 7:30 : p. m.
. . .
This Institute In ordcr to IntroduCG
their now MCIHcal Dlsco'erlcB : lnd x-
Radium System , scuda at 1t wn ex-
penile thesc emlncnt slcclaUsts to give
to those who caU on the above date ,
onllllitatlou , examination , advice I1nd
111 mclIclnc rcqulrcd to cOUlplete 1.1
ure. absolutely free.
'l'hese specIalists win diagnose yOJtt
dIlC'at1d ' give YOIl the bcncfil of thcir
' )1c ical lmowlcll'c. { 'their Ia 110 ex-
'frlmeutll1g ' or gucst ! work. YOIl wlU
rJ told whcthcr YOIl call lie cured or
ot. If your caBO Is curnblc. they
treat you ; It Incurable thcy wl11 give
you such advice as llJn ) ' IJroloug your
Thclr trcatp1cnt g1Vf)8 qnick rellef
and positivel > cunI. HeIlig prcpared
to suit cnoh illdhidtU\catle. , the human
sY8tem is thorlughly clcallzled f tI. ,
c1i easc In 1\ \turai and direct mannJ
and b provemcllt noticed at ol1cej
evcn thu worslCU9C9 ar ! : treated witn-
out any Inconvcnicnce to the pLtient
or the pursuing of his dllily'ocaUoa. .
If you I1re Improving uudcr your fami.
Iy physician do not come nud takc up
their valuable time. 'rhcy wish to give
each one plenty of time , but cannot
l1stcn to long stories not pcrtalulng to
; your casc.
They have discarded the ol rcme-
( UCS uscd for ages by the medical
world an" ' 11" ' .ich It would be folly to
depend UpOl1 any longcl' fOl' thcy . \ ( )
not cure , as thcuuau die delJCndhsCf
n thcm for reUef.
The fact th .t theuc SpecinUsts l1o.v
discovered entirely new trca.tmcuta
and natural Cllres , glvcs them control
of the Nervous Syotem. lIcart. Stom.
ach , Lungs , Uidlleys : , Catarrh. Cc.r ; _
sumption. Epilepsy , Dei1fness. Malc
aud Female Weakncs&es , Cancers ,
Tumora , Plles'l1nd other Chronic Dla-
They treat deafness by an entirely
new method and hearing in many callef
is rcslored at once. Catarrh : In all it ,
varlcd forms curcd BO it will never re-
turn. If you 1i ve weak lungs or consumption -
sumption do not fail to be examined. -
All cases treated cau and w111 be
cured , no difference who you have Been
or treated with l1erctofol'c. : rhouaand
who have givcn up aU hope of being
cured , now have ; anopportunltytocon
suit spccialists of rtputation.
Dent fIlll to call as a visit cosls yoct
nothing aud may save your life.
H yon suspect kidney trouble , bring'
a two ounce bottle of your urine fOJ :
chemical aud microscopica : analysis.
REMroMnroR : The I free offer i11
during this visit o 1y nnd"wilt not bJ
given again. Pcrsons commencing
any treatment aftcr this trip will be
requln. < 1 to pay. but not one cent will \
be allked of those commencing tr at.
ment during this visit for auy medicine
nccessary to effect n cnre ; aluo a posi.
tive guarantee to cnre will be given to
patients accepted under their system
of trcatmell" Those bavlng long
.tandlng and complicated dIseases ,
who have fIlUed to gct cured and become -
come discouraged , nre especially lnvl.
ted to caU I1S thousands who have
given up aU hopes can testify to per-
1uanent C\reB obtaincd.
NO'l'ICro--Marricd Ladlcs withouC
their IIIlSbatzds and Minort > wllhou (
their lijlIzers , will pOIlW..ely ! lot bt
dll1ltted to consultation.
Otnce IIollru : A. M. to 7:30 P. M'w
Uon't Forget the a" "
Saturday and Sunday , May 18th nd 191h
Two Days Only.