' , II I I - or : : - , / CIJ\u \ : : : : : \R1 \ PR : : Dan. : Eatered at Bro ea 8 < r.Ir. : rebf'1 lu. fer Ira III- 'DlnfC1l hs the Vatted SUtet = S&lb at < < < od . - clan nte-t. u 111 ADvtRTct' , ( ' , RATES. c : Oae col.ma. r " " "ub. r Jh. Oae.haU . col. III II. p.r monttJ. ! 4".JJ.II.1ft > ! t cohmr. r : moell. . sl.fl. ; L < < . tlUII qaarlu C&IIIIIIII. : fl 0 , cellI' pet"llIcb f 1II000UJ. colp Card. 011 tint r > 21re CIJ CIIIU f Ilicb p t I' ' 1II0atb. Lo a.l adntthllll' 5 nlltll Iflle ucb hllu , CI tlOII. m 0 Notice 0' ( buc" hln. IIIJCbbl'-'l alieS ealer. 1.1 tala III eo III wllere rDO _ , . I. cbarlred. 0tIt-l1t : tl o d rat \ < < . Deatb aotlce1Ir . k H , ; ' f..t pvblhblU' t obltllar , . lIotlee. . . tt r Card of Tbaalu.r. : . D IAI'a1l1otlce' at ra' Vt'o"lded by atat.tes of o bIt : I . ebta-'lra. a Bodet , . lIotlu1\allJ .e1OJ1.Uollt.oae-ba : : . , . " Weddllllr lIollet' flee. haU prke fM , . . o ! N preMou. pr D. M.ASBERRY , - PUBLISIIP.R - CliAS. J { . BASSETT , - ASSOCIATE D , _ . _ . _ - - - - - . - CI Thursday , lay 9. 190i. - . . . - - - . r ; ; . " ' : -A Lucky Eacape from FIre. 'T' A fire. which broke out at the BIrmingham - mingham ( Eng. ) university , recenUy , wu extinguished In a novel way. The gl fireman on duty at the corporation at pa omce wu summoned to the unJ. a ( YerBlty , and found the ceiling at the ! u' day.tralnlng room on the rst ftoor I ti curred , but the fire was pracUcaJly tt out. An electric wire had tus &ad h Nt the ceiling OB fire ; the he3.t melt. 'D ed a wat.e-r pl , and the supply of wa. ter WIUI 10 coplon. that the tire wu : ' " extlnguIlhed. a 1l : Trutlng Hemorrhage. . . i , From whateYer source bleMln. f. arilles prompt remedIal meaaurel are Imperative. It trom an artery or trom a n m 1.I p lure 0:1 each lide of the wound ( th&.t I neareSl the heart and that most ret - ; mote trom It ) , ao u to prevent tu.r- . t . ther access of b1oo < 1 to the part. OT- I ( dtnary bleeding trom a cut or brnbe i may be arrested by the appUcaUoll ot ; ( coW water. ' ) 1 . ! Value of Enthualum. ' , J The word nthuswm really meu.a , ij poueuIon y a god. The trail ltaelt 'I belomp what W8 call oar better , .elves. And whether It Ia an elnate4 'J ' ud noble excltelfmt : : In parautt of I .om. object. or tM ardent respoc.t-e , to aome hl&h pleaaure wbJch hu I k1nd d the Imqlnatlon , the effed 1.1 , t.k-e same. the upUlt1Dg ot haman . . . . : 1 tve. . . . 't " I Own. Much Rich Land. , Henry Hewitt Is the richest maa w..t ot the Roeky mountains. He wu : : the tounder ot the WD ot Enrett , Waah. , anc1 laid out the orlc1n.aJ town t aU. . . It 18 only a cIty ot % 0,000. Mr. I HewItt owou UOO& acres ot iron land 1a MIcbJpn uc1 Wisconsin and 2,500 a.crH IA the MJsslbe Iron raIlle 1Ji1 K1JmMOta. . , J , : RIght 18 Happlneae. When happlncas 1a offered &t the & &me Inltant to two people ; when Uaey are lIura It . . happiness , knock- b.c at their dee , . . , they have ahraYIl , .Uae richt to join hands and throw the IIoon wide open , even It they knoW' : l1applness 1a only 10inK Klance fa , atop for a mom.at , and then pau OL -The. DueL t I Longevity Aid. . A 91.yelU'-Old woman attribute. MI' ' J geYlty to meat eatlns. The 1ut two non onar1an1 re Ortlolr , we t. . j leen ; . relied TeapecUvely on pa.tent J ool1&h mixture and kraham brea4. ' 1 Faddlau < < ot encoura ement freJa J Items like those , but people who , - l1eve in dolnl . . . ther lIke < < et more. t When Father I. It. I About the only procession "Father' " eYer head8 Is Yo'hen the members et his family think thO ] ' hear a burElu , In the dead of night , 'and Vuah the i poor IItUe old man at. the ha4 otthe 'procession that looka tor the burclar. -Atchison Globe. Not MUch 0' . Curlollty New. When the Hotel Kirby In Gratt. . ! 4aaa. , WIUI buUt In 1793 , the ! xli panes ot glus In the window. were a .curloalty , they were eo lar. . . , . TIle thre&story brick bUll41nK was th 1l c81Uldered an Impollnl .tructure. I Quite So. . BeinE a press humorist Is all' rlCht for a cripple , but It does 8eem as thouCh a healthy , able.bodle-d man oucht to be wllllQl ; to work for a Uv- InK.-Phlladelphla. Ledcer. - . . Need It Worry Them ? Ia.n Maclaron Haya : "Don.'t eat too much It you W&At healthli , lIdre..H . . . What has thlll & : ot to do wlik. bache- ! era T i Vleld 0' an Olive Tree. The averaie yield ot an oUve trM 18 two bushels , which Klv8s two Ial. Ions ot ell. Ono Man' . Worthy Charity. JOleph Leo , ot Hoston , elves fle , . , toO a year In charity amen ! : ' Bos to children. On. Shoe Factory In' Japan. Japan has but ono factory makl. . . leather shocB. Most of the shoes Worn IU1.re are made ot tr w or wood. , ; ; Beauty the Normal State. "That bcauty Is the normal' state I ill IIhown by the perpetual cUort of I fi&tur to attaIn IL"-Emerson. . . . . - - - - - , , , , . _ - _ _ . : > i oya1ty AIIfI6trenl - Crll\k. - - Qu D Vlet.crla ef S aln c1 ut DOY t.lae taat.e et aJcokoL Her. . . . . . daJ . , ,1. " II mue trem tk. tntla fnlt IqueM4d Int. & IUI. . whIch II filled with a.era.ted waters. Oranle5 are her faTorite fruIt. For 7ean Princeu Henry of Ba.ttenlurr wu a touJer , but ot la.te she hU ; luffered eo much trora rhnmatJJra' that Ihe Iaa lw n ordere4 to tail ) a little whllky wblch Ihe regards u . e ce. Both Prince. . ChrIlUan' . c1aulh ra , lOo , are te.totaJen. All thJ children ot the prince Gd prince. . of WaJes are belDJr brouht up Mrlct totaJers , and they know noWnc of , alcohol. Princ . Patricia ot Co nauKht &lAd her .arrled sliter aUo a. Jure . "Ine. Anothef' royal totaJer 1 _ ; Ule duchesa of Arl7l1 , and tJvJ two ; daulhtf'rI of the prineess royaJ , ther hJghn 'H Al andra Gd ) laud , "Tel . naTer In their UYe8 touch"d " ! wiu. . MUlllJI.tI Under .the aallow- . ; In 014. . da7s , It a man Ot' . . . an wouM cenaent mUTT undet' 018\ \ gallow. , a rson coac1emme4 te . dutb mlKht th ( 'eb , 1IIe I&n4 fro. , execuUon. TbIB happened , aJCOf'd1aC to n old EacUsh baUJ.d , to a C'kJ. : chester merchant who waa thtll u.Ye4' Ity a 10YIng maiden. In 1114 a erlD- laal at New York escaped In tho. nmt way. ( And all readers of Victor- Huro's ; "Notre Dame" will remembeT' that powerfuJ and c1ramaUc scem where Esmeralda sa.es Plerr _ Or1a- rolre. ) Bnl Pinkerton recordJ ! & cue : where the crlmlaa ! refused r < < af11 lite In thia .ay. The story 0 : W. Intrepid refusal has es tolli 1a liAes which "ear quotaUoL Placlnl Stampl Wrongly. "The only way to atop people tro. , plastering a ltamp at aay 014 p1 upon the en.elope , except the rlpt , one , fa to do as Is 4ue la E anc1. . There a letter whIok c10u aot ban. the atamp In the rilht po.IUon 1.1 cut aalde anei handIe4 enly whea all other mall 1.1 lorted and ex. chuled : ' This Idea w. . a4.anced by II. postal clerk. "We otten lose con. slderable time beaule ot these letters - ters , " continued the clerk , ' "tor oftes we ha.e to stop and tUB o.er an ea- nlope to Ind the ltamp. The went offenderll In this rea ct are act fer. elgnll , ut thole whe UTe U. , . " ) aere tor yean. " Slight MllundlratJlndlnf. Talkin& , of German opera , the Leu. don Telesraph relate I Ute I ry or & 1 1&41 wko brourht ; her UtU. lIoa Ires' the country Uie oth. , . oy . "Ita. . . Ole pantomime at Drury La.ae , . . . . took kllll by mistake to Count 0&1'11. . "here there wu a maUaee er " 'IA1a rrl. : ' "Tlao opealnr .t the Int act , H' wo are Id , "w. . Tote. dull 'y eta ! , mother and lOB. But hope eae briehtly whea LoIa 1ITIB , clraWJl IiIr tko swan , appeare..4 I1tUe JobBr' la oxclt"ment caUe. eut , 'Oh , .othor'l 'Ioek at fHnbad : , clt lng Ute 4140k.1 Small wonder l at "dnout W. . . . , . I , Ites , " who sat near , were "upset. " ; , - Military Popo. Pope Julius IL , who died In 1I5lS , was the ut pope to allow hlB beard tCI grow In order , It was said , to In. spire I'reater ; respect among the talth. tul. He was clllled the mlUtary pope , When M1chael Angelo W JJ makinI ; ' his statue he said to him : "Holy Fa. ther , shall I place a book In ) 'Our hand 1" "No , " answered his hollneaa , "a sword rather-I know better hoW' to handle It. " No Wonder Ho Groanld , Mrs. Fabbln hIlS written to the Society for the PrevenUon ot Cruelty to Animals to. know If something can be done .to prevent horses trom being 8cratcbed. She III sure It .mu t be very painful , because her husband , a racing man , Is lSomeUmes quite , upset and she hears him groan 10 bJs sleep about a horse belnr : scratched. Men and Dead Leavea. You know the One picture of Homer of the dead leaves which tall to make place for the youn" bud'l' It IB as true of mt'n as ot trees : we have our time and IJaBS away. Behind our Tan. Ished youth germl.atcs the youth of others. Our children's destiny o.ht not to be dulled by what there ha.a been In ours. Delight for the Vounglter. A. small boy w1ll Ond Infinite delIght I. hammerlnl ; ' tack. Into a Iock ot aett wood. Whea one end III full 1te can turn It oYer an4 c1r1.o In more at the other , nnd o on , further -empl07. ment beln ! : found In taldnl t.hem o.t ap.1n , saye Womaa'a Ufe. Small taoka , 110ft wood and a Tery IIrht hammer , of coune , arc necossary. If the Truth Were Told. Oae trembles to IID84lne what the world would be like It everyone lIaid all that he or he thousht without reser- TaUon , and It one' . conaclence would allow one to compliment ono'B boateM after her hopelessly dull enterta1m. ment , or to pra1se a triend' . fzeck asalnlt one's JudlID1eot. . They Tire Him. It takes a re4.aOMd mua with a KreIlIlJ' vest and a lIolled collar &ad a , cheap elgar , and with his feet OR . . 'other ' chair , to put the proper em. , baall In the words , "These womea reo . tennera make me wearr.-W. D. , N..blt , 1A Cblca&'O Polt. , Not for H.r , An Engllah vegetarian proposed t. . . I woman , whereupon she delivered her- , . .If of the following 8cathlns words : " 00 along with you ! WbaLT Be fteah ot 70ur flesh , and 70U " , UY1n1 011 cabI I , al. ' Go and marry,1T&U , ,140,1" : : : C - : f .ii _ : : : . : . . , ; ' " " " . _ _ - - . . . . - - , THEY'LL COME BACK . . . ' II If you d.o as - . and. ha. ve . your nan : , post-I. . office address and return requ&st prlnted 011 t e corner ! } of the env lopes you use , , the letters.'you write will be ' ; . I returned In r case they ; , are not : ' called for by the persons you have written. Otherwise they will be . . ' sent to the Dead Letter office. . . J _ . - - - - - - _ . . _ - _ . - - . _ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . = _ - . - . . . . . . . _ _ v - . - . - . . . . . . . , i' to" ; " . , J - t ' < - . ' liT COSTS BUT VERY LITTLE ; : The expense of both the envelopes and the printing ; is but little more than the retail cost of the envelopes I : , alone , nd there's not a farmer. tin Custer county who can afford to be without them. One hundred. extra good . : < envelopes and : printing , complete , delivered from the of- : " . fica or sent anyw , here : postage : paid for : ' , . ; . ONLY SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ! - . . . - - - - " - - , , - - - - . . . ' - r " J - . . . , ' , ' - . . - - . . . . . . . . . ' ' > > , . : \ - ' , \ ' ' . - , - : I T. H INK 0 F T HIS ' . , ' During' the first four months of this ye r , January , ; . , ; February , March and , April , the number of letters received - ceived at the Eroke.a. Bow : postomce which were not . , : . . : called for was 105. The writers did not have return cards printed on ; . : . the corner of the envelopes , hence they were sent to the I Dead Letter Office at Washington. , : . . I Jus think of it ! 105 lettersJ in four months , or : 315 a year from the : Broken Eow ] ; OStoffiCE ! . " : With thousands of : postoffices in the United States , : . _ : ea-ch contributing as many letters as : Broken Eow , it is : " : no wonder the Dead Letter office destroys over . . : ! ONE MILLION' EVERY MONTH ? I . " + R Don't : permit any more of yours to be sent there . and : destroyed , bu.t h ve 100 sD.velopes printed. Address orders to . THE REPUBLICAN T -/i ; ; \ " J BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA. j . . . . , . . . . " - . - . . DO IT TO-DAY. DON'T WAIT TILL TO-MORR . W . .