Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 09, 1907, Image 2
. . , - - - - . , . . . - - - - - - - MAN WHO TRAPPED 'FRISCO' BOODlERS , 'HAS FINE RECORD " CALLED KING OF DETECTIVES . William J. Burns , Most Clever of the SccJ'et Service Agents Employed by Uncle Sam Has Earned Proud 1icle by His Many Successes in Running Down Offenders - ders Against the Law-His Methods Are ShJ-ewd , Direct - rect and StJ'aight Forward , and He Has Yet to RecOJ'd Failure in Any Case in Which fIe Has Be n Employed . -Land Grabbers , BoodleJ's or Counlcr.feicers All One toJim. . . San Frullelaco-WIIJlnm J. Bu\'l1l.1 , the United Slates accret IICI'vlco agent who trall11ed every mombol" of San I Fl'onelsco's corrul1t hoard of IIII01'vla. ere Inlo a flll1 COllfOlSlon ! : of their I guut , Is callell "lho ltlng of detec. , Uvea , " 4\lUwugh Burna hm ; thla Into1'11o , tlonnl l'ollutatlon Cl deloctive , It 16 I hfrd for his Intimates to remember , nhvaYH that Burns la a detooUve. rrhuII , : l"I'uncls .J. Huney , lho III'osocu , tor with whom Humll : hils worltOcl throllrh the Innl1 fraud calloll : : In 01:0' : gen and In the Hnn l 'mnclsco hoodlo cnnos , flmln hl associate a SO\1l'CO of c.onllnual lIurlrlao. ( " 13\11'ns mnuocS mo , " said Henoy ono day reconll ' , as ho looked mit the wIndow' or hIs office In lho unbumt "Wcslern Addition" of Bun 1"1'I\I1Clsco , , I ' /Jt,1 } 1 'h J I . Trapping < t Boodler. whllo Burns wns whirling hy , In hIs automobile , ' . , . 'I'.ook nt him ! " h exclalmod , "Ho Is as 1'Incid and ( lIgnlflod as a lord In hit > carriage. " Unms was leunlns bael ( at his ease In the rom' Ieat : ! of the big tonnoau , hnmaculotely groomed , with n look of IInpQrturbnble 1Ioredom on hll ) fnco" The lawyers nssoclated with Helley In the IlrosecutIon of Aho Huof I\nd 1\t1\'or S lllnitz were lI the room I\t the thud , and they tnll Into a Illscus- afon of"tho man , Methodlc < tl In Everything. "What Interests mo most about BU1"ns Is that ho novoI' mlssos a . monl , " auld CoJb ! , lIeno "B Imrtnor. "I never saw him In too much of a hul'1'Y to take his hour (01' dlnnor at the regutu" ! tlmo , lIe Is melhodlcal In over'thlns , It Is all In a l1a3 work with Bu1'11s , amI when ho turns In al night he slcOllS Hlw a 1011. " "Yet he ' ' ' ! " novel' 11\'OCI'astnotes , put In District Allo1'11oy lallg on , "I nsltcd him the ether night It ho thonsht ho could get a man we want. . cd and bring him to the olUco lu the morning. " . " 'What"lI the mallOl' wllh gelling 11111\ now ? ' said Burns , ' 1'nlc1ng down the reoelver from the 'phono ho call. -cd up ! l saloon , Ills lUan was thOi'o. ] 3UI"1\S tol11 him It , youill bo bettor fOl" 111" . . health' t sun'OUtlet. hlmsolf at \ , our om o wllhout delar. The man came at once. " "What interests mo about Burns , " ) lUt n J. Dw'or . , ' another of UtQ at- tornop of tho. graft prosecutIon , "Is biB ; He gOtH the mon he Is after to lllte him. Huef llltCS him uQw bettor than uny of his own mon , rrboso two IIWl\p : storlos to each othol' unlll you can't ! Jollovo , Burns la wo'rk. Ing 11.11 the time to Innd Ruof In Snn Q cntln II1'lsOI1. ' , . . . . , " 1I0 can mimIc Frenoluunn , an ngllshman , n Dutchman to porfec. tlon , and the utorlos ho tolls QO\UlIl like good fiction , I holloyo It Is his magnetlnm us much liS hla Ilerlllst- enco that wins for him , " HIG Flnt Il11pcrtant C < tse , This Is the stOI' ) ' of Ihll'llI ) ' Urst Important case , as tolll by hhnsolf : " .t . was In 1890 , In St. I.ouls , Allum. bet' of I1robu s hud boon bU1'l11nl ; down houses CO ! ' Insural1co moue ) ' . Tbey rented these houses : then they I } t I" velvet cl\1'petl3 , elc l\nt tuml. tU1'C , I11an08 nnd so forth , which they Insured. As' soon 1\9 they had thol1' ( Iollelo" , tItey would mOVe out the furniture . , 'l'hen they , would light n . _ . I : AS. - - ; , ' " ; . . : . . . f " , _ . . lwohom' candln , llnd at two o'clocI ( In the morning the houBo would burn [ lown wilh IL complete loss , In this way they had got hundreds of thou. Imlllla of dollar out ot the Insurance t'ompanles , "WIHJI1 I wlla callod'into the case It 'Illd ! Jeen pretty thoroughly gene Dvor by Plnlwrton mon , who had 10' tJUled the tluspecls. The dlmculty was 10 Hot lognl o"ldence. .Jlm French , who later 110d to Hondllras , after hav. Ing nerved his fll'tlt : Eentence , which I sot agulnnt him , WI\II : the Icador of the nl1g , , " 'rho dllllclllt ) ' In nil uuch cases Is toI11COVCI' thu lmclts of the criminals - nals whllo avoidIng direct mothods. I1ultol\d r going out to Induce aome of the mU1'lwtl men to como to the front wIlh n confession , I went to them under the name of 'Wiliams' anti told thom that I had 'been sent b ) ' th ( ' ! llslll'anco com paules to Inves. tlcntrJ the dotectl\'OH that had boon ' . . . .ol'kln on the case who were ac. eunod of misappropriating their ex. 11(1111 > 0 mone ) ' , While carrying on thla 'slIeclal Investigation' I wus able 10 gather ! 1I'onnd 1110 all the gang , l 'rom them 1 selected the ono mnn who , I thought , could give mo the evillence , 'I'hls fellow , .Jolm llm1l1 by name , ne"er Imew until the ( lay llllt ho was cnllod Intu the grand jury room tha ho 111111 be on aidIng In the apprehon- ulon or the Incondlal'les , Sucpected Informer Killed , "When all was ready 1 wont before the grand jur ) ' and explained the case , 'rho Insurauce ngonh ; told their los e3 and llum we called In ! tudd , and ex. lalnod ! to him hIs va1't In the case , Arlel' Indlctmenls had been brought In there was Il tCl'1'lblo upronr. SomfJ mombOl' of the grand jury tol.d the gang that'll. man h ) ' the name of llurna had C01110 hoforo them and told the whole stOI'Y , No ono Imow 'Burns , I had heen going unilor lho name of Williamll , ! Jut the following night ono of the gallg was suspected by his fellows of 1101111 ; 'UUl'llB' nnd wall : shot dead In a ! mloon , ' 1'hoy no01' Imew until th'e first dn ' of the trial wIto I was , Mars\1 l\lcDolllltQ wal : ! l1' 'lng the cnso , I WIUI sllling besillo him , When Hudl1 waa on the stand ho was nslted , on CI'oss-examlnntlon , to whom ho had Urat told the utOI'Y , . . " 1'0 a man who called himself Williams - liams , ' he rellllod , . . 'Do 'ou Imow his true 1\amo ? ' . . \I1ulel'stand now that It Is Bul'lls : ' " 'Oh , this 11I'SI01'lous 1\11' . Du1'11s ! How' long Is it slnco you saw him last l' " ' ' 'Jmlt 110W , " 'Is he het'O now ? ' . . ' ' 'Yoa , , , . . . ' ' 'In this room ? . . 'He It ; sIlling bosll1o 'ou" wat : ; the answOl' , "This was the BI'st that Jln FI'onch and the rest of the gang Imew of the purl 1 had tlllwll In the Investl. gntlon. " Aa Uur1s sal al his desk telllllg the storr , he hall the aPlwarance of a banker' explaining It deal In stoclm. 110 Is liS far from the 11Imo novel do , t'ctlvo as ho Is ! 'rom the wonllerfll ] Mr , ShOl'lock lIolmes of Conan Dolo's : novels , " "C ltef Wtiklo or thQ secr'et service 011 co rOl1ll\rlel1 to mo , " aalll Ilono ) " "th t Burn ! : ! Wl\3 a 11Ian with a alxtll sense , who could tell as If by instlncl when n lIIun was telling the truth and when ho had told nll 'ho Inew My ( ' ' 'II01'lonco'Ith \ Burn3 IIcars thh Ollt. Once In the Oregon land fraut cases I thought wlttw3H WIlS hold lug pomethlng back , Burns said It ( had told all ho know , aUlI Burns Wa ! right. , At nnother tlmo I thought' ( wltuesQ lHHl 1111\110 :011l111eto : confeQ blon. nlll'liS Buld : "lecil al hlmll aure onollgh the most Incrhninatllli part of hIs RlOI'y came out afto1'\vnrd , ' "Ono thlnl ; that has mll'lll'lsed m in Burns , " ndded Langdou , "Is this lIe 1I0vor wastes an ) " time In hlulI\ng \ Bver ) " ono here In town knows hi : automobile. Hilt , do 'Oll think It hi waJ1l..Id ) 'O\t \ to.nlcht ho would stol 1\ bloclwa ) ' and 'sond his machlnl hacl ( ' ! No , sir , lIe would go stmlgh to 'our door. 'foot , toot , and rllj ! the 11011. " Never Wore. < t Dls.gblse. BIlrt1u hlmselt hns thla to sa ' abou hll3 work as n detectlvo : "Peoplo seem t.Q thlnlc tllnt there I somothlng uncnnny about dotectlvi worl , 'rho ' ( IInuglno we go ar0\1111 . , . - - - - - - ( llngulaeit In fa110 whlslerll nnlt wear , hI { ; blue goggles , I never use a dls. guise , eXCelt a chnngo of clothe ! ! , llut I cnn tn\w \ ono or my men and lot ) ' 0\1 tlllk with him : lhon bring him In to.morrow nnd lot YOII see him Ilnl1 YOII wOllld not hellovo him the flume man. JlCI'O In San l < 'rnnclsco ovcry ono Imo\\'s me-Ilt leaal all the graft , ers do-so It woull1 bo useless to try 11 dIBguIBO. " Uurns' methods all through the ! tIlOC case have b6en surprisingly , open. When he stnrted , 'Hll to capturl ; ! H\1ef aftcr his friends , the shorlff nnd the coroner , had ! loen protendlng to search fOl' him In . . .aln for a week , Burna asernblOlI ! his posse In half a dozen unto1l10hlles In front or lIenoy's oll1ce ; with Ruef'a lawyers' offices hnl hnlf a hlock away. Ho had ton men with hl111 , lJut the open way with i which he went ahout the joh mallo' ' the nttorneys Cor the grafter think It . must ho nil a ruse , and no effort wns made to fol1ow the party. They went IItralght : to the resort at the 'froca. duro In the oulsltlrts of San I 'rnncls. co , whcro BumB knew that Ruel was In hiding , Burns had the house aur. rounded ; then ho wall < ed In aud sur. Ilrlaed Huef at dlnnor. lIe had his mun back at IIency'a office within three hours , Surprising a Brlbe.T < tker. Of hla present work Durns himself says : " 'rhls Siln l'rallclsco , Cl1110 Is ono or the most Interesting I have ever had. Of course munlcltml graft cnseH nro all somowhnt n11lw. You ltnow who the men 11.1'0 who have got olliclnl favors , ' 1'ho flrst thing to do Is to slnglo out the official who 'ou thllllc w11l nccept 11. brlbo , and then get at hIm by Inducing him to nccept what ho thlnles la a bribe , Of course yom money Is tBurlwd , 'fhen you IIJIrprlao : him 111 the act ; AftOl' that you have Ihlm cold. 'fhl'ough him you got at the brlho-glvorB , . "Whon 1 started In on this work In S n Fmnclllco : I expected to get after each of the supervisors singly , but 0110 of the newspapers got wind of It Ilnd publlahed the story how wo were worltlng on IIO man , ' 1'hal spoil. ed things fOl' us , and I had to resort to other 111othodo , " What llurnll : had done was to Induce the pl'Oprlotor of slmtlng rink who hnd fallen out Wllfl Mayor Schmitz to have an ol'dillanco In his favor Intro- d uced In tbo board of supervisors , Then ho arranged to buy the vote of ono of thom-Lonel'gan by na:1lO-for $600. Burns was concealed In the room when the marked money was passed. lIe pounced forth at the PS ) " chologlcal 1110ment when , Lonergan , was taltlng the bl'lbe , " 'fuko the money , " said tho' trap. ped boodleI' , palo as a sheet. "I am dOllo fol' . " "J'll talO the money , ulld I'll take you , too , " said 1)url1l : ! . 'With that ho scared hiD man Into a complete con. fesslon. Pre\'lous to this ho had secured - cured anolher confession from ono of LonOl'san'B collengu Js who was 11I und thought ho was about to dlo , A Boodler Trapped. With the Inside InformatIon of these two confessions Burns got to work 'on 'tl1 ' the other suporvlsors , They were so : ! cared thnt the whole 18 came through wllh a rush , When Heney : held out ! I1'omlso ot nltlmnto Immu nlty ovol'Y man jacle of them WitS w1l1 Ing to squeal , It loolced elts ) " . All things are eas . tQ t1tQSQ wlw ! tnow 11OW. Durns hl\ ! I not heM , loins dolectlve worl ( fOl 1I0thln llteno 20 : J'carll. Trlclo of the Profession. "But how about the lrlclts of. tht profession that ono hears so muc1 abouU" 1 nslted , "Oh , 'cs , there are tricks. I cm . let ) 'OU seal a letter wllh 'our senl .nud 1 wilt tuko It out of the on vel ope relltl It , and put It back , and 'ou call 1I0t tell that It has been ollenol1. "In the famous 'huUlI'cd dollar bill cose , In Phlll1l1olphin I Intercepted I lettuI' to Tuylol' Itnll Drldlloll , the en gn\\'ers who had slwnt $100,000 II cop'lng the IJnpor on which the gov ol'nmQIIl money la printed , . They hal begun by counto1'feltillg cigar ro\'enul alnmlls. 'I'ho ' 10\110 $260,000 at that , , . . . . - . - - - - - - - nnd then branchelt out Into mnklnr. hUlldred dollar billn. "In the lei tor I openOll I found three or till' hills which wtJro helnp ; sent to 'l'aJ'lol' : and 'BrlddeJl by lonl1lg & Jacohs , cigar merchants In fnncna. tel' , Pa" with Wh0111 they opel'atod. I mUI'ked the hlllR , replaced thom in the cnvolollClI : and I'emalled the 1et , tel' . "Later , when Chlof Wllklo and I went to search 'fayler and BlddoJl's place and IIllt thcllI undo1' nrrest I pried open n drawer In their desk , I found two oC the three bills I had tal < en from lho letter and marl.el1. "Wllklo was slnndlng hesldo me at lho tIme , and I snld to him , loud enough for the two men under arrest to hel11' : " "fhnt'a funny , Jacobs told us there wore three of these bills. ' "BI'lddoll bit at the halt. " 'llurns , ' he aald , 'how many mcn have ) 'ou got under uncsl In this caao ? ' "I namel1 ever ) ' man who was con- necterl with the cas . None of them wns un dol' arrest at the time. " "fhat's enough for mo , ' said Drld. dell , 'We don't make any more trou. hlo for you. ' "lIe gave me hIs full confessIon on the SIlOt. It was opening the lottoI' that did the trick. Of course Jacobs had told us nothing. " Counterfeiters Caught. . An illustratIon of careful det ctIvo work Is Burns' method In running down two cOllntorfoltors from Con. tI'al America , They were Gen. Fredor- Ice Mora and mCl11'do do Requl ena. 'fheso two men had been makln : ; countorfelts In the United States of the 100 peao noles of Costa mco , Our government was asked to apprehend the counterfollers , and Dul'lls was en. lrusted with the job , Others halt worlwd at It before , but all Burns had to start with was n sofa wrapped up III burlap In which $3,000,000 of .tho countorfelt notes had been stuffed fOr shipment to Costa mcn. On the bur , lap was the mark , "XX lG34. " Stmtlng from this , Burns found that the burlap had ! Jeen originally used In pacltlng a shlpmont of overalls from a factory In Newburg , I.t was the shipping numbor. In Newburg Durns went over the books of the factory and found that these partIcular overalls - alls had been shipped to a dry goods sturo In Long Island 'Clty , There the ) ' told him that they had recently sold a pleco of burlap to an old lady by the name of 1111's , Chevlns. It did not look promisIng. ' Dut , when Burns learned that Mrs. Chevlns had a , ono Ricardo - do o Uequlsens , who hailed from Costa - . ta Ulcn , ho thought the traIl was got. tlng warm , Do Requlsens was lIving with n young wIdow from Piltsburg at the house . oC hIs mother , Mrs , Chevlns. Durns placed De llequlsens and the wIdow under n.rrest. Then ho sent ono of Ills men to the jaIl with an al. leged message to the etTect that If bo would produce the plates of the counterfeit - terfeit notes the government would abandon his prosecutIon , A.fter the messenger loft , Do Requls- ons was vIsited by his When she left him Burns followed her to her home In Long Island City , , ' 1'hrough a window ho walehed her on. . tor the front room. take off , her hat and Illaco It with a chatotlalne bag on the table. Bu1'uS slid Into the house , J looked Into the bug , and found , a If'lter there. In Its Illaco ho put a dumm ' , 'fhls W1a eas ) ' , as there was no ad , dress on the outsldo of the onvolopo. \ But this left Durns In the dark as to whom It was meant for. Later In the afternoon Mrs , Chev- I Ins came out nnd Durns followed hor. , She crossed the terry to Now Yorle andvent to CourtIandt street. As she was turning Into a doorway Durns sent ono of his men to sny to her : , "Bo careful ! You nro bolng watchod. " She turned and loft the entryway. - Burns Imme lately entered , and sure 1 enough Utore was an engravor's office. Ot course Durns got the , plates nnd Gen , Fredorlco Mora nnd Ricardo do Roqulsens are serving their terms In prison. . " . , , " , ' ' ' - , - ' - - - I II I . SAMSON AND DELILAH STORY OF TilE PfRIOD : OF TilE JUDOES IN ISRAEL OJ' the l"lIl.hwa , . and 0 , . " , . , . " Preacher ( COI'7tlilll,11IU1,1 > , the Author , W.II. : 1. : < IIOD. ) Scripture Authorlty-Judges : 1G : 1.21. . . . . . . . . + . . + . .H' + + + + + + + ! SERMONETTE. ' : t : . An Unworthy Love.-There are strange Inconsistencies In ' I . the lives of good < tnd great men , sometimes , Just as we find In this Incident from S < tmson's i life. We marvel that one so strong could be so weak : that < t man of such f < tlth as to win .a place In faith's. gallery In the eleventh of Hebrews could fall so low ; that a man of so In. tense < t patriotism could play so completely Into the hands of the enemy ; and yet It only reo veals the frailties of human na. ture. It certainly proves the scriptural declaration that the "he < trt Is deceitful < tbove < tll I things and desperately wicked , " and th < tt "without God , man can do nothing" th < tt Is woMhy or enduring , Samson allowed this unwor. thy love to take possession of his heart and to exercise sw < ty over his life , < tnd there was only one Inevitable outcome , humiliation - tion , defeat , disgrace < tnd ' . gulsh of body < tnd spirit. Samson loved Delilah , an'l w < ts there In this woman that could appeal to the heart of a godly man ? Nothing , surely , of the qU < tllty of goodness. It was a love based , not on ch < tr- I acter , but upon the outward , physical beauty which captlvat : ed the eye. Such love Is ai- : + ways d < tngerous. : + There Is no more powerful - + Influence over a life than that + love which takes possession of the heart , for "out of the heart are the Issues of life. " If that love appeals only to the ma" terlal and physIcal , high Ideals are < tbsent , pure motIves are lacking and Inevitably that life must sink to the level of the life on which that love is be- stowed. This explains the moral decay and sad tr < tgody In many a wrecked life. Step by step the unworthy love gains ascend. . I < tncy over the will until at last the complete surrender Is made as was the case with S < tmson , and one . finds himself shorn of : + his stren.gth and undone. But If that love Is a worthy enc , there can be no more po. tent Influence for good over the life. It leads out from self. It finds Inspiration and help to higher Ideals. It welcomes tbe hardship and self.denlal which are necess < try to the att < tlnlng of those Ideals. And say not that we h < tve not the power of control , over our loves. We have ! We can will t'i ! love wQr\hlly. . We en" eurb the superficial .emo lens of the heart , and seek for these deeper expressIons which will Interpret the will and love of God In our lives. The affection that Is be. I atowed apart from the Divine will and purpose Is sure to lead astray , God seeks to share In all earthly relationships , and to the degree to which he Is given I his rightful pi < tee , to that degree will the life be blessed and be :1 : : a blessing unto others. + + t. . + H + t + + + t tHH HUH + + + THE STORY. OF ALL the daughters of the PhlJIs , tInes Delilah was the fairest , None could compare with her In beau. ty of face and form , and wIth the physIcal charms there went a vivacity and cleverness which made her beauty weIl.nlgh Irreslstlblo. Many were her suHors among the lords of thd , PhlJIstines , and ardently did they 1.10- siege her heart with all the wiles' of .the lovor's art , but to none did she 1 give special encouragemont. Wllb ! Jowltchlng coquetry she lwpt them dancing attendance to her and main , talned her sway over them , so tbat tbo beautiful vaIle ' , through whlcb run the brool ( Sorol ! , whore she dwelt , became Imown as the enchantress : 'gardon where the queen oC hearts ruled supreme , Now It chanccd In the course of his orratlc travels through the land , seek. I Ing here and there adventure , watch , Ing the PhlJIsUnes and curtalUng tholr power , nnd jUdging his own Ieople , the Israelites , tbat Samson ono day came Into the vaIley of Soro1e. When his presence became Imown to the I Phlllstino lords who were sojourning In the place they were 11Iled with Coal' , a condition ot mind which was lIly concealed from the eyes of the fall DMlJah. I "ToIl me , ye brave ones , " slle. said In tantalizing way as SOO1as s11e pOl" colved the situation , "what there Is tc tear trom this man , and Ito ono of the despised Israelites ? Are not the Phil Istlnes masters of the lund , and do nol i the ISl'aelltes servo us ? " I "Ye , " they exclaimed , "but thou al'l not hnorant ot what this 111M Sam son hatb alreudy done to the PhlJIs Unes ? How ho hath slns-Io-handO < : smitten our armies , and hnth doflel , the strongest to bind 111' hold him ? I "And that Is not all , ' ' they went on . . / U with SOI1l'J heat , nettled by the Incredu. lous smllo which playc\l over Delilah's handsome face , "Cor just the ether Ilay at Gaza when n company oC , plcke\l men , the bravest of the Phllls. 1. . tlno nrjny , lay In walt for him expectIng - . , Ing certnlnl ' to It 111 him , he arose In . ' the night and carrlcd off not only the grl'nt masslvo Iron gntc ! ! ot the city : , . , but the 110 ls thereof as well , anl1 Uw 'Iii next \lay they were founll at lho VOI'Y t" tal } of the hili that Is before Hebron. " "Surely , ho must be a wonder , " De. , . : . lIlah oxclalmed , with growing admiral lion , "I shouhlllko , to sce this mighty " ' man-nnd I will , " slte added with do. , "I' clslon after a moment's - pauso. ' Samson hall traveled far that day , . ! - and us ho reated rrom the heat of the day undel' the shade of all oHve tree 'ly the brink of the trlcldlng tream - i he fell asleel1 , How long he slept he know n'ot , save that as he awoke with a start he noted that the sun was ncarlng the weste' n horizon and the I heat In the I1t1110sllhcro had given''I pluco to that cool current of all' which alwa ) ' came dOWIl Into the val1ey us the evening approached. lIe arose alowly and stretched his great form , and then , throwing hiD lI1anUo over his broad shoulders and adjusting the ' . - . glrdlo at the loins , ho prepared to 1'- ' . press forwnrd. lIe had scarcely talten i a dozen steps when ho bccmrtc aware . . , that a pall' of eyes wcre observing , him closely from behind a bit of II sbrubborHo stopped short. Was 11 thl ( l lurlelng enem ' ? 'Vas this some I " cowardly PhllIsUno seeking to take him unawnres andto lell1 him ? I-I1s brow darliened and his eyes flashed. A. ha1t dozen'qUlclt strldcs brought him to the side of the bushes , and hastily Uu'ustIng them asIde ho saw , II not a burly PhlllstIno with bow and . spear seoklns his lIfe , but the beautiful - ful face and form of a woman. I Half almahed that she had been , . caught spying upon him she let her eyes dro h nnd haIr turned as thou ! h I ahe would flee , And Samson , surprised beyond measure by the vision which , mot his eyes , stood In awlcwa1'd I sIlellce , whIle hIs eyes drank In the , grace and beauty or the woman belore I hIm. [ She was the I1rst to speak , asking I wHh eugor Interest : "Art thou Samson ? " . "How Imowest thou my name , thou fall' one ? " Samson replied , curiosIty I mingling with hIs admlratton. . "Ah ! hath not the Came of thy valor I spread throughout al1 the land ? " she exclaimed , gracefully readjusttng the 1' ' ' ' . 'folds ' of her robe and smoothing some of the stray locks of hall' which the I boIsterous breeze had snatched from the wealth of black hall' tha.t clus- terl1d about her head and was sending In bewitching spray across the fall' . cheek. Samson mQved uneasily In his em. barrassment , for ho did not enjoy tile ' words of pralso or flattery , great. slmplo follow that he was , and to change the subject he asked , In turn : "And who are thou , my fall' ono ? and why art thou out a10no in this place ? " "I am DeUlah , and to see thee am I come , " she confessed , with a frank. ness thflt was charming. And she quickly added , In appealing voice : "And 'ou will tel1 mo al1 about the wonderful thIngs I bave heard con. cernlng thee , wIll you not ? " , "Nay , but the story of thyself would be a fairer tale , " Samcon exclaimed - t claimed , "Where dwel1est thou , that ' I may visit - thee ? " , . I I'Thou slmlt come and see , " she replied - ' plied , tripping off before him , while Samsoll e gerly fol1owed. That wus the beginning of a 10vo whleh took complete possessIon of his _ heart and life ; so thnt he utterly for. got the oblIgations that rested upon hIm as judge In Israel. I And when It became known unto I tbe lords of the PhilistInes that .Sam- I son was enamored of DcIIIl1h , they I came up unto her and said : I "Entice hIm , and see wberoln his 'J great strength lIeth , and by what I means we ma ) ' provall against him , that wo may bind him to affilct him ; and wo will gl'le theo m"ory ono of US eleven hundred pieces of sliver. " And as the ' spolw lllOY spread out before her eyes the great shining plies I of sllvOl" coin , Ah ! how much finery that would buy for her dainty form. ' . . . The more she thought of It the more J she wns tempted to strive to maltc It , her own , and during the days which ' fol1owed she plied Samson with questions - tions , using l1 the winning arts yf which her clover nature was capable , untIl at last ono day sIlo Imew U1at Samson hj\d revealed all his heart to. . . . . - - . . . her and tbat the sIlver treasure- wits within her grasp. And did ever SOl'- row or regret fil1 her heart attor her lever had been bound nnd dragged Crom her side , ono never knew , tor there wore other admirers to tnke his l11aco and the wealth she possessed gave her al1 her vnin heart could wish , Museum of Clothes for Paris. I Paris Is to have a new museum ot I an Interesting eharactor. It will bo ; located on 01l10 unoco.uplod land bol" , , dorlng upon the Champ do Mars , and . w1l1 como existence without state ald. ald.Tho The musun owes Its orln : to the , 11I\Inter , M. Maurice Lenoir , who Is the . president of the Soclote do l'Hlstolro I du Costume : 1\1. 1\Iaurlco Mumdron , , I the well.known wrltor , wltO fll1s the . vlco c nlr , and among other dlstIn , . gulshed members of the soclety-tbe patrons ot the museum-Is 1\1. Edounrd Dotnlllo , the painter. ' 1'ho exhibits w1l1 consist of u wondertul colloctlon of costumes , depictIng the various cas' tumos from the mlddlo ages down to the entI of the nlnoteonth century , _ which wUl bo dlspluyod on lIto-slzcd , . models.