Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 09, 1907, Image 12

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    . . . . . W 'Mr--r . . . ! . . . . - -
: :
n. & M. Tnaln Schedule I
WES' ! ' 1I0UND.
No. 3910cnl l1a eUllcr. cx. Sundny. nr. 6120 11 lit
4t CO\fltllaAlCUlfor. 11nlly.lcnvo..6150 n III
43 CO\8t : IlaRReUllcr. dnlly lenvc..12I24 a lit
471ucnl frchtln , arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l110 p ' "
No. 40 locnll > allseullcr. leave. . . . . . , . . . . ,9:30 : a lit
4'1 coa'ltvaRReuller. loavo. . . . . . . . . . .61'11 p 111
44 coast pallRculler , leavo. . . . . . . . . . .511J n III
48 local frelllll t arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : lU P III
3' ) nlld 40 do 1I0t rUII WClt or JlroKeu Bow.
. Schedule of Droken Bow Mall. .
Schedulc of nrrlval nllil Ilcputlire : of lIIalls
frull1 Broken Jlow post office ,
l'ollche" for caRt close n8 ( ollowII :
'I'ml" No. 40 , 9 n. III , ; Nu , 4'1.5:45 : p. lit. ; No.
4 t 7:45 : I' . lit.
J'ouche" ( or weRt dORe 38 followlI :
'I'mlll No. 43.7145 11.111. ; No. 41. 6:30 a. lit.
Onlce 1I01lr8. 7 a. lit. to 7:30 : II. III.
Onlce opell SIIudaV8 ( rol1l 9 to 10 a. 111.
I. . II. JltWltTT. 1' . M.
. ,
. . _ . ' .l
EyeEarNose ,
and Chronic Diseuses.
Fitting of Glasses.
O ice in Healty block.
Attorney at Lav.
Broken Bow , Nebr ,
lIa vlull' JII'It lIall elllllt } 'carA practical exper
leuce n8 JOllllty JIIIllle. will "Ivo Apedal nUell
tlollio the drnwlull al1ll I > robathlll o ( willA alld
Ilia nlruluilltrntion or eAtnlell or deceasClI I > er.
1101111 alullllluon : . Write or 11110111'11I0. Inlay
I3ve you 1'1 trip.
- -
- - - - - - - . - . . .
. - - - -
- , - - - - . . . . . . . . - -
SNYDER BROS. . & Co. .
I .
We are now about ready for
having cleaned up entirely on fall and winter merchandise.
New goods are now arri\'i g daily and our many lincs will
I SOOI1 be omplete. When you are loking for
Good. Val ues and Honest Prices
the year 'round in dry goods , clothing , hats , caps , shqcs , rugs ,
carpets. mattings , lineoleums , notions , etc. , don't fall to look
our lines over , .
: J
. - - . , . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . '
: n -11. ' ' ( ; jJ ' tV.1 ' ( ji7fjiJl-'l' ] ' .f ! . ' " t:61'Z .1""f : ' : ' ! ' : i : " : . : . 1)J.c.f' . .
'i . 'i - ' y ; i : 'l i : ; : : : ! ; : iJl 't ! : i:1 !'l. ; ! ; : :
J ! When desiring to figure on a bill f'i
, . 8 < . ' . . . ' , ( ) f T"umber can on . the. . . . . . . . . . . ! i'p I\I ' \
I , ; : I 'L. ? ' Ii' ! '
nr ! r } ; ; t . ' . I " C. L. ' " T uroar L um b er C o. tHi i " : r !
I . t"j
. : . ' ; We carry a iun stock < ? f Lumber. .
! .i M t' : Sash , Doors , Mouldtngs , etc. t
I . { Ag.en s for the Nebraska en ral 1 f
f B1I11chng & Loau Assoclahon.
I ' . :1 : . . . . . . . . ! : ' . " . . . . . . " ' . 'J. ' ! . . . : J ; " " ' . ' ' ' , .J' . . . . . . , . : . . . . ( > + . . : . . . . ! : . . . . . :1trt' : ; . M 'l <
1 itJt : a : iti : ! , ' j ) 'f'ijJ { ' ; ; "ili iJ'iNii ! : : ; y , f.t'.i.ii ; ' ! Jfi.'i' : if.1 ; : ! , JJi'101JI \
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I ' . .
. . i 'Pam ts , 0'1 S ,
. Hardware , i
j. ! ' 1 . . 1f.1rniturc ! ,
I I Flour , Feed I
r : L , " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " , _ , , , , . " , , : , : : , , , . , , , , " , , , , " , J
f ! J. ' ! ! h ideISqU ' en . T T
. _ , -
= - . - . ' . - . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ . " . .
r -
Don'.t run away with the idea aU lumber is alike or prices I
t.he same. Before you build consult
, 1 - . . , .
. . .
' .t ( South Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb.
_ . .
II ! i' : Mid l1fujiE
t i Before You Build , Consult 'il
-r : - Ii - C3reo. E3apJ.Z1ea-u. , 'I 1
. Contractor and Builler. Estimates .
f:1 : : . . Furnished . " , , , . . . free wi ih plans and sperifieatiol1s. . "
. . ; I
- - - - -
tl - -
. . -
. '
q - :
t ; c. "VV. : l3O'VVtY'1 : an.
1 . . .
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDEI SON.
At the OLD STAN D.
Ii Real Estate , City Lots and Property bought and sold.
'J Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents.
, . . . . . . . Will buy some good paper.
Call and see me.
c. "VV. c > - : :
: . " " . " . . . . . . " . . - . .
: .
; : : : : Q .J"of.crJ".r".r..o :
J. : a : . ! 3IJ.A.I : : : JXr , ,
RY"S fi
IV : " n
I , / LIVERY and I
" . .
R Remodeled and repaired throughout. Good livery
rlRs at reasonable
' '
N' AccolUoc1ation 'for cattle and range horses. Hay all ,
, . day IS cents ; over
night 35 cents. J
' . . " " and se e
I . , ) " . , ocr ' Iii , . , .oc .
. . .
# .o' ' : < <
. ' ,
- - , - -
, - - -
An Uncomfortable Crown.
Describing the coronntlon of the
Bhnh , n corresllondent. says thnt when
he removed his , astraldtnn hat and the
vlzlel' 1laced upon his head the tiara ,
the vizIer mlstoo1 { the hacl ( of the
crown for the trent , and had to reall.
just it. The weight. ot the diadem was
so great that. the IIhah hall to support
It with hoth hnndRJ and , Judging trom
the expression of the royal counte.
nanco , ho did not nml It comfortablo.
CurlouB Tropical Fish.
Ono of the most curious of nshes Is
found In the tropical regions of South
America , where It. Is known as the
anabl01ls. Its most. romarlmblo charac. .
torlstlc Is Its cyes. These are quite'
prominent. nnd each Is divided by n
horizontal partition Into two parts , the
upper adnpted for seeing In the air as
It swims nlollg the surfnco of the wn.
tor nnd the lower for seclng In the
water at. the same tlmo.
Northwestern Editorial Courtesies.
"Wo do not. know whnt the Lord
lots some pcoplo got hold of nows.
paper for , nnyway , " Is the way the
Salem Capltal.Postor puts It. And we
have often t1lought the sarno thing ,
only In larger type , when reading nnd
trying to understlUld the mnunderlng
rot In double-column doses of the
Capltal.Postor.-lrrlgon ( Oro. ) Irrl.
Curative Effeet of Salt.
The curative effects of salt. have
never been shown as they should be. 1
Sore and Infiamed eyes are rolloved
by bathing with salt water. Sere
throat ylolds to a. garglg f the same.
Consumption can be cured by the per.
slstont use of half a. tOl18poonful of
salt In a glnss of water taken just before -
fore going to bed ,
Right Way to Treat Boy.
Expect the best of a. boy , nnd you
w11l not be dlsavpolnted. Trust. him ,
and ho w11l not. fall you. Bo true , and
he w11l meet. you ha.lf way. Bo firm
and exacting but llnll , nnd he w11l respect -
spect you. GIve him an opportunity ,
let him grow , and he w11l stand by
Sun Slowly Oetting Hotter.
An omclal or the naval observatory
at 'Vashlngton ventures the somewhat
startling suggestion that. the sun Is
stili getting hottor. The process , how.
ever , Is too slow to have any but a
Bclentlfie IntereDt for 'the present In.
habitants of the earth.
When Tired Eat Ralslhs.
Raisins , by the way , are now com.
mended as 11. "vlck-meup betweonl
meals. " One weB.known London doc. ;
tor affirms that a bunch of raisins'
eaten .when fatllued Is or morel
value than glnss of wine under such ;
clrcumatnnces. ;
The Publlo Bchool Garden.
The proposition to establish a pub. '
lie school garden In every city , village :
and town In Ml1.ssa.chusetts Is a good I
one. Curiously enough , the country'
town seems to need It most.-Bosto'n
Profit of the Bank of England.
In the 40 yeatS ; bet.ween 1792 and.
1832 there were outstanding notes of ,
the Bank of Bngland , preswucd to
ha.Te been lost or dest.royed , amount.
Ing to ie1,333.000 odd , every shilling ,
of which was clear pront. to the bank.
Life Made Up of Habits.
Lire Is but a tissue of habits. Each
good habit we weave In our teens
means a. better and happier ute to Its'
very end-and we cannot afford to
waste an hour In setting the loom at
Poetry In Maohll1ery.
"There Is poetry In macblnery ; "
Aays an eastern writer. Of co rse
there ls , and It Is comln& : out rlgllLt
along. Mnchlne-made poetry is a
most. fam1l1ar object.-Kansas City
l \
Of Natural Foola.
Their heads 80metlmes so little that
there room for wit : sometimes
s long that there Is no wit for 80
much room.-Thomas FuBor.
Pope' . Trite Baying.
"It Is with narrow.souled people , as
with narrow-necked bottles : the less
they have In them the more noise
they make In pouring It out.-Pope.
In Moat' Calell.
Men sometimes ftht for principle ,
but In most cases they hope there Is
going to be proOt back of It.
Dally Thought.
I don't think much of a man who
Is not wlsl'r today than ho was yes.
terday.-Abra.ham Lincoln.
New York Marriages.
There Is an averae of 1,2GB per.
lions married In New York city. each
Thinking of the Yoya.
A girl Isn't grown up till she belns
to worry about her complexion.
New York a BUlY Port.
An avera of 62 ships clcara the
port or New York each dllY.
Fragile Blrdl' Nub.
Of Chinese t. < llble birds' nests JI
take. 60 to weigh a pound.
Keep Conlel.neo Clear.
It Is less to suffer punlahmont' tha1
to 4eaen' It , .O'ld , : . C. " . . . . _
" Ir . ' 1. ' L" II , : I liUI lhJ "Ul " ll1l1l1
_ cl1r o _ 1t.-O.Jl , .1. . . & . . . : -
} o . , . ' . . . . . .
' "
. ' -
Send your Abstract Orders to
: Bonded Abstracter
Office In 'Security State Bank B'ld'ng
. - - - - - - - - , - - - - -
They Are All Prominent. :
DlRpatches tell of n Georgia. cltbea :
fo nd dead In the woods . with hla
, faithful but apparently not prominent
dog watching the body. Problem : 'J'o
fiud the pr mlnent olUzcn who did It.
-Charlotto ( N. C. ) Observer.
Nothing New.
"Yos , " said Josh Hardacre , "I pelll
they douo things In BIble Umes about
the same's they're done now. Leaat.
ways they must of had courts In them
duys , fer I'vo Just been readJn' a
scrlpturnl Injunction. "
Finger Nalls.
White slmt.8 In the nall8 are \t8uaU ,
due to Imperfect circulation of the
blood nnd nervousnesa , and these ,
again , are due to wrong Hvlng. LiTe
right , nnd the spots wlll dlsnppear.
Youthful Remembrance ,
"Lool ( , papa , " said the small ItIrl ,
a.s she and her father passed the
church where the little one hlld. been
baptized. "There Is tlls' vlace where
I W S chrystnllzed. "
The Pleasure Hatol'1l.
A good many people o through tht.
life. S If they were trying to punlah
themselves tor a grudge they had
brought a.long from lIomo former ex-
Sunday School Convention.
The Twenty-Utird Annual
Custer County Sunday School
convention will be held at the
United Brethern church I n Bro-
keu Bow ou May 16th and 11th.
Following is the program : .
HOO-Devotlonal' Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'V. C. Howlanll , Droken Dow.
1t:30drtss of 'Velcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. P. Johnson , Broken Bow
Hesponse . . . . Hev. Jas. Huncle , Callaway
Assignment of Delegates.
THunSDA Y A1 > 'TimNooN.
2:15-Song : service.
2:30-IIow : to get the S. S. Scholar to know
the 'l'ruth. . . . . . . . . .Hev. McIntyre , Ansley
210-How : to keep the Pupil 111 the S. S.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : l\Irs. Atkinson , Merna
Dlscusslonle b. } ' . . . . . . . . . Jas , W'orltman
2:50- : Value of ' .reacher Training. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .James Whltehea , BrokenBow
3:10-Heport : of Home Department. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .Supt. Mrs. Lomax. Droken Bow
3:30'nenellt : : of Home Department. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. Stel ley , LIncoln
UOU-Mlss : . Haines Teaching PrImary Class
7:45-Pralse : servlce..D. D. Allen , Comstock
lIoo-Helatlon : of the S. S. to the Home. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. Hanley , I.o l
DIscussion. le by Hev. J. H. 'l'eaKar en
8How : shall we teachf..Prof. : : Jfdl1ley
Ouo-Sunrlse : Prayer meeting , l'resb. } ' ,
terlan church.le by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Davll1 McOugen , Walworth
6:00-Sunrlse : Prayer meeting at Daptlst
churchlel1 by . .Hev.Wlllls Tubbs.Arnol
10OO-Pralse : Service. . . . 'V. T. 'Voody , I.omax
10:15-How to Solve the Finance l'rlblem
In County Work..CI ) ' e Walter : ! , 11. Bow
tu'30-l'rlll1ary Star Banner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .Miss Haines , State Primary 'Yorker
10:45-Heports : of Schools.
I lectlon of ontcers.
] , 'IUDAY A1 > "TEItNOON.
2:00-Devotlonalmeetlng.le : by. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hev. Shank , Merna
2II-How : to make the most of the S. S.
Hour. . . . . . . . . . . .Hev. HralIYrBroken Bow
2:35-State : Association , Its purpose an
what It 15 accomplishIng. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II. I.omax , Broken Bow'
2:5Does It pay to atlenl1the State Con-
ventlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. Stel ley
Hound ' .rable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Haines
7:4I-Devolonalmeetlng.le ! by. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .Hev. Daumgar ner. Broken Bow
8O-Jl'l1e : ( ) Benelll of Co-operation In
County Work..Sa 1t : Whltehea , B. Bow
IIIG-Hounll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stelllley
8:30-lIow : to save the ChU . . . . . .Mlss HaInes
Rev. J. D.1Jrady Mrs. D mlng ,
Mrs. E. ShepparJson , Mrs. J. 11. Prettyman ,
Mrs. L. E. Daumgarllner.
O. 1) ) . CON HAD ,
. . . . . DOl'lor In . . .
Pamp..Wlnd , MllIp. Tankfl. Fitting. , GWlolln.
Bnginoll. ota. etc.
Broken Dow. Nobrll"tr"
Consult him If you want Water.
Phone 112 , - Broken Bow.
Practical Undertaker
Llcnsed Embalmer
Dusiness phone , 301. Residence 334D
D okoll Bow , Nob.
AnTone lendlnll n Iketch and delcrlptlon ma ,
qulckl , Alcertaln ollr ol'lolOn tree whether an
In.ontlon II probably lI"ten "hl ommuolca.
tlonlltrlcllr oonlldontlal. II NDBuDK on I'atoota
.ent free. Oldolt alloncr for lecurloIrJl&tentl.
l'atonta taken tbroullh Munn " Co : heel' "
'PItial noli" , without charge. In the
Stl ntifit Jltn rltan.
A hand.omel , 1lI0itrated weeklr. J.anreet clr.
culatlon of ah , , clontlllo journ&l. 'l'.erml. t3 .
&I' I foor month a , , I. 80111 l all newadoalel'l.
mUNN & Co aIJIBr'adWl ) , NeW , Yrirk
Iilrau t'IIIC' , . . " I tOll' Do '
MuriN . CO.JtJluNJo\rilew\lC1rk \
' > > 1'1III ' t om" " ( tlU' JJt. . WAlhllJItQIIV , , , J
- - - - - - - ' - - - - - - =
so IvI E1 \ \ 1.1 I I < E
Special to California :
Low ralc Summer tours to I
San Francisco and Los
Angeles , abou half rate until -
til May 18llI , also June 8th
to 15th ; June 22nd to July
5th. Slightly higher daily
commencing June 1st ; small
extra cost via Portland and
Seattle. .
Big Horn Basin :
We run personally conducted
homcseckers excursions May
7th and 21st , June 4 and 18th
under guidance of D. Clem
Deaver , Ge.neral Agent
Laudseekers' Information
Bureau , to assist settlers to
secure au C'arly heM at cheapest -
est rates of magnificeut irrigated -
gated lands in the Big Horn
Basin ; write about' these
lauds. Round trip $20.00.
Cheap Rates. East :
To J mestown Exposition
daily low rates ; via New
York slightly higher. During -
ing the Summer low excursion -
sion rates to Atlantic City.
Saratoga' Springs , Phi- !
/ delpha , also to the" Seashore
and Moun tain resorts.
Rocky Mountain Tours :
To Colora o , Utah , Black
I-Jills , Cody , Sheridan ,
Yellowstone Parle Daily
low rate tours after June 1st.
1-1. L. ORMSBY , Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A.
Omaha , Nebraska.
- -
- - - -
Classes in Theory of Music , IInnuony
nnd Kindergnrten. -
Pinno lessons of 40 minutes , 50 cents
per le'son. pnynble monthly.
111 Gleim & Myers block.
Brokcn Dow , - - - Nehraskn.
DR. C. B. JOB ,
Physician and , Su rgeon
Office nmI residence opposite U. n.
' J".r..o.or . : .rJ".rJ"A-O :
" ' '
J eweler d O tician I
West Side Square ,
Broken Bow ,
I !
i& ( ) JO'
- -
Leg l Notices. ' \
To whom It may concern :
The commIssioner apJlolnte to view ana If
eemed for the pUblic good , 10 vacate a roall
for ' 1' . \ . , , .
petitioned by 1\1. Colly et ai and lie.
scribed all foltows , towlt : Commencing al
the southwest corner of section 12 , townshl
: ' ' 0 , range 10. thence lioulll on the section II U c. ,
one mile an a half. or to the southwest
corner of the northwest of section 24 ,
'I'hence west 10 the Cummings Park roall. a
lalll out on roa plat book of Custer county ,
an'e ! > t Union precinct , has rCl10rtell III
favor of the vacation thcrcof , ami all obJec ,
tlons thcreto. or claims . for lIamages. must b
lIIed In the Count , ) Clerk'li omce on or befor
noon of the lOth l1ay of July 1007 , or liucl1
road will be vaclted without referenc
In Witness whereof , 1 have hereunto set
Ill > haml anll seal of lialll county this 6th da ) '
o } ; Mar , 1007. Jus. PIGMAN ,
. Count ' Clerk.
IRtAI. ) )
, 'Irst Ilub May 0-11
- - -
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'I'he Commissioner all)1olntellto view an If
deemed for the public gooI ! , to locate a road
l1etltlonell for by Jo . J. Bol/Illts , et al. com ,
menclng at wet terminus of roal1 grantellb ) '
' .rhps. I"lnlen through section 14 , townshlJl 14 ,
range : ! 1. tI rmlnus of salll roall being th
halt "ectlon corner bet ween sections I I anl1
Iii , tOWII 14 , range 21. from la\ll \ tormlnm
about 100 yar s to Boblltt's altaHalel ,
thence about 100 yards south b ) ' we.t tu
'J'uckervllle roall , thence III a wetterl : ) ' IIlrec ,
tlon to Bolllllt , : ! vllleJ'arll err I1Ublic road tu
Oconto an Broken Bow. has reJlortell 111
favor of 1I1e estalJlllilnnent thercof. amI all
objections thereto , or claims for 11amage : ! ,
muot be lIIed In the County ' : ' omce on
or before noon of the lOth I 'rt:1erk'S July. 11107 ,
or- such roa wll1 lie establlshcII withoul
reference tl1ereto.
In Wltuestl Whereof. I have l1ereunto sel
my hand and seal of sal county , ttlls 6th'day
ofMa 'j 1M. Jos. PWMAN ,
'lR AL County Clerk.
1r5t IJt1b Ma'lI-It
. , . '
tllIUJ.J : l OU'H \ ' l. , . .
, First pub May U-tt
, . , , - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . .1'- . . . . ' _ _ " ' " .
, fl
. - . . / \ .
, . . i
. . / ,
- - . , '
ROAD NOTICE. . . . '
' } 'o whomll ma . concern : . ; , . t 'I ,
'I'he eommlss oncr Jlolntell to vloatld
If tlel'Ulell for 1I1l' Jlub / Ie gooll , to locat a )
road petlUOnell for by C. W. Chapmm , ft 'itl , . .
cOlllmenclng at the northeast cormr ! 0 sec- :
tlon 1:1. : town. 111. range 20 and running -
thence south on Ihe range I { ne to n point
alluIIL 20 1'001M south of the southeast. comer ,
of the /Je of the nc of section 21 , townflhll' : , , ; ,
III. rangeO : : anll then In a Routhwesterry . a . "
recUon on the most Ilracticat : route .tp con.
ncct wllh roall No. 8U'J. has / ( ) favor the
estahllshment thereof , ani all obJe tlons 'S
thcreto. 01' claIms for damagcs , must be filed : ' " ,
In the cuunty clerks o1lce ! on or llef re 'noon \ .
IIf the Mil Ilay of July , 1007 or MUCh. road w1ll " " , .
ltl' estahlillhell without r ference thereto.I. I. ,
In witness whereof , I have .hereunto , Set . '
III ) ' h\l1l1 anll Ileal of Ralll county , thl ! , 2nd : ,
lIay.of 1\lay,1I101.
. ) Jus. 1'IIUIAN , eount Clerk. "
. 'Irst lIuh May 2-lt .
. . . ' r
N01'JCI o ' l'E'I'I'l'IONl '
I''Ilale : 01 Mary 1. . Slrathdee. d ceasod-.111 :
COllllty Court o ( Custer cOllllty. Nebraskn. - 1t
'l'he Sllte or Nebraska. To all persons Inter. ,
e'lled 111 Ralll Clate. Lake lIotlce , that a pctltlol1 \
lIa ! ! b ell filed ( ur tlie allpoluLml1nt of. JORlph '
Mnrmy n9 aLlIIIIlIlltrnlor or said estale , wllich
liaR JJeeul ( t ( ur hearlll ! : herelll . , 'on May 18tll ,
1907 ; at 10 o'clock a. 111. . . '
Uated May 1st. 1907. ,
[ SKAL ] A. R. UU lrllRKV , Couuty Judll'o. .
First pcb May 'l-3L . I
. . . .
- - - - - -
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'l'he cOlUmlssloner appointed to view amI If
alee me II for the public goo 11. to locate , an
vacate a public roall , pctltlone1 for by Q. S.
'I'ooley , et ai , Ilescrlhe as folloll's , to.Wlt :
' 1'0 locate a road , commencing at the south ,
cast corner of the ne { f sectIon 3U , town 19.
range 20. running thence alue west , on , O ( as
near the half Rectlollllne aM llractlcable one
mile Intersecting roall No. OO'J , an .followlng
flame ! 4 .mile north aml.i ! lulle west , thence
In a northwesterly 1I1rection as theroad Is
! now traveled , thellce In a ! > ou111l1'esterl l-
I rt'ctlonlntersectlng roall No. : IZI ! at a 110lnt
about 120 rolls cast of the northwest cOmer ,
of flection CO , township 10 , range 21. Also to
vacate that Jlart of roalls No. 257 I\nd . : as
now platl ll of whIch thIs Is to take the pl ce
hall rellortell In favor of t.he establishment
amI vacation thereof , allll all obJcctlonll
thereto or claims for amagcs. must be tIIe
In the County clerk's olUce on or before noon
of the 5th ay of July' 1007. or such. road wl11
be ctabllllhell allli vacated without referellce
thcreto. I
In Witness Whereof , 1 have hereunto set
my han aUlI seal of lial c.ounty , 1I11 2nd
day of May , 1007.
[ R&AJ. ) Jos. PJUAlANC.ounty CIe , k.
1.'lrst JlUb May 2-tl ,
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
' .rhe CoulInlssloner appolnte to view , and
If eem'e for the I > Ubllc goo , to cstablh an
vacate a public road petltlone fo'I' by'W.
B. Warren , et al..commenclng at the south.
cast curner of section 14 , township 19. range
2:1 : , alii I r nnlhg from tl1en e south , one Ila1f
mile , thcnce west , or. within. 40 I'O ; S of ue
wcst. to 01' near the center of west line o
section 22 , township 10 , range 23 , thcnce In
a nortl1westerly .1Ilrectionto the southwest
corner of section 17 , t wnshlp 10. range , 23 ,
an goln.5 through IIcction 21 and : ! O , town.
IihlplU , range 23. ' .
Also to vacate a roa comme.nclng at. the
southeast corner of se tlon It ; hm'nshlp 10.
range 2J : an running from thence west to the
southwest corner ot section 17 , t wnshlp 10 ,
range 23 , has reporte In favor of the es ,
tabllshment an vacation thereof , amI all
objectH.II1s thereto , or claims f r'lIamages ,
must be lIIell In the county clerk'tI ontce on
or before noon ot the th ay of Junc , 1007 ,
or such road w\ll \ be established an va ate
without reference thereto. .
In Witness Wh reef , I have hetcunto set
my hand anll seal uf Hall ! county. this , 16th
day of. April , 1001. . .10:1.PIO'M N ,
lSIoJ.\.j County Clerk.
l"lrst llUb Apr III-It.
- - - - - - - - -
nOAD NOTWB. ' . . I
' 1'0 whom It may concern : .
' 1'lIe commissioner appolnte to'Ibwj" nn
If decmed for tile public gOOlI , to vacate , n
establish a road Iletltlone for Uy'Florlan
Jacobs. ct ai , comlllenclng the southeast
corner ot tile northeast , quarter , ofjse tl9.n 9 ,
township 17 , range 21 , and 'runnh g thence
west on the half sectlol1l1ue , one half mile to
the center of section U. mill then e l1 rth 80
rods to conl1ect with road No. 755. AI1 the
ruad to be Il > c te on the lieU section 11-
township 17 , range , 21 , ) \1110.0 vacate that
part on roall No.7 ; : ; : ; between the points of
beglnulng all en lng"of allove described
llroposellroall , has reportet ! In f .v.9r , of the
establlslunent ami vacatlon'thereof , au all
objcctlons thereto. or 'clallUB ' .for damages ,
must belIe In the County Clerk's ontc on
or before noon of th 20th ay of' June. 1007 ,
or such roa w\llbe \ establish ell an vacated
wlthuut reference thereto.
In Witness Whereof , I have here\lntp set
my han a11l1 scal of salll county , this 16th
of AprllIM. ' Jos. PIGMAN ;
IS&AI. ] County Clerk.
"It-lit pub Apr 111--11 ;
COLlllty COllrt. Custer CoUllt ) . . Nebraskn.
' .rhe creditors of Ule e tat ! ' of S.klloav. . . .
Kinkaid , deceased. ,
' .rake uotlce. That I will tile County
COllrt room , III Droken Bow , In said Coullty.
011 tlJU 10th day of JlIl1e 11)07 , alld ou tile 31at
Ilay of Ot. ; , 11)07. each at 10 o'clock a. nl. , of
each day. to recelve"alld examille 311 clnlms
agaillst said estate. with a view to tllelr adjllst.
mellt aud alQWallce ! ; alld tllat 011 the first date
above the petitlollll uf widow will be heard-for
homestead. exemPllons , allowallce aud ' other .
Slatlllory rights.
'l'he time IImltell for the preaentatlon of
claims against said mllatIt ! six months front
tile 2(1th ( day of .April 11107. Jlld the time limited
( ur Iaymeut of debts Is olle year from said
date. ' , '
DaLed April 26th. 1007. .
A. R. lIu lrUICOllllty JlldR'e.
'Irst 1111b. May 2.4t .
' 1'0 whom It maYOncerll : ' .
'rhe commissioner allpolntedto view an If
l1eeme for the public good td estlbllsh : , 'and
to vacate a.publlc roall. escrlbed as follows :
, commencing at a point 2 ' dll'est of the
southeast corner f the southeast quarter of
, the bouthwest quarter of sectloJI 12 , town.
lihlp 10. range 2 , an run thence 'north to
wIthin 2 rods of the 80 ro line. thence run \
west to the section line on the wcst side of i
section 12 , to connect with road No. 113. Also -
to vacate that part oC roa No. . II Ii ! from the ; . ,
point \1rst namcd allove to .Wher ! ! It Inter. . 1 i
sects roa No. 113. has reported In fav r of " ,
, the establishment an vacation thereof , , 'and ' \
all objections threto , or claim a for , amages , , I
must eIIe In the County' Clerk'li ontce on '
or before noon of the 10tl1 ay of 'July , 1007 , , I , .
or RUCl1 road wl11 be establlsliellan , vac lte
w Ilhout refercnce thereto. .
In 'Vltness Whereof. I have hereunto set
my hand anl1 seal of sal 'co mty , this 6th ay
of Ma " 1007. JOS.l'JOMo\N ,
IS&At , County Clerk.
, ' .
'Irstpub May O-tt
' 1'0 whom It may concern :
'rile c mmlssloner apJlolnted to viean If
deel11C for the pUblic goo tp locate a road
petitioncl\ for by J. II. . Nor en , et .al , com.
menclng at the northvellt ) corner of section ' '
: \ . ' ) , township 15. range 10 ; rl1nl1lng ' 11brt11 to j'
the northeast corner of section : ' ' 7. township
15 , range \I \ [ , to InterscGt with the Ansley roall ' I
has reJlortel1ln favor' of th cstabllsJIlDcnt :
thereof. and all objectlpns thereto , or clalmti "
for dpnagcs , nrultbe ! JIIell lu the County ,
Clerk II onlce on or before IlPon of the lOth
ay of J.uly , 11'1'7 ' , or tiUch roa wl11 lie . cstab-
IIRlle wlthoutorefercnce theret 1
In Witness Whorcof , I lIa"e , I ereunto sct '
lilY hatHl an seal of balll county , thIs 6tll day
of.Ma " 11107. 'Jus. PJOMAN. .
I EAL County Clerk.
'Irst l1ub May O-t . , , . ,
. - . .
. -
' ' : .
'ro whom It may concl'rn :
'J'lle commissioner al1lJOlJ1\ellto \ vlew.anll If
deem ell for. the pUblic gOOlHo loaate a road
I > etltlonedlor by II. G. Hover , . . .QIal om.
Ulenclng &I'rOlls soulll of 'll rtlil'est " brner
of Hectlon.l. township 13. rt'nge I ! . ' r t1l11ng &I .
rod : ! easl. tJlence 1I0utlt'as ntar as l > rac\lcal \
Irough : llWi ! of Hc tlon I , townshfp'II. : range
. " . also. through HW ! ! scqtlon I , tllwlUlhlp 1:1 : ,
range 25. Intersecting section : lIne between
foectlon I an 12 , townshhr1J. : range 2511 < 1 to ,
vacate roall alread , , ) ' estahllshell &I ro 1 ; south
of northwest eorner of .sectron I , to Hectlon
corners of 1,2 , II a 11 12 rC ! l > cctlvcly , h\s : reo
lortel1ln favor ot the establlshmellt I and
vacation thereof , alllI all objections. tll reto
or claims for \ amages , must h lIIell11 th
I COUI1lr Clerk\1I olUce on or before no l1 of the
IUlllllay of July , . 1007 , or Huch ro wl11 be
establlshe alliI vacated without r ( erence
thercto. . _ ' , .
In Wltncss Whereof , I have htreJuto ) set
, JnY halHI au seal of sa4d county ; this 6th
ay of May , 1007. JOB. PltJW N
ISEAI , ] Count ) ' Clerk .
"Irlot IllIb Mar 9-It
I ,
. . , j
I hr t l O lIHY l 1 I.
11\1b May l1-tt
t . . :