Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 09, 1907, Image 10

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    t ! ( USTfR ( OUNT'f RfPU UCAN
I -
BROKEN now , . . , NreDRASKA
. - .
The StraplHl110el' In I..ondon.
WIth the Intrmluctlon of the Amerl. I
cnn olcctrlc rnllronll Rystom In Great
Brltnln , the strnphnngor al once
loomell l/\r.go / In the street cn1' . ' 1'ho ,
I ngllshman , us ovor\Jody \ Imows , ob.
jects to bolng crowdoll , UllIt so llI1rlla.
mont liaR hcenfcnll ll Ullon to end the
slrnphanglng "hllisance , " A 1.111I hnn
bcon Introduced In the hOllso of com.
mons , saya Daltlmoro SlIn , anll If It
Is 11 S ed there will henceforth l ) no
utraphangers , The Englishman who
rIlles In 11 ntreet car will bo sure of a
nent. The aisles will 1.10 kept clenr.
'I'hero will 1.10 no overcrowding. In
mnttorD rolatlng to their porsonnt
comfort Englishmen seem to bo very
exnctlng. Why shollllln't the ntr\1I'
hnnger bo velcomed as a manlfestn.
tlon of the ago-of hllstle , hllstlo anl1
the do'll tnlO the hindmost ? 'fhe
Londoners show how milch they 1\1'0
behind the tlmen when they Insist
IIpon exciudlng from a street cnr
o\'ory pernon who cannot got 11 sent.
'I'hey are slow , very slow , In Lonllon.
They wl11 never b Amorlcanlzell and
modernIzed until they welcome the
, straphanger and sacrlfico comfQrt to
oxpedltlon nnll the "got.thero" spIrit.
Will the Lonllonern no VOl' cense to
demand all they pay for ?
" Tests" Railroad .
"Surprise on ! >
It Is but 11 few ) 'ears slnco Amorl.
can railroads began systomatlcall ) '
the use of"sll1'prlso tests , " ' 1'heso
moro or loss directly grow Ollt of an
Incident that occurred on ono of the
larglst ; ) nystoma of the mlddlo west ,
'fo test the oporntlons of tholr slg.
nnls SOIllO officIals wont out ono night
w anll leaving a sIgnal sot at "clenr , "
sImply romovell the light , They
watched ten or twelve traIns go by .
and not ono englnecr stoPlled to In.
, qulro what was the trouble , as the
rule9 domanll. ThIs same roall re.
Iorts that In lOG ! ! , IGOO surprlso tests
were made without 0110 resulting In
tallure. The figllres are a lIttle stag.
i gerlns : human nature Is not uSllally
I so Inerrant , says Carl Snyder In
Evorybody's. But what Is certain Is
that accidents on the IIno havo. been
very materIally roduced. The Ponn.
sylvanIa has had an almost Identical
, experlonco ; and very recontl ) . the offi.
clals of the Laleo Shore snw 24 out of
j 25 trains go by a signal 1111rposoly set
wJth "lIghto out. " Yet when the Now
York Central system began these sur-
pl'lso tests they Wlfl } threatened with
a strl1tO . . . . . ,
. - - - - .
"Old Ironsll1es , " the filiii us irlgat
Constitution , Is prOlmrlng to make
whnt Is lIkely to bo her last crulsc-
or at least the last trIll prIor to bolng
laid up In perpotulty. She Is being
fitted for a vo'ago to Hampton
. . roads , where she will bo ono of the
most Interesting exhIbits at th"
Jamestown eXlJOsltlon. As a shIp she
will not cut much of n fIgure along.
sld of the bIg fioatlng steel fortress/W
representing the naYlos of the world.
Dut no vessel of all the number will
typlty as much glorious hIs tor ) ' as
1 "Old InJnlJQs ; ! , " It Qoms almost n
I pity , snys Troy' 'l'lmos , that the
famoull craft , now at Brooklyn navy
yard , cannot be lut In shape to snll
down the coast and Into the famous
roads under her own canvas. This Is
t Imposslblo , however , and tbe once
statel ) ' vessel will bo towed to her
destination by n commonplace tug.
But even this cannot rob her of her
, well-won renown.
Dr. RIchard D , Harlan , of Chicago ,
l as accepted the leadorshlp In the
movement to make George Washing.
I ton university a great national Instl.
tutlon of loarnlng. 'fho for or prosl.
dent of Laleo Forest university will
take ImmedIate cbargo of a nation.
wide campaign , nnll Is expected to
make Waablngton hIs homo. ThIs will
make three members of the Hnrlnn
fl1mlly nt the cnpltnl-Justlco Harlan ,
James S. Harlan , commerce commlll'
sloner , nnd Dr. Harlan.
An npproxhnatJon of the money
spent el1ch year In Amorlca tor culll
vatod fIowors Is $100,000,000. TIllE
I . Is an amount equal to one.firth th (
- valllo of all cOlli mIned last year , tt
one-tourth tbo surplus In the natlona
banks of the United States tor th < <
last fiscl11 year , and almost equal te
the not earnings of these banks. I
16 nca ly twice enough to cover till
, bonded debt of all the Now Enslllnl
st tC comblnod.
'l'hey do some thlugg better In Mox
Ico. The JUanager ot n bull fieht II
Monterey advertlaed thnt a cortall
numoor of bulls would bo In the rlne .
For producIng uno bull less than thl
announced number the man wall finol
aoo by the munlclIlal authorIties ,
A New York holroDs hils lied to E\
rolle "to escape Crom tilled fortun
huntors. " It , she had on u bathln
ault and It begun. to raIn she wonl
l ) "obablY jUn1p ' .Into tb ! J , a , to'avol
. cettlng wot.
. - 1.'t . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " " . - . uW . . . . . . - - - . . . . , Ioo. . . . , - . .
, '
. , .
- -
- - -
Soe.lal , Agricultural , Religloull and
Other Mattera Having Reference
to Thl Commonwealth Alone.
Ouo hllllllre1 [ ( lolll\rs was raised In
Nelson Cor Chlneso sufforors.
Mrs. F. Scott , 11 laborel' of Hastings ,
\H\S founll dead In hla chair.
The state unlvoralLy cadets will go
lute camp at Deatrlco May 28th.
'rho waler nnd light supply. of Hum.
boldt Is to bo put on the motel' bns s.
Plntlo cOllllty Is tnlltlng of voting
bonds for the l\lIelland Centrat 1'11.11.
'rho mayOl' of To1mmah has decreed
there ahall bo no gnmhllng In that
Insurance ratea have been raIned In
Beatrlco , whereat there Is vlgorolls
JunIor normal will be hold at Brolten
Bow In Juno , followClt by teachers'
Will Cox , of Stolln , lost hIs leg at
Loavonworth , Kas" by belnc run over
by the cars ,
Matt nlloy , Kearney , 72 years 0111 ,
dlo ( ] , Cram Injurlos receIved wllllo
drIvIng a colt.
Mrs. Purcell at Pawnee county toolt
lIolladona by mlsta1O and" cl1mo nenr I
losIng her lICo.
Ono of the tenchers In the school at
Ovorton IS.l'emalnlng at homo with n
case of meusles.
Contrary to reports the oats crop In
A < tam county wna not serlollsly In.
jured by the lato- freeze ,
'Vymoro snloon Itcopers have prom.
Isoel to strictly obey the Slocumb law
and will recelvo licenses ,
After oxamlnatlon In Oxford , C. m.
Adams wns l1eclnred to bo a dlpso.
manIac and ordered to LIncoln ,
At the late term of I1lstrlct court
In Custer cOllnty , the jullge had four.
t'on I1lvorce cases to dcnl wJtb.
Sovornl tbousnnd people wltnessod
the layIng of the corner stone of the
Y M. C. A. bulllllng nt Fremont.
'rho rar nors of Adllms county re.
port ono of the hlggost egg crops this
season In the hIstory or that soctlon ,
A fort uno Is awaiting John Wilson
of Tecumseh , and ho has until 1910
to go to n foreign country and claim
It ,
Hon. Anton Zimmorer of Nebraska
CIty lnst weele celebrated the fifUcth
nnniversnry or hlB TQIlttcnco ; In thnt
cl .
Rov. Leggett of NebraBlcn CUy has
been totllng the people of many
wlcleed 110lngs In th9 Qtrol101j1J ot
I OtOQ count ) ' .
jo 1h iott and AJex Dorlewoll
found a wolt's den about two miles
north of Plnttsmouth and captured
nine baby wolvos.
The contract for grlldlng the right
< : f way of the now Omllha.Hasllngs In.
torurban lIne was lot at 1I1lS1Ings to
C. D. Conover of Omaha.
John Bucllholz , n former resIding
five miles 80uth of Elmwood , I111d his
lott leg brolten and torrlbly mangled
by the Imlves of a stn1l , cutter.
The mIlling plnnt at DIuo Rapids ,
! tas" owned by M. T. Oummlngs ot
Beatrlco , was burned to the gtlJtlnd.
The loss will reach ' 12,000 , with $8"
000 Ins\trnnce.
NUi'iJ F n n about 1 < "remont , who
have carefully examined tholr Crult
trees fire Inclined to bollove tbat the
damn go to tbo fruit by tbe cold
weather bas been exaggerated.
The welldlng trossoau of MIss Mary
llllor ot lIall county was destroyed
by fIre just a short tlmo before her
marrlago was to tnteo placo. The eel"
emony , however , was not postponed.
The now stone crusher llnnt of
George H. Da.vls Is now In oporatlon ,
It Is located one mile cast of W'moro ,
has a capacity of GO tons dally and
cost $20,000. It s ono of the fInest
plonts of Us kInd In the west.
The officers of the Nebrasltn socloty
for the provontlon ot cnlOlty to ani.
maJs , who reshlc In Osceola , are sond.
Ing out clrculnra throughout the state
with a vI ow ot establishing n society
In each county wboro no 11umano so'
cloty now oxlsts.
The pure food Inw , according teState
State Chemist Rodtcrn , contains an
ambiguous and puzzling pllraso. "Cnn ,
ned goods" arc exempted from the no'
wolght lnbollng secUolI. Rodfern haE
searched dlJlgonUy aml has Clllled tc
find a legal dofinltIon. Ho asserts thai
the court wUl have to ( letennlno th < <
Loulso McCleese. ngod slxteou ane
a favorIte at Wayne , was found dOI\ (
In the rest room of the Wayne No.
1 f\al \ banlt building. An empty bottle
tlo , marked "polson" was standlnl
near. Frlonds say the girl wns II
love with a student ot UIO normo.
school there and that at a party th ,
nIght. before ho 11'Oatod her coldly. NI
other cause for the not can bo at
cl'1bed. nor mother Is \.zldow. .
The sentence ot , August Muolle1
who shot his wlfo anl1 her parente I
Stanton county a year ago , has bee
modified by the state SUl1remo com
fl'om fifteen years to Ulreo , the CO"I
claimIng that the sentence was oxce :
Postomce Inspector A. O. Swift (
Nobrnslm. CIty , who wa Injured In
ralll'oad wreelt some time ago In 1lI
nols , Is at homo and Improve9 TOI
slowl ) ' . Ho was much worse Injur < ;
than wes first thought and It will t
some tlmo ) bofora 111t wIH bo able t
I report fo' d'at
- - - - -
Gum Drops a Henlthful Home.Mndo
C nfectlon.
Dlssolvo 010 IOuud ) gum Arabic In a
1)lnt and a half of water , strain anel
ndd ono pound sugar. I1eat until the
ugnr fs dillsolved , thou flavor to taste
nud color all or 110rt as desIred. 'l'heso
should bo added whllo the mlxturo Is
warm. Whou about the consistency 01
honey , 11I1 11 flhallow box with corn.
8tllrch , smooth the 8urfaco and with
tIItlcl , rounded at the end the slzQ
you dcslro to have the gum drops ,
mnlw lIttle Indentntlona In the starch
They IIllouM bo as CIOHO together ns
can be , . wIthout Intorforlng. It a large
lIumbol' of the gum I1ropl ! : are to be
made , rOllnd huttonll of wood mny be
fas ned to n lint hoard 111111 the whole
et. or Indontatlons made at .onco.
Place the mlxturo or sugar nnll gutn
In a vesaol with 11 long lip 01' spout
an 110111' out alowly , strJlclng off with
IL wIre , When the moull1 III filled , set
In 11 warm plnce for novoral days until
the drops are har ened enough to
hundle. Then da11l1len a lIttle and
Hhale In granlliated 'Hugar.
Baa of White Muslin Is a Good Thing
to Have Handy.
Don't hnng a gown wrong sldo out
lIofol'o hanging It UII , no matter how
dellcnto a color It la.
NothIng rulnH the sot moro quickly ,
whIch Is soon ovldenced by the
creas.whlch cl'eep here , there nnd .
evol'YlIel'e. .
It's nlltural enough , for the outside
must lIeceseal'lIy be mndo a lIttle
largoI' and looser lIlan the lining , anll
rovel'Hlng the IIsunl order of hangIng
Is hound to react In Rome unpledsant
If the gown Is a delicate color , make
a bJg bag of whlto muslin to BlIll It
In whllo huuglng l1p , or pIn. , a whlto
cloth-big enough to COVOI' It-over It ,
takIng care , In either case , to hav
lho coverIng hang from the hook or
from the coal hanger , Instead of drag.
glng upon the dress ItHeIr.
Cup That Cheers.
'l'here Is sUl'ely nothing moro wel ,
como than a gooll , properly mallo cup
of tea. Nor clln' nnythlng so stimulate
jailed sellses In thb summer season as
the same Importation from the cast. .
served In nny of several ways. No tea
Is drlnlcnblo by anyone with the , slight.
est claims to taste unless It has been
freshly brewed withIn the lasl15 mIn.
utos , Cor Instance , Bays Woman's LIto.
'rho wntor 1I1ust have just boiled
Cor the first time , and only five
mInutes at longest. 'fho teapot must
bo hot , the tea Ceylon or some ether
blncle mlxturo , not the green or
Oolong varleUeR/ the beat Is de-
sired. As to the teal1ot , though sliver
may charm the eye , the ordinary
cheap brown arthenwaro makes the
better tea.
n , _
Washing Pocket.Hnndkerchlefs.
nomembor to wash all good pockot.
hnndleorchlcfs by thorn solves , qulto
apart from anything olso. Soak them
ovornlght In cold wator. then wnsh In
hot water , using the best whlto soap :
rInse In clear cold water , squeo o the
water out or thorn. rub well with
white sonp , and boll for 20 mInutes
with a lIttle 11Issolvcll borax In the
water. Then rlnso agaIn , and If any
spots romaln wash thom. DIuo In the
usual manner , and Iron before they
are quIte dry with a well.pollshed
hot Iron. Handkorchlofs treated In
this way wlll leeep tholr color and
wear woll.
Lemon Marmalade.
To six pounds lemons talce nIne
pounds sugnr. Peel the I mons , then
cover the yellow pl1rlngs with water
and boll until tendor. DraIn and lot
cool , then shred the parings fine.
Meantlmo halve the lleoled fruIt
crosswlso end press out julco and
soft pulp. Cover the shells of whlto
pulp romalnlng with Ulreo llnts colll
wator. and boll ono.haIr hour. StraIn
off this liquor and add It to thf' ' ! julco
and so'ft pulp with the yellow rinds.
Boll all together , then add the heated
sugar. Boll l10wn to the consistency
roqulred , and lllaco whllo boiling hot
In small jars or marmalade pots.
Onions are chleny employell as fia ,
, 'orlng. They are almost the finest
nervlno lcnown and can brace \lp th < ;
nervous system well , Onion caters
I gain beautiful comploxlons by secur ,
ling slcln nctlon. ManyvegotableE
, cool the blood , but an onIon oaten ra'
, will send a glow of warmt11 tbrouglJ
ono's boll ) ' on the coldest day.
No other vegetable has the snm (
sllstalnlng and strength.glvlng QuaU
Its bile Is duo to a small amount 01
sulphur , the agent' thl1t cnuses thl
Spaghetti ,
Just a detlcato cheese fiavor can 111
Impnrted to spaghottl by p1'oparlng I
with \ crcam sauce nnd sorvlng It It
a cllocse Rhotl. Adl1 a raux of fiou'
unIt butler In 111'01l0rtlon of two tablr.
spoonfuls each to a 1)lnt of 1II111e , anc
"lmmOl' the spaghottl-alrcmty cookel
leudor-In It tor ton or 15 mhmteE
After It Is turncd Into the cheese shol
let It shnll101' 1\ few minutes In tl1
Luncheon Oranges.
Pretty luncheon oranges are mnd
by cutthllI a 1)lcco ) off the top of eac
OI'ango aud talt1ug out all the )1\111 )
Cut the edge of the orauo , Iwul I
poInts mt mix the 11ulp with 8111'0 (
. dod cocoauut 1\1111 suga\ ' . Add a tel
Illoonful or sh rl' ) ' Ocremo do mOl
the to each slass , plio a IIttlo cocoaI1t
,0 , on the tal ) aud servo WlUl n sl1rlg (
dark green Icavp.1J on tbo plate.
- . - ' , , - - . . _ - , - . .
An Honest Answer to These Will
Keep the Trade with the
Home Merchant Every
" -
( Copyrlghled , 1900 , by Attrell C. Cll1rlt. )
When the thrIfty person or hIs wlfo
sits 1I0wn for the first Umc-or any
tlmo-wlth the mall order catalogue
and Its tom1)tatlons , there are two ,
and only two , points to be talten Into
consll1erallon ,
Ono of these Is moral obligation ,
anll the chanccs are that that will be
I1lsmlssell as scntlmental nonsenso.
The other Is-Will It pny1 and to
that tbo thrifty person will bp In.
cJlnel1 to Interpret an answer from the
prIces quoted In black.facel1 figures In
the catalogue.
Neither of these Questions should
bo lightly dlsmlssod. 1\Iol'al obllga.
tlon Is not sentimental nonsense , anll
black.Caced figures sometimes 110.
The duty a man owes to his own
community and hIs obligation to trade
at homo are so of ton reiterated In the
country press that , posalbly like some
of the preachIng , It has a tendency
to hard n the hearts of the slnnors.
What has your neighborIng town
ql { { & ! ri\twfii \ ! j ; : ' : : : \ ! M Wl.t\1lf.J1.iI \ Y } ) ti ; W ! P'g '
. . . "r ' ' ' ' i'in JII r 1ff r .n- = Ji'.l
housello d , and that. nmong the dutIes
to hIs flLmlly oml to the holr8 oC his
eBtate Is that of practicIng jlldlclous
economy-bllylng where ho elm bltY
the chenlJest nnd to thp best advan.
tago , And thlB brIngs ItS to the sec'
'Ond poInt In the arSlllnent-tho lIara.
mount Question In thIs commercial
ago-"Wllllt pay ? "
Dy most people an affirmative nn.
swer to that question Is ncceptel1 un
the call of duty. As a matter of fact ,
"Will It pay ? " Is a good test to apply
to any project or lIrop sltlou. There
nro commercIal , as wall as lJ llLIcul ,
l1omagogucs , anll tbo mnn who Is ap.
pealed to on the score of patrIotism
or profit , duty or dollars , cnn scarcely
do belter than to sIt down by himself
and submIt that Questlon-"WIll It
pay-to his own best. Judgment.
ProvIded alwnyo , that ho goes to tbo
very bollom of It.
What a1'O the rolatlvo advantago9'of
buyl g at the local store and orderIng
from a catalogue hOllso ? Advantages , .
undorstanll , that figure In the ques.
Uon , "Will It pay ? " Don't set awa ) '
CI'OJU that question. . It cortnluly Is
very comfortable to sit 110wn by your
own fIresIde and select a Ilress patt'rn
or a sullty plow from a prlntell doa.
cription and a picture of the article }
much more comfortable , In fact , th r.
hltcll1ng up and I1rlvlng to town on a.
ra w day.
A couslderntlon more Important ,
perhaps , Is that the prInted prlco In
the cataJoguo seems , In some cases nt
least , to bo lower than the prIce
quoted at the local store. Isn't that
conclusive ? Let's see. The catalogue
descrIbes the goods anll quotes
r trN fi f i @ ; \ ! H J. ) I iMffiMf { * ! W % ITfmi ( llj m ; .
U8L'CI1'l , ' , ) ) $ .
' M' _
The fire of publicity Is the medium the mall.order houses are using to
destroy this community. It Is up to you , Mr. Merchant , to fight the devil
with fire. By the aid of the local press you can hold him over the scorching
flames , and put a stop to his devastating competition 60 far as this com.
munlty Is concerned. Will you not assist In the good fight ?
I slvon 1'ou , Mr. Farmer ? A market for
, your produce. What has made 25 to
50 per cent. of the present value or
your fal'm ? 'The accossIblIty ! of a
mnrleet. You know what your grand.
fnthor did on that sarno farm ? Dl'ov .
his hogs and hauled hIs graIn 30 , O ,
maybe 75 , miles to the nearest market
town , and l'ecelvel1 prIces fa 1'- them
that would make ) 'ou howl about the
trusts. And he hauled bnck the Cam-
Ily supplies for whIch ho paid what
you would cons Idol' monopolistic
prlc s. Do you bappon to know' what
t.ho old farm was worth then ? Well ,
It lncleed a good deat of beIng $75 or
$100 an acre.
Yes , the home town , with Its handy
market , has ndvanced the value of
your property and made you worth
several thousand dol1'ars more than
your grandfather was worth. The
homo town affords schooling for your
children , and perhaps socIal and
church privileges whIch your tamlly
would not otherwIse enjoy. The rural
mall routes and telepbone systems ,
rndlntlng from the home town , as
spokes Cram a h b , brIng to your
borne the greatest conveniences of
modern times ,
Have you ever noticed thl1t the first
thIng the sotuers of a nowly.oponed
reservaUon do Is to send for n wagon
load of mall order catatogues ? Well , I
havon't. . They layout a town slto
every sIx or eight miles , stl1rt two or I
three general stores. build a school i
house , a church , a blacksmith sbop , a
graIn elevator , petition tbo depl1rt.
ment for a post office , and start a
newspapor. They know , from former
experlonco that , with tboso tblngs
close by , lite w11l bo endurable , what.
ever hardships may come. They know ,
also , that without thom tbey must IIvo
l ve of Isolotlon and endure an oxlst-
ence that Is contrar ) ' to an natural
huml1n Instincts.
On the ether hanll , It goes wIthout
saylnc , that the averao country town
cl1nnot oxiat without the sllpport of
Ita trlbuta1' ) ' torrltory. Then , It that
town affords the advantages for the
rurnt cItizen thnt have been onumorat.
ed , tbero oxlsts whnt wo ma ) ' call nn
Interdependence and a moral obllga.
tlon between the two : Al'O ) 'OU , Mr.
Thrifty Farmer , living up to that ob.
ligation when ) 'ou do YOllr trading
wIth tbe mall order hous01
To tbls lIne of argllment the farmer
may answer that hIs greatest obllga.
tlon , hIs firsl duty , Is to hIs Immedlato
prIce : ma'be It gIves a picture of the
arUclo also , but you don't see the
goods , The locat merchant shows yon
"tho goods ; you may examlno them
crItically ; he may allow you to test
them or to call in an expert to advlso
you. Is It fnlr to conclude that the
catalogue artlclo Is the cheaper just
becl1uso the price In lower ?
An element that must enter Into the
comparIson of goods . and prices Is ,
that In any attempt to fool UIO cus.
tomer , the local merchant Is decIded.
Iy at a dlsa.dvantage. Ho must show
the goods , not morel ) ' descrIbe them.
Ills business depends wholly upon tbo
IImltod tradIng area of hIs town anl1
his ability to Insplro confidence withIn
that clrolo. Ho cannot afford to make
a practlco of mlsreprosontlng hIs
goods ,
The mall ol'dor house Is not so tlecl
down to the maxIm that "Honesty Is
the best policy. " It has no nolghbors ,
no fellow cItizens , no mutual Interesls
I with Its patrons , Its trade area Is
wI do and always shlrtlnc. Naturally
these condItions do not demand extra.
ordInary vlgllanco In Bllpplrlng hon.
ost-mado goods. And where Vigilance
Is not a needed employe In the busl.
ness ho Is genorally. taken oft the pay
roll , whIch makes a savIng In expense ,
as well as In the cost of the goods. 11
lower prIces are ql10tell by the cata.
loguo bouse , may not thIs account for
It ?
"W11I It pay ? " Is It a matter at
economy to buy Intorlor and damaged
goods when the same money , or oven
a lIttle moro , will pay for 1ool1s of the
best quality ? Which course docs a
man's first duty to 1IIs own household
dictate ?
But to got at the bottom of thnt
quostlon , we must cOl1l1lder , the far.
reachIng general orrect of mall order
tradIng. If slnglo cntnlogl1o houses
11.1'0 to bo cnpltallzed ot $40,000,000 ,
the ) ' mllst lie reckoned with nlong
with Stamlard all , the beef trust and
1'allrO\l1 : U1QI'scrs , If they are allowed
tb sucl ; : the lIlod from our _ countr '
towns , ) 'our grandchildren w11l find
condItions muoh the same as those 01
) 'our grmidfathor's tlmo. Tholl' mar ,
leets will bo 30 , 1 0 01' 7 miles away
'I'ho towns nnd villages w11l bo de
aorted , and the "hubs" w11l bo too dls
tant to send the mdlatlng spokes oj
I'ural mall , telephollo lines and ethel
modern conyonlences far Into tit (
' ' - - - - '
, ' 1."i. , " lt. t " , "
; : Ai' - . "
j- " . , "
, ,1J , ; , .1' , . " ' , : , . . ' . - , .
. . -
- - -
I Relieves
I Spring Catarrh. }
: nnss DORA. II\YDEN.
"IV'UlOlit nUI'ttlHoIZ I write to than" j
J'011 for tllC great relle/ Iave found ill
your valuable mtdk lc , PCl'lma , alld
wl'll eall tIe attmHon of all my frl'mds
suITerz'wl" , ca/arrll to tllatftlel. e-
sz'des I dlecr/ul/y rceonllllClld it to all sllf.
ferill'wl" , eata'rl , 1'1 , allY form.- \
lJliss Dora IIaydell , 8r9 6th "St. , s. IV. ,
Wasnl lgton , D. C.
A Case of Spring Catorrl" "
Mrs. N. P. Ln.wler . , 423 } N.Droadwl1Y ,
Pittsburg , Kns. , writes : "Last sprIng I
caught 0. severe cold , whIch developed
IntQ 0. serious case of catarrh. I felt
w alc nnd sicle , nnd cou1 < 1 neither ent
nor sl cp wcll.
alA membcr of our club who hnd been
cured of catarrh through the use of ? c-
runa adviscd mo to try it , nnd I did seat
at once. I e.pected help , but nothing
like the wonderful chen go for the beHer
I obscl'Ved almost I1S soon as I started ,
talting it. In three days 1 fclt muclt ;
better , and within two weeks I wns in '
fine hen.lth. Peruna is : : J. wonderfu
medicine. . .
- - : "
No Doubt the Policeman Understood
. What He Meant.
W. H. Mallock , the well. known
EngUsh writer and polltlcal economist ,
said a a dlnnor In New York , apropos
of a now dofinltlon of socialism : "I
find that definItion rather confusing.
It reminds me of the young Oxford
student's badinage with the police-
man. 'omc r , ' said the youth late one
nlgbt. 'I'd llko to ask you n quosUon. '
" 'Very well , sIr. '
. . 'Docs the law permit me to call
you an ass ? ' . / "
" 'You move on , ' the officer growled.
" 'But stop n bit , ' contlnuod the
youth. 'Does the 1l1w permit mo to
call an lum a policeman 7'
. .
' don't about
'Tho law say nothing
that , ' was the gruff reply.
" 'Then , ' said the youth , 'good.nlgbt ,
. .
Mr. Pollcema.n. '
l\wful HUmor Eating Away Face-
Body a Mass of Sores-Cutlcura
Cures In Two Weeks.
"My little daughter brolffl out aU
over her belly wltb a kumor , and wo
used everything recommended , but
without 1'osuJts. I callel1 In three doc.
tors , but she continued to grow worse.
Her bOl1y was a mass of sores , and her '
mtlo face was bolng eaten away. Her
cars Jooled ; : as It they would drop alT.
NeIghbors advIsed me to get Cutlcura
Soap and Olntmont , and betoro I had . "
' .
used half of the caIto 'of Soap and box
of OIntment the sores had all h aled , : "
and my little ono's fnco nnd body wore
afYclear ns n. new.born babo's. I would i
not be without It agaIn It It cost fIve J
dollnrs , Insteal1 of seventy.fivo cents.
Mrs. George J. Steese , 701 Coburn St. ,
Akron , 0" Aug. 30 , l05. ! ! " .
. .
- - - - -
English Ribbon Trade Flourishing.
The English rIb lion trl1do Is Billd to
be now In a more flourIshIng condl.
tlon than 1l has been In mnn1 ; years , ,
owing to the huge demands the dress.
makers and milliners are makIng up.
on the output of the manufacturer . .
Shake Into Your Shoes I
Allen's Fool.Ease. It eurC8 pninfulBwollen , -
lm1arling , I'wcat.inlt feet. 1\fukcs new sbocs -
c" r. Sold b ) ' nil Drug islR nnd Shoe Stores. . .
Don't aCl' pt 1 llr h\\bstitute , Sample FREE. -
A rcss A. S. Oltn&tc , I.e Itoy , N. Y.
, t- ,
Queen Alexandra , I1fter a residence
of 45 years In England , has visited the
t wor of London. She Is saId to have -
been "much Interested In what abe
saw. "
It is n rit ) . to be ill ! , 'l' Gurliclll 'fea j
the laxahve cxnctly 8111ted lo the needs of
men. wOlllcn nnd children ; it is mnde
whopr of herbs ; it puril CI ! till ! blood ,
er ehcnlcl di cnEc. O\'crCOJl1l'S ( 'o'nstil'alion ' ,
bl'lncs Gooll Ifcnlth.
Worl < of Cupid In Germany.
The nllmber , of marrIages In the
Gorman emlllro In 1905 was-485DOG. J
u _ _
t < rause'cs Cold Cure.
VOl' collI ill hencl , throat , chest 01' buck.
Best relllcd ' for 1.11. GdJltJc. D1'lIggilltll , : : ! 5c.
There are lots of people In the Bo-
clal scale who do not weIgh much.
Jllr : . . 'i'lnflow'o Foothlnc : " 'rrallo
1'01' cblllrcn e.bln ; : . .of1 n. Ibo IU1M , h"III a 10' . . . ,
l1aIllmMtlOII , , r.1I r. . . nlur.ure. . wlnll O ! ' " . n ho Itl 13. --.1.--
- - - -
A bad Imitation Iii often bettor mill
the real thllll : .
. .