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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1907)
, 10 . T . ' . . , ' . . - - - - , . ' - . - : - . . . . . . . r. .S B. M 1. BUSINESS POINTERS , . M SE S . - For Sale.or Trade. I 160 acre farm , about 100 acres : in cultivation , CJ miles to town , splendid road , J4 mile to church i and schoo I. Price $17.50 per II . acre. Will take city property as " - part pa ymen t. Address Box 437 , ( 'r phone GO. 4Gtf . J. C. Moore , .tI , tracting2tl . - - - . _ - . - - - New I l1e of cOl1cht' at Konkels : ; t C thclJI h'fOrl' . I'urcha ill . - . - - - - - .t' We sell the Kirkcnlall shoes. / . 41-tf lJtvlS & Co. Dr. llass , D ntist. Over 1\lcComas' ( } rug store. I New rockers at Konkels. , Prices righ t. Gu to J. W. Scott's for un- l : IIlulterated flour-pure , just as \ . tIC - wheat growed. - il's the real thil1 ! { , better than t 1C best. Whit Star coffee at th A vo P.ltronize ( he RHPum.IcAN \'crtiscrs. . - N."kid . ; , ; coming 011 the ! ( irk-j ! , 'i. , . . { . " 1dall . shoc . MnVIS & Co. " . ' - t. l driKerators , best in town , at Konkel ' . ' See those rcfrigcratcrs at f _ h."nkels. HULL FOR SALU-Swiss bred , one year old and a tine one. In- ( luire at HRPunLICAN office. 46tf " l' Hammocks , best and cheapest at Kon'kels. TIU US l OR ALR-Have about . . ] 00 very fine shade and orr.amen- tal trees , for sale cheap. Call at Ad\'o Grocery. . . - Linoleum , cheapest and best i in town , at Ionkels. I't , ' See those new samples of , . OJ ; : Axminister and Beacon velvet ! ' " l'arpcts at Konkel's. - - - , The Kirlcendall shoe is the [ . , ' " , " hoe for ) 'ou. MEVIS & Co. . ' . . . D n't wait till you are ready . P tl ) lutch on , but take your discs V t.J Johnson & l eam and have , . them sharp ncd now. Do it f today. l Let us be your printer. 1'he ! oed kind of printing only. W ANTItD-the year around , t n men , with or without families HUFUS G. CAI-/H / , 20tf Doris , Nebraska. . . - - - - - - , : " . . . . . . I m making farms loans at 5 pcr cent interest. J AMItS LItDWICH , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. Go-Carts at Konkels : - - - ! Drs. Farnsworth & Beck- Dentists. I If you intend to purchase a wheel , investigate the Raycyc1e at Fr d Ream's. In comparison the bycyc1e is a back number. Kirkendall shoes custom made at MnvIs & Co. 43-tf I am making farm loans at 5 ; , ' per cent interest. " J Al\IRS LItDWlCII , 25tf Broken Bo , v , Neb. . Lawn chair : ; and swings. . , Where ? At Konkels. Don't wait until you are compelled - pelled to use the lawn mower to I h ; ve it sharpeed : , but bring it I J I to us today and then you , not be delayed several days. J OIINSON & REAM. Leave your orders for sewing machine repairing at Konkels. Your discs , if sharpened by Johnson & Ream , on their rotary macLine , will stay sharp longer and give better satisfaction tha n sharpening by any other method. We are still receiving and sell- ing" carpets and rugs at right prices , at Konkels furniture tore. 1 .1 . Don't wear your life away push- lnga dull lawn mower when , for a low price , Johnson & Ream will ) lut it in easy runing and splendid - did cutting shape on their ideal harpener , a machine that sharp- en" each blade eveu. I I am making farm loans at 5 pCI' crnt interest. J MntS LnD\VICII , I 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. , Kirkendall shoes best on the market. MnvIs & Co. ' ( 'he White Star coffee has a fine flavor you can't forget. At the Advo. ---iinmock ; . frames with canop.y , at Konkels. , . - . t. R. B. Mullins , M. D. , D. D. S , the Dentist. 37tf " . LEFT DIG MAN THINKING , VI.ltor'lI Remark Tended to "cduce "Swclled Head. " There nro men In high positions In New York who Ilrc a credIt to them only In their Imslnes ! ! ability. One of that sort came to the city n dozcn or moro years a o from a western town , where ho made hIs start. A gentlemen who had known hIm In his less pretentlons days called 'on him re- cently. "I sImply called to pay my reo spects , " he said , going a little lame at tbe reception he recelvClI. "I have no axes to crImi and no favors to ask. You may have forgotten me , but 1 met you several times on busIness vIsits to your old town , and I thonght I'd like to see how you were taldng to the metropolis. " "Yes , yes , " responded the man at the desk , pickIng up a pa. per , as It he were very busy , and speal < lng In the tone of. the IJerson who sIzes up other people on theIr material possIbilities. And that's all he saId. The vIsitor shook himself and got a fresh hold. "Yes , " he saId , turn. Ing to go , "I called to pay my respects , hut I dIscovered that 1 don't owe any. Good.mornlng. " Then he wallted out , and the big man had a more uncom. fortable feeling than had come to him since he had been In the bIg clty.-N. Y. Press , RIGHT.HANDED - LEFT.LEGGED. Peculiarity of Humanity That III Not Generally Conuldered. Most people would thInk that as man Is , with very few exceptions , "right.handed , " he would be at the same time "rlght.legged. " But this Is not the case. Almost every rIght- handed man uses his left leg more Uian his right. 'For Instance , most people find It much more natural to ro round circles to the rhht than to the lefl. That 11'1 ' because they start with the left leg. Delng stronger , It Is more readll ' brought Into action , and It Is { In thIs Ilcconnt that bodies of soldIery alwa 's start to march with the left foot. Almost nil courses for foot races are made out for running to the rIght , and dancers will Indorse .tho statement that the majority of movements are far more easily executed - cuted In this direction. The left foot Is the one that Is placed In the stir. rup for mounting a horse , and In jumpIng , It Is from the left foot that Ute athlete "takes off. " Thus It will be seen that , as a general rule , "right. handed" people are "left.legged. " Public Gifts for Beauty. Everett II. Barney , a millionaire of Sprlngtleld , Mass. , has just deeded an estate and a fortune to the city as the beslnnlng of a scheme of local beautification. The pla11l include a boulevard and park system to extend two miles along the Connecticut riTer. Cooperation Is called for on the part of the municIpality and by the New York , ! \ew Haven & Hartford railroad. Mr , Darney's act and William P. J..elchworth's splendid gift of a park resel'vatlon to the state of New York , recorded thus early In 190 ; , seem to promise a rare turn to the - benefactions - tions of the year. It has been charged - ed that our rich men show no ImagInation - Ination , but only method In their glv. Ing ; that they follow routine thoucl1 extremely useful lines of phllanthro. py In endowIng colleges , IIbmrles and churches. If they are to ! Jay a good deal of attention hereafter to the promotion of cities beautiful and to the preservation of nature's own art galleries , this point of criticism will kavo to be abandoned. Owes His Llfc to Umbrella , During tllo Franco.German war n man owed his life to an umbrella. He was so obviously a foreigner tllat the French arrested him as a German spy. He swore that he was English. but was dIsbelieved. A drumhead court-martial sentenced him to In. stant execution. As they led him away he Insisted on returnIng , as he bad left somethIng. He could not rc. turn , they told him ; ho was now go. Ing to be shot. Dut he must go back , he declared. What had he left ? they asked. "My umbrella , " he said. They were Instantly convinced that no one but an EntlI : > hman could be so helpless an IdIot. He was at once liberated. Fought Bears with Axes , Two woodchoppers , armed with axes , had II. battle wIth a huge black bear and four partially grown cubs on Mt. Pi co , aays a Rutland ( Vl. ) correspondent of the New York Times. They killed two cubs , but the mother and other cubs got away. Luther Weeks and hIs son Clinton felled large tree and it crashed down Into 0. clump of bushes. Angry growls followed , and the four bears , who had been hIbernating under tbe bUl.lhes , made for the men. The men fought and won. The cubs that were killed weighed 100 pounds each. The men declare the old bear was fully eight feet lonl : and would weIgh about 50C , ouade. Permanent Employment. ' Old Bam had been for several day I1atlently Blttln& & : on the bank of tht ; Rappahannock rIver , near the dam , boldlnr ; his I'hot&un ' ! & : In his hand. Final Iy he o.Uractol. ! the attenUc : of II , "fho asked : "Well , UnclE Sam , are you lookln. . : for 1I0methln tc do ? " "No , sab , " answere. Sam ; "I'SE gt1ttln' pat. for what I's doln' . " "In deeel ! " answere. Ule etranger. "Anc what may thd be ? " "Shootln' d ( mu krats .at am undermlnln' tie dam , ' 'answered Santo "Well , there ioes ont now , " exclat.ed the stranel' , excIted ly. "Why doa't 10U sheet It ? ' "B'pose I wants to lese my Job , lah l' aa.crod ! Sam c..placll1tly. t , . - . " \ , , - , - ; : 11 = : : . . . . ' " , T'b'c , ! ! _ ,41 _ , - I Pale , Thin , N eJ-vous ? . Then your blood mu'st be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take , then take it - Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt , then consult ypur doctor. Weknow what he will say about this grand old . family medicine. Sold for over GO years. Thl. II the nut qUl'ltlon YOl1r .Inclor , , OIlM uk : "Are your bCl\vtl. ! f'RIII ! , , ' " 110 know. that dlllly action of tht ! hO\vol1 I. ablollll"lJ' t'ucntlAI to ft1rOVt1fY. KerJ' ) 'ollr IIvrr Rellvo Rill' ' ) 'ollr bowol. fCRlllar by IRklll' : ' " : IIIUVO dOll's of Arcr' . 1'111. . - - _ . . . u _ A. r" , Ii > ' by J. O. Aytl' ! 00. . Lo..ell. N. . . . AI.o mllnllrlcturon or AM'dO , ! lAIR VIGOR. AGUe CURe. lJers CIIIRRV : peCTORAL. . . . . . . w _ I Thlnns That Count. I Let the \\'eal\Cst , lot lho humblcst I rcmembOl' , that In his dally course ho can. If he11 \ , shed around hIm almost - most a heavon. Kindly words , sym. pathlzlng attentions , watchfulness against wounding men's sonaltlveness , I these cost ver ' 1Il1l0 , but thcy are priceless' In their value. Are they not almost the staple of our dally hap- plness ? From hour to hour , from moment to moment , \\0 are supported , blest , by small kindnesses. MarrIage an "Endurance Thrlle. " "Th' throuble about mathrlmony , na I l1ave obsarVf d It fr'm me seat In th' gran' stand , Is that nflher fifteen or twlnty years It setlles down to an endurance thrllo. 'Wom n , ' as Hogan sa 's , 'are creatures Iv such beauch- eous mien , that to be loved they have but to be seen ; but , ' he Rays , 'wanst 1I1e "re seen an' made secure. ' ho says , 'we first cmbracc , thin pltr , thIn endure , ' he sn 's. " - "Dooley , " In Harper's. Good Comparison. William Dean Howells at a Lenten dinner In Now York said : "I heard of a striking simile the other day. A lady was doing some Lenten market. Ing-bu 'lng eggs , fish , fruit. PausIng before a fl'ult Btand , she examined a ll < 'ap of pears. "Are these juIcy ? " she asked. "Juicy , " said the dealer warm- ly. "Why , ma'am , they're as juIcy as myoId pipe. Y. M. C. A. In New York. New York city Is the greatest Y. M. C. A. center In tile world. It has more than < 10 Ol'ganlzatlons anl1 20,000 mcm' bers ; it has 400 seeretal'les and em. Illoyes , and 2.800 of its members are ofi1ce holders and commItteemen. Ita largest building , the Twenty.thlrd street branch , cost $1OOQOOO , and has 3,600 members. Keep Mum. 'Vomen , as women , are pretty much aUke. They have the same hair , differing - fering slightly only as to coWr an. length ; same features. same thongMs. When we love one of them , therefore , wo are In reality loving thorn all. Dut It Is just as well not to mention thls.-Llfo. "Beauty Doctors' " Harvests. Compounders of beauty lotions , bleaches , pastes and powders have thriven from tlmo Immemorial , though never as In the present , when fortunes - tunes are beIng steadily amassed by the gentry who cater to the Inborn yearning of womankind to Improve upon nature's gltt.-Famlly Doctor. The LIon and the Lamb. John A. Harrison , a prominent business - ness man of Stoneham , was surprised the other day when he went out In l his back yard to see his pet cat and a squirrel eating out of the same dish. He callc to hIs cat , but the animal l'efuBed to leave hIs new found friend. -Boston Post. In a Great Metropolis. There are 3,556 blind Londoners , while 2,057 are deaf and dumb. 'J'here are 10,058 soldiers In London bar- mcks , < 16,646 paupers In the poorhouses - houses , 10,500 patients In the hospitals - pitals , 3,300 lunatics In asylums and nellrly 5.000 crIminals In the llrlsona. MissIonaries In India. There al'e , altogether , foreign and native , 25,799 persons that are active. ly engaged In bringIng the gospel to India. while ten years ago there were only 16,189-11. gaIn of nearly 60 per cent. I n the Future. I Country boarders wanted In Lone : somehurst ; sterilized milk ; germless butter ; egs : laId under a doctor's I e 'e ; fresh vegetables , canned thIs I year. certllled lahels.-N. Y. Herald. , . Don't Talk Too Much. Don't be too ready with advIce. It rour ollinion Is really needed , It Is ! ! ure to be aslced for. People who force ad. vlco upon one have not sulUclent tact to bo "best" friends. Queer African Animal. Among the man ' curious and un. , . usual a111muls which havp IH'en found by Sir Harry JOlIiston ! , the AfrIcan . explorer , In the Uganda Protectorate , III the whale.headed stork. J , . j . , - . , : - : - NOT JUST AT THAT TIME. Etlltor Thought He Could Get Along Without Article. The story 19 told at a writer who , throuch boldness In attackIng the os- tabllshed order of thln s , had conald. orable voue ! fOl' a short lime. In the midst of his notorIety ho decIded that ho would contribute to a cortu.ln well. kno\vn magnzlno , In whoso pag s ho had not 'ot been repreaented. He waIted on the odltor , and found htm Immersed In some hurried wrIting. "Ah , h' . Blank , " saltl the author , with that Il11munlty from modesty whIch dI8t1n ulshed hIm , "you want an article - cle ( I'om mo. " "Indeed ? " queried the edltol' , goln ! ; on with hIs wrltlnE. "Indeed ? " "One article to berln with , " pursued the author. "And I am will. Ing to do It for you In spite of much work. " "lmlced1" sall1 the edItor , as bofore. "I should say , " followed up the author , "that for such an artlclo as I have In mInd , startling and ori. glnal , I will close with you for $1,000. " 'rho edltor'l' ' ! IJen drove on. "ClODO with mo ! " ho l11urmured. "Close ! Will you kindly close the door as you go out ? " YANKEE INGENUITY NOT DEAD. Ample Proof of Its PossessIon In Stat. of Connecticut. WIlliam G. Ward , a , merchant , reo contly had a stove , In which a coal fil'e was burnIng. moved with other goods from hIs old home , on Platt's 1111I , to hIs pre.ent apartment. II" dId not want the trouble of malting a new 11re , thorebr further oxompllfylng hIs Yunlcee IngenuIty. While drlvln. . : through North Hartland , a farmIng village 13 miles dIstant from hero , he stopped at the home of E. J. Barncl' ' ! to get warm. He said he sold lllanos , and Mr. Darnes became Intorested. FInally Mr. Barnell saId he wanted to hear the tone of the Instrument before he mlLde bargaIn. Stopping to the telephone , Ward called UIJ his store here , had a $350 Instrument rolled up close to the telephone transmitter lUld then ordered a lIalesWOlDln , MIss ElIz- abeUl Harnett , to play a few lIelec- tlons , which she did. 'l'he mualc over the wire enthralleld the tamlly , the deal wali closed and the } llano WAa shIpped to the BlI.rnes fo' 'n.-Wlnsted ( Conn. ) Cor. New York World. Wc'rc All Leather Eaters. "And then , " aald the ArcUc explor- er. "I ntc my leather belt. " "Pooh ! What of that ? Every mother's 90n of us eats a ] Jalr of Bhoes a yoar. " The explorer frowned. "This , " he belan , "Is no laughlngDut the scientist InterruJted hIm. "I am not jestlnjf , sIr. I speak the solemn truth. Wha.t . Is leather' ! Is it not albumen and I I tanllln ? Well , "hen you add milk to . .our tea or corree the tannIn of the one IUld the albumen of the other unite , and loatheI' resultn. The leather - er Is In mInute particles. Nevertheless - less It 'Is there. And down It goes. All who drInk tea or correo dally , " the sclentlat concluded , "consume In a year enough leather to muko paIr of shoos. " The explorer sneered. "To resume , " he saId , "I then. ate the linIng - Ing of , " etc. Has 'One Cent for J. P. Morgan. If Mr. John PIerpont Morgan ot Broad and Wall BtreetB will acknowl. edge the letter sent hIm by State 'J'reaBurer Hauser recently he can make a cent. Mr. Morgan recenUy sent his check for $122.23 to the state- comptrollol' In payment of taxes on land he owns In the Adirondacks , The routine of checkIng up hIs obligation brouA'ht to light the fact that Mr. Morgan only owed $122.22 The compo troller notified the state treaaurer , and the latter Rent Mr. Morgan a let. tel' advIsing him of the tact. As soon aa Mr. Morgan rcplles the atato treaa. urer will send hIm a check five Inches long by two Inches deep for the sum of one cent. When He Really Begin. . A touring company had arrIved at a town and wore du to open that night , when It was dlscovored the trombone WI1.S Ill. A local Bub. stltute was proTlded a.nd the perform. ance was given. At the conclusion thA conductor summoned the newcomer - er to hIm. "Look here , " he sald , "you must work , you know. I dIdn't hear much of that trombone of yours to.nlghl. " "To.nhht , " replied the man , lofUly , "I was out of form. But you walt till to.morrow , when I really begin to play. You won't be' ' able to hea.r allY of the other tellowlI then. " Very Appropriate. A certain omcer who had by no means distinguished himself In the South AfrIcan war retired from the servIce and buill himself 11 villa In a remote spot on the COlL8t of Devon- shire. He was showing It to a trlend ono day , and remarked : "The one dlf. ficulty I haye Is about 0. name for the house. I should like to hit upon something suItable-something appropriate - priate to my military career , you know. " "I liee , " replied hla frIend ; "then why not call It 'The Hetroat l' " -I..ondoll Tlt.Dlu. DOli Chocked lit Theater. For Lhe fil'st time In history , 110 saId the wlscacres , a do , " was checked In the of a New York Theater th other nleht. It h pen.i w.t the lIerald Square. Two women entered the Ult ater nnd wel Immedlatoly to the retlrMaK roMU near the lobby. One of theln had carrIed In n bulldoK under - der her opera cloak. She aaked wheth. er dbe could have hIm checked , and cbecked he was , like n cane or urn. brellalntll the end of Ute port - ferll1&aae.-N. Y. TI. . . . . t _ - ' " , " ' : v' _ THE BIG SHOW COMING BROKEN BOW FRIDAY , MAY 10 CAMPBELL BBOS GREAT CONSOLIDATED I THE GREATEST ARENIC F ffURE THE WORLD HAS EVER ' : "EEN. - Engaged at the lIighest Salary ever paid any AttractIon Creatmg the Greatest Enthusiasm. Producing THE MOST UNPARALLELED SENShTION And attracting more thousands than any othcr nmuscmcnt fcature cvcr hag done. EVCRY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK GORGEOUS , NEW , FREE STREET PARADE Tr-m LARGEST , LONGEST , mCIlfST , MOST NOVEL PUOUC HOLlD\ PARADE EVER SIEN , contalnin More Gwnd Ncw Pl'aul : ! : : > MIllc lIur < a' , More Elephants , More Mcn alldV omclI , MUI e CII es , Dcns , 'i'a : , I aux .clr . More :1I1ds of Music , More Hnre Wild Animals than any othcr Shuw pJSSCf.scs. . .J TWO GnAND , COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAfL Y , AFTERNOor AII r m : r. Doors ) pen at Qnc . and S'ven P. Moo Perf ! ) ' ' 1'anCe ! ! Cclllmt ncc 0111 : ! lClllr 11111' _ . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - . ' . SPRING TIME. All humanity in Custer county has been patiently , : aiting the arrival of the gladsome spring and now that \t 1S here -I-LE'l' ALr BE JOYFUL. One way to do this is to come here and malc 'your purchases. Hera's a few ltcm for 'your consideration this weel { : Do 1I0t tole the baby aroulld ill your nnllS , whi h G 0ar t s is lIablc to dislocate your vertebrnc , IlInd in such an event the doctors would charge heaps to mend it. Usc a go.cart aud save your h'lck. We have 'em from $2.50 up. - A full line of late dcslgns , comprising auythin F Urnl t ure amI evcrythin at prices plat will SaVC mone , } ' for you alJll causl rcat JOY to permcate your homc. Don't buy until you havc investigatcil this stock. - ' time to hc in looking for the ice E e f rlgera ors 1111111. . Dc prepared lo give 'him II cool rcceptlon by purchasing one of thesc re- rigcrntors. Wchavehcll1 at $14 and up. - In this 1istell amI ot- departmcnt we - G aso 1St eves fer ill the very bcst makes , wInch we guorantee. We have thcm in many styles nnll at priccs from $2.76 up. - Don't permit it to ct Th . e rJ'rass lS growlng to taU before cuttin \ Q with one of these BEST . . I.A WN MOWHRS The prices range from $3.50 p. J. G. VanCott. I . . . . . . , " " " - - - f ? 1 , I i , I It i The Advo tt ' is acknowledged to be the best place t t in Broken Bow to buy good groceries , for the least mon y. I . $ I ' 1'he highest mfil'ket price ; aid , for t. . ' prod lice. ! II ; Good oiln RpeeiaH ) , . t \ Ii , { . t t I .